IRC log for #koha, 2013-03-29

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:43 mtompset joined #koha
00:43 mtompset Greetings, #koha.
01:37 ribbit joined #koha
01:44 wizzyrea hiyas
01:47 ribbit hey
02:15 ribbit left #koha
02:52 mib_tm joined #koha
02:52 alohabot Hi mib_tm, Welcome to #koha. Feel free to use the '/nick yourname' command to choose a different name. alohabot, wahanui, and huginn are bots. If you need any help, just ask - there's usually someone around to help :)
02:53 mib_tm Hi! How do I save a search result in client to Excel file?
02:56 drojf joined #koha
02:58 jcamins mib_tm: that feature is not built into Koha.
03:42 drojf[…]network-goodreads
03:49 wizzyrea mib_tm: probably the best we could do would be to put the results of the search in the cart, and download that.
04:08 wizzyrea left #koha
04:36 wizzyrea joined #koha
04:42 rangi oh man, now i have to stop working on goodreads stuff
04:47 Oak joined #koha
04:47 Oak kia ora #koha
04:52 jeff rangi: i stopped working on goodreads stuff (unrelated to koha) when i saw the quality of the reviews on popular items. youtube comments with slightly better grammar and more animated gifs. :-(
04:54 rangi tis true, but the lists thing would have been kinda cool, to allow you to sync your koha lists with your goodreads ones
04:55 * jeff nods
04:55 jeff i do hope that amazon doesn't completely change the ToS to be unfriendly
04:57 rangi yeah, they do seem to do that quite a lot
05:01 jeff and someone pointed out that amazon already owns (by way of abebooks) a 40% stake in librarything
05:06 rangi yep
05:19 drojf joined #koha
06:02 drojf1 joined #koha
06:09 Oak joined #koha
06:10 jenkins_koha Starting build #82 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
06:15 bag well I like seeing SUCESS jenkins :)  and with that catch you later koha peeps :)
06:15 bag SUCCESS
06:15 rangi cya bag
06:19 WaqarAzeem joined #koha
06:30 cait joined #koha
06:32 cait morning #koha
06:33 rangi hi cait
06:33 cait oh hey rangi
06:51 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #82: SUCCESS in 41 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.10.x/82/
06:51 jenkins_koha Liz Rea: Bug 8979 - simple addition of news to CCSR theme
06:51 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8979 major, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , "News" does not work with CCSR
06:52 jenkins_koha Starting build #285 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
06:52 cait being busy? :)
06:52 christophe_c joined #koha
06:52 rangi yup
06:52 christophe_c hello
06:58 cait hi christophe_c :)
06:58 christophe_c bonjour cait ;-)
07:30 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #285: SUCCESS in 38 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/285/
07:30 jenkins_koha * Vitor FERNANDES: Bug 9341: Problem with UNIMARC authors facets
07:30 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bump db number
07:30 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9341 major, P1 - high, ---, vfernandes, Pushed to Stable , Problem with UNIMARC authors facets
07:30 jenkins_koha Starting build #83 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
07:32 rangi right finally caught up
07:33 cait yay :)
07:41 sophie_m joined #koha
07:48 reiveune joined #koha
07:48 reiveune hello
07:49 rangi hi sophie_m and reiveune
07:49 marcelr joined #koha
07:49 marcelr hello #koha
07:50 cait hi marcelr :)
07:50 marcelr hi cait
07:50 * cait continues work on bug 9922
07:50 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9922 critical, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , holds queue shows home library with AutomaticReturn
07:50 marcelr great
07:50 marcelr still looking at 6554
07:50 cait today is a holiday here :)
07:50 cait bug 6554
07:50 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6554 critical, P3, ---, dpavlin, Signed Off , Resolve encoding problems with corrected UTF8 handling in templates
07:50 marcelr new name
07:50 cait better :)
07:51 cait I am a bit worried about dpavlin's suggestion
07:51 cait it seemed the the docs werenot recommending it?
07:51 marcelr that what i thought too
07:51 marcelr therefore decoding
07:51 cait ok
07:51 marcelr but probably it does not matter too much for koha
07:52 cait I am a bit lost there  - glad you and bernardo are working on it
07:52 marcelr :)
07:52 cait i guess there should be some kind of best practice?
07:52 marcelr i will search a little there still
07:53 sophie_m hello rangi and #koha
07:54 trea-away left #koha
07:54 marcelr hi sophie_m
07:55 wizzyrea joined #koha
07:56 cait hi sophie_m and wizzyrea  :)
07:56 wizzyrea hi cait
07:57 cait hm ok
07:57 cait wizzyrea: I am retesting the holds bug
07:57 cait and I got a question
07:57 cait :)
07:57 wizzyrea ok shoot
07:57 cait what I did:
07:58 cait record with 1 item, I am at library A, item is at library B (holding library)
07:58 cait but it belongs to A normally
07:58 wizzyrea sure
07:58 cait :)
07:58 cait I put a record level hold on it
07:58 cait and it bheaving like described on bug - so far so good :)
07:58 wizzyrea cool
07:58 cait but now I tried to undo my confusion about item level holds and I think what I see is werid
07:58 cait so cancelled my hold
07:59 cait transformed it into an item level hold on the item
07:59 cait it is still at library B
07:59 cait when i rerun holds queue, it shows up on the holds queue for library A
07:59 cait but it's not here
07:59 cait it's at B
07:59 cait so noone owuld go and pick it for me?
08:00 wizzyrea right
08:00 wizzyrea this is without the patch right?
08:00 cait ok
08:00 cait scratch that
08:00 cait it's on no list
08:00 * cait is confused
08:00 wizzyrea it's possible that there is more than one bug in the hold queue.
08:01 cait yeah it looks like another bug
08:01 cait I will retest on master again
08:01 cait but maybe you could take a look? ah no... you are off work :)
08:01 wizzyrea but we are really concerned with his question of "we do not ever pick items from home branch"
08:01 wizzyrea well yea, but I can look later.
08:01 wizzyrea :)
08:01 Joubu hi #koha
08:01 cait you are really concerned about what?
08:01 wizzyrea right now, in master
08:01 wizzyrea depending on automaticitemreturn
08:01 cait ok, test case is item level hold on an available item at another branch :)
08:02 wizzyrea we are picking items from home branches
08:02 cait yeah that's wrong
08:02 cait they are not there
08:02 wizzyrea and... that
08:02 cait :)
08:03 wizzyrea just ummmmmm file a bug about the item level ones
08:03 cait i will
08:03 wizzyrea or... send me email or something
08:03 cait and pass that one
08:03 cait just wanted to check it's not a regression with th epatch
08:03 wizzyrea just so I don't forget :)
08:03 cait but it behaves same on master for me
08:03 wizzyrea well I haven't tested that, truthfully
08:03 wizzyrea but it would NOT at all surprise me if there were another bug.
08:03 cait cc you? :)
08:03 wizzyrea sure that would be lovely
08:03 wizzyrea or assign me for purposes of testing
08:04 cait ok
08:04 cait on it right now, but first passing qa on that record level fix
08:05 cait if it's something in my installation you can still mark it invalid :)
08:05 cait but it matches what I saw the first night at least and what got me so confused about 9922
08:07 lds joined #koha
08:08 francharb joined #koha
08:08 cait wizzyrea: 9922 passed all tests and QA :)
08:09 cait wizzyrea: which email do I assign to?
08:09 francharb joined #koha
08:09 cait your gmail or catalyst one?
08:10 francharb hello #koha
08:10 rangi hi francharb
08:10 rangi wizzyrea: i got as far as this There was an error in your Gemfile, and Bundler cannot continue
08:10 rangi with selfstarter
08:10 asaurat joined #koha
08:10 rangi then i remember i hate rails and ruby gems with a passion, and gave up
08:11 cait lol
08:11 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #83: SUCCESS in 41 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.10.x/83/
08:11 jenkins_koha * Vitor FERNANDES: Bug 9341: Problem with UNIMARC authors facets
08:11 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bumping the version number
08:11 jenkins_koha * Colin Campbell: Bug 9727: Fix typo in variable name
08:11 jenkins_koha * Magnus Enger: Bug 9841 - Improve the link from the "logged in as mysql-user"-warning
08:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9341 major, P1 - high, ---, vfernandes, Pushed to Stable , Problem with UNIMARC authors facets
08:11 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9415: XML catalog export is missing root node
08:11 cait yah, that sounds like you
08:11 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9423: Add notforloan value to issue confirmation or blocking message
08:11 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 7018 : need all acq permissions to search
08:11 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9504: URL escape in OPAC more searches
08:11 jenkins_koha * Mathieu Saby: Bug 7875: Change the pending suggestion link in home page so that it directs to pending suggestions
08:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9727 normal, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Stable , Typo in code causes compilation failure with Solr enabled
08:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9841 minor, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Pushed to Stable , Improve the link from the "logged in as mysql-user"-warning
08:11 cait hating ruby
08:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9415 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , XML catalog export is missing root node
08:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9423 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , Add notforloan value to issue confirmation or blocking message
08:11 rangi ruby is ok
08:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7018 critical, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , need all acq permissions to search
08:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9504 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , URL escape in OPAC more searches
08:11 * cait hides her messages in jenkins :)
08:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7875 trivial, P5 - low, ---, mathieu.saby, Pushed to Stable , Pending suggestion link (the numbers) from staff client home directs to accepted suggestions instead of pending
08:11 rangi rails is horrid
08:11 jenkins_koha Starting build #286 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
08:11 rangi and gems is a ridiculous attempt at packaging
08:14 cait rangi: that might be similar to my feelings about holds
08:15 cait in theory... they are a very good idea... but...
08:15 cait hi francharb :)
08:16 francharb hi rangi, hi cait
08:16 cait @later tell wizzyrea - bug 9950
08:16 huginn cait: The operation succeeded.
08:26 laurence joined #koha
08:26 cait looking at bug 9381 now
08:26 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9381 trivial, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Signed Off , Add Catalan language
08:27 marcelr cait: i already glanced thru that; there should be some way to simplify such things in future :)
08:27 cait i agre
08:28 cait I am not sure I filed a bug for it or not
08:28 cait .. hm.
08:28 cait I think we shoudl do it the same way as sysprfs
08:28 marcelr yes
08:28 cait one global file for all
08:48 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #286: SUCCESS in 37 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/286/
08:48 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 7018 : need all acq permissions to search
08:48 jenkins_koha * Mathieu Saby: Bug 7875: Change the pending suggestion link in home page so that it directs to pending suggestions
08:48 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9748: don't link items in SCO checkout list back to main OPAC
08:48 jenkins_koha * Robin Sheat: Bug 9802 - add test case to ensure man pages have correct XML
08:48 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 8378 - <fine> in overdues changed to <<items.fine>>
08:48 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7018 critical, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , need all acq permissions to search
08:48 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 8378 - show all items columns and new items.fine
08:48 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7875 trivial, P5 - low, ---, mathieu.saby, Pushed to Stable , Pending suggestion link (the numbers) from staff client home directs to accepted suggestions instead of pending
08:48 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 8378 - followup - sample_notices.sql updated to <<items.fine>>
08:48 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 8378 - followup - update notices to use <<items.fine>>
08:49 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bumping db version
08:49 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9748 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , noitemlinks not being enforced
08:49 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9802 minor, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Stable , Add test case to verify package man pages are well formatted
08:49 jenkins_koha Starting build #84 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
08:49 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8378 major, P5 - low, ---, dpavlin, Pushed to Stable , <fine> syntax not working on overdues anymore
08:58 Bolf joined #koha
09:00 Bolf hello can somebody give me littlle consultation about koha
09:00 rangi we won't know until you ask your question
09:01 Bolf is it a good program for work in Medic library
09:02 Oak joined #koha
09:02 rangi yes, it is in use in a lot of medical libraries
09:03 Bolf could you give me example??
09:04 Bolf what languages of programm are avalible??
09:04 paul_p joined #koha
09:05 rangi
09:05 rangi http://gwahsopac.intersearch.c[…]koha/
09:05 rangi
09:07 cait also:
09:07 fredy joined #koha
09:09 cait marcelr++
09:11 marcelr :)
09:11 gaetan_B joined #koha
09:13 gaetan_B hello
09:15 cait hi gaetan_B
09:15 gaetan_B hi cait :) did you get rid of your cold ?
09:16 cait hi gaetan_B - yes i did :) and it helps that today is a holiday here
09:16 cait so long weekend
09:16 gaetan_B oh lucky you :)
09:21 cait yep :)
09:21 cait judging from wizzyrea's post on facebook it's also in nz? rangi?
09:22 wizzyrea joined #koha
09:23 rangi yep
09:23 rangi friday and monday
09:24 sophie_m1 joined #koha
09:29 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #84: SUCCESS in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.10.x/84/
09:29 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9748: don't link items in SCO checkout list back to main OPAC
09:29 jenkins_koha * Robin Sheat: Bug 9802 - add test case to ensure man pages have correct XML
09:29 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 8378 - <fine> in overdues changed to <<items.fine>>
09:29 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 8378 - show all items columns and new items.fine
09:29 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 8378 - followup - sample_notices.sql updated to <<items.fine>>
09:29 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9748 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , noitemlinks not being enforced
09:29 jenkins_koha * Dobrica Pavlinusic: Bug 8378 - followup - update notices to use <<items.fine>>
09:29 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bumping db version
09:29 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9802 minor, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Stable , Add test case to verify package man pages are well formatted
09:29 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8378 major, P5 - low, ---, dpavlin, Pushed to Stable , <fine> syntax not working on overdues anymore
09:29 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: bug 9496: improve error checking in
09:29 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9496 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Stable , should handle invalid XML records better
09:52 sophie_m joined #koha
10:00 * wizzyrea waves
10:03 cait wb wizzyrea :)
10:03 wizzyrea hehe ty.
10:03 wizzyrea got your message, maybe i'll poke at it
10:03 wizzyrea tonight
10:07 wizzyrea I just finished poking at bug 9894
10:07 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9894 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Needs Signoff , 'hidden' value is hard to understand in frameworks
10:11 cait awesome :)
10:13 wizzyrea I don't know what "flagging" a subfield does
10:13 wizzyrea but it's now supported. :P
10:13 wizzyrea so if you know, please pipe up.
10:13 cait no ide
10:13 cait a
10:13 cait where is that?
10:13 wahanui that is probably in march?
10:13 cait forget that?
10:13 wahanui cait: I forgot that
10:13 wizzyrea in the visibility section of the subfield editor
10:14 wizzyrea er, I think it's labeled hidden now
10:14 wizzyrea yea, hidden
10:14 wizzyrea under show more constraints
10:14 cait no idea
10:14 wizzyrea it's in the online help
10:14 cait and does the help states what it does?
10:15 wizzyrea no, not at all.
10:15 wizzyrea it just notes its existence
10:15 wizzyrea and jonathan brought it up as part of qa
10:15 wizzyrea technically that bit could go away, it was really just an excuse to muck around in jquery :P
10:15 wizzyrea if it comes to that
10:16 wizzyrea (and javascript)
10:16 cait heh
10:16 cait maybe if it was there before we should not kill it
10:16 wizzyrea yea, that was my thought
10:16 cait but ask for a follow up explaining what it does?
10:16 wizzyrea i mean, it was there, it should probably stay supported.
10:17 cait yeah
10:17 wizzyrea hehe yea, exactly
10:17 cait still.. makes you curious
10:17 wizzyrea yea, exactly.
10:17 wizzyrea i suppose we could do this by the power of science.
10:17 wizzyrea let's investigate!
10:18 cait hehe
10:18 wizzyrea well it thinks that a -8 is "hidden"
10:19 wizzyrea and it does not show in the editor...
10:20 wizzyrea i wonder how it's different from, say, !opac !intranet !editor...
10:20 cait btw - shouldn't you be sleeping or helping the easter bunny to hide eggs?
10:21 wizzyrea oh it's 11:15
10:21 wizzyrea shops were closed today, I couldn't get my chocolate egg buying thing on
10:22 wizzyrea I need to get a basket going for spud tho.
10:22 * wizzyrea is a terrible procrastinator
10:22 cait hehe
10:22 wizzyrea (for that kind of stuff)
10:22 cait it helps to get other things done...
10:22 cait see that good side of it :)
10:22 wizzyrea hee yea
10:32 * cait finishes scrubbing her kitchen clen
10:37 marcelr well jcamins, bug 6554 is for you now ;)
10:37 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6554 critical, P3, ---, dpavlin, Passed QA , Resolve encoding problems with corrected UTF8 handling in templates
11:04 cait joined #koha
11:10 jcamins marcelr++
11:12 marcelr :)
11:29 cait morning jcamins :)
11:30 Oak guten tag cait
11:32 gaetan_B joined #koha
11:32 NateC joined #koha
11:36 cait hi Oak :)
11:41 jwagner joined #koha
11:44 nengard joined #koha
11:59 talljoy joined #koha
12:09 jenkins_koha Starting build #313 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
12:09 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #313: SUCCESS in 18 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/313/
12:09 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: fix typo
12:20 druthb o/
12:22 cait hi druthb
12:22 druthb :)
12:25 Dyrcona joined #koha
12:39 edveal joined #koha
12:48 nengard left #koha
12:57 marcelr joined #koha
13:08 cait marcelr++ again :)
13:09 laurence joined #koha
13:10 marcelr hi cait
13:11 marcelr cait: first in the qa queue is my own supertiny oneliner for zebra ;)
13:11 cait :)
13:11 cait heh
13:11 cait sec, I am looking for it
13:11 cait had to get the apartment cleaned up and tidied, but coming back to qa right now
13:11 marcelr i cannot do it myself..
13:11 marcelr no worries
13:12 cait bug 9609?
13:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9609 trivial, P5 - low, ---,, Signed Off , Rebuild zebra reports double numbers for exported records with -z option
13:12 marcelr yes
13:13 cait ok :)
13:13 cait will you be around a bit longer?
13:13 marcelr very trivial
13:13 marcelr not so much
13:13 cait I wanted to ask about the workflow behind your holds patches
13:14 marcelr :)
13:14 cait i was wondering how it works all together :)
13:14 marcelr which one in fact?
13:14 cait you did a couple i think
13:14 cait let me see
13:14 marcelr i have even more here
13:14 marcelr :)
13:14 cait bug 9761
13:14 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9761 enhancement, P5 - low, ---,, Signed Off , Make it possible to confirm future hold requests at checkin time
13:15 cait I was wondering if this was going in direction of stacks or reservations
13:15 marcelr very nice one with bug 9788
13:15 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9788 enhancement, P5 - low, ---,, Needs Signoff , Improvements for calling GetReservesFromItemnumber
13:15 marcelr what do you mean with stacks
13:16 cait in german we call them magazin
13:16 cait an area where patrons can't go
13:16 marcelr tijdschriften?
13:17 marcelr it is based on reading room concept
13:17 cait ah
13:17 cait so people can put a hold, because they want to use it at this time in the reading room?
13:17 cait something like that?
13:17 marcelr but can be much wider used
13:17 marcelr yes
13:17 marcelr we want to collect these books in front of time
13:17 marcelr and confirm them a day or so earlier
13:18 marcelr point is more they come from a depot than that they are read in reading room actually
13:19 cait ah
13:19 cait I think a depot would translate to closed stacks somehow :)
13:20 cait an area not in the library where patrons can't go and it takes some time to get the books :)
13:20 marcelr ok now we are round :)
13:20 marcelr yes
13:22 cait interesting features :)
13:22 marcelr yeah i would really like them to go in
13:22 marcelr i have more patches to convert to master for that still
13:22 marcelr and what about sru.. ;)
13:30 cait oh yes :)
13:30 cait sru! :)
13:30 marcelr will try again in some weeks :)
13:30 cait :)
13:43 marcelr 30 in passed qa now; time to go :)
14:00 edveal joined #koha
14:23 gaetan_B druthb: hello ! do you have a few minutes for me and my quest for understanding rtl ?
14:24 druthb sure. :)
14:26 gaetan_B great :)
14:26 gaetan_B so, i see there has been quite a lot of work on making the interface work with an rtl language
14:26 gaetan_B i'll have a deeper look at this
14:26 gaetan_B but what i am confused with right now
14:27 gaetan_B is how i should go about handling the data
14:27 gaetan_B when it has bidirectionnal text
14:27 druthb Right.  The big problem is we have a LOT of CSS in there that has float:left and similar sorts of things.  But the languages table actually *tells* which languages are RTL.
14:28 druthb So my patch for that looks, and if the current language is one of those, it just inserts some CSS to override those.  Obviously, that patch needs updating for 3.10/3.12.
14:28 druthb When I was working with it (with some Arabic speakers), they didn't seem to have any big trouble with bi-directional, with that patch.  So it may have been on the right track.
14:29 gaetan_B actually right now i'm more concerned with making sure a title such as :
14:29 gaetan_B تعلم HTML4 فى 24 درسا
14:29 gaetan_B displays properly in both an rtl and an ltr interface
14:29 gaetan_B right now if you create a record with this title, it will not work out very well
14:29 gaetan_B but
14:29 gaetan_B i'm not even sure there is a good solution to this problem
14:30 druthb I've got on my queue to get back to my patch.  It *seemed* to resolve that correctly, by taking the viewpoint of "let the browser do that, it knows how."
14:31 gaetan_B i need to look into your patch i guess :)
14:32 druthb Take a look.  Like I said, it needs updating, as it was done under 3.6.x, and the staff client in particular has changed since then.
14:34 gaetan_B druthb: one thing that would help right now was if i could find examples of records who mix both directions. Do you have any at hand ? Or something on the catalog for the project you did in Kordan ?
14:34 gaetan_B s/Kordan/Jordan/
14:34 druthb I don't have anything on tap right here, but you could create a dummy record with the title you posted a few minutes ago. :)
14:35 druthb (that's what I did—I don't read a bit of Arabic.  It's a strange irony, that the Translation Manager only speaks English.)
14:35 gaetan_B oh, and also francharb is asking me to say hi ;) druthb
14:35 * druthb waves to francharb
14:35 francharb francharb waves to druthb
14:35 * francharb waves to druthb
14:36 francharb better that way
14:36 francharb ;)
14:36 druthb :D
14:36 francharb double waves are better
14:36 francharb ;)
14:37 laurence left #koha
14:38 druthb gaetan_B:  I'm still unpacking from a big move at my house, so it'll probably be a week or two before I get any time to start hacking on that RTL patch, but it's one of the things right near the top of my list, when I can.  I want that problem solved.
14:38 gaetan_B cool, keep me informed, i will try to help
14:38 gaetan_B i am still at a stage where i am just trying to figure things out though
14:38 druthb great.  At some point, I'll need a signoff for it!  :)
14:39 gaetan_B well, i don't read Arabic, but i'll manage something with Karam
14:40 druthb :)
14:40 druthb I have a couple of friends who read Arabic, too.  And Hebrew, which is also RTL, IIRC.
14:40 gaetan_B it is indeed
14:50 jcamins Actually, Hebrew tends to have slightly (but only slightly!) fewer problems with mixed-direction text.
14:50 jcamins Probably just because it's easier to spot the spaces.
14:50 druthb heh
14:52 jcamins druthb: do you get off today?
14:52 jcamins It's a holiday, apparently.
14:52 jcamins (who knew!)
14:52 druthb nope.  I'm in workin.
14:53 * jcamins too
14:53 druthb Our next holiday is Memorial Day.
14:53 jcamins Bet you're shocked, eh? :P
14:53 druthb I still have a *lot* of culture shocks going on here.
14:54 * jcamins was referring to the fact that he was working as a shock.
14:54 druthb :P
14:55 druthb Shari and I share the opinion, I think, that you work too much.  But if ya gotta, ya gotta.
14:59 paul_p_ joined #koha
15:08 rambutan @seen druthb
15:08 huginn rambutan: druthb was last seen in #koha 12 minutes and 23 seconds ago: <druthb> Shari and I share the opinion, I think, that you work too much.  But if ya gotta, ya gotta.
15:08 jcamins khall: around?
15:10 druthb @seen rambutan
15:10 huginn druthb: rambutan was last seen in #koha 2 minutes and 28 seconds ago: <rambutan> @seen druthb
15:10 druthb :P
15:23 paul_p joined #koha
15:43 gmcharlt heh
15:44 rambutan ehh
15:45 datadoctor joined #koha
15:47 datadoctor Has anyone worked on a self-pay station for Koha, where patrons can pay their fines using a credit card?
15:48 jcamins datadoctor: it can be done if you have a SIP payment thing.
15:49 datadoctor I was thinking of using the Paypal API - I think it can direct a credit card payment without requiring the patron to create a Paypal account. Of course there would be transaction fees and percentages.
15:49 cait i think that would be better separate from koha
15:50 cait or maybe a plugin
15:50 jcamins Definitely.
15:50 jcamins No, not a plugin.
15:50 datadoctor That makes sense.
15:50 jcamins Separate.
15:50 cait k
15:50 jcamins Communicate via SIP.
15:51 jcamins When dealing with money, you want to separate things as much as possible so that if there's an exploit, the minimum number of people are impacted.
15:51 datadoctor I like the SIP advice.
15:52 datadoctor And I will think through the security issues carefully. If I can separate the system from Koha that is ideal, however I do want to pull fines information and push fines resolutions.
15:53 cait that should be possible
15:53 cait using sip I think
15:54 cait there might be a sip/fine related patch in bugzilla
15:54 datadoctor Interesting.
15:54 wahanui interesting is sometimes good and sometimes bad
15:55 gaetan_B bye koha, happy easter !
15:55 datadoctor happy easter!
15:56 datadoctor watch for giant rabbits.
15:58 cait scary :)
15:58 datadoctor thanks for the advice on fines payment jcamins and cait - I'll let you know if anything develops here.
16:07 reiveune bye
16:07 reiveune left #koha
16:15 melia joined #koha
16:21 asaurat left #koha
16:32 Oak joined #koha
16:32 * Oak waves
16:32 Oak jcamins++
17:00 Joubu have a good week end #koha!
17:02 cait you too Joubu :)
17:06 Ccorrales joined #koha
17:30 sophie_m left #koha
17:36 cait @wunder Konstanz
17:36 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 1.3°C (6:30 PM CET on March 29, 2013). Conditions: Light Snow. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 0.0°C. Windchill: 1.0°C. Pressure: 29.71 in 1006 hPa (Steady).
18:03 bag @wunder 93102
18:03 huginn bag: The current temperature in Westside, Santa Barbara, California is 14.6°C (10:59 AM PDT on March 29, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 88%. Dew Point: 12.0°C. Pressure: 30.12 in 1020 hPa (Rising).
18:06 druthb @wunder 77063
18:06 huginn druthb: The current temperature in Briargrove Park, Houston, Texas is 25.1°C (1:01 PM CDT on March 29, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 50%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 30.17 in 1022 hPa (Steady).
18:07 druthb yo bag!
18:07 bag yo druthb
18:07 bag hot there eh?
18:07 druthb I was just thinking of you….  There's a guy across the hall from me here who has a taste of your laid-back attitude.
18:07 druthb (he wears shorts and flip-flops to work, even)
18:08 bag well at least I brush my teeth :P
18:08 druthb I've not gotten close enough to Kurt to figure that out, but I think he does.  He keeps his office dark, so it's hard to tell.
18:08 bag find out if he brews his own beer :)  then you'll know :P
18:09 druthb heh
18:09 druthb We have lots of interesting characters here.  our current RM makes jcamins look tall and fat.
18:10 jcamins lol
18:10 bag is he a skinny hobbit?
18:10 druthb yep!
18:10 bag and that is really hard to believe - if you're talking about the same jcamins I know
18:11 bag jcamins++  you're a tall hobbit - which is one of the "highest" honors
18:11 jcamins Hehe.
18:13 druthb oh!  bag, this is right down the street from the office:
18:13 bag cool
18:14 druthb anyone want to say hi to libsysguy?  He's just walked into my office.
18:15 * cait waves
18:15 * jcamins waves
18:40 jenkins_koha Starting build #287 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
19:12 rangi wow that was a useful message
19:12 rangi spammers--
19:14 jcamins Why yes, thank you, I would like you to use Javascript to redirect me to your home page when I leave my web browser open to a record in the catalog for a while.
19:15 jcamins I'm sure no one would ever open up a record and then go look at something else for a while.
19:18 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #287: SUCCESS in 37 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/287/
19:18 jenkins_koha David Cook: Bug 9781 - Fix bug in 3.8.x (dynarch) calendar positioning in IE
19:18 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9781 minor, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Stable , [3.6.X/3.8.x] Fix dynarch calendar positioning in IE
19:19 rambutan joined #koha
19:24 jenkins_koha Starting build #288 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
19:57 magnus joined #koha
20:01 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #288: SUCCESS in 37 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/288/
20:01 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 8942 : Adding a test to make sure we don't use single quotes for js
20:01 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript
20:01 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript (followup 1)
20:01 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript (followup 2)
20:01 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8942 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Stable , Translation process breaks javascript in
20:01 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Removing a single quote in the js
20:01 jenkins_koha Starting build #85 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:32 wizzyrea joined #koha
20:40 cait left #koha
20:42 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #85: SUCCESS in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.10.x/85/
20:42 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 8942 : Adding a test to make sure we don't use single quotes for js
20:42 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript
20:42 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript (followup 1)
20:42 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript (followup 2)
20:42 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8942 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Stable , Translation process breaks javascript in
20:42 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Removing a single quote in the js
20:45 wizzyrea hiyas
20:59 jcamins wizzyrea: wrong bug?
21:01 wizzyrea yea thanks.
21:05 * jcamins calls it a night, heads to Trader Joe's and home.
22:22 qu-bit joined #koha
22:26 rambutan joined #koha
23:54 wizzyrea joined #koha

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