IRC log for #koha, 2022-09-19

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Time Nick Message
00:31 drbone joined #koha
03:00 indradg joined #koha
04:51 indradg joined #koha
05:39 fridolin joined #koha
05:40 fridolin yllow
06:06 reiveune joined #koha
06:06 reiveune hello
06:07 cait joined #koha
06:43 alex_ joined #koha
06:43 alex_ Bonjour
06:43 wahanui hola, alex_
06:58 lds joined #koha
07:03 indradg joined #koha
07:44 cait joined #koha
07:46 magnuse_ joined #koha
07:56 Oak joined #koha
08:36 cait joined #koha
11:01 tcohen hola #koha
11:02 cait hola tcohen
12:08 marie-luce joined #koha
12:35 cait quiet tody
12:37 KkoojPoijjjb[m] left #koha
13:25 Dyrcona joined #koha
15:00 bag joined #koha
16:04 reiveune bye
16:04 reiveune left #koha
16:04 cait khall around maybe?
16:05 cait or someone whocould help me with a TT question?
16:05 cait wiki claims that ACQORDER only has the branches object, I am trying to verify, because I want to display the name of the budget instead of the id https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]_Template_Toolkit
16:05 tcohen ?
16:05 cait can't type faster :)
16:06 tcohen let me check
16:06 cait thx, and please teach me if you find it :)
16:08 cait[…]4/
16:08 tcohen that's the if ($type eq 'issue') block
16:09 cait hm?
16:09 tcohen >[…]4/
16:10 cait yeah... wes hold refactor SendAlerts one day
16:10 cait I am not sure if braches equal objects or if there aren't defined any... or if I am nto seeing it
16:11 tcohen you mentioned ACQORDER
16:11 cait yes, it's about this notice specifically
16:11 tcohen so I thought this was the code path
16:11 tcohen[…]4/
16:11 cait and what I can do in TT
16:11 tcohen and below, you see this
16:11 tcohen[…]
16:12 cait yes, I see the table listing
16:14 cait do tables equal objects?
16:16 tcohen there should be a corresponding object, yes
16:16 tcohen aqbasket => {
16:16 tcohen module   => 'Koha::Acquisition::Baskets',
16:16 tcohen singular => 'basket',
16:16 tcohen plural   => 'baskets',
16:16 tcohen pk       => 'basketno',
16:16 tcohen },
16:16 cait hmm so I should be able to use aqbakset.basketnumber or so
16:16 tcohen just basket
16:17 cait aah
16:17 tcohen maybe LOL
16:17 cait where do i find that listing?
16:17 cait yeah... did I mention lately we need to document this stuff in roder for people being able to make use of it? ;)
16:17 cait where is the line above?
16:20 tcohen C4::Letters:1635
16:20 cait hm [% basket.basketname %] didn't work in my test installation
16:22 cait baskets.orderno doesn't work either
16:23 tcohen you shuold enable DumpTemplate...
16:23 tcohen thing
16:23 cait not sure if that works for notices?
16:23 cait what do you need to add to the template then?
16:23 tcohen I'm sorry, I cannot check myself now
16:24 tcohen maybe someone else knows
16:24 cait yep
16:24 tcohen I aint no letters guru
16:24 cait I'd really like to know how this works, I always struggle with TT and finding the right names for things
16:25 tcohen I usually found that using the plural name worked
16:26 tcohen everytime I struggled with notices
16:26 cait i treid, in this case no result
16:27 tcohen ok, this particular case is weird
16:28 cait 1([% basket.basketno %])
16:28 cait 2([% baskets.basketno %])
16:28 cait 3([% aqbasket.basketno %])
16:28 cait 4([% aqbaskets.basketno %])
16:28 cait none of these work
16:28 tcohen because lots of the relevant data is passed as the 'repeat' parameter for GetPreparedLetter
16:28 tcohen as a weird data structure
16:28 cait I think i have a bug open about this yes
16:28 tcohen see line 470
16:28 cait
16:29 tcohen C4::Letters
16:29 tcohen yes
16:32 tcohen I think you don't have the object at hand in this case
16:32 tcohen the 'objects' attribute is not being passed
16:32 cait so the wiki is right... bah.
16:32 tcohen but I'm a bit dizzy about this
16:32 cait is there a way to get an object? if i have the ordernumber or so?
16:32 cait sorry :)
16:34 tcohen khall is out today
16:34 tcohen let's wait for him tomorrow
16:34 tcohen :-D
16:35 cait yeah, I guess I need an expert ;)
16:38 tcohen I cannot help but feel the need to rewrite it all, so I stayed away from notices and slips for too long :-D
16:38 cait TT is great, but our documentation si lacking and maybe some notices haven't made TT ready, like this one?
16:41 Oak joined #koha
16:42 cait time to leave - bye all!
16:42 cait left #koha
16:43 cait joined #koha
16:43 cait tcohen++ :) thanks!
16:43 cait left #koha
16:58 fridolin joined #koha
18:11 cait joined #koha
18:41 sonOfRa joined #koha
18:55 tcohen I might have made a mistake on master
19:03 cait hm?
19:04 cait the stage import stuff?
19:07 tcohen it is not ready
19:07 tcohen but I commented on the bug
19:08 cait the item stuff worries me a bit
19:09 cait I am going to test 31532
19:09 cait in the first step i need to import some orginal script records - so just about to give that new tihng a test drive
19:23 tcohen I hate it that we don't show progress inline
19:23 tcohen but 31532 will make it easy to implement
19:30 cait the progress bar has been kinda broken for a long time
19:30 cait bt the item statistics are importat
20:23 indradg_ joined #koha
20:32 cait @later tell can you check on the kohacon page linked in the proposal? it's no longer working for me. Please also let me know which link you want to be added to the website
20:32 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded.
21:53 tuxayo cait: above @later is missing the recipient nickname
21:54 cait thx :)
21:54 cait little late maybe
21:54 tuxayo ^^
21:54 cait @later tell nugged can you check on the kohacon page linked in the proposal? it's no longer working for me. Please also let me know which link you want to be added to the website
21:54 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded.
21:55 Dyrcona joined #koha

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