Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:03 |
* wizzyrea |
votes for Richard Ayoade |
00:04 |
wizzyrea |
but they'll getsomeone less known and hipper. |
00:05 |
wizzyrea |
your stunned silence either means I'm out of my mind or brilliant. |
00:05 |
gmcharlt |
:) |
00:05 |
* gmcharlt |
has the wild idea of ... Catherine Tate |
00:05 |
wizzyrea |
oh I LOVE THAT too |
00:05 |
wizzyrea |
or, we bring back the doctor's daughter |
00:06 |
wizzyrea |
:P |
00:06 |
gmcharlt |
indeed |
00:06 |
gmcharlt |
(and speaking of relatives, whatever happened to Susan?) |
00:06 |
wizzyrea |
goooood question. |
00:06 |
wizzyrea |
we've got half timelords all over the place. |
00:07 |
gmcharlt |
I've been reading some speculation that John Hurt will be playing the regeneration of the Doctor active during the Time War |
00:07 |
wizzyrea |
*nod* that would be weird. |
00:07 |
wizzyrea |
to me anyway |
00:07 |
gmcharlt |
which if they show that, may also answer things like my question about Susan |
00:07 |
wizzyrea |
oh true. |
00:07 |
gmcharlt |
now for a loaded question |
00:07 |
gmcharlt |
who should be the next showrunner? |
00:08 |
wizzyrea |
i wasn't SO keen on matt smith |
00:08 |
wizzyrea |
oh man, idk. I could take or leave moffitt tbh |
00:09 |
* gmcharlt |
can just leave Moffatt |
00:10 |
gmcharlt |
or rather, I'd be perfectly happen if he went back to just writing a couple cool episodes each series |
00:12 |
wizzyrea |
*nod* |
00:12 |
wizzyrea |
I thought this last half of this season was really quite weak |
00:13 |
wizzyrea |
the akhaten one was alright |
00:13 |
wizzyrea |
and the one with the pseudo ghost |
00:13 |
wizzyrea |
I don't even remember most of the first half, how sad is that. |
00:14 |
wizzyrea |
it's not like amy pond running about with hash marks all over herself from counting silences |
00:14 |
wizzyrea |
that was memorable. |
00:15 |
gmcharlt |
*nod* |
00:17 |
wizzyrea |
or Rose Tyler standing in the middle of the road with a gigantic gun. That was memorable. |
00:17 |
wizzyrea |
Or Donna with the bug on her back. |
00:17 |
wizzyrea |
or the adipose one... shudder |
00:17 |
wizzyrea |
I could go one. |
00:17 |
wizzyrea |
on. |
00:25 |
gmcharlt |
:) |
01:33 |
Irma joined #koha |
02:24 |
jcamins |
packages++ # easiest upgrade ever, seriously. |
02:27 |
jcamins |
I could probably run an upgrade at 11am on a Thursday (busiest time for the maximum number of libraries), and no one would notice. |
02:27 |
jcamins |
Not that I would, but talk about pleasantly painless. :D |
02:31 |
gmcharlt |
jcamins: that's a powerful invocation of Murphy you started, just now ;) |
02:39 |
jcamins |
gmcharlt: lol |
02:39 |
jcamins |
I threw salt over my shoulder, so I should be safe. |
02:40 |
jcamins |
Well, drat. |
02:41 |
jcamins |
I should pushed several hundred unnecessary branches to my github. |
02:41 |
jcamins |
So much for keeping it neat and tidy... |
02:41 |
jcamins |
I guess if I've already muddled things, I might as well just push all the tags, too. |
02:46 |
jcamins |
Wow. I have some weird tag names. |
02:53 |
wizzyrea |
lots with swear words? |
02:53 |
wizzyrea |
because if my repo was public, that's what you'd see :P |
02:53 |
wizzyrea |
lots of branches with swear words. |
03:00 |
jcamins |
wizzyrea: hehe. |
03:00 |
jcamins |
No, actually. |
03:00 |
jcamins |
Though I do have a couple "notspecialanymore" |
03:00 |
wizzyrea |
koha-notspecialanymore :( :( |
03:00 |
jcamins |
And a couple where I had the syntax wrong so the tag has a commit hash as a name. |
03:00 |
wizzyrea |
ewps |
04:21 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:21 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #52: "<wizzyrea> Ahh, it's like putting on your slippers" (added by gmcharlt at 08:50 PM, January 28, 2010) |
04:21 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:21 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #56: "* jdavidb makes sure no kitty carcasses are among the dead bugs." (added by gmcharlt at 01:34 PM, February 11, 2010) |
04:21 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:21 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #103: "<cait>: Nobody can find you hiding in Search.pm ;)" (added by wizzyrea at 09:18 PM, November 13, 2010) |
04:21 |
cjh |
ahhhh |
04:21 |
wizzyrea |
oh hey :) |
04:22 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:22 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #55: "<jdavidb> Harrrrumph!" (added by gmcharlt at 12:38 PM, February 11, 2010) |
04:22 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:22 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #96: "< owen> If your vendor calls it KOHA you know it's not really Koha." (added by wasabi at 05:56 AM, October 08, 2010) |
04:22 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:22 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #177: "oleonard: If Buck Rogers used IRC he'd put bip on Twiki and tell Twiki to never sleep." (added by wizzyrea at 04:43 PM, January 10, 2012) |
04:22 |
wizzyrea |
lol |
04:22 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:22 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #58: "<jdavidb> I prefer killing bugs, not kitties." (added by gmcharlt at 04:38 PM, February 17, 2010) |
04:22 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:22 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #159: "slef: WELCOME TO HOOGERLAND. POPULATION: HEROES" (added by wizzyrea at 05:00 PM, September 23, 2011) |
04:22 |
wizzyrea |
04:23 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:23 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #144: "library_systems_guy: (xslt) looks like html and lisp had an ugly baby." (added by wizzyrea at 08:48 PM, June 30, 2011) |
04:23 |
cjh |
howdy :) |
04:23 |
wizzyrea |
before he was libsysguy |
04:23 |
wizzyrea |
that's cute |
04:23 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:23 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #142: "Pianohacker: hrm. What's the plural of ILS again? Rangi: ILSESESESESESES" (added by wizzyrea at 08:54 PM, June 08, 2011) |
04:23 |
wizzyrea |
hehehehehe |
04:23 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:24 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #44: "<thd> People make bugs fairly much in the degree to which they contribute to the code" (added by gmcharlt at 08:07 PM, October 30, 2009) |
04:24 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:24 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #69: "<schuster> Now if I could only figure out how to control those daemons... or at least the ones in my head..." (added by jwagner at 02:02 PM, March 17, 2010) |
04:24 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:24 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #132: "<oleonard> nengard: It depends what time zone Jesus uses I think" (added by druthb at 02:07 PM, May 20, 2011) |
04:24 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:24 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #200: "chris_n: usually the problem is either too much time and not enough cookies or not enough time and too many cookies" (added by wizzyrea at 03:24 PM, April 12, 2012) |
04:24 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:24 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #247: "<eythian> Only cockroaches and Search.pm will survive the nuclear apocalypse." (added by wizzyrea at 11:54 PM, May 08, 2013) |
04:24 |
* wizzyrea |
nods |
04:24 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:24 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #169: "<wizzyrea> sometimes the answer is just the answer... even if you don't like it ;)" (added by chris_n at 07:22 PM, December 06, 2011) |
04:33 |
Irma joined #koha |
04:54 |
wizzyrea |
@quote random |
04:54 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: Quote #7: "Snow_Fox: a rift opens in space the information is shuffled to dev_hyperspace rift then closes" (added by wizzyrea at 03:28 PM, June 18, 2009) |
05:00 |
dcook joined #koha |
05:00 |
cait joined #koha |
05:17 |
cait joined #koha |
05:20 |
cait |
good morning #koh |
05:20 |
cait |
a |
05:20 |
dcook |
afternoon, cait :) |
05:21 |
cait |
do you want to argue? :) |
05:22 |
dcook |
Just stating my point of view ;) |
05:24 |
wizzyrea |
get the popcorn |
05:24 |
wahanui |
http://i.imgur.com/p3cHE.gif |
05:24 |
wizzyrea |
to be fair, it's dark here :P |
05:25 |
drojf joined #koha |
05:27 |
drojf |
good morning #koha |
05:27 |
cait |
hi drojf |
05:28 |
cait |
we are having an argument about the time of the day - are you backing me up it's morning? ;) |
05:28 |
drojf |
it's definitely morning. and an early one too ;) |
05:29 |
dcook |
mmm popcorn.. |
05:29 |
dcook |
afternoon, drojf ;) |
05:29 |
drojf |
hi dcook ;) |
05:30 |
dcook |
Nice blue skies and a setting sun |
05:30 |
cait |
no rain! |
05:30 |
drojf |
haven't opened my curtains yet ^^ |
05:31 |
cait |
after like 72 hours of rain during the weekend... |
05:31 |
drojf |
meh. it's grey, as it has been for weeks |
05:32 |
drojf |
cait: is there flood in your area? |
05:34 |
wizzyrea |
oy t was cloudy and nastyish here |
05:34 |
wizzyrea |
@wunder nzwn |
05:34 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 14.0°C (5:00 PM NZST on June 03, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.65 in 1004 hPa (Steady). |
05:34 |
wizzyrea |
oh well temp it's alright |
05:35 |
wizzyrea |
but it's grey and sprinkly. |
05:35 |
dcook |
@wunder sydney, australia |
05:35 |
huginn` |
dcook: The current temperature in Sydney Airport, New South Wales is 17.0°C (3:00 PM EST on June 03, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 38%. Dew Point: 6.0°C. Pressure: 30.09 in 1019 hPa (Falling). |
05:35 |
wizzyrea |
38% humidity, puh. |
05:35 |
drojf |
@wunder berlin, germany |
05:35 |
dcook |
Nice enough outside, but my fingers are turning into icy poles... |
05:35 |
huginn` |
drojf: The current temperature in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany is 11.8°C (7:12 AM CEST on June 03, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 69%. Dew Point: 6.0°C. Pressure: 30.12 in 1020 hPa (Steady). |
05:41 |
drojf |
i'm close to declaring this 'work from bed week'. not sure what my bosses think about that though. |
05:44 |
dcook |
I like this idea, drojf |
05:44 |
cait |
me too |
05:45 |
dcook |
Mind you, it might be colder at home... |
05:45 |
dcook |
But...blankets |
05:45 |
cait |
drojf: it's not bad, but there has been some on the news |
05:45 |
cait |
drojf: and the parking lot and lower apartments of one of my friends has been flooded a bit over the weekend - was ok when she got home yesterday |
05:46 |
cjh |
cait: it is very clearly night, haven't you looked outside? :p |
05:46 |
* cjh |
is a bit late to the party |
05:47 |
drojf |
cjh: so late that it is already morning :P |
05:47 |
cait |
cjh: too late sorry, we already had the votes and morning won |
05:48 |
dcook |
What? |
05:48 |
dcook |
I think it was 2-2 |
05:48 |
dcook |
Well, 2 for morning and 2 for not morning |
05:48 |
drojf |
that means we win |
05:49 |
drojf |
by default |
05:49 |
wahanui |
i heard by default was off |
05:49 |
drojf |
lol |
05:49 |
dcook |
I think Chris makes a 3 for not morning :p |
05:49 |
* cait |
nods |
05:49 |
cait |
;) |
05:49 |
cjh |
damnit. |
05:49 |
cait |
so today was a holiday in nz? |
05:49 |
dcook |
holiday? |
05:49 |
* dcook |
really expected wahanui to weigh in on that one |
05:50 |
cjh |
yes, queens birthday :) |
05:50 |
cait |
oh |
05:50 |
* cjh |
wanders off to eat dinner |
05:50 |
* dcook |
loves how the queen has a million birthdays |
05:50 |
dcook |
It's the queen's birthday in Australia on June 10th |
05:50 |
dcook |
It was late May in Canada |
05:51 |
drojf |
lol |
05:51 |
cjh |
dcook: well there were a lot of queens... |
05:51 |
dcook |
But we each only celebrate for one queen |
05:51 |
* cjh |
wouldnt mind celebrating them all |
05:51 |
* dcook |
concurs |
05:54 |
cait |
with birthday cake? :) |
05:58 |
cait |
ok... no cake? |
05:59 |
dcook |
Mmm cake |
06:02 |
drojf |
cake for me please |
06:04 |
cait |
drojf: cake for breakfast? :) |
06:05 |
drojf |
YES! |
06:05 |
drojf |
:) |
06:09 |
cjh |
cait: cake sounds delightful :) |
06:09 |
* cjh |
was eating dinner |
06:09 |
sophie_m joined #koha |
06:30 |
marcelr joined #koha |
06:31 |
marcelr |
morning #koha |
06:32 |
cait |
hi marcelr |
06:33 |
* cait |
just worked thorugh the qa plugin thread |
06:33 |
marcelr |
hi cait |
06:34 |
cait |
and still about 250 bug mails to read... ew. |
06:37 |
cait |
bbl |
06:41 |
cait joined #koha |
06:42 |
rangi |
that qa plugin thread makes me want to not read koha mail |
06:43 |
lds joined #koha |
06:45 |
marcelr |
srdjan++ for signing off |
06:45 |
marcelr |
rangi: dashboard is still in may :) |
06:45 |
marcelr |
should send a patch for that ;) |
06:50 |
rangi |
nope ive left it in may because i havent done my may statistics blogpost yet |
06:50 |
rangi |
ill roll it over as soon as i do that (tonight once the kids are asleep) |
06:51 |
rangi |
its all counting anyway in the background :) |
06:51 |
rangi |
also |
06:51 |
rangi |
http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]?s=Koha&p=Koha&c= |
06:57 |
reiveune joined #koha |
06:58 |
reiveune |
hello |
07:01 |
asaurat joined #koha |
07:01 |
asaurat |
hi! |
07:07 |
rangi |
marcelr: rolled it over |
07:07 |
rangi |
hi reiveune and matts |
07:08 |
reiveune |
hi rangi |
07:08 |
matts |
hi ! |
07:10 |
laurence joined #koha |
07:14 |
marcelr |
rangi++ |
07:14 |
gaetan_B joined #koha |
07:15 |
gaetan_B |
hello |
07:15 |
marcelr |
hi gaetan_B |
07:23 |
christophe_c joined #koha |
07:24 |
christophe_c |
hello #koha |
07:29 |
* dcook |
waves to christophe_c |
07:29 |
dcook |
night #koha |
07:29 |
paul_p joined #koha |
07:29 |
kf joined #koha |
07:29 |
kf |
oh no germs today? |
07:37 |
kf |
oleonard++ |
07:37 |
kf |
#fixing all the bugs |
07:44 |
kf joined #koha |
08:05 |
kenza joined #koha |
08:06 |
gerundio joined #koha |
08:06 |
paul_p |
say hello to kenza, our student starting this morning his 3 months time with BibLibre, to work on Koha |
08:07 |
drojf |
hi kenza! welcome to #koha |
08:07 |
kf |
hi kenza |
08:07 |
kf |
hope you have a good time working on koha :) |
08:09 |
wizzyrea |
Hi kenza : |
08:09 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
08:09 |
wizzyrea |
we will try to make it fun ^.^ |
08:10 |
marcelr |
welcome kenza |
08:27 |
Buddhist joined #koha |
08:27 |
Buddhist |
hello! Is this the place to discuss things on using Koha? |
08:28 |
kf |
yes it is |
08:28 |
kf |
hi Buddhist |
08:28 |
slef |
Buddhist: it's one possibility. Others are listed on the website. |
08:28 |
slef |
hi kenza |
08:28 |
Buddhist |
hello! |
08:30 |
Buddhist |
The thing is, I got some question marks about marc-data, I have adapted the 952 fields and it shows up correctly (after import), but I can't figure out whether KOha allows me to input a classification overview. |
08:30 |
slef |
Buddhist: what sort of classification overview? |
08:31 |
Buddhist |
(we use a 'self-made' classification: example 253 - Buddhist in China 254 Buddhist in Japan... is that possbile to be reflected in koha? |
08:31 |
Buddhist |
The solution at this moment is to 'key in' in every item this 253 - Buddhist in China... sounds like a tedious job. |
08:32 |
kf |
Buddhist: hmm there was once a feature that might do what you want |
08:32 |
Buddhist |
I wondered whether that can be avoided (using ccodes or loc?) |
08:32 |
kf |
some kind of hierarchical browsing the classification? |
08:32 |
kf |
or do you just want to make it easier to type them in? |
08:32 |
Buddhist |
both please! :) |
08:32 |
kf |
you could define a new authorized value and link it to the item field you use |
08:33 |
Buddhist |
before i do that, I wanted to check with you that there is no option in koha made for this purpose (anymore?) |
08:34 |
kf |
there was a start made here I think: http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]ac_browse_feature |
08:34 |
Buddhist |
since I don't make use of ccodes, is it wise to use the ccode for this purpose? |
08:34 |
kf |
you could |
08:35 |
kf |
they get used for all kinds fo things :) classification would probably be a good one |
08:35 |
kf |
i think without programming the browse feature won't be useful - it's been not in use for a while I think and never left experimental status |
08:36 |
Buddhist |
hm.... |
08:37 |
Buddhist |
ok! and is it possible for koha to aggregrate multiple ccodes into one 'bigger' section? let's say ccode 253 Buddhist in country A until ccode 259 Buddhist in Country Z, aggregrate them into 253-259 Buddhist in specific country |
08:37 |
Buddhist |
BTW: I am very happy with the shelf browser... that is really cool |
08:39 |
kf |
Buddhist: hm not sure I understand what you want to do |
08:40 |
kenza joined #koha |
08:40 |
kf |
welcome back kenza :) |
08:40 |
Buddhist |
It more about showing the user 'relevant' sections of the library |
08:40 |
kf |
Buddhist: you can make collections searchable in advanced search |
08:40 |
kf |
like the itemtypes - with checkboxes |
08:41 |
kf |
so the user could check one or more to search for at once |
08:41 |
Buddhist |
ah.... |
08:41 |
Buddhist |
advanced search |
08:41 |
kf |
i think you can also construct a html page |
08:41 |
kf |
with links that look for more than one code |
08:41 |
kf |
search links... not perfect, but maybe might serve your purpose? |
08:42 |
Buddhist |
yes.. that would do! |
08:42 |
Buddhist |
is there also a way to input those ccodes all at once instead of using the web application (adding one by one) |
08:43 |
kf |
if you are good with sql you could add them to the right table |
08:43 |
Buddhist |
so need to peek in SQL...hm... |
08:44 |
kf |
authori[z|s]ed_values or similar |
08:44 |
kf |
i have done it in the past when I had a long list |
08:44 |
kf |
in general youshouldn't do that to Koha.. but for that table it should be pretty save to do |
08:45 |
kf |
if you are using ccodes or authorized values in general |
08:45 |
kf |
you should make sure you use good codes |
08:45 |
Buddhist |
also a quick way of adding the 'right' ccode to the right biblio? or do I really need to do this 1 by 1 |
08:45 |
kf |
to get the search results you want later on - no hyphens - or spaces, best only use short codes made of numbers/letters |
08:45 |
kf |
there is a batch item edit feature |
08:46 |
kf |
if you can get a list of the barcodes/items you can do it that way |
08:46 |
Buddhist |
in the past (we are migrating now) they have used 942 to input this classification (e.g. =942 \\$k190-195 Islam$a190 Islam). |
08:47 |
Buddhist |
I will use 3 numerical numbers as code... thanks for the tip |
08:47 |
Buddhist |
ah.. batch item edit...let's see |
08:54 |
Buddhist |
thank you kf, got it, just watch a youtube explanations by bywaters..they are pretty helpful with those vids! |
08:57 |
Buddhist |
one more question: I am using marcedit to correct the item fields 952. However, I need to copy from another field some data, let's say "942a 417 Ajahn Chah" to a 952c, but I only want 417, not the text. Is there a clever way? |
08:59 |
Buddhist |
......... |
09:01 |
* Buddhist |
slaps kf around a bit with a large fishbot |
09:01 |
kf |
huh? |
09:02 |
kf |
guess i missed the joke? |
09:02 |
Buddhist |
haha |
09:02 |
Buddhist |
sorry about that. |
09:02 |
wizzyrea |
hm yea we don't do much trout slapping round here |
09:02 |
Buddhist |
didn't know how to get some attention. |
09:02 |
Buddhist |
haha |
09:02 |
Buddhist |
tut mir leid! |
09:02 |
kf |
Buddhist: I am at work - so sometimes i have to pay attention to other things ;) |
09:02 |
kf |
not sure how you can do that with marcedit - sorry |
09:03 |
Buddhist |
ok..... |
09:04 |
Buddhist |
anyone that knows how to copy partial fieldata form one subfield to another in a marc-record? (or delete parts of subfield with multiple records....) |
09:06 |
kf |
Buddhist: where are you located btw? |
09:06 |
Buddhist |
near Hemel Hempstead (UK) |
09:06 |
kf |
ah, was wondering about the German :) |
09:06 |
Buddhist |
haha... ik ben een nederlander |
09:06 |
* kf |
is German |
09:07 |
dcook joined #koha |
09:07 |
Buddhist |
I figured... :) |
09:07 |
kf |
hm h |
09:07 |
Buddhist |
was just playing with the whois/query and.....trout slapping... |
09:07 |
kf |
ah |
09:08 |
kf |
I think some people would say you could write a script to do that |
09:08 |
kf |
but there might also be a way in marcedit - i just don't know it |
09:08 |
kf |
not sure if there is a marcedit mailing list? |
09:08 |
Buddhist |
I am skilled in excel..so I might do some exporting importing thing.... |
09:08 |
Buddhist |
good point! I shall look foir a marcedit mailing list.... |
09:08 |
* dcook |
is intrigued |
09:08 |
dcook |
What are you trying to do, Buddhist? |
09:10 |
Buddhist |
hello...dcook |
09:10 |
dcook |
hi... |
09:10 |
Buddhist |
i have a subfield in our marcdata that says for instance "417 Ajahn Chah". |
09:10 |
Buddhist |
but I don't want the text bit, "Ajahn Chah", I want only 417 |
09:11 |
Buddhist |
I just wondered how to 'delete' partial data |
09:11 |
Buddhist |
(I have few thousand records) |
09:12 |
dcook |
Hmm, marcedit/writing a script is probably your best bet |
09:12 |
dcook |
Just out of curiosity, why are you wanting to do this? |
09:12 |
Buddhist |
well....'sigh'.... |
09:13 |
Buddhist |
the librarian here has imported marcdata in the koha system using for instance z39.50. And added this classification scheme of ours (not standard). So for instance in 942a "417 Ajahn Chah". |
09:13 |
Buddhist |
But never added a 'call number' |
09:14 |
Buddhist |
so... our call number is actually 417. |
09:14 |
Buddhist |
so I want to copy this field 942a to 952o, but inly the decimal, not texts |
09:15 |
Buddhist |
(BECAUSE there are 'also' typos.... in many many many records... |
09:15 |
Buddhist |
*sigh* |
09:15 |
Buddhist |
(does that make sense?) |
09:15 |
dcook |
Mmm, sort of. |
09:16 |
dcook |
Human error is no fun, but I'm not sure that I understand what you're trying to do classification-wise overall. |
09:16 |
Buddhist |
... |
09:16 |
Buddhist |
ah... |
09:17 |
dcook |
But, in terms of your immediate goals, maybe try Marcedit. I've used it before for wrangling non-standard data, and it works pretty well. |
09:17 |
Buddhist |
first of all i need the 'correct' call number....therefore in each marc record the librarian has tuck it away in 942. so I just need to copy it out. |
09:17 |
Buddhist |
the second 'challenge' was to understand how to be able to setup our selfmade classification scheme into koha. |
09:18 |
Buddhist |
before yo uarrived, i was suggested using for instance authorised values...I might use ccodes |
09:18 |
kf |
hm Buddhist - didn't ask you if you also have callnumbers for your items |
09:19 |
Buddhist |
..? |
09:19 |
kf |
individual call numbers separate from the classification |
09:19 |
Buddhist |
well..they don't do that here... |
09:19 |
Buddhist |
all the books here are stickerd on their spine with the 'shelf location number', 417 for instance. |
09:19 |
Buddhist |
so our 'call' number is not unique (small library) |
09:20 |
francharb joined #koha |
09:20 |
dcook |
From the sound of it, you're going to still have the same problem with "417" as you will with "417 Ajahn Chah" |
09:20 |
Buddhist |
basically we need to direct the patrons to the 'right shelf'.. |
09:20 |
* dcook |
waves to francharb |
09:20 |
Buddhist |
...? |
09:20 |
Buddhist |
what problem? |
09:20 |
wahanui |
problem is, like, it's human beings doing it. Rebuild your indexes |
09:21 |
Buddhist |
..more confused.... |
09:21 |
Buddhist |
?? |
09:21 |
kf |
Buddhist: I was wondering if that info shoudl go rather into the field for itemcallnumber - I think o or p |
09:21 |
kf |
but the search options for collection codes are a bit nicer |
09:21 |
Buddhist |
hm.. |
09:22 |
Buddhist |
the thing about 952 o or p is that it is free input, so i prefer it to be short, like 3 decimal,417. |
09:22 |
Buddhist |
I don't want them to type 417 Ajahn Chah ..... |
09:22 |
francharb |
hi dcook |
09:22 |
Buddhist |
then.... I can use for instance the ccodes .. where they can 'choose from a list' 417 Ajahn Chah |
09:23 |
Buddhist |
saves typos. |
09:27 |
vfernandes joined #koha |
09:27 |
Buddhist joined #koha |
09:28 |
vfernandes |
hi :) |
09:33 |
gerundio |
hey vfernandes :) |
09:34 |
vfernandes |
how are you gerundio? |
09:35 |
gerundio |
well thanks, you? |
09:35 |
gerundio |
did you see someone commented on bug 7973 saying it doesn't work in some cases? |
09:35 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7973 new feature, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, RESOLVED FIXED, Allow for new type of LDAP authentication |
09:36 |
gerundio |
I've already asked for feedback on something, but still waiting for an answer |
09:37 |
vfernandes |
yes... i've tested with the two forms (anonymous bind and default bind) and everything worked |
09:38 |
kf |
somoen commented it might be an ldap configuration thing |
09:41 |
vfernandes |
ldap can be configured to authorize or not the anonymous bind and search |
09:42 |
vfernandes |
but I've tested without anonymous search and everything worked fine |
09:44 |
kf |
i know nothing about ldap - but hoping you can figure out what's going on :) |
09:49 |
vfernandes |
I'm pretty sure it is a configuration issue but let's see :P |
10:00 |
francharb` joined #koha |
10:18 |
marcelr |
rangi++ for bug 9761 |
10:18 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9761 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Passed QA , Make it possible to confirm future hold requests at checkin time |
10:33 |
dcook |
Mmm, pumpkin risotto... |
10:34 |
kf |
what brought that up? |
10:35 |
dcook |
My partner just brought some to me :) |
10:36 |
kf |
aah |
10:36 |
kf |
enjoy :) |
10:37 |
dcook |
Thanks :). I was munching on chocolate but this is...yummm |
10:37 |
dcook |
Now all I need is a new monitor and either to move my tower or get longer headphones...\ |
10:38 |
* kf |
offerst to take the chocolate off of your hands... |
10:38 |
dcook |
It has whole hazelnuts in it :D |
10:39 |
kf |
yum |
10:39 |
dcook |
I grabbed a couple bars on the way home from work...*shameface* |
10:39 |
wizzyrea |
nomnomnomnomnom |
10:39 |
wizzyrea |
no shame in chocolate, it gives you necessary magnesium :P |
10:39 |
wizzyrea |
and makes you feel happy. |
10:39 |
dcook |
I read that as magnetism for a moment ;) |
10:39 |
wizzyrea |
and I'm sure it doesn't hurt your animal magnetism either. |
10:40 |
dcook |
I think I did get extra kisses because of the chocolate *nod* *nod* |
10:40 |
dcook |
Chocolate definitely helps with the happy |
10:40 |
dcook |
I'm trying out these MOOC things, so I figured I could use some extra happy... |
10:44 |
kf |
what kind of MOOC are you trying out? :) |
10:45 |
dcook |
This systematic program design one from UBC (the last uni I went to) on Coursera. |
10:45 |
dcook |
While I can patch Koha just fine and do a reasonably good job with my own programs, I figure it wouldn't hurt to learn the basics, since I sort of just jumped into programming... |
10:46 |
kf |
:) |
10:46 |
kf |
that's why I do the distance study... trying to get some basics |
10:47 |
kf |
instead of only learning by trial and error :) |
10:47 |
dcook |
Exactly :) |
10:48 |
dcook |
I suppose I'm not entirely sold on the online classes yet though. I haven't found myself very motivated to do these courses, when I could just start experimenting with the technologies... |
10:59 |
wizzyrea |
everybody hit koha-community.org at once... go! |
10:59 |
wizzyrea |
(then tell me if it's fast or slow) |
11:00 |
* wizzyrea |
likes how this is looking |
11:00 |
dcook |
Mmm 5-6 seconds to load? |
11:00 |
dcook |
Maybe faster |
11:00 |
wizzyrea |
ping it please? |
11:00 |
wizzyrea |
(what's the address) |
11:01 |
kf |
wizzyrea: fast for me! :) |
11:01 |
kf |
like really fast even |
11:01 |
wizzyrea |
woot! |
11:01 |
wizzyrea |
i like fast! |
11:01 |
kf |
:) |
11:01 |
kf |
looks quite good to me |
11:01 |
wizzyrea |
and not overwhelmed, though probably only two of you at once :P |
11:02 |
dcook |
Probably :p |
11:02 |
wizzyrea |
now don't go killing it while I'm sleeping |
11:02 |
kf |
well we canclick fast tho |
11:02 |
* dcook |
does all the clicks |
11:02 |
kf |
we will try |
11:02 |
wizzyrea |
hehe - LOL |
11:02 |
dcook |
I just accidentally closed Chromium as well, so everything I was doing was closed anyway.. |
11:03 |
dcook |
Where is it hosted? |
11:03 |
wizzyrea |
linode |
11:03 |
kf |
wizzyrea++ btw |
11:03 |
jcamins |
papa++ |
11:03 |
wizzyrea |
papa++ because... it's papa. |
11:04 |
wizzyrea |
that's looking nice and fast actually |
11:04 |
wizzyrea |
caching++ |
11:04 |
kf |
hm who is papa? :) |
11:04 |
wizzyrea |
srdjan |
11:04 |
kf |
oh! |
11:04 |
kf |
i have been wondering about that for a while |
11:04 |
kf |
:) |
11:04 |
dcook |
wizzyrea: I also have a super slow internet connection at home :) |
11:04 |
dcook |
kf: Took me a while to figure that out as well |
11:04 |
kf |
papa++ |
11:05 |
dcook |
I still don't know if I can type out that handle :p |
11:05 |
wizzyrea |
I can see that it's serving pages lickety split |
11:05 |
dcook |
Sweet :D |
11:05 |
dcook |
jcamins: Why are you awake? |
11:05 |
dcook |
Was it the mention of pumpkin risotto? |
11:07 |
jcamins |
dcook: it's 7am? |
11:07 |
jcamins |
I think. |
11:07 |
jcamins |
Is the clock wrong? |
11:07 |
dcook |
jcamins: That sounds right to me |
11:07 |
jcamins |
Ah, good. |
11:07 |
jcamins |
That's morning. |
11:07 |
dcook |
Technically :p. |
11:08 |
jcamins |
Heh. |
11:08 |
jcamins |
I guess you weren't around any of the days I was around at 5am. |
11:08 |
dcook |
I think that's usually when I'm looking at my emails on my phone in bed and dreading the trip from the bedroom to the shower. |
11:08 |
dcook |
O_O |
11:09 |
dcook |
Go to bed late and get up early? I don't know how you and kf do it. |
11:09 |
jcamins |
Hehe. |
11:09 |
jcamins |
Neither do I. |
11:09 |
jcamins |
Isn't it kind of late for you? |
11:09 |
kf |
^^ |
11:09 |
dcook |
Only 9:09 |
11:10 |
dcook |
Partner has a friend over, so I'm minding my business in the study. Watching programming videos rather than doing anything productive... |
11:10 |
wizzyrea |
that probably qualifies as productive |
11:10 |
wizzyrea |
for some value of productive |
11:10 |
dcook |
I'm sure it'll be useful once we get past the difference between strings and numbers... |
11:10 |
wizzyrea |
ok to bed with me |
11:10 |
wizzyrea |
oh dear. |
11:11 |
dcook |
I said that I wanted to learn the basics... |
11:11 |
dcook |
:S |
11:11 |
wizzyrea |
don't kill koha-community.org while I'm sleeping. |
11:11 |
dcook |
Well, I can't promise because I don't know how long you'll be sleeping :p |
11:11 |
wizzyrea |
dcook - pm me the name of the thinger you're lookin at eh? |
11:11 |
dcook |
Sure |
11:11 |
wizzyrea |
from now until...... later |
11:11 |
wizzyrea |
7 or so hours :P |
11:12 |
dcook |
Like a reasonable person ;) |
11:12 |
wizzyrea |
I know you can do it! |
11:12 |
wizzyrea |
pft |
11:12 |
wizzyrea |
like a person with small people |
11:13 |
dcook |
Small people? |
11:13 |
dcook |
There's more than one? |
11:14 |
dcook |
Anyway, night, wizzyrea :) |
11:18 |
kf |
khall: around? |
11:18 |
khall |
good morning! |
11:18 |
kf |
aah |
11:18 |
kf |
magic :) |
11:18 |
kf |
good morning |
11:19 |
khall |
heh, very lucky timing! |
11:19 |
khall |
what's up? |
11:19 |
kf |
just looking at your rfc |
11:19 |
kf |
and wondering at a couple of things :) |
11:19 |
khall |
sure! |
11:19 |
kf |
and i left you a note on the bug - asking if maybe you could send a link to an updated page to the mailing list? |
11:20 |
khall |
do you remember the bug number off hand? |
11:20 |
kf |
hmm |
11:20 |
kf |
it was... the maxfine thing |
11:20 |
kf |
i am not good with numbers |
11:20 |
kf |
0129 |
11:20 |
kf |
9129 |
11:22 |
nengard joined #koha |
11:23 |
khall |
df: comment 32 pretty much sums it up. I received 0 comments from the RFC writeup. |
11:23 |
khall |
kf that is ^ |
11:23 |
jcamins |
I'm not even sure what RFC you're talking about? |
11:23 |
khall |
the accounts/fines rewrite |
11:23 |
kf |
khall: probably not a lot of people saw it :) |
11:24 |
kf |
i missed it totally until running into the bug - that's why I wondered if maybe a mail to the mailing list would help |
11:24 |
khall |
I sent a mail about it to the dev list. I don't think I received either any replies to the email, or any edits to the RFC |
11:24 |
* dcook |
waves to nengard |
11:24 |
kf |
ah |
11:24 |
jcamins |
Ah. |
11:24 |
kf |
sorry, i must have missed it |
11:25 |
jcamins |
Right. It looked fine to me. |
11:25 |
khall |
kf: did you find the rfc? http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]ng_system_rewrite |
11:25 |
kf |
i did |
11:26 |
kf |
looking at the printout right now :) |
11:26 |
kf |
so I can draw on it |
11:26 |
khall |
I'll go ahead and fix it now |
11:26 |
jwagner joined #koha |
11:26 |
kf |
khall: cool |
11:26 |
kf |
where to best leave my notes? |
11:26 |
khall |
One thing I promise is the rewrite will be rock solid with a full suite of unit tests. |
11:27 |
khall |
df: you can just put them on the wiki with your nick appended. |
11:27 |
dcook |
\o/ |
11:27 |
khall |
kf, that is. It's too early to be typing |
11:27 |
kf |
:) |
11:27 |
kf |
that's ok |
11:27 |
kf |
tell me when you updated the wiki page? |
11:27 |
kf |
I don't want to interfere |
11:28 |
khall |
yeah, one moment |
11:30 |
khall |
kf: done |
11:30 |
kf |
khall: one big request i have is to stop the misuse of the description column |
11:31 |
kf |
not only for selecting fines, but also for storing information for display there |
11:31 |
kf |
we actually write payment thanks there... for example. which is horrible |
11:31 |
kf |
because it's not translatable |
11:31 |
khall |
kf: I completely agree |
11:31 |
kf |
and the user sees it in the opac |
11:31 |
kf |
and i have ot use evil javascript to make it a little better |
11:32 |
jcamins |
khall: The one concern I have is that the structure follow generally-acceptable accounting practices. Have you run this by a CPA? (and preferably their equivalent in a Civl Law country as well?) Because that seems like it would be really important. |
11:32 |
khall |
all the new tables have primary keys. Fees in one table, payments in one table, a fee_payments join table, and an account offsets table |
11:32 |
khall |
jcamins: that's a good idea. |
11:33 |
kf |
i think that was what they did for koha 1.0 |
11:33 |
kf |
iirc |
11:33 |
khall |
I believe we have a CPA on staff, so I can ask her! |
11:33 |
kf |
it might be worth checking what information we need to keep to abide by laws and the like |
11:33 |
jcamins |
khall: yeah, I think so. |
11:33 |
jcamins |
kf: ^^ that was for you |
11:33 |
kf |
khall: do you just want to note on the wiki page itself? |
11:34 |
khall |
df: yeah, just mark up whatever you want, or just add the comments to the top or bottom of the page. |
11:34 |
khall |
that way we can keep everything centralized |
11:39 |
drojf1 joined #koha |
11:44 |
nengard |
hi dcook |
11:44 |
nengard |
and all |
11:46 |
dcook |
hey ya nengard |
11:46 |
dcook |
I forget sometimes that #koha has a whole 'nother life at a different time of day |
11:46 |
nengard |
hehe |
11:47 |
dcook |
On that note, I think it's time for bed |
11:47 |
kf |
good night dcook |
11:47 |
kf |
khall: i will put it under the headings if that's ok |
11:47 |
dcook |
Bonne nuit, tout le monde. I'll be back in...11.25 hours |
11:47 |
khall |
kf: that's fine. thanks! |
11:48 |
jcamins |
nengard: re: your e-mail: I'm not comfortable with that change. |
11:49 |
jcamins |
What I'd say is add the suggested changes under the heading "If you are using packages, run..." |
11:49 |
nengard |
so it's only specific for pacakge sites |
11:49 |
jcamins |
Right. |
11:49 |
nengard |
see .. that's why I asked :) |
11:50 |
nengard |
thanks!! |
11:50 |
jcamins |
And I always encourage people to use packages, but if you're using packages you're a lot less likely to have gotten your system into that situation. |
11:50 |
* jcamins |
unplugs his mouse to protect his computer from excessive cat clicking. |
11:54 |
kf |
heh |
11:54 |
kf |
spoiling myshkin's fun again? |
11:54 |
nengard |
updated: http://git.koha-community.org/[…]7a4349d1d10addfc7 |
11:55 |
jcamins |
nengard: that looks okay to me. |
11:56 |
nengard |
good stuff |
11:56 |
nengard |
thanks |
11:56 |
kf |
khall: done - look for KF :) |
11:59 |
kf |
or how do i create a link to my user? |
12:00 |
kf |
hm no magnuse |
12:03 |
jcamins |
kf: if you mean on the wiki, you put it in square brackets, I think. |
12:03 |
edveal joined #koha |
12:03 |
kf |
hm [] didn't work |
12:04 |
* kf |
gives up |
12:04 |
jcamins |
Double brackets: [[User:kf|Katrin Fischer]] |
12:05 |
kf |
hm that doesn't look right |
12:05 |
kf |
nly adds red links |
12:06 |
jcamins |
Right, you have to click that link and add content. |
12:06 |
kf |
ew :) |
12:06 |
nengard |
heh |
12:08 |
jcamins |
There is something about Metro that makes it impossible for me to remember where it is. |
12:08 |
jcamins |
It is somewhere in the vicinity of Union Square, but no matter how many times I go to events there, I forget exactly where. |
12:11 |
kf |
jcamins: I did |
12:19 |
kf |
jcamins++ |
12:21 |
jcamins |
Figured it out? |
12:26 |
kf |
yeah |
12:26 |
kf |
now the only question that remains is if my comments made any sense:) |
12:38 |
tcohen joined #koha |
12:45 |
Dani joined #koha |
12:47 |
tcohen |
morning #koha |
12:48 |
kf |
hi tcohen :) |
12:49 |
kf |
tcohen: I've got a request :) |
12:49 |
tcohen |
:) |
12:49 |
kf |
bug 10120 |
12:49 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10120 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , Fine recalculation on return needs to be a system preference |
12:49 |
kf |
could you consider this for 3.12.x? |
12:50 |
kf |
it missed 3.12 because it has a string change (new pref) |
12:50 |
kf |
but the change itself is pretty clear, just adding an if construct in the right place |
12:54 |
tcohen |
i'll take a look |
12:58 |
kf |
tcohen: thanks :) |
13:01 |
talljoy joined #koha |
13:02 |
tcohen |
#koha, are there experiences of out-of-schedule releases? |
13:02 |
tcohen |
like "we wan't packages to work on wheeze" |
13:12 |
tcohen |
is it possible to tell marc::lint not to warn about $9 fields? |
13:12 |
tcohen |
besides that, the marc record checker plugin is nice |
13:15 |
tcohen |
gmcharlt. kf: 10120 add a new syspref |
13:15 |
tcohen |
how should I handle the DB numbering? |
13:21 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
13:45 |
BigRig joined #koha |
13:45 |
kf |
tcohen: hm not sure, i would maybe check git for how it's been done in the past |
13:47 |
tcohen |
kf: acq keeps telling me I have to define a budget |
13:48 |
tcohen |
did u see that? |
13:48 |
kf |
hm not so far |
13:48 |
kf |
did yo define one? |
13:48 |
tcohen |
yes |
13:48 |
kf |
and a fund that is usable by your user? |
13:48 |
kf |
i think it might be consuing budget/fund |
13:48 |
tcohen |
oh, I should create a user |
13:48 |
kf |
oh yes |
13:48 |
kf |
for acq that's quite important |
13:59 |
maximep joined #koha |
14:00 |
kf |
tcohen: did it work |
14:00 |
kf |
? |
14:00 |
tcohen |
yes, it worked |
14:00 |
tcohen |
i never used acq before |
14:00 |
kf |
oh good |
14:00 |
tcohen |
i'll study them from now |
14:00 |
kf |
feel free to ask me if you have any more problems :) |
14:00 |
tcohen |
its my weakest bit |
14:00 |
kf |
i know ther are not so many libraries using acq right now |
14:00 |
drnoe joined #koha |
14:00 |
tcohen |
as we still don't use them |
14:00 |
kf |
we got 2 out of 11 who do |
14:00 |
NateC joined #koha |
14:01 |
tcohen |
i'll introduce 3.12 next week |
14:01 |
tcohen |
to our librarians, and focus on acq |
14:01 |
tcohen |
(and reports) |
14:11 |
gmcharlt |
@quote random |
14:11 |
huginn` |
gmcharlt: Quote #167: "<sekjal> yes, major project. very important" (added by chris_n at 07:58 PM, November 18, 2011) |
14:14 |
tcohen |
bgkriegel++ # you'll see #koha |
14:26 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #49 for job Koha_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS) |
14:31 |
laurence left #koha |
14:34 |
tcohen |
jonathan druart around? |
14:35 |
Joubu |
Joubu: yep :) |
14:44 |
huginn` |
New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10290: Followup for Virtualshelves.t <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]c0af8af3e9e36104e> / Bug 10290: UT: VirtualShelves.t needs to create its own data <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]2d948a74afae20194> |
14:55 |
huginn` |
New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 9744 - Add a column Fund name on the home page of acquisitions <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]11709281054641ab0> |
15:02 |
rambutan joined #koha |
15:11 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_3.12.x build #49: SUCCESS in 45 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.12.x/49/ |
15:11 |
jenkins_koha |
* Owen Leonard: Bug 10036 - adding header search to additem page |
15:11 |
jenkins_koha |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 9507: prevent submit: refactor some code in a js file |
15:11 |
jenkins_koha |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 10310: Prevent submitting form with enter does not work with IE |
15:11 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10036 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , adding header search to additem page |
15:11 |
jenkins_koha |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 10310: Followup Prevent submitting form with enter does not work with IE |
15:11 |
jenkins_koha |
* Colin Campbell: Bug 10313 Fix link to invoice from orders |
15:11 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9507 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Some code used to prevent form from being unexpectedly submitted is duplicated |
15:11 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10310 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Prevent submit form pressing enter should be improved |
15:11 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10313 normal, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Stable , selecting an invoice from the historic orders page does not take you to that invoice |
15:11 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #1214 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1210 3 days 23 hr ago) |
15:15 |
kenza joined #koha |
15:17 |
pianohacker joined #koha |
15:18 |
asaurat left #koha |
15:25 |
christophe_c left #koha |
15:59 |
tcohen |
c'mon jenkins_koha, launch that 3.12.x build |
16:01 |
melia joined #koha |
16:11 |
mcooper joined #koha |
16:21 |
kf left #koha |
16:26 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #1214: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 15 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1214/ |
16:26 |
jenkins_koha |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 10290: UT: VirtualShelves.t needs to create its own data |
16:26 |
jenkins_koha |
* Marcel de Rooy: Bug 10290: Followup for Virtualshelves.t |
16:26 |
jenkins_koha |
* Owen Leonard: Bug 9744 - Add a column Fund name on the home page of acquisitions |
16:26 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10290 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , UT: VirtualShelves.t needs to create its own data |
16:26 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9744 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pelletiermaxime, Pushed to Master , Add a column Fund name on the home page of acquisitions |
16:26 |
JesseM joined #koha |
16:27 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #50 for job Koha_3.12.x (previous build: SUCCESS) |
16:31 |
Dani2 joined #koha |
17:02 |
nengard left #koha |
17:09 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_3.12.x build #50: SUCCESS in 42 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.12.x/50/ |
17:09 |
jenkins_koha |
* Chris Cormack: Bug 10120: Adding a syspref to control if overdue charges are updated on return |
17:09 |
jenkins_koha |
* Tomas Cohen Arazi: Bug 10120: DBRev |
17:09 |
jenkins_koha |
* Katrin Fischer: Bug 10284: Add missing spaces between label and content in XSLT view (780/785) |
17:09 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10120 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , Fine recalculation on return needs to be a system preference |
17:09 |
jenkins_koha |
* Connor Fraser: Bug 7368: Correct three typos in history.txt |
17:09 |
jenkins_koha |
* Owen Leonard: Bug 10193 - Copies should be holdings as label for items on MARC view |
17:09 |
jenkins_koha |
* Colin Campbell: Bug 10184 - Circulation History reverses sort order |
17:09 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10284 minor, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Stable , Missing spaces between label and content in XSLT view for 785/780 |
17:09 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7368 trivial, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, ASSIGNED , General staff client typo omnibus |
17:09 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10193 trivial, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , Copies should be holdings as label for items on MARC view |
17:09 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10184 trivial, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Stable , Circulation History reverses sort order |
17:14 |
jcamins |
Å‚win 3 |
17:14 |
gaetan_B joined #koha |
17:18 |
jvr joined #koha |
17:18 |
rambutan joined #koha |
17:22 |
* jvr |
slaps jvr around a bit with a large fishbot |
17:22 |
jwagner joined #koha |
17:24 |
pianohacker |
... ? |
17:25 |
jcamins |
pianohacker: Apparently if you use a Å‚ instead of a slash, weird things happen. |
17:25 |
pianohacker |
I was talking about jvr, but accidental <Compose>-/-l ? |
17:26 |
jvr joined #koha |
17:26 |
jcamins |
pianohacker: right, the reason for that was surely that I hit Å‚ instead of slash when changing windows earlier... right? |
17:26 |
jcamins |
And I don't really know how I ended up with Å‚. |
17:26 |
pianohacker |
compose key ftw |
17:27 |
jcamins |
Yeah, but my phone doesn't have one! |
17:27 |
pianohacker |
oh. wait |
17:27 |
pianohacker |
what? |
17:27 |
jcamins |
Yeah, I was on my phone. |
17:27 |
jcamins |
Weird, eh? |
17:27 |
pianohacker |
no kidding. Does irssi have builtin digraph support, like vim? |
17:28 |
jcamins |
I didn't think so, but I guess it's possible. |
17:28 |
jcamins |
l |
17:28 |
jcamins |
Doesn't look like it. |
17:30 |
pianohacker |
huh, but screen does: http://www.gnu.org/software/sc[…]node/Digraph.html |
17:31 |
jcamins |
Nifty. |
17:34 |
lds joined #koha |
17:38 |
Dani1 joined #koha |
18:57 |
rambutan1 joined #koha |
18:59 |
tcohen |
is it holiday on the US? |
19:00 |
rambutan1 |
no |
19:01 |
cait joined #koha |
19:15 |
jcamins |
tcohen: we already have a unit test for valid XML. |
19:15 |
jcamins |
t/00-valid-xml.t :) |
19:16 |
tcohen |
oh, I didn't find it, I thought everything related to validity was inside xt |
19:16 |
jcamins |
Not necessarily. |
19:19 |
tcohen |
its a pity i wasted those valiable minutes! |
19:25 |
cait1 joined #koha |
19:26 |
* cait1 |
waves |
19:26 |
bgkriegel joined #koha |
19:28 |
tcohen |
hi cait1 |
19:28 |
cait1 |
hi tcohen :) |
19:30 |
druthb |
o/ |
19:31 |
cait1 |
hi druthb |
19:31 |
cait1 |
:) |
19:31 |
rambutan1 |
jcamins: can you kick rambutan plz and tnx |
19:34 |
rambutan was kicked by jcamins: rambutan |
19:34 |
jcamins |
Hm. I should've gone with /kick rambutan Bwahahahaha! |
19:34 |
jcamins |
Next time. |
19:34 |
wahanui |
it has been said that next time is in 87 years or something... ;-) |
19:35 |
rambutan1 |
well, I still can change my nick to rambutan |
19:35 |
rambutan1 |
can't |
19:35 |
rambutan1 |
oh well |
19:35 |
jcamins |
Apparently that kick wasn't effective enough. |
19:36 |
pianohacker |
rambutan1: Do you have your nick registered? If so, you can tell nickserv to knock rambutan off the server |
19:36 |
rambutan1 |
no, and in fact it is registered to somebody else, which is clearly the problem |
19:36 |
rangi |
kick only kicks you out of the channel, the nick is server wide |
19:36 |
pianohacker |
oh jeeze |
19:36 |
jcamins |
Oh, that's because kick is for channels. |
19:36 |
jcamins |
Interesting. |
19:36 |
wahanui |
interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad |
19:36 |
cait1 |
morning rangi |
19:36 |
* jcamins |
didn't know that. |
19:37 |
* druthb |
waves to pianohacker and jcamins and rangi |
19:37 |
rangi |
rambutan [~Thunderbi rhclbsc.rhcl.org] |
19:37 |
rangi |
you have to wait for that to time out |
19:37 |
rangi |
hi cait1 and druthb |
19:37 |
rambutan1 |
yea, daem chat in thunderbird locks on to the chat, even if I don't have chat open there |
19:38 |
rambutan1 |
locks onto the channel and nick, rather |
19:39 |
rangi |
hmm |
19:41 |
rangi |
We have a limited number of licenses, so your access may be blocked if 5 other libraries are logged in. <-- that |
19:41 |
rangi |
that is why proprietary software sux |
19:41 |
Viktor joined #koha |
19:41 |
rangi |
anti features ftw! |
19:42 |
khall_away joined #koha |
19:43 |
cait1 |
yah :( |
19:47 |
Viktor |
A little embarrassed - did I break something with the staff interface translation? http://translate.koha-community.org/sv/312/ |
19:47 |
cait1 |
Viktor: hm have you uploaded a new file? |
19:48 |
Viktor |
cait1 Yep. Just tried to upload the first delivery from our translators of the staff interface. |
19:48 |
Viktor |
They did the opac just fine. |
19:49 |
cait1 |
h |
19:49 |
cait1 |
it looks fine when you go to the page |
19:49 |
cait1 |
just the counter seems off? |
19:49 |
cait1 |
oh |
19:50 |
cait1 |
it went ot german when i logged in.. *sigh* |
19:50 |
cait1 |
Viktor: did yo uoverwrite or merge on upload? |
19:50 |
cait1 |
it looks like the file is not there, maybe upload it again? |
19:50 |
Viktor |
I did an overwrite. |
19:50 |
cait1 |
hm that usually works fine |
19:51 |
Viktor |
Ok - I'll give it a try. Thanks |
19:53 |
Viktor |
Uploading (slowly) just now. |
19:54 |
Viktor |
The translators had a question I couldn't answer myself. Do you translate the full string when it's formated like: "\"Basic Parameters\" is where library policies are set and governed. It is best to set your system preferences a..." |
19:55 |
cait1 |
try to get rid of the \ |
19:55 |
cait1 |
they create problems |
19:55 |
Viktor |
Aha! |
19:55 |
cait1 |
better use single quotes in that case or no quotes |
19:55 |
cait1 |
we had a mailing list mail about that i answered tody |
19:58 |
bgkriegel |
Viktor, there is a problem in the translate server. I will look at that, |
19:59 |
Viktor |
Thanks bgkriegel ! |
19:59 |
Viktor |
Thanks cait1 |
20:00 |
Viktor |
I've read up on the mail from today. I've told the translators to keep everything as it is, but if I understand correctly they should loose the newlines if they see any? |
20:01 |
cait1 |
i think yes |
20:01 |
cait1 |
pootle or the translation scripts? add an extra \ whatever you do |
20:01 |
cait1 |
and that way you end up with \\n which shows as \n |
20:02 |
Viktor |
They translate offline. |
20:02 |
Viktor |
So If they se a \n they should translate it to \\n? |
20:02 |
cait1 |
yeah i have manually edited the po files in the past and then it was right I think, but probably safer to try and avoid |
20:03 |
cait1 |
no actually it should be \n |
20:03 |
cait1 |
but somehow somehwere an additional \ gets added |
20:03 |
cait1 |
i think file a bug for those you find |
20:03 |
tcohen |
hi rangi |
20:03 |
Viktor |
Aha - So \\n should be translated to \n instead? :) |
20:04 |
tcohen |
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\W\[\033[00m\]$(__git_ps1 "\[\e[1;33m\](%s)\[\e[0m\]")$ ' |
20:04 |
cait1 |
yep |
20:04 |
cait1 |
tcohen: trying to scare us? :) |
20:04 |
* mtj |
waves to #koha |
20:04 |
Viktor |
Thanks cait1 |
20:05 |
tcohen |
sharing my PS1 from my .bashrc |
20:05 |
tcohen |
I managed to use some colors and preserve line-wrap functionality |
20:05 |
mtj |
tcohen++, aah yes, i saw your bashrc screenshot - very nice! |
20:05 |
tcohen |
now bash tells me what branch i'm in if its a git repo |
20:06 |
tcohen |
hi mtj |
20:06 |
tcohen |
i thought i should waste my time in something more fun |
20:06 |
tcohen |
heh |
20:07 |
tcohen |
(more fun that things that were already solved heh) |
20:07 |
mtj |
indeed :D |
20:08 |
tcohen |
bye mtj, #koha |
20:08 |
tcohen |
cya |
20:10 |
nengard joined #koha |
20:11 |
rangi |
!jenkins build koha_master now |
20:11 |
jenkins_koha |
rangi: job koha_master build scheduled now |
20:11 |
tcohen joined #koha |
20:11 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #1215 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1210 4 days 4 hr ago) |
20:11 |
jvr joined #koha |
20:16 |
* rangi |
takes kids to school |
20:17 |
jvr |
Hi, anyone |
20:17 |
jvr |
How do I solve this problem |
20:17 |
jvr |
Last seen before (yyyy-mm-dd): text |
20:17 |
jvr |
the text box is missing |
20:17 |
cait1 |
first question? |
20:17 |
wahanui |
"What are you trying to do?" or "What is the goal?" |
20:18 |
jvr |
reports |
20:18 |
cait1 |
so how does the sql look like? |
20:18 |
cait1 |
which version of koha are oyu using? |
20:18 |
jvr |
until last year it was functioning ok |
20:18 |
kathryn joined #koha |
20:19 |
jvr |
SELECT b.title, i.barcode, i.itemcallnumber, IF(i.onloan IS NULL, '', 'checked out') AS onloan FROM biblio b LEFT JOIN items i USING (biblionumber) WHERE datelastseen < <<Last seen before (yyyy-mm-dd)>> AND i.homebranch=<<Home branch|branches>> ORDER BY datelastseen DESC, i.itemcallnumber ASC |
20:19 |
jvr |
3.8 and 3.10 |
20:19 |
wahanui |
3.8 and 3.10 are going along ok - I don't know if there's all that much to say about it |
20:20 |
jcamins |
wahanui: forget 3.8 and 3.10 |
20:20 |
wahanui |
jcamins: I forgot 3.8 and 3.10 |
20:20 |
cait1 |
hm in 3.10 that might work: <last seen|date>> |
20:21 |
cait1 |
<<last seen... |
20:22 |
hankbank joined #koha |
20:22 |
Viktor joined #koha |
20:22 |
jvr |
change sql to |date and it works on 3.8 |
20:22 |
wahanui |
jvr: that doesn't look right |
20:22 |
wahanui joined #koha |
20:22 |
jvr |
thank you all |
21:28 |
jenkins_koha |
Yippie, build fixed! |
21:28 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #1215: FIXED in 1 hr 17 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1215/ |
21:29 |
rangi |
yay |
21:36 |
cait1 |
good night all |
21:37 |
cait1 left #koha |
21:48 |
jcamins |
I didn't even know that master was broken. \o/ |
21:48 |
rangi |
was just the xisbn test |
21:58 |
BobB joined #koha |
21:58 |
BobB_ joined #koha |
22:09 |
Irma joined #koha |
22:20 |
mtj |
hi peeps, i need some koha advice on a SCO bug... |
22:21 |
mtj |
is there any reason why a library would want to stop a patron from returning an item (via the SCO) if that patron has a BLOCKED account? |
22:23 |
mtj |
i ask, as i have experienced this behaviour in master |
22:23 |
mtj |
afaict, this is a bug that needs fixing |
22:24 |
mtj |
…is there a possibility that someone has designed this behaviour, as a intended feature? |
22:25 |
mtj |
. |
22:25 |
mtj |
good news - the bug is pretty easy to reproduce |
22:26 |
mtj |
1/ issue an item |
22:26 |
mtj |
2/ issue another item, with a datedue set to 1 year ago |
22:27 |
mtj |
3/ attempt to return either item, via the sco |
22:28 |
wizzyrea |
yes, it's intended - especially if the item is missing |
22:28 |
wizzyrea |
at least, for one library's value of intended |
22:28 |
wizzyrea |
people would squeal, I think, if that went away |
22:29 |
mtj |
hmmm, ok... |
22:30 |
mtj |
so, some syspref would need to be created to override that behaviour |
22:30 |
wizzyrea |
I guess the thinking is that the staff want tto talk to people that have books that long overdue? |
22:30 |
mtj |
'SCOAllowReturnIfPatronBlocked' |
22:31 |
mtj |
yeah, i totally get that too |
22:31 |
rambutan1 left #koha |
22:32 |
mtj |
we've got a tricky situ with a library whos librarian works 1 day a week... |
22:33 |
mtj |
some punters who have a $1 fine, cant return their items via SCO |
22:33 |
eythian |
hi |
22:33 |
mtj |
so they leave their items in the dropbox |
22:33 |
mtj |
heya eythian |
22:33 |
wahanui |
i heard eythian was great at jokes. That everyone else misses them isn't his problem. |
22:34 |
mtj |
…but the dropboxed items dont get scanned for x days, and accure fines |
22:35 |
wizzyrea |
sounds like more of a bug with dropbox mode |
22:35 |
mtj |
...so this library wants to allow people to return items via the SCO, even if they have fines, etc |
22:35 |
wizzyrea |
iirc you can only set dropbox mode for 1 day back? |
22:35 |
mtj |
hmm, thats a good point wiz |
22:35 |
wizzyrea |
it would be highly desirable to have dropbox mode be configurable |
22:36 |
* wizzyrea |
can relate to libraries only open a few days a week |
22:37 |
eythian |
it would get confusing when they're open, say, two days. |
22:37 |
eythian |
that might be an unusual case though |
22:37 |
mtj |
hmm, we might have to go for the quifkfix here, and add a syspref to allow this SCO behaviour |
22:38 |
wizzyrea |
if dropbox mode is configurable, they can set the number of days, preferably on the return screen |
22:38 |
wizzyrea |
"library was last open X days ago" |
22:38 |
wizzyrea |
or something |
22:38 |
wahanui |
hmmm... something is fishy |
22:38 |
wizzyrea |
it's your mom, wahanui. |
22:38 |
wahanui |
wizzyrea: excuse me? |
22:38 |
wizzyrea |
you heard me |
22:39 |
wizzyrea |
or tell dbm the last date you were open |
22:39 |
gmcharlt |
if wahanui is an infobot, does that make its mom a databot? |
22:39 |
* wizzyrea |
giggles |
22:39 |
wizzyrea |
@quote add <gmcharlt> if wahanui is an infobot, does that make it's mom a databot? |
22:39 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. Quote #255 added. |
22:39 |
wizzyrea |
doh rogue apostrophe |
22:39 |
wizzyrea |
curses. |
22:39 |
gmcharlt |
wizzyrea: tell, and to be fancy, deduce the likely last date open from the calendar |
22:39 |
mtj |
wizzyrea, thanks for the info - its good to have the SCO behaviour confirmed |
22:40 |
wizzyrea |
well that would be super fancy |
22:40 |
pianohacker |
if its mom is a databot, its uncle is a lorebot |
22:41 |
wizzyrea |
heheheheheh |
22:44 |
mtj |
hmm, i wonder what are the gotchas around a setting a configable $days value for dropbox? |
22:45 |
mtj |
...people would have gotten various emails about their overdue item |
22:46 |
wizzyrea |
but no fines, which is what they're really concerned about |
22:46 |
mtj |
that would now be invalid |
22:46 |
wizzyrea |
and turn on checkin notices, they'd get an email when it's checked in |
22:47 |
eythian |
it'd be easy enough to add a note saying "if you've already returned it, those fines won't be applied" or something |
22:47 |
wizzyrea |
^^ |
22:47 |
wizzyrea |
"we are only here on Tuesday, so you can safely ignore this if your item is in the dropbox" |
22:47 |
mtj |
eythian++ yeah, good idea |
22:47 |
wizzyrea |
"if you'd like to know when we check in your items -> procedure for doing that from the opac" |
22:48 |
mtj |
obviously, the biggie is rolling back the fines... |
22:49 |
wizzyrea |
dropbox mode already does that? |
22:49 |
wizzyrea |
OR they could set a fine grace period of the max number of days |
22:49 |
mtj |
...its been a while since ive looked at the accountlines code/tables |
22:50 |
wizzyrea |
and give up a weeks worth of fines but not annoy people |
22:50 |
mtj |
yep... |
22:51 |
wizzyrea |
so, several ways to skin that cat I think |
22:51 |
druthb |
:-O |
22:51 |
mtj |
i'll do some tests with returns, using a 7-days dropbox, and see what happens |
22:52 |
druthb |
wizzyrea is skinning cats now? |
22:52 |
* druthb |
hides Pixel |
22:52 |
wizzyrea |
hehe, no, silly. |
22:52 |
mtj |
...would be a nice win to sort that |
22:55 |
drnoe_away left #koha |
22:55 |
mtj |
hey pianohacker, did your busted arm heal up ok? |
23:01 |
pianohacker |
mtj: I did have a surgery recently, but you may be thinking of someone else :) |
23:12 |
maximep left #koha |
23:19 |
dcook joined #koha |
23:21 |
tcohen joined #koha |
23:22 |
tcohen |
hi eythian |
23:22 |
eythian |
hi |
23:23 |
tcohen |
what do u think? is it worth? |
23:23 |
pianohacker |
oy vey. Firefox's XSLT processor returns the same error code for 25 separate errors... |
23:25 |
eythian |
tcohen: It might be easier if I just made a release, rather than needing to change the release schedule. |
23:25 |
eythian |
that way it's only work for me, not everyone :) |
23:25 |
tcohen |
I agree, what can I do to help you? |
23:26 |
eythian |
probably don't need to do anything. |
23:26 |
dcook |
mtj++ |
23:26 |
dcook |
mtj: You around? |
23:26 |
mtj |
dcook, yes-ish :) |
23:26 |
eythian |
wahanui: seen bgkriegel |
23:26 |
wahanui |
bgkriegel was last seen on #koha 3 hours, 28 minutes and 14 seconds ago, saying: Viktor, there is a problem in the translate server. I will look at that, [Mon Jun 3 19:58:45 2013] |
23:27 |
eythian |
bgkriegel: about? |
23:27 |
mtj |
pianohacker, didnt you break your arm falling off your bike? |
23:27 |
dcook |
mtj: Awesome that you want to update the MARC21 fields/subfields :D. I'm sure you already know but I think rangi has already done quite a bit of that in terms of frameworks: http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]i/MARC_frameworks |
23:27 |
mtj |
dcook, whats up? |
23:27 |
dcook |
I don't think it's quite complete but perhaps a good baseline? |
23:28 |
mtj |
yes, indeed |
23:28 |
pianohacker |
mtj: Yeah, broke some fingers falling off my bike a few years ago |
23:28 |
pianohacker |
healed perfect, thanks to having a physical therapist for a mom :) |
23:29 |
wizzyrea |
nengard - about? |
23:29 |
bgkriegel |
hi |
23:29 |
wahanui |
hola, bgkriegel |
23:29 |
mtj |
dcook, something i have recently realised… the MARC21 update-16 spec, includes all those RDA fields |
23:29 |
dcook |
Yep yep |
23:30 |
eythian |
bgkriegel: are you able to have a look into putting bug 10367 into 3.8? |
23:30 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10367 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Stable , Allow packages to work on debian wheezy |
23:30 |
eythian |
err |
23:30 |
eythian |
3.10 |
23:30 |
bgkriegel |
:) |
23:30 |
dcook |
That's why I'm glad that you're deciding to update the frameworks. I think they those fields should be in the default framework since they are part of the official spec |
23:30 |
bgkriegel |
ok, I''ll look asap |
23:30 |
eythian |
cheers |
23:31 |
rangi |
eythian: cjh does 3.8.x |
23:31 |
rangi |
bgkriegel does 3.10.x |
23:31 |
eythian |
rangi: yeah, it was a thinko |
23:31 |
cjh |
what did I break |
23:31 |
mtj |
dcook, yep, i think everyone agrees on that point :) |
23:31 |
eythian |
no nothing, I typed the wrong version number |
23:31 |
dcook |
mtj: Yay! |
23:31 |
eythian |
s/I.*/yet./ ;) |
23:32 |
mtj |
dcook, the next task is to update the xslt files, for those new MARC fields too |
23:32 |
dcook |
I suppose with custom XSLTs, there is no reason to change the existing XSLT or TT templates |
23:32 |
dcook |
Oh? |
23:33 |
dcook |
While I agree in theory, I'm not sure how that information should be presented. As rangi mentioned, I'm not sure anyone actually knows "why" they need RDA fields. |
23:33 |
dcook |
I've seen them in the Library of Congress catalogue, but that's about it |
23:33 |
cjh |
dcook: because RDA is a cool buzzword and koha must be fully buzzword-compliant |
23:34 |
dcook |
Well, it's not necessarily a buzzword |
23:34 |
rangi |
id make a new RDA one |
23:34 |
rangi |
xslt one |
23:34 |
rangi |
ppl can type default |
23:34 |
dcook |
It does refer to a new description 'standard' (or anti-standard) and a set of MARC changes |
23:34 |
rangi |
or rda |
23:34 |
rangi |
only for marc21 |
23:34 |
dcook |
rangi: That could work |
23:34 |
rangi |
and anglophones (and germans) |
23:35 |
rangi |
lets not make the current xslt bigger and slower for fields thatn .0000001% of records will ever use |
23:35 |
papa joined #koha |
23:35 |
* dcook |
nods |
23:35 |
dcook |
Well.. |
23:35 |
dcook |
It's not that the records won't use them |
23:35 |
dcook |
It's that the people won't use them |
23:35 |
rangi |
its both |
23:35 |
dcook |
An increasing number of people are cataloguing using RDA, me thinks |
23:35 |
rangi |
yep |
23:36 |
dcook |
Especially at places like LoC and LibrariesAustralia |
23:36 |
rangi |
and in 1038 years |
23:36 |
dcook |
So if they're copy cataloguing, they're going to be getting those RDA records |
23:36 |
rangi |
they might have caught up with the amount that arent in aarc2 |
23:36 |
eythian |
hello papa |
23:36 |
rangi |
no one afaik is going back through all the already catalogued stuff |
23:36 |
eythian |
papa: good work on yesterday's sign-off binge :) |
23:36 |
dcook |
Mmm, I see what you're saying |
23:36 |
papa |
well hello! |
23:36 |
dcook |
rangi: Fortunately no one is that mad? |
23:36 |
rangi |
exactly |
23:36 |
rangi |
but it does limit the usefulness |
23:36 |
rangi |
RDA for new books |
23:36 |
rangi |
is what we are saying |
23:37 |
dcook |
new books or new editions, I suppose |
23:37 |
rangi |
and only some |
23:37 |
dcook |
Mmm |
23:37 |
rangi |
depending on who you get your records from |
23:37 |
rangi |
its why without a crosswalk |
23:37 |
dcook |
But yes, I like the idea of not having the default necessarily have those RDA fields |
23:37 |
dcook |
But having an option is good |
23:37 |
rangi |
yep |
23:38 |
rangi |
i want to follow a trend that even the LOC have moved off of |
23:38 |
rangi |
tick the RDA box |
23:38 |
dcook |
Mind you, ideally, a system where librarians/sysadmins could pick and choose which fields to show in a user-friendly way would be awesome |
23:38 |
dcook |
rangi: Pretty much |
23:38 |
dcook |
There's something to be keeping up but not dwelling... |
23:38 |
dcook |
something to be said for* |
23:39 |
dcook |
Having RDA options will be great (yay mtj and bgkriegel), but I think post-MARC work will be the most valuable going forward |
23:40 |
rangi |
exactly |
23:40 |
rangi |
adn with the xslt, you can easily just type rda in the box to use the rda xslt |
23:40 |
* dcook |
nods |
23:41 |
dcook |
Yet another reason to move away from TT templates for search/detail displays... |
23:41 |
dcook |
That's more an internal/self-directed comment than anything else :p |
23:41 |
cjh |
heh |
23:41 |
cjh |
talking to yourself in public again? |
23:41 |
dcook |
Pretty much :p |
23:42 |
dcook |
Now that I think about it... |
23:42 |
dcook |
gmcharlt: Are you around? |
23:42 |
dcook |
I just remembered that there was that module maintainer idea... |
23:42 |
dcook |
I'm wondering if there are any post-MARC plans or if it's more so just on the wishlist atm |
23:43 |
rangi |
there definitely are |
23:43 |
rangi |
im hoping we head towards magnus' semantikoha |
23:44 |
rangi |
but gmcharlt has plans too |
23:44 |
cjh |
semantic koha sounds awesome |
23:45 |
dcook |
Mmm, I'd forgotten a bout semantikoha... |
23:45 |
dcook |
http://libriotech.no/blogs/semantikoha |
23:46 |
cjh |
open source ILS + open linked data = WIN |
23:47 |
dcook |
magnuse++ I quite like the way he wrote that |
23:48 |
dcook |
rangi: Awesome to hear :) |
23:56 |
dcook |
mtj: Just noticed bgkriegel's email about having a script to scrape and parse the LoC MARC sites. That's awesome! |