IRC log for #koha, 2022-07-08

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:13 fridolin joined #koha
05:10 JesseM joined #koha
06:00 marcelr joined #koha
06:00 marcelr hi #koha
06:14 irc hi marcelr
06:14 marcelr o/
06:35 marcelr hmm poor responses from Bugzilla
06:35 marcelr 504
06:37 marcelr too bad
06:48 JesseM joined #koha
06:57 alex_ joined #koha
06:57 alex_ Bonjour
07:07 marcelr o/
07:10 cait joined #koha
07:10 cait good morning #koha
07:13 marcelr o/
07:14 paulderscheid[m] Another day, another million things to do
07:17 marcelr paulderscheid[m]: do you use Elastic on your todo list ? :)
07:20 paulderscheid[m] Haha, I should ^^
07:24 cait paulderscheid[m]: welcome to our world :)
07:28 cait oh, does bugzilla have a bad Friday?
07:29 marcelr it works better again
07:29 ashimema haha
07:29 ashimema yup.. there's always way too much in my todo list
07:29 marcelr o not anymore
07:29 marcelr just an hour ago we had the same with BZ
07:30 marcelr 504s
07:30 ashimema yeah.. i just had some too
07:35 cait rangi is going to have a look
07:36 rangi[m] load average: 15.00, 14.61, 10.84
07:36 rangi[m] bots
07:36 cait bad bots
07:37 cait trying to ruin my QA Friday
07:41 rangi[m] better now?
07:41 cait my bug opens now
07:41 liliputech joined #koha
07:41 cait I always got the 504 gateway error earlier
07:41 cait rangi++ rangi[m]++ :)
07:42 paulderscheid[m] Hey cait , the accessibility thing is called userway
07:42 paulderscheid[m] Just saw it at nuertingen
07:42 cait ah!
07:42 rangi[m]
07:43 cait I am going to look at the terminology ones - might go straight to PQA
07:43 cait awesome effort from your coworkers!
07:43 cait first patch for Tosca too, I think?
07:44 rangi[m] yep
07:45 cait paulderscheid[m]: do you have a link to the catalog?
07:45 paulderscheid[m]
07:46 paulderscheid[m] The placement -_-
07:55 ashimema Nice one rangi
07:56 ashimema Great to see me people contributing too
08:40 cait ... runs off on the dashboard... catch me of you can!
08:40 cait *squeee*
08:40 alex_ joined #koha
09:06 marcelr cait you are cheating
09:09 alex__ joined #koha
09:12 cait marcelr: you had your chance! ;)
09:12 cait I think we got them all now (hopefully)
09:15 ashimema blimey
09:16 liliputech you mean "su - blime" ?
09:16 liliputech :)
09:19 ashimema haha
09:36 irc I'm planning to apply for a job as koha system administrator 😊
09:37 marcelr you will become very happy, irc :)
09:46 marcelr ashimema: yet another 2fa bug ready for qa, bug 28787
09:46 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=28787 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Send a notice with the TOTP token
09:48 ashimema ta
09:49 marcelr bug 30678 is still ready for qa too :) khall or anyone else ?
09:49 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=30678 enhancement, P5 - low, ---,, Signed Off , Add OCLC_NO as option to OPACSearchForTitleIn
09:51 marcelr will be afk next week btw
09:53 cait vacation? hope you have a good time
09:54 marcelr thx
10:06 ashimema enjoy marcelr
10:09 m23 joined #koha
11:07 tcohen hi
11:08 tcohen enoy marcelr
11:10 Joubu annoy marcelr
11:14 * cait aks Joubu about a sandbox for the staff style work
11:26 Joubu The patches are not ready
11:26 cait ah ok, I thought they were now
11:26 ashimema Indeed, the bug says they're struggling with a rebase
11:28 ashimema Didn't look like any of the commits included a description of what they were trying to achieve either... That would be really helpful for testing/qa
11:28 cait yes, I would have loved soem feedback on the comments we gave
11:28 cait about the font and especially the search tabs
11:30 Joubu jajm: ^?
11:32 ashimema I can't find the bug.. what's it described as again
11:33 davidnind[m] bug 30952
11:33 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=30952 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, solene.desvaux, ASSIGNED , New interface for staff client
11:34 ashimema Ta
11:36 oleonard joined #koha
11:36 cait oh oleonard - the person I was waiting for!
11:37 * oleonard enters with a flourish
11:37 * oleonard was on desk at a library all day yesterday, so AWOL
11:46 * tcohen is battling between happiness for 'community friday' and curious sleepiness this morning
11:47 Joubu 1137         if (exists $params->{expirationdate}) {
11:47 Joubu 1138             $properties->{expirationdate} = $params->{expirationdate} || undef;
11:47 Joubu 1139         }
11:47 Joubu Are we doing something meaningful here?
11:47 tcohen PQA went 23 => 40 while I was sleeping
11:47 tcohen we are not, Joubu, where's that?
11:47 cait tcohen: most should be pushable while sleeping
11:48 Joubu ModReserve
11:48 cait lots of string fixes from catathon
11:48 tcohen thanks for the heads up. cait
11:48 cait tcohen: maybe a leftover von before we had separate fields for expiration of the patron and the pickup expiration?
11:48 Joubu Yes maybe we do, I think we don't want to remove expirationdate if not passed in $params
11:48 tcohen Joubu don't you want to join forces and work a bit on the 'holds' table?
11:49 Joubu I don't have much time available, and I already have too many battles going on
11:49 cait I'd really love to see bug 19318 finally resolved some way or the other
11:49 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=19318 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, Signed Off , Add ability to use custom file upload paths
11:49 alex_ joined #koha
11:51 tcohen Joubu: fair, hope you can help spot problems when I submit
11:52 alex__ joined #koha
11:54 tcohen cait: sounds correct
11:56 Joubu tcohen: I think I already spent a lot of time on it
11:56 Joubu my last comments have been ignored btw (_on vs _date)
12:02 tcohen Joubu: fair, I haven't got back there for a while
12:25 ashimema oleonard around?
12:25 oleonard Yup
12:26 ashimema am I being dim.. do we have a standard class to make two spans sit one above the other instead of inline
12:26 ashimema I see a few cases of specifc classes being added for such an effect in, for example, results tables.
12:26 ashimema but not a generic class to apply instead of having to write new rules
12:27 oleonard What's an example of specific classes being used?
12:28 ashimema .shelvinloc for example
12:29 ashimema though it also adds a font-style.. so perhaps warrants it.
12:29 ashimema line 1970 in staff-global.scss
12:31 ashimema clearfix works
12:31 ashimema that's the one I think I was probably looking for
12:31 ashimema thanks :ducky: 😉
12:50 oleonard ashimema: I got pulled afk, but was about to say: My philosophy has always been to try to create classes based on what things *are* rather than what they should look like. SCSS can help that by creating purely stylistic rules and then using "extends" for specific classes, but I haven't leveraged that much.
12:51 ashimema makes sense
13:13 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:19 wajasu i am in ktd. trying to find out why koha-remove <instancename> doesn't stop the daemon for with queue long_tasks (see ps -aef)
13:21 wajasu does anyone know if or which koha-CMD can help do that.  maybe it's not wriiten. or koha-worker doesn't support it.
13:22 wajasu either way because the koha-remove doesn't have something in it's list to shutdown the long_tasks daemon, the process is left running
13:24 wajasu koha-remove fails to remove the "library-koha" user (My instance) because there is still a process running using that PID.
13:25 wajasu thus, i cannot use koha-create ...  since the library-koha user still exists
13:31 Joubu wajasu: it's a bug, please report it
13:32 wajasu ok
13:32 Joubu please link it with bug 27783
13:32 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=27783 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, RESOLVED FIXED, Introduce background job queues
13:32 wajasu ok
13:33 Joubu tcohen, ashimema ^^ Why is 'queue' hardcoded in koha-worker?
13:35 ashimema erm...
13:35 wajasu oh, i think i see now.  let me look at this.
13:37 wajasu koha-worker --status --queue long_tasks kohadev
13:37 wajasu that works
13:38 wajasu we just need to add that -queue specfiic syntax to koha-remove's  list
13:39 wajasu plus add  --queue to the --help
13:39 Joubu wajasu: ha!
13:39 Joubu It's supported by the script but missing from the POD
13:40 wajasu yup
13:40 Joubu yes, what you just said ;)
13:44 wajasu i did ktd with KOHA_IMAGE=22.05 kul    is that the correct version or git pull against latest.  i am just getting cought up on the process these days
13:53 wajasu since --queue suppport bug 22783 was introduced in 22.05, guess it should be reported against 22.05
13:53 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=22783 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, CLOSED FIXED, 'Location' not picked up by translation toolchain
13:56 wajasu or do I specifiy master
13:56 Joubu if you set version="22.05" it means that the bug only exists in 22.05
13:56 Joubu you should set "undefined", and rmaints will backport
13:57 Joubu if you know up to which version it needs to be backported, you can set the related keyword
13:57 Joubu rel_xx.yy_candidates
13:57 tcohen Joubu: do we have a written guideline for date column names?
13:57 Joubu I don't know
13:59 Joubu tcohen: see comments 68 to 73
14:00 wajasu i'm assuming since bug 27783 was released in 22.05, i guess it could get backported to that. so i guess i can specify master, and rel_xx.yy_candidates
14:00 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=27783 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, RESOLVED FIXED, Introduce background job queues
14:06 tcohen sorry, bad connectivity this morning
14:07 tcohen damn
14:07 Joubu tcohen, ashimema:
14:07 Joubu Koha/REST/V1/
14:07 Joubu 187         if ($hold_date) {
14:07 Joubu 188             $hold_date = dt_from_string( $date_date, 'iso' );
14:07 Joubu 189         }
14:07 Joubu vs
14:07 Joubu Koha/REST/V1/Clubs/
14:07 Joubu 106         if ($expiration_date) {
14:07 Joubu 107             $expiration_date = dt_from_string( $expiration_date, 'rfc3339' );
14:07 Joubu 108         }
14:08 ashimema tcohen https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]es_-_API#SWAGGER1.3.4.2_action_record_fields
14:09 ashimema ho that's weird
14:10 ashimema ho.. no proper objects ☹️
14:10 ashimema I see
14:10 ashimema so we do funky
14:10 tcohen dates are ISO
14:10 Joubu Isn't actually the same "for us"?
14:11 Joubu YYYY-MM-DD?
14:11 Joubu expiration date is 'date'
14:11 tcohen dates in rfc3339 are actually ISO
14:12 Joubu what Koha::DateUtils calls ISO is actually "MySQL formatted"
14:12 Joubu ok, I will assume $dt->ymd is the way to go:)
14:12 tcohen potato
14:13 tcohen the three handle dates as ISO
14:13 Joubu dates, yes. Not datetime
14:14 tcohen yes, I was talking about dates
14:14 tcohen I'm missing context
14:14 Joubu I guess the API will accept a full datetime rfc3339 formatted string, for dates
14:14 Joubu should it be rejected? (not going to fix, asking for a friend)
14:15 ashimema lol
14:15 ashimema humm.. aren't there two formatters.. date and datetime ?
14:15 ashimema I can't remember
14:17 Joubu yes, might be
14:19 Joubu[…]/V1/
14:19 Joubu what is l.286??
14:19 Joubu won't this return a boolean?
14:22 ashimema erm..
14:22 ashimema looks like it would return an int to me..
14:23 ashimema i.e. the priority number
14:23 Joubu 286?
14:23 ashimema oh.. I read 281
14:23 Joubu I pasted 281... hence the confusion!
14:24 ashimema that's a weird ternary
14:24 Joubu it's working apparently
14:24 Joubu not an usual statement however :)
14:26 ashimema were you still working on bug 30718 btw Joubu?
14:26 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=30718 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Use flatpickr's altInput option everywhere
14:26 ashimema I never replied.. but was happy to jump when someone said jump 😜
14:27 Joubu I am trying to have an overview of what will be needed
14:27 Joubu it's a big mess right now :D
14:27 ashimema coolios
14:27 ashimema yeah.
14:27 * ashimema is on a browser tab purge.. it's one of the many that are still open
14:27 Joubu I've tried to remove the uneeded 'KohaDates' from tt and output_pref pl/pm
14:27 Joubu then... fixing 500 :D
14:30 wajasu what severity should i make this bug i'm about to submit for koha-remove failing in 22.05. so koha-create fails after
14:30 Joubu can be considered major
14:30 wajasu ok
14:32 Joubu ashimema: I think we should focus on bug 27272, but I am stuck with it. How can we make it move forward?
14:33 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=27272 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Move C4::Items::GetItemsInfo to Koha namespace
14:33 Joubu This "sort" problem is the only thing that blocks it
14:34 ashimema ah yes.. that one
14:34 wahanui i heard ah yes.. that one was on your list
14:34 ashimema hmm.. maybe a search_ordered makes sense as you say
14:34 ashimema it's an annoying 'feature'
14:39 Joubu not even sure it's what people expects, I am pretty sure we are not using this subroutine from all the places we are listing items
14:41 ashimema yeah.. sure your right there
14:51 wajasu i'm assuming since bug 27783 was released in 22.05, i guess it could get backported to that. so i guess i can specify master, and rel_xx.yy_candidates
14:51 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=27783 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, RESOLVED FIXED, Introduce background job queues
14:52 wajasu ok, putting bug against master, but keywords: rel_22.05_candidates
14:52 Joubu "let's do it on a separate bug?" - lol, read it like "it will never happen if you push this"
14:53 ashimema was that aimed at me Joubu?
14:53 wajasu yes
14:53 ashimema I tend to do those follow-ups
14:54 wajasu so someone else will se the keywords and create a backport bug on 22.05?
14:54 Joubu Aimed at you, at me, at everybody :D
14:55 Joubu wajasu: no "backport bug", the patch on this bug report will be backported, yet.
14:55 wajasu ok. thats what i wanted to to know.
14:56 Joubu ashimema: Any ideas what commit eb017ee239eee3fac407d9d7c205cbf2f04d1d68 was about?
14:56 Joubu I guess it's a Friday problem and my brain switched off already...
14:57 ashimema haha
14:57 * ashimema reads
14:58 wajasu ok bug 31124 submitted
14:58 ashimema I imagine Joubu it's all around the same thing.. we do a lot of magic in Koha::Object to make sure dates are properly formatted in and out of the db/api
14:58 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=31124 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , koha-remove fails to remove long_tasks queue daemon, so koha-create for same <instance> user fails
14:58 ashimema becuase this isn't use Koha::Object and is all based on C4 stuff.. we're having to do allot of it ourselves..
14:58 ashimema I think
14:58 ashimema thanks wajasu
14:59 Joubu ashimema: here there is a rfc3339 vs iso... When we agreed it was the same for dates less than one hour ago
14:59 Joubu ha! suspend_until is datetime!
14:59 wajasu ok. guys.  someone pick something easy for me to signoff on using ktd.  i need to go through the process. probably using git bz or whatever is new.
15:00 bag joined #koha
15:01 wajasu is the email patch submittal still in effect or is it easier with git bz or such in ktd?
15:02 wajasu i think i haven't been araound for 4 or more years.
15:02 Joubu git bz
15:02 ashimema I wish my brain could retain more knowledge..
15:02 ashimema I can't for the life of me remember what the difference between iso and rfc is
15:02 ashimema I think one is s subset
15:03 ashimema something along those lines
15:03 ashimema and requires timezones
15:03 ashimema we do handle them differently in DateUtils for a reason
15:03 Joubu wajasu: bug 30028, not that easy, but you will visit a bit of the translation system on your way ;)
15:03 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=30028 enhancement, P5 - low, ---,, Needs Signoff , Patron message delete confirmation untranslatable
15:03 Joubu ashimema: it's the T and the Z
15:04 ashimema aha, nice one
15:04 wajasu going to lunch, then will be back.
15:08 edveal joined #koha
15:13 cait oleonard++
15:20 Joubu Bye #koha
16:20 cait left #koha
16:48 wajasu just read through the effort getting bug8375 fixed. congratulations on that one. i put the bug in 10 years ago. so now my librarian is happy getting diacritics in labels.
17:15 fridolin joined #koha
17:19 cait joined #koha
17:23 ashimema Bug 8357
17:23 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8357 minor, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, CLOSED FIXED, UNIMARCslim2OPACDetail.xsl, title without class and too links to views
17:23 ashimema Bug 8375
17:23 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8375 normal, P5 - low, ---, matted-34813, CLOSED FIXED, Common diacritics not shown correctly when exporting batch label to PDF
17:26 wajasu he's happy tht labels show diacritics now. so migrating from 3.10 to 22.05 is big move forward
17:43 ashimema 🙂
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 31122: Terminology - Replace occurences of 'Notices & slips' with 'Notices and... <[…]1ba6ef86f2ca4b128>
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29050: (follow-up) Replace & with and <[…]1feb7d5f91ae2efb6>
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30770: (QA follow-up) Fixing the last occurrence of reserve in <[…]d1bfb1b6dedaff950>
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30773: (follow-up) Remove spaces between brackets <[…]9192de38adc4da390>
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30773: Standardize spelling i-tive / Itiva <[…]347bc90359cf48f53>
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29050: Added a punctuation between renewal messages <[…]eff9807f1c262aaef>
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30770: Fixed terminology 'reserve' -> 'hold' <[…]198695bd7f5a7ea0b>
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30764: replace "Cancelled reserve" with "Cancelled hold" <[…]11f0667c148515a04>
18:17 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 31038: Fix price formating in cashup summary <[…]0cc7d6f0c6f4dbc94>
18:18 fridolin yellow
18:27 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30784: (follow-up) Additional rephrasing <[…]0637a16138d421dca>
18:27 huginn News from kohagit: Bug: 27996: Updates the Circulation report overdues page to display date in red. <[…]a7bb984c58607ecc7>
18:27 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30784: Rephrasing OPACMandatoryHoldDates pref slightly <[…]b41f58bb92b803810>
18:27 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30767: Changes word "issue" to "item" <[…]288e8f1a3ddc35e54>
18:27 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30762: Terminology: Go to Staff client <[…]4982cf712dce30b30>
18:27 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30766: extra space in Cannot cancel receipt string <[…]bdf5c11beb1a6823a>
18:27 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30763: fixes spelling of 'proceeds' <[…]42b95db9f343f61e3>
18:27 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 31117: New message for cloning standard rules <[…]c6d57f7b5bae93a58>
18:37 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 30911: Datatables error on after adding a bib-level course... <[…]da86c8886af49cd02>
18:37 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29951: Fix EXPORT for C4::ClassS*Routine modules <[…]8792c87478481437c>
18:37 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29051: Update svc api to allow seen renewals <[…]01cf56818c9e90cec>
18:37 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29051: Enable seen renewal in the staff client <[…]b10569c712b6b4c01>
18:47 alohabot 🎁 🦄 Koha 'master' packages pushed to 'koha-staging' repo  ðŸ¥ªðŸ‹ðŸŽ
18:51 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29333: (QA follow-up) POD consistency <[…]b9844dc416f5a41d0>
18:51 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 29333: Fix encoding of imported UNIMARC authorities <[…]c5b5d4aaef847daaf>
18:51 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 28739: Execute the letter processing inside a transaction <[…]b856aba0a2ac997d3>
18:51 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 19966: Add ability to pass objects directly to slips and notices <[…]5533c2ef6a0e48ba5>
19:02 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #2044: UNSTABLE in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/2044/
19:03 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_My8 build #903: UNSTABLE in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ster_D11_My8/903/
19:15 alohabot 🎁 🦄 Koha 'master' packages pushed to 'koha-staging' repo  ðŸ¥¡ðŸ¥ªðŸž
19:24 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
19:24 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U22 build #124: FIXED in 1 hr 6 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U22/124/
19:24 wahanui Congratulations!
19:24 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #722: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 3 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D10/722/
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: DBRev <[…]534c19a2afec9c5c3>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: (QA follow-up) Make update idempotent <[…]2de3bf65f73483cff>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: DBIC update <[…]a45750019cfeeb0d8>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Add new Schema files <[…]df0d6ce3f76fde40b>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Add object classes to Schema <[…]c254fa180620b6132>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Delete item group when last item is deleted <[…]c39d19084c738be95>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Add ability to set item group when adding a new item <[…]b10d1b3d29a3506a9>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Add item group management to <[…]a7c3ea4d751d91233>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Add Object Methods <[…]744c2eabc37550955>
19:35 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: API spec <[…]a65298148b11793ac>
19:36 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Add Koha Objects <[…]b3bc852fa3b0fbfaa>
19:36 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Database updates <[…]9a1ab7da418ed3d22>
19:38 cait joined #koha
19:40 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U20 build #475: UNSTABLE in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U20/475/
19:44 wajasu bug 30028
19:44 huginn Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=30028 enhancement, P5 - low, ---,, Needs Signoff , Patron message delete confirmation untranslatable
19:45 wajasu i was testing for signoff, but i think it was fixed improperly. somebody who know translations might answer this.
19:46 wajasu the bug was supposed to get a french translation added for a javascript popup asking "Are you sure you want to delete this message? This cannot be undone."
19:47 wajasu and fix the code to use the message id accordingly.
19:47 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest build #993: STILL UNSTABLE in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]1_MDB_Latest/993/
19:47 wajasu but the patch just deletes the popup. so it just deletes it.
19:49 wajasu i think the french translation should have been added to the fr-CA-messages-js.po, with the needed id.
19:49 wajasu and maybe __() used to get the onclock popup translated.  does that sound about right.
19:50 davidnind[m] wajasu: I'll have quick look - I got it to work before in a previous sign off
19:52 wajasu look at the patch.  onclick is removed. so no translation needed.  but i think they wanted the french in the popup.
19:52 wajasu thx
19:56 wajasu comment 18 might be the help needed to know how to get javascript to do message translation working. Use __("") from .js files
19:57 wajasu i suppose we could ad the translation as a patch, unless someone else does that in another bug
20:09 davidnind[m] wajasu: can confirm the behavour you experienced - message is deleted without a pop up asking for confirmation, so i would set to Failed QA and a note
20:10 davidnind[m] translations are done at, and will picked up at release time
20:13 davidnind[m] https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]translation_files
20:14 davidnind[m] It probably won't stay that way, but it is nice to the see the Needs sign off queue under 200 for the first time in ages!
20:15 alohabot 🎁 🦄 Koha 'master' packages pushed to 'koha-staging' repo  ðŸ—🥒🍉
20:17 davidnind[m] cait++
20:17 wajasu ok
20:19 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D12 build #198: STILL UNSTABLE in 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D12/198/
20:24 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
20:24 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #723: FIXED in 1 hr 0 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D10/723/
20:24 wahanui Congratulations!
20:30 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
20:30 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #2045: FIXED in 1 hr 6 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/2045/
20:30 wahanui Congratulations!
20:35 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U22 build #125: UNSTABLE in 47 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U22/125/
20:35 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_My8 build #904: STILL UNSTABLE in 57 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ster_D11_My8/904/
20:37 koha-jenkins joined #koha
21:17 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest build #994: STILL UNSTABLE in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]1_MDB_Latest/994/
21:44 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D12 build #199: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 7 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D12/199/
21:50 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #2101: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 12 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master/2101/
21:54 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U20 build #476: STILL UNSTABLE in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U20/476/
21:57 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_ES6 build #6: SUCCESS in 7 min 26 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Master_D11_ES6/6/
22:01 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #2046: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/2046/
22:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_ES7 build #8: SUCCESS in 6 min 58 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Master_D11_ES7/8/
22:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #724: UNSTABLE in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D10/724/
22:22 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24857: Fix missing additionalProperties in spec <[…]8e1323b4c4f332ac0>
22:44 kolvir joined #koha
22:45 kolvir I still can't get mpm_itk enabled.
22:45 kolvir a2enmod mpm_itk ERROR: Module mpm_itk does not exist!
22:45 kolvir I've installed libapache2-mpm-itk
22:46 alohabot 🎁 🦄 Koha 'master' packages pushed to 'koha-staging' repo  ðŸ±ðŸ ðŸ
22:46 kolvir but mpm-itk does not list in apache's mods-avaiable directory
22:47 kolvir Search all over the net for an answer, found a post on stack exchange with the same issue, but it was never solved
23:05 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #2047: STILL UNSTABLE in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/2047/
23:08 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_My8 build #905: STILL UNSTABLE in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ster_D11_My8/905/
23:17 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #2102: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 12 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master/2102/
23:24 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_ES6 build #7: SUCCESS in 7 min 11 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Master_D11_ES6/7/
23:28 wajasu try:  apt list | grep itk  and see if its installed
23:29 wajasu ls /etc/apache2/mods-available  look for mpm_itk.load
23:30 wajasu ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled   look for mod_itk.load
23:31 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_ES7 build #9: SUCCESS in 7 min 16 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Master_D11_ES7/9/
23:39 kolvir libapache2-mpm-itk installed according to apt list
23:39 wajasu is it in mods-enabled?
23:41 kolvir not in either enabled or available. Have tried reinstalling it several times
23:43 wajasu a2dismod mpm_event
23:43 wajasu then
23:43 wajasu apt-get install -f
23:43 wajasu if you are on ubuntu
23:44 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest build #995: STILL UNSTABLE in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]1_MDB_Latest/995/
23:45 wajasu https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ki/Koha_on_Debian    mentioned in section:  Aside: common problem Ubuntu
23:46 kolvir did not fix
23:46 kolvir in ubuntu
23:47 wajasu apt-get install --reinstall libapache2-mpm-itk
23:47 kolvir I've done that before but will try again
23:48 wajasu apt-get install --reinstall apache2-mpm-itk
23:48 wajasu maybe with a2dimod mpm_event it would help with the reinstalls
23:49 kolvir ok, give me a min, thanks
23:49 wajasu this is a test or new environment i assume
23:49 kolvir new
23:50 wajasu so you can event try   apt-get install --reinstall koha-common   or remove it first    if need be
23:51 kolvir mpm_event already disabled
23:52 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #725: STILL UNSTABLE in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D10/725/
23:52 wajasu i believe apache2 is a dependency of koha-common, but not sure.  i've been away for a few years.
23:52 kolvir I have tried reinstalling koha before but am willing to try again.
23:52 wajasu you could double check your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
23:52 kolvir apt-cache search gives: koha - integrated (physical) library management system koha-common - integrated (physical) library management system koha-core - integrated (physical) library management system koha-deps - Other dep. for koha koha-elasticsearch - Koha Elasticsearch meta package koha-full - integrated (physical) library management system
23:52 wajasu you could double check your /etc/apt/sources.list
23:53 kolvir which do i WANT?
23:53 kolvir opps caps loc
23:53 wajasu whichever has the koha repos configured
23:53 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U20 build #477: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 3 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U20/477/
23:54 wajasu apt-get -y install lsb-release
23:54 wajasu lsb_release -a
23:54 wajasu so we know what version of unbuntu you are running
23:55 kolvir Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Release:22.04 Codename:jammy
23:57 wajasu so the repo lines in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/sources.list.d/koha.list should say jammy at the end

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