Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
12:52 |
owen |
paul? |
12:52 |
dewey |
i think paul is 4 times' DADDY |
12:52 |
paul |
hi owen |
12:52 |
owen |
Hi Paul, I'm just now looking over the new member entry template |
12:52 |
paul |
our stupid bot is right... quite unusual... |
12:53 |
paul |
yep. Note that it's probably buggy. I haven't tested it yet. |
12:53 |
owen |
paul, are you familiar with it, or should I be asking hdl? |
12:53 |
paul |
you should ask hdl. |
12:53 |
paul |
but he's back on monday only |
12:53 |
owen |
Okay. I'll either figure it out or I'll wait :) |
12:54 |
paul |
owen, a quick question : there are zillions of intranetstylesheet => C4::Context ... |
12:54 |
paul |
(almost one in each script) |
12:54 |
paul |
they are useless, as Auth.pm loads this pref everytime. |
12:54 |
paul |
+ with actual templates, the intranetstylesheet is no more supported. |
12:55 |
paul |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="themelang" -->/css/staff-global.css" /> |
12:55 |
paul |
but : |
12:55 |
paul |
<!-- TMPL_IF name="intranetstylesheet" --> |
12:55 |
owen |
I think the intranetstylsheet => C4::Context in the script is a relic of an earlier version, before Auth.pm was modified |
12:56 |
paul |
<link rel=<!-- TMPL_VAR name="intranetstylesheet" -->...> |
12:56 |
paul |
<!-- TMPL_ELSE --> |
12:56 |
paul |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<!-- TMPL_VAR NAME="themelang" -->/css/staff-global.css" /> |
12:56 |
paul |
<!-- /TMPL_IF --> |
12:56 |
paul |
if there is an intranetstylesheet defined, use it instead of staff-global.css |
12:56 |
paul |
do you agree ? |
12:57 |
owen |
Yes: we're still trying to sort out how to handle alternate style sheets. Right now we're working just with staff-global for the sake of simplicity. Ultimately we'll have the intranetstylesheet option as well as options for setting an alternate color stylesheet like the NPL templates in rel_2_2 |
12:57 |
paul |
owen will probably lighten my darkness ;-) |
12:58 |
owen |
intranetstylesheet allowed you to drop in a completely new stylesheet, right? A full URL to an an external stylesheet? |
12:58 |
owen |
The color stylesheet pref allows you to point to a stylsheet that changes color info only. That lets the user set a color scheme while leaving the layout unchanged |
12:59 |
paul |
ok, but the colorstylesheet is a css isn't it ? |
12:59 |
owen |
Yes |
13:16 |
paul |
owen ? a few minuts for another question ? |
13:16 |
owen |
yes |
13:16 |
paul |
http://i15.bureau.paulpoulain.[…]rc/circulation.pl |
13:17 |
paul |
(abel/abel) |
13:17 |
paul |
the check in / transfer /set library /Holds to pull ... |
13:17 |
paul |
is <div class="yiu-b"> |
13:17 |
paul |
shouln't it have an id ? |
13:18 |
paul |
<div class="yui-b" id="toolbar"> or something like that |
13:18 |
paul |
? |
13:18 |
owen |
It can, if we find it's necessary for CSS and/or javascript. |
13:18 |
owen |
It's just a first draft |
13:18 |
paul |
OK |
13:19 |
paul |
playing with something you don't know well & that is not finished is sometimes a hard job ;-) |
13:19 |
paul |
(what is unfinished & what is unknown ?) |
13:20 |
owen |
If you're playing with CSS and feel you need an id or class somewhere, feel free to add it. I want the markup to be as flexible as possible |
13:20 |
paul |
(to change the submenu layout without changing all yui-b) |
13:21 |
paul |
OK, i'll try. |
13:24 |
paul |
owen : do you think it would be better to have a <div id="toolbar"> in circ-menu.inc, or update circulation.tmpl to write : <div class="yui-b toolbar" > ? |
13:25 |
paul |
(or <div class="yui-b" id="toolbar">) |
13:27 |
owen |
Probably better to add the extra div to circ-menu.inc, because, for instance, we sometimes have two includes in the left-hand sidebar. |
13:27 |
owen |
circulation.tmpl loads memebers-menu.inc too, to display patron links if there is a patron loaded |
13:29 |
paul |
OK |
13:29 |
paul |
mmm... |
13:29 |
paul |
so we can't use a id="toolbar", but a class="toolbar". |
13:30 |
paul |
(or a id="toolbar-members" and a id="toolbar-circ". |
13:30 |
paul |
but I think that would result in too many "toolbar-XXX" and be confusing. |
13:30 |
owen |
Or a toolbar class plus an id for each if you want circ menu items to be different from patron menu items |
13:31 |
paul |
owen: ++ |
13:31 |
paul |
(although the stylesheet will be very tricky to manipulate ;-) ) |
13:32 |
paul |
mmm... owen : there is are xxx-menu and some menu-xxx. Is it a bug ? |
13:32 |
paul |
or a feature ? |
13:32 |
dewey |
a feature is broken in the script |
13:34 |
owen |
To me, it's a feature :). I changed the naming convention when I started re-writing the templates. I wanted related files to be grouped, like circ-menu.inc and circ-search.inc |
13:34 |
owen |
I'm willing to be convinced that's not any more efficient, however. It's just how I did it. |
13:36 |
paul |
so, at the end, all menus should be MODULE-menu.inc ? |
13:37 |
owen |
That's the way I planned it. The menu-MODULE.inc files are going to go away, because those menus are going to be broken down into MODULE-menu.inc and MODULE-toolbar.inc |
13:38 |
owen |
MODULE-toolbar.inc will include toolbar-like actions like Add, Edit, Delete. The toolbar inc will be embedded at the top of the main page content |
13:39 |
owen |
I haven't had a chance to start on the toolbar files yet |
13:42 |
kados |
hey gang |
13:42 |
kados |
owen: I like the naming convention |
13:48 |
paul |
hey kados. |
13:48 |
paul |
(the naming convention : you're speaking of our previous discussion or something else ?) |
13:49 |
kados |
your previous discussion :-) |
13:49 |
kados |
MODULE-menu and MODULE-toolbar |
13:49 |
kados |
it might also be |
13:49 |
kados |
PAGE-toolbar |
13:49 |
kados |
in some cases |
13:50 |
owen |
Yes |
13:51 |
paul |
page-toolbar,like in : |
13:51 |
paul |
http://i15.bureau.paulpoulain.[…]s.pl?tab=Intranet |
13:51 |
paul |
for Admin / acquisition /Authorities/catalogue/... /staff client/ ... others |
13:51 |
paul |
? |
13:54 |
kados |
yep |
13:54 |
paul |
consider it done ;-) |
13:55 |
paul |
owen : will you work on the templates today ? |
13:55 |
owen |
All day! |
13:55 |
paul |
OK, so I do nothing ;-) |
13:55 |
owen |
Let 'em come |
13:55 |
kados |
owen's been a template trooper lately :-) |
13:55 |
paul |
hired by LibLime ? |
13:55 |
owen |
I'm not afraid of a little conflict |
13:56 |
kados |
hehe |
13:56 |
owen |
No, strictly in the interests of NPL |
13:56 |
paul |
I have other things to do, I can wait... |
13:56 |
kados |
NPL++ |
13:56 |
owen |
...although my boss wonders sometimes... ;) |
13:58 |
paul |
lol |
14:01 |
owen |
admin/charges.tmpl no longer used? |
14:07 |
paul |
grep -R "charges.tmpl" * shows nothing, so I think you're right |
14:13 |
slef |
paul: pq parles-tu de Koha 3.0 NoZebra? Existe-il déjà ? |
14:13 |
paul |
slef : of cours, NoZebra exists & works quite correctly. |
14:13 |
paul |
(although a little bit under-documented) |
14:13 |
slef |
paul: is it a syspref or what? |
14:13 |
paul |
it's a syspref, yes. 2 in fact ;-) |
14:14 |
slef |
Will you patch README.txt with the details, please? |
14:14 |
paul |
look at misc/migration_tools/rebuil_nozebra.pl script, that should be useful |
14:16 |
slef |
paul: does that get run by the web installer? |
14:16 |
paul |
not yet. |
14:16 |
slef |
it will? |
14:17 |
paul |
in fact, I could answer "yes" to your question... |
14:17 |
slef |
ok... have you 5 mins to explain kohala AG to me? |
14:17 |
paul |
because we just need to add a sql file to load during step3, that set NoZebra=1 and NoZebraIndexes=... |
14:18 |
paul |
yes, of course, what is your question exactly ? |
14:18 |
slef |
Can me and other UK users appoint people to represent us at the AG? |
14:19 |
paul |
I don't know why you couldn't |
14:19 |
slef |
How do we choose who to appoint? |
14:19 |
paul |
I don't see why you couldn't |
14:20 |
paul |
you can choose randomly ;-) |
14:20 |
slef |
As in, do we know the votes to be held and do we know people's positions on them? |
14:20 |
paul |
(except that, iirc, there is a limit to how many ppl someone can represent) |
14:20 |
slef |
s/As in/C'est à dire/ |
14:20 |
paul |
We will choose President, Trésorier and Secrétaire |
14:21 |
paul |
the only 3 mandatory positions. |
14:21 |
paul |
we may have a vice-president as well, but not mandatory. |
14:21 |
slef |
Can we tell representatives how to vote? (That is what happens in proxy votes in England, IME.) |
14:21 |
paul |
atm, the 4 founders have one position each. |
14:21 |
paul |
of course you can. but to vote you must be a member of the association. |
14:22 |
paul |
and to be a member of the association, you must have paid your yearly ticket. |
14:22 |
slef |
ok, how do people join? |
14:22 |
slef |
(I don't think koha.lists.katipo... has ever been told) |
14:22 |
paul |
p nalon is preparing a paper for ppl wanting to join |
14:22 |
paul |
(in fact, we haven't imagined we could have non french members ;-) ) |
14:23 |
slef |
erm, there are a lot of non-french koha users... |
14:23 |
slef |
not sure whether you remember that ;-) |
14:23 |
paul |
yep, but it's a french association. |
14:24 |
paul |
at dev week, last year, we spoke of this question : it's too hard to have a world wide association/NPO |
14:24 |
slef |
so? Seems little point having an association in each country, at least in Euro-zone |
14:24 |
paul |
so, we begin with "local" ones. |
14:24 |
paul |
"little point" ? |
14:24 |
slef |
there is a cost and not much benefit |
14:25 |
slef |
I don't remember the dev week discussion (what a surprise). Is there a record? |
14:26 |
slef |
Actually, is dev week the bit in the south of FR I wasn't at? |
14:37 |
paul |
slef : right. |
14:38 |
slef |
cool - so who's our worldwide NPO expert? |
14:38 |
paul |
owen : i've played with global-staff.css, feel free to look at it at http://i15.bureau.paulpoulain.[…]/koha/mainpage.pl |
14:39 |
owen |
Looking good, paul |
14:39 |
paul |
owen : already quite nice, without any template change. Just one thing that seems not correct : the white area that encloses the left menu |
14:39 |
owen |
That's definitely more what I have in mind for the final version, but I'm leaving that until I'm further along. |
14:39 |
paul |
I would like to have it just for the "work area", but it's not possible atm, because there is no "workingarea" unless i've missed something |
14:40 |
paul |
no prob |
14:40 |
paul |
i'm already happy with that. |
14:40 |
owen |
Do you mean like what "mainbloc" was before? |
14:41 |
paul |
yep |
14:49 |
owen |
paul: we may need to add something, an extra div |
14:49 |
paul |
That's what I think too |
14:59 |
kados |
http://www.ltls.org/ilssymposi[…]7/agendapage.html |
14:59 |
kados |
hopefully they'll have wireless so I can be on chat at the same time :-) |
15:00 |
owen |
I hope you're there already, because I don't think you can make it from Athens in 30 min. |
15:00 |
kados |
hehe |
15:00 |
kados |
yea, I'm in champaign already |
15:00 |
kados |
drove up last night |
15:01 |
kados |
ok, I'm signing off, bbiab |
15:03 |
paul |
owen : where is Champaign located ? |
15:04 |
owen |
Illinois |
15:04 |
paul |
thanks, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois) |
15:07 |
paul |
owen : "I drove up last night" means he reached champaign by car ? seems a medium trip (300miles ?) |
15:08 |
owen |
Yes. Google says 6 hours |
15:16 |
owen |
admin/categoryitem.pl & admin/categoryitem.pl both not used anymore? Replaced by categorie.tmpl/pl ? |
15:18 |
paul |
iirc, yes. |
15:18 |
paul |
we spoke of that recently on koha-devel |
15:19 |
paul |
(I started the thread : database structure : some cleaning) |
15:19 |
paul |
aug, 8 |
15:20 |
owen |
Ah, database structure. I didn't pay very close attention to that :) |
19:37 |
[K] |
*** part FreeNode!#koha: rangi n=nnchris |
22:17 |
[K] |
* ru55el FreeNode clocks on for Koha Project Day - it has been a while |
22:17 |
[K] |
<ru55el FreeNode> Chris and I are working on a user contributed help feature |
07:45 |
btoumi |
hi all |
07:45 |
btoumi |
chris are u around? |
07:46 |
btoumi |
kados are u around? |