Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:11 |
cait1 joined #koha |
00:33 |
ere joined #koha |
00:54 |
irma joined #koha |
00:56 |
fridolin joined #koha |
00:56 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #409: SUCCESS in 20 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D8/409/ |
00:57 |
ere joined #koha |
01:05 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_U20 build #235: SUCCESS in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_U20/235/ |
01:19 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
01:19 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
01:19 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_U2010 build #34: FIXED in 23 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_19.11_U2010/34/ |
01:19 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #351: SUCCESS in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D9/351/ |
01:23 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #336: SUCCESS in 48 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_U18/336/ |
01:29 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_D8 build #410: SUCCESS in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D8/410/ |
01:42 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_U20 build #236: SUCCESS in 22 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_U20/236/ |
02:01 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_U2010 build #35: UNSTABLE in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_19.11_U2010/35/ |
02:01 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #352: SUCCESS in 32 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D9/352/ |
02:07 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_U18 build #337: SUCCESS in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_U18/337/ |
02:10 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_U16 build #96: SUCCESS in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_U16/96/ |
02:32 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_D9 build #353: SUCCESS in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.11_D9/353/ |
02:43 |
fridolin left #koha |
02:49 |
fridolin joined #koha |
02:56 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_D10 build #187: SUCCESS in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.11_D10/187/ |
03:05 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_U16 build #111: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_U16/111/ |
03:12 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_U20 build #125: SUCCESS in 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_U20/125/ |
03:24 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_U_Stable build #29: SUCCESS in 53 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]0.11_U_Stable/29/ |
03:39 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_U18 build #116: SUCCESS in 33 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_U18/116/ |
03:52 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_D9 build #131: SUCCESS in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_20.11_D9/131/ |
03:53 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_D10 build #138: UNSTABLE in 56 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_D10/138/ |
04:05 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
04:05 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
04:05 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_19.11_U2010 build #36: FIXED in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_19.11_U2010/36/ |
04:08 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_D11 build #149: SUCCESS in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_D11/149/ |
04:33 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_U18 build #117: SUCCESS in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_U18/117/ |
04:43 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_D11 build #150: SUCCESS in 50 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_D11/150/ |
04:46 |
fridolin joined #koha |
04:58 |
ere joined #koha |
05:03 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_D9 build #132: SUCCESS in 57 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_20.11_D9/132/ |
05:30 |
ere joined #koha |
05:38 |
chriss joined #koha |
05:39 |
Oak joined #koha |
06:00 |
ere joined #koha |
06:57 |
alex_a joined #koha |
06:58 |
alex_a |
Bonjour |
07:02 |
lds joined #koha |
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davidnind joined #koha |
07:33 |
magnuse |
\o/ |
08:02 |
alex_a joined #koha |
09:17 |
ere_ joined #koha |
09:24 |
fridolin |
see u |
09:24 |
fridolin left #koha |
09:50 |
alex_a joined #koha |
10:29 |
Oak joined #koha |
10:46 |
tcohen |
Buen dÃa |
11:05 |
magnuse |
¡hola! |
11:08 |
khall joined #koha |
11:24 |
khall_ joined #koha |
11:59 |
oleonard |
o/ |
12:06 |
magnuse |
\o |
12:11 |
cait joined #koha |
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caroline_crazycatlady joined #koha |
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marie-luce joined #koha |
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khall joined #koha |
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petrova joined #koha |
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oleonard joined #koha |
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ere joined #koha |
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petrova joined #koha |
13:39 |
cait |
sorry, going to miss the dev meeting |
13:40 |
petrova joined #koha |
13:53 |
thd joined #koha |
13:54 |
thd |
Is anyone familiar with configuring git-daemon for SSH access? |
13:55 |
tuxayo |
meeting it 5 min! |
13:55 |
tuxayo |
qa_team? |
13:55 |
wahanui |
qa_team is cait, dcook, amoyano, ashimema, marcelr, kohaputti, jajm, tcohen, kidclamp, khall, tuxayo, petrova, nugged |
13:55 |
tuxayo |
rmaints? |
13:55 |
wahanui |
rmaints is fridolin, khall, kidclamp, wainui and tuxayo |
13:56 |
tuxayo |
thd: hi :) I though it didn't require a special config for that. Just having a working ssh access and git installed. |
13:58 |
tuxayo |
I have some vague memories of doing that locally a long time ago. |
13:59 |
thd |
tuxayo: It may work fine with default configuration but then I have specified the server incorrectly for ssh. |
13:59 |
tuxayo |
thd: does ssh login works? |
14:00 |
thd |
Yes, ordinary ssh login works on the system. |
14:01 |
thd |
Also my previous testing from a couple of weeks ago showed that git clone git://myserver.me/project.git works. |
14:02 |
thd |
What does not work is git push ssh://myserver.me/project.git . |
14:03 |
Joubu |
#startmeeting Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021 |
14:03 |
huginn |
Meeting started Wed Aug 25 14:03:21 2021 UTC. The chair is Joubu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:03 |
huginn |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:03 |
Topic for #koha is now (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:03 |
huginn |
The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_25_august_2021' |
14:03 |
Joubu |
#topic Introductions |
14:03 |
Topic for #koha is now Introductions (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:03 |
Joubu |
#link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ng_25_August_2021 |
14:03 |
Joubu |
#info Jonathan Druart |
14:03 |
tuxayo |
#info tuxayo/Victor Grousset, France |
14:04 |
thd |
Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City, still a little damp after tropical storm Henri |
14:05 |
kidclamp |
#info Nick Clemens, ByWaterSolutions |
14:05 |
petrova |
#info Peter (Petro) Vashchuk, National Library of Finland, HELSINKI |
14:06 |
nugged |
#info Andrew Nugged, National Library of Finland, HELSINKI |
14:06 |
Joubu |
looks like people are still enjoying their vacation :) |
14:07 |
Joubu |
#topic Announcements |
14:07 |
Topic for #koha is now Announcements (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:07 |
Joubu |
Anyone have something? |
14:07 |
Joubu |
#topic Update from the Release Manager (21.05) |
14:07 |
Topic for #koha is now Update from the Release Manager (21.05) (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:07 |
Joubu |
Not much to say, I wasn't around much the last couple of weeks |
14:08 |
Joubu |
back full speed from today |
14:08 |
Joubu |
reading the email and bugfixing first, then PQA |
14:08 |
Joubu |
I'd like to have a look at the "move mailing lists to discourse" topic in the upcoming weeks, will see how it goes |
14:09 |
Joubu |
#topic Updates from the Release Maintainers |
14:09 |
Topic for #koha is now Updates from the Release Maintainers (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:09 |
Joubu |
Security releases are out, upgrade! |
14:09 |
Joubu |
#info Security releases are out, upgrade! |
14:09 |
tuxayo |
yesterday's security release a bit messy but done |
14:10 |
tuxayo |
I hope no one will get DoSed :) |
14:11 |
Joubu |
something else/questions? |
14:11 |
Joubu |
#topic Updates from the QA team |
14:11 |
Topic for #koha is now Updates from the QA team (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:11 |
Joubu |
cait is not around but she certainly wanted to tell her QA team that the NQA queue is quite high |
14:12 |
Joubu |
83 bugs so far, some bad ones |
14:12 |
oleonard |
#info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, Ohio, USA |
14:14 |
Joubu |
top QA priority must be the majors listed on the dashboard |
14:14 |
Joubu |
#topic Status of roadmap projects |
14:14 |
Topic for #koha is now Status of roadmap projects (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:14 |
Joubu |
2 big ones have been pushed recently: |
14:14 |
Joubu |
bug 25078 |
14:14 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=25078 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to master , Update DB process - wrap each DBRev inside a transaction and better error handling |
14:15 |
Joubu |
I sent an email to the list about that one, read it! |
14:15 |
tuxayo |
confetti! |
14:15 |
wahanui |
o/`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'` |
14:15 |
Joubu |
bug 24387 |
14:15 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=24387 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to master , Rename News tool |
14:15 |
oleonard |
Joubu++ |
14:15 |
oleonard |
Joubu++ |
14:15 |
Joubu |
It's "done", lot of things to clean a bit more the area |
14:15 |
Joubu |
If you have any good ideas, open new bug reports/enhancement requests |
14:15 |
Joubu |
and we may work on it! |
14:16 |
Joubu |
I may have plans for new areas, like full new pages ("Koha as a CMSish") |
14:17 |
Joubu |
Then, 2 high priority for 21.11, I really would like to have those 2 ready to be pushed ASAP: |
14:17 |
Joubu |
bug 28445 |
14:17 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=28445 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Use the task queue for the batch delete and update items tool |
14:17 |
oleonard |
Bug 15326 |
14:17 |
wahanui |
Bug 15326 is making good progress. Still needs work, but getting a lot closer. |
14:17 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=15326 new feature, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, Failed QA , Add CMS feature |
14:17 |
Joubu |
that's just awesome, please test it's great |
14:17 |
Joubu |
and the neverending bug 27829 |
14:17 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=27829 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , [OMNIBUS] Remove specific LANG installer data |
14:17 |
Joubu |
we are almost there, help us to remove those devil files! |
14:18 |
oleonard |
:) |
14:18 |
Joubu |
anything else you would like to highlight? |
14:19 |
Joubu |
#topic Actions from last meeting |
14:19 |
Topic for #koha is now Actions from last meeting (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:19 |
thd |
I have rearranged previously submitted wiki migration files so that version control can function properly for them. |
14:19 |
Joubu |
* khall QA 25078 - done, thanks!! |
14:20 |
Joubu |
sorry thd, I am too fast |
14:20 |
thd |
I have separated binary files |
14:21 |
Joubu |
I will have a look when possible |
14:21 |
thd |
I was just discussing with tuxayo that I have a no connection error when trying to git push for git-daemon. |
14:21 |
Joubu |
remote must be set like "git host:namespace/project.git" |
14:21 |
thd |
I previously tested git-daemon for which cloning worked fine. |
14:21 |
Joubu |
at least for gitlab and gitea |
14:23 |
thd |
git-daemon is not secure with enabling the option for that but I will chose a different method for using git-daemon or one which you just identified. |
14:23 |
Joubu |
why not using gitlab? |
14:24 |
thd |
No reason other than trying to see the whole process running on a server which I controlled and with minimal use. |
14:25 |
thd |
s/minimal use/minimal resources/ |
14:25 |
Joubu |
ok, moving on |
14:25 |
Joubu |
thd: unless you want to add something about the wiki migration? |
14:26 |
thd |
No. I would have something to add after supplying proper version control. |
14:26 |
Joubu |
#topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) |
14:26 |
Topic for #koha is now General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:26 |
Joubu |
anything? |
14:26 |
Joubu |
#topic Set time of next meeting |
14:27 |
Topic for #koha is now Set time of next meeting (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 25 August 2021) |
14:27 |
Joubu |
#info Next meeting: 8 September 2021, 14 UTC |
14:27 |
Joubu |
#endmeeting |
14:27 |
Topic for #koha is now Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software https://koha-community.org |
14:27 |
huginn |
Meeting ended Wed Aug 25 14:27:19 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:27 |
huginn |
Minutes: https://meetings.koha-communit[…]-08-25-14.03.html |
14:27 |
huginn |
Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-communit[…]1-08-25-14.03.txt |
14:27 |
huginn |
Log: https://meetings.koha-communit[…]25-14.03.log.html |
14:27 |
tuxayo |
Joubu++ thanks for chairing :) |
14:27 |
oleonard |
Thanks Joubu |
15:02 |
khall_ joined #koha |
15:12 |
cait joined #koha |
15:12 |
cait joined #koha |
15:21 |
cait joined #koha |
15:26 |
cait |
Joubu: you know me so well :) |
15:26 |
cait |
re message to QA team |
20:00 |
fridolin joined #koha |
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morrism joined #koha |
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fridolin1 joined #koha |
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morrism joined #koha |
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morrism joined #koha |