Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:04 |
dcook |
gmcharlt++ |
00:04 |
dcook |
Worked like a charm. I'll have to post a patch once I redo my git config... |
00:30 |
rambutan left #koha |
00:33 |
wizzyrea |
khall, longshot, but are you about? |
00:33 |
bag |
nope |
00:33 |
bag |
gone about 3.5 hours ago |
00:33 |
bag |
que pasa? |
00:34 |
bag |
I currently wish I cold memorize the marc fields that are indexed by zebra |
00:35 |
wizzyrea |
oh hi bag |
00:35 |
bag |
oh hi wizzyrea |
00:35 |
wizzyrea |
well I was looking at bug 9293 |
00:35 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9293 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , action_logs not tracking payments |
00:35 |
wizzyrea |
and sho nuff, the actions are logged... but... |
00:36 |
bag |
that's a small but - but a few periods |
00:36 |
wizzyrea |
http://imageshack.us/content_r[…]/selection052.png |
00:36 |
wizzyrea |
this output is not pretty. |
00:36 |
wizzyrea |
and yes, you can see that something was done |
00:36 |
wizzyrea |
and yes, other people have done it that way |
00:37 |
wizzyrea |
but it should be nicer. |
00:37 |
wizzyrea |
so I was going to suggest that he make it prettier :P |
00:38 |
wizzyrea |
sorry, imageshack is not very helpful lots of clicking ew. |
00:38 |
bag |
imageshack? |
00:38 |
wizzyrea |
http://imgur.com/OCWCOpV |
00:38 |
wizzyrea |
try that one |
00:38 |
bag |
oh you want pretty eh? |
00:38 |
bag |
:P |
00:38 |
bag |
heh |
00:38 |
eythian |
bag: you see, people come here and they get used to nice scenery. |
00:39 |
bag |
well reply to khall than I'm guessing :) |
00:39 |
wizzyrea |
hehe yes |
00:39 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
00:39 |
bag |
I think A). it works B). that's pretty for Kansas :P |
00:39 |
bag |
ha |
00:39 |
bag |
sorry |
00:39 |
wizzyrea |
pft. |
00:39 |
cjh |
ooooohhhhhh |
00:39 |
wizzyrea |
pretty only because I left. |
01:43 |
Irma joined #koha |
01:43 |
BobB joined #koha |
01:43 |
BobB_ joined #koha |
01:49 |
eythian joined #koha |
02:22 |
wajasu joined #koha |
02:29 |
wajasu |
holy smokes. bug 8378 |
02:29 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8378 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, In Discussion , <fine> syntax not working on overdues anymore |
02:37 |
wizzyrea |
... |
03:01 |
bshum joined #koha |
03:40 |
dcook joined #koha |
03:47 |
tcohen joined #koha |
04:07 |
Irma left #koha |
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Irma joined #koha |
04:08 |
Irma left #koha |
04:08 |
Irma joined #koha |
04:23 |
libsysguy joined #koha |
04:24 |
* libsysguy |
waives |
04:25 |
* jcamins_away |
wonders what libsysguy is disavowing. |
04:25 |
libsysguy |
my republican roots? |
04:25 |
libsysguy |
jk |
04:25 |
libsysguy |
but really |
04:29 |
libsysguy |
so I know pazpar2 is *in* koha |
04:29 |
libsysguy |
but not in a way I think it was supposed to be implemented |
04:29 |
libsysguy |
is anybody familiar with pazpar2 as it pertains to Koha? |
04:30 |
jcamins_away |
libsysguy: apparently it doesn't work, and what rangi did was a proof-of-concept of using PazPar2 properly. |
04:31 |
libsysguy |
as middleware jcamins? |
04:31 |
jcamins_away |
He did it as federated searching on the side. |
04:32 |
libsysguy |
ah |
04:32 |
libsysguy |
that is how it looks like it was set up now |
04:32 |
libsysguy |
I'm thinking of using it as middleware to zebra/solr/other sru data sources |
04:32 |
jcamins_away |
Yeah, except it doesn't work now. :P |
04:32 |
jcamins_away |
Well, the good news is that it'd actually be really easy to do now. |
04:32 |
jcamins_away |
Just write a QueryParser driver. |
04:33 |
libsysguy |
didn't you do that ;) |
04:33 |
jcamins_away |
No, I just wrote a driver for PQF. |
04:33 |
libsysguy |
ahh |
04:33 |
jcamins_away |
AKA not a stupid syntax |
04:34 |
libsysguy |
hmm |
04:34 |
jcamins_away |
Alternatively, patch pazpar2 to support PQF. |
04:35 |
* eythian |
writes Perl to write what is probably the ugliest single SQL query in Koha. |
04:35 |
jcamins_away |
eythian: uh-oh. |
04:35 |
eythian |
fortunately as you never see the query in full, no one will know it's terrible :) |
04:36 |
cjh |
eythian: borrower history? |
04:36 |
libsysguy |
what does pazpar2 use as its query parser now |
04:36 |
eythian |
yeah |
04:36 |
jcamins_away |
libsysguy: Pazpar2 has its own query parser. |
04:36 |
jcamins_away |
Presumably similar to the one used by yaz. |
04:36 |
libsysguy |
that is what I was thinking |
04:37 |
libsysguy |
CCL? |
04:37 |
wahanui |
CCL is not a standard... It needs configuration |
04:37 |
jcamins_away |
Oh, yeah, the syntax is CCL. |
04:37 |
jcamins_away |
And wahanui is absolutely right. |
04:37 |
* jcamins_away |
is not a fan of CCL. |
04:37 |
* libsysguy |
is reading the documentation |
04:38 |
* libsysguy |
can now sleep |
04:38 |
jcamins_away |
lol |
04:38 |
jcamins_away |
Did I ever say it was interesting? *Nooo*. |
04:38 |
libsysguy |
I figured that out quickly |
04:39 |
libsysguy |
so CCL ~= SQL for non-standard things |
04:39 |
jcamins_away |
I guess you could compare the two. |
04:39 |
libsysguy |
wikipedia did |
04:39 |
libsysguy |
so it has to be true |
04:39 |
jcamins_away |
Except SQL is actually unambiguous if you're not stupid about table and column names. |
04:40 |
jcamins_away |
Well, SQL is usually unambiguous. |
04:40 |
jcamins_away |
It's actually possible to write a query that MySQL's query optimizer can't handle. |
04:41 |
libsysguy |
so would there be a more appropriate middleware for aggregating data our there? |
04:41 |
jcamins_away |
That's the best I can think of. |
04:41 |
libsysguy |
i thought so :'( |
04:42 |
jcamins_away |
Pazpar2 is pretty nice. |
04:42 |
jcamins_away |
I have a question. |
04:42 |
libsysguy |
shoot |
04:42 |
jcamins_away |
Where on Wikipedia did you see the comparison? |
04:42 |
libsysguy |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerner_CCL |
04:42 |
libsysguy |
after the first citation |
04:42 |
libsysguy |
CCL is patterned after thehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S[…]ed_Query_Language (SQL) |
04:42 |
jcamins_away |
Right... |
04:43 |
jcamins_away |
I haven't the foggiest clue what that is. |
04:43 |
jcamins_away |
Some sort of crazy "standard" invented by a guy named Cerner, probably. |
04:43 |
jcamins_away |
http://www.niso.org/apps/group[…]n%20Retrieval.pdf <-- CCL |
04:43 |
libsysguy |
ah |
04:44 |
jcamins_away |
Why yes, that is a scan of a book printed in 1992. |
04:44 |
eythian |
guys, I haven't tested it yet, but I think I found an SQL injection in the opac. I might test it. Probably a false alarm. |
04:44 |
libsysguy |
that would explain why its taking so long |
04:44 |
jcamins_away |
eythian: color me... unsurprised. :( |
04:44 |
libsysguy |
^^ |
04:46 |
libsysguy |
I see in the pazpar doc there is pz:cclmap:xxx for mapping one thing to another |
04:46 |
jcamins_away |
Yeah. |
04:46 |
jcamins_away |
Basically pazpar2 will repeat the parsing that we do with QP. |
04:46 |
libsysguy |
so…I'm confused |
04:47 |
jcamins_away |
My favored solution would be to patch Pazpar2 to support PQF natively. |
04:47 |
jcamins_away |
Why? |
04:47 |
libsysguy |
and its probably just that I'm dumb |
04:47 |
libsysguy |
but what is the difference between CCL and PQF |
04:47 |
jcamins_away |
pqf? |
04:47 |
wahanui |
pqf is Prefix Query Format or at http://www.indexdata.com/yaz/doc/tools.html#PQF |
04:47 |
jcamins_away |
PQF looks like this: |
04:48 |
jcamins_away |
@and @attr 1=Author @attr 4=6 "Gaiman" @attr 1=Title "American Gods" |
04:48 |
huginn |
jcamins_away: downloading the Perl source |
04:48 |
jcamins_away |
CCL looks like this: |
04:48 |
eythian |
oh, no. I missed the bit of sanitisation that was hidden there. False alarm. |
04:48 |
jcamins_away |
au,kw:Gaiman and ti:"American Gods" |
04:49 |
libsysguy |
ah so what shows up when we do a search now |
04:49 |
libsysguy |
kw; wdl lasers |
04:49 |
jcamins_away |
Right. |
04:50 |
libsysguy |
so pqf is standard…ccl is BS? |
04:50 |
jcamins_away |
CCL is "standard" as well. |
04:50 |
jcamins_away |
The problem is that user-generated CCL is ambiguous, and requires a great deal of parsing somewhere other than in Koha. |
04:50 |
jcamins_away |
*and CCL (all CCL) requires... |
04:51 |
jcamins_away |
So CCL is a bad choice for communicating with the server because it requires special configuration for the parsing. |
04:51 |
jcamins_away |
And CCL is a bad choice for user input because it requires that the user use a well-defined subset of CCL. |
04:51 |
libsysguy |
i see |
04:52 |
jcamins_away |
PQF has none of these problems. |
04:52 |
mtate joined #koha |
04:52 |
jcamins_away |
Well... it does if you want to send a query to a Solr server. |
04:52 |
libsysguy |
heh |
04:52 |
jcamins_away |
But that's why we don't send PQF to a Solr server. |
04:52 |
jcamins_away |
'Cause that'd be dumb. |
04:53 |
Callender_ joined #koha |
04:53 |
jcamins_away |
(though I guess you could use yaz-proxy if you're the type of person who likes to suffer) |
04:53 |
* libsysguy |
prefers to pass the pain and suffering on |
04:53 |
jcamins_away |
Right, so that's why we need a Solr driver for QueryParser. |
04:54 |
libsysguy |
there is a liblucene-queryparser-perl :p |
04:54 |
jcamins_away |
Your options for PazPar2 would be to either A) write a CCL driver, or B) make PazPar2 work with the existing PQF driver (which, by the way, is kickass). |
04:54 |
jcamins_away |
Nothing to do with the QueryParser we use. |
04:54 |
jcamins_away |
Sadly. |
04:55 |
libsysguy |
sad day |
04:55 |
libsysguy |
ah yes I see that now |
04:55 |
libsysguy |
the package name is deceptive |
04:56 |
libsysguy |
is pazpar2 open source |
04:56 |
jcamins_away |
Yes. |
04:56 |
libsysguy |
why is it not on github :p |
04:56 |
jcamins_away |
https://www.indexdata.com/pazpar2 |
04:56 |
jcamins_away |
I can't remember where their code is. |
04:57 |
jcamins_away |
I do remember that I generally give up and _then_ find it, though. |
04:59 |
libsysguy |
https://github.com/piskvorky/pazpar2/tree/master? |
05:00 |
libsysguy |
wahanui pazpar2 repo is https://github.com/piskvorky/pazpar2/tree/master |
05:00 |
wahanui |
OK, libsysguy. |
05:00 |
libsysguy |
pazpar2 repo? |
05:00 |
wahanui |
i guess pazpar2 repo is https://github.com/piskvorky/pazpar2/tree/master |
05:00 |
jcamins_away |
No, that's a copy of their repo. |
05:00 |
libsysguy |
soab |
05:00 |
libsysguy |
wahanui forget pazpar2 repo |
05:00 |
wahanui |
libsysguy: I forgot pazpar2 repo |
05:01 |
jcamins_away |
http://git.indexdata.com/ |
05:02 |
libsysguy |
well why didn't I try that |
05:03 |
libsysguy |
I'm out of my league..its in C |
05:05 |
libsysguy |
a *lot* of C |
05:05 |
jcamins_away |
I grant that I bitch about it a lot, but their code is actually pretty good. |
05:06 |
libsysguy |
it looks clean |
05:06 |
jcamins_away |
Take a look in src/client.c. |
05:06 |
libsysguy |
thats what I was just reading |
05:06 |
libsysguy |
it looks like there is a lot of work in there for solr |
05:07 |
jcamins_away |
In particular, client_parse_query. |
05:08 |
jcamins_away |
Add a session setting to specify "this is in PQF," and, if it is, just stick the query right into the pqf buffer. |
05:08 |
libsysguy |
so basically its already set up for it |
05:09 |
libsysguy |
it just needs to be told what it is |
05:09 |
libsysguy |
the pqf buffer being w_pqf? |
05:09 |
jcamins_away |
Well, you need to do a bit of fiddling, I think, in order to make it actually work as I described. |
05:10 |
jcamins_away |
Right. |
05:10 |
libsysguy |
hmm |
05:11 |
libsysguy |
well on that note |
05:11 |
libsysguy |
I think i am off to bed |
05:11 |
libsysguy |
thanks for the chat jcamins |
06:44 |
ibeardslee joined #koha |
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laurence joined #koha |
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alex_a |
bonjour |
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cait joined #koha |
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cait left #koha |
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gaetan_B joined #koha |
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gaetan_B |
hello |
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lds joined #koha |
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asaurat joined #koha |
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* magnuse |
waves |
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drojf joined #koha |
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drojf |
good morning #koha |
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paul_p joined #koha |
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dpavlin joined #koha |
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francharb joined #koha |
08:24 |
francharb |
good morning all |
08:27 |
drojf |
hi francharb |
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gerundio joined #koha |
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asaurat left #koha |
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drojf joined #koha |
12:03 |
gerundio |
hi |
12:04 |
gerundio |
have been working on a script to update 2 items columns I've mapped using the Koha to MARC mapping |
12:07 |
gerundio |
since the batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl script doesn't work for the items table |
12:08 |
pastebot |
"gerundio" at pasted "Code snippet to update mapped barcode and stocknumber on all items" (28 lines) at http://paste.koha-community.org/376 |
12:08 |
gerundio |
does that code snippet look like a good way to accomplish that for those 2 fields alone? |
12:17 |
Allmeida joined #koha |
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jwagner joined #koha |
13:01 |
drojf |
you quiet, #koha |
13:03 |
nengard joined #koha |
13:06 |
drojf |
@later tell rangi i tried the svc report thingy, but the output does not really look like json to me. i got something like [[vallue1],[value2][value3]] instead of {param1:value1,param2:value2,param3:value3} which i was expecting. can i change the output format somewhere? |
13:06 |
huginn |
drojf: The operation succeeded. |
13:12 |
NateC joined #koha |
13:20 |
paul_p joined #koha |
13:22 |
oleonard joined #koha |
13:23 |
oleonard |
Whew, that was close. Almost couldn't get in, "too full" |
13:26 |
asaurat joined #koha |
13:27 |
oleonard |
slef: Good news? http://blog.silktide.com/2013/[…]-is-dead-at-last/ |
13:33 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
13:43 |
edveal joined #koha |
14:03 |
gerundio |
oleonard, they must be kidding (again) |
14:04 |
gerundio |
I was just mandated to implement the cookie law in all our faculty websites |
14:05 |
slef |
oleonard: no. |
14:06 |
slef |
triumph of lazy webmasters and abusive site-owners over public freedom |
14:06 |
drojf |
gerundio: it does not hurt do be nice without a law requiring it |
14:07 |
drojf |
s/do/to |
14:07 |
oleonard |
slef: So you think the law would have benefited the public? |
14:07 |
slef |
oleonard: it wasn't the best law they could have made, but yes, it would have been a net benefit. |
14:08 |
gerundio |
slef, tell me where you stand regarding that "REASONING BEHIND THE LAW" chart on the page oleonard shared |
14:08 |
gerundio |
and while you're at it, the "ORIGINS OF THE LAW" chart too :) |
14:10 |
* oleonard |
was thinking this morning how Americans are opposed to the gov't knowing who owns guns but don't mind private companies knowing everything about them |
14:11 |
drojf |
that "reasoning behind the law" does not make any sense |
14:13 |
gerundio |
drojf, more often that not it does make sense |
14:13 |
gerundio |
use google translate on this article: http://abertoatedemadrugada.co[…]-ate-400-por.html |
14:14 |
gerundio |
it's about this new copyrights law they want to approve in Portugal |
14:15 |
slef |
gerundio: I think "REASONING BEHIND THE LAW" misses the point in several ways - I doubt the law was originally meant to be just to tell people; I don't think people quickly stop needing help with privacy just because they know what cookies are; ... |
14:15 |
drojf |
gerundio: do you think that because people don't know about something it does not matter? if someone has to consent to cookies (and probably gets an explanation of what a cookie is&does), s/he will learn what a cookie is |
14:15 |
gerundio |
based on some calculus, if you buy a €100 media center with a built-in 1 TB HD that new tax will cost you about €400 |
14:15 |
slef |
gerundio: there is some truth in "ORIGINS OF THE LAW" but it's also exaggerated. |
14:16 |
gerundio |
slef, of course it is |
14:16 |
drojf |
on a sidenote, unfortunately i think 95% of people on the net need help with internet privacy |
14:16 |
drojf |
like, everybody who uses facebook or google |
14:16 |
druthb joined #koha |
14:16 |
gerundio |
drojf, or more... those god damn "Ok" buttons are so clicable |
14:17 |
slef |
gerundio: I don't think making stuff up makes the anti-cookie chart more believable. |
14:17 |
oleonard |
Right, even those of us who care about internet privacy need help because the odds are against us |
14:17 |
druthb left #koha |
14:17 |
libsysguy joined #koha |
14:17 |
gerundio |
slef, didn't understand that "making stuff up" part |
14:18 |
slef |
gerundio: "ORIGINS OF THE LAW". Most of the lawmakers are not 80somethings and probably could use a mouse. |
14:18 |
slef |
that reminds me. I'm mjray friends.mayfirst.org on friendica if anyone wants to connect - may also work with diaspora and statusNet |
14:18 |
gerundio |
slef, that's just an overstatement to make a point |
14:19 |
gerundio |
probably they are not 80 and most can use a mouse |
14:19 |
slef |
gerundio: no, it's a lie to make themselves look clever. |
14:19 |
gerundio |
the point still is that they were thrown a bunch of buzzwords about this topic |
14:19 |
slef |
"Following the 2010 general election, the average age of British MPs was 50, with 20 per cent of MPs aged under 40, 61 per cent aged 40-59, and 19 per cent 60 or over (Smith Institute, 2010). This age profile is not at all surprising, given the nature of the occupation, and it is likely that the age profile of MPs is similar to that found in equivalent professions or even the voting-age population." |
14:19 |
slef |
http://democracy-uk-2012.democ[…]ess-of-parliament |
14:20 |
gerundio |
;) |
14:20 |
Dyrcona |
In the U.S. the lawmakers are handed the laws already written by the industries' representatives. |
14:20 |
drojf |
"20 per cent of MPs aged under 40", wow. i doubt that is true for german bundestag |
14:20 |
* oleonard |
wishes Dyrcona was exaggerating |
14:21 |
drojf |
Dyrcona: in germany that is happening more often too |
14:21 |
slef |
drojf: it was a change of administration, which often reduces the average age. |
14:21 |
drojf |
we have a discussion about a funny law to make search engines pay for links to newspapers |
14:21 |
Dyrcona |
drojf: yeah, I've read about that online. |
14:23 |
drojf |
it's a present of the christian democratic party to the publisher axel springer verlag. it's so ridiculous |
14:23 |
gerundio |
lolol, so basically search engines help people get to the news and have to pay for it? |
14:23 |
nengard joined #koha |
14:24 |
drojf |
gerundio: well, they say it's their intellectual property and want to be paid... i don't know, per hit or something |
14:25 |
gerundio |
I'd love for Google to remove links for those publications for 1 month alone |
14:25 |
drojf |
that has happened before, i think in belgium. google kicked out EVERY hit to those sites |
14:25 |
gerundio |
internet users don't know site URLs anymore (at least non IT users) |
14:26 |
drojf |
publishers were not happy with that :D |
14:26 |
cait joined #koha |
14:27 |
slef |
gerundio: http://www.theyworkforyou.com/[…]10-28b.143.0#g175.5 for example. Not only buzzwords. |
14:27 |
gerundio |
users heavily deppend on the integration between the browsers navigation bars and the search engines |
14:27 |
slef |
educate them. Bring back bookmarking. |
14:28 |
Dyrcona |
slef: I'm reminded of something Bruce Schneier once said, "Anyone who thinks the solution is to educate the end user has never met an actual end user." |
14:29 |
slef |
Dyrcona: well, we should strip out the intrusion/integration too, but that's easier said than done with so many Google fanatics around :-/ |
14:29 |
Dyrcona |
slef: Agreed. I think it is about time for a real alternative to Google, et al. |
14:29 |
slef |
Dyrcona: education is vital. Refusing to educate people means accepting controlling them. |
14:30 |
slef |
Dyrcona: tried yacy? |
14:30 |
Dyrcona |
slef: I didn't say I actually agreed with Bruce.... However, I do to some extent when it comes to software. |
14:30 |
cait left #koha |
14:30 |
Dyrcona |
I also don't think you can educate people who want to remain ignorant. |
14:31 |
gerundio |
hail hail Dyrcona |
14:31 |
Dyrcona |
lol |
14:31 |
gerundio |
we deal with people like that everyday |
14:31 |
* slef |
has trouble with yacy, just to reward him for mentioning it :-( |
14:31 |
talljoy joined #koha |
14:31 |
gerundio |
I have a great example here regarding our migration to koha :D |
14:31 |
slef |
this is very strange... I wonder if I'm being filtered |
14:31 |
* slef |
reroutes traffic |
14:31 |
Dyrcona |
I'll give yacy a try. |
14:32 |
drojf |
slef: i remember trying to try yacy, but something did not work for me |
14:32 |
Dyrcona |
gerundio: I deal with people like that everyday, and our migration to Evergreen is another textbook example. :) |
14:32 |
slef |
http://yacyweb.de/peer.htm might just be giving me dead peers :-/ |
14:32 |
gerundio |
I heard of one person that requested a "sick leave" just not to learn how to work with Koha :D |
14:32 |
* drojf |
is proud to have started the discussion that lead to google not being the standard search engine in the tor browser bundle anymore :P |
14:33 |
Dyrcona |
Wow! gerundio, you win....I've not heard of anything that bad 'round here. |
14:33 |
slef |
drojf++ |
14:33 |
Dyrcona |
I should use tor.....Think I'll look it up again at lunch time. |
14:34 |
gerundio |
Dyrcona, we get that a lot |
14:34 |
* oleonard |
wishes he could just use services that worked well and not have to worry about harmful consequences |
14:34 |
drojf |
gerundio: how do they plan to continue to work if they don't lean how koha works? |
14:35 |
drojf |
s/lean/learn |
14:35 |
gerundio |
an IT colleague of mine keeps doing stuff in Koha that should be done by our librarians, because, in his words, "they don't know how and they lack the hability to learn" |
14:35 |
gerundio |
drojf, does that answer your question? :D |
14:35 |
drojf |
that is not lack of ability but ignorance |
14:35 |
Dyrcona |
gerundio; I usually find its a lack of desire or motivation more than a lack of ability. Most of the people I have these problems with are otherwise intelligent people. |
14:36 |
drojf |
if there is somebody to do it for them, why learn it? |
14:36 |
gerundio |
I don't know how it works on other countries |
14:36 |
gerundio |
but this a public faculty |
14:37 |
gerundio |
in Portugal public employees can't be dismissed (fired) |
14:37 |
gerundio |
so basically they're untouchable |
14:37 |
gerundio |
I managed our helpdesk team for 9 months |
14:37 |
gerundio |
and lets just say they could refuse to do the job and there's nothing I could do about it |
14:39 |
gerundio |
drojf, "lack of ability" was just my nice choice of words for ignorance, laziness or resignation |
14:39 |
gerundio |
most of these people just think "do it or don't do it, I get my paycheck at the end of the month either way, so I rather don't do it" |
14:40 |
gerundio |
me too |
14:40 |
Dyrcona |
I'm always learning new things. It's how I fight boredom. |
14:40 |
oleonard |
I would be profoundly bad at my job if I stopped learning new things |
14:40 |
drojf |
oleonard: some people don't care :D |
14:42 |
gerundio |
that sums it drojf |
14:43 |
gerundio |
in Portugal that feeling of not caring about the obligations is a cultural thing |
14:43 |
gerundio |
most people think they only have rights |
14:44 |
gerundio |
oh well, we could talk for days about this :| |
14:44 |
gerundio |
back to koha, earlier today I pasted this http://paste.koha-community.org/376 |
14:44 |
drojf |
sounds like a relaxed country ;) |
14:44 |
gerundio |
drojf, there are so many nice things going on for Portugal |
14:44 |
drojf |
come on, why care about koha? just relax man :D |
14:45 |
gerundio |
I think that the only bad thing is this culture that lives among the population |
14:45 |
gerundio |
s/among/within/ |
14:47 |
gerundio |
does that code snippet look like a good way to update items barcode and stocknumber after being mapped? |
14:48 |
* drojf |
is not qualified to answer that question |
14:50 |
drojf |
does anybody know if there is a way to choose the output of the koha svc report feature? rangi said it would output json, it does not look like json to me though |
14:52 |
drojf |
public reports that is |
14:54 |
magnuse |
drojf: i don't think there is a way to choose output format |
14:57 |
drojf |
then maybe i'm doing something wrong |
14:57 |
magnuse |
drojf: what's the url for accessing a public report again? |
14:59 |
drojf |
http://localhost/cgi-bin/koha/svc/report?id=2 |
14:59 |
maximep joined #koha |
15:01 |
magnuse |
drojf: i'm seeing the same as you, i guess: [["Code","Lessig, Lawrence"],["The future of ideas","Lessig, Lawrence"],["Remix","Lessig, Lawrence"]] |
15:01 |
drojf |
yes |
15:02 |
drojf |
that is not really json, is it? or is there some kind of json-y has thing i don't understand? |
15:02 |
magnuse |
hm, is it a list of lists? |
15:03 |
magnuse |
where we would expect to se an array of hashes? |
15:03 |
magnuse |
or something like that... |
15:03 |
drojf |
i think i started doing anything with json like two weeks ago, so i'm really not familiar with it :D |
15:04 |
moodaepo joined #koha |
15:04 |
Dyrcona |
magnuse: That's an array of arrays in JSON. |
15:04 |
BigRig joined #koha |
15:04 |
magnuse |
Dyrcona: that's what i suspected :-) |
15:05 |
drojf |
ok. not what i expected but if that is how it is supposed to be then i can deal with it :) |
15:05 |
Dyrcona |
Whether or not it's what you expect, I can't say. :) |
15:05 |
drojf |
heh |
15:05 |
magnuse |
it would have been more useful if it as an array of hashes, with column names as keys, perhaps |
15:05 |
drojf |
magnuse: yes, i was expecting something like that |
15:07 |
magnuse |
it comes from line 60 here: http://git.koha-community.org/[…]4bee6;hb=HEAD#l60 |
15:15 |
fredy joined #koha |
15:24 |
gerundio |
drojf, magnuse use http://jsonlint.com/ to help figure out if it's JSON or not |
15:24 |
gerundio |
in that case, that code is valid JSON |
15:25 |
drojf |
magnuse: would changing that to fetchall_hashref do what i expect? |
15:25 |
drojf |
don't have a koha to try atm |
15:25 |
drojf |
gerundio: thanks! |
15:28 |
moodaepo joined #koha |
15:29 |
magnuse |
drojf: not sure |
15:29 |
magnuse |
almost sounds too easy :-) |
15:32 |
drojf |
magnuse: that's what i was thinking :D |
15:32 |
* drojf |
heads home |
15:32 |
drojf |
later |
15:33 |
Dyrcona |
drojf: It probably .... dang! |
15:33 |
nengard |
when sorting my publication date is it using the 008 in the marc record? or is it using the copyrightdatefield in the db? or both? |
15:33 |
Dyrcona |
@later tell drojf It probably is that easy. |
15:33 |
huginn |
Dyrcona: The operation succeeded. |
15:36 |
oleonard |
Dyrcona: That will be quite the non-sequitor when drojf returns :) |
15:36 |
Dyrcona |
Oh well. |
15:38 |
Dyrcona |
What JSON package do you use? I see a use JSON; in that code that magnuse shared earlier. |
15:40 |
Dyrcona |
Neat! I like the way you handle installation of the Perl stuff. |
15:41 |
Dyrcona |
gmcharlt better watch out. I'm getting ideas for Evergreen..... ;) |
15:41 |
gmcharlt |
Dyrcona: why do you think we lured you over here in the first place? ;) |
15:41 |
Dyrcona |
:) |
15:43 |
oleonard |
gmcharlt: I thought it was to distract Dyrcona in preparation for some kind of elaborate office prank |
15:44 |
gmcharlt |
oleonard: sadly, my arm doesn't reach from Seattle to Massachusetts :) |
15:44 |
oleonard |
If it did I'd ask you to drop me off a bag of chips on the way |
16:03 |
rambutan joined #koha |
16:05 |
trendynick joined #koha |
16:17 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_8108' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]328b81cdb57020c6b> / Bug 8108 [Follow-up, revised] Remove unused OPAC images <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]1efe41e1dad2e1165> / Merge branch 'bug_8942' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]mmitdiff;h=4520f6 |
16:20 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #1029 for job Koha_master (previous build: FIXED) |
16:23 |
melia joined #koha |
16:24 |
sophie_m left #koha |
16:25 |
trendynick joined #koha |
16:30 |
gaetan_B |
oleonard: hi :) i'm looking at bug 2559, i'd say the problem doesn't exist anymore OR unimarc is more consistent than marc21 (since it uses the iso something codes for languages) |
16:30 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=2559 normal, P3, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Language limit on Spanish returns Russian records or is it English ... |
16:30 |
gaetan_B |
there is something wrong though |
16:30 |
gaetan_B |
with the code for italian |
16:31 |
gaetan_B |
which is the one for bahasa indonesia right now |
16:36 |
libsysguy |
I just dropped the pack patch in on a clean box and fresh install and it worked straight out of the gate |
16:36 |
libsysguy |
incase anybody wants to test and so too ;) |
16:37 |
libsysguy |
oh crap jcamins is here |
16:37 |
jcamins |
gaetan_B: that's because Italians secretly prefer to learn new languages. |
16:37 |
oleonard |
jcamins is here! Everyone look busy! |
16:37 |
* libsysguy |
takka takka takka |
16:37 |
oleonard |
Patch! Test! Repeat! |
16:37 |
* gaetan_B |
files a bug quickly |
16:38 |
* libsysguy |
hears the whip cracking in the background |
16:38 |
gerundio joined #koha |
16:38 |
jcamins |
libsysguy: BTW, "pack patch"? |
16:38 |
libsysguy |
plack** |
16:38 |
libsysguy |
its so cold here my fingers don't want to work |
16:39 |
jcamins |
Ah. |
16:39 |
jcamins |
Heh. |
16:39 |
jcamins |
It's pretty nice out here in California. :P |
16:39 |
libsysguy |
grr |
16:39 |
libsysguy |
@wunder 77346 |
16:39 |
huginn |
libsysguy: The current temperature in Eagle Springs, Humble, Texas is 15.1°C (10:37 AM CST on January 31, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 28%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Pressure: 30.32 in 1027 hPa (Rising). |
16:40 |
oleonard |
15C is "so cold?" |
16:41 |
oleonard |
@wunder 45701 |
16:41 |
huginn |
oleonard: The current temperature in OHDOT 31-Athens County Garage, Athens, Ohio is -1.7°C (11:11 AM EST on January 31, 2013). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 71%. Dew Point: -7.0°C. Windchill: -7.0°C. Pressure: 29.90 in 1012 hPa (Rising). |
16:41 |
jcamins |
@wunder palm desert, ca |
16:41 |
huginn |
jcamins: The current temperature in Palm Desert Country Club, Palm Desert, California is 11.7°C (8:29 AM PST on January 31, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 64%. Dew Point: 5.0°C. Pressure: 30.22 in 1023 hPa (Rising). |
16:41 |
libsysguy |
well in Texas its generally warm |
16:41 |
jcamins |
It's warmer where you are than where I am! |
16:42 |
libsysguy |
heh |
16:42 |
* libsysguy |
is more suited for 100 degrees |
16:44 |
* oleonard |
will leave Texas to libsysguy |
16:45 |
libsysguy |
heh |
16:52 |
* jcamins |
too. |
16:55 |
jcamins |
Okay, time to go get Shari some coffee. |
17:01 |
nengard |
I think I can handle 100 degrees |
17:01 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9265' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]1eb927bfc961284c9> / Bug 9265 - Switch to HTML5 doctype in OPAC and staff client <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]b136de0ce026e75fc> / Merge branch 'bug_9308' into 3.12-master <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]a=commitdiff;h=a8 |
17:01 |
nengard |
better than 30 degrees |
17:12 |
oleonard |
Bug 9265 Hooray! HTML5 is a go! |
17:12 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9265 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Switch to HTML5 doctype in OPAC and staff client |
17:14 |
asaurat left #koha |
17:27 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #1029: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 6 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1029/ |
17:27 |
jenkins_koha |
* magnus: Bug 9497 - Make it easier to add new encodings for Z39.50 servers and add ISO 8859-1 |
17:27 |
jenkins_koha |
* Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 9174: Fix itemtype image display in OPAC lists |
17:27 |
jenkins_koha |
* Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 9174 follow-up: Eliminate warning and fix POD |
17:27 |
jenkins_koha |
* fridolyn.somers: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript |
17:27 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9497 normal, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Pushed to Master , Make it easier to add to the the list of possible encodings for Z39.50 servers and add ISO 8859-1 |
17:27 |
jenkins_koha |
* fridolyn.somers: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript (followup 1) |
17:27 |
jenkins_koha |
* fridolyn.somers: Bug 8942: Translation process breaks javascript (followup 2) |
17:27 |
jenkins_koha |
* oleonard: Bug 8108 [Follow-up, revised] Remove unused OPAC images |
17:27 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9174 normal, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Item type image does not display for biblio-level itemtypes in list display in OPAC |
17:27 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8942 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Translation process breaks javascript in calendar.inc |
17:27 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8108 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Remove unused images from the OPAC |
17:28 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #1030 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1028 6 days 17 hr ago) |
17:28 |
oleonard |
jenkins_koha accuses me of breaking master? |
17:30 |
* oleonard |
lawyers up |
17:52 |
drojf joined #koha |
18:04 |
oleonard |
"Dear Abby: How do I tell my staff to stop writing 'KOHA' without sounding like an asshole? -- Annoyed in Athens County" |
18:04 |
oleonard |
"Dear Annoyed: Keep your mouth shut and get back to work. -- Abby" |
18:14 |
aqualaptop joined #koha |
18:25 |
libsysguy |
is there any doc on getting solr working? |
18:33 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #1030: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 5 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1030/ |
18:33 |
jenkins_koha |
* gmc: Bug 9494: update default LOC z39.50 target settings |
18:33 |
jenkins_koha |
* liz: Bug 9382 - updating permission labels |
18:33 |
jenkins_koha |
* Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 9382: Increment version number |
18:33 |
jenkins_koha |
* liz: Bug 9268 - Scanning in barcode or ISBN in Acquisitions -> new order submits the form unexpectedly |
18:33 |
jenkins_koha |
* oleonard: Bug 9483 - Use DataTables on batch patron modifications page |
18:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9494 minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , Library of Congress Z39.50 target seed data outdated |
18:33 |
jenkins_koha |
* ed.veal: Bug 9308 - logo-koha.png not transparent in ccsr theme |
18:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9382 trivial, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , Bold necessary permissions for staff client access. |
18:33 |
jenkins_koha |
* oleonard: Bug 9265 - Switch to HTML5 doctype in OPAC and staff client |
18:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9268 trivial, P5 - low, ---, liz, Pushed to Master , Scanning in barcode or ISBN in Acquisitions -> new order submits the form unexpectedly |
18:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9483 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Use DataTables on batch patron modifications page |
18:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9308 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, ed.veal, Pushed to Master , logo-koha.png not transparent in ccsr theme. |
18:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9265 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Switch to HTML5 doctype in OPAC and staff client |
18:56 |
nengard |
libsysguy: http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]witch_to_Solr_RFC |
18:56 |
nengard |
http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]ene_Documentation |
18:56 |
nengard |
http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]_Queries_for_Koha |
18:57 |
libsysguy |
nengard http://staff.discovery.bywater[…]/koha/mainpage.pl |
18:57 |
libsysguy |
koha:old_usual |
18:58 |
libsysguy |
if you go to admin -> search engine configuration |
18:58 |
libsysguy |
you get an error page |
19:03 |
nengard left #koha |
19:13 |
jcamins_away |
Okay... what am I missing here? |
19:13 |
oleonard |
Snow? |
19:13 |
wahanui |
i guess Snow is thawing :) |
19:13 |
jcamins_away |
t/db_dependent/Koha.t passes on my server. |
19:16 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
19:23 |
jcamins_away |
Maybe missing data. |
19:25 |
JoeLib001 joined #koha |
19:25 |
JoeLib001 |
Hello again everyone. ;-) |
19:27 |
JoeLib001 |
I am still stuck on this whole issue with koha giving me <, >, etc. When I am importing the record into a Non-Koha system using Z39.50. |
19:28 |
JoeLib001 |
In fact when I connect with the yaz-client to my localhost I get the same result. I just spent a couple hours creating a test server to see, if it holds true on a clean system. |
19:28 |
JoeLib001 |
It does. I installed koha 3.10 from the pacakges. |
19:29 |
JoeLib001 |
I'm backing up my test machine so I can kill koha without having to redo my test machine. ;-) |
19:31 |
trea joined #koha |
19:31 |
trea |
o/ |
19:31 |
JoeLib001 |
Hello. :-) |
19:38 |
talljoy1 joined #koha |
19:39 |
JoeLib001 |
Hmm..., just tried rebuilding the Zebra index without the -x option, but that didn't fix it. |
19:40 |
libsysguy |
you should always use the -x option iirc |
19:40 |
talljoy2 joined #koha |
19:40 |
JoeLib001 |
What's it do? |
19:47 |
libsysguy |
rebuilds the indexes from marcxml |
19:47 |
libsysguy |
which is better |
19:52 |
wizzyrea |
in his case, he's got html entities in his xml, which is normal, but it looks like the output from zebra is including them untranslated. |
19:53 |
jcamins |
Bug 8292. |
19:53 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8292 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Passed QA , clicking ignore on hold cancels transfer |
19:53 |
wizzyrea |
so the thought was that if he didn't index from the marcxml, those issues wouldn't come up |
19:53 |
wizzyrea |
*nod* |
19:53 |
wizzyrea |
what about it? |
19:53 |
wizzyrea |
also, good morning :) |
19:54 |
jcamins |
I'm contemplating why holds do not work at all for me. |
19:55 |
wizzyrea |
because you do not have an all all all rule |
19:55 |
wizzyrea |
and you probably do not have allow on shelf holds turned on |
19:55 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
19:55 |
wizzyrea |
(those being the two most common reasons why |
19:55 |
wizzyrea |
) |
19:57 |
wizzyrea |
also jcamins, re: bug 9382 - what were the capitalisation problems? |
19:57 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9382 trivial, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , Bold necessary permissions for staff client access. |
19:57 |
wizzyrea |
(were they in my patch or existent?) |
19:57 |
jcamins |
wizzyrea: they were already there. |
19:58 |
wizzyrea |
ohhh okies. I could clean those up too eh. |
19:58 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
19:58 |
jcamins |
It'd be nice. :) |
19:58 |
wizzyrea |
also, my very first database update. |
19:58 |
* wizzyrea |
sheds a tear |
19:58 |
jcamins |
Nah, when I say holds do not work at all for me, I mean "wowie, that's extraordinary, no part of holds is functioning!" |
19:58 |
jcamins |
I have holds in the database. |
19:58 |
jcamins |
But I cannot trigger them. |
19:59 |
wizzyrea |
independent branches? |
19:59 |
jcamins |
Oh-ho! |
19:59 |
jcamins |
I didn't think of checking that! |
19:59 |
* wizzyrea |
is reaching the bottom of the barrel |
19:59 |
jcamins |
Nope. |
19:59 |
wizzyrea |
hmm. |
19:59 |
wizzyrea |
is it internet connected? |
19:59 |
jcamins |
I'm thinking I'll just clear out reserves and oldreserves and try again. |
20:00 |
wizzyrea |
oh well |
20:00 |
wizzyrea |
you should not ever try to do testing with old holds. |
20:00 |
wizzyrea |
unless that's the problem you are trying to address. |
20:00 |
* jcamins |
would just like his hold to trigger. |
20:01 |
jcamins |
I don't feel that's so much to ask. |
20:01 |
wizzyrea |
ha. |
20:01 |
* wizzyrea |
states the obvious - you are using "check in" right :P |
20:01 |
jcamins |
Yes. |
20:01 |
jcamins |
I also tried checking it out to the person who had the hold, when it refused to trigger. |
20:01 |
jcamins |
That didn't do anything. |
20:02 |
wizzyrea |
hm that seems odd for sure |
20:02 |
wizzyrea |
this is just master + that patch, right? |
20:02 |
jcamins |
This is master with or without that patch. |
20:02 |
jcamins |
Okay... |
20:02 |
jcamins |
that was not an improvement. |
20:02 |
JoeLib001 |
posted bug 9552 |
20:02 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9552 was not found. |
20:03 |
JoeLib001 |
My bad, bug 9522. ;-) |
20:03 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9522 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Koha returns <, >, etc in the record instead of <, >, etc when fulfilling a Z39.50 request |
20:03 |
wizzyrea |
you are going to want to attach the marc record you used |
20:03 |
jcamins |
It doesn't matter. |
20:03 |
jcamins |
Any record results in the holds system going bonkers. |
20:03 |
wizzyrea |
no no no |
20:03 |
wizzyrea |
not you |
20:04 |
wizzyrea |
JoeLib001 :) |
20:04 |
wizzyrea |
that seems not good. |
20:04 |
jcamins |
Oh. |
20:04 |
jcamins |
Right. |
20:04 |
jcamins |
Wait, wait! I know! |
20:05 |
jcamins |
I had added rental charges! |
20:05 |
wizzyrea |
ha. |
20:06 |
cait joined #koha |
20:06 |
cait |
hi #koha |
20:06 |
wizzyrea |
hi cait |
20:06 |
oleonard |
Hi cait |
20:06 |
cait |
hi wizzyrea and oleonard :) |
20:06 |
* wizzyrea |
waves to oleonard |
20:06 |
jcamins |
No, I was wrong. |
20:06 |
jcamins |
Bother. |
20:07 |
JoeLib001 |
Ok, will do. |
20:07 |
wizzyrea |
you get a message when you try, or you dont? |
20:07 |
wizzyrea |
jcamins |
20:07 |
jcamins |
So... do holds work for anyone on master? |
20:07 |
* wizzyrea |
will try it right now |
20:07 |
jcamins |
wizzyrea: it just says "Not checked out" |
20:08 |
wizzyrea |
that seems not good |
20:08 |
jcamins |
We are in agreement. |
20:08 |
jcamins |
But holds worked after I pushed Srdjan's latest patch because I tried them. |
20:09 |
nengard joined #koha |
20:09 |
wizzyrea |
mine seems to be working |
20:09 |
jcamins |
That's good. |
20:09 |
* wizzyrea |
tries another |
20:09 |
slef |
how not to fire people http://uk.news.yahoo.com/jobs-[…]mv-160620231.html |
20:09 |
jcamins |
Hey, does "Attention:" always show out on your checkout screen, even when there's no message? |
20:10 |
slef |
"Staff at collapsed music and entertainment chain HMV used the company's official Twitter account to announce their own "mass execution" as administrators axed nearly 190 jobs." |
20:10 |
wizzyrea |
item level holds jcamins? |
20:10 |
wizzyrea |
yes |
20:11 |
jcamins |
Bib-level. |
20:11 |
wahanui |
somebody said bib-level was an example |
20:11 |
jcamins |
I'll try item level too. |
20:11 |
jcamins |
Good idea. |
20:11 |
wizzyrea |
mine are working fine |
20:11 |
wizzyrea |
also, koha is looking so nice these days. |
20:12 |
* wizzyrea |
can't wait to get bootstrap on it properly, it will look really properly swank then. |
20:12 |
jcamins |
... |
20:12 |
jcamins |
that's really weird. |
20:12 |
wizzyrea |
oleonard++ for that work |
20:12 |
oleonard |
Fresh patch awaiting testing wizzyrea! :) |
20:12 |
wizzyrea |
:D |
20:12 |
jcamins |
It just skipped my bib-level hold. |
20:12 |
wizzyrea |
mine are all bib-level |
20:12 |
jcamins |
The item level hold worked. |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
I like the icons that come with bootstrap |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
some we don't have but |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
like I didn't see one for "duplicate" |
20:13 |
* oleonard |
made one |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
:D |
20:13 |
cait |
oleonard++ :) |
20:14 |
* cait |
spend all day on learning about business process management :( |
20:14 |
oleonard |
That does not sound fun. |
20:15 |
cait |
not really |
20:15 |
cait |
distance study |
20:15 |
cait |
but it's the last course in that area thankfully |
20:15 |
jcamins |
Ummm... |
20:15 |
wizzyrea |
jcamins: maybe try with a fresh DB? |
20:15 |
jcamins |
I don't have an ignore button. |
20:15 |
wizzyrea |
wait you made it work? |
20:16 |
jcamins |
I have "Confirm" and "Print and confirm." |
20:16 |
jcamins |
Apparently. |
20:16 |
cait |
hm |
20:16 |
cait |
what are you trying to do? |
20:16 |
jcamins |
Test the problem described in bug 8292. |
20:16 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8292 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Passed QA , clicking ignore on hold cancels transfer |
20:16 |
cait |
maybe a syspref is involved here? |
20:16 |
wizzyrea |
http://imgur.com/wagcS6q |
20:16 |
jcamins |
wizzyrea: it seems like possibly that user can no longer place holds. |
20:16 |
wizzyrea |
this is what mine looks like |
20:16 |
wizzyrea |
are they debarred? |
20:17 |
wizzyrea |
over the fine limit? |
20:17 |
cait |
jcamins: I tested with automaticitemreturn - not sure about my other settings :( |
20:17 |
jcamins |
Not as far as I can see. |
20:17 |
wizzyrea |
it's not the superlibrarian |
20:17 |
jcamins |
It's not the database user. |
20:17 |
jcamins |
It's a superlibrarian user. |
20:17 |
cait |
and I placed my holds from staff |
20:17 |
jcamins |
Yeah, I'm placing holds from staff as well. |
20:18 |
cait |
what is the error message you get? |
20:18 |
wizzyrea |
he doesn't get one |
20:18 |
wizzyrea |
it just doesn't work |
20:18 |
libsysguy joined #koha |
20:18 |
jcamins |
For another user, I managed to get the following (taking screenshot). |
20:19 |
jcamins |
http://screencast.com/t/Xt9mSNj4u |
20:19 |
wizzyrea |
could it be that the rules for that particular branch state that the itemtype you are trying to issue is no-holds |
20:19 |
jcamins |
Notice the lack of an ignore button. |
20:19 |
jcamins |
Ooh. That could be. |
20:19 |
wizzyrea |
oh, it's because the item is already waiting |
20:19 |
wizzyrea |
you can't ignore it if it's already waiting |
20:19 |
wizzyrea |
use a fresh hold ;) |
20:19 |
jcamins |
But... |
20:19 |
jcamins |
wtf is the point of bug 8292 then? |
20:20 |
wizzyrea |
the first time |
20:20 |
wizzyrea |
you check in an item |
20:20 |
wizzyrea |
you can igonre it |
20:20 |
jcamins |
Right. |
20:20 |
wizzyrea |
once you have confirmed it once |
20:20 |
jcamins |
But that's at the home library. |
20:20 |
wizzyrea |
trying again you will get this message that it's already waiting |
20:20 |
wizzyrea |
so what you do |
20:21 |
wizzyrea |
is you place a hold for patron a on an item from library b |
20:21 |
wizzyrea |
patron a belongs to library a |
20:21 |
wizzyrea |
library b pulls the item, transfers it to library a |
20:21 |
wizzyrea |
the first time you check in the item at library a |
20:21 |
wizzyrea |
you have the choice to ignore it |
20:21 |
wizzyrea |
if you confirm the first time |
20:21 |
wizzyrea |
the second time you check it in you will not see an ignore button |
20:21 |
wizzyrea |
because the item is already confirmed and waiting |
20:22 |
jcamins |
I must be missing something. |
20:22 |
wizzyrea |
is that what you did? |
20:22 |
jcamins |
Why on earth would the first checkin be at library A? |
20:22 |
wizzyrea |
the item started at library b |
20:22 |
jcamins |
Right. |
20:22 |
wizzyrea |
library b checks it in once to transfer it |
20:22 |
wizzyrea |
nothing really happens to the hold at that point |
20:22 |
wizzyrea |
except that it is marked "in transit" |
20:22 |
wizzyrea |
once it is checked in at library A |
20:22 |
jcamins |
That's not what just happened. |
20:23 |
jcamins |
Wait... is this a "once you apply the patch, this is the way it works" thing? |
20:23 |
wizzyrea |
yes |
20:23 |
jcamins |
Because I'm trying to test the broken behavior. |
20:23 |
wizzyrea |
no |
20:23 |
wizzyrea |
the broken behavior is that the item gets stuck at library A if you have AIR on |
20:23 |
jcamins |
Okay. |
20:23 |
wizzyrea |
I think you need a fresh hold |
20:23 |
cait |
^^ what wizzyrea said :) |
20:23 |
cait |
yep |
20:23 |
jcamins |
That was a fresh hold. |
20:23 |
cait |
I did a fresh one too |
20:24 |
jcamins |
I'll try another. |
20:24 |
wizzyrea |
and really put your mind in the space of 2 librarians |
20:24 |
wizzyrea |
at different places |
20:24 |
cait |
librarian from A places hold for patron at A for pickup at A on item from B |
20:24 |
wizzyrea |
^^^ |
20:24 |
jcamins |
Okay, so my book is at Fairfield. |
20:24 |
cait |
Item from B gets pulled and morphs over to A |
20:24 |
cait |
wher eit is checke din |
20:25 |
cait |
with spaces at the right places... (bad typing) |
20:25 |
jcamins |
Selfcheck has placed a hold to pick it up at Centerville. |
20:25 |
wizzyrea |
you have to make sure to change your set branch too. |
20:25 |
jcamins |
Now what do I do? |
20:25 |
jcamins |
I think I am a librarian at Fairfield who pulls the book. |
20:25 |
wizzyrea |
you check it in |
20:25 |
jcamins |
I am holding the book. |
20:25 |
* cait |
giggles |
20:25 |
wizzyrea |
it should say "transfer to centerville for selfcheck" |
20:25 |
wizzyrea |
confirm that |
20:25 |
jcamins |
http://screencast.com/t/rQrp0dqGn7 |
20:26 |
jcamins |
It says "Confirm hold and transfer." |
20:26 |
jcamins |
I click that button? |
20:26 |
wizzyrea |
yep |
20:26 |
jcamins |
I think I should. |
20:26 |
wizzyrea |
now set your library to centerville |
20:26 |
jcamins |
Now I go over to Centerville. |
20:26 |
wizzyrea |
yep |
20:26 |
jcamins |
And... do what? |
20:26 |
wizzyrea |
and check it in |
20:26 |
jcamins |
Okay, that's what I thought. |
20:26 |
jcamins |
And we're back at my first screenshot. |
20:27 |
jcamins |
There's no "Ignore" button. |
20:27 |
wizzyrea |
! |
20:27 |
wizzyrea |
hm. |
20:27 |
wizzyrea |
I like your book title. |
20:27 |
* cait |
confesses that she might have skipped the transfer step |
20:27 |
wizzyrea |
(that's aside) |
20:27 |
wizzyrea |
hm |
20:27 |
jcamins |
Thank you. |
20:27 |
jcamins |
I was testing line breaks in overdue notices. |
20:27 |
wizzyrea |
put that one in discussion - let me check it, I will do it right now |
20:28 |
jcamins |
Thanks. |
20:28 |
cait |
wizzyrea++ |
20:28 |
wizzyrea |
because that does seem not-right |
20:28 |
wizzyrea |
i am sad when I switch off of my bootstrap branch. |
20:28 |
cait |
lol |
20:28 |
* cait |
hands wizzyrea a cookie and goes back to bpm... |
20:29 |
* wizzyrea |
is powered by Orbital today |
20:29 |
cait |
Orbital? |
20:29 |
wizzyrea |
the band |
20:29 |
wahanui |
i guess the band is called 'the the' :) |
20:29 |
cait |
oh |
20:29 |
cait |
don't know that one :) |
20:29 |
* cait |
is listening to milow |
20:30 |
oleonard |
Ugh. Just got my first bug report regarding Koha in Firefox on Windows 8 :( |
20:30 |
paul_p joined #koha |
20:30 |
wizzyrea |
ew |
20:30 |
BigRig_ joined #koha |
20:30 |
cait |
ew |
20:30 |
cait |
ok, someone push me out of #koha please |
20:30 |
wizzyrea |
hi paul_p |
20:31 |
* jcamins |
pushes cait. |
20:31 |
* cait |
is not sure if jcamins is mean or helpful, or both |
20:31 |
cait was kicked by wizzyrea: cait |
20:31 |
wizzyrea |
lol |
20:31 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
20:31 |
drojf |
lol |
20:31 |
jcamins |
lol |
20:31 |
wizzyrea |
@later tell cait I love you sis :) |
20:31 |
huginn |
wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. |
20:32 |
wizzyrea |
haha! |
20:32 |
* wizzyrea |
thought for sure she'd come back |
20:32 |
* wizzyrea |
hopes she laughed |
20:32 |
BigRig__ joined #koha |
20:33 |
wizzyrea |
jcamins: at the very least we need to confirm what *should* happen in any circumstance when ignore is pushed |
20:33 |
wizzyrea |
it may not be the same in all cases. |
20:33 |
wizzyrea |
which is what I'm afraid of. |
20:34 |
wizzyrea |
but I haven't tested it yet |
20:35 |
wizzyrea |
(that patron statistics tab, that table is ugly.) |
20:35 |
oleonard |
Agreed |
20:36 |
wizzyrea |
also, that page doesn't have the toolbar on it |
20:37 |
* wizzyrea |
makes a bug for those things. |
20:39 |
wizzyrea |
HOLDS. must test holds. |
20:39 |
* wizzyrea |
also notices that if you put NULL in the fields in the patron importer, the importer puts NULL in all of the fields. |
20:40 |
wizzyrea |
logical I suppose, but one might assume that if the word NULL is in a cell, that it would be ignored. |
20:40 |
wizzyrea |
i blame the user (me) |
20:41 |
wizzyrea |
oleonard: I LOVE search to hold. |
20:41 |
wizzyrea |
so. much. |
20:41 |
oleonard |
:D |
20:41 |
wizzyrea |
every time I use it, I'm grateful. |
20:42 |
oleonard |
does members/statistics.pl always show the same three columns,location itype and ccode? |
20:43 |
wizzyrea |
that's a good question - I'm not sure, it's a new feature |
20:43 |
oleonard |
my $fields = C4::Members::Statistics::get_fields(); |
20:44 |
oleonard |
Oh, there's a new preference |
20:44 |
wizzyrea |
jcamins: I got the same result you did |
20:44 |
oleonard |
StatisticsFields |
20:44 |
wizzyrea |
there is no ignore at the receiving library |
20:44 |
wizzyrea |
and it says the item is already waiting |
20:44 |
wizzyrea |
which I think seems not right |
20:44 |
* wizzyrea |
backs out of it and tries again without the patch. |
20:44 |
jcamins |
Agreed. |
20:45 |
jcamins |
The thing is, I'm not 100% sure it's ever done anything different. |
20:45 |
wizzyrea |
I am quite sure it has. |
20:45 |
oleonard |
Default value seems to be "location|itype|ccode" I wonder if I can add anything I want? |
20:45 |
wizzyrea |
those messages are wicked complicated |
20:45 |
wizzyrea |
because we expect koha to infer what it is supposed to be doing |
20:45 |
wizzyrea |
but it can't always |
20:46 |
wizzyrea |
I mean how do you codify "this item is in transit, but it could also fill a hold for someone here, and it also has a record to transfer it to library that is neither sending or receiving - what should I suggest you do?" |
20:46 |
wizzyrea |
= multiple prompts |
20:46 |
wizzyrea |
multiple prompts = confusing to humans |
20:47 |
wizzyrea |
confusing to humans = fix it |
20:47 |
wizzyrea |
fix it = making koha infer something that isn't always right |
20:47 |
wizzyrea |
= confused humans, and confused koha |
20:47 |
wizzyrea |
big mess |
20:47 |
wizzyrea |
</rant> |
20:50 |
JoeLib001 |
Hehe. ;-) |
20:51 |
jcamins |
I guess I'll try git bisect... do we have any idea when/if it worked? |
20:51 |
BigRig joined #koha |
20:54 |
jcamins |
Well, it didn't work when we branched 3.10. |
20:56 |
wizzyrea |
hm |
20:57 |
jcamins |
Nice! |
20:57 |
jcamins |
I just managed to check out the same book to myself twice. |
20:57 |
jcamins |
Simultaneously. |
20:57 |
jcamins |
Also, it was broken in 3.8.0. |
20:58 |
BigRig_ joined #koha |
21:01 |
wizzyrea |
ermmm |
21:01 |
wizzyrea |
wait, you actually had the same book issued to yourself twice? |
21:01 |
wizzyrea |
not renewed? |
21:02 |
jcamins |
Yes. |
21:02 |
jcamins |
Two entries. |
21:02 |
wizzyrea |
caching? |
21:02 |
wahanui |
it has been said that caching is good. Caching using module variables is not. |
21:02 |
jcamins |
Hmm... |
21:02 |
wizzyrea |
theoretically, if you try to issue the same book to the same person twice |
21:03 |
wizzyrea |
the second time it would renew |
21:03 |
jcamins |
I didn't enter the barcode twice. I just got double entries. |
21:03 |
jcamins |
Fun! |
21:03 |
wizzyrea |
er |
21:03 |
jcamins |
But that was with 3.10 not master. |
21:03 |
* wizzyrea |
blinks |
21:03 |
jcamins |
And not 3.10.whateverwe'reupto. |
21:03 |
jcamins |
3.10.0ish. |
21:03 |
wizzyrea |
oh phes |
21:03 |
wizzyrea |
phew. |
21:05 |
eythian |
hi |
21:05 |
wahanui |
salut, eythian |
21:06 |
jcamins |
So I'm going to say that bug 8292 needs some more work, and let the circ experts figure it out. |
21:06 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8292 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle, In Discussion , clicking ignore on hold cancels transfer |
21:06 |
chris_n joined #koha |
21:06 |
wizzyrea |
yea, I'm going to need an absolute test plan |
21:06 |
wizzyrea |
what prefs set, what rules |
21:07 |
wizzyrea |
oleonard++ |
21:13 |
* oleonard |
is in the git blackout zone again |
21:16 |
jcamins |
Two patches left to test. bug 9192 and bug 8369. |
21:16 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9192 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolyn.somers, Passed QA , UNIMARC_sync_date_created_with_marc_biblio.pl field creation |
21:16 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8369 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Passed QA , default_branch_circ_rule and default_circ_rules tables useless |
21:17 |
JoeLib001 |
Hmm...., am getting an error in zebra-output.log. |
21:18 |
JoeLib001 |
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/etc/koha/sites/kohatest/__KOHA_CONF_DIR__/zebradb/explain-biblios.xml" |
21:24 |
eythian |
wahanui: meat is <reply>http://www.eastoftheweb.com/sh[…]ks/TheyMade.shtml |
21:24 |
wahanui |
OK, eythian. |
21:24 |
jcamins |
meat? |
21:24 |
wahanui |
http://www.eastoftheweb.com/sh[…]ks/TheyMade.shtml |
21:25 |
nengard left #koha |
21:26 |
oleonard |
A classic. |
21:27 |
wizzyrea |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaFZTAOb7IE |
21:27 |
eythian |
it really is, one of my favourite short stories |
21:27 |
oleonard |
And suddenly the cloud passes and I can connect to git again. |
21:28 |
eythian |
I assume you mean the cloud has returned :) |
21:28 |
JoeLib001 |
I am thinking Satellite Internet. ;-) |
21:29 |
oleonard |
eythian: If you ever catch me referring to the internet as "the cloud" please smack me upside the head |
21:29 |
eythian |
deal :) |
21:29 |
wizzyrea |
you know what would be cool. An edit link to edit the items on detail.pl |
21:29 |
wizzyrea |
and i mean, on each item. |
21:29 |
* wizzyrea |
shoots for the moon |
21:29 |
jcamins |
Didn't there used to be? |
21:30 |
jcamins |
Oh, no, it's the barcode, which just goes to moredetail.pl. |
21:31 |
wizzyrea |
yea |
21:31 |
wizzyrea |
i mean, it would only show if you have "edititems" |
21:31 |
eythian |
wahanui: meat is also <reply>http://youtu.be/gaFZTAOb7IE |
21:31 |
wahanui |
okay, eythian. |
21:32 |
* oleonard |
cannot reproduce bug 9516 |
21:32 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9516 normal, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Needs Signoff , Item Availability/Data missing from OPAC tag search |
21:32 |
jcamins |
Time to go to a cooking demonstration at the local library. :) |
21:32 |
oleonard |
Anyway.. See you later #koha |
21:32 |
wizzyrea |
byee |
21:32 |
eythian |
later |
21:33 |
wizzyrea |
meat? |
21:33 |
wahanui |
http://www.eastoftheweb.com/sh[…]ks/TheyMade.shtml |
21:33 |
trea |
heh |
21:35 |
eythian |
the video is delightfully surreal |
21:41 |
JoeLib001 |
Is http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/ supposed to go somewhere? |
21:42 |
eythian |
where does it come from? |
21:42 |
libsysguy joined #koha |
21:43 |
wizzyrea |
I suspect the zebra definitions |
21:43 |
JoeLib001 |
I'm looking in the file /etc/koha/zebradb/explain-biblios.xml |
21:43 |
eythian |
Oh, and it's in the header? In that case, no it's not a requirement that the actual DTD be there. It's just a namespace. |
21:44 |
JoeLib001 |
It's in the line <explain xmlns="http://explain.z3950.org/dtd/2.0/"> |
21:45 |
eythian |
yeah, just a namespace. |
21:45 |
JoeLib001 |
Ok. |
21:45 |
eythian |
It's nice if they put the DTD there, but not required. |
21:46 |
JoeLib001 |
Yeah, the link probably should be to here: http://zeerex.z3950.org/dtd/zeerex-2.0.dtd I think. |
22:02 |
libsysguy |
does anybody know where the installdir is set when pulling from C4::Context? |
22:05 |
libsysguy |
aww yeah bag check that out http://staff.discovery.bywater[…]e/solr/indexes.pl |
22:06 |
bag |
nice |
22:06 |
bag |
wrong window fool :P |
22:06 |
bag |
afternoon #koha |
22:06 |
libsysguy |
oops |
22:06 |
libsysguy |
:D |
22:06 |
libsysguy |
it happens |
22:06 |
bag |
HA no worries - everyone knows we are testing Solr right now :D |
22:07 |
libsysguy |
well, we have it *semi* working :) |
22:07 |
libsysguy |
on wheezy |
22:07 |
libsysguy |
cats out of the bag now :p |
22:07 |
bag |
dogs rule! |
22:12 |
barriers joined #koha |
22:12 |
drojf |
last time i checked there was a lot missing in solr. like, all things authorities? |
22:15 |
libsysguy |
that is correct |
22:20 |
* wizzyrea |
curses a bit at holds. |
22:47 |
drojf |
@later tell rangi nevermind, we figured it out |
22:47 |
huginn |
drojf: The operation succeeded. |
22:49 |
wizzyrea |
...now to remember the password for my 3.8 db. |
22:49 |
wizzyrea |
gr. |
22:49 |
drojf |
that's a short password |
22:49 |
drojf |
and the wrong window |
22:50 |
rambutan |
well, it does include a special character |
22:50 |
wizzyrea |
:) |
22:50 |
wizzyrea |
busted, now you're gonna hack me |
22:50 |
wizzyrea |
<not really my password> |
22:50 |
wizzyrea |
<that you know of> |
22:50 |
* wizzyrea |
laughs evilly |
22:51 |
libsysguy joined #koha |
23:07 |
wizzyrea |
I think koha needs this for holds: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tum[…]1rqbl96o1_500.jpg |
23:14 |
drojf |
:D |
23:15 |
wizzyrea |
seriously, it would make things so much easier. |
23:15 |
wizzyrea |
;) |
23:15 |
drojf |
lol |
23:18 |
wizzyrea |
because I have been thinking this morning "there are just sometimes when a user might legitimately put something in koha in a state where it would be impossible for any program to ascertain what the person's intention was" |
23:18 |
wizzyrea |
I guess the challenge then becomes |
23:19 |
wizzyrea |
how to display that information in a way that reduces the feeling of "OMG WHAT DO I DO" in the person using it. |
23:19 |
wizzyrea |
"are you trying to send this to another library or confirm a hold for someone at your library?" |
23:21 |
edveal left #koha |
23:22 |
rambutan |
That thing in your link doesn't work. I keep clicking on "OK" and nothing happens. Looks like a windows box, so maybe that's why. |
23:27 |
wizzyrea |
that must be it ;) |
23:33 |
JoeLib001 |
I've had it for today. ;-) Have a good one everyone. ;-) |
23:39 |
papa joined #koha |
23:49 |
qu-bit joined #koha |