IRC log for #koha, 2012-02-20

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:01 Phlunk3 joined #koha
00:01 Phlunk3 can anyone tell me how passwords are encoded in the borrowers table?
00:01 rangi md5 base64
00:01 Phlunk3 thx
00:02 Phlunk3 sorry, md5 is applied first, or the base64?
00:03 eythian md5, otherwise it doesn't make sense
00:59 cul_away joined #koha
01:02 Phlunk3 Dunno if anyone can tell me this, but I need to manually create some patrons, wondering if the borrowers / borrower_attributes tables are only ones I need to concern myself with?
01:03 eythian pretty much, yeah.
01:04 Phlunk3 only one I was really wondering about, is adding a new cardnumber in there enough, or do I need to update a table which tracks the last used card number?
01:07 eythian I'm not really sure how the cardnumber tracking thing works, I'm afraid.
01:07 Phlunk3 np, will make a backup run me script and see whats broken once the lib closes lol.
01:07 eythian that's a plan :)
01:11 luisb joined #koha
01:16 wizzyrea joined #koha
01:19 BobB joined #koha
01:24 cul_away left #koha
01:27 eythian[…]F%2FohIJMFiXWU%3D
01:56 chris_n rangi about?
01:58 chris_n @later tell rangi run 'perl t/db_dependent/Serials.t' on master and see if it blows chunks for you
01:58 huginn chris_n: The operation succeeded.
02:02 eythian chris_n: he's gone to a meeting thing
02:04 chris_n tnx
02:05 chris_n @later tell rangi it does not actually "fail" but commit 77a9e9162e54678c545943578f36b46a381485bc makes it barf pretty badly
02:05 huginn chris_n: The operation succeeded.
02:32 jenkins_koha Starting build #34 for job Koha_3.6.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
02:37 druthb joined #koha
02:37 * druthb wanders in
03:09 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.6.x build #34: SUCCESS in 36 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_3.6.x/34/
03:09 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Fix for Bug 7083 - [SIGNED-OFF] Show creator name on list of public lists
03:09 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: BZ4376 Minor change in GetMarcAuthor
03:09 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Olivier Crouzet is 168th !
03:09 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: BZ6115: Acquisition reports : date filter & sorting don't work
03:09 jenkins_koha * julian.maurice: Bug 6694: Problem with casAuthentication syspref
03:09 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7083 enhancement, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Show creator name on list of public lists
03:09 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_5473: Update items when receiving shipments
03:09 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 5473 follow-up : removed warn & replace some tabs by 4 spaces
03:09 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7402 : Fixing the date formatting so links to the invoice page work
03:09 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6694 normal, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , Anonymous sessions not kept when casAuthentication is on
03:09 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: Bug 6790: Remove unnecessary variable from getroutinglist return
03:09 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 6829 Follow up patch
03:09 jenkins_koha * 6829 Follow up
03:09 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7098: Adds koha_url elements to sco.css.
03:09 jenkins_koha * alex.arnaud: bug 7343 - Fix empty values in statistic 1 and 2 dropboxes in neworderempty
03:09 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 6350 - Adding new developers to history.txt Jesse Maseto Connor Dewar Sam Sanders
03:09 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5473 normal, P2, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , 952 fields should be filled in by Acquisitions
03:09 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7402 normal, P3, ---, chris, Pushed to Master , invoice not showing received titles
03:09 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: history.txt removing a useless tab
03:09 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Updating perlcriticrc to allow Modern::Perl to suffice instead of use warnings; and use strict;
03:09 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 6836: Adding dependency on Modern::Perl
03:09 jenkins_koha * julian.maurice: Bug 6836: Add jQuery dataTables plugin
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6790 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , C4::Serials::getroutinglist returns unnecessary variable
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6829 minor, P5 - low, ---,, Pushed to Master , Remove two warnings for opac-MARCdetail
03:10 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 6836: followup CSS work
03:10 jenkins_koha * julian.maurice: Bug 6836: test case
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7098 trivial, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , powered by koha not styled on sco
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7343 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, paul.poulain, NEW , search tag usability in MARC framework
03:10 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: Bug 6752: Be stricter with utf-8 encoding of output
03:10 jenkins_koha * lrea: Bug 7157 - Improve the cronjob
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7157 follow-up: executable again
03:10 jenkins_koha * 7367 Removing reintroduced debugging statement from
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6350 trivial, P5 - low, ---, nengard, Pushed to Master , Bug for tracking updates to the history file
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6836 enhancement, P2, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , jQuery plugin Datatables integration[…]/DataTables_HowTo
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6836 follow-up fixing POD
03:10 jenkins_koha * cnighswonger: Bug 7359 - Begin migration to a new "Koha" namespace from the old "C4" namespace
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6752 enhancement, P3, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , Be stricter with utf-8 output
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7157 enhancement, P3, ---, wizzyrea, Pushed to Master , Improve the cronjob
03:10 jenkins_koha * christophe.croullebois: Bug 7350: In duplicating an item does not preserve select box selections
03:10 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 3806 - Holidays table doesn't order by date correcly
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7359 critical, P1 - high, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , Begin migration to a new "Koha" namespace from the old "C4" namespace
03:10 jenkins_koha * ruth: Bug 7446: Redundant display of availablecount in in staff client.
03:10 jenkins_koha * stephane.delaune: Bug 7460: Add template toolkit's FILTER html_line_break on opac details description's tab
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7350 normal, P3, ---, christophe.croullebois, Pushed to Master , In New order the "+" button duplicates input text but not the "selected" in ddl
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3806 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Holidays table doesn't order by date correcly
03:10 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: bug 5327 added unit test for C4/
03:10 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: Bug 5327 added tests for C4/
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7446 trivial, P5 - low, ---, ruth, Pushed to Master , Redundant display of availablecount in staff client (
03:10 jenkins_koha * reason.koan: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/AuthoritiesMarc/
03:10 jenkins_koha * jorgia_m_kelsey: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7460 minor, P5 - low, ---, stephane.delaune, Signed Off , nl2br in opac Title notes tab
03:10 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/ClassSortRoutine/LCC
03:10 jenkins_koha * reason.koan: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/Creators/
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5327 major, P3, ---, sam-sanders, ASSIGNED , Unit tests required for all C4 modules
03:10 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
03:10 jenkins_koha * kate.h: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
03:10 jenkins_koha * kate.h: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
03:10 jenkins_koha * Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
03:10 jenkins_koha * connor.dewar: Bug 5327 Added unit tests for C4/SIP/ILS/Transaction/
03:10 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: Bug 5327 added tests for C4/
03:10 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_6488: Take in account opachiddenitems when searching in opac
03:10 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_6210: Select framework if merging two records with different frameworks
03:10 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 6210 - Follow up, Choose framework on merge
03:10 jenkins_koha * peter: Bug 6539 - When searching the catalogue, if I get no results then hit the Z39.50 search the title field in the pop up window is populated with what I searched for.
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6539 follow-up, fixing wrong indentation
03:10 jenkins_koha * aleksa: Bug 6631: Anonymous users can create lists in OPAC
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6210 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , Choose framework on Merge
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6539 minor, P3, ---, peter.lorimer, Pushed to Master , Z39.50 Search ISBN Field Populated with title
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: bug 6631 follow-up adding author in contributors list
03:10 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 5327: Shifting a db dependent test to the right place
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6631 major, P5 - low, ---, aleksa, Pushed to Master , Unrestricted creation of lists by anonymous users
03:10 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 5327 - move another test around
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: adding 3 contributors from catalyst OpenSource academy
03:10 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 6842 Alternate fix, Branch transfer limits broken
03:10 jenkins_koha * henridamien.laurent: Bug 6842 FU : library transfer limits edits not stored
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6842 major, P2, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Branch transfer limits broken
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Adding Jorgia Kelsey and Peter Lorimer as contributors
03:10 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 6913 - change how ports are handled by koha-create
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6913 enhancement, P3, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , Improving koha-list and koha-create
03:10 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 6913: More options for koha-create and koha-remove
03:10 jenkins_koha * aleksa: Bug 7005: Writeoff all now has a confirmation dialog.
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7005 follow-up fix coding guidelines broken
03:10 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Fix for Bug 7148 - Add some error handling to Acquisitions' Z39.50 search to match Cataloging's
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7005 major, P5 - low, ---, aleksa, Pushed to Master , no confirmation for write off all
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7148 enhancement, P3, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Add some error handling to Acquisitions' Z39.50 search to match Cataloging's
03:10 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_7190: Do not reverse writeoffs when item is returned
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6488 adding a 2nd \n to silence logs
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 critical, P2, ---, srdjan, Signed Off , opachiddenitems not working in master
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6210 follow-up, removing warn
03:10 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7355 Note subfields are not displayed in TEXTAREA if hidden
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7355 enhancement, P3, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Note subfields are not displayed in TEXTAREA if hidden
03:10 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7431: Fixes the display of the due date in opac item specific holds.
03:10 jenkins_koha * adrien.saurat: Bug 7450: missing placeholders in
03:10 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: bug 7450 small follow-up, removing warn
03:10 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 6984 - Holds statistics doesn't work.
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7431 major, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , OPAC item hold list doesn't show 'checked out'
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7450 critical, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Master , Missing placeholders in admin/
03:10 jenkins_koha * Bug 7459 - Can only add to one public list in OPAC search results
03:10 jenkins_koha * mjr: Bug 7476 Remove executable bit from files that probably should not be executed
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6984 critical, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , Holds Statistics Doesn't Work
03:10 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7472 Edit button ineffective when paying borrower fee
03:10 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 7461 - Cart offering to remove items when closing
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7459 major, P2, ---,, Pushed to Master , Can only add to one public list in OPAC search results
03:10 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 7238 Followup - fix sip_run to require path to SIPconfig.xml
03:10 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7238 : Shifting SIPconfig.xml to the etc dir and the scripts to misc/bin
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7476 normal, P3, ---, aleksa, Pushed to Master , Files executable that probably should not be
03:10 jenkins_koha * lrea: Bug 6323 -- Error handling cleanup for
03:10 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 5674: patron name sort ignoring case when placing holds.
03:10 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7472 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Edit button ineffective when paying borrower fee
03:10 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 6314 XSL UNIMARC Improvments
03:10 jenkins_koha * Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 7453: All patrons should have an expiry date
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7461 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , cart offering to remove items when closing
03:11 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 7466 - Cart notification popup should appear onscreen even when button isn't
03:11 jenkins_koha * kyle.m.hall: Bug 6490 - Lost and paid not updated when book is checked out.
03:11 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 7127 - Templates must be valid XHTML
03:11 jenkins_koha * januszop: Error in records.abs for marc21/biblios
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7238 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, chris, Pushed to Master , move SIPconfig.xml, sip_run and sip_shutdown outside from C4 (NOT FOR 3.6)
03:11 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 929 : Follow up, shifting test
03:11 jenkins_koha * duncan: Small fix to allow help popup in IE9, not 7 or 8 - bug 7339
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6323 enhancement, P3, ---, wizzyrea, Pushed to Master , Attach/move items - adding option "try again" after success or wrong barcode
03:11 jenkins_koha * adrien.saurat: Bug 7457: log cleaning on
03:11 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7505 Superlibrarian can't export all biblios when IndependantBranches is enabled
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5674 minor, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , Staff client - placing holds - patron name sort not ignoring letter case
03:11 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 7147 - Style Z39.50 search errors according to style patterns
03:11 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 6865 - Follow-up, Replace image-based gradient backgrounds with CSS3 gradients
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6314 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , UNIMARC OPAC XSL improvements
03:11 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 7501: OPAC auth browser should have alternating colors
03:11 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 7519 - show patron's street number in search results
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7453 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Borrower without expiry date breaks opac login
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7511 [ENH] Template caching (T::T feature)
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7466 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Cart notification popup should appear onscreen even when button is offscreen
03:11 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 7345: Enable exporting records sans private fields
03:11 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 5327 : Removing a broken test
03:11 jenkins_koha * maxime.pelletier: Bug 6634 manager_id and itemnumber not populated when paying fines
03:11 jenkins_koha * julian.maurice: Bug 6838: Add pagination and filtering on subscriptions table
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6490 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Pushed to Master , Lost and paid not updated when book is checked out without check-in
03:11 jenkins_koha * tomascohen: Bug 6299 - Provide a list of authorized values for Relator terms
03:11 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 6299 Add relator codes for fr-FR
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7127 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Templates must be valid XHTML
03:11 jenkins_koha * tomascohen: Bug 6299 - add es-ES
03:11 jenkins_koha * tomascohen: Bug 6299 - Advertise this addition during upgrade
03:11 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Updating Version Number to
03:11 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 6598 [REVISED] OPACFineNoRenewals syspreference does not stop user renewing in opac
03:11 huginn Bug[…]ow_bug.cgi?id=929 enhancement, P2, ---, chris, Pushed to Master , See details of a budget
03:11 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7432 : Fix how we are setting expiry time when caching
03:11 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7432 : Fixing caching for SQLHelper
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7339 critical, P5 - low, ---, duncan, Pushed to Master , Help System in IE8-9 Does Not Load With 500 Error
03:11 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7432 : Fixing caching for C4::Languages
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7457 normal, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Master , makes a lot of noise in the logs
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 cleaning
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 cleaning
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7505 minor, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Superlibrarian can't export all biblios when IndependantBranches is enabled
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting C4/Serials
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting C4::Heading
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7147 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Style Z39.50 search errors according to style patterns
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6865 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Replace image-based gradient backgrounds with CSS3 gradients
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting C4::VirtualShelves
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7501 normal, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , OPAC authority browser should mark alternate rows as highlighted
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7519 minor, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , Street number missing from patron search results
03:11 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 7080 - Revised - Clean up interface on fine payment screens
03:11 jenkins_koha * juan.sieira: Previous and next functions are not used, since this code was removed from
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7511 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Caching Templates
03:11 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 7238 - make packages deal with SIP config
03:11 jenkins_koha * nengard: Bug 7545: Can't edit items
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7345 enhancement, P3, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Should be possible to export MARC records without private fields
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6634 critical, P1 - high, ---, koha.sekjal, ASSIGNED , manager_id not populated when paying fines
03:11 jenkins_koha * kyle: Bug 7018 - need all acq permissions to search
03:11 jenkins_koha * maxime.pelletier: Bug 6718 No manager_id saved for writeoff fines.
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6838 enhancement, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , Filtering and pagination in subscriptions table
03:11 jenkins_koha * Bug 3264 UnCloneField() / minus button in MARC editor can clear all subfields (authorities AND biblio)
03:11 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 7546 - cannot view subscription detail
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6299 enhancement, P3, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to Master , Provide a list of authorized values for relator terms
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6598 normal, P3, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , OPACFineNoRenewals syspreference does not stop user renewing in opac
03:11 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7551 : Can only renew for the user you are logged in as now
03:11 jenkins_koha * Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 7521: Templates should use receive_serials permission
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7432 critical, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Changing frameworks should refresh cache
03:11 jenkins_koha * magnus: Bug 7489 - Implement DisplayOPACiconsXSLT for NORMARC XSLT
03:11 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7406 Fix saved reports display paging inconsistency
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6875 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Needs Signoff , de-nesting C4 packages
03:11 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7114: Fixes the Funds' page display after the Filter link is clicked.
03:11 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7530: Missing <li> tag in
03:11 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7203: Fixes typo - 'Mange' to 'Manage' in several files.
03:11 jenkins_koha * 7367: Make translation possible of Close this window
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7080 enhancement, P3, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Clean up interface on fine payment screens
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7545 blocker, P1 - high, ---, nengard, Pushed to Master , can't edit items
03:11 jenkins_koha * jonathan.druart: Bug 5346: Linking suggestions and orders.
03:11 jenkins_koha * Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 5346: Small display changes
03:11 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 6985 - remove kw,wrdl from the search results
03:11 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_7201: Holds reports: add copynumber and enumchron
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7018 critical, P5 - low, ---, henridamien, Pushed to Master , need all acq permissions to search
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6718 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Pushed to Master , No manager_id saved for writeoff of fines
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7201 follow-up, fixing some indentation mistakes
03:11 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7246 add offset/length and where options to rebuild_zebra
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3264 major, P2, ---,, Pushed to Master , Uncloning a dropdown list in MARC authorities/biblio editor may clear all subfields (see comment 17)
03:11 jenkins_koha * Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 7289: Add biblioitems.editionstatement to missing sql files
03:11 jenkins_koha * matthias.meusburger: Bug 7312: Adds ISSN to serials/ results
03:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7546 blocker, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Cannot view subscription detail - bareword error
03:11 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 7409 - add unzip and perl-doc dependencies to package
03:11 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_7458: A call number plugin
03:12 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7514 Choose OPAC language with URL parameter
03:12 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 7532 - remove dependency on Date::ICal
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7551 critical, P1 - high, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Any logged-in OPAC user can renew items for others using a properly constructed URL
03:12 jenkins_koha * dev_patches: Bug 6137: fix a Circulation bug. userenv null
03:12 jenkins_koha * julian.maurice: Bug 6137: unit tests for C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7521 normal, P3, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Master , Cannot receive serials without full serials permissions
03:12 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6137 follow-up, moving new test to db_dependent directory
03:12 jenkins_koha * adrien.saurat: Bug 7357: display serial title instead of '---'
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7489 normal, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Pushed to Stable , Implement DisplayOPACiconsXSLT for NORMARC XSLT
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7406 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , saved reports not showing right number
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7114 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Hiding filters on funds page messes with layout
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7530 minor, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , Missing <li> tag in
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7203 minor, P5 - low, ---, melia, Pushed to Master , typo in breadcrumbs
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5346 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Linking suggestions & orders
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6985 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, wizzyrea, Pushed to Master , Hide "kw,wrdl:" from Search Results
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7201 enhancement, P3, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , Hold to pull report needs extra fields
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7246 enhancement, P2, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , --limit option to allow partial re-indexing
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7289 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , edition statement field
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7312 minor, P5 - low, ---, matthias.meusburger, Pushed to Master , Adds ISSN to serials/ results
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7409 normal, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , Missing dependencies for Debian package
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7514 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Choose OPAC language with URL parameter
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7532 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , opac-ics depends on Date::ICal which is largely unmaintained
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6137 trivial, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , Fix a little bug when userenv is null
03:12 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7357 enhancement, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Master , Subscriptions titles are replaced by "---" when duplicated
03:21 Phlunk3 I am manually updating passwords in the database (importing/updating a large number of patrons via a script). I am setting the password column right (borrowers table) however logins fail, when I set the password via the koha backend logins work fine and the value in the database stays the same. Anyone know of a caching mechanism or so which may be causing my issues?
03:33 Amit_Gupta joined #koha
03:33 Amit_Gupta heya bag
03:34 bag heya Amit_Gupta
03:41 eythian Phlunk3: I don't think so. memcache may cache borrower details, but that should be all.
03:42 Phlunk3 yeah not sure what it was, but seems to be fixed.
03:42 Phlunk3 prolly user error ;)
03:42 jenkins_koha joined #koha
03:50 chris_n jenkins must've had to take a break :-)
03:51 Amit_Gupta heya chris_n
03:53 chris_n hi Amit_Gupta
03:53 chris_n time for sleep
04:03 jenkins_koha Starting build #75 for job Koha_3.4.x (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #50 4 mo. 14 j ago)
04:21 wizzyrea joined #koha
04:35 * wizzyrea waves
04:40 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.4.x build #75: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_3.4.x/75/
04:40 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Fix for Bug 7083 - [SIGNED-OFF] Show creator name on list of public lists
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Olivier Crouzet is 168th !
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: BZ6115: Acquisition reports : date filter & sorting don't work
04:40 jenkins_koha * julian.maurice: Bug 6694: Problem with casAuthentication syspref
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7083 enhancement, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Show creator name on list of public lists
04:40 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_5473: Update items when receiving shipments
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 5473 follow-up : removed warn & replace some tabs by 4 spaces
04:40 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: Bug 6790: Remove unnecessary variable from getroutinglist return
04:40 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 6829 Follow up patch
04:40 jenkins_koha * 6829 Follow up
04:40 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7098: Adds koha_url elements to sco.css.
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6694 normal, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , Anonymous sessions not kept when casAuthentication is on
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5473 normal, P2, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , 952 fields should be filled in by Acquisitions
04:40 jenkins_koha * alex.arnaud: bug 7343 - Fix empty values in statistic 1 and 2 dropboxes in neworderempty
04:40 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 6350 - Adding new developers to history.txt Jesse Maseto Connor Dewar Sam Sanders
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: history.txt removing a useless tab
04:40 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: Bug 6752: Be stricter with utf-8 encoding of output
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6790 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , C4::Serials::getroutinglist returns unnecessary variable
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6829 minor, P5 - low, ---,, Pushed to Master , Remove two warnings for opac-MARCdetail
04:40 jenkins_koha * lrea: Bug 7157 - Improve the cronjob
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7157 follow-up: executable again
04:40 jenkins_koha * 7367 Removing reintroduced debugging statement from
04:40 jenkins_koha * christophe.croullebois: Bug 7350: In duplicating an item does not preserve select box selections
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7098 trivial, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , powered by koha not styled on sco
04:40 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 3806 - Holidays table doesn't order by date correcly
04:40 jenkins_koha * ruth: Bug 7446: Redundant display of availablecount in in staff client.
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7343 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, paul.poulain, NEW , search tag usability in MARC framework
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6350 trivial, P5 - low, ---, nengard, Pushed to Master , Bug for tracking updates to the history file
04:40 jenkins_koha * stephane.delaune: Bug 7460: Add template toolkit's FILTER html_line_break on opac details description's tab
04:40 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: bug 5327 added unit test for C4/
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6752 enhancement, P3, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , Be stricter with utf-8 output
04:40 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: Bug 5327 added tests for C4/
04:40 jenkins_koha * reason.koan: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/AuthoritiesMarc/
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7157 enhancement, P3, ---, wizzyrea, Pushed to Master , Improve the cronjob
04:40 jenkins_koha * jorgia_m_kelsey: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
04:40 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/ClassSortRoutine/LCC
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7350 normal, P3, ---, christophe.croullebois, Pushed to Master , In New order the "+" button duplicates input text but not the "selected" in ddl
04:40 jenkins_koha * reason.koan: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/Creators/
04:40 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3806 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Holidays table doesn't order by date correcly
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7446 trivial, P5 - low, ---, ruth, Pushed to Master , Redundant display of availablecount in staff client (
04:40 jenkins_koha * kate.h: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
04:40 jenkins_koha * kate.h: Bug 5327 added unit tests for C4/
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7460 minor, P5 - low, ---, stephane.delaune, Signed Off , nl2br in opac Title notes tab
04:40 jenkins_koha * connor.dewar: Bug 5327 Added unit tests for C4/SIP/ILS/Transaction/
04:40 jenkins_koha * sam-sanders: Bug 5327 added tests for C4/
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5327 major, P3, ---, sam-sanders, ASSIGNED , Unit tests required for all C4 modules
04:40 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_6488: Take in account opachiddenitems when searching in opac
04:40 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_6210: Select framework if merging two records with different frameworks
04:40 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 6210 - Follow up, Choose framework on merge
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6210 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , Choose framework on Merge
04:40 jenkins_koha * peter: Bug 6539 - When searching the catalogue, if I get no results then hit the Z39.50 search the title field in the pop up window is populated with what I searched for.
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6539 follow-up, fixing wrong indentation
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6539 minor, P3, ---, peter.lorimer, Pushed to Master , Z39.50 Search ISBN Field Populated with title
04:40 jenkins_koha * aleksa: Bug 6631: Anonymous users can create lists in OPAC
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: bug 6631 follow-up adding author in contributors list
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6631 major, P5 - low, ---, aleksa, Pushed to Master , Unrestricted creation of lists by anonymous users
04:40 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 5327: Shifting a db dependent test to the right place
04:40 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 5327 - move another test around
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: adding 3 contributors from catalyst OpenSource academy
04:40 jenkins_koha * henridamien.laurent: Bug 6842 FU : library transfer limits edits not stored
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6842 major, P2, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Branch transfer limits broken
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Adding Jorgia Kelsey and Peter Lorimer as contributors
04:40 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 6913 - change how ports are handled by koha-create
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6913 enhancement, P3, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , Improving koha-list and koha-create
04:40 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Fix for Bug 7148 - Add some error handling to Acquisitions' Z39.50 search to match Cataloging's
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6488 adding a 2nd \n to silence logs
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6210 follow-up, removing warn
04:40 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7355 Note subfields are not displayed in TEXTAREA if hidden
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7148 enhancement, P3, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Add some error handling to Acquisitions' Z39.50 search to match Cataloging's
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 critical, P2, ---, srdjan, Signed Off , opachiddenitems not working in master
04:40 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7431: Fixes the display of the due date in opac item specific holds.
04:40 jenkins_koha * adrien.saurat: Bug 7450: missing placeholders in
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7355 enhancement, P3, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Note subfields are not displayed in TEXTAREA if hidden
04:40 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: bug 7450 small follow-up, removing warn
04:40 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 6984 - Holds statistics doesn't work.
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7431 major, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , OPAC item hold list doesn't show 'checked out'
04:40 jenkins_koha * Bug 7459 - Can only add to one public list in OPAC search results
04:40 jenkins_koha * mjr: Bug 7476 Remove executable bit from files that probably should not be executed
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7450 critical, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Master , Missing placeholders in admin/
04:40 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6984 critical, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , Holds Statistics Doesn't Work
04:40 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 7461 - Cart offering to remove items when closing
04:40 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 7238 Followup - fix sip_run to require path to SIPconfig.xml
04:41 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7238 : Shifting SIPconfig.xml to the etc dir and the scripts to misc/bin
04:41 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 5674: patron name sort ignoring case when placing holds.
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7459 major, P2, ---,, Pushed to Master , Can only add to one public list in OPAC search results
04:41 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 6314 XSL UNIMARC Improvments
04:41 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 7466 - Cart notification popup should appear onscreen even when button isn't
04:41 jenkins_koha * kyle.m.hall: Bug 6490 - Lost and paid not updated when book is checked out.
04:41 jenkins_koha * januszop: Error in records.abs for marc21/biblios
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7476 normal, P3, ---, aleksa, Pushed to Master , Files executable that probably should not be
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7461 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , cart offering to remove items when closing
04:41 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 929 : Follow up, shifting test
04:41 jenkins_koha * duncan: Small fix to allow help popup in IE9, not 7 or 8 - bug 7339
04:41 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7505 Superlibrarian can't export all biblios when IndependantBranches is enabled
04:41 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 6865 - Follow-up, Replace image-based gradient backgrounds with CSS3 gradients
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7238 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, chris, Pushed to Master , move SIPconfig.xml, sip_run and sip_shutdown outside from C4 (NOT FOR 3.6)
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5674 minor, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , Staff client - placing holds - patron name sort not ignoring letter case
04:41 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 7501: OPAC auth browser should have alternating colors
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7511 [ENH] Template caching (T::T feature)
04:41 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 7345: Enable exporting records sans private fields
04:41 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 5327 : Removing a broken test
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6314 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , UNIMARC OPAC XSL improvements
04:41 jenkins_koha * julian.maurice: Bug 6838: Add pagination and filtering on subscriptions table
04:41 jenkins_koha * tomascohen: Bug 6299 - Provide a list of authorized values for Relator terms
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7466 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Cart notification popup should appear onscreen even when button is offscreen
04:41 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 6299 Add relator codes for fr-FR
04:41 jenkins_koha * tomascohen: Bug 6299 - add es-ES
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6490 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Pushed to Master , Lost and paid not updated when book is checked out without check-in
04:41 jenkins_koha * tomascohen: Bug 6299 - Advertise this addition during upgrade
04:41 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Updating Version Number to
04:41 huginn Bug[…]ow_bug.cgi?id=929 enhancement, P2, ---, chris, Pushed to Master , See details of a budget
04:41 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 6598 [REVISED] OPACFineNoRenewals syspreference does not stop user renewing in opac
04:41 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7432 : Fix how we are setting expiry time when caching
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7339 critical, P5 - low, ---, duncan, Pushed to Master , Help System in IE8-9 Does Not Load With 500 Error
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7505 minor, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Superlibrarian can't export all biblios when IndependantBranches is enabled
04:41 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7432 : Fixing caching for SQLHelper
04:41 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7432 : Fixing caching for C4::Languages
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6865 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Replace image-based gradient backgrounds with CSS3 gradients
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 cleaning
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7501 normal, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , OPAC authority browser should mark alternate rows as highlighted
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 cleaning
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting C4/Serials
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7511 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Caching Templates
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7345 enhancement, P3, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Should be possible to export MARC records without private fields
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting C4::Heading
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting C4::VirtualShelves
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6838 enhancement, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , Filtering and pagination in subscriptions table
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6299 enhancement, P3, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to Master , Provide a list of authorized values for relator terms
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting
04:41 jenkins_koha * juan.sieira: Previous and next functions are not used, since this code was removed from
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6598 normal, P3, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , OPACFineNoRenewals syspreference does not stop user renewing in opac
04:41 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 7238 - make packages deal with SIP config
04:41 jenkins_koha * nengard: Bug 7545: Can't edit items
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7432 critical, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Changing frameworks should refresh cache
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6875 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Needs Signoff , de-nesting C4 packages
04:41 jenkins_koha * kyle: Bug 7018 - need all acq permissions to search
04:41 jenkins_koha * Bug 3264 UnCloneField() / minus button in MARC editor can clear all subfields (authorities AND biblio)
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7545 blocker, P1 - high, ---, nengard, Pushed to Master , can't edit items
04:41 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 7546 - cannot view subscription detail
04:41 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 7551 : Can only renew for the user you are logged in as now
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7018 critical, P5 - low, ---, henridamien, Pushed to Master , need all acq permissions to search
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3264 major, P2, ---,, Pushed to Master , Uncloning a dropdown list in MARC authorities/biblio editor may clear all subfields (see comment 17)
04:41 jenkins_koha * Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 7521: Templates should use receive_serials permission
04:41 jenkins_koha * magnus: Bug 7489 - Implement DisplayOPACiconsXSLT for NORMARC XSLT
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7546 blocker, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Cannot view subscription detail - bareword error
04:41 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7406 Fix saved reports display paging inconsistency
04:41 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7114: Fixes the Funds' page display after the Filter link is clicked.
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7551 critical, P1 - high, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Any logged-in OPAC user can renew items for others using a properly constructed URL
04:41 jenkins_koha * gcollum: Bug 7203: Fixes typo - 'Mange' to 'Manage' in several files.
04:41 jenkins_koha * 7367: Make translation possible of Close this window
04:41 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_7201: Holds reports: add copynumber and enumchron
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7201 follow-up, fixing some indentation mistakes
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7521 normal, P3, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Master , Cannot receive serials without full serials permissions
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7489 normal, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Pushed to Stable , Implement DisplayOPACiconsXSLT for NORMARC XSLT
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 7246 add offset/length and where options to rebuild_zebra
04:41 jenkins_koha * matthias.meusburger: Bug 7312: Adds ISSN to serials/ results
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7406 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , saved reports not showing right number
04:41 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 7409 - add unzip and perl-doc dependencies to package
04:41 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_7458: A call number plugin
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7114 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Hiding filters on funds page messes with layout
04:41 jenkins_koha * f.demians: Bug 7514 Choose OPAC language with URL parameter
04:41 jenkins_koha * dev_patches: Bug 6137: fix a Circulation bug. userenv null
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7203 minor, P5 - low, ---, melia, Pushed to Master , typo in breadcrumbs
04:41 jenkins_koha * julian.maurice: Bug 6137: unit tests for C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch
04:41 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6137 follow-up, moving new test to db_dependent directory
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7201 enhancement, P3, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , Hold to pull report needs extra fields
04:41 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 7532 - remove dependency on Date::ICal
04:41 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 6985 - remove kw,wrdl from the search results
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7246 enhancement, P2, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , --limit option to allow partial re-indexing
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7312 minor, P5 - low, ---, matthias.meusburger, Pushed to Master , Adds ISSN to serials/ results
04:41 jenkins_koha * adrien.saurat: Bug 7357: display serial title instead of '---'
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7409 normal, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , Missing dependencies for Debian package
04:41 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7514 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Choose OPAC language with URL parameter
04:42 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6137 trivial, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , Fix a little bug when userenv is null
04:42 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7532 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , opac-ics depends on Date::ICal which is largely unmaintained
04:42 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6985 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, wizzyrea, Pushed to Master , Hide "kw,wrdl:" from Search Results
04:42 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7357 enhancement, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Master , Subscriptions titles are replaced by "---" when duplicated
05:10 cait joined #koha
05:10 cait good morning #koha
05:48 Irma joined #koha
06:20 Amit_Gupta heya cait
06:21 cait hi Amit_Gupta
06:55 mbalmer joined #koha
07:02 stuartyeates joined #koha
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07:33 marcelr morning koha
07:33 cait morning marcelr
07:33 marcelr hi cait
07:33 magnus_away morning marcelr and kf
07:33 marcelr hi magnuse
07:36 alex_a joined #koha
07:37 alex_a bonjour
07:37 marcelr hi alex_a
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08:00 paul_p hello #koha
08:01 marcelr hi paul_p
08:01 rangi hi paul_p
08:02 paul_p rangi do you feel automn coming in NZ ? Because here, in France, we feel spring ! (and it's really surprising, as 1 week ago, the temperature was the coldest I've ever seen in Marseille !)
08:04 rangi hmm nope still fairly warm here
08:04 rangi @wunder nzwn
08:04 huginn rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 18.0°C (8:00 PM NZDT on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 30.04 in 1017 hPa (Steady).
08:04 mbalmer good morning, koha world!
08:07 gaetan_B joined #koha
08:07 asaurat joined #koha
08:07 gaetan_B hello #koha
08:07 asaurat hi
08:07 wahanui hello, asaurat
08:07 paul_p hello mbalmer
08:10 reiveune joined #koha
08:10 reiveune hello
08:12 mbalmer did someone here already install koha on a non-linux system (e.g. solaris or BSD)?
08:13 cait_______ joined #koha
08:14 magnus_away @wunder boo
08:14 huginn magnus_away: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is -1.0°C (8:50 AM CET on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: -4.0°C. Windchill: -7.0°C. Pressure: 29.47 in 998 hPa (Steady).
08:14 magnus_away @wunder marseille
08:14 huginn magnus_away: The current temperature in Marseille, France is 4.0°C (9:00 AM CET on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 52%. Dew Point: -5.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Steady).
08:16 hdl joined #koha
08:21 matts joined #koha
08:21 kf joined #koha
08:22 kf hi again #koha
08:22 clrh joined #koha
08:24 gaetan_B hello, can someone tell me how koha 3.6 determines that a patron is debarred ? i thought it used the debarred field according to circulation rules, but i have plenty of debarred patrons with NULL in this field.
08:25 kf gaetan: it should be debarred from the borrowers table
08:25 hdl joined #koha
08:25 kf what is the message you see?
08:25 kf morning hdl
08:26 Amit_Gupta heya hdl, kf, gaetan_B
08:27 hdl hi
08:27 gaetan_B hi Amit_Gupta :)
08:28 gaetan_B kf: "Patron has had overdue items and is blocked for 26 day(s)."
08:29 kf and there is no date in borrowers.debarred?
08:29 kf but the patron has overdues and you have a fine in days value set in circulation rules?
08:30 gaetan_B in borrowers.debarred i have NULL, the patron has no items checked in any longer
08:30 kf hm
08:30 gaetan_B and i have defined suspension days in the circulation rule
08:31 gaetan_B (i am testing it on a newer instance now to see if it was a bug that has been addressed)
08:31 kf I am a bit out of ideas :(
08:31 kf oh
08:31 kf n 3.6 fine in days is not working correctly, it shoudl be ok on master
08:31 kf the patches to fix it have not been pushed I think (you might wnat to check)
08:32 gaetan_B oh ok then that's the reason, thanks kf :)
08:40 francharb joined #koha
08:41 francharb morning
08:41 kf hi francharb
08:41 francharb hi kf
08:52 sophie_m joined #koha
08:59 * marcelr looks for someone willing to test bug 7310 (test plan now included)
08:59 marcelr bug 7310
08:59 marcelr no huginn?
08:59 kf apparently :(
08:59 kf hm no he is here
08:59 kf perhaps sleeping
08:59 marcelr yeah
08:59 kf !huginn botsnack coffee
09:00 kf huginn botsnack coffee
09:00 huginn kf: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready
09:00 marcelr :-)
09:00 kf bug 7310
09:00 kf strike?
09:02 paul_p bugzilla seems down...
09:02 rangi hmm i wonder if someone is dossing it accidentally again
09:02 * rangi looks
09:02 paul_p no, it's jst slowwwww
09:02 paul_p rangi no, it's just slowwwww
09:02 rangi nope box is fine
09:03 rangi must be linodes network
09:03 rangi 09:02:28 up 314 days, 21:08,  5 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.06, 0.05
09:04 rangi machine is fine
09:04 rangi so must be just network
09:08 kf we finally made it explode with too many bugs?
09:08 kf magnuse
09:08 kf magnuse?
09:08 wahanui somebody said magnuse was afraid that we added another 10000 bugs while he was eating pizza.
09:09 magnus_away wasn't me!
09:09 magnuse and i have not had pizza since friday
09:10 kf heh
09:10 kf ok then
09:10 rangi hmm
09:11 rangi ah ha
09:11 rangi
09:12 rangi is downloading every file at lots of time
09:12 rangi and sucking up all the bandwidth
09:13 kf not me :P
09:15 kf hm blocking?
09:15 rangi yep, they wont be doing that anymore
09:22 kf rangi++
09:26 Amit_Gupta joined #koha
09:45 rangi bug 10
09:45 huginn Bug[…]how_bug.cgi?id=10 normal, P2, ---, chris, RESOLVED FIXED, doesn't check for mysql connectivity
09:45 rangi there we go
09:46 kf yay :)
09:46 kf bug 1
09:46 huginn Bug[…]show_bug.cgi?id=1 major, P2, ---, chris, CLOSED FIXED, Missing uploadedmarc table definition
09:59 marcelr bug 7310
09:59 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7310 normal, P3, ---,, Needs Signoff , Improving permissions on lists (virtual shelves)
09:59 magnuse heh, would have been nice if bug numer uno was "missing a free software library system" ;-)
09:59 rangi well we didnt get a bugzilla until after we had one :)
09:59 marcelr :-)
10:03 Guillaume joined #koha
10:03 magnuse yeah, that's what i thought too ;-)
10:10 chris_n` joined #koha
10:14 paul_p rangi: whois give some information about this IP : NGKTAB003 ABC Engineering Katsina State University, Bello Dikko Katsina Town Katsina Nigeria
10:15 paul_p (and even a mail)
10:28 mveron joined #koha
10:49 kf morgen mveron
10:51 vfernandes joined #koha
10:52 vfernandes hi Koha community :)
10:52 kf hi vfernandes
10:53 vfernandes kf can you explain one thing... the script cancel expired holds what does?
10:53 kf vfernandes: sorry, I don't understand yourquestion?
10:54 vfernandes is one cronjob of Koha
10:54 kf oh I am not sure
10:55 kf have you checked the documentation on (the manual?)
10:55 kf we don't use it
10:55 kf so I have not played around with it yet
10:55 vfernandes humm ok... thanks anyway :)
10:56 hdl i think it just cancels (set cancelationdate) to reserves on the reserves which should be cancelled.
10:59 vfernandes thats what I think... Koha is putting the reserves wainting to reserves over after 2 days like my client wants... but I need to automatically cancel those reserves
11:00 kf I think the problem with automatically cancelling them
11:00 kf is that I am not sure if a new hold notice will be generated
11:00 kf for the patron next in the queue
11:00 kf that's where I would test it before actually using it
11:00 vfernandes the reserves needs to be cancel by the librarian... there is a button to every reserve in the list
11:01 kf and you will have no slip to put in the book without processing it at the circulation desk
11:01 kf we don't have a lot of holds, so manual processing seems easier here
11:03 vfernandes I think that my client doesn't have also a lot of holds, so I'll tell them that process is manual
11:05 Culiforge joined #koha
11:06 marcelr bugzilla again very slow?
11:07 paul_p rangi if you're still awake = bugzilla very slow again (marcelr, I confirm)
11:19 kf paul_p: I think he is asleep now - after midnight
11:19 paul_p kf_lunch yes, that's what I thought. but I wouldn't be surprised to see him again before his tomorrow morning ;-)
11:36 chris_n hmm... looks like is hammering download now
11:43 kf_lunch not sure, is someone else listed to teh wiki with access to bugzilla?
11:47 chris_n fixed his little red wagon
11:47 chris_n for how long, I don't know, though
11:51 chris_n drat
11:52 chris_n out of time for now, sorry
11:52 kf broken?
11:52 wahanui broken is not what we want.
11:52 chris_n no
11:52 chris_n whoever it is is still slurping up all the bandwidth by downloading everything
11:52 chris_n but I don't have time right now to fix it
11:52 chris_n it'll be sometime after 9est before I can get back to it
11:53 chris_n bbl
12:01 slef morning
12:01 kf morning slef
12:01 slef bah. Afternoon (just)
12:01 kf right..
12:01 kf where is my morning?
12:01 slef more odd little questions: can we search for patrons by postcode?
12:02 slef kf: it whooshed by silently
12:02 kf slef: there is a new development for email and phone - I think postcode is currently not possible. have you tried?
12:03 kf I think a workaround could be to have the postcode in a patron attribute and make that searchable via configuration
12:05 slef kf: ah. How new a development? I think I'm looking at a 3.2 (not our installation)
12:06 kf the patron search was redone for 3.4 I think and the mails phones were added in the last days
12:06 kf so quite new I fear
12:06 kf not sure how it worked in 3.2
12:06 kf patron attributes were opac searchable from the beginning - but also not sure when they were introduced... should be 3.2
12:07 slef cool, thanks
12:07 mveron joined #koha
12:09 slef @marc 952
12:09 wahanui The 952 field is used by Koha to store item data in MARC21 and is described at[…]_fields_%289xx%29
12:09 huginn slef: unknown tag 952
12:09 slef ok, is 942 documented anywhere except the source?
12:09 kf not really I think
12:09 kf afaik 942$c is used
12:10 kf there are other fields I have no idea about
12:10 slef I want a biblio-level intranet note
12:11 slef 942$2 is classification source
12:11 derek joined #koha
12:11 slef and c is biblio-level itemtype
12:11 kf I don't think we have something like that yet
12:12 slef 942$h is classification part (is that callnumber?)
12:12 slef ooh found a lot more
12:12 slef I'll add these to the wiki later
12:13 collum joined #koha
12:43 matts joined #koha
12:45 NateC joined #koha
12:47 magnuse slef: have you seen the page wahanui pointed to?[…]_fields_%289xx%29
12:47 slef magnuse: yes, documents 952 but not 942
12:47 slef unless I missed it
12:48 slef but then 942 isn't exactly holdings
12:48 slef @marc 942
12:48 huginn slef: unknown tag 942
12:48 slef just in case :)
12:48 magnuse ah
13:15 mveron_ joined #koha
13:29 paul_p marcelr++ (for today QA)
13:30 marcelr ;)
13:37 kf marcelr++ :)
13:38 alaquerre joined #koha
13:41 alaquerre Good morning everyone.  Another question for the group : Is there a way in koha to remove completly some item & some biblio from the search result on OPAC ?  We use OPACHiddenItem sys. pref.  What we would like is a : OpacHiddenBiblio.  Is it possible ?
13:44 hdl HiddenItem Or HiddenBiblio is quite the same in fact.
13:44 jcamins_away There is an OPAC suppression feature which uses 942$n (I think that's the field).
13:45 hdl alaquerre: you just need to add a tag/subfield in record.abs
13:45 hdl and use it to hide biblios.
13:48 alaquerre ok - I'll need to see that with maximep :-)  Is it easy to program ?  because the problem we have is when all items a hidden, we are still having the biblio pop out in the search result.  If we click on that biblio we see 0 items.  This is noise for us.
13:48 matts joined #koha
14:03 alaquerre I think the solution jcamins suggesting is all right.  So basically, we need to put "1" in 942$n, make sure opacsuppression is correct and ths is it.
14:04 mveron Customizing Slip printer, I found a nice solution I would like to share
14:04 mveron I t uses a Firefox PlugIn instead of installing Portable Firefox
14:05 mveron I copy some notest to
14:09 gmcharlt @quote random
14:09 huginn gmcharlt: Quote #81: "<owen> Free beer *and* free puppy, but be careful: the puppy is drunk." (added by druthb at 01:47 PM, June 28, 2010)
14:18 * mveron Hmm, paste seems not to appear, I try again
14:18 chris_n ok, folks; lots of stuff pushed to 3.6.x and 3.4.x so please take a look and see if I've missed anything important before I call a string freeze
14:18 * chris_n will check in on the box hosting bugs, paste, etc
14:19 pastebot "mveron" at pasted "Costomizing Slip Printer with Firefox Plugin" (50 lines) at
14:20 * mveron Still learning IRC :-)
14:24 nengard joined #koha
14:33 alaquerre joined #koha
14:48 maximep joined #koha
14:52 jcamins_away chris_n, paul_p, make sure you get the follow up for bug 6488.
14:52 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 critical, P2, ---, srdjan, Passed QA , opachiddenitems not working in master
14:52 paul_p jcamins_away yes, it's high on my list. (just after the one i'm doing atm, bug 7144)
14:52 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7144 enhancement, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, srdjan, Passed QA , Floating collection
14:54 kf mveron: perhaps put it on the wiki?
14:54 kf mveron: I think there is page about receipt printers :)
14:56 mveron kf: Yes, Wiki would be a good place, I metioned it in my paste.
14:57 mveron kf: However, my solution needs hacking and in every language...
14:57 wizzyrea joined #koha
14:58 mveron kf: Would be nice to have the possibility to override standard JavaScript through staff client preferences
15:02 * wizzyrea waves
15:05 paul_p good morning wizzyrea !
15:05 paul_p kyleh around ?
15:05 kyleh paul_p: I'm here.
15:06 paul_p good morning kyleh. About bug 6039 that you just set "does'nt apply". Isn't it just because of the updatedatabase ?
15:06 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6039 enhancement, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, srdjan, Patch doesn't apply , Cancel all waiting holds button
15:07 paul_p because this case is well known and must be addressed by the sign-offer for instance. It mean you'll have to fix the problem manually, test the bug, and signoff with the fix.
15:07 paul_p and when the RM push the patch, there's 99% chance that it won't apply, and I'll fix it again.
15:07 kyleh paul_p: I'll check on that and resolve it then.
15:08 paul_p kyleh great !
15:08 kyleh paul_p: what's the easiest way to fix it? I'm using git bz apply to pull and apply the patch. And recommendations for when the patch fails to apply?
15:08 wizzyrea kyleh: I usually do
15:08 wizzyrea git am --abort
15:08 wizzyrea (after the git bz apply)
15:09 wizzyrea then git apply /tmp/the-patch
15:09 wizzyrea git am -iu3 /tmp/the-patch
15:09 wizzyrea (resolve the conflict)
15:09 wizzyrea git add the_conflicting_file
15:09 hdl maybe patching git-bz could/should do it...
15:09 paul_p kyleh vi / find <<< / fix the problem / :x / git bz --continue (does the same as wizzyrea is saying). ALSO : note the -3 is missing in git bz. I've a patch to have it added.
15:10 wizzyrea it would certainly be nice if the first apply would try both
15:10 paul_p wizzyrea  -3 means both !
15:10 wizzyrea then git am --resolved
15:10 wizzyrea there you have it then
15:10 kyleh paul_p: wizzyrea: thanks for the advice!
15:10 paul_p because the "standard" is always tried first. Then the 3 way merge if it isn't
15:11 wizzyrea yes, we should make a git bz repo on I guess
15:11 wizzyrea seems like everybody's got a patch for it
15:11 wizzyrea and the upstream guy isn't so fast about merging in our patches.
15:17 paul_p kyleh[…]_bz_configuration updated !
15:18 paul_p wizzyrea i've added my patch to the wiki doc page. Hopefully, not everybody will rewrite it :\
15:20 chris_n wizzyrea: what was the bug # we were talking about last week?
15:21 wizzyrea oh oh ummm... sec
15:21 jcamins_away 7284!
15:21 jcamins_away :D
15:22 wizzyrea 7090 I think
15:22 wizzyrea bug 7090
15:22 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7090 enhancement, P3, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , Add "AllowItemsOnHandCheckout" syspref to allow issue to the patron regardless of hold status
15:22 chris_n k
15:24 wizzyrea woot thx paul_p
15:24 wizzyrea paul_p++
15:33 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/new/bug_6488' <[…]9736a19284d97b2db> / Bug 6488 - followup - fixes issue with bibs with no items and serials being suppressed <[…]c08afe97afe460f7b> / Bug 4054 - Double-clicking the 'place hold' button can result in duplic
15:33 jenkins_koha Starting build #635 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:35 kf !jenkins botsnack cookies
15:35 jenkins_koha kf: great! yum yum. how did you know that cookies is my favorite food?
15:35 kf paul_p humansnack cookies ;)
15:35 paul_p thx kf
15:37 kf mveron: could you overwrite the javascript using jquery perhaps? intranetuserjs
15:41 mveron However I play around with staff_client.pref and, seems not to be to compicated to make it customizable
15:42 wizzyrea mveron: see bug 7001
15:42 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7001 enhancement, P3, ---, srdjan, Patch doesn't apply , User Configurable Slips
15:42 kf mveron: there is some great feature in the works
15:42 kf yep that one ^^
15:43 wizzyrea hacking the templates = almost always headache inducing down the line
15:43 wizzyrea 99% of the time you'll hate yourself for doing it
15:44 mveron kf: ...and no, jquery does not on
15:44 wizzyrea right because it doesn't include the syspref
15:44 * wizzyrea didn't know which template you were modifying
15:44 wizzyrea for speeeeeed
15:45 * wizzyrea has been hammering away at bug 7001 for weeks
15:45 mveron Does bug 7001 include silent printingas well? That was th reason I investigated slip printer
15:45 wizzyrea koha will never do silent printing, ever
15:45 wizzyrea that is totally dependent on the browser
15:45 wizzyrea chrome will not do it
15:45 wizzyrea currently
15:45 * chris_n perks up at the mention of never
15:45 wizzyrea firefox will
15:45 kf perhaps it could be a configuration option?
15:45 kf not sure
15:46 wizzyrea no, it's browser side
15:46 wizzyrea silent printing
15:46 kf yes, but have a syspref
15:46 kf to put in the code for the browser you are using...
15:46 kf not nice
15:46 wizzyrea[…]-receipt-printers
15:46 kf but might help
15:46 wizzyrea no I don't think it would work?
15:46 wizzyrea that would be a terriffic security flaw for a browser
15:46 mveron wizzeyra: Pls have a look at my paste. It works very well, only thing is to introduce custom JavaScript in the template
15:47 wizzyrea if it let a remote site silently tell it to prent
15:47 wizzyrea print
15:47 * wizzyrea doesn't have scrollback that far sorry
15:48 wizzyrea link again?
15:49 pastebot "mveron" at pasted "Propostion Silent Slip Printer with Firefox Plug-In and Fallback to defaul mode" (51 lines) at
15:50 wizzyrea ohhh a firefox plugin - yep, that would work.
15:50 * wizzyrea would sign off on that
15:50 wizzyrea if you submitted it.
15:52 wizzyrea well, if it passed testing of course?
15:52 huginn New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 6875] de-nesting C4 packages <[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6875>
15:52 wizzyrea that's not really a question, I have a happy pinky today I guess.
15:53 kf ?
15:53 kf happy pinky?
15:53 wizzyrea on en keyboards the ? is typed with the little finger (pinky finger)
15:54 wizzyrea I have at least twice now put on question marks where I didn't mean to
15:54 wizzyrea :)
15:58 kf ah thx :)
16:01 * paul_p switches to "QAing" mode.
16:02 paul_p starting by oldest patch signed-off
16:03 kf yay :)
16:03 kf oh, I have some nice patches waiting for sign-off...
16:04 kf bug 7523
16:04 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7523 normal, P3, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Templates should respect serials routing permission
16:04 kf and very easy: bug 3901
16:05 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3901 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Rollover on Serial showing 9999999
16:05 kf and even easier: bug 7558
16:05 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7558 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Serial issue note doubled up in full history
16:10 * kf copies jcamins_away
16:15 gaetan_B bye #koha
16:15 reiveune bye
16:15 reiveune left #koha
16:19 wizzyrea can anyone else, quickly, verify that with the sample data and bug 7544 applied, they cannot search 5551212
16:19 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7544 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Needs Signoff , Add ability search borrowers only on email / phone
16:20 * wizzyrea thinks that's a necessity
16:20 wizzyrea (with the dropdown set to "phone")
16:20 kf sorry liz, perhaps later?
16:21 wizzyrea is np :)
16:22 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #635: SUCCESS in 49 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/635/
16:22 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 6496 - tidy the display of 710 fields on XSLT
16:22 jenkins_koha * robin: Bug 6496 - correct the order of the author display in the OPAC
16:22 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 7113: Standardize vendor id name in templates and scripts
16:22 jenkins_koha * Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 7113: Fix 'Edit vendor' link on basketgroup page
16:22 jenkins_koha * Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 7133: Late orders don't allow to select more than one order
16:22 jenkins_koha * kyle: Bug 4054 - Double-clicking the 'place hold' button can result in duplicate holds
16:22 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6496 major, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, robin, Pushed to Master , authors appearing incorrectly in OPAC and Staff Client
16:22 jenkins_koha * kyle: Bug 4054 - Double-clicking the 'place hold' button can result in duplicate holds - Part 2: OPAC
16:22 jenkins_koha * wizzyrea: Bug 6488 - followup - fixes issue with bibs with no items and serials being suppressed
16:22 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7113 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Standardize vendor id name in templates and scripts
16:22 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7133 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , received items could stand out more
16:22 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4054 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Master , Double-clicking the 'place hold' button can result in duplicate holds
16:22 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 critical, P2, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , opachiddenitems not working in master
16:23 wizzyrea so glad to see that duplicate holds one get in
16:25 chris_n hdl about?
16:26 hdl chris_n: whassup ?
16:26 asaurat left #koha
16:26 chris_n do you happen to know what's up with this:
16:26 chris_n not ok 15 - Search In Table columns filter firstname title limit Valjean not in other fields than surname
16:26 chris_n #   Failed test 'Search In Table columns filter firstname title limit Valjean not in other fields than surname '
16:26 chris_n #   at t/db_dependent/SQLHelper.t line 54.
16:26 chris_n ok 16 - Search In Table columns filter surname  Val on a wide search found
16:26 chris_n not ok 17 - Search In Table columns filter surname  Val in exact search not found
16:27 chris_n #   Failed test 'Search In Table columns filter surname  Val in exact search not found '
16:27 chris_n #   at t/db_dependent/SQLHelper.t line 58.
16:27 chris_n by chance :)
16:39 hdl chris_n: test 17 was to decide if searching Val when exact_match was on for SQL_Helper was returning no value.
16:39 wizzyrea hdl did we decide to remove those tests?
16:39 * wizzyrea can't remember
16:39 hdl chris_n: of course it supposes you donot have data with VAL as a surname.
16:40 chris_n I'll check to be sure
16:40 hdl chris_n: and test 15 was meant to check that if you searched valjean only on firstname and title no data would be returned.
16:41 hdl since valjean was only in surname.
16:42 hdl don't know whether those should still apply. I think it should. But can't be really positive about that.
16:42 hdl chris_n: hope that helps.
16:42 chris_n thanks hdl
16:43 kf I think we did soemthing to the tests... but not sure what
16:43 chris_n I'll check the sample data
16:43 kf chris_n: can you compare tomaster? perhaps?
16:43 chris_n kf: its failing in 3.4.x
16:43 chris_n 3.6.x works fine
16:43 chris_n but then 3.4.x will not even install atm :-P
16:43 kf oh
16:44 * chris_n threatens 3.4.x with obsolescence >:-\
16:47 kf bye all!
16:47 kf left #koha
16:48 * chris_n whips out git bisect
16:48 jcamins 3.4.x won't install?
16:48 * wizzyrea covers her eyes
16:49 chris_n hehehe
16:51 chris_n ouch
16:51 chris_n this is an old problem
16:52 JesseM joined #koha
16:52 * jcamins didn't know that.
16:53 chris_n please test by all means
16:53 * chris_n would love to discover its only a local problem :-)
16:53 jcamins Oh, I thought you meant "3.4.x hasn't been installing for months, didn't you know?"
16:54 clrh_ joined #koha
16:54 clrh_ joined #koha
17:00 chris_n jcamins: well, it has symptoms of not installing for the past two versions
17:00 chris_n but at this point I may be crazy
17:00 chris_n and its lunchtime besides
17:00 * chris_n goes out in search of food
17:01 eternalswd joined #koha
17:07 laurence left #koha
17:08 adnc joined #koha
17:11 eternalsword I work at a church, and we are using koha for our library.  We're getting ready to roll out to the public soon.  We currently have a church database management system (we'll call it f1) which contains our members' and attenders' address information, as well as customizable attributes.  I'm hoping to use this as the patron database in a similar manner to how ldap currently works (except update and replicate are always
17:11 eternalsword enabled).  I'm having trouble with the memberhash.  What are the required fields this must contain?  I'm working on the f1_entry_2_hash like ldap_entry_2_hash in Auth_with_ldap
17:20 wizzyrea hm, not sure
17:22 dante_ joined #koha
17:22 cait joined #koha
17:23 jcamins Welcome back cait.
17:23 cait hi jcamins :)
17:25 eternalsword Okay, I'm looking at someone's existing mapping from their koha-conf.xml.  Looks like I just use the database field names as the hash key for any items we want to be required.  I'll give it a go.
17:40 * magnuse waves
17:40 cait hi magnuse :)
17:42 rangi eternalsword: http://perldoc.koha-community.[…]and_field_mapping
17:43 eternalsword thanks rangi.
17:43 magnuse hiya cait
17:45 paul_p joined #koha
17:46 * chris_n goes back to hammering 3.4.x
18:09 luisb joined #koha
18:22 Guillaume joined #koha
18:33 ibeardslee rangi: that meeting bot thingy you have in #koha, what is it?
18:34 ibeardslee sigh .. that was supposed to be a /msg
18:34 rangi It's a plugin for huginn which is supybot
18:34 rangi Google debian meeting bot
18:37 rangi It's pretty handy
18:37 * chris_n fixes 3.4.x
18:37 chris_n now to figure out what broke it
18:37 * wizzyrea cheers
18:38 ibeardslee looking at something to better manage the NZOSS meetings
18:39 rangi chris_n might have it fixed before I get to work to look
18:40 chris_n now to get git to confess who deleted lines....
18:42 rangi Bisect maybe
18:43 chris_n unfortunately that did not work
18:43 chris_n neither does 'git blame --reverse <someplace-in-past-time>..HEAD
18:44 chris_n which should show deleted commit hashes as ^<committish>
18:44 chris_n so it appears that git is either oblivious to the change or confused
18:44 rangi That might just whole files?
18:45 chris_n I seem to recall a suspect commit though
18:45 rangi Or line was changed not deleted?
18:47 chris_n weird
18:47 chris_n you may be onto something
18:47 chris_n git blame attributes every line to
18:47 chris_n 357ba9c5 (Adrien Saurat 2012-01-09 11:55:08 +0100
18:48 chris_n but that commit does not touch this file
18:48 rangi Hm a perltidy?
18:48 wahanui well, a perltidy is at
18:48 chris_n it does not seems so
18:48 * chris_n wonders if the history is royally screwed up somehow
18:48 rangi Hmm weird
18:49 rangi Is Owen around?
18:51 rangi Appears not
18:51 rangi Bummer cos I figured he as an art major would know what the Whitney biennial is
18:52 chris_n actually, that git blame syntax is broken
18:53 rangi Laurel has a special invite to a viewing of it and an art educators conf in nyc next week
18:53 magnuse rangi: ?
18:54 rangi So just me and the boys at home
18:54 rangi Sounds like it
18:54 magnuse gonna throw some burning popcorn out the window, then?
18:55 rangi I'm taking leave so hope to do some non chargeable koha work when they are at school
18:55 rangi Hopefully not this time :)
18:55 magnuse yay for "non chargeable koha work"!
18:56 chris_n really weird
18:56 chris_n git log --oneline -S'C4::Templates' --pickaxe-all installer/
18:56 chris_n should surely show it
18:56 rangi Maybe some more tt plugins
18:57 chris_n works for other lines removed, but not these
18:58 * chris_n shrugs and commits the fix
18:58 rangi My stop bb after coffee
19:00 chris_n wizzyrea, hdl: SQLHelper.t fails on a clean 3.4.x sample db
19:01 wizzyrea ooooh
19:01 wizzyrea let me look for that bug where i was working on the sample data
19:01 wizzyrea sec
19:01 wizzyrea bug 7333
19:01 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7333 trivial, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, wizzyrea, Pushed to Master , Cleaning up tests to use sample data
19:02 wizzyrea but I don't see one for jean valjean
19:02 wizzyrea i suspect jean is not in the sample data
19:03 cait we could make jean the brother of henry acevedo
19:03 wizzyrea hehe
19:03 wizzyrea oh heny
19:03 jenkins_koha Starting build #76 for job Koha_3.4.x (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #50 4 mo. 15 j ago)
19:09 rangi chris_n: there was a fix for that
19:09 rangi it got pushed to 3.6.x and master .. missed 3.4.x
19:09 rangi lemme see if i can find it
19:09 rangi back btw
19:10 * chris_n climbs the walls in the meantime :-P
19:11 rangi[…]c5cfc79e71c6cf216
19:11 rangi looks like it
19:11 wahanui looks like it is a replicate of /usr/share/koha/misc
19:11 * chris_n looks
19:12 magnuse i'm running 3.6.3 off the packages and getting "Template process failed: plugin error - KohaDates: plugin not found at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 126." on /cgi-bin/koha/acqui/ordered.p​l?fund=1&fund_code=STOR_VOKS
19:13 magnuse is there a bug for that or should i report it?
19:13 rangi id report it
19:13 chris_n rangi: a million thanks; now we're down to one test failing there
19:13 chris_n not ok 11 - Search In Table does an implicit AND of all the words in strings
19:13 chris_n #   Failed test 'Search In Table does an implicit AND of all the words in strings'
19:13 chris_n #   at t/db_dependent/SQLHelper.t line 46.
19:13 rangi ah yeah
19:13 rangi 2 secs
19:13 magnuse ok, thanks rangi
19:14 rangi i know there was a fix for that too lemme check
19:14 chris_n k
19:14 rangi magnuse: i think its not copying the file to the right place is my guess
19:14 chris_n I'd love to get jenkins happy with 3.4.x
19:14 rangi *nod*
19:15 magnuse rangi: that's my hunch too
19:15 pastebot "chris_n" at pasted "Sad Reality" (20 lines) at
19:16 chris_n probably won't be today, though :(
19:16 rangi hmm
19:16 wizzyrea chris_n do you have 10x virtualshelves in your test data/
19:16 wizzyrea and at least one serial
19:16 chris_n nope
19:16 wizzyrea that probably accounts for serials and virtualshelves
19:16 chris_n I'm working with the straight sample data on a fresh install
19:17 * chris_n seems to remember this discussion
19:17 chris_n I think all tests should run on sample data, otherwise a fresh install will always fail some tests
19:17 * chris_n ducks and runs
19:19 rangi thats the plan we are working towards
19:19 rangi liz did a bunch of work on that
19:19 rangi lots of 5327 ones
19:24 wizzyrea chris_n: I agree with you - the bug I linked earlier had a test db that should have most (if not all) of what you nead.
19:24 wizzyrea nead? who am I.
19:24 wizzyrea need.
19:24 wizzyrea jeez
19:25 wizzyrea also the sample data has *no* bibs in it, iirc
19:25 wizzyrea and you have to have some for the tests.
19:26 rangi maybe we should put some in the same data?
19:26 rangi another option for install 'install some sample bibliographic records'
19:26 cait wizzyrea++
19:26 wizzyrea yea, I think so. I think we should have a "developer dataset"
19:26 cait yeah, but harder to get rid of
19:26 rangi we could catalogue the koha newsletter
19:26 rangi then ppl could keep it :)
19:26 wizzyrea :)
19:27 rangi if its optional with a nice
19:27 wizzyrea oh absolutely optional.
19:27 rangi 'you will have to manually delete this later if you add them'
19:27 rangi kinda warning in the installer
19:27 magnuse +1
19:28 wizzyrea I'm thinking - acquisitions data (a budget, a vendor, some orders)
19:28 wizzyrea some reserves
19:28 wizzyrea serials
19:28 cait wizzyrea: did you see the holds bug in serials I tested? :(
19:28 wizzyrea lists
19:28 wizzyrea Authorities (oh god)
19:28 wizzyrea cait hm no
19:29 rangi authorities is easy
19:29 cait no problem
19:29 rangi just switch on biblios add authorities
19:29 cait it's a bug in the routing lists
19:29 rangi catalogue the biblios
19:29 rangi that we want for the sample
19:29 rangi then you will get some authorities made too
19:29 rangi good enough for testing with
19:32 chris_n rangi: I think I've picked up all of wizzyrea's work in 3.4.x
19:32 chris_n all tests pass in 3.6.x on the same data, I think
19:32 chris_n so maybe something else there
19:32 rangi hmm could be
19:32 chris_n but I'll just push on for now
19:32 rangi cool
19:33 wizzyrea i'm still going to do the developer dataset thinger.
19:33 wizzyrea I think
19:33 * chris_n again threatens 3.4.x with obsolescence if it doesn't straighten up
19:33 rangi heh
19:33 rangi yay wizzyrea !
19:34 chris_n wizzyrea++
19:34 wizzyrea pf, don't do that until you actually see something
19:34 chris_n shouldn't we fail on this sort of thing:
19:35 chris_n t/db_dependent/XISBN.t ........................... 4/4 DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry '56' for key 'PRIMARY' at /home/cnighs/koha.3.2.test/C4/ line 3555.
19:35 chris_n DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry '56' for key 'PRIMARY' at /home/cnighs/koha.3.2.test/C4/ line 3506.
19:35 chris_n DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry '57' for key 'PRIMARY' at /home/cnighs/koha.3.2.test/C4/ line 3555.
19:35 chris_n DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry '57' for key 'PRIMARY' at /home/cnighs/koha.3.2.test/C4/ line 3506.
19:37 rangi paul_p++
19:37 rangi[…]_with_-3_flag_set
19:39 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.4.x build #76: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_3.4.x/76/
19:39 jenkins_koha chris.nighswonger: Fixing installer/ which somehow broke due to some git weirdness I assume.
19:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #77 for job Koha_3.4.x (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #50 4 mo. 15 j ago)
19:41 wizzyrea ah yea, that's right awesome
19:41 wizzyrea should we make our own bz repo?
19:41 wizzyrea git bz i mean
19:41 rangi we already have a couple
19:41 rangi slef has one, i have one
19:42 wizzyrea right, i meant an official-ish one - or would that be not cool.
19:42 rangi hmm probably not
19:42 rangi we tell ppl to use
19:42 rangi git clone git:// git-bz
19:42 rangi so we should just ask slef to push up that patch
19:42 wizzyrea *nod*
19:42 rangi @later slef can you please apply[…]_with_-3_flag_set to your git bz repo
19:42 huginn rangi: I've exhausted my database of quotes
19:43 rangi @later tell slef can you please apply[…]_with_-3_flag_set to your git bz repo
19:43 huginn rangi: The operation succeeded.
19:44 luisb joined #koha
19:48 paul_p 'morning rangi
19:48 jenkins_koha Starting build #35 for job Koha_3.6.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
19:49 paul_p about git bz patch = I already have sent the patch to slef, a long time ago. And maybe to koha-devel as well, (not sure)
19:49 paul_p the easiest for now is probably to have the patch on the wiki
19:51 rangi yep or we could do like wizzyrea said, and push a repo to
19:51 * paul_p alone at home, switching to mode "QAing" - (coming) from mode "dishwashing""
19:51 cait lol
19:51 paul_p good idea.
19:52 * cait has cleaned green beans... switching to testing and bug fixing now  :)
19:52 paul_p rangi another idea = the KOCT FF plugin probably need its own git repo as well. I think git.koha-community is where it should be. Could you create a repo as well (with write permissions to me & clrh)
19:52 rangi i could if i remembered how
19:52 rangi :)
19:53 rangi ill ask gmcharlt to help
19:53 magnuse paul_p++
19:53 rangi how about a generic contribs repo
19:53 rangi to put that in, and any other ff plugins or libx or things like that in?
19:53 paul_p contrib repo = probably an alternate good solution
19:54 slef Err, didn't that patch break something?
19:55 slef could have sworn I tested it and replied
19:55 * slef looks to see if he has the email here
19:56 paul_p slef dunno, but I use this patch for months, so I would be surprised...
19:56 slef bah, I can't see an email from me
19:56 slef paul_p: do you use git-bz with any other projects, though?
19:56 paul_p slef no
19:56 slef quite
19:56 * slef looks at it again
20:00 slef could you add a -3 flag to git-bz and only add -3 to git am if that's used?
20:06 gmcharlt paul_p: generic contrib or koct repo?  either way is fine with me
20:06 paul_p gmcharlt either is fine with me too. let's go for contrib then. I'll create a sub-directory "koct"
20:07 paul_p slef I don't understand what you mean.
20:07 Space_Librarian joined #koha
20:07 slef or if you always want git am called with -3, could you set that in your .git/config somehow? (but I'm not seeing how initially)
20:07 Space_Librarian o/
20:07 slef paul_p: so git bz apply -3 NNNN # would call git am -3
20:08 slef git bz apply NNNN # behaves as before
20:08 rangi hi Space_Librarian
20:08 wizzyrea sup Space_Librarian
20:08 paul_p slef I don't know how to set my .git/config. And my patch has been written after some advices from external ppl because I strictly know nothing to Python :(
20:09 slef paul_p: you set your .git/config with the command "git config" or with vi, but I'm trying to figure out if am.threeway = true in the [core] section will do what you want, or if I'm a bit wrong.
20:10 slef oh my
20:10 slef never do a web search for git am threeway
20:10 cait lol
20:11 cait paul_p++ and slef++ hope you cna make it work
20:11 Space_Librarian hey all.
20:12 gmcharlt paul_p:[…]bre.git;a=summary
20:12 gmcharlt all folks in the @biblibre can push to that
20:13 rangi sweet
20:13 paul_p gmcharlt does it mean that other's contrib will have their own repo ?
20:14 paul_p I prefer having a generic 'contrib' repo. Because KOCT is a general interest thing, that not only BibLibre should manage.
20:14 gmcharlt paul_p: well, we can try a generic one that anybody who has a key registered can push to
20:15 paul_p I think that would be better.
20:15 paul_p gmcharlt FYI = KOCT is a firefox plugin for Offline circulation. it will replace kyleh PHP offline circ.
20:15 * wizzyrea laughs at slefs git am threeway misadventures
20:16 gmcharlt kinky
20:16 wizzyrea extremely!
20:16 paul_p[…]refox/addon/koct/
20:18 gmcharlt paul_p:[…]bal.git;a=summary
20:18 gmcharlt everybody with a key register can push (but not force-push)
20:19 paul_p sounds perfect.
20:20 gmcharlt who can set up a mail alias for
20:20 paul_p is there a way to have gitweb displaying projects by last change ? would be interesting to have koha.git first, we begin to have a lot of sub-projects, some of them being unmodified for a very long time
20:21 gmcharlt I'd like a going to me and whoever wants to help manage the gitolite, since we've now given lots of people a reason to want to have an ssh key registered there
20:23 slef hrm, I've found a discussion of making threeway an option in 2007... but no sign it ever became one
20:24 rangi i could probably
20:24 * wizzyrea is pretty certain threeway has been around for ages and ages
20:24 rangi gmcharlt: got a server that can act as an mx for ?
20:24 wizzyrea ok, getting my mind out of the gutter now
20:24 gmcharlt paul_p: have a look at the homepage now
20:25 paul_p gmcharlt++
20:25 paul_p gmcharlt: Is there a reason to keep website.git repo ? when has it been created ?
20:25 slef paul_p: a patch for git-am is in[…]/2007/2/22/239409 which would let you "git config --bool am.threeway 1" in your koha repo
20:26 wizzyrea yes, I was going to push to it but I was cleaning out the identifiable data
20:26 wizzyrea and herrr deee herrr I never got a round tuit.
20:26 slef sorry true not 1
20:26 slef wahanui: round tuit?
20:26 wahanui slef: i haven't a clue
20:26 rangi gmcharlt: no mx is currently set, but if you give me an ip, i can set that as mx for and you can set up aliases to your hearts content :)
20:28 gmcharlt rangi: it is good to be the boss - let's go with ( for now
20:28 rangi right oh
20:28 slef wahanui: a round tuit is a small circular plate with an inscription that reads "At long last, we have sufficient quantity for each of you to have his own. GUARD IT WELL These Tuits have been hard to come by. Especially the round ones. A ROUND TUIT This is an indispensable item. It will help you to become a much more efficient worker. For years we have heard people say "I'll do it when I get round tuit". Now that you have a round tuit of
20:29 slef your very own. Many things that have needed to be accomplished will get done."
20:29 wahanui i'm sorry, but that entry is too long, slef
20:29 wahanui OK, slef.
20:29 slef damn!
20:29 rangi fire alarm
20:29 wizzyrea :O
20:30 wizzyrea run first, tweet later.
20:30 slef wahanui: a round tuit is a small circular plate with an inscription that reads "These Tuits have been hard to come by. Especially the round ones. A ROUND TUIT This will help you to become a much more efficient worker. For years we have heard people say "I'll do it when I get round tuit"."
20:30 wahanui OK, slef.
20:30 slef did wahanui just burst into flames?
20:30 hdl joined #koha
20:30 gmcharlt @quote add <slef> did wahanui just burst into flames?
20:30 huginn gmcharlt: The operation succeeded.  Quote #187 added.
20:31 slef With the coming of old age, you may one day find a suppository in one ear; at that moment, you will realise where your hearing aid is. (stolen from[…]=88637.msg739636)
20:38 slef paul_p: would you consider patching git-am instead of git-bz?
20:39 paul_p slef I don't think so: my git is installed from apt repo; not from git
20:40 Space_Librarian lol. I gave my father a round tuit for his birthday last year. And if rangi's fire alarming, it means he'll go for coffee. :p
20:40 slef paul_p: this is not a git-bz bug, changing git-bz behaviour irreversibly seems a bad idea.
20:40 paul_p slef what can be the side-effect of the -3 flag ?
20:41 slef paul_p: does a 3way merge when it should abort.
20:41 paul_p when/why a 3way merge is a bad idea ?
20:42 rangi damn right i will
20:43 mveron joined #koha
20:43 Space_Librarian :) Do I need to bring you coffee tomorrow, rangi?
20:43 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.4.x build #77: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 h 3 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_3.4.x/77/
20:43 jenkins_koha Chris Cormack: Bug 5327 : Fixing unit test for
20:43 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5327 major, P3, ---, sam-sanders, ASSIGNED , Unit tests required for all C4 modules
20:43 rangi and florent brought us pastries
20:44 rangi bugnes
20:46 rangi gmcharlt: done
20:50 gmcharlt rangi: thanks
20:50 chris_n gmcharlt: rm@... etc. would be nice as well
20:52 * chris_n pushes up release notes
20:52 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.6.x build #35: SUCCESS in 1 h 4 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_3.6.x/35/
20:52 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_7090: AllowItemsOnHandCheckout syspref
20:52 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Updating Version Number to
20:52 jenkins_koha Starting build #36 for job Koha_3.6.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:53 rangi bumpning to 3.6.4 too eh?
20:53 chris_n if you see something you don't think should be in 3.6.4, let me know and I'll have a look
20:53 chris_n did I opps again?
20:53 rangi Updating Version Number to
20:53 jcamins_away chris_n: did you get the follow up for bug 6488?
20:53 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 critical, P2, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , opachiddenitems not working in master
20:53 rangi im assuming at will follow ?
20:53 chris_n yes
20:53 rangi cool :)
20:54 chris_n I've done this in quite short time, so I want to give a few hours at least for the mistakes to show their head
20:54 jcamins_away 'Cause the follow up to 6488 is pretty critical... without it, ebook records don't show up in searches.
20:54 chris_n jcamins_away: is it in master?
20:54 chris_n if not, its not in 3.6.x
20:54 rangi sounds good oh and yes, if you pushed 6488 onto 3.4.x or 3.6.x
20:54 jcamins_away chris_n: just pushed earlier.
20:54 chris_n k
20:54 rangi you'll want the follow up
20:55 * chris_n will look now
20:55 jcamins_away chris_n: when I last looked, you had pushed the first two patches, but not the follow-up.
21:00 kyleh paul_p: fyi, the current koc client is C++/Qt4, much improved over the php original!
21:01 chris_n if I had a dime for each time I ran the test suite I'd be a very rich man
21:01 wizzyrea we should start a fund.
21:01 chris_n bug 6488 followup pushed
21:01 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 critical, P2, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , opachiddenitems not working in master
21:01 paul_p kyleh OK. our is a FF plugin, so easy to install & use & update. And deployment can be managed easily too.
21:02 gmcharlt paul_p: can it run as a standalone XUL app as well?
21:02 paul_p gmcharlt I don't know
21:03 cait I think the functionality of kyleh applicatoin is different
21:03 mtj kyleh: re: qt koc .... very impressive! :)
21:03 cait as it can also know about your patrons
21:03 mtj and hi all :)
21:03 cait and theri fines
21:03 cait and you can use it with a version < 3.8
21:03 chris_n ok, barring any major issues, 3.6.x will freeze tomorrow sometime and 3.4.x a day or so thereafter
21:03 jenkins_koha Starting build #78 for job Koha_3.4.x (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #50 4 mo. 15 j ago)
21:05 rangi no reason they cant both go in contribs
21:07 gmcharlt indeed
21:11 chris_n bbl
21:11 rangi cya chris_n
21:11 rangi chris_n++
21:12 rangi 2 branches to manage is a lot, i think when 3.8 is released we should try to get 2 release maintainers going forward if possible
21:14 eythian hi wahanui
21:14 eythian wahanui: hello
21:14 wahanui hey, eythian
21:14 arietmann joined #koha
21:16 rangi paul_p: have you had bugnes before? (im sure you have)
21:16 paul_p rangi yes, of course.
21:16 rangi i hadnt until florent (who is from lyon) made them for us
21:16 paul_p florent++ then ;-)
21:16 paul_p was it slim bugnes or large ones ?
21:16 paul_p because there are 2 kind
21:17 jcamins_away These: ?
21:17 paul_p probably large ones ([…]595954Bugnes.jpg) because they're from Lyon
21:18 paul_p the ones from south of France (so Marseille) look like this :[…]Bugnes_tasweb.jpg
21:18 eythian[…]b5lk3t1qb25dg.jpg <-- funny cos it's true
21:18 paul_p they' very differents !
21:19 wizzyrea eythian: lol.
21:19 arietmann joined #koha
21:20 rangi yes, the first one paul_p
21:33 luisb joined #koha
21:39 rangi damn its hot up here
21:39 rangi aircon hasnt come back on after the alarm
21:39 jcamins_away rangi: here, you can have all the cold air from here.
21:39 wizzyrea @wunder 66049
21:39 huginn wizzyrea: The current temperature in Near Free State High, Lawrence, Kansas is 8.3°C (3:37 PM CST on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 49%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Windchill: 8.0°C. Pressure: 28.65 in 970.1 hPa (Steady).
21:40 wizzyrea that is actually really close to where I actually am. Not that any weather report for lawrence is going to show much difference.
21:40 wizzyrea small place.
21:40 rangi @wunder nzwn
21:40 huginn rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 20.0°C (10:00 AM NZDT on February 21, 2012). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 15.0°C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Steady).
21:40 rangi its more than 20 in here
21:40 rangi no windows
21:40 rangi no air
21:40 rangi i cant breathe!!!
21:41 ibeardslee anyone on your floor do the firstaid course? get them to do some rescue breathing for you
21:41 ibeardslee oh aircon just fired up
21:41 rangi hehe
21:41 rangi saved!
21:42 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: bug_7231: Call GetMarcPrice() in acqui/ for staged imports <[…]e97b4c445e1f605fb> / Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/new/bug_6875' <[…]d930fc48debcd306f> / Bug 6875 de-nesting C4::Items <[…]b/?p=koha.git;a=c
21:47 bag @wunder 93109
21:47 huginn bag: The current temperature in K6LCM-Westside/Mesa, Santa Barbara, California is 16.0°C (1:45 PM PST on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Haze. Humidity: 68%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 30.04 in 1017.2 hPa (Steady).
21:47 rangi wow, beat bag for once!
21:47 bag heh
21:48 bag It's winter here
21:48 maximep @wunder cyqb
21:48 huginn maximep: The current temperature in Quebec, Quebec is -6.0°C (4:00 PM EST on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 63%. Dew Point: -12.0°C. Windchill: -14.0°C. Pressure: 30.20 in 1023 hPa (Rising).
21:48 maximep that's winter.
21:48 bag @wunder 99999
21:48 huginn bag: Error: No such location could be found.
21:48 cait @wunder Konstanz
21:48 bag @wunder north pole, ak
21:48 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -1.5°C (10:45 PM CET on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 79%. Dew Point: -5.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.52 in 1033.4 hPa (Steady).
21:48 huginn bag: The current temperature in Repp and Pool St, North Pole, Alaska is -8.3°C (12:37 PM AKST on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 84%. Dew Point: -10.0°C. Windchill: -12.0°C. Pressure: 28.61 in 968.7 hPa (Steady).
21:48 maximep actually sunny here and not that cold hehe
21:49 maximep but colder with the wind that in north pole ? S
21:49 maximep :S
21:49 jcamins_away @wunder 11375
21:49 huginn jcamins_away: The current temperature in APRSWXNET Jackson Heights NY US, Corona, New York is 6.7°C (4:32 PM EST on February 20, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 29%. Dew Point: -10.0°C. Windchill: 4.0°C. Pressure: 30.19 in 1022.2 hPa.
21:49 jcamins_away Hm.
21:49 jcamins_away I'm not sure I buy that.
21:55 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.6.x build #36: SUCCESS in 1 h 2 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_3.6.x/36/
21:55 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Revert "Bug 6838: Add pagination and filtering on subscriptions table"
21:55 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Revert "Bug 6836 follow-up fixing POD"
21:55 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Revert "Bug 6836: test case"
21:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6838 enhancement, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , Filtering and pagination in subscriptions table
21:55 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Revert "Bug 6836: followup CSS work"
21:55 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Revert "Bug 6836: Add jQuery dataTables plugin"
21:55 jenkins_koha * chris.nighswonger: Release Notes for 20 Feb 2012 19:45:25 Z
21:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6836 enhancement, P2, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , jQuery plugin Datatables integration[…]/DataTables_HowTo
21:55 jenkins_koha Starting build #636 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
22:08 mbalmer joined #koha
22:08 rangi 2/ws 17
22:08 rangi heh
22:09 jcamins_away rangi: I didn't realize you knitted. :)
22:09 rangi heh
22:10 rangi another irssi script i like window_switcher
22:10 jcamins_away Not that I have any idea what that instruction would mean, but it might be a knitting instruction.
22:10 rangi or /ws
22:12 * jcamins_away just avoids having more than 10 windows open. :P
22:12 rangi heh
22:13 rangi i currently have 49
22:13 ibeardslee ouch
22:13 rangi usually ever couple of weeks i go through and cull a bunch
22:13 wizzyrea sounds like my chrome tabs :P
22:14 rangi heh
22:14 ibeardslee I regularly prune, often get to over 20 on work irc .. other irc generally stays lower than 10
22:14 wizzyrea or firefox tabs
22:14 wizzyrea depending.
22:15 * jcamins_away closes tabs as soon as he finishes a conversation.
22:15 rangi you are assuming i ever finish conversations
22:15 rangi :)
22:16 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.4.x build #78: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 h 13 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_3.4.x/78/
22:16 jenkins_koha wizzyrea: Bug 6488 - followup - fixes issue with bibs with no items and serials being suppressed
22:16 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 critical, P2, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , opachiddenitems not working in master
22:16 jenkins_koha Starting build #37 for job Koha_3.6.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
22:17 eternalsword I got my authentication module working, however, I don't see anywhere in LDAP that sets permission levels for the staff, so I'm not exactly sure what I need to look for to do that.
22:18 Space_Librarian joined #koha
22:18 rangi you cant in ldap eternalsword
22:21 rangi you need to do that in koha, once they have logged in at least once in the opac (or staff side) to allow ldap to make their user in koha
22:21 rangi then you can set their permissions
22:21 rangi OR you can make users in koha with the appropriate permissions and same userid (or email or whatever your matchpoint is)
22:22 rangi and when they login, ldap will update them (but not hte permissions)
22:22 rangi that make sense?
22:22 wizzyrea (and it's under patron -> detail -> more -> permissions)
22:22 rangi thats what she said
22:23 Space_Librarian wizzyrea ++ for being succinct ;)
22:23 wizzyrea haha
22:26 eternalsword actually, I'm not using LDAP, I'm using another system that I'm writing an Auth_with_*.pm module for.  I have figured out that it's the $borrowers{'flags'} field that I want to manipulate.  And I only have two levels of permissions which I have the flag values for from existing testing, so I should be good to go.
22:27 wizzyrea ahh. Churches everywhere would thank you if you'd share that I"m sure. :)
22:27 eythian Churches?
22:28 wizzyrea eternalsword is working on connecting a church membership database with koha
22:28 eythian oh, right.
22:28 * eythian pops downstairs to arrange a physio appointment.
22:30 rangi we even have a shiny new contribs repo for it to go in!
22:30 eythian ...and discovered that the physio that used to be in the building no longer is.
22:31 rangi hehe yeah they left about a year ago
22:31 wizzyrea ohsnap.
22:31 eythian yeah, I wasn't sure so I looked it up.
22:31 eythian turned out people don't update the internet as much as they should
22:33 eternalsword I'm just learning perl on the fly, so it's fun.  My first modification (using cutter number instead of call number for fiction) I actually avoided using perl by doing an ajax call to a php script.  But I'm starting to get the hang of perl.
22:53 luisb joined #koha
23:05 maximep left #koha
23:13 mveron wizzerea: I figured out how silent print of slips could be done using staff client preferences.
23:13 cait mveron++ :)
23:13 mveron cait: = kf?
23:13 cait yes
23:15 mveron cait: It works like a charme. I will copy my proof of cncept to the paste site.
23:15 pastebot "mveron" at pasted "Proposition to add silent print for slips (with Firefox" (79 lines) at
23:16 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #636: SUCCESS in 1 h 21 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/636/
23:16 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 7554: Clean newlines in browse script
23:16 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de nesting C4::Biblio
23:16 jenkins_koha * paul.poulain: Bug 6875 de-nesting C4::Items
23:16 jenkins_koha * srdjan: bug_7231: Call GetMarcPrice() in acqui/ for staged imports
23:16 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7554 normal, P3, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Master , Newlines break search paging
23:16 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6875 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, ASSIGNED , de-nesting C4 packages
23:23 cait mveron: perhaps open a bug to get some comments? :)
23:23 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.6.x build #37: SUCCESS in 1 h 7 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_3.6.x/37/
23:23 jenkins_koha wizzyrea: Bug 6488 - followup - fixes issue with bibs with no items and serials being suppressed
23:23 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 critical, P2, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , opachiddenitems not working in master
23:24 mveron cait: OK, will do. I am not (yet) familiar with diff, but it would be fine to discuss the proosition anyway.
23:25 cait hm you could also try the mailing list
23:25 cait there are soome good git tutorials on the wiki
23:25 cait and git bz is a nice tool
23:26 cait if you are not using git bz take a look at git format-patch :)
23:30 cait night all
23:30 cait left #koha
23:53 mveron Bug 7563 (enhancement) - Silent print slips using Firefox PlugIn jsPrintSetup and new staff client preference
23:53 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7563 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, NEW , Silent print slips using Firefox PlugIn jsPrintSetup and new staff client preference

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