Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:04 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1836: SUCCESS in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1836/ |
00:18 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D12 build #43: SUCCESS in 50 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D12/43/ |
00:38 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_U20 build #258: SUCCESS in 55 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U20/258/ |
00:41 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master build #1850: SUCCESS in 1 hr 3 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master/1850/ |
03:07 |
davidnind left #koha |
06:32 |
lmstrand joined #koha |
06:34 |
fridolin joined #koha |
06:34 |
fridolin |
hi there |
06:34 |
wahanui |
bonjour, fridolin |
07:07 |
reiveune joined #koha |
07:08 |
reiveune |
hello |
07:09 |
EPK joined #koha |
07:12 |
Pavlis joined #koha |
07:13 |
Pavlis |
Hi, is possible in KohaAdminEmailAddress set sender name. Because i want show sender name in email. Not only email. its ugly |
07:41 |
davidnind joined #koha |
07:43 |
Pavlis joined #koha |
07:43 |
Pavlis |
Anyone here? |
07:44 |
fridolin |
Pavlis: I've add a look at perl doc but can not confirm |
07:45 |
fridolin |
you may have to test, using "Jon Doe <jon.doe example.com>" |
07:45 |
fridolin |
syntax |
07:47 |
Pavlis |
Invalid address :( |
07:52 |
alex_a joined #koha |
07:52 |
alex_a |
Bonjour |
07:52 |
wahanui |
privet, alex_a |
07:53 |
Pavlis |
hi |
07:54 |
marion joined #koha |
07:58 |
cait joined #koha |
08:04 |
cait1 joined #koha |
08:17 |
cait1 |
good morning #koha |
08:23 |
davidnind |
hi cait1 |
08:25 |
cait1 |
morning davidnind |
09:23 |
Joubu |
davidnind: added the doc meeting to the agenda! |
09:31 |
davidnind |
Thanks Joubu! |
09:33 |
davidnind1 joined #koha |
09:50 |
fridolin left #koha |
09:52 |
Keskitalo joined #koha |
10:49 |
Keskitalo joined #koha |
11:37 |
oleonard |
Hi all |
12:22 |
cait1 |
hi oleonard |
12:22 |
wahanui |
hi oleopard |
12:29 |
oleonard |
Bye all! (meeting) |
12:29 |
cait1 |
that was a short visit :) |
12:52 |
davidnind1 left #koha |
12:52 |
AndrewFH joined #koha |
13:22 |
AndrewFH joined #koha |
13:38 |
jzairo joined #koha |
13:54 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
14:02 |
thd joined #koha |
14:25 |
Joubu |
+ $item->{homebranch} = $item->{homebranch}; |
14:26 |
Joubu |
that's helpful |
14:29 |
alex_a joined #koha |
14:37 |
fridolin joined #koha |
14:38 |
AndrewFH joined #koha |
14:38 |
fridolin |
hi there |
14:38 |
wahanui |
hola, fridolin |
14:38 |
fridolin |
me again :D |
14:42 |
oleonard |
Hi fridolin |
14:43 |
Keskitalo joined #koha |
14:43 |
Keskitalo left #koha |
14:44 |
alex_a joined #koha |
14:44 |
fridolin |
oleonard: le bonjour |
14:44 |
fridolin |
cait1: hi, dev meeting right ? |
14:45 |
fridolin |
https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]g_8_December_2021 |
14:45 |
lukeG joined #koha |
14:46 |
AndrewFH |
howdy howdy |
14:47 |
oleonard |
"XSLT::Base: Could not create file parser context for file" ...what does this mean when trying to point XSLTDetailsDisplay to a URL? |
14:48 |
fridolin |
mmm never seen that |
14:59 |
cait1 |
yes |
15:02 |
alex_a joined #koha |
15:02 |
fridolin |
cait1: do I have to lead ? i dont know the correct commands yet sorry |
15:04 |
cait1 |
sorry phone call |
15:04 |
tuxayo |
fridolin: you don't, I can do it |
15:04 |
fridolin |
tuxayo: yes please, you save me ;) |
15:05 |
tuxayo |
#startmeeting Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021 |
15:05 |
huginn` |
Meeting started Wed Dec 8 15:05:15 2021 UTC. The chair is tuxayo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
15:05 |
huginn` |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
15:05 |
Topic for #koha is now (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
15:05 |
huginn` |
The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_8_december_2021' |
15:05 |
tuxayo |
#topic Introductions |
15:05 |
Topic for #koha is now Introductions (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
15:05 |
tuxayo |
#info Victor Grousset, Tuxayo S.A., France |
15:06 |
fridolin |
#info Fridolin Somers, Biblibre, Tahiti |
15:06 |
tuxayo |
qa_team? |
15:06 |
wahanui |
somebody said qa_team was cait, dcook, amoyano, ashimema, marcelr, kohaputti, jajm, tcohen, kidclamp, khall, tuxayo, petrova, nugged |
15:06 |
tuxayo |
rmaints? |
15:06 |
wahanui |
rmaints is fridolin, khall, kidclamp, wainui and tuxayo |
15:06 |
nugged |
o/ |
15:06 |
AndrewFH |
#info Andrew Fuerste-Henry, AndrewFH, ByWater, US |
15:06 |
ashimema |
hi |
15:06 |
wahanui |
niihau, ashimema |
15:06 |
fridolin |
nugged: welcome |
15:06 |
kidclamp |
#info Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions |
15:06 |
ashimema |
#info Martin Renvoize, PTFS-Europe, UK |
15:06 |
nugged |
#info Andrew Nugged, National Library of Finland, HELSINKI |
15:07 |
fridolin |
ahhh good to see you all |
15:07 |
thd |
15:07 |
cait1 |
#info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany |
15:07 |
thd |
#info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City |
15:08 |
tuxayo |
#topic Update from the Release manager (22.05) |
15:08 |
Topic for #koha is now Update from the Release manager (22.05) (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
15:08 |
tuxayo |
fridolin: you noted some things in the agenda |
15:09 |
fridolin |
First meeting at this chair |
15:09 |
tuxayo |
#link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]g_8_December_2021 Today's agenda |
15:09 |
* fridolin |
very proud to be there |
15:09 |
fridolin |
yep |
15:09 |
tuxayo |
^^ |
15:09 |
nugged |
"XSLT::Base: Could not create file parser context for file" ...what does this mean when trying to point XSLTDetailsDisplay to a URL? |
15:09 |
nugged |
oleonard: I have the solution |
15:09 |
nugged |
here: https://github.com/NatLibFi/Ko[…]e4352d9c564e43760 |
15:09 |
nugged |
we will publish with Petro this tomorrow if no one yet started :) |
15:09 |
ashimema |
welcome to the RM's club |
15:09 |
fridolin |
Bug 17600 do we need to review all plugins/libs for 21.11 compatibility ? |
15:09 |
huginn` |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=17600 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Standardize the EXPORT |
15:09 |
fridolin |
I've seen plugins seem OK |
15:10 |
fridolin |
but home-made libs need to be ajusted on C4 imports |
15:10 |
fridolin |
anyone confirm ? |
15:10 |
cait1 |
sorry, no plugin expert |
15:10 |
cait1 |
tcohen: maybe? |
15:11 |
Joubu |
yes, imports need to be checked |
15:11 |
Joubu |
#info Jonathan Druart |
15:11 |
nugged |
this about those "third party worldwide plugins" or our internals? |
15:11 |
fridolin |
"third party worldwide plugins" |
15:11 |
Joubu |
any plugins |
15:11 |
fridolin |
like KitchenSink |
15:11 |
nugged |
many plugins lost compatibility because need to explicitly import like this: |
15:11 |
nugged |
use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string ); |
15:12 |
cait1 |
Hm is there a place we could publish information like this? a general wiki dev page or so? |
15:12 |
fridolin |
ah ok so C4 and Koha scope need update |
15:12 |
fridolin |
cait1: in plugins page for start https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]Koha_Plugin_Hooks |
15:13 |
nugged |
even more – I found some older had |
15:13 |
nugged |
`C4::Debug` and `$debug` |
15:13 |
nugged |
which make them die as well |
15:14 |
ashimema |
plugins are versioned |
15:14 |
nugged |
(we removed C4::Debug at all) |
15:14 |
fridolin |
ah but its more simple |
15:15 |
fridolin |
About Koha scope, need export when its a ORM object ? like Koha::Patron |
15:15 |
fridolin |
i bet no |
15:16 |
fridolin |
its a big subject, I propose I open a mail for koha-devel |
15:16 |
fridolin |
tuxayo: ^ |
15:16 |
sta joined #koha |
15:16 |
Joubu |
I tried to explain it correctly in the tech release notes |
15:16 |
sta |
#info Peter (Petro) Vashchuk, National Library of Finland, HELSINKI |
15:16 |
Joubu |
it's for subroutines, so it will mainly affect C4 modules |
15:16 |
ashimema |
yup |
15:16 |
ashimema |
it was in the release notes |
15:16 |
ashimema |
I think that's enough publication |
15:17 |
ashimema |
devs and support companies should be reading those 😉 |
15:17 |
Joubu |
maybe I should have tell explicitely it would affect plugins |
15:17 |
Joubu |
but the solution and explanation are the same |
15:17 |
fridolin |
Joubu: ok thanks i just wanted confirmation |
15:17 |
tuxayo |
#action fridolin open a topic for koha-devel about plugins updates about Bug 17600 - Standardize the EXPORT |
15:17 |
huginn` |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=17600 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Standardize the EXPORT |
15:18 |
fridolin |
ok next |
15:18 |
fridolin |
Hooks for barcode transform are with ref, how to document this ? See https://github.com/bywatersolu[…]chen-sink/pull/17 |
15:18 |
fridolin |
should we explain in https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]Koha_Plugin_Hooks ? |
15:19 |
oleonard |
#info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, Ohio, USA |
15:19 |
Joubu |
fridolin: see release notes for bug 28211 |
15:19 |
huginn` |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=28211 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, RESOLVED FIXED, Replace use of call_recursive() with call() |
15:19 |
fridolin |
I've added an example in KitchenSink but it's very tricky |
15:19 |
ashimema |
that whole debate was a pain |
15:20 |
fridolin |
Ah ok indeed its in notes |
15:20 |
fridolin |
KitchenSink having an example is OK |
15:20 |
fridolin |
and there is a BarcodeTransformer plugin (now fixed) |
15:21 |
fridolin |
I will put a link to KitchenSink in this page |
15:21 |
fridolin |
tuxayo: ^ |
15:22 |
tuxayo |
which page? |
15:22 |
wahanui |
rumour has it which page is this |
15:22 |
fridolin |
tuxayo: https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]Koha_Plugin_Hooks |
15:22 |
fridolin |
i see there are some links already in table but better be a section |
15:23 |
fridolin |
any help is welcomed |
15:23 |
wahanui |
i already had it that way, fridolin. |
15:23 |
fridolin |
not you ^^ |
15:23 |
tuxayo |
fridolin: yes so I don't know was to note. You can #action since you know better than me what to note about this topic ^^ |
15:23 |
tuxayo |
*you can |
15:23 |
cait1 |
any update on the planned wiki update btw? |
15:23 |
* ashimema |
listens up |
15:23 |
tuxayo |
ok I note that as topic |
15:24 |
cait1 |
thx tuxayo :) |
15:24 |
thd |
Yes |
15:24 |
fridolin |
#action fridolin add section to KitchenSink in Hooks wiki page |
15:24 |
fridolin |
ok continue |
15:24 |
tuxayo |
good, next ^^ |
15:25 |
fridolin |
about my RM job |
15:25 |
tuxayo |
#topic Updates from the Release Maintainers |
15:25 |
Topic for #koha is now Updates from the Release Maintainers (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
15:25 |
tuxayo |
oh |
15:25 |
fridolin |
ah juste to say i'm OK |
15:25 |
tuxayo |
first pushes, fridolin++ |
15:25 |
fridolin |
started pushing, had some advices from Joubu |
15:25 |
fridolin |
rools |
15:25 |
thd |
I am fixing some bugs in the separation of binary and version control which had been hidden by not moving and then complete reinstalling. |
15:26 |
tuxayo |
thd ok, I note that for when the topic will came up again in a few moments |
15:26 |
tuxayo |
rmaints? |
15:26 |
wahanui |
well, rmaints is fridolin, khall, kidclamp, wainui and tuxayo |
15:27 |
tuxayo |
#info last 20.05 went well, hopefully all the major regressions due to the recent (few months) security fixes have been found an fixed so people staying on 20.05 wouldn't have major bugs |
15:28 |
tuxayo |
but should upgrade asap anyway since it's EOL |
15:28 |
cait1 |
tuxayo++ |
15:28 |
fridolin |
tuxayo++ |
15:29 |
fridolin |
RIP 20.05.x |
15:29 |
fridolin |
I've looked at HEA there are a lot of 19.11 remaining |
15:29 |
fridolin |
https://hea.koha-community.org/systempreferences |
15:29 |
tuxayo |
And they aren't upgrading |
15:30 |
tuxayo |
When they have the chance to have a supported version ^^" |
15:31 |
tuxayo |
hum no 19.11 last month. even though there are a few backports on top of the previous release |
15:32 |
tuxayo |
Anyone heart something from Wainui? |
15:32 |
fridolin |
maybe release only for security updates |
15:33 |
tuxayo |
Indeed, it's been 2 or 3 weeks that Wainui's messages on the tickets mention that it's only about security bugs. |
15:33 |
tuxayo |
moving on |
15:33 |
tuxayo |
#topic Updates from the QA team |
15:33 |
Topic for #koha is now Updates from the QA team (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
15:33 |
tuxayo |
qa_team? |
15:33 |
wahanui |
hmmm... qa_team is cait, dcook, amoyano, ashimema, marcelr, kohaputti, jajm, tcohen, kidclamp, khall, tuxayo, petrova, nugged |
15:34 |
* ashimema |
is catching up on customer work at the moment so hasn't done much QA yet this cycle |
15:35 |
ashimema |
saying that.. I'm still on the leaderboard this month.. which is better than many 😉 |
15:35 |
nugged |
💪 |
15:35 |
ashimema |
we need to get the 'Patches pushed for release' updated and working on the dashboard too |
15:36 |
tuxayo |
what is that? |
15:36 |
kidclamp |
been trying to keep an eye, but not had much time lately |
15:36 |
ashimema |
112 Majors.. that's a little scary |
15:36 |
Joubu |
I've attached the dashboard for 22.05 |
15:36 |
tuxayo |
a counter of the RM's pushes? |
15:36 |
Joubu |
updated* |
15:37 |
Joubu |
the last section needs rangi's hands |
15:37 |
ashimema |
hmm.. the countdown to next release seems to be broken to me. |
15:37 |
ashimema |
yeah.. that last section needs some attention |
15:38 |
ashimema |
I see.. I'll review and merge your request today Joubu |
15:38 |
Joubu |
yes but it was broken last cycle as well |
15:38 |
ashimema |
that'll bring the dashboard up to speed |
15:39 |
ashimema |
but yeah.. it won't help that bottom section... I'll ask rangi to explain how that works. |
15:39 |
Joubu |
it's kudos.json that needs to be regenerated |
15:40 |
ashimema |
indeed |
15:40 |
ashimema |
any other QA news? |
15:40 |
tuxayo |
moving on |
15:41 |
tuxayo |
#topic Updates from the documentation team |
15:41 |
Topic for #koha is now Updates from the documentation team (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
15:41 |
tuxayo |
#info David Nind: «the latest update sent to mailing list - intend to send each week to keep everyone informed» |
15:41 |
cait1 |
sorry - phone call :( |
15:41 |
tuxayo |
#link https://lists.koha-community.o[…]ember/000271.html |
15:42 |
tuxayo |
#info documentation IRC meeting 9 December 2021, 16:00 UTC |
15:43 |
tuxayo |
see David's email for more details |
15:43 |
fridolin |
A reminder : Manual fixes are managed in Bugzilla, not gitlab issues. For example Bug 29638 |
15:43 |
huginn` |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=29638 minor, P5 - low, ---, david, RESOLVED FIXED, [DOCS] Framework default value for year is not <<YEAR>> but is <<YYYY>> |
15:44 |
tuxayo |
There is a gitlab project for the manual and some tickets are open there? |
15:44 |
fridolin |
https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual |
15:46 |
tuxayo |
ok thanks |
15:46 |
tuxayo |
notes left if today's agenda: « David Nind: is having a quick update (either written or at the meeting) something you would like for development meetings? » |
15:46 |
tuxayo |
Does anyone have a message to transmit? |
15:48 |
tuxayo |
so moving on ^^ |
15:48 |
tuxayo |
#topic Status of roadmap projects |
15:48 |
Topic for #koha is now Status of roadmap projects (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
15:48 |
tuxayo |
#info Recalls - Aleisha is available over the weeks leading up to Christmas to do whatever it takes to get recalls upstreamed. Please discuss a plan that works for testers/QA team so Aleisha can action. |
15:48 |
tuxayo |
#link https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=19532 Bug 19532 - Recalls for Koha |
15:49 |
huginn` |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=19532 new feature, P1 - high, ---, aleisha, ASSIGNED , Recalls for Koha |
15:49 |
huginn` |
Bug 19532: new feature, P1 - high, ---, aleisha, ASSIGNED , Recalls for Koha |
15:50 |
thd |
Breaking out files for version control of wiki migration into binary or otherwise not tracked broke some things which I had thought were working because I had not moved everything and then run the scripts again. |
15:50 |
fridolin |
i dont yet understand this feature, i will look at it |
15:50 |
tuxayo |
thd not yet about the wiki ^^ |
15:50 |
fridolin |
but QA team decivisions first |
15:51 |
fridolin |
decisions |
15:51 |
tuxayo |
There were a few emails about that topic (which lead to the topic ending up here) and here is one from Aleisha: |
15:51 |
tuxayo |
«The code is all there - I need to know how best to format the patches so |
15:51 |
tuxayo |
that it can be effectively tested and QAed. So I would like those who |
15:51 |
tuxayo |
would be testing and QAing it to please discuss the best way forward.» |
15:53 |
tuxayo |
What could be said except the coding guidelines as usual. The rest is specific feedback when actual reviewing could be done on this big patcheset. Right? |
15:54 |
fridolin |
This feature can be turned on/off its a good point |
15:56 |
tuxayo |
#action tuxayo forward to fridolin the recent email thread started by Aleisha with the few people that already took a look to recalls. |
15:56 |
tuxayo |
moving on |
15:56 |
tuxayo |
Anything else about roadmap projects? |
15:56 |
thd |
Yes, fixing symlinks. |
15:57 |
tuxayo |
thd: ah the wiki fit there right? |
15:57 |
cait1 left #koha |
15:57 |
thd |
Symlinks were necessarily excluded from wiki migration version control and had been managed outside it. |
15:58 |
tuxayo |
so, thd «I am fixing some bugs in the separation of binary and version control which had been hidden by not moving and then complete reinstalling.» |
15:58 |
tuxayo |
«Breaking out files for version control of wiki migration into binary or otherwise not tracked broke some things which I had thought were working because I had not moved everything and then run the scripts again.» |
15:59 |
thd |
Proper testing showed that when I was merely updating code without moving files I missed where some things were not copied. |
15:59 |
thd |
I did the separation of version control / non version control in the most painful way possible for the version history. |
16:00 |
tuxayo |
thd: don't worry too much I guess, the most direct stuff that ends up working would do |
16:01 |
thd |
I will fix that so that text files which could possibly be managed by version control but have never changed from defaults are not obscuring where the real work would do. |
16:01 |
thd |
oops I copied your would do into my typing ;) |
16:01 |
tuxayo |
^^ |
16:02 |
tuxayo |
anything else to add thd? |
16:02 |
thd |
Making something that merely works is a modest task sharing it in a manner that others can understand everything is a bigger task. |
16:04 |
thd |
I try to skip sleep and fix everything in short spurts but I have too much accumulated sleep loss for that to work since the pandemic has wrecked my time and I work a crazy schedule. |
16:05 |
thd |
That is all at the moment. |
16:06 |
tuxayo |
With too large version jumps it wouldn't be a surprise to need not always clean and simple understandable fixes. That' just a general though, I don't know how it actually looks like. |
16:06 |
tuxayo |
Thanks for the update |
16:06 |
tuxayo |
#topic Actions from last meeting |
16:06 |
Topic for #koha is now Actions from last meeting (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
16:06 |
tuxayo |
«tuxayo KohaCon Process: holiday clash: get more feedback from Indranil Das Gupta about Hindu holidays and change that part» |
16:06 |
tuxayo |
Ops, didn't reemail Indranil |
16:06 |
tuxayo |
*oops |
16:06 |
tuxayo |
#action tuxayo KohaCon Process: holiday clash: get more feedback from Indranil Das Gupta about Hindu holidays and change that part |
16:07 |
tuxayo |
#topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) |
16:07 |
Topic for #koha is now General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
16:07 |
tuxayo |
Anything urgent? |
16:07 |
tuxayo |
Since time is running out |
16:08 |
tuxayo |
#topic Review of coding guidelines |
16:08 |
Topic for #koha is now Review of coding guidelines (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
16:08 |
tuxayo |
fridolin: |
16:08 |
fridolin |
Should we to add a line for Bug 28606 change ? |
16:08 |
tuxayo |
«Should we to add a line for Bug 28606 change ? » |
16:08 |
huginn` |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=28606 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Replace $ENV{DEBUG} and $DEBUG with Koha::Logger->debug |
16:08 |
fridolin |
i'm not really a developper so i dont fully understand this change |
16:09 |
fridolin |
but for guide lines it may be helpfull |
16:10 |
tuxayo |
qa_team? |
16:10 |
wahanui |
qa_team is cait, dcook, amoyano, ashimema, marcelr, kohaputti, jajm, tcohen, kidclamp, khall, tuxayo, petrova, nugged |
16:10 |
tuxayo |
The list is not up to date actually |
16:10 |
tuxayo |
Joubu missing from it |
16:11 |
fridolin |
maybe add a line on Koha::Logger ? |
16:11 |
fridolin |
for all its levels |
16:12 |
tuxayo |
fridolin: I would say postpone it due to the lack of quorum ^^" |
16:12 |
fridolin |
yep |
16:13 |
tuxayo |
That could allow to get feedback on the mailing list meanwhile |
16:13 |
tuxayo |
#topic Set time of next meeting |
16:13 |
Topic for #koha is now Set time of next meeting (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 December 2021) |
16:13 |
tuxayo |
Same hour right? |
16:14 |
oleonard |
fridolin do you want to try changing the time? |
16:14 |
fridolin |
ok for me |
16:14 |
fridolin |
oleonard: i can manage its ok |
16:15 |
tuxayo |
So 22 december 15:00 UTC |
16:15 |
thd |
Is the earlier local time preferable to people? |
16:16 |
tuxayo |
fridolin: ? ↑ since it's the hardest for you. And you will have a few topics |
16:16 |
nugged |
thd: we're ok to be earlier from Finland if that's help for others |
16:16 |
fridolin |
thd: you mean wich UTC hour ? |
16:16 |
thd |
Keeping the same UTC time across local time changes does not seem best to me unless the later local time is preferable. |
16:17 |
thd |
Adjusting for the change in local time recently would be an hour earlier. |
16:17 |
tuxayo |
> Keeping the same UTC time across local time changes |
16:17 |
tuxayo |
It changed actually I think |
16:18 |
nugged |
(looks like changed: we have it now 17:00 our time and we had 17:00 before DST change) |
16:18 |
tuxayo |
Since it's the same local time (16:00) for mainland France even though there we switched to DST(or the reverse) |
16:19 |
fridolin |
this is a tricky rock-around-the-clock situation, needs discussion |
16:19 |
thd |
Maybe I am confused about the transition. |
16:20 |
tuxayo |
yes |
16:20 |
tuxayo |
(yes to frido ^^") |
16:20 |
tuxayo |
#info Next meeting: 22 December 2021, 15 UTC |
16:20 |
fridolin |
hohoho ^^ |
16:20 |
tuxayo |
#endmeeting |
16:20 |
Topic for #koha is now Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software https://koha-community.org |
16:20 |
huginn` |
Meeting ended Wed Dec 8 16:20:42 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
16:20 |
huginn` |
Minutes: https://meetings.koha-communit[…]-12-08-15.05.html |
16:20 |
huginn` |
Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-communit[…]1-12-08-15.05.txt |
16:20 |
huginn` |
Log: https://meetings.koha-communit[…]08-15.05.log.html |
16:20 |
fridolin |
tuxayo++ |
16:21 |
fridolin |
much thanks |
16:21 |
nugged |
fridolin++ |
16:21 |
tuxayo |
^^ yw |
16:21 |
nugged |
(%all mates)++ |
16:21 |
tuxayo |
Gotta run meeting IRL, see ya all ^^ |
16:24 |
fridolin |
nugged: i dont forget Telegram topic. But actually im trainning for pushing in master |
16:26 |
reiveune |
bye |
16:27 |
oleonard |
fridolin++ |
16:27 |
oleonard |
tuxayo++ |
16:27 |
oleonard |
nugged++ |
16:27 |
oleonard |
:) |
16:32 |
* fridolin |
gooing back to bed :D |
16:32 |
fridolin left #koha |
16:47 |
oleonard |
RM says we can all go back to bed! |
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