IRC log for #koha, 2013-03-30

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:06 jcamins bag: FYI, the latest blog post on ByWater's blog has broken images.
00:06 bag ok thanks
01:22 jcamins Our documention on the cronjob is spectacularly poor.
01:26 jcamins How does one get a hold to show up in the holds queue?
02:01 wizzyrea joined #koha
02:02 jcamins Hmm. I guess wizzyrea probably isn't really here.
02:03 wizzyrea I am :)
02:03 * jcamins waits, hopefully, to be contradicted.
02:03 jcamins :D
02:03 jcamins Yay!
02:03 wizzyrea sup?
02:03 jcamins How do I get something to appear in the holds queue?
02:03 wizzyrea you mark it waiting
02:03 wizzyrea no sorry
02:03 jcamins Oooh. Waiting!
02:03 wizzyrea sorry sorry
02:03 wizzyrea you have a hold on an available item
02:03 jcamins Right.
02:03 wizzyrea you pobably need to turn on "allow on shelf holds"
02:04 wizzyrea just makes it easier.
02:04 jcamins Right.
02:05 jcamins Hold added on available item.
02:05 jcamins I ran the cronjob, but apparently there's more to it than that.
02:06 wizzyrea hm no
02:06 jcamins There isn't?
02:06 jcamins Drat.
02:06 jcamins That's what I was afraid you were going to say.
02:06 wizzyrea is it pre-patch or post patch
02:06 jcamins Holds to pull does exactly what I expect it to.
02:06 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_7938' into 3.12-master <[…]e59598dfad9cd2d44> / Bug 7938: Added description of -v/--verbose parameter <[…]3f704b1c6a66ba0db> / Merge branch 'bug_9660' into 3.12-master <[…]itdiff;h=de3060e2
02:07 jcamins Either way.
02:07 wahanui hmmm... either way is workable though imho
02:07 wizzyrea no it's not holds to pull
02:07 wizzyrea it's holds queue
02:07 jcamins Right.
02:07 wizzyrea holds to pull is generated on the fly
02:07 jcamins Holds to pull shows the items that I believe should appear on the holds queue.
02:07 wizzyrea is this install public?
02:08 jcamins Yes.
02:08 jcamins I'll give you a password.
02:08 wizzyrea coo
02:08 wizzyrea (because I swear, it worked for me ^.^)
02:09 jenkins_koha Starting build #1123 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
02:11 wizzyrea ok that looks alright to me - checking automaticitemreturn
02:12 jcamins Oh, did I misunderstand the bug?
02:12 wizzyrea run the build_hold_queue please?
02:12 wizzyrea :)
02:13 jcamins Done.
02:13 wizzyrea oh, we are going to need to set a diff current location for that
02:14 wizzyrea currently that hold is dallas:dallas
02:14 jcamins Okay, so it's not supposed to appear in the holds queue?
02:14 wizzyrea it's perfect right now
02:14 wizzyrea but the problem is when you have a different holding branch
02:14 wizzyrea it should (will) appear in the queue for the home branch
02:14 wizzyrea with atomaticitemreturn ON
02:15 jcamins Ummm...
02:15 jcamins I'm confused.
02:15 jcamins The item is Dallas-Centerville.
02:15 wizzyrea it wasn't when I just checked it
02:15 jcamins ... unless I have some weird caching thing in my browser.
02:15 jcamins Which would be really weird.
02:15 jcamins Definitely Dallas-Centerville.
02:16 wizzyrea oh that's my mistake -- run it one more time?
02:16 jcamins Done. :)
03:11 bag good evening
03:18 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1123: SUCCESS in 1 hr 9 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1123/
03:18 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9930 - can't update patron info in ccsr
03:18 jenkins_koha * Christophe Croullebois: Bug 9923: (MT #11060) actual cost not getting populated
03:18 jenkins_koha * Thatcher Rea: Bug 9908 - Fixing OCLC Connexion Client
03:18 jenkins_koha * Mason James: Bug 9926 - Missing perl modules in Koha
03:18 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9797 - Untranslatable strings have returned to ajax.js
03:18 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9797 - Follow up : use double quotes in javascript translatable strings
03:18 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9930 critical, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , can't update patron info in ccsr
03:18 jenkins_koha * Mason James: Bug 9660 - OpenLibrary covers are too small on OPAC search results
03:18 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 9660 follow-up: OpenLibrary covers are too small in CCSR too
03:18 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9923 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , correction of a bug due to bz 7129
03:18 jenkins_koha * Will Stokes: Bug 7938: Added description of -v/--verbose parameter
03:18 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9908 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , OCLC Connexion Desktop Client Doesn't Work
03:18 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9926 normal, P5 - low, ---, mtj, Pushed to Master , Missing perl modules in Koha
03:18 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9797 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , Untranslatable strings have returned to ajax.js
03:18 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9660 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , OpenLibrary covers are too small on OPAC search results
03:18 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7938 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , The -v option to the translate script is not documented
03:19 bag oh Success is a good thing jenkins
03:25 wizzyrea oh trea's patch was pushed, awesome :)
03:25 wizzyrea love that guy.
03:26 bag me too
03:26 pastebot "jcamins" at pasted "Holds: they seem not right" (68 lines) at
03:26 jcamins wizzyrea: ^^
03:27 wizzyrea lookin
03:28 bag can you do a slash G with mariadb?
03:28 jcamins $items_query
03:28 jcamins I think so, yeah.
03:28 bag easy to read in pastebin :)
03:28 jcamins The screwed up formatting is thanks to the copy-and-paste job, though.
03:28 bag s/easy/easier
03:28 bag yup
03:28 jcamins The only thing that matters is the "Empty set" bit, though.
03:30 bag wthdrawn is that right?
03:30 wizzyrea yep
03:30 bag must be you've got results above
03:31 bag yup wthdrawn is right :P
03:31 jcamins Weird.
03:31 * wizzyrea has double-taked that before
03:31 jcamins Okay, I think I see it.
03:31 jcamins It's the subquery.
03:31 wizzyrea that's what I was looking at too
03:32 bag I think I will repeatedly double-take that
03:32 wizzyrea doubletook? hrm
03:32 jcamins If you put a bib-level hold on a record with a single item, apparently you get an item-level hold that is reported as bib-level(?!?).
03:33 jcamins I guess...
03:33 jcamins I don't like debugging DBI traces.
03:33 jcamins Right, it's 11:30.
03:33 jcamins I'm going to bed.
03:34 jcamins And counting my lucky stars that most special collections insist on paper hold requests for record keeping purposes.
03:34 jcamins Why don't we use holds to pull?
03:34 jcamins Too resource-intensive?
03:36 jcamins Kind of an unfortunate choice: door A) your circ people won't bring your server to its knees, but they also won't know what books they need to get off the shelves; door B) your server is bludgeoned to a small stain on rack, but your circ people know what books they need to retrieve.
03:37 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9720' into 3.12-master <[…]51cb4cc240f4c8e9a> / Bug 9720 : uninitialized value warnings in circulation (followup 1) <[…]65ffa43dd6971bbec> / Bug 9720 : uninitialized value warnings in circulation <
03:39 wizzyrea hm yea
03:39 wizzyrea you might be on to something there. which still puts it back on "item level holds are broken"
03:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #1124 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
03:39 wizzyrea and yes, you should go to bed
03:40 wizzyrea holds to pull is to general
03:40 wizzyrea too*
03:40 wizzyrea I think my O key has a crumb in it
03:40 wizzyrea do not like.
03:40 * wizzyrea tries it
03:43 wizzyrea erm, no, still works in mine on master.
03:43 wizzyrea with no item type, and single item
03:43 * wizzyrea tries again with an item that would require a trans....
03:43 wizzyrea wait a second.
03:43 wizzyrea so the dev that shuffled the hold queue around
03:43 wizzyrea had to do with transfer cost matrices
03:44 wizzyrea so maybe the hold won't show up if the item has to be transferred and it's an item only
03:44 * wizzyrea tests this
03:45 wizzyrea gr, no.
03:45 wizzyrea I cannot replicate this but it's happned to both jcamins and cait
03:46 wizzyrea so what do I do differently?
04:04 bag ?
04:04 wizzyrea bug 9950
04:04 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9950 major, P5 - low, ---, liz, NEW , Item level holds not showing up in holds queue
04:04 bag do you have anything at all in your static holds syspref?
04:10 wizzyrea no, but let me double check
04:10 wizzyrea and I'm going to do katrin's complete plan, because I do see something there that's a little different
04:12 wizzyrea yep I jsut got it
04:12 bag oh
04:12 wizzyrea it's when the hold is placed when the item isn't at home
04:12 bag well tell trea to patch it :P
04:13 wizzyrea :)
04:13 wizzyrea I think at least
04:13 bag hmm… could floating effect that?
04:13 wizzyrea so somewhere, probably a bug in the transitcostmatrix stuff
04:13 wizzyrea floating maybe, but I don't have rules for floating.
04:13 wizzyrea not for this item.
04:14 bag or maybe it just comes back to that holdingbranch vs homebranch problem that was spotted in the holds queue from the transportation matrix
04:14 wizzyrea but I think it's looking to use the matrix when th matrix isn't enabled
04:14 wizzyrea nope
04:14 wizzyrea this is with that path.
04:14 wizzyrea patch
04:14 bag oh
04:14 wizzyrea it happens in both.
04:14 wizzyrea and it is both bib level and item level
04:15 wizzyrea but that was definitely a bug, but related to automatic item return.
04:15 bag but should it appear in the holds queue if it's not home?  sorry I'm dense at the moment
04:15 wizzyrea different tihng.
04:15 wizzyrea yep, hold queue always, always selects on holding branch
04:15 wizzyrea always.
04:15 wizzyrea which was the bug with itemreturn.
04:16 bag some homebranch would be A and holding branch would be B - and you're running holds queue at branch B
04:16 bag something like that
04:16 wizzyrea right
04:16 wizzyrea the item should show up there
04:16 bag yup
04:16 bag well only if it floats
04:17 wizzyrea no
04:17 bag otherwise it shouldn't appear in the holds queue - it should be transferred home...
04:17 wizzyrea wrong.
04:17 wizzyrea you don't always send a hold home before it goes on to another hold.
04:18 bag but you never put it on the shelf right?
04:18 wizzyrea right
04:18 bag and holds queue should only be whats on the shelf?
04:18 wizzyrea it's only things that are currently in your library
04:18 wizzyrea regardless of how they gothere.
04:18 wizzyrea got there
04:18 wizzyrea so a patron returned a book, it hasn't transited home yet
04:18 wizzyrea but there is another hold
04:19 wizzyrea checking in that item would trigger the next hold, or hold queue could select it for that hold
04:19 bag hmm…  so that's a checkin problem and not a holds queue problem?
04:19 wizzyrea no, it's a hold queue problem
04:19 wizzyrea checking in the item works like it's supposed to
04:19 bag I'm not following than…  when you check it in - it should either be hold or transfer
04:20 wizzyrea right, but if an item is sitting in a library, and has a current branch
04:20 bag so then that item would never be eligible to be on the holds queue
04:20 wizzyrea and a hold comes up
04:20 wizzyrea it's eligible.
04:20 bag but the item would never sit in the library - I think
04:20 wizzyrea nope, happens all the time.
04:20 wizzyrea because there is lag
04:20 wizzyrea item gets checked in, courier comes in 2 days
04:21 wizzyrea item shows up on the hold queue because it is in the library.
04:21 wizzyrea it's actually really good for patrons.
04:21 wizzyrea they get things much faser.
04:21 wizzyrea faster.
04:21 bag hmmm….  ok workflow is check it in..  do what the screen says…  transfer - put it in the tranfers "bucket" or put it in the hold "bucket"
04:21 wizzyrea I cannot type oday
04:21 wizzyrea right, but patrons can place holds anytime
04:21 bag I can never type - no worries there
04:22 wizzyrea if there's another hold, it will fill the hold
04:22 bag so then you're saying that the library staff should be alerted - hey that item is in the transfer bucket go get it out of there
04:22 wizzyrea if there isn't, but one is placed in the time between when the item is checked in and the courier comes
04:22 wizzyrea it will show up the next time the hold queue runs
04:22 bag but that's hard to code against isn't it?
04:23 wizzyrea because it is still technically at that branch until it is received at the next branch
04:23 wizzyrea I don't think you needto do that
04:23 wizzyrea in that case the librarians just know that this item doesn't actually belong to me, but it's here in the library
04:23 wizzyrea the logical place is the hold bin.
04:23 wizzyrea er courier bin.
04:23 bag I don't think it is "techinically" at that branch once it's in transfer - according to the database...
04:23 wizzyrea oh it is.
04:23 wizzyrea until it is received.
04:24 wizzyrea there is no grey area for current location
04:24 wizzyrea it is either at branch a or branch b
04:24 wizzyrea *holds* can be in transit
04:24 bag well I'd be a dumbass and search the shelves and not find it
04:24 wizzyrea but for a transfer there is no current location of "in transfer"
04:24 bag if you know what I mean
04:24 wizzyrea sure, that hapens.
04:24 wizzyrea happens*
04:25 wizzyrea I don't think you can code around that scenario though
04:25 bag so in my opinion it should not be on the holds queue - unless it is "on the shelf"
04:25 wizzyrea but that's not this bug :P
04:25 wizzyrea unless you don't allow on shelf holds. :P
04:26 wizzyrea in general I agree with you, that it might be nice to have a check for "is this item actually an item that this library would pick for a hold"
04:26 wizzyrea but the hold queue is fuckered enough as it is :P
04:26 wizzyrea oh sorry cursing.
04:27 bag actually add a -  hey that item is currently "in transit"  can you quickly check your transfer bucket
04:29 wizzyrea transfers needs quite an overhaul really
04:29 wizzyrea with quite a lot of thought
04:29 wizzyrea like the bug where completing one transfer completes them all?
04:29 wizzyrea yeaaah
04:30 wizzyrea it needs fixing.
04:48 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1124: SUCCESS in 1 hr 9 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1124/
04:48 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9935 - Social icons missing in CSSR theme
04:48 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9922 - holds queue shows home library with AutomaticReturn
04:48 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9803 - question mark in cataloging not clearly a link
04:48 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9935 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , Social icons missing in CSSR theme
04:48 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9759: last subfield can be deleted
04:48 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9720 : uninitialized value warnings in circulation
04:48 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9720 : uninitialized value warnings in circulation (followup 1)
04:48 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9922 critical, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , holds queue shows home library with AutomaticReturn
04:48 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9803 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , question mark in cataloging not clearly a link
04:48 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9759 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , last subfield can be deleted
04:48 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9720 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , uninitialized value warnings in circulation
05:43 wizzyrea joined #koha
06:11 wizzyrea that's interesting - the hold queue shows "transfer to mpl" for a reserve that is expected in Centerville.
06:11 wizzyrea git log
06:11 wizzyrea er lol
06:11 bag :)
07:20 cait joined #koha
07:25 jenkins_koha Starting build #86 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
08:02 xmorave2 joined #koha
08:06 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #86: SUCCESS in 42 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.10.x/86/
08:06 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9930 - can't update patron info in ccsr
08:06 jenkins_koha * Peter Crellan Kelly: Bug 9863: Correct casing and add arrow-heads for consistency with earlier submit messages.
08:06 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9930 critical, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , can't update patron info in ccsr
08:06 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9863 trivial, P5 - low, ---, peterAtKohaBugzilla, Pushed to Stable , 'import' button in web installer should read 'Import'
08:06 jenkins_koha Starting build #289 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
08:27 dalian1 joined #koha
08:28 dalian1 do you know if KOHA works properly in two languages (Chinese and English)?
08:30 dalian1 Right now, no way to have a Chinsese support company such as ByWater Solutions, or LibLime. What is the alternative in this case ?
08:31 bag you can have two languages…  check out
08:34 rangi out of those 2 companies you mention, only the first one actually supports Koha (the liblime fork does not support multi languages)
08:36 dalian1 yes I checked that English (USA)=100% Chinses (simplified) almost 95%
08:36 dalian1 what do you mean by fork ?
08:37 cait another software based on koha
08:37 bag hey cait
08:37 rangi dalian1: there are lots of people using koha in chinese
08:37 rangi were you here the other day asking about it also?
08:38 cait hi bag
08:38 dalian1 interesting. Thanks for the information. I found that a chinese university in hong-kong uses KOHA. I sent them a message to find out how they implemented and the issues about switching from language to another
08:39 wizzyrea hi cait :) I was finally able to reproduce your thing on 9950, but it's very bewildering.
08:39 cait oh
08:40 cait bewildering is not good I guess
08:40 rangi dalian1: i think they use liblime, not Koha, there are a lot in taiwan actually using real Koha
08:40 dalian1 no it is my colleague;p sorry for asking same questions but we need to have a price idea about KOHA. I checked the demo proposed by ByWater Solution and Yes, I am completly impressed.
08:40 rangi dalian1:
08:41 wizzyrea it looks like it has to do with the selecting of items that might need a transit - a flaw in the matrices or it's checking them even when the cost matrices are off
08:41 rangi
08:41 wahanui is actually updated and right
08:41 rangi both of those 2 sites are about real koha
08:41 dalian1 a precise idea
08:42 rangi and there are lots of support companies supporting Koha, only one company doing whatever it is Liblime do
08:42 cait wizzyrea: can we reproduce it well enough to fix it?
08:42 wizzyrea well...
08:42 bag yeah well… sums it up
08:42 wizzyrea I finally got it with item from A, with holdingbranch B, on hold for a patron from B, logged in as A.
08:43 dalian1 I checked the clientele satisfaction in a survey and I found that LibLime is not well appreciated by clients
08:43 wizzyrea which I think is slightly different from what you did
08:43 cait dalian1: I think if you want to use chinese it's not an option
08:43 wizzyrea koha is though :)
08:43 dalian1 survey 2012
08:44 cait dalian1: because their version doesn't have translations right now I think
08:44 wizzyrea cait- lots of folks use it in chinese
08:44 wizzyrea oh oh you meant lek
08:44 cait yep - sorry to be confusing
08:44 cait Koha of course has lots of translations :)
08:44 wizzyrea right liblime doesn't have translations - it's right out.
08:44 dalian1 ok, thank you all for this quick insight about KOHA.
08:45 wizzyrea meaning, it won't do what you need. Anytime :)
08:45 cait hm one last thing.. :)
08:45 cait not KOHA but Koha ;)
08:45 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #289: SUCCESS in 38 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/289/
08:45 jenkins_koha * Peter Crellan Kelly: Bug 9863: Correct casing and add arrow-heads for consistency with earlier submit messages.
08:45 jenkins_koha * Thatcher Rea: Bug 9908 - Fixing OCLC Connexion Client
08:45 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9863 trivial, P5 - low, ---, peterAtKohaBugzilla, Pushed to Stable , 'import' button in web installer should read 'Import'
08:45 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9908 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Stable , OCLC Connexion Desktop Client Doesn't Work
08:47 rangi that survey is pretty bad reading if you are that company
08:48 wizzyrea well nobody else has people tweeting at them because they don't answer support tickets :P
08:48 * rangi gets the aloe out for that burn
08:51 cait ouch
08:52 wizzyrea ...unless you all know of someone
08:52 wizzyrea (else)
09:01 paul_p joined #koha
09:10 jenkins_koha Starting build #87 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
09:27 wizzyrea oy ok I'm going to go enjoy my book now. Tooooo much screen time today.
09:28 wizzyrea good for my brain tho.
09:28 wizzyrea anyway, goodnight friends!
09:29 wizzyrea joined #koha
09:31 cait left #koha
09:51 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #87: SUCCESS in 41 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.10.x/87/
09:51 jenkins_koha * Thatcher Rea: Bug 9908 - Fixing OCLC Connexion Client
09:51 jenkins_koha * Mason James: Bug 9660 - OpenLibrary covers are too small on OPAC search results
09:51 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 9660 follow-up: OpenLibrary covers are too small in CCSR too
09:51 jenkins_koha * Will Stokes: Bug 7938: Added description of -v/--verbose parameter
09:51 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9935 - Social icons missing in CSSR theme
09:51 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9908 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Stable , OCLC Connexion Desktop Client Doesn't Work
09:51 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9922 - holds queue shows home library with AutomaticReturn
09:51 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9660 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , OpenLibrary covers are too small on OPAC search results
09:51 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7938 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Stable , The -v option to the translate script is not documented
09:51 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9935 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , Social icons missing in CSSR theme
09:51 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9922 critical, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , holds queue shows home library with AutomaticReturn
09:51 jenkins_koha Starting build #290 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
10:31 paul_p joined #koha
10:32 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #290: SUCCESS in 40 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/290/
10:32 jenkins_koha * Will Stokes: Bug 7938: Added description of -v/--verbose parameter
10:32 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Revert "Bug 9908 - Fixing OCLC Connexion Client"
10:32 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7938 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Stable , The -v option to the translate script is not documented
10:32 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9908 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Stable , OCLC Connexion Desktop Client Doesn't Work
11:27 jcamins wizzyrea++
12:24 jenkins_koha Starting build #1125 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
12:26 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Update history adding Jen Zajac as 205th committer <[…]c8fd84fdb25beb588> / Merge branch 'bug_5648' into 3.12-master <[…]55857e6adfb717b25> / Bug 5648: Changed display: inline to inline-block on the inline CSS styling on the... <
12:42 jcamins @query plack
12:42 huginn jcamins: Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7172 major, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, NEW , Omnibus for Plack variable scoping problems
12:42 huginn jcamins: Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8866 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Plack - remove unneeded dbh->disconnects OMNIBUS
12:42 huginn jcamins: Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8908 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Starman/Plack hangs when faced with zombie Zebra
12:42 huginn jcamins: Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8970 critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , MARC import gives error under Starman/Plack
12:42 huginn jcamins: Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9048 major, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Quote editor does not work under Plack
13:33 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1125: SUCCESS in 1 hr 9 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1125/
13:33 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 9419: The highlight feature can cause a browser freeze
13:33 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9196 - authorities editor overlapping box
13:33 jenkins_koha * David Cook: Bug 9003 - Add css fix for opac items with strong and em
13:33 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 9003 follow-up: add fix to CCSR
13:33 jenkins_koha * David Cook: Bug 8508 - Holds to Pull : Library dropdown options are erroneously concatenated by br tags
13:33 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9419 minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , The highlight feature can cause a browser freeze
13:33 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 8508: Followup: Simplify the separateData js function
13:33 jenkins_koha * Jen Zajac: Bug 5648: Changed display: inline to inline-block on the inline CSS styling on the li elements.
13:33 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9196 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , authorities editor overlapping box
13:33 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Update history adding Jen Zajac as 205th committer
13:33 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9003 minor, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Master , Add css fix for opac news items with strong and em
13:33 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8508 minor, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Master , Holds to Pull : Library dropdown options are erroneously concatenated by br tags
13:33 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5648 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , icons clumping together
13:38 NateC joined #koha
13:38 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9610' into 3.12-master <[…]c6c56241afc03729b> / Bug 9610 - Spanish translation of MARC21 default bibliographic framework <[…]b51e9668b836d535e> / Merge branch 'bug_9745' into 3.12-master <[…]/?p=koha.git;a=co
13:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #1126 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
13:46 NateC joined #koha
14:47 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1126: SUCCESS in 1 hr 8 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1126/
14:47 jenkins_koha * Liz Rea: Bug 9745 - don't nuke translated strings in permissions on DB upgrade
14:47 jenkins_koha * Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel: Bug 9610 - Spanish translation of MARC21 default bibliographic framework
14:47 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9745 trivial, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , Don't nuke translated permissions with changes introduced in bug 9382
14:47 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9610 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, bgkriegel, Pushed to Master , Spanish translation of MARC21 default bibliographic framework
16:24 cait joined #koha
19:40 talljoy joined #koha
21:10 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9937' into 3.12-master <[…]e83822785e09f4a2a> / Bug 9937: Add new unit tests for new routines (introduced by bug 5343) <[…]da51f878c639903cf> / Merge branch 'bug_9928' into 3.12-master <[…]p=koha.git;a=comm
21:15 mib_fhoxiw joined #koha
21:15 alohabot Hi mib_fhoxiw, Welcome to #koha. Feel free to use the '/nick yourname' command to choose a different name. alohabot, wahanui, and huginn are bots. If you need any help, just ask - there's usually someone around to help :)
21:24 jenkins_koha Starting build #1127 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
21:30 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9904' into 3.12-master <[…]d544eac5556b9e468> / Bug 9904 - Link to plugins management should not be in global navigation <[…]60153566f388f04c9> / Merge branch 'bug_9932' into 3.12-master <[…]/?p=koha.git;a=co
21:40 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9685' into 3.12-master <[…]29d9160a43e7dd176> / Bug 9685: Allow sort baskets by number <[…]3ad56a4ef00e727d0> / Add Karam Qubsi as 206th committer to history <[…]3aace1d82adb9324b
21:42 cait karam++ :)
21:43 qu-bit joined #koha
21:44 jcamins Cool...
21:44 jcamins I might catch up with kados!
21:44 cait lol
21:45 jcamins gmcharlt is out of reach, but I'm less than 100 from kados now.
21:51 * jcamins quickly writes a bunch of gratuitous patches.
21:54 qu-bit joined #koha
22:34 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1127: SUCCESS in 1 hr 9 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1127/
22:34 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9928 - no way to see all purchase suggestions at all
22:34 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 9937: Add new unit tests for new routines (introduced by bug 5343)
22:34 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9953 - When OpacMaintenance breaks lifting debarment
22:34 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 9945: Changed display: inline to inline-block on the inline CSS styling on the li elements.
22:34 jenkins_koha * ByWater Migration Support: Bug 9932 - Broken calendar image and misplaced masthead include for CCSR theme
22:34 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9904 - Link to plugins management should not be in global navigation
22:34 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9928 blocker, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , no way to see all purchase suggestions at all
22:34 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9937 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Routines introduced for creating a subscription from an order need unit tests.
22:34 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5343 new feature, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Subscription cost (Link serial and acqui modules)
22:34 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9953 major, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , When OpacMaintenance breaks lifting debarment
22:34 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9945 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Pretty icon display in authorised values configuration
22:34 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9932 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Pushed to Master , Broken calendar image and misplaced masthead include for CCSR theme
22:34 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9904 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Link to plugins management should not be in global navigation
22:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #1128 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
22:58 qu-bit joined #koha
23:08 wizzyrea joined #koha
23:11 jcamins Go cait! You can do it!
23:11 cait lol
23:13 jcamins Make wizzyrea sign off on more things for you to QA.
23:13 jcamins :P
23:15 cait not good
23:15 cait have to look at the old ones first :)
23:18 jcamins That's even better.
23:18 wizzyrea joined #koha
23:18 cait but I think I have to stop now
23:20 jcamins You're within striking distance for tomorrow! :D
23:20 cait ah, the tests pass?
23:20 jcamins Yes.
23:20 cait excellent
23:21 jcamins I have committed 1241 patches so far.
23:21 jcamins 470 this month.
23:22 jcamins Wait. 1244.
23:25 cait heh
23:25 cait I switched some more enh to bug - datatables and yui
23:28 jcamins Thanks.
23:29 wizzyrea joined #koha
23:37 eythian_ joined #koha
23:45 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1128: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 9 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1128/
23:45 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9697 - Replace YUI buttons on the patron cards batch edit page with Bootstrap
23:45 jenkins_koha * Katrin Fischer: Bug 9697: Follow-up - making QA script and tests happy
23:45 jenkins_koha * Karam Qubsi: Bug 9956 : Add translators to the about page
23:45 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9697 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Replace YUI buttons on the patron cards batch edit page with Bootstrap
23:45 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Add Karam Qubsi as 206th committer to history
23:45 jenkins_koha * Fridolyn SOMERS: Bug 9685: Allow sort baskets by number
23:46 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9956 trivial, P5 - low, ---, nengard, Pushed to Master , Add missing translators to the about page
23:46 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9685 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , Allow sort baskets by number
23:58 cait left #koha

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