Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
oceb |
exit |
00:00 |
oceb left #koha |
00:09 |
nahuel joined #koha |
00:10 |
brendan |
@wunder 93117 |
00:10 |
munin |
brendan: The current temperature in Northwest Goleta, Goleta, California is 12.8�C (4:03 PM PST on January 20, 2010). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 11.0�C. Pressure: 29.46 in 997.5 hPa (Rising). Coastal Flood Warning in effect until 4 am PST Thursday... |
00:21 |
chris |
@wunder wellington nz |
00:21 |
munin |
chris: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 23.0�C (1:00 PM NZDT on January 21, 2010). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: 16.0�C. Pressure: 29.47 in 998 hPa (Steady). |
00:22 |
chris |
gotcha beat today brendan |
00:22 |
brendan |
wow thats beating me by a lot |
00:22 |
brendan |
almost double |
00:24 |
chris |
yeah its been nice weather for the conf |
00:26 |
nahuel left #koha |
00:26 |
chris |
bob from calyx, and mason are sitting next to me, fixing koha bugs, during the lunch break :) |
00:26 |
chris |
(im reading mail) |
00:26 |
brendan |
awesome |
00:27 |
russ |
chris: say gidday to bob for me :-) |
00:35 |
chris |
will do, i just went off to another session, they are still bugfixing |
00:35 |
nahuel joined #koha |
00:35 |
chris |
im at the attracting and retaining ppl for a floss project |
00:41 |
brendan |
chocolate works |
00:41 |
chris |
:) |
00:41 |
brendan |
or for chris - peanut butter |
00:41 |
chris |
well my wife |
00:43 |
brendan |
:) |
00:45 |
thd-away is now known as thd |
01:06 |
bebbi left #koha |
01:26 |
BobB left #koha |
02:19 |
chris_n2 |
g'evening |
02:55 |
chris |
hi chris_n2 |
02:56 |
davi left #koha |
02:58 |
chris_n2 |
heya chris |
02:58 |
chris_n2 |
hows the conference today? |
03:02 |
davi joined #koha |
03:06 |
chris |
good, in a postgres talk at the moment |
03:07 |
chris_n2 |
cool |
03:37 |
chris_n2 |
g'night #koha |
03:43 |
Amit joined #koha |
03:43 |
Amit |
heya chris_n2, chris |
03:43 |
Amit |
morning #koha |
04:06 |
richard left #koha |
06:32 |
davi left #koha |
06:43 |
davi joined #koha |
06:56 |
nicomo joined #koha |
07:04 |
Ropuch |
Morning #koha |
07:10 |
magnus joined #koha |
07:43 |
laurence joined #koha |
08:08 |
paul_p joined #koha |
08:15 |
Kivutar joined #koha |
08:28 |
paul_p left #koha |
08:42 |
CGI174 joined #koha |
08:43 |
CGI174 left #koha |
08:49 |
Amit |
heya nicomo, Ropuch |
08:50 |
nicomo |
hi Amit |
08:50 |
Ropuch |
Hello Amit, nicomo |
09:02 |
catobear joined #koha |
09:02 |
cato left #koha |
10:00 |
kf joined #koha |
10:00 |
kf |
hi #koha |
10:20 |
laurence left #koha |
10:25 |
chris_n left #koha |
10:25 |
chris_n joined #koha |
10:31 |
bgkriegel joined #koha |
11:21 |
laurence joined #koha |
11:40 |
bgkriegel left #koha |
12:02 |
magnus left #koha |
12:06 |
Amit left #koha |
12:38 |
jwagner joined #koha |
13:04 |
jdavidb joined #koha |
13:06 |
collum joined #koha |
13:26 |
owen joined #koha |
13:32 |
gmcharlt left #koha |
13:32 |
gmcharlt joined #koha |
13:36 |
chris_n |
g'morning |
13:36 |
oceb joined #koha |
13:36 |
oceb left #koha |
13:38 |
oceb joined #koha |
13:39 |
jwagner |
good morning chris_n |
13:42 |
owen |
Hi all |
13:42 |
* chris_n |
came in to a squid overwhelmed by a spam-bot which a user unwittingly installed on their computer :-P |
13:42 |
oceb |
Hi owen |
13:43 |
owen |
chris_n: Ouch. Do you know how it got there? |
13:43 |
chris_n |
over 53.5 million (yes million) attempts to access a mass email site |
13:43 |
jwagner |
That soundeth not fun :-( |
13:44 |
chris_n |
owen: it appears to have been in a download from a very popular radio talk-show website |
13:44 |
owen |
Oh how nice. |
13:45 |
* chris_n |
notes that that user is currently re-formatting and re-installing his os, etc. |
13:45 |
jwagner |
So will that teach the user an effective lesson? |
13:45 |
chris_n |
as nothing I know of would remove it |
13:46 |
chris_n |
jwagner: you did not hear that from me ;-) |
13:46 |
chris_n |
this user is perfectly capable of doing this, however |
13:46 |
chris_n |
some are not |
13:47 |
chris_n |
moral: Don't install bunches of "gadgets" on your computer. |
13:50 |
jwagner |
Use it as a teaching moment :-) Make the user get up in front of everyone and explain what he did and why it was a Bad Idea.... |
13:51 |
* jwagner |
is grumpy today |
13:52 |
hdl_laptop |
hi |
13:52 |
* jdavidb |
would be tweeting and/or otherwise broadcasting which popular radio talk-show site has been hacked. |
13:53 |
* owen |
too |
13:56 |
schuster joined #koha |
13:57 |
oceb |
hi schuster |
13:58 |
schuster |
Heyo!@ |
13:58 |
chris_n |
komando.com |
13:58 |
chris_n |
hi schuster |
13:59 |
chris_n |
unfortunately all of the main-line virus/malware/spyware software failed to pick up on it |
13:59 |
chris_n |
which does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling |
14:01 |
magnus joined #koha |
14:02 |
owen |
Hi schuster, magnus |
14:02 |
chris_n |
ehlo magnus |
14:02 |
* jdavidb |
lols at owen's latest tweet. |
14:03 |
owen |
Seriously, how did I live without "git commit --amend," and why don't they teach you that one on the first day? |
14:03 |
* jdavidb |
started using the heck out of "git blame" the moment he learned about it. |
14:04 |
chris_n |
yeah, git reset HEAD^ is another very useful line when used in conjunction with git rebase -i |
14:04 |
chris_n |
you can back up and split commits in the middle of the interactive rebase |
14:05 |
chris_n |
very cool for sorting out a mass of development work after the fact |
14:06 |
owen |
jdavidb: I love the accusatory tone of "git blame" :) |
14:07 |
jdavidb |
owen: I do too. It got some chuckles in my git presentation yesterday, too. |
14:10 |
gmcharlt |
git credit? :) |
14:10 |
gmcharlt |
git blame-if-it-be-buggy-take-all-the-credit-otherwise? |
14:10 |
owen |
Heh... Two interchangeable commands, but pick one based on your mood. |
14:14 |
chris_n |
lol |
14:15 |
gmcharlt |
and nicely enough, http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/Aliases |
14:20 |
Nate joined #koha |
14:20 |
Nate |
Greetings #koha! |
14:22 |
owen |
Hi Nate |
14:22 |
Nate |
hiya Owen! |
14:22 |
Nate |
did you guys get snow? |
14:23 |
owen |
Just after Christmas, but it's all but gone now |
14:23 |
owen |
Kids around here got a whole extra week of Christmas vacation because of it |
14:24 |
Nate |
not bad. looks like Ct is gonna get hit again this weekend! |
14:24 |
Nate |
i want an extra week of Xmas!! |
14:27 |
jdavidb |
We're expecting a "sloppy inch" in the DC area tomorrow. :/ |
14:27 |
Nate |
yeesh |
14:27 |
schuster |
@wonder 75074 |
14:27 |
Nate |
it does seem unseasonable warm here |
14:27 |
munin |
schuster: Error: "wonder" is not a valid command. |
14:27 |
schuster |
@wunder 75074 |
14:27 |
munin |
schuster: The current temperature in Brookview, Plano, Texas is 10.1�C (8:15 AM CST on January 21, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 37%. Dew Point: -4.0�C. Pressure: 28.97 in 980.9 hPa (Rising). |
14:28 |
schuster |
Balmy ;) |
14:28 |
jdavidb |
@wunder 20852 |
14:28 |
munin |
jdavidb: The current temperature in Flower Valley, Rockville, Maryland is -1.7�C (9:23 AM EST on January 21, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 79%. Dew Point: -5.0�C. Windchill: -2.0�C. Pressure: 29.97 in 1014.8 hPa. |
14:28 |
Nate |
@wunder 06516 |
14:28 |
munin |
Nate: The current temperature in Third Avenue Park, West Haven, Connecticut is -2.1�C (9:09 AM EST on January 21, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: -5.0�C. Windchill: -2.0�C. Pressure: 30.25 in 1024.3 hPa (Rising). |
14:28 |
jdavidb |
If you could @wunder jwagner's_office, you'd get something almost that cold, I think. |
14:28 |
Nate |
ha! |
14:29 |
Nate |
Thank God for space heaters |
14:34 |
kyle joined #koha |
14:35 |
kyle |
hello all |
14:36 |
Nate |
hi kyle |
14:36 |
owen |
kyle++ # For lots of new patches recently |
14:37 |
kyle |
Is anyone around familiar with the Koha reports wizard and the custom SQL reports? |
14:37 |
kyle |
owen: I've got alot of great stuff ready to release, but I figured I'd wait until 3.2 is out the door before sending patches. |
14:38 |
gmcharlt left #koha |
14:38 |
gmcharlt joined #koha |
14:39 |
gmcharlt left #koha |
14:39 |
gmcharlt joined #koha |
14:40 |
kyle |
I have custom SQL reports that need to be run periodically for each of my libraries. Am I correct in assuming that I need to create the report for *each* library and schedule a run for each one? I.e. there is no way to put something like _LIBRARY_ in the statement and have is swapped out for the branchname at run time? |
14:40 |
kf |
it will be possible, there is a patch from biblibre |
14:41 |
owen |
http://git.biblibre.com/cgi-bi[…]2136b9ce5d66ca840 |
14:41 |
kf |
http://spedr.com/1djz0 |
14:42 |
kf |
:) |
14:42 |
kyle |
Sweet : ) Any eta for this to be committed? |
14:43 |
owen |
Post 3.2 I assume |
14:45 |
kyle |
I've been thinking about adding a 'Custom Reports' module where you could upload a custom report file ( say myReport.krz ), and it would magically appear and be click and run. The file be a zip file with the perl and template files, and a file describing data about it ( description, landing page, etc ). I just wonder if it would be worth the time and effort. |
14:46 |
kyle |
I think if the current reports system gets run time vars, my idea would be superfluous |
14:49 |
jwagner |
Has anyone ever fixed the problem with being unable to schedule reports? |
14:49 |
owen |
kyle: I would think that your idea would allow for more flexible reports if perl scripts were included which could do data processing |
14:49 |
jwagner |
See Bug 1993 |
14:49 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=1993 enhancement, P3, ---, gmcharlt gmail.com, NEW, Task Scheduler Needs Re-write |
14:50 |
kf |
jwagner: its a rights problem afaik, I think nengard tested it for documentation |
14:50 |
jwagner |
Also Bug 3935 |
14:50 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3935 enhancement, P5, ---, chris bigballofwax.co.nz, NEW, Schedule tasks periodically |
14:51 |
jwagner |
kf, do you have any more info? I'm not seeing an update from nengard in the bug report. |
14:52 |
kf |
mom |
14:54 |
kyle |
owen: That's exactly my thoughts. |
15:00 |
gmc_mob joined #koha |
15:01 |
oceb |
hi gmc_mob |
15:02 |
owen |
gmc is now a made man. |
15:03 |
gmcharlt |
concrete boots! |
15:04 |
gmc_mob left #koha |
15:06 |
owen |
Kansas steals Ohio's State Librarian: http://webjunctionworks.org/oh[…]rarian-jo-budler/ |
15:06 |
owen |
It should be a good fit, she's very Open Source-friendly. |
15:10 |
jwagner |
gmcharlt, online? |
15:11 |
gmcharlt |
jwagner: yes |
15:11 |
jwagner |
For various good reasons, my dev server is still at .061. I need to do some relatively minor patches. Can you accept patches done at that version of head, or do they need to wait until I get up to the current head? |
15:14 |
gmcharlt |
jwagner: patches against head are more likely to apply; you can submit patches against your .061, but be prepared for them to bounce if they touchc any files that have been changed from .061 to .100 |
15:14 |
jwagner |
OK. I may send a couple this week. Thanks. |
15:30 |
mgcleveland joined #koha |
15:30 |
mgcleveland |
wizzyrea, you here? |
15:34 |
* chris_n |
finds a second infection... ugh |
15:34 |
chris_n |
it appear to be a ddos bot |
15:36 |
mgcleveland |
wizzyrea: I fixed the problem. Turns out i had an incompatible version of addbiblio.pl. I don't know how that happened but it's fixed now! Thanks for your help! |
15:37 |
wizzyrea |
oh, hi, just got in, that's great to hear |
15:38 |
wizzyrea |
I barely helped, but it's my pleasure to walk the troubleshooting path with you. :) |
15:38 |
mgcleveland |
hey! |
15:38 |
mgcleveland |
well you made me think about versioning issues |
15:38 |
mgcleveland |
which turned out to be the problem |
15:39 |
mgcleveland |
like I said, i really don't know how that got in there |
15:39 |
mgcleveland |
maybe someone else was fiddling with the source code |
15:39 |
mgcleveland |
>( |
15:39 |
hdl_laptop |
hi kyle |
15:39 |
hdl_laptop |
how are you ? |
15:39 |
kf |
jwagner: sorry, phone call |
15:40 |
mgcleveland |
ok well I'm outta here |
15:40 |
kf |
jwagner: its in nengard's git http://spedr.com/1eeuq look for scheduler and trouble shooting |
15:40 |
mgcleveland |
thanks again! |
15:40 |
oceb |
mmm |
15:40 |
oceb |
hi guys |
15:40 |
oceb |
where i can found my AmazonAssocTag |
15:40 |
oceb |
? |
15:41 |
mgcleveland left #koha |
15:41 |
owen |
oceb, are you trying to set up Amazon content? |
15:41 |
owen |
Did you get your AWSAccessKeyID and AWSPrivateKey? |
15:42 |
wizzyrea |
mgcleveland yea, it would probably be important to know how that got changed. :/ |
15:43 |
kf |
bye #koha |
15:43 |
kf left #koha |
15:43 |
oceb |
owen : yes, i have AmazonAssocTag |
15:43 |
oceb |
sorry |
15:43 |
owen |
oceb: AmazonAssocTag is not required for Amazon content |
15:43 |
owen |
But AWSAccessKeyID and AWSPrivateKey are |
15:44 |
oceb |
uhmmm |
15:44 |
oceb |
i have two |
15:44 |
oceb |
but i havent covers =( |
15:44 |
owen |
oceb: Remind me what version you're on? |
15:44 |
oceb |
uhmm |
15:44 |
oceb |
3.0.5 |
15:45 |
oceb |
when i put GoogleJackets on, it shows some covers from google... but nothing from amazon |
15:45 |
* owen |
isn't sure if some Amazon preferences changed since 3.0.5 |
15:46 |
wizzyrea |
I don't think you can use both |
15:46 |
owen |
oceb, in the development version I'm using you also have to turn on OPACAmazonCoverImages and OPACAmazonEnabled |
15:46 |
wizzyrea |
I don't think you can use both amazon covers AND google covers |
15:46 |
wizzyrea |
I thought they were mutually exclusive |
15:47 |
wizzyrea |
at least that's what I was told a while back |
15:47 |
oceb |
yeah, i know |
15:47 |
oceb |
but with google off, it doesn't work anyway |
15:47 |
oceb |
@owen : |
15:47 |
munin |
oceb: Error: "owen" is not a valid command. |
15:47 |
oceb |
owen : i have OPACAmazonCoverImages on |
15:48 |
oceb |
i can't find 'OPACAmazonEnabled' |
15:48 |
owen |
oceb: What about AmazonEnabled ? |
15:48 |
owen |
(OPACAmazonEnabled may have been added since 3.0.5) |
15:48 |
oceb |
omg |
15:49 |
oceb |
it's on local use tab :oP |
15:49 |
oceb |
OPACAmazonEnabled is off =O |
15:49 |
oceb |
omg im a donkey :P |
15:50 |
owen |
Can't blame you for missing it on the Local Use tab |
15:50 |
owen |
That sounds like a bug |
15:51 |
oceb |
=o |
15:51 |
paul_p joined #koha |
15:51 |
oceb |
well i have OPACAmazonEnabled on, OPACAmazonCoverImages on and AmazonEnabled on |
15:51 |
oceb |
but doesn't work |
15:51 |
oceb |
and i have Google Jackets off |
16:00 |
hdl_laptop |
kyle: thanks for your hard work. |
16:01 |
hdl_laptop |
Just a question : why not working on top of what jean-andre did for offline-circulation |
16:02 |
owen is now known as owen-away |
16:02 |
hdl_laptop |
Why choosing a package rather than a plugin firefox ? |
16:10 |
CGI011 joined #koha |
16:11 |
CGI011 left #koha |
16:15 |
jwagner |
Has anyone worked with the globalDueDate syspref? I've set a date there, but the system is ignoring it. Is there another setting I need to use to say "pay attention" to it? |
16:20 |
CGI415 joined #koha |
16:25 |
CGI415 left #koha |
16:27 |
Kivutar left #koha |
16:31 |
rcatlin joined #koha |
16:33 |
jwagner |
Found the globalDueDate problem, never mind |
16:33 |
toins joined #koha |
16:35 |
oceb |
hi toins |
16:36 |
toins |
hi all |
16:36 |
toins |
hi oceb |
16:41 |
toins left #koha |
16:47 |
CGI213 joined #koha |
16:49 |
CGI213 |
Hello I finish installing Koha but I cannot find where to add new patrons, when I go to the patrons page there isn´t a new button, does anyone has an idea of what could I do |
16:51 |
oceb |
hi CGI213 |
16:51 |
oceb |
wich version of koha? |
16:51 |
CGI213 |
HI |
16:51 |
CGI213 |
3.0 |
16:52 |
oceb |
what do you see on /cgi-bin/koha/members/members-home.pl ? |
16:53 |
brendan left #koha |
16:53 |
nicomo_laptop joined #koha |
16:53 |
CGI213 |
only the option to search by last name |
16:53 |
oceb |
do you have patron categories? |
16:54 |
paul_p left #koha |
16:54 |
CGI213 |
yes |
16:54 |
oceb |
uhmm maybe javascript |
16:55 |
oceb |
wich browser are you using? |
16:55 |
CGI213 |
firefox |
16:56 |
oceb |
strange... |
16:56 |
oceb |
do you have some extension ? |
16:57 |
CGI213 |
what do you mean by an extension |
16:57 |
oceb |
a firefox extension |
16:57 |
oceb |
like ad-blocker.. or else |
16:59 |
brendan joined #koha |
16:59 |
oceb |
hi brendan |
17:02 |
brendan |
hi oceb |
17:02 |
brendan left #koha |
17:02 |
nicomo_laptop left #koha |
17:09 |
frederic1 left #koha |
17:11 |
chris_n |
for the record: it turns out that this was a root-kit based DDOS bot launching an attack against komando.com |
17:11 |
chris_n |
what a fun morning :-| |
17:12 |
* jwagner |
hands chris_n a box of chocolates or a stiff drink, whichever he'd prefer. |
17:12 |
frederic joined #koha |
17:12 |
* chris_n |
takes the chocolates :-) |
17:12 |
rcatlin |
hi David |
17:12 |
frederic |
hello |
17:15 |
rcatlin left #koha |
17:15 |
* oceb |
on the phone |
17:17 |
davi left #koha |
17:20 |
CGI213 left #koha |
17:38 |
kyle left #koha |
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nicomo_laptop joined #koha |
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laurence left #koha |
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francharb joined #koha |
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tirabo joined #koha |
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nicomo_laptop left #koha |
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francharb left #koha |
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davi joined #koha |
18:58 |
oceb left #koha |
19:09 |
jwagner |
hdl_laptop, still online? |
19:13 |
oceb joined #koha |
19:20 |
hdl_laptop |
jwagner: ? |
19:21 |
jwagner |
Looking at Bug 4037, it seems like you might have done some work in latest head/3.2 on the inventory tool. Is that the case? |
19:21 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4037 normal, P5, ---, paul.poulain biblibre.com, NEW, Inventroy Tool Missing Item Type Filter |
19:23 |
jwagner |
I have a patch for Bug 3294, but there are also problems at our current level (.061) with selecting on item type and location. If you've done significant work in those areas, I don't want to try to touch them at this level. |
19:23 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3294 normal, P5, ---, gmcharlt gmail.com, NEW, inventory tool |
19:24 |
davi left #koha |
19:31 |
davi joined #koha |
19:36 |
richard joined #koha |
19:45 |
davi left #koha |
19:55 |
wizzyrea |
BibLibre did the bib maintenance enhancements (bulk editing/adding, Bib merging) |
19:55 |
wizzyrea |
right? |
19:55 |
wizzyrea |
or am I smoking it |
19:56 |
davi joined #koha |
19:59 |
jwagner |
wizzyrea, the two are not mutually exclusive :-) |
20:01 |
wizzyrea |
20:04 |
bebbi joined #koha |
20:04 |
nicomo left #koha |
20:05 |
nicomo joined #koha |
20:08 |
sekjal joined #koha |
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cait joined #koha |
20:09 |
cait |
hi #koha |
20:09 |
jwagner |
Guten Abend, cait |
20:09 |
cait |
Guten Abend jwagner |
20:10 |
cait |
:) |
20:14 |
nicomo_laptop joined #koha |
20:18 |
seneca joined #koha |
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davi left #koha |
20:19 |
seneca |
Quick question: When a book is on hold, should its status be "available" or something sounding more "hold"-y? |
20:20 |
cait |
on hold - on shelf and not yet pulled and checked in? |
20:20 |
seneca |
no, post-check-in, but pre-picked up |
20:21 |
jdavidb left #koha |
20:22 |
schuster |
in community it currently says available. |
20:23 |
schuster |
Which confuses our librarians and won't allow others to place holds on that book since it is "available" unless someone has a fix for it. I know in the fork that has been addressed. |
20:23 |
cait |
hm I thought it would be shown as waiting |
20:24 |
cait |
we are on 3.01.61 |
20:24 |
seneca |
ah, when another user goes to place a hold on the same book, they'll just be added second in line/priority, right? If they were observant, they could see that they were number 2 when they placed the hold... |
20:25 |
cait |
they can see it in their account too, when its activated in sys prefs |
20:25 |
seneca |
I'm running the VM from Kyle Hall and it still says "available" until it is officially checked out |
20:25 |
schuster |
we are on an older version .32 I believe so maybe there is a "patch" that I don't have... |
20:25 |
schuster |
go to more about and check the version... |
20:25 |
cait |
I can only check tomorrow, now access to our koha systems from home |
20:26 |
schuster |
.32 says available when on the hold shelf. FYI. |
20:26 |
tirabo left #koha |
20:26 |
schuster |
Let me restate that 3.01.32 says available on the hold shelf so others can't place a hold. |
20:27 |
seneca | |
20:28 |
seneca |
and it says "available" even after checked in and put on the hold shelf - guess I should upgrade |
20:28 |
seneca |
schuster, it says "available" when it has been pulled and placed on the hold shelf? |
20:30 |
seneca |
cait, thanks for the info - seems like it might have been fixed in the time between schuster (and me) and you |
20:31 |
seneca |
wait, schuster, what "fork" are you referring to? I didn't realize there were two branches of Koha... |
20:32 |
cait |
fork = liblime enterprise koha |
20:32 |
schuster |
cait correct on the fork, but looks like community has the patch so not a fork on that patch! |
20:32 |
schuster |
Upgrade! |
20:33 |
seneca |
ah, non-free version, got it |
20:33 |
seneca |
Will do! Danke! |
20:33 |
chris |
koha is at now ... and non-free as in freedom |
20:34 |
* chris |
doesnt like to play the liblime marketing game, .. there is not community koha and liblime enterprise koha |
20:34 |
chris |
there is koha .. and liblime's fork |
20:36 |
seneca |
I only see version 3.00.04 on the site. Where might I find the 3.01.xx version? |
20:37 |
cait |
seneca: where are you from? |
20:37 |
cait |
seneca: you can download it from git.koha.org |
20:37 |
chris |
or you can get 3.0.5 from download.koha.org |
20:37 |
chris |
we cant edit the website im afraid, to fix all the wrong info on there |
20:38 |
cait |
ah, didnt know that |
20:38 |
chris |
i would upgrade to 3.0.5 first |
20:38 |
chris |
its the latest stable release |
20:38 |
seneca |
how do you pm in the web version of the irc client? ;) |
20:38 |
seneca |
so the 3.01 tree isn't "stable" yet? |
20:39 |
chris |
thats right |
20:39 |
chris |
it will be 3.2.0 when its released (within a month or so) |
20:39 |
seneca |
wonder if my holds=available problem is fixed in 3.0.4 |
20:40 |
cait |
seneca: sent you a pm, dont know if you can see it ;) |
20:40 |
seneca |
I can cait, but I'm unsure how to reply - I'm in this web-based irc client |
20:40 |
chris |
seneca, 3.0.5 is hte latest stable |
20:41 |
chris |
not 3.0.4 |
20:41 |
seneca |
Anyway, I'm from Dayton, OH USA |
20:41 |
richard left #koha |
20:41 |
seneca |
awesome, thanks chris |
20:41 |
chris |
http://download.koha.org/ |
20:41 |
seneca |
I will dl it |
20:41 |
seneca |
there already |
20:41 |
chris |
it has tons and tons for bug fixes since the version you have |
20:41 |
seneca |
excellent |
20:42 |
seneca |
are there release notes for it somewhere? possibly in the tarball? |
20:42 |
chris |
yep |
20:42 |
chris |
and in git |
20:42 |
seneca |
sweet |
20:42 |
seneca |
gotta run to lead a training session now, but thanks to all for your guidance |
20:42 |
cait |
ah, just wonderes about the Danke - im from Germany |
20:42 |
seneca |
this is indeed why I love FLOSS :) |
20:43 |
chris |
http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gi[…]eca3f94f07aa3b006 |
20:43 |
seneca |
ah.. I'm also a language teacher, so I flip back and forth between languages way too often ;) |
20:43 |
seneca |
thanks again, chris! |
20:43 |
seneca |
g'bye all |
20:43 |
seneca left #koha |
20:43 |
cait |
bye seneca :) |
20:44 |
cait |
ah too slow |
20:44 |
richard joined #koha |
20:48 |
CGI324 joined #koha |
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jwagner left #koha |
20:48 |
CGI324 |
hello all im getting this error message do you have any idea what could it be |
20:48 |
CGI324 |
Connection failed to z3950.loc.gov |
20:49 |
davi joined #koha |
20:50 |
cait |
CGI324: are you behind a firewall? |
20:51 |
wizzyrea |
can you telnet to z39.50.loc.gov from the command line of the server? |
20:52 |
cait |
hi wizzyrea :) |
20:52 |
wizzyrea |
ah hello cait, how are ya? |
20:53 |
cait |
fine thx, hope you too |
20:54 |
wizzyrea |
Yea, making it through :D |
20:56 |
CGI324 |
we do have firewall what port do I have to open |
20:56 |
gmcharlt |
CGI324: port 7090 |
20:58 |
cait |
nice teamwork here :) |
21:04 |
schuster left #koha |
21:05 |
hdl_laptop |
wizzyrea: yea we did bib merging. |
21:06 |
tirabo joined #koha |
21:06 |
hdl_laptop |
wizzyrea: we planned to do bib bulkediting, but it is not done at the moment |
21:06 |
wizzyrea |
okies |
21:06 |
wizzyrea |
ty |
21:07 |
hdl_laptop |
bib merging is available on shelves |
21:09 |
hdl_laptop |
later tell jwagner sorry for delay, I was caught by some tough work. yes we did some work on inventory stocktaking. You can look at git.biblibre.com master branch |
21:09 |
hdl_laptop |
@later tell jwagner sorry for delay, I was caught by some tough work. yes we did some work on inventory stocktaking. You can look at git.biblibre.com master branch |
21:09 |
munin |
hdl_laptop: The operation succeeded. |
21:10 |
CGI324 left #koha |
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collum left #koha |
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CGI010 joined #koha |
21:37 |
CGI010 |
Hello i am getting this error message when adding a new item to a record, do you know what I am doing wrong or what is happening |
21:38 |
CGI010 |
Can't call method "append_fields" on an undefined value at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/MARC/File/SAX.pm line 92. |
21:39 |
wizzyrea |
is this a new installation? |
21:39 |
CGI010 |
yes |
21:39 |
CGI010 |
just finished installing |
21:39 |
wizzyrea |
I'm guessing that you are missing a perl module, but i'm not sure which one |
21:39 |
wizzyrea |
sec, let me see if I can find out which |
21:40 |
CGI010 |
thanks |
21:41 |
wizzyrea |
this message may help: http://old.nabble.com/Re:-Can't-call-method-"append_fields"-p25867064.html |
21:41 |
wizzyrea |
lms if I can get you an example of what should be in /etc/perl/XML |
21:42 |
wizzyrea |
parserdetails.ini, was the part i left off |
21:44 |
wizzyrea |
this is what my ParserDetails.ini looks like: http://screencast.com/t/MTYzZTFiYzg |
21:44 |
oceb left #koha |
21:46 |
wizzyrea |
iirc it's the last bit [XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser] that is the one that is actually used |
21:46 |
wizzyrea |
that must be at the bottom of the file |
21:46 |
wizzyrea |
somebody jump in if I'm full of poo |
21:52 |
CGI010 |
the last part at the bottom is the same but I dont have anything above it |
21:53 |
CGI010 |
do we need to have that |
21:53 |
* chris_n2 |
thinks wizzyrea is full of good advice atm |
21:53 |
chris_n2 |
CGI010: there is a parser test script in the 'misc' subdir iirc |
21:54 |
chris_n2 |
run that and it will tell you if the parser is correct |
21:55 |
chris_n2 |
misc/sax_parser_test.pl |
21:55 |
chris_n2 |
is the one |
21:55 |
wizzyrea |
hrm, guess it's not that |
21:56 |
richard left #koha |
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richard joined #koha |
21:57 |
CGI010 |
I cant find the sax_parser_test.pl file |
21:57 |
wizzyrea |
is this version 3? or 2.2.9 |
21:58 |
CGI010 |
yes |
21:58 |
CGI010 |
3 |
21:59 |
chris_n2 |
did you install from a tarball or a git repo? |
22:00 |
chris_n2 |
rather.. what sort of install did you do? standard, single, or dev? |
22:02 |
CGI010 |
tarball |
22:02 |
CGI010 |
and standart |
22:03 |
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nicomo left #koha |
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magnus left #koha |
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magnus joined #koha |
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chris_n2 |
CGI010: I've got to run out; try /usr/share/koha.. but I'm not sure |
22:29 |
magnus left #koha |
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CGI010 left #koha |
22:36 |
cait |
good night #koha |
22:36 |
cait left #koha |
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brendan joined #koha |
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CGI680 joined #koha |
22:44 |
CGI680 |
I found an error that has laready been reported "3520" and there is a patch to solve it but how do I implement the patch? |
22:47 |
CGI680 |
this is the error "Can't call method "append_fields" |
22:51 |
seneca joined #koha |
22:51 |
seneca |
Does anyone here use Kyle Hall's VM appliance? |
23:04 |
CGI680 left #koha |
23:05 |
chris |
chris_n2++ |
23:05 |
chris_n2 |
seems those funds might be put to better use imho |
23:07 |
chris |
always the way |
23:08 |
chris |
reinventing the wheel, in order to try not to reinvent the wheel |
23:09 |
seneca |
are you referring to the VM appliance? |
23:09 |
gmcharlt |
seneca: no |
23:09 |
seneca |
k |
23:09 |
* chris_n2 |
now knows a bit more about John Yokley |
23:10 |
chris |
the VM appliance is cool :) |
23:10 |
seneca |
it certainly was easy to "install" ;) |
23:10 |
gmcharlt |
seneca: we're referring to http://markmail.org/message/34ku672yiuudfzft and the responses to it |
23:10 |
seneca |
though now I need to upgrade it and the built-in upgrader either hangs, or I don't understand what it's asking me |
23:11 |
chris |
gah, everyone keeps wanting to split users vs developers |
23:11 |
chris |
23:11 |
chris |
thats not how FLOSS works best |
23:12 |
seneca |
I agree |
23:13 |
chris_n2 |
hot topic |
23:13 |
chris |
"letting the users organise themselves before passing it off to the developers to do something" |
23:13 |
chris |
yeah ... thats not how you get FLOSS developers to work with you |
23:14 |
chris_n2 |
maybe they just need to re-skin bugzilla so people won't recognize it is bugzilla :-) |
23:14 |
gmcharlt |
of course, one of the ultimate ways to vote on the desirability of a feature is to, well, fund it |
23:14 |
chris |
that would be a much more laudable goal |
23:14 |
chris_n2 |
hehe |
23:14 |
chris |
wrap bugzilla with a nicer interface |
23:14 |
chris_n2 |
then they could get over their bugzilla hang-up |
23:15 |
gmcharlt |
to be fair, bugzilla does not have a friendly face, and it takes work to have it be useful for the kind of fund raising that I think Lori Ayre et al are trying to do it |
23:16 |
chris |
yup, making bugzilla nicer would be good |
23:16 |
gmcharlt |
but still, an important part of any new feature database will be having it actually be accepted by the users *and* developers (and user/developers and developer/users) who are the audience for it |
23:17 |
chris |
yeah, erecting artificial barriers is a way to create real ones |
23:25 |
davi left #koha |
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davi joined #koha |
23:31 |
Nate |
goodnight #koha! |
23:31 |
Nate left #koha |
23:31 |
chris_n2 |
ok, enough said... time to eat |
23:46 |
tirabo left #koha |