Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:02 |
pianohacker |
see you later |
00:08 |
jwagner_away left #koha |
00:10 |
pianohacker left #koha |
00:10 |
yhager |
@wunder ycg |
00:10 |
huginn` |
yhager: The current temperature in Castlegar, British Columbia is 12.0�C (5:00 PM PDT on May 27, 2011). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 58%. Dew Point: 4.0�C. Pressure: 29.85 in 1011 hPa (Rising). |
00:15 |
sijobl joined #koha |
00:48 |
pianohacker joined #koha |
01:36 |
glernil joined #koha |
01:45 |
sekjal joined #koha |
01:57 |
wizzyrea is now known as wizzyrea_away |
02:00 |
wizzyrea_away is now known as wizzyrea |
02:00 |
glernil |
anyone knows what this error means? |
02:00 |
glernil |
Can't locate C4/Context.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl line 6. |
02:00 |
glernil |
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl line 6. |
02:08 |
wizzyrea is now known as wizzyrea_away |
02:11 |
sekjal |
glernil: you need to export your PERL5LIB |
02:12 |
sekjal |
which for your install type should be: export PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib |
02:28 |
druthb joined #koha |
02:29 |
wizzyrea_away is now known as wizzyrea |
02:30 |
druthb |
o/ |
02:30 |
wizzyrea |
hiya |
02:30 |
glernil |
sekjal: how should i do that? in the terminal? |
02:34 |
sekjal |
glernil: yes, on the command line before executing the script |
02:34 |
glernil |
sekjal: tnx! |
02:35 |
sekjal |
gladly |
03:00 |
Brooke joined #koha |
03:00 |
Brooke |
kia ora |
03:16 |
pianohacker |
sekjal: around? |
03:16 |
pianohacker |
hi Brooke |
03:17 |
sekjal |
pianohacker: not for much longer... nearly dead for the night |
03:17 |
sekjal |
what's up? |
03:18 |
Brooke |
hey hey |
03:18 |
wahanui |
que tal, Brooke |
03:18 |
Brooke |
raiding on and off, and there are the doublemint twins of suck pally fame. |
03:22 |
druthb left #koha |
03:24 |
Brooke left #koha |
03:31 |
conan left #koha |
03:36 |
* sekjal |
faceplants onto the desk. |
03:36 |
sekjal |
time for bed |
03:36 |
sekjal |
night, all |
03:36 |
sekjal left #koha |
03:40 |
glernil left #koha |
04:51 |
wizzyrea is now known as wizzyrea_away |
05:14 |
Soup left #koha |
05:24 |
Ahmuck joined #koha |
05:32 |
pianohacker left #koha |
05:37 |
druthb joined #koha |
05:37 |
druthb left #koha |
06:08 |
yhager left #koha |
06:24 |
hdl joined #koha |
06:45 |
rangi |
eythian: seen this? http://www.mosc.my/ |
06:45 |
wahanui |
I haven't seen 'this', rangi |
06:47 |
rangi |
make sure you get some digs in about the cloud and MS seeings they are on the bill also :) |
06:51 |
hdl left #koha |
06:53 |
bg |
heya rangi |
06:55 |
rangi |
heya bg |
06:58 |
* bg |
saw somethings being pushed so I figured you'd be up :) |
06:58 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build 264 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) |
06:59 |
rangi |
:) |
06:59 |
rangi |
did you see the malaysian open source conference |
06:59 |
rangi |
? |
07:00 |
rangi |
eythian is off there the day i get back from ALA |
07:02 |
bg |
yeah looks pretty cool - on a beach :) |
07:02 |
bigbrovar |
Hi guys, I am trying to get email notification to work with koha3.4.1 nullmail is configured as thus http://paste.kde.org/75655 and /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Sendmail.pm is configured thus http://paste.kde.org/75661/ |
07:02 |
wahanui |
Hmm. No matches for that, bigbrovar. |
07:02 |
bg |
you'll get to see the best dog beach ever though rangi |
07:02 |
bigbrovar |
but still cant get mail notification to work |
07:03 |
huginn` |
New commit(s) kohagit: BUG6091 Remove undeclared syspref OPACAdvSearchInputCount <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]2832a511d9e778e12> / Add entries so Z39.50 public server works <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]f219963c132832c2b> / Bug 6342 Help link doesn't popup anymore contextual help page <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]?p=koha.git;a=com |
07:03 |
bigbrovar |
I observed that in " /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Sendmail.pm" under the mail config there is no way to add authentication details for smtp. |
07:04 |
bigbrovar |
is there a good doc that covers configuration of email notification for koha? |
07:05 |
bg |
bigbrovar: do you have a cronjob set for it? |
07:06 |
bigbrovar |
hmm nope, but I read while googling that email notification should work even when a crob is not set |
07:06 |
bg |
yeah like sending carts and stuff |
07:06 |
bg |
have you tried emailing yourself from the command line? |
07:06 |
bigbrovar |
thing is our koha is not yet in use so I am just testing to be sure evrything works before launch |
07:07 |
bigbrovar |
hmm how do I do that with nullmailer? |
07:07 |
bigbrovar |
bg: btw did u see the config I pastebin? |
07:07 |
bg |
sorry I don't know nullmailer |
07:08 |
bigbrovar |
are there in other |
07:08 |
bigbrovar |
ok how does the whole email notification thing work with koha? |
07:08 |
NurAhammad joined #koha |
07:08 |
bigbrovar |
I need to configure an MTA for the koha server and also edit " /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Sendmail.pm" ? |
07:09 |
bigbrovar |
from what I read I could use any mta from postfix to sendmail or nullmail |
07:09 |
bg |
ummm.. I think you need to search on how to set up an email server for your linux box |
07:10 |
bigbrovar |
ok so once that is set up I would also edit " /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Sendmail.pm" ? |
07:10 |
bg |
you shouldn't need to edit that |
07:10 |
bg |
basically you want to set your config files only |
07:11 |
bigbrovar |
oh ok.. yeah I saw somewhere http://ur1.ca/4am14 that I need to add my smpt parameters to " /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Sendmail.pm" |
07:17 |
huginn` |
New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 6411] add robots.txt file to allow good indexing, yet prevent searchbot thrashing <http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6411> |
07:20 |
glernil joined #koha |
07:21 |
glernil |
hi #koha |
07:34 |
bigbrovar |
bg: I have configured esmtp and was able to send mail to myself. u said I dont need to change any thing in " /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Sendmail.pm" ? |
07:41 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #264: SUCCESS in 42 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/264/ |
07:41 |
jenkins_koha |
* Frédéric Demians: Bug 6342 Help link doesn't popup anymore contextual help page |
07:41 |
jenkins_koha |
* Tomas Cohen Arazi: Add entries so Z39.50 public server works |
07:41 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6342 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, frederic, NEW , Help link doesn't popup anymore contextual help page |
07:41 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build 265 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) |
07:58 |
francharb joined #koha |
07:58 |
francharb left #koha |
08:16 |
cait joined #koha |
08:17 |
cait |
morning #koha |
08:23 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #265: SUCCESS in 42 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/265/ |
08:23 |
jenkins_koha |
Fridolyn SOMERS: BUG6091 Remove undeclared syspref OPACAdvSearchInputCount |
08:38 |
cait |
busy rangi |
08:38 |
cait |
rangi++ |
08:58 |
cait left #koha |
09:01 |
cait joined #koha |
09:28 |
NurAhammad |
hi everybody. |
09:29 |
NurAhammad left #koha |
10:14 |
hdl joined #koha |
11:17 |
glernil left #koha |
11:43 |
sophie_m joined #koha |
11:55 |
jcamins_away is now known as jcamins |
11:57 |
magnus_away is now known as magnuse |
12:00 |
magnuse |
kia ora #koha |
12:03 |
cait |
hi magnuse :) |
12:03 |
magnuse |
guten tag cait |
12:04 |
cait |
how is bode today? |
12:18 |
Oak joined #koha |
12:18 |
Oak left #koha |
12:26 |
magnuse |
@wunder boo |
12:26 |
huginn` |
magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 11.0�C (2:20 PM CEST on May 28, 2011). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 62%. Dew Point: 4.0�C. Pressure: 29.50 in 999 hPa (Rising). |
12:26 |
cait |
I was looking for your subjective view :) |
12:26 |
cait |
@wunder Konstanz |
12:26 |
huginn` |
cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 17.0�C (2:30 PM CEST on May 28, 2011). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 48%. Dew Point: 6.0�C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1017.8 hPa (Steady). |
12:27 |
jcamins |
@wunder Budapest |
12:27 |
huginn` |
jcamins: The current temperature in Budapest / Lorinc, Hungary is 18.0�C (2:00 PM CEST on May 28, 2011). Conditions: Light Thunderstorm. Humidity: 73%. Dew Point: 14.0�C. Pressure: 29.94 in 1014 hPa (Rising). |
12:27 |
jcamins |
Aww. |
12:27 |
jcamins |
@wunder 11375 |
12:27 |
huginn` |
jcamins: The current temperature in Middle Village, Queens, New York is 21.8�C (8:30 AM EDT on May 28, 2011). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 86%. Dew Point: 19.0�C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016.1 hPa (Steady). |
12:27 |
jcamins |
Still better than here. |
12:29 |
cait |
hi jcamins :) |
12:35 |
jcamins |
Good morning. |
12:42 |
bigbrovar |
Hi guys, I am trying to get email notification to koha to work. I have a working MTA on the koha server working using esmtp . I am able to send mails to myself from the server. anything else I should do? |
12:43 |
magnuse |
cait: sorry, running to and from. bod� isn't too shabby today - the sun is almost shining and the temperature is very pleasant. been out shopping, should start working... |
12:43 |
magnuse |
hiya jcamins and bigbrovar |
12:43 |
jcamins |
Hi, magnuse and bigbrovar! |
12:44 |
bigbrovar |
magnuse: jcamins: Hi guys :) |
12:44 |
jcamins |
bigbrovar: that should be it. |
12:45 |
cait |
bigbrovar: have you scheduled the cronjobs? |
12:46 |
bigbrovar |
jcamins: well notification is not working. cait: yes I have the cronjobs schuduled |
12:46 |
cait |
what's the status of the messages in cour message_queue table? |
12:46 |
bigbrovar |
echo "test" | sendmail me example.com works though on the koha server |
12:50 |
bigbrovar |
cait: let me check |
12:53 |
bigbrovar |
cait: am sorry please how do check the status in message_queue table? am on phpmyadmin page now and checking the message_queue but don't know what to lookout for |
12:55 |
bigbrovar |
a new koha account user should receive email notification right? I just created a test account and still haven't gotten any email regarding that |
12:56 |
cait |
the status column |
12:56 |
jcamins |
bigbrovar: you have to enable that. |
12:56 |
cait |
yep |
12:56 |
cait |
and add a password |
13:00 |
bigbrovar |
jcamins: I have it enabled under systempreference/patron |
13:00 |
bigbrovar |
set it to send email to the home email |
13:00 |
jcamins |
bigbrovar: hm. |
13:01 |
bigbrovar |
read somewhere I have to also edit /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Sendmail.pm with my smtp parameters, is this true? |
13:02 |
semarie joined #koha |
13:03 |
bigbrovar |
for what its work under message status in phpmyadmin it reads as pending (under the default ) |
13:03 |
bigbrovar |
for what its worth* |
13:03 |
jcamins |
bigbrovar: try manually running process_message_queue. |
13:03 |
jcamins |
Manually update a pm? That doesn't sound right at all. |
13:08 |
cait |
no, it doesn't |
13:10 |
cait |
have you edited the file? |
13:13 |
jcamins |
bigbrovar: if the status is listed as pending, that means Koha hasn't even tried to send the messages, so probably your cronjobs aren't running. |
13:32 |
magnuse |
bbl |
13:32 |
magnuse is now known as magnus_away |
13:40 |
bigbrovar |
jcamins: I ran this "/usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs/process_message_queue.pl" manually and still when I checked the status it said pending. |
13:40 |
jcamins |
bigbrovar: I'm out of ideas. |
13:41 |
jcamins |
I don't have anything to do with administering e-mail on our servers. |
13:42 |
yhager joined #koha |
13:42 |
bigbrovar |
jcamins: I upgraded from koha 3.2 to 3.4.1 and so far so good the upgrade has been smooth as butter. I decided to test things out to see if anyhing is broken. which was why I checked the mail. |
13:42 |
jcamins |
bigbrovar: did it work with 3.2? |
13:42 |
bigbrovar |
any ideas which error log to check? or could this be a bug? |
13:42 |
jcamins |
None. |
13:43 |
bigbrovar |
jcamins: well our koha instance is has not been deployed so I never really tested it in 3.2 tbh. |
13:43 |
jcamins |
Okay, I'm going to go with "never worked," then. |
13:45 |
bigbrovar |
I wish there was a doc to check on how to configure email notification on koha, cus as I said sending them manually works on the koha server using echo "test" | sendmail me emailserver.com |
13:45 |
jcamins |
With Postfix it just works. |
13:45 |
jcamins |
Wait. |
13:45 |
jcamins |
I know what the problem is. |
13:45 |
jcamins |
Run the following command: |
13:45 |
jcamins |
telnet localhost 25 |
13:45 |
jcamins |
EHLO bigbrovar |
13:45 |
jcamins |
MAIL FROM:<me emailserver.com> |
13:46 |
jcamins |
RCPT TO:<me emailserver.com> |
13:46 |
jcamins |
13:46 |
jcamins |
From: <me emailserver.com> |
13:46 |
jcamins |
To: <me emailserver.com> |
13:46 |
jcamins |
Subject: Test |
13:46 |
jcamins |
This is a test message |
13:46 |
jcamins |
. |
13:47 |
jcamins |
Does that work? |
13:47 |
jcamins |
If it does, I'm out of ideas. |
13:47 |
jcamins |
If it doesn't, you're on your own, but at least you know the problem is that the mail server is misconfigured. |
13:47 |
bigbrovar |
got this ? 451 4.3.0 Temporary system failure. Please try again later |
13:48 |
bigbrovar |
http://paste.kde.org/75817 |
13:48 |
jcamins |
Okay, that's the problem. |
13:48 |
jcamins |
I recommend using Postfix. |
13:48 |
jcamins |
Or Exim. |
13:48 |
bigbrovar |
ok I will try Exim or postfix thanks |
13:48 |
jcamins |
Or something that isn't carefully designed to make grown people weep. |
13:49 |
bigbrovar |
lol |
13:57 |
sekjal joined #koha |
13:58 |
yhager left #koha |
14:03 |
semarie left #koha |
14:33 |
jcamins is now known as jcamins_away |
14:53 |
sekjal left #koha |
15:06 |
Oak joined #koha |
15:06 |
Oak |
\o |
15:17 |
Soup joined #koha |
15:22 |
yhager joined #koha |
15:27 |
sophie_m left #koha |
15:47 |
magnus_away is now known as magnuse |
16:31 |
bigbrovar |
jcamins_away: thanks I installed and configured exim and email notification now works :) |
16:47 |
cait |
jcamins++ |
16:48 |
jcamins_away is now known as jcamins |
16:48 |
jcamins |
Yay! |
16:53 |
cait |
jcamins? |
16:53 |
wahanui |
somebody said jcamins was supposed to be an outstanding cook. or well-traveled and brilliant. or trying to think of a solution, but short of a set of three sysprefs (ShelfBrowserUsesLocation, ShelfBrowserUsesCcode, and ShelfBrowserUsesHomeBranch), I don't really have any ideas. |
16:53 |
cait |
hm, we need to make him forget about the sysprefs some time |
16:53 |
cait |
jcamins is also awesome fixing broken email notifications |
16:53 |
wahanui |
okay, cait. |
16:55 |
wizzyrea_away is now known as wizzyrea |
16:56 |
* jcamins |
likes that. It's funny. :) |
16:56 |
gmcharlt left #koha |
16:59 |
gmcharlt joined #koha |
17:01 |
paul_p joined #koha |
17:01 |
paul_p left #koha |
17:04 |
user22 |
what are all you people doing on chat on a memorial day weekend? |
17:05 |
* jcamins |
works Saturday-Wednesday. |
17:05 |
jcamins |
This week, Saturday-Monday. |
17:05 |
wizzyrea left #koha |
17:07 |
user22 |
ah ic |
17:08 |
jcamins |
Also, #koha is a favorite hangout even when we're not working. |
17:08 |
cait |
yeah |
17:09 |
cait |
or you could simply say we are addicted |
17:09 |
cait |
:P |
17:09 |
cait |
and it's not memorial day weekend in Germany |
17:15 |
user22 |
but the weekend still. :) |
17:15 |
cait |
true :) |
17:16 |
cait |
but weekends are supposed to be spent with friends :) |
17:18 |
user22 |
well, I'm off to see my friend Wal Mart. |
17:18 |
cait |
hm |
17:19 |
user22 is now known as rhcl_home |
17:22 |
bigbrovar left #koha |
17:24 |
Oak |
cait, what's new? |
17:24 |
cait |
not a lot |
17:25 |
cait |
having a lazy weekend |
17:25 |
cait |
how is yours? |
17:25 |
Oak |
same |
17:25 |
Oak |
listening to slow songs |
17:25 |
Oak |
thinking I should get me a wife |
17:26 |
* Oak |
thinks that sounds funny |
17:26 |
Oak |
any plan for tomorrow? it's Sunday! |
17:27 |
cait |
um |
17:27 |
cait |
sunday... perhaps working on some personal projects |
17:27 |
Oak |
uh oh |
17:27 |
cait |
if I am good I start on this accounting book and find out where to send my broken vaccuum cleaner |
17:27 |
Oak |
oh fun |
17:28 |
cait |
yeah |
17:28 |
cait |
used it 4 times before it gave up on me :( |
17:29 |
Oak |
which company make? |
17:29 |
cait |
ah, it's from a discounter, but was tested very good |
17:29 |
Oak |
hm |
17:29 |
cait |
I think it was just bad luck |
17:30 |
Oak |
no big deal, things break |
17:30 |
cait |
yeah |
17:30 |
cait |
but I hate having to deal with another thing |
17:30 |
cait |
as if my todo list wasn't long enough already |
17:30 |
Oak |
you have a todo list? |
17:31 |
Oak |
like a things-to-do-in-life kind of list? |
17:32 |
cait |
no, I would not go that far |
17:32 |
Oak |
i hope i'm not bothering yo |
17:32 |
Oak |
u |
17:32 |
cait |
more a list of things I should do in the next week, few days, next few waeeks |
17:32 |
cait |
nothing crazy |
17:32 |
cait |
like house chores, distance study stuff.. such things |
17:32 |
Oak |
hm |
17:33 |
Oak |
no 5 year plan then... ok |
17:33 |
cait |
no :) |
17:33 |
cait |
what about you? |
17:34 |
Oak |
i have no idea |
17:35 |
cait |
that's not so bad I think |
17:35 |
Oak |
perhaps |
17:37 |
Oak |
i think it's bad if you are 29, no? |
17:38 |
cait |
hm, I am 28 |
17:39 |
cait |
so if it's a bad thing... you are at least not alone in it |
17:39 |
* jcamins |
opts not to share his age. |
17:39 |
jcamins |
But I can't say I have any particularly clear plans. |
17:39 |
Oak |
that feels better |
17:41 |
Oak |
not much though |
17:42 |
cait |
what's your profession Oak? |
17:43 |
Oak |
web developer |
17:43 |
cait |
ah |
17:43 |
cait |
librarian |
17:43 |
Oak |
Joomla/CSS/HTML |
17:43 |
cait |
cool |
17:43 |
cait |
and koha? :) |
17:43 |
Oak |
well, I am doing MLIS, so |
17:43 |
Oak |
3rd semester |
17:44 |
Oak |
you are a librarian you said |
17:45 |
* magnuse |
has a plan: to make sirloin of reindeer for dinner |
17:45 |
Oak |
ah, i want to learn to cook |
17:45 |
jcamins |
magnuse: That sounds really tasty. |
17:46 |
magnuse |
jcamins: it is ;-) |
17:46 |
cait |
Oak: yes I am |
17:46 |
cait |
but education here is a little differnt |
17:46 |
cait |
I think |
17:46 |
cait |
I have a bachelor, studied to be a librarian |
17:46 |
Oak |
ah |
17:47 |
Oak |
cool, i want to be a librarian someday... |
17:49 |
cait |
sounds like you will |
17:49 |
Oak |
bless you :) |
17:51 |
cait |
I was researching for a master program yesterday.. |
17:51 |
Oak |
distance education? |
17:52 |
cait |
yeah |
17:52 |
Oak |
what did you find |
17:52 |
cait |
one program so far |
17:52 |
cait |
not so easy with a librarian degree to find something technical |
17:53 |
Oak |
master program in what discipline? |
17:53 |
cait |
computer science |
17:53 |
Oak |
oh good |
17:54 |
Oak |
the one program you found, is it by a University in Germany? |
17:54 |
cait |
yeah |
17:54 |
cait |
have to think more about it |
17:54 |
cait |
I am doing a bachelor now, started a longer time ago, but a master woul be better |
17:54 |
cait |
checking if there are some options now |
17:55 |
Oak |
hm, sometimes it is better to not think too much |
17:56 |
Oak |
but to obey your impulse |
17:57 |
cait |
hm |
17:57 |
cait |
not wrong, but things like that need some research |
17:57 |
cait |
will write them a mail with some questions |
17:57 |
Oak |
let me quote something I was reading 2 days ago: |
18:00 |
Oak |
"Thumb back over the pages of your experience and note how many of your happiest moments and greatest successes have followed spur-of-the-moment actions and decisions. They are reminders that only from the depths of your inner self can you hope for an invincible urge towards accomplishment. So, obey your best impulses and watch yourself go!" |
18:00 |
Oak |
"Obey That Impulse" by William Moulton Marston |
18:02 |
cait |
:) |
18:02 |
Oak |
true, things like that need research... before committing yourself |
18:02 |
cait |
I feel like oyu are already a librarian |
18:02 |
Oak |
um, :) the book was under my pillow... |
18:03 |
cait |
another symptom |
18:03 |
Oak |
oh well, I love to read |
18:06 |
Oak |
a computer science degree will help a lot in your career library science |
18:08 |
cait |
I hope so :) |
18:08 |
cait |
but I like to fix things... and build new things |
18:09 |
Oak |
:) and break things like your vacuum cleaner |
18:10 |
Oak |
just kidding |
18:11 |
Oak |
studying from home can have a disadvantage... that there won't be any interaction with fellow students. |
18:13 |
Oak |
at least that's my concept of distance education |
18:14 |
Oak |
but you know what's best under your circumstances, so, i'll shut up. |
18:16 |
cait |
hehe |
18:17 |
cait |
I work full time on koha |
18:17 |
cait |
not nothing I want to change :) |
18:18 |
jcamins |
Speaking of courses, I learned that the college right near my house has a course on project management. |
18:18 |
jcamins |
:D |
18:18 |
Oak |
ah then computer science should not be issue for you... |
18:18 |
cait |
:) |
18:19 |
cait |
jcamins: sounds cool ) |
18:21 |
jcamins |
That's what I thought, too. |
18:49 |
Oak |
time to sleep |
18:49 |
Oak |
night |
18:49 |
Oak left #koha |
18:54 |
bigbrovar joined #koha |
19:01 |
bigbrovar |
so am glad email notification now works after I installed and configured exim. only thing left is where to edit the signature of the emails sent. it says Thanyou, Koha Administrator "kohaadmin"@yoursite.org where can that be customized? |
19:03 |
Ahmuck left #koha |
19:04 |
cait |
try tools > notices |
19:46 |
Soup |
ok, so will try to install koha again |
19:46 |
Soup |
this time i will use a database called kohatest instead of plain koha :D |
19:52 |
Soup |
but i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/614291 |
19:52 |
jcamins |
bug 6858 |
19:52 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6858 was not found. |
19:52 |
jcamins |
bug 5868 |
19:52 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5868 normal, PATCH-Sent, ---, jcamins, ASSIGNED , Subject indexes do not search most 6xx fields |
19:53 |
jcamins |
Soup: don't worry about that. |
19:53 |
Soup |
ok |
19:59 |
Soup |
http://paste.ubuntu.com/613333 |
19:59 |
Soup |
:( |
20:01 |
jcamins |
Looks like your password is wrong. |
20:01 |
jcamins |
Or you didn't set up the user. |
20:01 |
Soup |
i did that |
20:02 |
jcamins |
Hm. |
20:02 |
jcamins |
Are you able to log in from the command line? |
20:02 |
jcamins |
If not, probably you have KOHA_CONF set wrong. |
20:02 |
jcamins |
Or, rather, if you are. |
20:02 |
jcamins |
If you're not, then you'll need to correct the password. ;) |
20:03 |
Soup |
log in in from command line, ok how does one does that |
20:03 |
jcamins |
mysql -ukoha -p kohatest |
20:03 |
jcamins |
Then you enter your password. |
20:03 |
jcamins |
(it will ask) |
20:03 |
Soup |
trying |
20:04 |
Soup |
D: |
20:04 |
jcamins |
Did it work? |
20:05 |
Soup |
error 1049: (42000): unknown database kohatest |
20:05 |
Soup |
but but i created it |
20:05 |
Soup |
D: |
20:05 |
jcamins |
It doesn't sound like it. |
20:05 |
jcamins |
Create it now. |
20:06 |
Soup |
oh boy |
20:06 |
Soup |
XD |
20:06 |
Soup |
:D |
20:06 |
Soup |
thanks jcamins :D |
20:06 |
jcamins |
You're welcome. |
20:07 |
Soup |
now i can continue the installation! |
20:07 |
Soup |
:D |
20:08 |
jcamins |
Yay! |
20:08 |
Soup |
:D ok, now i can only choose english |
20:08 |
Soup |
that is probably because thats the lang i said during the make install process |
20:08 |
jcamins |
I don't know how to do an installation in another language. |
20:08 |
jcamins |
Yes. |
20:09 |
jcamins |
It's easy to install other languages, I just don't know how to run the installer in a language other than the one you chose at the beginning. |
20:09 |
Soup |
:) |
20:10 |
Soup |
not a problem for now |
20:10 |
Soup |
just having it installed is good enough |
20:13 |
Soup |
:D this is awesome |
20:17 |
Soup |
:) the koha interface is pretty neat :D |
20:17 |
Soup |
but really how can i change the "cart button" thats just wrong |
20:18 |
jcamins |
Soup: with a combination of jQuery and CSS. |
20:18 |
jcamins |
I don't know how to do it. |
20:18 |
Soup |
ok |
20:18 |
jcamins |
But that's how it's done. |
20:18 |
Soup |
will have to find out then |
20:20 |
Soup |
thank you jcamins :) |
20:21 |
jcamins |
You're welcome. |
20:21 |
Soup |
:) |
20:21 |
Soup |
now to learn to add stuff to it :D |
20:32 |
cait |
jcamins++ |
20:33 |
cait |
you are on fire :) |
20:46 |
magnuse |
googled a little and found this: http://lists.katipo.co.nz/pipe[…]ember/026371.html (re changing the cart) |
20:49 |
magnuse is now known as magnus_away |
20:57 |
Johnindy left #koha |
20:59 |
rangi |
@wunder wellington nz |
20:59 |
huginn` |
rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 6.0�C (8:00 AM NZST on May 29, 2011). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 5.0�C. Windchill: 5.0�C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Rising). |
21:00 |
cait |
hi rangi |
21:01 |
tcohen joined #koha |
21:01 |
rangi |
hiya cait |
21:03 |
cait |
:) |
21:07 |
druthb joined #koha |
21:08 |
druthb |
o/ |
21:19 |
rangi |
hi druthb |
21:20 |
druthb |
hi, rangi! |
21:25 |
bg |
@wunder 93109 |
21:25 |
huginn` |
bg: The current temperature in K6LCM - Westside / Mesa, Santa Barbara, California is 22.1�C (2:28 PM PDT on May 28, 2011). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 49%. Dew Point: 11.0�C. Pressure: 29.74 in 1007.0 hPa (Falling). High Wind Warning in effect until 3 am PDT Monday... |
21:34 |
tcohen left #koha |
21:38 |
sophie_m joined #koha |
22:23 |
jcamins is now known as jcamins_away |
22:38 |
sophie_m left #koha |
23:09 |
cait left #koha |
23:47 |
Soup left #koha |