Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:01 |
joetho left #koha |
00:42 |
braedon|home left #koha |
01:12 |
braedon|home joined #koha |
01:23 |
braedon|home left #koha |
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genji1 joined #koha |
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brendan joined #koha |
01:33 |
genji left #koha |
01:38 |
brendan |
evening #koha |
01:39 |
brendan |
@wunder 93117 |
01:39 |
munin |
brendan: The current temperature in ASOS_HFM SANTA BARBARA, CA, Santa Barbara, California is 18.9�C (6:20 PM PDT on May 11, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 40%. Dew Point: 5.0�C. Pressure: 29.98 in 1015.1 hPa (Rising). Wind Advisory in effect until 3 am PDT Wednesday... |
01:39 |
brendan |
munin it sure is windy outside |
01:39 |
munin |
brendan: Error: "it" is not a valid command. |
01:45 |
joetho joined #koha |
01:57 |
genji1 left #koha |
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genji joined #koha |
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Johnindep joined #koha |
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reed left #koha |
02:20 |
reed joined #koha |
02:32 |
chris_n |
g'night |
02:35 |
joetho left #koha |
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genji left #koha |
02:38 |
kmkale joined #koha |
02:58 |
kmkale |
@notes |
02:58 |
munin |
kmkale: I currently have notes waiting for christ, Genji:, gmcharlt:, hdl:, hdl_laptop:, km_kale, kmkale:, LadyNight32, matts, nengard:, nicole, owen:, paul, Schuster:, sekjal:, seneca:, slef:, thd-away, and wizzyrea:. |
02:58 |
kmkale |
@notes km_kale |
02:58 |
munin |
kmkale: Sent 1 week, 1 day, 8 hours, and 34 minutes ago: <chris_n> you should try resending your patch and/or checking your git send-email setup; see http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?[…]l_some_parameters |
02:59 |
kmkale |
@notes kmkale |
02:59 |
munin |
kmkale: Error: I have no notes for that nick. |
02:59 |
kmkale |
@notes kmkale: |
02:59 |
munin |
kmkale: Sent 1 week, 0 days, 15 hours, and 53 minutes ago: <chris_n> I succesfully upgraded to lucid last week |
02:59 |
kmkale |
@notes kmkale_ |
02:59 |
munin |
kmkale: Error: I have no notes for that nick. |
02:59 |
kmkale |
@notes kmkale_: |
02:59 |
munin |
kmkale: Error: I have no notes for that nick. |
03:18 |
DRULM joined #koha |
03:22 |
DRULM left #koha |
03:48 |
Amit_G joined #koha |
03:49 |
Johnindy_ joined #koha |
03:50 |
kmkale left #koha |
03:58 |
reed left #koha |
03:58 |
Johnindy left #koha |
03:59 |
reed joined #koha |
04:33 |
Amit_G |
heya brendan, chris |
04:41 |
reed left #koha |
04:57 |
richard left #koha |
05:24 |
kk joined #koha |
05:25 |
kk is now known as kmkale |
05:34 |
brendan |
hiya amit_g |
05:34 |
brendan |
night all |
05:35 |
kmkale left #koha |
05:57 |
braedon|home joined #koha |
06:41 |
laurence joined #koha |
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francharb joined #koha |
07:01 |
alex_a joined #koha |
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Kivutar joined #koha |
07:14 |
kf joined #koha |
07:14 |
kf |
good morning all :) |
07:25 |
chris |
hi kf |
07:26 |
kf |
hi chris :) |
07:27 |
kf |
investigating a problem with umlauts and item import today, something somewhere breaks my umlauts in marcxml |
07:28 |
chris |
ah bound to be some utf8 conversion thing |
07:28 |
kf |
I think so |
07:29 |
kf |
items table is correct |
07:29 |
genji joined #koha |
07:29 |
kf |
when I edit the item without changes its correct in marcxml after that |
07:32 |
chris |
yeah that does sound like a conversion on import |
07:47 |
genji |
how do i delete all authorities with 0 biblios attached to it? |
07:53 |
Amit_G |
heya genji, kf |
07:54 |
kf |
hi genji and Amit_G |
07:54 |
kf |
genji: good question! |
07:56 |
braedon|home left #koha |
07:57 |
genji |
cause i have lots of them. |
08:04 |
hdl_laptop |
genji: iirc you have a clean_unised_authorities script in 3.2 |
08:06 |
genji |
hmm... |
08:08 |
paul_p joined #koha |
08:15 |
Johnindep left #koha |
09:09 |
chris left #koha |
09:53 |
gmcharlt |
good morning |
10:26 |
Amit_G |
heya galen |
10:34 |
alex_a left #koha |
10:36 |
chris_n |
'morning |
11:12 |
alex_a joined #koha |
11:33 |
laurence left #koha |
11:36 |
nahuel |
http://www.zotero.org/blog/zot[…]ary-on-the-globe/ |
11:37 |
jwagner joined #koha |
11:38 |
Amit_G |
heya nahuel, jwagner |
11:38 |
jwagner |
Hi, Amit_G |
11:44 |
braedon|home joined #koha |
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jdavidb joined #koha |
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Amit_G left #koha |
11:48 |
hdl_laptop |
hi gmcharlt jwagner |
11:51 |
jwagner |
Bonjour, hdl_laptop |
11:51 |
jdavidb |
harrumph! |
11:51 |
jwagner |
That's my line.... |
11:56 |
kyle joined #koha |
12:00 |
kyle |
hey all |
12:05 |
jwagner |
Hi, kyle |
12:10 |
kf |
harrumph! |
12:10 |
kf |
hi jwagner, jdavidb and kyle |
12:10 |
jdavidb |
Hi, kf! :) |
12:10 |
kf |
and and hi everybody else of course |
12:11 |
gmcharlt |
hi kf kyle |
12:11 |
gmcharlt |
et al |
12:13 |
nengard joined #koha |
12:15 |
owen joined #koha |
12:16 |
kyle |
It looks like the ability to place holds is broken in master, can anyone confim/refute this? |
12:17 |
owen |
kyle, have you checked your issuing rules? |
12:18 |
kyle |
Nothing in our data has changed, I simply pulled the latest master and now I can go through the motions of placing a hold, but it doesn't 'stick' |
12:20 |
* owen |
feels like every time he turns around there's some glitch with holds |
12:22 |
kf |
@random |
12:22 |
munin |
kf: Error: The command "random" is available in the Dict, Factoids, and Quote plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "random". |
12:22 |
kf |
@random quote |
12:22 |
munin |
kf: Error: The command "random" is available in the Dict, Factoids, and Quote plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "random". |
12:22 |
kf |
@quote random |
12:22 |
munin |
kf: Quote #20: "<wizzyrea> you will see no wedgie-ing from me" (added by jdavidb at 11:50 AM, July 31, 2009) |
12:22 |
owen |
kyle: I was able to place a hold from the OPAC |
12:23 |
kf |
@quote random |
12:23 |
munin |
kf: Quote #12: "<owen> Every time you check in a book a little video loads and Nancy Pearl recites her capsule review of it." (added by gmcharlt at 02:36 PM, July 06, 2009) |
12:23 |
jdavidb |
@quote random |
12:23 |
munin |
jdavidb: Quote #73: "<chris_n> owen: try /msg munin identify nick password" (added by owen at 08:38 AM, April 29, 2010) |
12:24 |
chris_n |
how boring :) |
12:24 |
chris_n |
@quote random |
12:24 |
munin |
chris_n: Quote #20: "<wizzyrea> you will see no wedgie-ing from me" (added by jdavidb at 11:50 AM, July 31, 2009) |
12:24 |
owen |
kyle: ...and from the staff client as well |
12:24 |
owen |
kyle: Double-check that you have a "holds allowed" value specified for the patron category/item type combination you're trying to do a hold for |
12:25 |
kyle |
Thanks for the help. Must be a problem with our data. Time to do some digging. |
12:25 |
kyle |
I'm placing holds as kohaadmin |
12:25 |
owen |
Doing anything as kohaadmin is never a good idea from a testing point of view |
12:25 |
owen |
Weirdness occurs. |
12:26 |
kyle |
still borked with a standard librarian account. sigh. |
12:29 |
kf |
no error message? |
12:31 |
hdl_laptop |
kyle : must be your issuingrules |
12:32 |
kmkale joined #koha |
12:32 |
kmkale left #koha |
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kmkale joined #koha |
12:33 |
kmkale |
good evening all |
12:34 |
jdavidb left #koha |
12:35 |
kf |
*sigh* I hate non-repeatable errors |
12:40 |
sekjal joined #koha |
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schuster joined #koha |
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Kivutar1 joined #koha |
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paul_ joined #koha |
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paul_p left #koha |
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nahuel left #koha |
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alex_a joined #koha |
12:52 |
owen |
kyle: Can you describe the problem you're having? I'm attempting to debug some holds stuff too |
12:54 |
kyle |
sure. I'm just walking through the process of placing a hold from the intranet. Everything seems find up to and including the final click of the 'Place Hold' button. But the hold does no get added to the list of existing holds. I've tried it with multiple patrons and items. I checked out an older version and was able to place holds without a problem. |
12:54 |
genji left #koha |
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tomascohen joined #koha |
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collum joined #koha |
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Nate joined #koha |
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nahuel joined #koha |
13:00 |
kyle |
I figured out my problem. reserves.expirationdate was set to NULL=no. I don't know how or why. |
13:00 |
alex_a left #koha |
13:01 |
kyle |
updatedatabase and kohastructure both allow null values for reserves.expirationdate as far as I can tell. |
13:01 |
kf |
jwagner++ for updating all bugs in bugzilla |
13:03 |
jwagner |
Still working on that, kf -- apologies for all the emails generated :-) |
13:03 |
nengard |
jwagner -thanks for reminding us about the bugzilla plan!! |
13:04 |
nengard |
and I don't mind the emails ;) |
13:04 |
nengard |
updated bugs are more important |
13:04 |
kf |
they are |
13:04 |
* owen |
is just glad the emails are going through again! |
13:04 |
kf |
perhaps we could link new sponsored features in the wiki to bugzilla - an overview and more details in the bugs |
13:07 |
kf |
@karma jwagner |
13:07 |
munin |
kf: Karma for "jwagner" has been increased 34 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 34. |
13:09 |
jwagner |
:-) But I meant to mention the other day, while people were giving jdavidb & me so much karma -- we're the ones you see online, but there are a LOT of other people who worked on these features and deserve some love. People like David Birmingham and Colin Campbell, among others. jdavidb & I didn't do everything by ourselves here (much as it felt like it at times) |
13:11 |
kf |
@karma Colin |
13:11 |
munin |
kf: Karma for "Colin" has been increased 9 times and decreased 0 times for a total karma of 9. |
13:11 |
kf |
Colin++ |
13:11 |
kf |
@karma ptfs |
13:11 |
munin |
kf: Karma for "ptfs" has been increased 8 times and decreased 3 times for a total karma of 5. |
13:13 |
owen |
hdl_laptop, jwagner, chris_n: I see comments on Bug 4045 about various people working together to solve the problem. Is that happening? |
13:13 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4045 critical, P5, ---, cnighswonger foundations.edu, ASSIGNED, No check for maximum number of allowed holds. |
13:13 |
owen |
Right now opac-reserve.pl uses two different methods for determining the maximum number of holds allowed. |
13:14 |
owen |
One way is the "new way," by checking issuingrules. The other is a check for the maxreserves system preference which no longer exists |
13:14 |
owen |
Line 83 of Utility.pm: my $MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_RESERVES = C4::Context->preference("maxreserves"); |
13:15 |
hdl_laptop |
owen: yes. |
13:16 |
jwagner |
owen, my message in that entry was referencing our new devel, Bug 3507 |
13:16 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3507 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, kohaprogrammers ptfs.com, ASSIGNED, Circ rules enhancements, maximum fine warning |
13:16 |
jwagner |
I think it checks maxreserves as a backup. It could be reconciled, I imagine. |
13:16 |
jdavidb |
I've got a puzzler for the Zebra gods and goddesses... Client can search using yaz-client just fine, but all searches in Koha are broken; the zebra log gives this--(line breaks mine): |
13:16 |
hdl_laptop |
We worked on that but relies on issuing rules and holding rules in the issuingrules table |
13:16 |
owen |
The maxreserves check isn't a backup, it's an inconsistency. The two methods are used in different places |
13:17 |
jdavidb |
zebrasrv-2.0(1) [request] Search biblios ERROR 114 1 1+0 RPN @attrset Bib-1 |
13:17 |
jdavidb |
@or @or @or @or @or |
13:17 |
munin |
jdavidb: Error: "or" is not a valid command. |
13:17 |
jdavidb |
@attr 1=36 @attr 4=1 @attr 6=3 @attr 9=32 @attr 2=102 petit |
13:17 |
munin |
jdavidb: Error: "attr" is not a valid command. |
13:17 |
jdavidb |
@attr 1=4 @attr 4=1 @attr 6=3 @attr 9=28 @attr 2=102 petit |
13:17 |
munin |
jdavidb: Error: "attr" is not a valid command. |
13:17 |
jdavidb |
@attr 1=4 @attr 4=1 @attr 9=26 @attr 2=102 petit |
13:17 |
munin |
jdavidb: Error: "attr" is not a valid command. |
13:17 |
jdavidb |
@attr 4=6 @attr 5=103 @attr 9=16 @attr 2=102 petit |
13:17 |
munin |
jdavidb: Error: "attr" is not a valid command. |
13:17 |
jdavidb |
@attr 4=6 @attr 5=1 @attr 9=14 @attr 2=102 "petit? " |
13:17 |
munin |
jdavidb: You've given me 5 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 10 minutes. |
13:17 |
jdavidb |
@attr 4=6 @attr 9=14 @attr 2=102 petit |
13:17 |
* jdavidb |
pokes munin. |
13:17 |
hdl_laptop |
ERROR 114 is an attribute error |
13:18 |
hdl_laptop |
is your db in ICU ? |
13:18 |
jdavidb |
114 indicates attribute problems, yeah, but I'm not seeing anything obvious. |
13:18 |
hdl_laptop |
Are you using QueryFuzzy ? |
13:18 |
jdavidb |
That's a good question; I do not know. I rather doubt it, though. |
13:18 |
hdl_laptop |
It ssems yes. |
13:18 |
jdavidb |
It looks like Fuzzy is on, yes. |
13:18 |
hdl_laptop |
turn it off. |
13:19 |
hdl_laptop |
icu zebra is not supporting attr5=103 |
13:19 |
jdavidb |
Ah-hah! If fuzzy is on, and icu is being used, you get nothing. |
13:19 |
jdavidb |
hdl_laptop, you are *awesome!* |
13:19 |
hdl_laptop |
well.... zebra is not what I would call error-forgivable. |
13:20 |
kf |
icu+fuzzy-- |
13:21 |
hdl_laptop |
icu+truncation-- |
13:22 |
hdl_laptop |
But rather zebra support of icu-- |
13:24 |
jdavidb |
I was chasing all sorts of shadows here; this particular customer is on Red Hat Enterprise, so I was wallowing around in the maybe-the-wrong-version-of-X sort of thing. |
13:27 |
gmcharlt |
hdl_laptop: has indexdata said anything about when/if that might be changed? |
13:32 |
hdl_laptop |
No answer. |
13:34 |
jwagner |
gmcharlt, online? |
13:34 |
gmcharlt |
yes |
13:35 |
jwagner |
On Bug 4238, we've received the permission for using the code. Do you want a copy of the email forwarded to you? |
13:35 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4238 enhancement, P5, ---, kohaprogrammers ptfs.com, ASSIGNED, OPAC timeout feature for patron privacy |
13:35 |
gmcharlt |
please attach it to the bug |
13:35 |
jwagner |
Save the email itself & do as an attachment? |
13:35 |
jdavidb |
Well, rats. |
13:36 |
jdavidb |
hdl_laptop++ , but that didn't solve their issue. Back to ye olde drawing board. |
13:36 |
braedon|home left #koha |
13:36 |
gmcharlt |
jwagner: copy and paste of the email is fine - what I'm looking for is the exchange, i.e., how you asked the question |
13:38 |
alex_a joined #koha |
13:39 |
jcamins joined #koha |
13:47 |
owen |
Not to diminish in any way the work that PTFS has done, but I wonder whether "patch sent" is really the right status for a bug which has a fix on an unreconciled branch |
13:48 |
gmcharlt |
owen: it depends |
13:48 |
gmcharlt |
for a branch to be pullable, it has to be a descendent of the current master, implying a rebase |
13:48 |
wizzyrea_laptop joined #koha |
13:48 |
gmcharlt |
for the topic branches that are just a couple patches |
13:49 |
gmcharlt |
cherry-picking from those branches is likely good enough |
13:49 |
gmcharlt |
but for more complex things like the granular circ permissions |
13:49 |
gmcharlt |
they really do need to be rebased against master first before being pulled |
13:49 |
gmcharlt |
now that's something that anybody could take on |
13:50 |
gmcharlt |
but for complex merges, I'd want jdavidb and crew to take the first crack at it |
13:52 |
jwagner |
owen, it's the only status available :-) |
13:55 |
braedon|home joined #koha |
13:56 |
gmcharlt |
jwagner: one thing I do suggest is send emails to the patches list when a branch is actually pullable or cherry-pickable |
13:56 |
gmcharlt |
otherwise it is possible for something to be lost in the suffle of the dozens of bug status updates that can take place during a day |
14:01 |
chris_n |
jwagner: bug 3738 appears to already be fixed in head |
14:01 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3738 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, nengard gmail.com, ASSIGNED, Automate login to web-based self-check system |
14:13 |
jwagner |
Yes, I'd sent that patch earlier. |
14:14 |
kyle |
gmcharlt: Hello, I recently found a bit of javascript you wrote ( assuming there aren't many Andreas Blixt's out there. ) We would like to use it in Koha, and Open Source library management system. Would you be willing to allow me to release this code under the GPLv2 or later? |
14:14 |
gmcharlt |
and it was pushed a couple months ago, so I think it's a candidated for closing |
14:15 |
kyle |
the reply: Haha I had a hard time even remembering I wrote that code. Go ahead. :) |
14:15 |
kyle |
As a general rule I say that all my minor pieces of code are MIT licensed, but I always appreciate a mention. :) |
14:15 |
kyle |
yes, the smiley's were his ; ) |
14:15 |
gmcharlt |
kyle: good enough - paste that in the bug, please |
14:15 |
gmcharlt |
and a follow-up patch the file to mention attribution would be good |
14:19 |
kf |
jwagner: is 952$i mandatory for item suppress? we have our inventory numbers in $i now :) |
14:19 |
kf |
ok, stupid question, it is because of the index |
14:21 |
jwagner |
kyle and gmcharlt, I've updated the bug with the permission exchange. Thanks. |
14:21 |
* chris_n |
chuckles at nahuel's wording "weird code in search scripts" |
14:21 |
chris_n |
imagine that :) |
14:21 |
gmcharlt |
thanks |
14:22 |
jwagner |
kf, I'm not sure of the code. If you're using that subfield, I'd update the bug report to note that; it might need to be modified at integration. |
14:22 |
nahuel |
chris_n, what do you mean by chukles ? |
14:22 |
nahuel |
:) |
14:22 |
jwagner |
Looks like Kyle beat me to it :-) |
14:22 |
chris_n |
nahuel: lol |
14:22 |
chris_n |
or laughs |
14:23 |
* chris_n |
thinks there is much weird code in the search stuff |
14:23 |
kyle |
; ) |
14:23 |
nahuel |
ok ok :) |
14:23 |
paul_ |
last week, nahuel worked on a POC of koha + solr = in 2hours, it was working a little bit, and 95% of search code had been removed. |
14:23 |
paul_ |
nice way to clean code :D |
14:24 |
kf |
jwagner: I m not sure, I saw that biblibre added a new features for stocknumbers, perhaps it makes sense to move our data |
14:24 |
jdavidb |
nahuel++ |
14:25 |
kyle |
I was we thinking we should change all the 'reserves' language in the code to 'holds', in case someone wants to add a true reserves system later on. Sometimes the code uses way too many different terms for the same thing i.e. borrowers, patrons, members |
14:26 |
nahuel |
zebra must go out :) |
14:26 |
nahuel |
and koha must stop trying to do a search engine job |
14:26 |
nahuel |
like creating ccl/pqf queries |
14:26 |
* jdavidb |
gives nahuel the zebra-hunter hat. |
14:26 |
kf |
das solr work with icu? |
14:26 |
gmcharlt |
nahuel: Zebra shouldn't be killed - not everybody is going to want to run a tomcat stack |
14:26 |
gmcharlt |
better is multi-search engine support |
14:26 |
kf |
das = does |
14:27 |
gmcharlt |
I do fully support killing NoZebra, though :) |
14:27 |
hdl_laptop |
kf: yes. |
14:27 |
hdl_laptop |
kf: it uses icu4j |
14:27 |
kf |
hdl_laptop: ah, thx |
14:27 |
kyle |
but I use NoZebra for my home library! |
14:27 |
nahuel |
gmcharlt, solr can run in any servlet daemon |
14:27 |
nahuel |
14:27 |
nahuel |
solr can be a remote service |
14:27 |
nahuel |
like one provided by the acquia company |
14:28 |
gmcharlt |
and ... not everybody is going to want to run a servlet stack :) |
14:28 |
nahuel |
And no body want's to run a badly working search engine like zebra :) |
14:28 |
nahuel |
well... |
14:28 |
nahuel |
zebra IS NOT a search engine |
14:28 |
nahuel |
it's only a z3950 serveR... |
14:28 |
nahuel |
so useless... |
14:28 |
nahuel |
that's not what users needs |
14:30 |
kf |
I saw chris was working on pazpar2 and I had a question about federated search |
14:30 |
gmcharlt |
useless? that's a little too string of a statement |
14:30 |
brendan left #koha |
14:30 |
gmcharlt |
I'm not against *adding* support for other searchings, including Solr |
14:31 |
kf |
zebra is not that bad |
14:31 |
nahuel |
zebra is _not_ a search engine |
14:31 |
nahuel |
it doesn't answer what user wants/needs |
14:31 |
nahuel |
zebra doesn't provide google like search |
14:32 |
nahuel |
koha must parse user search to generate something like a google pseudo-like search... |
14:32 |
nahuel |
(a pseudo-google-like-search) |
14:33 |
nahuel |
it's not the job of koha to parse user search queries |
14:33 |
nahuel |
that is a fact |
14:33 |
gmcharlt |
kyle: well, there is a place for a search subsystem that is purely in-database (a la Evergreen) w/o external dependencies, but the current NoZebra implementation I would argue should be scrapped and replaced |
14:33 |
gmcharlt |
nahuel: that is an opinion |
14:34 |
nahuel |
I think it's _the_ opinion ;) |
14:34 |
gmcharlt |
there are library search domain semantics, including a hypothetical browse search, that can only work if Koha actually knows what it is searching for and how |
14:35 |
nahuel |
i'm tired finding problems with search in koha |
14:35 |
nahuel |
search parsing |
14:35 |
nahuel |
search indexes |
14:35 |
nahuel |
crash of zebra |
14:35 |
nahuel |
something that is not extensible easily |
14:35 |
nahuel |
etc... |
14:36 |
gmcharlt |
nahuel: which is why we're proposing to rewrite it in 3.4 |
14:36 |
gmcharlt |
but extensibility does have to include support for Zebra as well as Solr and potentially other search engines |
14:37 |
kyle |
Agreed, I can always upgrade to zebra. |
14:38 |
nahuel |
don't think it's a good idea :) |
14:38 |
jwagner |
gmcharlt, I've finished updating all the bugzilla entries, I think. Still need to go through the wiki integration page and add some more notes about dependencies, etc. |
14:38 |
gmcharlt |
cool |
14:39 |
jwagner |
We still have some features we're working on that aren't ready yet, so there will be some more coming out later. But no more big batches like this, I hope. (for jdavidb's sanity!) |
14:39 |
jwagner |
I had missed creating entries for a couple of these -- just created them & entered the branch names. |
14:39 |
gmcharlt |
jwagner: are there bugs for those features? if not, RFCs and bugs would be a nicenees |
14:40 |
jwagner |
A couple of them have bugzilla entries, 4283 and 4236. I'll have to cross-check my list to see if there are any more we missed. |
14:41 |
jwagner |
A couple of the branches also got missed being included in the release notes :-( |
14:44 |
owen |
Does anyone know where default_branch_circ_rules.holdallowed comes from? Where do you set it? |
14:44 |
gmcharlt |
via smart-rules.pl, as rule for default branch |
14:46 |
owen |
When I "select * from default_branch_circ_rules" I get |
14:46 |
owen |
| branchcode | maxissueqty | holdallowed | |
14:46 |
owen |
+------------+-------------+-------------+ |
14:46 |
owen |
| APL | 99 | 2 | |
14:47 |
owen |
When I look at smart-rules.pl, I don't see the number 2 anywhere |
14:47 |
kf |
I think its the value corresponds to the pulldown? |
14:47 |
kf |
from all libraries etc. |
14:47 |
gmcharlt |
right |
14:48 |
owen |
I get it, it's the "hold policy" number. |
14:48 |
gmcharlt |
yep - look around line 471 of admin/smart-rules.pl |
14:53 |
cythrax joined #koha |
14:53 |
owen |
@wunder 45701 |
14:53 |
munin |
owen: The current temperature in Ohio University, Athens, Ohio is 20.0�C (10:46 AM EDT on May 12, 2010). Conditions: Thunderstorm. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: 17.0�C. Pressure: 29.94 in 1013.8 hPa (Steady). |
14:54 |
kf |
@wunder Konstanz |
14:54 |
munin |
kf: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Germany is 17.1�C (4:56 PM CEST on May 12, 2010). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 54%. Dew Point: 8.0�C. Pressure: 29.71 in 1006.0 hPa (Steady). |
14:57 |
cythrax |
hi there, i attempted to uninstall my koha 3.05 today to install 3.04, but when i try to 'make' i get an error saying Can't open blib/KOHA_CONF_DIR/koha-conf.xml for read at rewrite-config.PL line 172., i have removed the /etc/koha folder . can anyone suggest what i need to do? |
14:57 |
kmkale |
bye all |
14:57 |
kmkale left #koha |
15:00 |
* owen |
is struggling to understand why he's not allowed to place a hold on a particular item type |
15:00 |
brendan joined #koha |
15:01 |
owen |
Oh wait, messed-up item type in that record. |
15:06 |
owen |
jwagner: I'm curious about the policy behind Bug 3508 |
15:06 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3508 enhancement, PATCH-Sent, ---, kohaprogrammers ptfs.com, ASSIGNED, Limit number of on-shelf holds per day |
15:07 |
owen |
Is that to deter some kind of behavior the library doesn't like? |
15:08 |
cythrax |
just incase someone finds this searching for the same error, using rm -rf ./blib followed by make clean solved that particular problem ;) |
15:16 |
cythrax left #koha |
15:18 |
collum |
The two recurring themes that our system has pertaining to hold shelves are behavior and lack of space. |
15:28 |
jwagner |
owen, sorry, was off on another screen. We were asked for a feature to limit the number of on-shelf holds _per day_ that a patron could place, so that's what this is doing. |
15:29 |
* owen |
simply wonders what that library's patrons were doing to prompt the request |
15:29 |
jwagner |
That library's patrons place an _unbelievable_ number of holds in general. They probably just wanted to slow it down a bit :-) |
15:30 |
* owen |
should stop wondering why libraries ask for weird things |
15:31 |
jwagner |
We Just Does What They Asks :-) |
15:37 |
chris_n |
$holds->apply_brakes($patron) maybe? |
15:37 |
jwagner |
probably |
15:38 |
gmcharlt |
why oh why does nobody ever implement the robotic-arm-to-slap-patrons interface? |
15:42 |
chris_n |
hehe |
15:43 |
Kivutar1 left #koha |
15:44 |
jwagner |
gmcharlt, I'd prefer the automatic phaser, with sysprefs to control whether it's set to stun, seriously injure, or kill :-) |
15:44 |
alex_a left #koha |
15:45 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
hehe |
15:45 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
http://www.globalnerdy.com/201[…]ogramming-jargon/ |
15:46 |
jwagner |
ooooo, I LIKE bugfoot -- can we adopt that one? |
15:46 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
hehe |
15:48 |
owen |
nengard's Amazon content bug was a bugfoot until kf reproduced it |
15:48 |
nengard |
WOO HOO - I'm not alone??? |
15:48 |
kf |
no |
15:48 |
kf |
I wrote to the mailing list |
15:48 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
lol, hindenbug |
15:48 |
nengard |
i actually forgot about that :) |
15:48 |
kf |
tss :) |
15:49 |
kf |
but bugfoot is nice |
15:49 |
nengard |
can someone take a look at this page: http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]_improvements_RFC and tell me why the heading is linking?? |
15:49 |
kf |
I cant reproduce my import breaks umlauts in callnumbers |
15:49 |
nengard |
or make it stop linking on their own :) |
15:49 |
kf |
but we have this problem in 2 databases... |
15:49 |
* kf |
is not a friend of mediawiki |
15:52 |
nengard |
kf - me neither |
15:54 |
kf |
so why have we switched to mediawiki? |
15:54 |
owen |
nengard: You mean the "RFC 3" part? |
15:54 |
nengard |
yes |
15:54 |
owen |
I'll bet it's some kind of Mediawiki plugin which automatically links RFCs |
15:54 |
owen |
Like Bugzilla will automatically link "Bug 23" to the correct bug in comments |
15:54 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]how_bug.cgi?id=23 normal, P2, ---, tonnesen cmsd.bc.ca, RESOLVED FIXED, Virtual Bookshelfs not functional |
15:55 |
schuster left #koha |
15:56 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
I changed it to 3.2 RFC and it's better |
15:56 |
owen |
"At the moment all occurences of "RFC nnnn" in Wikipedia are automagically linked to http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfcnnnn.txt for numbers nnnn." |
15:56 |
owen |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M[…]aWiki_talk:Rfcurl |
15:56 |
owen |
http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:RFC |
15:57 |
owen |
"If you do not want this behaviour, put something like <nowiki>RFC</nowiki> in your wikitext" |
15:57 |
nengard |
strane |
15:57 |
nengard |
strange |
16:02 |
chris_n |
ahh... lunch :) |
16:03 |
gmcharlt |
nengard: I've disabled the RFC auto-linking |
16:04 |
nengard |
oo :) thanks |
16:04 |
nengard |
why would they do that? |
16:05 |
gmcharlt |
just a bit of hardcoded stuff from wikipedia |
16:16 |
jcamins |
I inadvertantly tried to clone git.koha-community.org over http, and I got an error: fatal: http://git.koha-community.org/koha.git/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server? |
16:16 |
jcamins |
I'm not sure who I should notify about that. |
16:22 |
nengard left #koha |
16:23 |
sekjal left #koha |
16:25 |
kf |
ok, tomorrow is holiday - will be back friday :) |
16:25 |
kf |
bye all! |
16:26 |
kf left #koha |
16:28 |
gmcharlt |
jcamins: I've updated it |
16:28 |
gmcharlt |
clone-over-http shoudl work now |
16:28 |
jcamins |
Good, thanks. |
16:44 |
owen |
I notice opac-detail.pl handles enhanced content a little differently for each source |
16:44 |
owen |
For instance, it says "use C4::External::Amazon;" |
16:44 |
joetho joined #koha |
16:44 |
owen |
But then below it says "if (C4::Context->preference('BakerTaylorEnabled')) {" |
16:44 |
owen |
... "require C4::External::BakerTaylor;" |
16:45 |
owen |
Is the latter more efficient? |
16:54 |
chris_n |
the latter only loads the module if it is needed |
16:54 |
chris_n |
sort of like autouse |
16:55 |
* owen |
doesn't know what autouse is |
16:55 |
chris_n |
iiuc |
16:55 |
chris_n |
perldoc autouse |
16:56 |
sekjal joined #koha |
16:56 |
chris_n |
or http://perldoc.perl.org/autouse.html |
16:57 |
owen |
chris_n in the opac-detail.pl example why is the BakerTaylorEnabled check wrapped in "BEGIN {" ? |
16:58 |
chris_n |
that ensures that it executes prior to the rest of the code being compiled |
16:59 |
owen |
Is there any reason not to put the call to C4::External::Amazon in the same kind of conditional? |
16:59 |
chris_n |
probably not |
16:59 |
jwagner is now known as jwagner_meeting |
16:59 |
kyle left #koha |
17:00 |
paul_ left #koha |
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jdavidb left #koha |
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kyle_ joined #koha |
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kyle_ is now known as kyle |
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owen is now known as owen-away |
17:28 |
rhcl |
Hey kyle |
17:29 |
rhcl |
Just emailed you. |
17:31 |
kyle |
rhcl: fixed. |
17:31 |
kyle |
rchl: more to do still |
17:32 |
* chris_n |
sends kyle a bunch of emails :) |
17:32 |
jcamins |
Has anyone ever gotten the error "fatal: cannot convert from UTF-8utf-8 to UTF-8" when trying to do a rebase? |
17:34 |
kyle |
rhcl: fixed again ; ) |
17:35 |
kyle |
chris_n: haven't got'em yet, but I'll be on the lookout. |
17:38 |
alreadygone joined #koha |
17:39 |
alreadygone |
hi, how do I install Koha on Slackware 13? |
17:40 |
cait joined #koha |
17:40 |
cait |
hi #koha |
17:41 |
alreadygone |
hi cait |
17:42 |
alreadygone |
do you use koha on Linux? |
17:42 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
alreadygone: http://fleksem.klf.uw.edu.pl/~rm/koha.html |
17:42 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
now, this is the last version |
17:43 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
so it's probably different |
17:43 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
most people use debian/ubuntu |
17:43 |
alreadygone |
thanks a million wizzyrea_laptop |
17:44 |
wizzyrea_laptop |
not many at all use it on slackware (that I know of) |
17:46 |
alreadygone |
well, I use only Slackware... I'll try to install. let's see |
17:47 |
rhcl |
Kyle: now you have to create a category... |
17:59 |
alreadygone |
DBD::mysql and MARC::Record are installed.... now installing the remaining things |
17:59 |
kyle |
rchl: done. |
17:59 |
kyle is now known as kyle_away |
18:00 |
alreadygone is now known as Oak |
18:01 |
Oak is now known as register |
18:01 |
register is now known as Oak |
18:20 |
owen-away is now known as owen |
18:26 |
jwagner_meeting is now known as jwagner |
18:26 |
cait1 joined #koha |
18:28 |
cait1 |
t |
18:32 |
jwagner left #koha |
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tomascohen left #koha |
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Johnindy_ left #koha |
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saorge_ joined #koha |
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19:14 |
cait1 |
untranslated_things-- |
19:25 |
slef |
@later tell chris seen this? "help develop a FLOSS strategy for Wellington, New Zealand that we can share and share alike. http://nzoss.org.nz/news/2010/[…]rategy-wellington" |
19:25 |
munin |
slef: The operation succeeded. |
19:26 |
slef |
others near Wellington might also be interested, of course |
19:28 |
Oak left #koha |
19:57 |
nengard joined #koha |
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collum left #koha |
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owen left #koha |
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paul_p joined #koha |
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francharb left #koha |
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richard joined #koha |
20:34 |
richard |
hi |
20:40 |
jcamins left #koha |
20:45 |
cait1 |
owen: around? |
20:46 |
cait1 |
can someone else help me with a template? |
20:48 |
cait1 |
i wonder why this is not translated: <li><a href="suggestion.pl#ASKED">Pending (1)</a></li> |
20:51 |
paul_p |
time to go to bed for european people (11PM). tomorrow closed day, back on friday ! |
20:51 |
paul_p left #koha |
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jo joined #koha |
20:51 |
jo |
moning all |
20:52 |
cait1 |
good morning jo |
20:59 |
nengard |
hey does anyone know where the page is that is referenced in but 4496 ? |
20:59 |
nengard |
i meant bug 4496 -- is there a recent acq page I don't know about? |
20:59 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4496 minor, P5, ---, henridamien koha-fr.org, NEW, In recent acquisitions page (intranet) combo boxes disappear |
21:00 |
cait1 |
nengard: no, just started testing acq |
21:01 |
nengard |
okay |
21:01 |
jo |
(waves at Nicole ) |
21:02 |
cait1 |
searching for untranslated terms, links, buttons... :) |
21:02 |
cait1 |
gmcharlt: around? |
21:02 |
gmcharlt |
cait1: yep |
21:02 |
cait1 |
hi :) |
21:02 |
cait1 |
working on translation problems |
21:02 |
cait1 |
I noticed that a lot of javascript error messages are not translated |
21:03 |
cait1 |
does it make sense to work on that? |
21:03 |
nengard |
hi jo |
21:04 |
gmcharlt |
cait1: yes - straightforward to fix |
21:04 |
cait1 |
for 3.2? |
21:05 |
cait1 |
I saw that there is something planned for javascript in 3.4, so was not sure |
21:05 |
cait1 is now known as cait |
21:10 |
gmcharlt |
cait: 3.2 is fine |
21:11 |
cait |
gmcharlt: thx :) |
21:23 |
chris joined #koha |
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wajasu joined #koha |
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sekjal left #koha |
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nengard left #koha |
21:38 |
cait |
can someone try to add an authorized value in current head? |
21:38 |
cait |
I can not add authorized values - not sure its a problem with my installation |
21:39 |
jo |
I can |
21:39 |
jo |
will check what version we are running ... actually Chris will know |
21:39 |
cait |
thx jo! |
21:39 |
gmcharlt |
cait: works for me |
21:40 |
cait |
ok |
21:42 |
cait |
perhaps a problem with my database? |
21:42 |
gmcharlt |
anything in the error log? there was an earlier bug at one point |
21:43 |
cait |
im missing a comlumn, the description for opac |
21:43 |
cait |
can I empty the database without deleting it? so I can get a clean database from the web installer? |
21:44 |
Nate left #koha |
21:44 |
gmcharlt |
cait: you can just do |
21:44 |
gmcharlt |
ALTER TABLE authorised_values ADD COLUMN `lib_opac` VARCHAR(80) default NULL AFTER `lib`; |
21:46 |
cait |
gmcharlt: thx, it worked |
21:48 |
cait |
I wonder how this happened |
21:52 |
nahuel left #koha |
22:03 |
nahuel joined #koha |
22:14 |
cait |
I dropped my database and ran web installer and acq says: 1 suggestions waiting? |
22:15 |
chris |
yeah thats a bug |
22:15 |
chris |
it always says 1 |
22:15 |
chris |
its on my list |
22:15 |
chris |
says 1 if there are 10, or 0 |
22:16 |
cait |
is there a bug for this? |
22:16 |
cait |
1 suggestions waiting and manage suggestions show as links and both link to suggestions.pl |
22:16 |
cait |
and hi chris :) |
22:17 |
chris |
:) |
22:17 |
chris |
im not sure its reported, i only spotted it a couple of days ago when doing a demo |
22:18 |
cait |
want me to add a bug? |
22:18 |
chris |
yes please |
22:18 |
chris |
i was thinking i might call a bug freeze for next friday? |
22:18 |
chris |
and import the bugs in bugs.koha-community.org then |
22:19 |
cait |
what will this mean? no bug reporting or changing? for how long? |
22:19 |
chris |
a day or so |
22:19 |
cait |
ah ok |
22:19 |
chris |
and then from then on, use the new site |
22:19 |
cait |
im in full bug reporting mode :) |
22:20 |
cait |
assign bug to you? default for acq is hdl |
22:20 |
chris |
yep assign to me |
22:20 |
chris |
56 ppl have registered on the new bugzilla |
22:21 |
joetho left #koha |
22:21 |
chris |
pretty much all the active people |
22:21 |
chris |
so thats good |
22:22 |
chris |
ill send out an email tomorrow i think giving ppl one week more to register, then ill shift the bugs over |
22:24 |
rhcl left #koha |
22:25 |
cait |
bug 4498 |
22:25 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4498 normal, P5, ---, chris bigballofwax.co.nz, NEW, Acq always shows '1 suggestions waiting' |
22:27 |
chris |
ta |
22:27 |
cait |
there are some more strange things in suggestions, still not sure its a bug or I just dont get it |
22:28 |
chris |
its most likely a bug |
22:28 |
wizzyrea_laptop left #koha |
22:29 |
cait |
there are the new filters owen did for suggestion managment, suggeston information has management date and suggested on, but no input fields |
22:29 |
cait |
will file another bug |
22:30 |
reed joined #koha |
22:31 |
cait |
ah there already is a bug 3922 |
22:31 |
munin |
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/b[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3922 major, P5, ---, henridamien koha-fr.org, NEW, Managing suggestions: filter form missing information |
22:35 |
cait |
chris: ah, I tried to reproduce my import problem today... all itemcallnumbers with umlauts loaded without problems using staged marc import. Perhaps the problem is in bulk marc import. I was not able to test that. we repaired the data with the sync-script for items and marcxml. |
22:36 |
chris |
right |
22:39 |
brendan |
@gcalc 4619 seconds in minutes |
22:39 |
munin |
brendan: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything. |
22:40 |
brendan |
@gcalc what is 4619 seconds converted to minutes |
22:40 |
munin |
brendan: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything. |
22:40 |
robin |
I wonder if google's site changes have broken it. |
22:40 |
cait |
@roulette |
22:40 |
munin |
*BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?! |
22:40 |
* munin |
reloads and spins the chambers. |
22:40 |
cait |
oh |
22:40 |
wizzyrea_laptop joined #koha |
22:41 |
brendan |
@roulette |
22:41 |
munin |
brendan: *click* |
22:41 |
brendan |
:) |
22:41 |
cait |
@roulette |
22:41 |
munin |
cait: *click* |
22:41 |
brendan |
@gcalc 4619 seconds |
22:41 |
munin |
brendan: Google's calculator didn't come up with anything. |
22:42 |
brendan |
I give up munin |
22:42 |
brendan |
google did give me the answer |
22:58 |
cait |
@roulette |
22:58 |
munin |
cait: *click* |
23:00 |
slef |
oh yeah, google's site changes broke scroogle.org |
23:00 |
slef |
a lot of automated services used the old ie interface because it was easiest to parse |
23:02 |
chilts |
I think munin was broken before the recent Google changes |
23:03 |
slef |
Aren't incompatible API changes usually evil? ;-) |
23:04 |
robin |
chilts: yeah, but google changes fairly regularly. I wrote a scraper that worked with the PDA interface, and it was always breaking. |
23:05 |
chilts |
I'm not surprised, there's a different between scraping HTML and using an API |
23:06 |
chilts |
those search engines which rely on Google should use a CSE (Custom Search Engine) |
23:17 |
cait |
ok, really late now |
23:17 |
cait |
good night all! |
23:17 |
chris |
night cait |
23:18 |
brendan left #koha |
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cait left #koha |
23:27 |
Johnindep joined #koha |
23:44 |
slef |
chris: did you get the wellington link I sent by munin? |
23:48 |
chris |
yep |
23:48 |
chris |
the nzoss is helping him draft a policy |
23:48 |
chris |
one of the directors of catalyst is president of the society :) |
23:49 |
chris |
jack yan has other policies you as an avid cyclist would like too |
23:49 |
chris |
like car free days |
23:51 |
chris |
http://yourwellington.org/2009[…]ay-free-of-trafc/ |
23:58 |
slef |
cool |
23:58 |
slef |
stand any chance? |