IRC log for #koha, 2019-06-18

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:02 mtompset BLEEP! I was hoping to get the number below 180, and it's just gone back up again.
00:26 dpk__ joined #koha
00:26 Joubu joined #koha
00:53 inlibro joined #koha
00:59 * mtompset has finally dragged himself up to top 12 in sign-offs.
01:49 kattekrab joined #koha
01:53 inlibro joined #koha
02:33 mtompset joined #koha
02:34 mtompset @seen wizzyrea
02:34 huginn` mtompset: wizzyrea was last seen in #koha 12 hours, 1 minute, and 7 seconds ago: <wizzyrea> in my probably wrong estimation
02:35 mtompset @seen drojf
02:35 huginn` mtompset: drojf was last seen in #koha 28 weeks, 6 days, 7 hours, 20 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <drojf> -s
02:35 kattekrab joined #koha
02:35 mtompset 28 weeks?!
02:37 mtompset He's been missing a little longer than I?
02:54 inlibro joined #koha
03:54 inlibro joined #koha
04:14 cait joined #koha
04:15 paxed cait: re. bug 23063 - what's the difference between a "bug" and an "enhancement"? our users certainly consider this a bug.
04:15 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=23063 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Add item does not respect CurrencyFormat
04:40 fridolin joined #koha
04:54 inlibro joined #koha
05:09 m23 joined #koha
05:21 mtompset paxed, for the record, currency is a mess.
05:21 mtompset I think the relationship between description and code got confused between various pieces of code.
05:22 mtompset bug - usually can't work around and has negative effects.
05:23 mtompset enhancement - extends existing functionality.
05:23 mtompset bugs in currency: like I described.
05:23 mtompset enhancement: assuming everything worked with period separators, allowing localized separators would be an enhancement.
05:24 mtompset Have a great day (24 hour period), #koha
05:34 paxed oh, we finns know currency is a mess.
05:34 paxed ... in koha.
05:34 cait joined #koha
05:34 paxed although we've patches it to work in most places.
05:34 paxed patched*
05:34 cait the difference is that Koha doesn't support what you wnt in any other place :)
05:34 cait you can never enter data to the price format
05:35 cait but maybe i've misread and it was display? checking
05:35 cait paxed: if it was only one place wrong = bug, if it's a missing feature... enh (I think)
05:37 paxed i'm just amazed, don't german users complain? don't _french_ users complain? (that last one i can't believe)
05:54 inlibro joined #koha
05:54 calire joined #koha
05:57 dpk__ joined #koha
06:03 cait paxed: no, actually they don't
06:04 cait paxed: i would have thought they would, but they don't ask for it ever, only when we break it (make it inconsistent) like a while ago when one screen suddenly expected , instead of .
06:04 cait that gave us a lot of complaints
06:04 cait i'd like to make this better, but it's not a top priority thing
06:05 cait but if we do... we better manage all inputs in one release :)
06:05 paxed it's hard enough getting a small change to master, so i'm not touching that.
06:06 paxed and we already have local modifications to fix most of the currency inputs
06:08 paxed oh, only 1383 local commits.
06:11 cait i'd be interested in how you fixed it
06:11 paxed i didn't
06:11 cait there has been a long discussion between the
06:11 cait "we want it to accept all the different ways an amount can be input"
06:11 paxed if we're speaking of the additem currency bug
06:11 cait and "I want it to work consistently accept amounts as it displays them"
06:12 paxed "all the different ways an amount can be input" is impossible.
06:12 cait i am in the second group :)
06:12 paxed i know our target is finnish, so i know what the users will try to input 99%
06:12 cait yeah makes sense
06:13 paxed so, 12,50€ but the code handles 12.50 too, because koha is not consistent.
06:14 paxed and finnish never uses anything (except maybe spaces) as thousand sep
06:14 cait ah ok
06:14 cait in German we have . as a thousands sep
06:14 cait so that's tricky
06:14 paxed good luck with that.
06:15 cait that's why i tihnk it won't work to make it happy with everything
06:15 cait just too hard to 'guess' right
06:15 paxed correct
06:15 cait I'd rather take a complaint about an incorrect input
06:15 cait and have a consistent format (or multiple, but using one depending on ocnfig)
06:17 cait talking about consistency... we should not make <br> tags in a C4 thing
06:17 cait bug 23126 ready for testing
06:17 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=23126 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Multiline entries in subscription history display with <br/> in OPAC
06:20 cait and with that... i leave for work :)
06:34 AndrewIsh joined #koha
06:35 * ashimema still thinks configurable input masks are the solution
06:35 ashimema Accounttypes are mid change.. I'm annoyed the whole patch set didn't get in in one release
06:36 ashimema Will draw up a list for you and update the wiki page this morning
06:36 ashimema It is the set from the .inc
06:36 ashimema @leter tell caroline_catlady I'll update the accounttypes list this morning
06:36 huginn` ashimema: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready
06:36 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn`.
06:38 ashimema @later tell caroline_catlady I'll update the accounttypes list this morning
06:38 huginn` ashimema: The operation succeeded.
06:43 kohaputti joined #koha
06:44 ashimema @later tell tcohen Happy Birthday 🎂
06:44 huginn` ashimema: The operation succeeded.
06:45 magnuse \o/
06:54 reiveune joined #koha
06:54 reiveune hello
06:54 inlibro joined #koha
06:55 laurence joined #koha
06:57 alex_a joined #koha
06:57 alex_a bonjour
06:58 kohaputti joined #koha
07:01 cait joined #koha
07:09 ashimema Morning #koha
07:10 magnuse hiya ashimema
07:29 cait morning ashimema!
07:29 cait morning magnuse!
07:29 cait morning #koha .)
07:40 magnuse hiya cait
07:53 greenjimll joined #koha
07:55 inlibro joined #koha
08:34 paul_p joined #koha
08:55 inlibro joined #koha
08:58 magnuse joined #koha
09:08 kohaputti joined #koha
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22783: (follow up) not SET for anonymous BLOCK <[…]d6dd57c1eb9a6d5b4>
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 23104: (follow-up) fix display for 0/Unlimited <[…]9e11c5ded11020d89>
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 23120: Pass necessary inputs through when transferring item automatically <[…]73745dbd9c542a271>
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 17526: Change grep to deal with malformed sortfield <[…]5b4526e681b75d434>
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 23104: Add tests for maxonsiteissueqty <[…]f6ecef3bdc8b77f52>
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 23104: (bug 18925 follow-up): Fix null/empty behavior, again <[…]1c0497f918a1cd56c>
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 23104: Add tests <[…]49251bb275b5109de>
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22945: Markup error in OPAC search results around lists display <[…]0341779381fc4980b>
09:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22783: Make 'OPAC News' string translatable <[…]168ad4a65e5d8d0be>
09:21 cait fridolin: strings have been updated - i noticed yesterday :)
09:22 cait for 19.11.01
09:36 magnuse joined #koha
09:37 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #768: SUCCESS in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D9/768/
09:38 calire left #koha
09:46 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #263: UNSTABLE in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/263/
09:54 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #281: SUCCESS in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/281/
09:55 inlibro joined #koha
09:59 paul_p joined #koha
10:09 khall joined #koha
10:51 laurence joined #koha
10:55 inlibro joined #koha
11:15 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
11:15 wahanui Congratulations!
11:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #264: FIXED in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/264/
11:23 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22210: (QA follow-up) Tiny gramatical correction <[…]46d9b97560082ce2c>
11:23 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22210: Mana config - Replace firstname and lastname with name <[…]495389cb73be50965>
11:31 oleonard joined #koha
11:31 oleonard Hi #koha
11:47 oleonard Post-upgrade to 18.11.06 librarians here are hankerin' for bug 23007
11:47 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=23007 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Make dialogs in optionally modal
11:49 alex_a joined #koha
11:52 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #769: UNSTABLE in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D9/769/
11:55 inlibro joined #koha
12:01 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #265: SUCCESS in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/265/
12:11 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #282: SUCCESS in 43 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/282/
12:53 * oleonard whispers, I'll bet Bug 20936 would be pretty easy to whip up
12:53 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20936 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Holds History for patrons in OPAC
12:53 magnuse joined #koha
12:55 inlibro joined #koha
13:06 caroline_catlady joined #koha
13:07 caroline_catlady good morning all!
13:08 caroline_catlady ashimema: when you say accounttype list, do you mean the one in the manual or the one in the .inc file?
13:09 caroline_catlady thanks for that btw :)
13:10 ashimema .inc is the most up to date
13:11 caroline_catlady ashimema++
13:22 khall joined #koha
13:23 oleonard joined #koha
13:28 hizzycray joined #koha
13:31 lukeG joined #koha
13:33 tcohen hi
13:33 tcohen thanks ashimema!
13:34 ashimema huh?
13:34 ashimema what I do?
13:38 paul_p joined #koha
13:40 cait tcohen: happy birthday :)
13:41 caroline_catlady tcohen: it's your birthday? Happy birthday! :)
13:41 lukeG A very happy birthday to tcohen!!! :)
13:42 * cait hopes she didn't just start a rumor :)
13:48 tcohen haha
13:48 tcohen it is!
13:51 oleonard Happy birthday tcohen!
13:51 caroline_catlady confetti!
13:51 wahanui o/`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`
13:51 hizzycray hi
13:51 hizzycray oo
13:53 wizzyrea there we go
13:53 magnuse joined #koha
13:54 wizzyrea hi magnuse
13:56 inlibro joined #koha
14:06 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
14:06 wahanui Congratulations!
14:06 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #770: FIXED in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D9/770/
14:09 kidclamp bug 23116
14:09 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=23116 critical, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Cannot place overridden holds
14:09 kidclamp oleonard^
14:17 tcohen thanks oleonard lukeG
14:18 ashimema Nice birthday present there kidclamp
14:29 lukeG1 joined #koha
14:43 mtompset joined #koha
14:44 fridolin left #koha
14:50 reiveune left #koha
14:50 mtompset Greetings, #koha
14:50 mtompset @seen oleonard
14:50 huginn` mtompset: oleonard was last seen in #koha 59 minutes and 46 seconds ago: <oleonard> Happy birthday tcohen!
14:51 mtompset Indeed! Happy Birthday, tcohen. :)
14:51 mtompset @later tell tcohen Happy Birthday!
14:51 huginn` mtompset: The operation succeeded.
14:52 mtompset @later tell oleonard re: bug 23096... hc-sticky.js is in intranet, but the file you tweaked is opac. Does it work?
14:52 huginn` mtompset: The operation succeeded.
14:53 oleonard mtompset: 23096 has a dependency
14:53 mtompset DOH! My bad.
14:54 mtompset Also... class foo?
14:55 oleonard That is an error
14:56 inlibro joined #koha
14:56 mtompset Okay, so should I comment about it? Or will you just deal with it?
14:58 cait confetti!
14:58 wahanui o/`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`
14:58 cait i jut needed some confetti...
14:58 mtompset kidclamp++ # bug 23144 :)
14:58 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=23144 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , Bad POD breaks svc/barcode
14:58 oleonard mtompset: Please comment and mark failed
14:58 mtompset oleonard, okay.
15:00 caroline_catlady joined #koha
15:26 lukeG joined #koha
15:32 cait lukeG: keep in mind we have reached string freeze please (we already did translation for 18.11.07) :)
15:37 lukeG1 joined #koha
15:42 lisettelatah joined #koha
15:42 * cait waves at lisettelatah :)
15:45 lisettelatah hi cait! :)
15:45 lisettelatah how do you do that?
15:47 caroline_catlady lisettelatah:[…]rcc-commands.html
15:49 cait you put a /me in front
15:49 cait first letters and then whatever you want to do behind
15:50 * lisettelatah waves back to cait
15:50 cait perfect :)
15:50 lisettelatah Thanks!
15:53 cait bye all! time to go home here
15:54 cait left #koha
15:56 inlibro joined #koha
16:09 laurence left #koha
16:42 cait joined #koha
16:56 inlibro joined #koha
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: DBRev <[…]8d49df3017bfe86f9>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (QA follow-up) Avoid unnecessary unless/else construct <[…]fd456e928c081976f>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (QA follow-up) Don't call -> twice! <[…]9527113b59b72144a>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (QA follow-up) Simplify logic <[…]4ec72c10e36ff7968>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (QA follow-up) Add ->is_enabled and tests <[…]780f5c0b1b7589b99>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (QA follow-up) Only public subs should be considered <[…]c25b73e6355ffddc0>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (follow-up) Add Class::Inspector to PerlDependencies <[…]3b93f18ca9883a8b1>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22835: (follow-up) Remove comented code <[…]7250468b979da4728>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (follow-up) QA fixes after rebase <[…]1ea97e4b241171d87>
17:08 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22835: (follow-up) Remove unwanted warn <[…]175de07668e5c2668>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22834: Add Koha::Plugins::Base->bundle_path <[…]ad7879c363006cfed>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22834: Add tests for Koha::Plugins::Base->bundle_path <[…]417e4953a86f5769f>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: Regression tests for GetPlugins <[…]67ff95b7a6ff3a692>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: Restore filtering by metadata <[…]632f87bb2b8a92d92>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (QA follow-up) Restore check on template <[…]e52b6c98c525e8cff>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (QA follow-up) Remove unused libraries <[…]fad98025ca11441d0>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: (QA follow-up) Atomic update shouldn't fail if plugins are disabled <[…]2de684b2e5850e210>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 22835: Serve plugin static files through API <[…]f254cb4a7101c4e18>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: Upgrade the kitchen sink plugin to get rid of warnings <[…]9979924a0243fa282>
17:09 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 21073: Improve plugin performance <[…]ec40d636d8839bb16>
17:20 mtompset_meeting Let's hope this works...
17:21 mtompset joined #koha
17:22 mtompset Greetings, #koha.
17:29 khall_ joined #koha
17:31 bag morning
17:31 wahanui somebody said morning was always someone's afternoon
17:31 khall joined #koha
17:38 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #771: UNSTABLE in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D9/771/
17:39 oleonard Hi bag
17:39 wizzyrea haha I love that "someone said morning was always someone's afternoon"
17:46 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #266: UNSTABLE in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/266/
17:49 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #283: UNSTABLE in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/283/
17:56 inlibro joined #koha
18:01 cait joined #koha
18:34 wizzyrea do you think we have a lot of libraries using elasticsearch with 18.05?
18:36 wizzyrea i'm contemplating not backporting ES patches to 18.05
18:36 wizzyrea opinions?
18:36 wahanui opinions are good, base for discussion
18:40 mtompset wizzyrea, 18.11 exists and those patches are probably back ported there, right? Backporting further back encourages people to not keep up to date.
18:40 mtompset So, I wouldn't.
18:41 wizzyrea see that's exactly what I thought
18:41 mtompset Great minds think alike? :)
18:41 wizzyrea yes they are
18:41 wizzyrea I basically pull from the 18.11 queue
18:42 wizzyrea not master.
18:43 mtompset So, unless it is a serious security issue... no. :)
18:43 wizzyrea well complain loudly with your objections in the future, everyone else, if you think this is wrong.
18:43 wizzyrea :)
18:44 mtompset Mailing the developers list would probably be a safe thing to do to cover all bases well.
18:48 wizzyrea ah I figure if someone wants to get salty they'll just reopen the bug
18:49 wizzyrea angry neighbour now has TWO riding lawn mowers mowing her yard
18:53 mtompset More power *grunt grunt grunt*
18:54 mtompset oleonard-away, :(
18:56 mtompset @later tell oleonard what's that ugly gap/space in the floating bar when I scroll in bug 23096?
18:56 huginn` mtompset: The operation succeeded.
18:56 inlibro joined #koha
19:07 kidclamp bug 23151
19:07 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=23151 blocker, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Patron self modification sends null dateofbirth
19:12 mtompset nasty, kidclamp.
19:19 lukeG joined #koha
19:26 ibeardslee joined #koha
19:44 kathryn joined #koha
19:52 lukeG joined #koha
19:57 inlibro joined #koha
19:57 lukeG @oleonard++
19:57 huginn` lukeG: I suck
20:38 cait joined #koha
20:41 khall joined #koha
20:55 alexbuckley joined #koha
20:56 deb-CSPL joined #koha
20:57 inlibro joined #koha
21:57 inlibro joined #koha
22:02 caroline_catlady good night everyone!
22:03 wizzyrea joined #koha
22:57 inlibro joined #koha
23:42 mtompset joined #koha
23:42 papa joined #koha
23:46 alexbuckley_ joined #koha
23:57 inlibro joined #koha

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