Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:01 |
Judit joined #koha |
00:01 |
Judit |
morning |
00:02 |
eythian |
no it isn't |
00:02 |
Judit |
it is |
00:02 |
eythian |
it's afternoon |
00:02 |
Judit |
morning |
00:03 |
eythian |
you're just being contrary now. That's what happens when you live in the past. |
00:03 |
Judit |
:) |
00:04 |
Judit1 joined #koha |
00:04 |
Judit left #koha |
00:04 |
Judit1 |
i prefer the past over the future: it is nice and worm here |
00:05 |
Judit1 |
i bet it is raining over there |
00:05 |
Judit1 |
warm |
00:05 |
eythian |
actually, it's sunny. |
00:05 |
eythian |
Which is a change really. |
00:05 |
ibeardslee |
only just |
00:05 |
eythian |
it is out my window, anyway |
00:06 |
Irma joined #koha |
00:07 |
BobB joined #koha |
00:12 |
melia left #koha |
00:42 |
jcamins |
eythian: I realized the backup script could use the Koha MySQL user if the user had replication slave privileges. What are your thoughts on giving the Koha user replication slave privileges? |
01:25 |
phlunk3 joined #koha |
01:27 |
phlunk3 |
hey guys, I am trying to transfer a database from another koha installation to my current install (to use the new data instead) and have ended up with the issue that koha can't connect to my newly created database, I guess I don't know what db name it is trying to access, can someone point me to the config file which holds the database settings for koha 3.4.2? |
01:29 |
eythian |
phlunk3: it's in the koha-conf.xml |
01:29 |
phlunk3 |
tx |
01:29 |
eythian |
jcamins: I'm not totally sure what the effects of that would be, but it sounds like a good approach on the surface. Bonus points if it can query its permissions first, and maybe give a warning of the correct ones don't exist. |
01:31 |
phlunk3 |
I've given the user which my library is using full access to the database required, except for grant. any reason why it would still be returning a failure to connect message? |
01:32 |
jcamins |
eythian: I'm not entirely sure what the ramifications of adding the replication slave privilege would be, either. |
01:33 |
jcamins |
eythian: but that's how I'm dealing with my remote databases, and I realized there was no reason that it had to be a separate user. |
01:33 |
eythian |
phlunk3: incorrect password? typo in the database name? not granted access to connect from localhost? could be many things. |
01:34 |
phlunk3 |
yeah I meant besides connection issues, as that all seems fine. Shall try dropping db and recreating, maybe there is something wacky server side. |
01:36 |
ibeardslee |
check the ownership of the database |
01:37 |
ibeardslee |
the 'old' install could have a different owner than the 'new' one is expected to be |
01:39 |
phlunk3 |
owner? I have just done this but it doesn't seem to be enough: grant all on koha_library.* to koha_user@'localhost'; |
01:39 |
ibeardslee |
postgres? |
01:39 |
phlunk3 |
using mysql |
01:40 |
ibeardslee |
oh |
01:42 |
phlunk3 |
was my bad, password issue. |
01:43 |
phlunk3 |
so anyway, I have imported a db from an older version into my new version, can I simply run the koha-upgrade-to-3.4 script and it will handle the database stuff? or is there something more I need to do? |
01:44 |
phlunk3 |
more or less just running a test case to find the quickest way for me to upgrade a lot of different koha installs to the same version and at the same time move them to a uniform vm |
01:46 |
eythian |
phlunk3: run koha-upgrade-schema first |
01:46 |
eythian |
and then koha-upgrade-to-3.4 |
01:46 |
phlunk3 |
thanks |
01:46 |
eythian |
in hindsight, I should have made upgrade-to-3.4 check the schema first. |
01:47 |
eythian |
(koha-upgrade-schema requires the instance name, koha-upgrade-to-3.4 doesn't) |
01:52 |
jcamins |
eythian: is there any way to install two versions of the Koha package, so you can gradually upgrade instances? |
01:53 |
eythian |
jcamins: no, that would be very difficult :) |
01:54 |
eythian |
I tend to move the data to a test server and upgrade it there to make sure everything is going to be OK |
01:56 |
jcamins |
eythian: okay, that's what I figured. |
02:11 |
phlunk3 |
thanks eyth that worked a treat, seems the only thing not working now is the search, is there a wildcard which we can use in the search fields of koha? |
02:12 |
eythian |
I usually use 'a', because almost all records have it somewhere. |
02:13 |
phlunk3 |
okay then I've got the error with zebra not being indexed properly I guess, zebra is also used in the frontend search right? for users and not for librarians I mean. |
02:13 |
eythian |
it's used for everything that's not a simple field lookup, yeah. |
02:13 |
eythian |
are your zebra processes running? easy test: sudo /etc/init.d/koha-common restart |
02:13 |
eythian |
that'll make sure they are. |
02:15 |
phlunk3 |
good point, I recall that being an issue for me once before, shall check. |
02:18 |
phlunk3 |
hmmz this seems very wrong, but if you could look and confirm that it'd be great lol. |
02:18 |
pastebot |
"Phlunk3" at pasted "ps ax|grep zebra" (5 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/39 |
02:19 |
eythian |
you don't appear to have a zebra server running |
02:19 |
phlunk3 |
will try find the command to restart the thing |
02:20 |
eythian |
there is a rebuild going on, and the daemon command thinks it's restarted zebra, but it's not actually running. |
02:20 |
eythian |
I don't know why that would be. |
02:20 |
phlunk3 |
yeah, the first two entries disappeared now, not sure why they were running tbh as I didn't manually call them |
02:21 |
eythian |
they run automatically |
02:21 |
phlunk3 |
ahh okay :) |
02:21 |
phlunk3 |
do you know the command I need to restart the zebra process? |
02:21 |
eythian |
sudo /etc/init.d/koha-common start |
02:24 |
pastebot |
"Phlunk3" at pasted "after start" (2 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/40 |
02:25 |
phlunk3 |
seems like thats not starting, should it be logging the error to start anywhere? |
02:25 |
eythian |
/var/log/koha/mylibrary/zebra-error.log possibly |
02:26 |
eythian |
does it say anything when you start it? |
02:26 |
phlunk3 |
no but it is logging it, moment will paste last few lines |
02:26 |
eythian |
Like, 'Starting Zebra server for mylibrary'? |
02:27 |
pastebot |
"Phlunk3" at pasted "20110920 14:24:47 mylibrary-ko" (9 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/41 |
02:27 |
phlunk3 |
sorry brb got a phone call |
02:29 |
eythian |
phlunk3: run this: sudo -u mylibrary-koha zebrasrv -v all -f /etc/koha/sites/mylibrary/koha-conf.xml |
02:29 |
eythian |
that should manually start it, and give you a pile of debug output. A working version looks like: |
02:29 |
pastebot |
"eythian" at pasted "Good zebra output" (47 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/42 |
02:30 |
pastebot |
"Phlunk3" at pasted "sudo -u mylibrary-koha zebrasrv -v all -f /etc/koha/sites/mylibrary/koha-conf.xml" (33 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/43 |
02:30 |
eythian |
ohh |
02:31 |
eythian |
are you on ubuntu? |
02:31 |
phlunk3 |
yes |
02:31 |
eythian |
bother, I thought that bug had been fixed. |
02:31 |
eythian |
hang on a moment... |
02:31 |
phlunk3 |
shall I just touch the missing file? |
02:32 |
eythian |
you'll have to mkdir /var/lock/koha and /var/run/koha |
02:32 |
phlunk3 |
tx will try it |
02:32 |
eythian |
Bug 4873 has a patch |
02:32 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4873 major, PATCH-Sent, ---, robin, NEW , Debian packaging should avoid /var/run and /var/lock in the package |
02:33 |
phlunk3 |
probably I need to update this vm, just wanted to use an existing one for the test. |
02:34 |
eythian |
hmm, that bug should be fixed |
02:34 |
eythian |
do you have an old version of koha-common on there? |
02:34 |
phlunk3 |
probably is mate, Im not running the latest version on here. |
02:34 |
phlunk3 |
Im still on 3.4.2 on this test |
02:35 |
eythian |
yeah, it went in for 3.4.3 |
02:35 |
eythian |
or just after |
02:35 |
* eythian |
makes a note that bugs will only be diagnosed if you're on the latest version |
02:36 |
phlunk3 |
we're doing this test migration install cause of the number of upgrades needed, we upgraded to 3.4.2 a day before the 3.4.3 arrived :P so we decided to wait with upgrades till we were sure we could upgrade all servers in the same way, hence the base vm setup. |
02:37 |
eythian |
ah right |
02:37 |
eythian |
well, keep in mind that many things are being updated through the 3.4 cycle, and that updates between them should be smooth. |
02:37 |
eythian |
Especially package related things, as they get more use, more things get polished. |
02:39 |
phlunk3 |
yeah have been told things are a lot easier than in the past :) we figured it'd be easier if we just set all our installs to ubuntu so we didn't have diff bugs per installation. things have been a bit splintered here (our installs not koha) until now. |
02:40 |
eythian |
yeah, the packages should work on Ubuntu just fine. The only missing bit was that patch which caused zebra to fail. I really ought to put the dependencies that Ubuntu lacks into the repo too to make it easier still. |
02:40 |
eythian |
One day... |
02:43 |
phlunk3 |
will apply this patch n then just restart the koha-common right? or does the whole system need to reboot? |
02:43 |
eythian |
nah, just restart koha-common |
02:47 |
phlunk3 |
cool, zebra runs :) will try rebuilding the index then I presume it should work, fingers crossed |
02:50 |
eythian |
you probably won't need to rebuild |
02:50 |
eythian |
but it can't hurt |
02:56 |
juan_sieira joined #koha |
02:56 |
phlunk3 |
didn't work even after the rebuild, so no idea lol |
02:57 |
miguel left #koha |
02:57 |
eythian |
check to see if the processes are still running |
02:57 |
juan_sieira_ left #koha |
02:58 |
eythian |
also, if you run it at the command line again, it may tell you what's wrong, again. |
03:00 |
phlunk3 |
14:59:05-20/09 d00682b6 [fatal] Zebra server already running [Resource temporarily unavailable] |
03:00 |
phlunk3 |
so yeah, its running lol |
03:01 |
eythian |
then kill (sudo /etc/init.d/koha-common stop) it and run it from the command line and see what happens when you search for things. |
03:04 |
pastebot |
"Phlunk3" at pasted "result when search for a" (33 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/44 |
03:04 |
Brooke joined #koha |
03:04 |
Brooke |
0/ |
03:05 |
phlunk3 |
those two failed locks are on files which dont exist yet, do I manually need to create the entries? |
03:05 |
eythian |
no |
03:05 |
eythian |
'Permission denied' is probably the important bit |
03:05 |
eythian |
how have you been rebuilding zebra? |
03:06 |
phlunk3 |
sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f mylibrary |
03:06 |
eythian |
oh. odd. |
03:06 |
rangi |
wizzyrea: http://www.unclemikesbbq.co.nz/ |
03:07 |
Brooke |
stop taunting me with your forbidden BBQ |
03:07 |
miguel joined #koha |
03:07 |
* Brooke |
has been brainwashed into thinking that KC stands for Koha Community in the stead of Kansas City. |
03:07 |
eythian |
phlunk3: you should check the permissions on those directories. |
03:07 |
eythian |
They are apparently wrong |
03:08 |
eythian |
(I'm not sure why they'd be wrong, maybe something was done as root at some stage that upset things.) |
03:08 |
* Brooke |
smells a chmod in the future. |
03:09 |
eythian |
rangi: that's a very small person holding that food |
03:10 |
Brooke |
yeah, I don't know if I can trust BBQ coming from a less than stout woman... |
03:10 |
rangi |
heh |
03:10 |
phlunk3 |
thanks eyth, I fixed the permissions and all works as expected. Will do my best to ensure next time I'm bugging you I'm running the newest version ;) |
03:11 |
phlunk3 |
proper bbq in nz is damn hard to come by :/ but, where on earth is petone? |
03:11 |
eythian |
good good :) |
03:11 |
eythian |
phlunk3: just a bit north of Wellington |
03:11 |
rangi |
other side of the harbour |
03:12 |
Brooke |
South of Titahi Bay |
03:12 |
phlunk3 |
might be worth a visit sometime lol. I really should learn our geography better too! |
03:12 |
eythian |
rangi: we should take the train out for a Friday lunch some time ;) |
03:12 |
phlunk3 |
my girlfriend just moved over here but we've had no time to show her around so far, her sisters will come stay with us in January so when that happens I imagine we will do a full tour |
03:13 |
* Brooke |
gasps. |
03:13 |
Brooke |
manaakitanga requires bbq. Take one for the team! |
03:37 |
Oak joined #koha |
03:37 |
Brooke |
0/ |
03:38 |
Oak |
o/ :) |
03:52 |
Brooke left #koha |
04:03 |
huginn |
New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 2830] Hold not removed when "trapped" item on hold shelf is checked out to a different patron in the holds queue <http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=2830> |
04:12 |
talljoy left #koha |
04:36 |
Oak left #koha |
04:54 |
phlunk3 left #koha |
05:08 |
juan_sieira_ joined #koha |
05:09 |
miguel left #koha |
05:10 |
juan_sieira left #koha |
05:19 |
miguel joined #koha |
05:23 |
wajasu joined #koha |
05:24 |
wajasu |
it sure was lonely on the old server for the past week. |
05:24 |
eythian |
week? I thought everyone moved months ago. |
05:25 |
wajasu |
i had the path in my client and haven't been around for 5+ months. usually upgrade koha servers in the summer. |
05:26 |
wajasu |
upgrading from koha to |
05:26 |
wajasu |
i'm testing against my mysqldump of my production db. ran perl 5.12.1 in perlbrew environment and cpanm installed of modules, with koha installed in single mode. |
05:27 |
wajasu |
waiting for remove_items_from_biblioitems.pl to finish. |
05:28 |
wajasu |
i did have 3 errors when the upgrade script ran. http://paste.koha-community.org/45 |
05:28 |
wajasu |
i'm so happy i found you guys. i thought you all moved to the mailing lists. |
05:29 |
eythian |
The first error is nothing to worry about, I see it too. Not quite sure what's happening there. |
05:30 |
eythian |
The other two are unlikely to be a problem, you may just have some dodgy dates somewhere. That said, it might pay to track it down just to be on the safe side. |
05:30 |
Judit1 left #koha |
05:34 |
wajasu |
ok |
05:36 |
Judit joined #koha |
05:47 |
wajasu |
maybe the topic on the old irc can get set so that it says to come here. i saw people come and go occasionally looking for some help. makes you think the community is dead. |
05:47 |
wajasu |
greart to see the jenkins, paste, etc up. |
06:22 |
Judit left #koha |
06:23 |
cait joined #koha |
06:24 |
alex_a |
hello |
06:28 |
cait |
hi alex_a :) morning #koha |
06:29 |
alex_a |
hi cait :) |
06:36 |
wajasu |
looks like success upgrading from to yeah! |
06:42 |
wajasu |
so no more marcxml in biblio items. and the templates are all template toolkit. neat! |
06:43 |
cait |
:) |
06:43 |
cait |
koha++ |
06:44 |
wajasu |
now to see if diacritics are printing in spline labels. |
06:46 |
cait left #koha |
06:48 |
reiveune joined #koha |
06:48 |
reiveune |
hello |
06:53 |
alex_a left #koha |
06:53 |
alex_a joined #koha |
06:56 |
francharb joined #koha |
06:56 |
francharb |
hi all |
06:59 |
matts_away is now known as matts |
06:59 |
laurence joined #koha |
07:12 |
julian joined #koha |
07:13 |
hdl joined #koha |
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hdl left #koha |
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hdl joined #koha |
07:31 |
sophie_m joined #koha |
07:36 |
kf joined #koha |
07:36 |
kf |
good morning #koha |
07:51 |
julian left #koha |
07:51 |
julian joined #koha |
07:52 |
sophie_m |
hello kf |
07:53 |
kf |
hi sophie :) |
07:56 |
Guillaume joined #koha |
07:59 |
rangi |
evening |
08:02 |
kf |
evening rangi :) |
08:06 |
miguel left #koha |
08:18 |
hdl |
hi |
08:19 |
rangi |
hi hdl |
08:31 |
laurence1 joined #koha |
08:36 |
laurence left #koha |
08:45 |
juan_sieira joined #koha |
08:47 |
juan_sieira_ left #koha |
09:00 |
Judit joined #koha |
09:00 |
Judit |
hi |
09:00 |
wahanui |
hello, Judit |
09:01 |
Judit |
i cannot find a high resolution koha logo on the website, any idea where to find one |
09:05 |
hdl |
there once was some vectorized version. |
09:05 |
Judit |
any idea where |
09:08 |
hdl |
Judit: can't find that. |
09:08 |
Judit |
thanks for loooking |
09:08 |
hdl |
you should ask nengard when she is there. |
09:14 |
cck joined #koha |
09:14 |
cck left #koha |
09:59 |
Judit1 joined #koha |
09:59 |
Judit1 left #koha |
10:03 |
kf |
catalyst++ |
10:05 |
matts is now known as matts_away |
11:50 |
jwagner joined #koha |
11:53 |
juan_sieira_ joined #koha |
11:55 |
juan_sieira left #koha |
11:56 |
kf |
sekjal: around? |
12:04 |
Jesse joined #koha |
12:12 |
matts_away is now known as matts |
12:13 |
kf |
hi Jesse |
12:13 |
Jesse |
Hello kf, Morning |
12:13 |
Judit left #koha |
12:19 |
NateC joined #koha |
12:23 |
oleonard joined #koha |
12:26 |
oleonard |
Hooray for QA |
12:52 |
jcamins |
qa++ # what are we celebrating QA for? |
12:52 |
oleonard |
I just like seeing patches pass QA. |
12:52 |
julian is now known as Guest11002 |
12:53 |
oleonard |
Especially mine. I'm selfish that way. |
12:53 |
hdl |
hi Jesse oleonard jcamins and america |
12:54 |
jcamins |
Ah. Yes. |
12:54 |
Jesse |
hello |
12:54 |
jcamins |
Yes, hello, hdl, Jesse, and oleonard. |
13:00 |
nengard joined #koha |
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tcohen joined #koha |
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sekjal joined #koha |
13:05 |
matts is now known as matts_away |
13:07 |
matts_away is now known as matts |
13:40 |
oleonard |
sekjal and nengard: http://git.koha-community.org/[…]79f990a08a896370c |
13:41 |
oleonard |
"As part of this patch, commented out the JavaScript tablesorter, which could cause the browerer to lock up if the picklist contains more than a couple hundred items to pull." |
13:41 |
nengard |
oh ?. |
13:42 |
oleonard |
Table sorting was added to the holds queue report on 2008-05-27 and removed again on 2008-08-18 with the above comment. |
13:42 |
sekjal |
oleonard: ::sigh:: I was afraid of that |
13:43 |
oleonard |
I have investigated in the past the possibility of triggering the tablesorter *after* page load, without success. That might be an avenue to revisit. |
13:44 |
oleonard |
That is: the user's click initiates the sorting process |
13:44 |
collum joined #koha |
13:44 |
sekjal |
oleonard: that's more than just putting the <script> tag at the end of the page, isn't it? |
13:45 |
oleonard |
Yeah, because the tablesorter automatically process the contents of the table upon page load, no matter where on the page the <script> block is. |
13:45 |
sekjal |
right |
13:45 |
sekjal |
what about a system preference? TableSortLessThan? |
13:45 |
sekjal |
only adds the table sorter if a table has fewer than X entries |
13:46 |
oleonard |
Perhaps in conjunction with server-side sorting if the table has more. |
13:47 |
oleonard |
Just what everyone loves to code...handling of server-side sorting. |
13:47 |
sekjal |
ugh |
13:47 |
sekjal |
hmmm |
13:47 |
sekjal |
perhaps I can figure out how to put this in intranetuserjs |
13:47 |
hdl |
oleonard: I think that the best thing would be to use datatables.net |
13:48 |
hdl |
and use some ajax to get the data out |
13:48 |
oleonard |
That's just a different sorting tool. Do we know whether it is more efficient? |
13:48 |
hdl |
and only the data required. |
13:48 |
hdl |
well. It is much more flexible and you can use an ajax call back |
13:48 |
hdl |
we used that with succes. |
13:49 |
maximep joined #koha |
13:50 |
oleonard |
I was just testing Bug 6836 in fact |
13:50 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6836 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, julian.maurice, ASSIGNED , jQuery plugin Datatables integration |
13:52 |
sophie_m left #koha |
14:01 |
magnuse joined #koha |
14:04 |
magnuse |
hello koha |
14:04 |
wizzyrea |
morning magnus_away |
14:04 |
wizzyrea |
well that did not work as intended. |
14:04 |
wizzyrea |
well, afternoon I guess. |
14:05 |
magnuse left #koha |
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sophie_m joined #koha |
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juan_sieira joined #koha |
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juan_sieira_ left #koha |
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trea joined #koha |
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chris_n` joined #koha |
14:27 |
chris_n is now known as Guest11016 |
14:27 |
chris_n` is now known as chris_n |
14:28 |
Barrc joined #koha |
14:31 |
Barrc |
Anyone up on Biblio.pm, specifically GetRecordValue? |
14:31 |
Barrc |
fucntion within. |
14:32 |
jcamins |
Barrc: what are you trying to figure out? |
14:33 |
Barrc |
jcamins: I am trying to find why a subtitle isn't displaying in Staff Client. |
14:33 |
jcamins |
Barrc: on which screen? |
14:33 |
Barrc |
search.pl (results) |
14:33 |
Guest11016 left #koha |
14:34 |
jcamins |
Hm. |
14:34 |
Barrc |
If I Dumper the values to the screen I can see the subtile in the MARC data |
14:34 |
jcamins |
Sounds like the mapping isn't set up correctly. |
14:34 |
Barrc |
I think so, just trying to make sure..... |
14:34 |
libsysguy |
sekjal around? |
14:35 |
sekjal |
morning, libsysguy |
14:35 |
libsysguy |
morning sekjal |
14:35 |
libsysguy |
do you think it would be worth my time to write a script to run in the cron to do email notices |
14:36 |
oleonard |
sekjal: Galen's comment mentions a holds queue with "more than a couple hundred items," but I've got my list up to almost 300 without ill effects. Maybe a factor of better js performance since 2008. |
14:36 |
libsysguy |
so I can just run different scripts based on different time intervals |
14:36 |
sekjal |
libsysguy: what notices are you looking to run differently? |
14:36 |
libsysguy |
overdues and fines |
14:37 |
libsysguy |
so I can run ILL overdues/fines everyday |
14:37 |
libsysguy |
and all others once a week |
14:37 |
sekjal |
libsysguy: wait, you're talking about only running overdue notices every week? |
14:38 |
libsysguy |
the mail outs |
14:38 |
sekjal |
print? |
14:38 |
libsysguy |
oh...i think i see the confusion |
14:39 |
libsysguy |
they would get the notice once a week (email) for each week they are overdue |
14:39 |
sekjal |
oleonard: good to know... more testing may be required |
14:39 |
sekjal |
libsysguy: okay... |
14:40 |
sekjal |
I'm not really understanding why that's more desireable than running them daily, and making use of the Triggers |
14:40 |
libsysguy |
it is my understanding the triggers only allow for 3 total mail outs |
14:40 |
sekjal |
ah |
14:42 |
sekjal |
libsysguy: you can run the overdue_notices.pl script without the -t flag |
14:42 |
libsysguy |
ahh |
14:42 |
sekjal |
I believe there is also a flag to indicate which patron categories to send to, as well |
14:42 |
wahanui |
okay, sekjal. |
14:43 |
sekjal |
so you could have two entries on cron, one weekly without -t, and one daily but only for ILL patrons |
14:44 |
libsysguy |
gotcha...man I wish I would have known that earlier :-\ |
14:44 |
libsysguy |
oh well...I know it now...here goes :) |
14:59 |
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Oak |
\o |
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rhcl |
off to go fishin' |
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17:05 |
trea is now known as trea-lunch |
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17:29 |
maximep |
ran into bug 6806 again. Any chance my patch could be signed-off/applied ? |
17:29 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6806 minor, PATCH-Sent, ---, colin.campbell, NEW , Encoding problem with biblio titles in subscription-add.pl |
17:31 |
chris_n` joined #koha |
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chris_n is now known as Guest11039 |
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chris_n` is now known as chris_n |
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18:00 |
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18:25 |
sekjal |
is there any utility to being able to search the reservoir for titles or isbns? |
18:28 |
libsysguy left #koha |
18:28 |
wizzyrea |
i'm honestly not sure what people use it fo |
18:28 |
wizzyrea |
for |
18:28 |
sekjal |
it's only used on cataloging/addbiblio.pl |
18:28 |
sekjal |
which searches both Zebra, and records that have been imported |
18:29 |
sekjal |
unfortunately, the search on the imported records is.... bad |
18:29 |
wizzyrea |
right |
18:29 |
wizzyrea |
idk why we need the cataloging search at all >.> |
18:29 |
wizzyrea |
*need a separate |
18:29 |
sekjal |
unlimited SQL, using multiple "like" statements "OR"ed together |
18:32 |
sekjal |
the whole C4/Breeding.pm module could probably be scrapped |
18:32 |
sekjal |
the import is only used in the two z3950_search.pl pages, and the search only on addbooks.pl |
18:32 |
sekjal |
and those are the only two subroutines |
18:36 |
oleonard |
maximep: Signed off. |
18:36 |
wahanui |
i guess signed off is approval |
18:36 |
oleonard |
You don't need to seek approval wahanui, we love you just the way you are. |
18:38 |
maximep |
oleonard: thanks! |
18:39 |
trea joined #koha |
18:43 |
* oleonard |
could use a signoff on Bug 6766 |
18:43 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6766 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED , Template variable scope errors in holds template |
18:46 |
wizzyrea |
is there something wrong with the git server? |
18:46 |
wizzyrea |
my git fetch is hanging |
18:47 |
oleonard |
Me too |
18:59 |
sekjal |
we're looking at it now |
19:01 |
jwagner left #koha |
19:01 |
wizzyrea |
there is something very wrong with the patch for 5533 |
19:01 |
wizzyrea |
bug 5533 |
19:01 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5533 critical, PATCH-Sent, ---, srdjan, ASSIGNED , marking item lost diff in two places |
19:02 |
wizzyrea |
when you edit items now, there's no guarantee you're editing the *right* item. |
19:02 |
wizzyrea |
http://screencast.com/t/mmbWNhm1mxQ |
19:03 |
wizzyrea |
that is long and drawn out, but shows basically that editing items is screwed with the patch :( |
19:03 |
sekjal |
wizzyrea: will look at that in a bit...brb |
19:03 |
wizzyrea |
is no biggie sekjal... imma fail it. (even though I want it) |
19:12 |
sekjal |
wizzyrea: yeah... that's wicked buggy looking behaviour |
19:12 |
wizzyrea |
*nod* |
19:13 |
wizzyrea |
reminds me of when we tried to nuke it using jquery |
19:13 |
wizzyrea |
is probably a similar issue |
19:13 |
sekjal |
yeah, that is familiar... some kind of array shift |
19:13 |
wizzyrea |
^^ |
19:14 |
sekjal |
git.k-c.org should be restored, ps |
19:15 |
sekjal |
oleonard: I'll look at 6766, if you look at 6887... :) |
19:17 |
sekjal |
oleonard: okay, you don't actually have to; I've passed 6766 through QA regardless |
19:18 |
sekjal |
but if anyone would give a third set of eyes to bug 6887, I'd be appreciative. I feel odd pushing it through with just me and nengard having looked at it |
19:18 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6887 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, ian.walls, ASSIGNED , Show "checked out from" column on current checkouts |
19:18 |
wizzyrea |
i'll look at it |
19:18 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
19:18 |
oleonard |
It does need one tweak |
19:18 |
wizzyrea |
sharon wants to see it anyway |
19:18 |
cait joined #koha |
19:19 |
cait |
hi #koha |
19:19 |
sekjal |
hi, cait! |
19:19 |
cait |
hi sekjal :) |
19:19 |
wizzyrea |
hi cait |
19:19 |
cait |
hi liz :) |
19:20 |
wizzyrea |
ah, 6887 I approve! |
19:20 |
wizzyrea |
with whatever owen wants to add |
19:20 |
wizzyrea |
but I like that! |
19:21 |
oleonard |
It just needs to have the tablesorter columns adjusted to accommodate the new column. |
19:21 |
wizzyrea |
oo |
19:22 |
wizzyrea |
can I pass it or would you rather I not? |
19:22 |
oleonard |
It's a quick fix, can I send you the revised version? |
19:22 |
wizzyrea |
that would rule |
19:22 |
sekjal |
oleonard: tablesorter worked ok on members/moremember.pl |
19:22 |
sekjal |
is this for circ/circulation.pl? |
19:23 |
sekjal |
brb |
19:23 |
oleonard |
I started on circulation.pl, looking at moremember.pl now |
19:23 |
wizzyrea |
i really really like that, kudos to whoever came up with the idea to show that |
19:23 |
wizzyrea |
I suspect the libraries will like it as well |
19:25 |
cait |
wizzyrea: what will the libraries like? :) |
19:26 |
wizzyrea |
adding the "checked out from" column to the circ table |
19:26 |
cait |
ah |
19:26 |
cait |
hm |
19:27 |
cait |
this is one of the things we could hide when there is only one branch :) |
19:27 |
wizzyrea |
yep |
19:27 |
wizzyrea |
http://screencast.com/t/iTj5GzxrC |
19:27 |
wizzyrea |
is what it looks like |
19:27 |
* wizzyrea |
really needs some fresh test data. |
19:28 |
cait |
what I always wondered - do we need price in there? |
19:29 |
wizzyrea |
I am sure it's a quote 123 thign |
19:29 |
cait |
probably |
19:29 |
wahanui |
well, probably is mate, Im not running the latest version on here. |
19:29 |
cait |
oh, I know |
19:29 |
cait |
we need to make it configurable! |
19:29 |
* cait |
hides |
19:29 |
jcamins |
@quote get 123 |
19:29 |
huginn |
jcamins: Quote #123: "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" (added by wizzyrea at 09:20 PM, March 30, 2011) |
19:29 |
jcamins |
Ah, right. |
19:30 |
cait |
hi jcamins :) |
19:30 |
wizzyrea |
hi jcamins :) |
19:31 |
jcamins |
Hello. |
19:33 |
oleonard |
Price is in there for when people say, "I lost it. How much do I need to pay?" |
19:35 |
cait |
hm |
19:35 |
cait |
but wouldn't you be able to tell him that when marking it lost? |
19:35 |
cait |
because that happens on another screen anyway? |
19:35 |
oleonard |
Letting them know the price is incentive for them to try again to find it |
19:36 |
oleonard |
"That audiobook cost HOW much?!" |
19:36 |
oleonard |
"...I guess I'll take another look..." |
19:37 |
cait |
hmm |
19:38 |
rangi |
morning |
19:38 |
oleonard |
Hi rangi |
19:40 |
hankbank joined #koha |
19:40 |
cait |
hi rnagi |
19:40 |
cait |
rangi |
19:44 |
NateC left #koha |
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aogle joined #koha |
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hankbank__ joined #koha |
19:53 |
oleonard |
Bug 5083 is not relevant anymore, correct? Because translations are built instead of included? |
19:53 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5083 normal, P5, ---, chris, NEW , Some source files lack on ca-VA tree distribution |
19:54 |
cait |
let me take a look |
19:55 |
rangi |
I think so |
19:55 |
cait |
hm could be a problem with the po files too? |
19:55 |
cait |
sometims if yo have mistakes in there it stops and doesn't finish |
19:55 |
rangi |
could be |
19:55 |
cait |
creating the files |
19:55 |
hankbank left #koha |
19:56 |
hankbank__ is now known as hankbank |
19:56 |
rangi |
Srdjan has nearly finished the translation packages |
19:56 |
cait |
yay! :) |
19:56 |
rangi |
soon will be able to just apt-get install them |
19:56 |
hankbank left #koha |
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collum left #koha |
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20:13 |
Guillaume joined #koha |
20:16 |
wizzyrea |
oh my: http://it.slashdot.org/story/1[…]tm_medium=twitter |
20:16 |
pastebot |
"rangi" at pasted "Perl::Critic" (70 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/46 |
20:22 |
pastebot |
"rangi" at pasted "permissions.t" (28 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/47 |
20:24 |
cait |
oh |
20:24 |
cait |
we pass perl critic? |
20:24 |
cait |
cool |
20:24 |
juan_sieira_ joined #koha |
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oleonard left #koha |
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20:27 |
maximep |
well it doesn't pass for me |
20:27 |
maximep |
going to send a little patch for it =) |
20:30 |
rangi |
cait: only for a small fraction of the code but its increasing as we fix things |
20:30 |
cait |
ok, still an impressive list already :) |
20:39 |
Jesse left #koha |
20:43 |
nengard left #koha |
20:47 |
rangi |
every so often i turn it to test more and fix some |
20:47 |
rangi |
something ppl can do if they get bored :) |
20:48 |
cait |
if you phrase it like that it's not going to happen |
20:48 |
cait |
perhaps make it an adventure on chore wars ;) |
20:48 |
maximep |
well you never know, had nothing to do the last week at work |
20:49 |
maximep |
fixing those small things would be better than reading facebook -_- |
20:49 |
cait |
hehe |
20:49 |
ibeardslee |
^^ ++ |
20:50 |
rangi |
ibeardslee: might be perfect for the academy kids, if russ does want them to do some perl ;-) |
20:51 |
ibeardslee |
teaching perl will depend on the projects for the 2nd week |
20:51 |
ibeardslee |
if he wants perl taught, he'll need to cough up with a project |
20:51 |
rangi |
yup |
20:52 |
ibeardslee |
that's assuming your dashboard project happens rather than the perl you had them doing last one |
20:52 |
rangi |
i was gonna do koha again, but this time more around the front end |
20:52 |
rangi |
yeah |
20:53 |
rangi |
i could do a couple on either |
20:53 |
rangi |
but might be hard to split time effectively between them |
20:53 |
sekjal |
@later tell oleonard still cannot find the root of bug 6673... seems to be in the batch creation, somewhere.... |
20:53 |
huginn |
sekjal: The operation succeeded. |
20:53 |
ibeardslee |
yeah .. but of course numbers may make a differnce |
20:54 |
ibeardslee |
and it might be in Jan again |
20:54 |
francharb left #koha |
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sekjal left #koha |
21:01 |
wizzyrea |
is there a way to see who deleted a hold? I know the answer is "probably not" |
21:02 |
wizzyrea |
but i'm not remembering |
21:02 |
rangi |
dont think so |
21:02 |
rangi |
unless it does it in the logs |
21:03 |
wizzyrea |
hmm |
21:04 |
wizzyrea |
gr modlog. /me considers querying directly |
21:07 |
wizzyrea |
no, nothing in the modlog. |
21:07 |
wizzyrea |
spose it might be nice to know that |
21:10 |
rangi |
yup |
21:11 |
hankbank joined #koha |
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Johnindy_ joined #koha |
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Johnindy left #koha |
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Guillaume left #koha |
21:46 |
rangi |
wizzyrea: got a sec? |
21:46 |
wizzyrea |
about 900 of them :) |
21:46 |
rangi |
:) |
21:46 |
wizzyrea |
sup? |
21:46 |
rangi |
6576 |
21:46 |
rangi |
did you git bz apply that? |
21:47 |
wizzyrea |
I did both |
21:47 |
wizzyrea |
git am and git bz |
21:47 |
rangi |
and with -3 on the am eh? |
21:47 |
rangi |
just checking .. ill switch it to does not apply if so |
21:47 |
wizzyrea |
well I will go do it again |
21:47 |
wizzyrea |
just to be sure |
21:47 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
21:48 |
rangi |
failed qa get highlighted in my mail |
21:48 |
rangi |
so just checking if it was a does not apply, or a failed qa |
21:48 |
* wizzyrea |
missed the does not apply status |
21:48 |
wizzyrea |
and I probably meant that |
21:48 |
wizzyrea |
but let me check it one more time |
21:49 |
wizzyrea |
aha there it went - I forget the -3 |
21:49 |
rangi |
that'd do it |
21:50 |
wizzyrea |
ty i'll look at it and fix it |
21:50 |
rangi |
one day when i get time |
21:50 |
rangi |
HA |
21:50 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Enh 6887: Add 'checked out from' column to issued items display tables <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]2576b187adbb72292> / Fix for Bug 6842 - Branch transfer limits broken <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]3ac3724378e12e9c5> / Fix for Bug 6766 - Template variable scope errors in holds template <http://git.koha-comm |
21:50 |
rangi |
ill change git bz to allow a -3 to be passed through |
21:50 |
wizzyrea |
ya that'd be handy |
21:53 |
rangi |
you noticed that git bz writes the patch to /tmp eh |
21:53 |
wizzyrea |
ya |
21:53 |
rangi |
cool |
21:53 |
wizzyrea |
that's where I got it from :) |
21:54 |
wizzyrea |
the patch looks super good tho. |
21:54 |
wizzyrea |
works a treat |
21:54 |
rangi |
yay! |
21:54 |
* wizzyrea |
backs it off to verify the old behavior |
21:54 |
rangi |
was an annoying bug |
21:54 |
huginn |
New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 6576] changing framework while cataloging looses data <http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6576> |
21:55 |
rangi |
i still love |
21:55 |
rangi |
http://soundcloud.com/skrillex[…]-the-year-equinox |
21:58 |
wizzyrea |
yep, I can sign off on that. |
21:58 |
wizzyrea |
works great. |
21:58 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
21:58 |
rangi |
yay! |
21:58 |
cait |
good night #koha :) |
21:58 |
cait |
and wizzyrea++ |
21:59 |
rangi |
night cait |
21:59 |
trea is now known as trea-away |
22:00 |
cait left #koha |
22:03 |
* wizzyrea |
makes a note to do the -3 thing when bz won't let it in |
22:03 |
wizzyrea |
hadn't seen that one before |
22:03 |
wizzyrea |
with bz |
22:04 |
wizzyrea |
outie, later maybe :0 |
22:04 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
22:04 |
rangi |
yeah without the -3 it wont try a 3 way merge |
22:04 |
rangi |
will just bail |
22:04 |
rangi |
and often a merge works just fine with no conflicts |
22:04 |
pastebot |
"maximep" at pasted "failing test" (20 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/49 |
22:04 |
rangi |
not even im strict enough to force patches to apply totally clean with no hint of any merge :) |
22:05 |
rangi |
maximep: hmmm |
22:05 |
maximep |
do a create a new bug for the small fix of removing whitespcae in the test ? |
22:05 |
rangi |
spacing is the only issue? |
22:05 |
maximep |
yes |
22:06 |
rangi |
naw, you can just send a patch for that, send it to koha-patches lists.koha-community.org and ill push it up |
22:06 |
rangi |
or send it to me |
22:06 |
rangi |
either is fine |
22:06 |
wahanui |
i already had it that way, rangi. |
22:06 |
rangi |
unless there is a catchall unittests bug? but i dont think so |
22:06 |
* rangi |
looks |
22:07 |
rangi |
http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5327 |
22:07 |
huginn |
Bug 5327: enhancement, P5, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Unit tests required for all C4 modules |
22:07 |
rangi |
lets use that for fixing any tests |
22:07 |
maximep |
ok |
22:32 |
maximep left #koha |
22:40 |
juan_sieira joined #koha |
22:41 |
juan_sieira_ left #koha |
23:20 |
eythian |
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Vim <-- a couple of useful things for people using vim to write koha code |
23:30 |
jcamins |
Heh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F[…]ree_S_Calhoun.jpg |
23:32 |
eythian |
that's a lot of effort :) |
23:32 |
jcamins |
It sure is. Moving just one of those books takes all my strength. |
23:33 |
f00bar |
in the fast add framework, why are teh author fields greyed out? |
23:33 |
eythian |
f00bar: because they're tied to authority records |
23:34 |
f00bar is now known as lastnode |
23:34 |
lastnode |
oh so how can i |
23:34 |
lastnode |
add to authority records? im a little confused about the concept |
23:36 |
jcamins |
lastnode: you need to add them in the Authorities module. |
23:36 |
eythian |
lastnode: it is possible to turn off the authority linking, if that's more useful for you. |
23:36 |
eythian |
but, if you're doing proper cataloguing, it's worth doing it properly |
23:37 |
jcamins |
Or change BiblioAddsAuthorities in your system preferences so that you don't require every heading to have an authority in place. |
23:37 |
wahanui |
jcamins: that doesn't look right |
23:37 |
wahanui left #koha |
23:37 |
wahanui joined #koha |
23:37 |
jcamins |
Or? |
23:37 |
jcamins |
or change? |
23:37 |
wahanui |
change is quite new |
23:37 |
jcamins |
or change something? |
23:37 |
wahanui |
jcamins: that doesn't look right |
23:37 |
wahanui left #koha |
23:37 |
wahanui joined #koha |
23:37 |
lastnode |
so every author has to be added to the authoriites module |
23:37 |
aogle left #koha |
23:37 |
jcamins |
or change something else |
23:37 |
wahanui |
jcamins: that doesn't look right |
23:37 |
wahanui left #koha |
23:37 |
lastnode |
that is so there is some uniformity? |
23:37 |
wahanui joined #koha |
23:37 |
jcamins |
lastnode: that's the idea. |
23:38 |
* jcamins |
stops messing with wahanui. |
23:38 |
lastnode |
under authorized values? |
23:38 |
jcamins |
No, under authorities. |
23:38 |
jcamins |
Go to the home page (of the staff client), and look on the right column, near the top. |
23:40 |
lastnode |
ok got it. by default under fast add, only personal name is an authority value? |
23:40 |
jcamins |
rangi: would it make sense to give the Koha MySQL user replication slave privileges so that the backup script could be added to Koha proper? |
23:40 |
jcamins |
Or make that an option during set-up, anyway. |
23:41 |
rangi |
id have to read up on the security ramifications of that |
23:41 |
jcamins |
rangi: but your immediate response wasn't "what a stupid idea!," so perhaps this idea has some merit. |
23:42 |
rangi |
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refma[…]replication-slave |
23:43 |
rangi |
what does having that privilege set give you? |
23:43 |
jcamins |
The ability to request the binlog. |
23:43 |
eythian |
it's to get binlog style backups |
23:43 |
lastnode |
when i add a new authority, eythian jcamins, will going with thedefault control number koha generates cause me problems? |
23:43 |
jcamins |
lastnode: no, no problems. |
23:43 |
lastnode |
i just tabbed through tot tab 1, andput in the personal name |
23:43 |
eythian |
I don't know. I expect not |
23:43 |
lastnode |
ok |
23:44 |
rangi |
hmmm at first glance i cant see anything too bad about it, you can tie it to a specific db righ |
23:44 |
rangi |
t |
23:44 |
rangi |
its not slave privileges system wide? |
23:44 |
jcamins |
rangi: I'd have to try. |
23:45 |
rangi |
cos i wouldnt like that |
23:45 |
eythian |
yeah, that was my only concern |
23:45 |
eythian |
but, I expect it's the case |
23:45 |
jcamins |
rangi: I've been using my debian-sys-maint user, but the other day it occurred to me this might be an option. |
23:47 |
jcamins |
eythian suggested checking for the privilege, and then reporting an error if it wasn't available, so that people could decide whether they wanted to give the user replication slave privilege or not. |
23:48 |
rangi |
yup, id still like it if it was only on a specific db |
23:48 |
rangi |
ppl do silly things ;) |
23:48 |
rangi |
we should help them avoid it ;) |
23:49 |
lastnode |
do PERSO_NAME authorities only store authorities we manually add, or also authorities imported from z39.50 searches? |
23:50 |
lastnode |
i just added Rowling, J.K as a personal name |
23:50 |
lastnode |
and though we have imported records for harry potter from searches, it doesnt show under authority search results |
23:50 |
jcamins |
lastnode: you can't import authorities from Z39.50. |
23:50 |
lastnode |
ok |
23:50 |
jcamins |
Authorities won't show up until the rebuild_zebra job runs. |
23:50 |
lastnode |
yeah i got that much |
23:51 |
lastnode |
so authorities aer for our own cataloging, basically |
23:51 |
lastnode |
stuff we're adding manually |
23:51 |
jcamins |
You need them for records you import via Z39.50, too. |
23:51 |
lastnode |
but the PERSO_NAME gets filled when we import data |
23:52 |
jcamins |
I thought it wasn't supposed to let you save it unless you matched it to an existing authority. |
23:52 |
lastnode |
we've added abou ta 100 books now, and this is the first authority we're ading |
23:52 |
lastnode |
(because we want to use fast add) |
23:53 |
lastnode |
*100 records, i realise books is a meaningless and ambiguous term |
23:54 |
jcamins |
Hm, that seems like a bug. |
23:54 |
jcamins |
Oh well. |
23:55 |
lastnode |
:/ |
23:58 |
eythian |
I've never known it to not allow imports from Z39.50 for authorities, but I've never explicitly tried that either |
23:58 |
lastnode |
jcamins: so id need to go go back and add authorities for all the records ive already added? |
23:59 |
lastnode |
is proceeding without the authors already present in the db as authorities bad practice? |
23:59 |
jcamins |
lastnode: not if it's been working ofr you. |
23:59 |
jcamins |
eythian: you can't import authority *records*. |
23:59 |
lastnode |
i realise this is pretty dumb to ask in a channel full of librarians, so forgive me, but what are authoriteis for exactly? |