IRC log for #koha, 2010-04-04

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:04 gpal left #koha
00:18 GenjiScreen left #koha
00:24 GenjiScreen joined #koha
07:43 munin joined #koha
07:44 munin` left #koha
10:54 cait joined #koha
10:54 cait good morning #koha
17:38 jwagner_meeting joined #koha
17:38 jwagner_meeting is now known as jwagner
19:05 jwagner left #koha
19:06 chris morning
19:09 cait hi chris
19:09 cait wanted to work on xslt - now fighting with authority records
19:11 cait @karma authorities
19:11 munin cait: authorities has neutral karma.
19:12 chris ahh authorities
19:13 cait harumph ;)
19:13 chris heh
19:14 cait :)
19:15 munin left #koha
19:19 munin joined #koha
19:19 gpal joined #koha
19:23 gpal Aloha Cait
19:25 cait hi gpal
19:26 gpal hi, I am still grappling with my Zebra :)
19:26 gpal Found that yaz-ztest lets me connect and do searches as well... but zebra doesn't ...
19:27 gpal Cait, if u have access to yaz-client ... try it on
19:28 gpal see if u are able to get thru
19:29 cait sorry, i have no experience with yaz
19:30 gpal thats ok... t
19:30 gpal somehow, the zebra isnt listening correctly.. well gotta hack on to get it going
19:33 gpal are u aware of any zebra specific chat channels...
19:44 cait not aware
19:45 cait but there is a zebra mailing list i think
20:00 brendan joined #koha
20:59 gpal FOR LATER VIEWERS: Couldn't get much info out there!
21:00 gpal Edit koha-conf.xml ----> <listen id="publicserver" >tcp:@:9999</listen>
21:01 gpal Simply uncommenting the above line DOES NOT do the trick.
21:02 gpal RECREATE the lines you see below <!-- BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS -->
21:02 gpal Create a similar block for <!-- PUBLIC RECORDS -->
21:03 gpal and voila... restart your zebra server.. u shd now be able to "find" via yaz-client
21:03 gpal ciao for the day .. g'night
21:04 gpal left #koha
21:42 cait left #koha
22:10 pseubodot left #koha
22:12 GenjiScreen left #koha
22:12 GenjiScreen joined #koha

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