IRC log for #koha, 2020-04-06

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:18 inlibro joined #koha
00:40 irma_ joined #koha
01:07 caroline_catlady joined #koha
01:19 inlibro joined #koha
02:19 inlibro joined #koha
03:19 inlibro joined #koha
04:19 inlibro joined #koha
05:12 chris4 joined #koha
05:19 inlibro joined #koha
05:43 kohaputti joined #koha
06:06 kohaputti mtj, hi, do you set the -D/--distribution flag when building koha packages with build-git-snapshot?
06:07 kohaputti the default is squeeze-dev version so that sounds strange
06:11 cait joined #koha
06:20 inlibro joined #koha
06:29 kohaputti wiki down?
06:30 kohaputti maybe just slow, loaded after waiting a minute
06:46 did joined #koha
06:57 andreashm joined #koha
06:58 alex_a joined #koha
06:58 alex_a Bonjour
07:00 ashimema Morning #Koha
07:00 cait joined #koha
07:08 eythian hi
07:08 wahanui kia ora, eythian
07:08 cait1 joined #koha
07:11 marcelr joined #koha
07:12 marcelr hi #koha
07:13 eythian hoi marcelr
07:14 marcelr hi eythian still stuck in amsterdam
07:14 marcelr >
07:14 marcelr ?
07:15 eythian marcelr: yep
07:15 marcelr no canal rides now..
07:15 eythian no, which is a pity as the weather just got good
07:15 eythian but also, I have no boat anyway
07:15 marcelr which is a minor detail
07:20 inlibro joined #koha
07:22 eythian marcelr: how's things up your way?
07:23 marcelr nothing to complain here; just keep the 1,5m
07:23 cait1 joined #koha
07:24 cait2 joined #koha
08:20 inlibro joined #koha
08:29 mtj kohaputti: hmm, yes, it should be updated to jessie... i dont use the build-git-snapshot script myself,  but run pbuild manually from the cli
08:29 kohaputti ok, I build using stretch and it seemed to work
08:29 kohaputti jessie is not supported anymore AFAIK
08:29 kohaputti buster and stretch are the only ones receiving security updates I think
08:29 vfernandes joined #koha
08:32 ashimema Jessie is still supported as an LTS until end of May as far as I'm aware..
08:32 ashimema I intended to drop Koha support for Jessie with the 20.05 release
08:32 mtj
08:33 mtj 'The current LTS version is Debian 8 "Jessie" and will be supported from 2018-06-17 to 2020-06-30.'
08:40 mtj i like ashimema's idea, i think we should wait until the start of a new release cycle to drop jessie/deb8 support
08:41 mtj ..rather than dropping support halfway thru a release cycle
08:42 mtj kohaputti: i have used 'build-git-snapshot -D' in the past, and it worked really well :)
08:43 kohaputti mtj, regarding bug 25068 – I think it is safe to just drop the inclusion of etc/searchengine dir? The default config files are added to koha package through admin/searchengine and if one wants to change those then one must create a new directory named searchenginge under /etc/koha
08:43 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=25068 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , koha-common build error caused by missing /etc/searchengine
08:49 mtj kohaputti: thanks for the info, ill do some testing ^
08:52 tallerjoy joined #koha
08:56 mtj hmm, curious... does ES use the /etc/searchengine dir
09:05 kohaputti mtj, I have not checked that, but it uses it in our koha fork where we have backported es patches from community master
09:05 kohaputti mtj, and not etc/searchengine but /etc/koha/searchengine
09:20 inlibro joined #koha
09:33 andreashm joined #koha
09:40 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24492: (RM follow-up) Varaible name corretion <[…]9de95571815561750>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4944: DBRev <[…]a06069eda2dd154f5>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 22534: DBRev <[…]668ed7f9b7258460e>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24964: Restore pagination for patrons for owner/users of funds <[…]96d839878aa2229c6>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4944: Do not rely on the values from cache during the update DB process <[…]586ca7b7460e30a05>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4944: Add OpacNoItemTypeImages system preference <[…]29035885e995120f2>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 22534: Added syspref for defining what guarantee fields are pre filled <[…]802baf18a42c2680e>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24699: Split items.uri in OPAC detail view <[…]9e9bb084a9f4612a4>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 16547: Do not display "multi holds" view if only one is selected <[…]b4871da56a7565e5f>
09:58 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24183: Add before_send_messages hook <[…]af7650162d13814e2>
10:03 kohaputti is it okay to sign-off patches that we have sponsored but someone else has written?
10:03 kohaputti nothing mentioned about this situation in https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]nt_workflow#Rules
10:06 Joubu yes kohaputti
10:06 kohaputti cool
10:20 inlibro joined #koha
10:24 khall joined #koha
11:04 oleonard joined #koha
11:05 oleonard Hi #koha
11:20 inlibro joined #koha
11:21 marcelr joined #koha
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: DBRev <[…]f72c6c93bd79c0157>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Use inbound_email_address to know if we display the dropdown list <[…]b5e7ccbf25aa9f118>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Extend problem_reports.problempage to TEXT <[…]8626fcaf321dda961>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: dbic schema update <[…]e3c27a60fcc089093>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Hide link if KohaAdminEmailAddress is not set <[…]84a8c2e4b03ffd150>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Correctly deal with encoding/escaping chars <[…]75dfa07d0a719739f>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Fix OPAC link from staff <[…]d3c2a8f733c769a8f>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: get_effective_email has been renamed inbound_email_address <[…]34eb08b48df0c5d1b>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Checks on library email before enqueuing letter <[…]cd1d196ae838dd8b5>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Fix status and borrowernumber fields in problem_reports and more <[…]3ecdd0fdee70366c5>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Update license statements <[…]9b6a5e78190a1e7f6>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: DBIC Schema Files <[…]f63a9c4073a3f4176>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: (follow-up) Add missing relationship accessor <[…]cae92c1319ad5d496>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Manage problem reports on the staff client <[…]d296555db2d27865c>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Add problem reports link to mainpage and admin home <[…]4568a1b40dadfad2c>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Adding user flags for managing OPAC problem reports <[…]775fb8e0acc1e1cc5>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Use get_effective_email from bug 22823 <[…]09e870832383ef710>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Drop 'from_address' use 'reply_address' <[…]a2de230550e27a616>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Remove hard requirement on OpacKohaUrl <[…]1f2e3b5c616fc572f>
11:23 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4461: Better error handling <[…]6994fd0349b994180>
11:27 marcelr bug 4461
11:27 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4461 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, Pushed to master , Context-sensitive report a problem screen
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 20754: DBRev <[…]2280c81b7d23d0ad6>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24604: Add 'Pay' button under Transactions tab in patron accounting <[…]6070d6d33d0b37f34>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 20754: DB revision to remove double accepted shares <[…]a29e680023fa5167d>
11:37 Dyrcona joined #koha
12:04 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 4944: (RM follow-up) Add OpacNoItemTypeImages to UsageStats test <[…]189583e9cc642096f>
12:10 cait2 interesting, the test didn't show up in my searches
12:10 ashimema i happens
12:11 cait2 yeah, still wondering how it slipped
12:11 cait2 probably hit after all the po files in my gep :)
12:11 cait2 hid
12:13 magnuse grep --exclude=*.po ;-)
12:13 cait2 yeah - i always lose that one :) saving again!
12:16 * ashimema uses ack instead of grep
12:20 magnuse grep --exclude=*.{po,js,tt} even
12:20 * magnuse never used ack
12:21 inlibro joined #koha
12:21 ashimema bug 25040
12:21 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=25040 blocker, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , Problematic current_timestamp syntax generated by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
12:24 ashimema ack or ack-grep is ike grep on steroids for code
12:25 * magnuse will check that out
12:30 * Joubu always uses `git grep` when working with Koha
12:34 ashimema any friendly QA person want to QA bug 25040.. would be great to get dbic builds on teh sandboxes working consistently
12:34 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=25040 blocker, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Signed Off , Problematic current_timestamp syntax generated by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
12:39 chris_n` joined #koha
12:45 chris_n joined #koha
12:49 cait2 Joubu: me too - doesn't it work almost the same for syntax?
12:51 Joubu yes
13:11 oleonard joined #koha
13:17 kidclamp joined #koha
13:21 inlibro joined #koha
13:22 tcohen morning
13:22 ashimema mornin'
13:23 caroline_catlady good morning!
13:23 oleonard Hi all
13:26 marcelr joined #koha
13:54 marcelr ashimema: could you add bug 22437 to your 20.05 targets or priorities ?
13:54 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=22437 major, P5 - low, ---,, Needs Signoff , Subsequent authority merges in cron may cause biblios to lose authority information
13:54 caroline_catlady Hi all, do you know what is the difference between closing a budget and making it inactive?
13:54 caroline_catlady Does closing a budget make it inactive?
13:54 cait2 it#s the same
13:54 cait2 only 'locking# is different
13:55 cait2 closing sets the inactive flag i think
13:55 caroline_catlady I had a client with a budget with no unreceived orders and she couldn't close the budget because there were no unreceived orders...
13:55 caroline_catlady Seems weird to me
13:57 caroline_catlady We had to edit the budget and make it inactive. I would've thought closing it would make it inactive
13:59 cait2 hm maybe i am confusing things
13:59 cait2 closing might be the endof year rollover then
14:00 cait2 it can only work when there are open orders
14:00 cait2 sorry
14:00 cait2 it was me being wrong
14:00 cait2 closing = you change the open orders to be for next years budget, so that the encumbered amounts move from the old to the new budget
14:06 caroline_catlady I'll add a bug to explain the distinction in the manual
14:16 whally joined #koha
14:18 whally Hey @all hopefully u and your family members are all up and fit. xxx
14:19 lukeG joined #koha
14:20 cait2 caroline_catlady: i wonder if we should rename from close to something more specific
14:20 cait2 but not sure if there is a good term
14:21 inlibro joined #koha
14:22 whally i want to address my question from a few weeks ago. I wasn't able to get the debugger working (espacially in Komodo) is there someone online who has a little bit of knowledge on debugging?
14:22 caroline_catlady Or if we should make "close" also make it inactive? (close = roll over pending orders + inactive)
14:23 caroline_catlady I don't know accounting terms for closing budgets
14:31 cait2 caroline_catlady: you can do that ptionally i think
14:31 cait2 when closing
14:31 cait2 i seem to remember a checkbox
14:31 cait2 whally: sorry, neither using the debugger nor komodo
14:31 cait2 tcohen: is debugger something you know about?
14:32 whally crait thanks so far. Last time tcohen and joubu helped me a lot
14:33 whally cait2 sorry
14:33 Marie-Luce joined #koha
14:34 cait2 all good :)
14:34 cait2 you coudl also try asking on the mailing list - bigger audience
14:34 cait2 koha-devel would be good for this topic i think
14:37 tcohen sorry babysitting in the morningsa, mostly
14:38 cait joined #koha
14:42 margaret joined #koha
14:49 whally hi tcohen we wrote a few weeks ago (11th of March - to be exactly). despite your help, i wasn't able to get the debugger up and debugging.
14:51 Joubu whally: please write something to koha-devel, with what you tried and the problems you faced
14:54 whally joubu thats a good idea. At least i set up a computer especially for throwing a view on the problem. May be thats faster then explaining and writing a lot of mails.
15:21 inlibro joined #koha
15:28 cait2 left #koha
15:34 lisettelatah joined #koha
15:51 cait joined #koha
16:21 inlibro joined #koha
16:35 whally joined #koha
17:21 inlibro joined #koha
18:05 AnnaBoten joined #koha
18:19 cait joined #koha
18:22 inlibro joined #koha
18:32 andreashm joined #koha
18:39 whally left #koha
19:11 cait joined #koha
19:22 inlibro joined #koha
19:35 andreashm joined #koha
19:36 andreashm joined #koha
19:48 hayley joined #koha
19:56 andreashm joined #koha
19:56 hayley joined #koha
20:00 hayley joined #koha
20:13 alexbuckley joined #koha
20:22 inlibro joined #koha
20:25 hayley morning alexbuckley rangi kathryn, can't connect to Catalyst channels, are you having this issue at all?
20:25 kathryn hi hayley, we are all in there
20:25 oleonard Oooo.. shunned
20:25 kathryn locked out!
20:25 hayley they kicked me out! :o
20:25 hayley hehe
20:26 kathryn hi oleonard :)
20:27 rangi nope
20:27 rangi hayley: you could try connect direct, without the bouncer
20:27 oleonard don't feel bad hayley they never let me in either ;)
20:28 hayley rangi could you pm me the deets
20:28 hayley I can't remember the url
20:28 hayley heh oleonard
20:39 cait joined #koha
20:40 hayley joined #koha
21:01 aleisha joined #koha
21:02 oleonard I submitted a patch on a bug with 10 votes! Do I get extra internet-points?
21:02 cait yep
21:02 cait 53
21:02 oleonard Yes!
21:02 aleisha joined #koha
21:13 kidclamp oleonard++
21:22 inlibro joined #koha
21:42 tcohen oleonard++
21:51 rangi hayley: now it just kicked me off
21:52 hayley yes me too interestingly
21:52 kathryn me too
21:52 alexbuckley same
21:53 rangi ah theres an email
21:53 hayley aha!
21:54 hayley shall we move to rocketchat?
21:54 kathryn I'm in there
21:54 cait hm?
21:55 kathryn sorry cait we hijacked here bc we all got chucked out of our internal irc
21:55 kathryn moving to another channel now :)
21:55 kathryn also hi!
21:55 cait hi :)
22:07 tosca joined #koha
22:22 hayley joined #koha
22:22 inlibro joined #koha
22:39 hayley joined #koha
23:12 tosca joined #koha
23:22 inlibro joined #koha
23:46 andrew__ joined #koha
23:57 tosca joined #koha

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