Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:08 |
lukeG joined #koha |
02:17 |
caroline_ joined #koha |
02:54 |
lukeG joined #koha |
05:37 |
calire joined #koha |
05:38 |
josef_moravec joined #koha |
06:17 |
magnuse |
\o/ |
06:31 |
sophie_m joined #koha |
06:42 |
reiveune joined #koha |
06:42 |
reiveune |
hello |
06:54 |
AndrewIsh joined #koha |
06:56 |
alex_a joined #koha |
06:57 |
alex_a |
bonjour |
07:19 |
cait joined #koha |
07:47 |
paul_p joined #koha |
07:58 |
fridolin joined #koha |
07:58 |
fridolin |
hi tehre |
08:03 |
magnuse |
bonjour europe |
08:03 |
magnuse |
cait: not really around so late, but did an upgrade |
08:27 |
fridolin joined #koha |
08:27 |
ashimema |
do we not inflate datetime fields into DateTime objects straight from the DB? |
08:28 |
ashimema |
no, it seems we don't |
08:44 |
greenjimll joined #koha |
09:02 |
andreashm joined #koha |
09:26 |
andreashm joined #koha |
09:27 |
andreashm joined #koha |
09:35 |
vfernandes joined #koha |
09:37 |
vfernandes |
hi #koha |
10:57 |
kidclamp joined #koha |
10:58 |
* kidclamp |
waves |
11:01 |
magnuse |
\o/ |
11:22 |
saa joined #koha |
11:22 |
saa |
we have some 1 lakh barcodes which we wish to run through inventory what is best way to handle this |
11:23 |
saa |
is there any command from terminal |
11:23 |
saa |
or we need to breakup this big txt file into 4 files and then run the program |
11:37 |
cait joined #koha |
11:43 |
alex_a joined #koha |
11:50 |
cait |
is 'filter paid transactions' in staff broken for others too? |
11:54 |
cait |
bug 22626 |
11:54 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=22626 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , 'Filter paid transactions' broken on Transactions tab in staff |
12:00 |
cait |
bug 22627 |
12:00 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=22627 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Rephrase 'your fines' tab in OPAC |
12:01 |
cait |
*sighs* |
12:08 |
ashimema |
:( |
12:10 |
cait |
bug 22628 |
12:10 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=22628 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , FFOR and VOID show up as codes to end users in OPAC, SCO and staff |
12:11 |
cait |
I swear i was just testing bug 22588 |
12:11 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=22588 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, Signed Off , Simplify getting account information in opac and self checkout module |
12:11 |
ashimema |
cait.. see all my acocunts bugs.. I nuke VOID and FFOR as accounttypes ;) |
12:12 |
ashimema |
would be interesting to see what the results are for translations etc for you. |
12:12 |
cait |
maybe we could stlil fix it in stable? |
12:12 |
ashimema |
mmm |
12:12 |
cait |
i guess we are just missing some lines in the template for now |
12:12 |
ashimema |
fair point |
12:12 |
ashimema |
totally |
12:12 |
cait |
i wouldn't mind as much, but it won't translate either |
12:12 |
cait |
and it's OPAC |
12:12 |
ashimema |
I spotted them but hadn't reported bugs as yet.. |
12:12 |
ashimema |
I kinda thought it was just in master.. but your right.. it's not |
12:13 |
cait |
as those are in stable releases... i tought it might not only be master, but haven't verified |
12:14 |
ashimema |
mm, I just hadn't fully apreciated they're in stables already |
12:14 |
* ashimema |
has lost track |
12:14 |
* ashimema |
needs to go for lunch.. ill child has just woken up with loads of energy |
12:14 |
cait |
keep her busy :) |
12:14 |
ashimema |
hehe.. indeed |
12:15 |
ashimema |
shame it's the youngest.. else I'd get her on some bugs |
12:15 |
ashimema |
we don't have anywhere in the tests where we actually check that AddRenewal has worked (i.e. returned a new datedue that's after 'now') |
12:15 |
ashimema |
bit of a worrying oversight |
12:19 |
cait |
it can be backdated too |
12:19 |
cait |
but not sure if that's the same method then (manual renewal date) |
12:20 |
ashimema |
indeed it can |
12:38 |
oleonard joined #koha |
12:40 |
oleonard |
Hi all |
12:45 |
alex_a_ joined #koha |
13:02 |
cait |
hi oleonard :) |
13:04 |
tcohen |
morning all |
13:07 |
cait |
morning tcohen |
13:08 |
caroline_ joined #koha |
13:08 |
caroline_ |
Good morning all! |
13:08 |
cait |
hi caroline_ :) |
13:34 |
davidnind joined #koha |
13:37 |
tallerjoy joined #koha |
13:41 |
wizzyrea joined #koha |
13:47 |
thd joined #koha |
13:50 |
josef_moravec joined #koha |
13:52 |
Freddy_Enrique joined #koha |
13:52 |
deb-CSPL joined #koha |
13:55 |
cc_ joined #koha |
14:00 |
cait |
meeting? |
14:00 |
cait |
kidclamp: ping |
14:01 |
davidnind |
https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ting_3_April_2019 |
14:01 |
Charles_Quain joined #koha |
14:02 |
* cait |
waves |
14:02 |
* ashimema |
yawns |
14:03 |
cait |
Charles_Quain: just a warning, i just added update on kohacon to hte agenda |
14:03 |
ashimema |
I'll be on the school run shortly so may not be especially helpful in the meeting |
14:03 |
cait |
someone seen kidclamp? |
14:03 |
Charles_Quain |
Thanks. I have updates... |
14:03 |
cait |
#startmeeting General IRC meeting 3 April 2019 |
14:03 |
huginn` |
Meeting started Wed Apr 3 14:03:55 2019 UTC. The chair is cait. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:03 |
huginn` |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:03 |
Topic for #koha is now (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 3 April 2019) |
14:03 |
huginn` |
The meeting name has been set to 'general_irc_meeting_3_april_2019' |
14:04 |
cait |
#topic Introductions |
14:04 |
Topic for #koha is now Introductions (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 3 April 2019) |
14:04 |
cait |
plese introduce yourself using #info |
14:04 |
cait |
#chair ashimema kidclamp |
14:04 |
huginn` |
Current chairs: ashimema cait kidclamp |
14:04 |
cait |
#link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ting_3_April_2019 today's agenda |
14:04 |
ashimema |
#info Martin Renvoize, PTFS Europe |
14:04 |
cc_ |
#info Colin Campbell, PTFS Europe |
14:04 |
oleonard |
#info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, USA |
14:04 |
cait |
#info Katrin Fischer, Germany |
14:04 |
Charles_Quain |
#info Charles_Quain, Interleaf Technology |
14:05 |
davidnind |
#info David Nind, Wellington, New Zealand |
14:05 |
thd |
#info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City |
14:06 |
cait |
#topic Announcements |
14:06 |
Topic for #koha is now Announcements (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 3 April 2019) |
14:06 |
kidclamp |
#inf Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions |
14:06 |
cait |
you miss o :) |
14:06 |
josef_moravec |
#info Josef Moravec |
14:07 |
cait |
anything? |
14:07 |
sonOfRa joined #koha |
14:08 |
cait |
ok, moving on in that case |
14:08 |
cait |
#topic Update on releases |
14:08 |
Topic for #koha is now Update on releases (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 3 April 2019) |
14:08 |
cait |
kidclamp: ? |
14:08 |
cait |
rmaints? |
14:08 |
wahanui |
rmaints is ashimema and fridolin are the rmaints |
14:08 |
kidclamp |
I need to set freeze dates, apologies, running a bit behind |
14:09 |
kidclamp |
will be pushing later this week |
14:09 |
kidclamp |
have filed some bugs, we have majors etc out there, please help with those |
14:09 |
kidclamp |
otherwise keeping on unless someone has things for me |
14:09 |
cait |
#info help on major bugs neeeded, freeze dates to be announced soon |
14:10 |
cait |
ashimema: still around? |
14:10 |
ashimema |
yup |
14:10 |
cait |
update? :) |
14:10 |
ashimema |
18.11.04 came out |
14:10 |
ashimema |
nothing else to annouce really |
14:10 |
ashimema |
all moving along smoothly |
14:11 |
cait |
#info 18.11.04 was released, everything moving smoothly |
14:11 |
cait |
ok, moving on |
14:11 |
cait |
#topic Update on KohaCon19 |
14:11 |
Topic for #koha is now Update on KohaCon19 (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 3 April 2019) |
14:12 |
Charles_Quain |
We will be announcing the schedule early next week |
14:12 |
cait |
#link https://www.interleaf.ie/kohacon19/ KohaCon website |
14:12 |
Charles_Quain |
just emailing speakers t oensure that they are ok with slots assigned. |
14:12 |
Charles_Quain |
Ken Chad confirmed as keynote |
14:12 |
Charles_Quain |
Marshall Breeding also confirmed speaker. |
14:13 |
wizzyrea |
#info liz rea, doer of things |
14:13 |
khall joined #koha |
14:13 |
Charles_Quain |
Will have a long session on Elastic Search from the ES guys, and hoping to have a Perl workshop too |
14:13 |
Charles_Quain |
139 delegates signed up to date |
14:13 |
cait |
#info Ken Chad and Marshall Breeding confirmed speakers |
14:14 |
cait |
it's really close now - i think you need to really push if you want to use those for advertising |
14:14 |
cait |
#info 139 delegates signed up |
14:14 |
Charles_Quain |
apologies - I am new to IRCs so should have used the hash info marker |
14:14 |
cait |
it's ok, catching up :) |
14:14 |
ashimema |
no worries |
14:15 |
Charles_Quain |
#info 7 sponsors confirmed |
14:15 |
cait |
it makes thing turn up in the minutes in a somewhat organized way |
14:16 |
cait |
#info there will be a slong session on Elasticsearch from the ES guys and hoping a Perl workshop too |
14:16 |
cait |
ok, any questions for Charles? |
14:17 |
cait |
ok, let's move on then |
14:17 |
cait |
quiet crowd today |
14:18 |
cait |
#topic Next meeting |
14:18 |
Topic for #koha is now Next meeting (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 3 April 2019) |
14:18 |
cait |
can someone help me there? |
14:18 |
cait |
davidnind maybe? |
14:18 |
cait |
first wednesday each month, but struggling with the time |
14:18 |
davidnind |
wakes up... |
14:18 |
cait |
may 8 |
14:18 |
davidnind |
looks good! |
14:19 |
Charles_Quain |
works for me |
14:19 |
cait |
which time? |
14:20 |
davidnind |
Do we need to do anything for roles for 19.11 yet, or cover that at next meeting? |
14:20 |
cait |
possible we had to 14 utc in a row? |
14:20 |
cait |
good point, yes, we definitely need to talk about roles |
14:20 |
oleonard |
18:00 this time? |
14:20 |
cait |
ok |
14:21 |
cait |
#info Next meeting: 8 May 2019, 18 UTC |
14:21 |
cait |
would someone be willing to set up a roles page? |
14:21 |
cait |
or i can do it |
14:21 |
davidnind |
I can do that |
14:21 |
cait |
if someone else remembers to put on elections for ht emeeting agenda when it's created |
14:21 |
cait |
cool, thx! |
14:21 |
thd |
Was 18.00 UTC used recently? |
14:21 |
cait |
#action davidnind to create roles page for 19.11 |
14:22 |
cait |
i think we had 19 utc lots in the past |
14:22 |
davidnind |
I think it should be okay |
14:22 |
cait |
with daylight savings just kicking in it's confusing anyway |
14:22 |
davidnind |
probably will work okay |
14:22 |
cait |
ok, ending meeting! |
14:22 |
davidnind |
Couple of late annoucements |
14:22 |
thd |
I thought we had a later secondary time ... |
14:22 |
cait |
#endmeeting |
14:22 |
Topic for #koha is now Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software http://koha-community.org |
14:22 |
huginn` |
Meeting ended Wed Apr 3 14:22:57 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:22 |
huginn` |
Minutes: http://meetings.koha-community[…]-04-03-14.03.html |
14:22 |
huginn` |
Minutes (text): http://meetings.koha-community[…]9-04-03-14.03.txt |
14:22 |
huginn` |
Log: http://meetings.koha-community[…]03-14.03.log.html |
14:23 |
davidnind |
missed, oh well! |
14:23 |
davidnind |
#info Pakistan Koha Conference 2019, 26-27 April 2019 http://kohapakistan.org/ |
14:23 |
davidnind |
#info KohaLa's Koha Symposium 2019, 17-19 June 2019 http://koha-fr.org/symposium-2019/ |
14:23 |
davidnind |
cait++ |
14:24 |
davidnind |
that must be one of the quickest meetings ever :) |
14:24 |
cait |
if you are all that quiet! |
14:24 |
davidnind |
thanks cait! |
14:24 |
cait |
ah sorry, misread your comment! |
14:24 |
cait |
sorry! |
14:25 |
davidnind |
no problem, I was just too slow! |
14:25 |
cait |
it's awfully late for you, isn't it? |
14:26 |
davidnind |
early ish.. but have been waking up at this time a lot lately! |
14:26 |
cait |
i've been reading last night until this time |
14:26 |
cait |
:) |
14:27 |
caroline_ |
aw crap, I missed the meeting... *sigh* |
14:27 |
davidnind |
great! are you still on holiday? |
14:27 |
cait |
caroline_: we were too quick |
14:27 |
cait |
this week and next |
14:27 |
cait |
but i feel like it will be way too short |
14:27 |
fridolin joined #koha |
14:28 |
oleonard |
If you blinked you missed the meeting |
14:28 |
caroline_ |
cait: no I'm just too busy, putting out fires everywhere |
14:28 |
cait |
caroline_: sending cookies |
14:28 |
caroline_ |
cait: thx <3 |
14:30 |
davidnind |
cait: it always is, had last week off and it went way too quickly! |
14:30 |
* oleonard |
is away: I'm busy |
14:30 |
wizzyrea |
I'd say I need a holiday but I really don't |
14:39 |
calire left #koha |
14:40 |
cait |
someone around able to run selenium tests? |
14:40 |
cait |
test on bug 22619 faisl for me and i am not sure if it's me or the test |
14:40 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=22619 critical, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , Adding a new circ rule with unlimited checkouts is broken |
14:43 |
fridolin |
#info Fridolin Somers, Biblibre, France |
14:43 |
cait |
fridolin: meeting is over :) |
14:43 |
fridolin |
ah okisorry |
14:44 |
wizzyrea |
cait i was having probs with that too |
14:44 |
fridolin |
nothing special for me |
14:44 |
wizzyrea |
i had the same question |
14:44 |
wizzyrea |
"is it the test or is it me" |
14:46 |
cait |
waiting for kidclamp in that case - if it doesn't work for us, noone has confirmed yet |
14:49 |
kidclamp |
the test works for me :-) |
14:49 |
kidclamp |
tcohen: can you test since you have a working selenium? |
14:49 |
cait |
alformed JSON string, neither tag, array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "<html>\r\n<head><tit...") at /usr/share/perl5/JSON.pm line 171. |
14:49 |
cait |
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 1. |
14:49 |
cait |
is what i get on master |
14:50 |
cait |
could it be something in my data? |
14:50 |
wizzyrea |
SCREENSHOT: https://framapic.org/MYoeRDALPUee/S5N352JS7tPA |
14:50 |
wizzyrea |
Error while executing command: javascript error: TypeError: arguments[0].form.submit is not a function at /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/Selenium/Remote/Driver.pm line 391. |
14:50 |
wizzyrea |
at /usr/local/share/perl/5.24.1/Selenium/Remote/Driver.pm line 343. |
14:50 |
wizzyrea |
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 1. |
14:50 |
wizzyrea |
this was mine |
14:50 |
wizzyrea |
from yesterday |
14:51 |
kidclamp |
so that's failing at koha log in |
14:51 |
ashimema |
Wow, lots happened whilst I was out |
14:51 |
kidclamp |
ashimema, do you have selenium working? |
14:51 |
wizzyrea |
i know that I have an admin/admin |
14:51 |
ashimema |
I'll go run the endmeeting script to generate the next agenda page and things now |
14:51 |
ashimema |
I always run it within koha-testing-docker.. so yes |
14:52 |
ashimema |
Want me to give the bug a bash |
14:52 |
wizzyrea |
plz |
14:52 |
wizzyrea |
functionally it's fine |
14:52 |
cait |
yes |
14:52 |
wizzyrea |
it's just the test |
14:52 |
ashimema |
I actually had that failure on my branch yesterday.. it just went away after a re-run |
14:52 |
ashimema |
Okies |
14:52 |
cait |
it fails on mastre for me too... so |
14:52 |
wizzyrea |
^^^ |
14:52 |
cait |
i just don't want ot pass it without anyone saying the test is good but the patch writer |
14:53 |
cait |
(even if it happens to be the RM ;) ) |
14:54 |
kidclamp |
we can also move the test to a new bug - I was jsut trying to be thorough, the fix is needed and fairly certain correct |
14:55 |
wizzyrea |
i'm happy to retest a non-test-having patch |
14:55 |
wizzyrea |
if you are happy to make one |
14:55 |
tcohen |
kidclamp: sorry |
14:55 |
tcohen |
what? |
14:55 |
tcohen |
master? what tests? |
14:55 |
wizzyrea |
administration |
14:55 |
wizzyrea |
selenium |
14:55 |
wahanui |
selenium is up to version 3.1 |
14:56 |
cait |
prove t/db_dependent/selenium/administration_tasks.t |
14:56 |
ashimema |
right |
14:56 |
kidclamp |
bug 22619 |
14:56 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=22619 critical, P5 - low, ---, nick, Signed Off , Adding a new circ rule with unlimited checkouts is broken |
14:56 |
cait |
but it's a little frutrating - i have never been able to run any selenium test with success so far |
14:56 |
cait |
bad for being the QAM and all |
14:56 |
ashimema |
22619 right |
14:56 |
wizzyrea |
that's right |
14:57 |
ashimema |
ok.. running the test momentarily |
14:58 |
wizzyrea |
thanking you |
15:05 |
tcohen |
https://snag.gy/OlAxIE.jpg |
15:06 |
tcohen |
koha-testing-docker should succeed running the tests |
15:06 |
ashimema |
you beat me by like 2 seconds! |
15:06 |
tcohen |
as we are using an ancient image that ships 'the right firefox' version |
15:06 |
ashimema |
can confirm it passes here too |
15:06 |
wizzyrea |
wonder what the problem is with devbox |
15:06 |
tcohen |
firefox version |
15:06 |
wizzyrea |
mmm I tried that |
15:07 |
cait |
yeah me too |
15:07 |
cait |
i downgraded |
15:07 |
wizzyrea |
when that didn't work, I went and got new .jar |
15:07 |
lukeG joined #koha |
15:10 |
oleonard |
Mama's got a brand new jar |
15:10 |
wizzyrea |
:D |
15:12 |
wizzyrea |
when is a door not a door |
15:12 |
wizzyrea |
when it is ajar. |
15:12 |
wizzyrea |
ba dum tish |
15:16 |
cait |
ashimema: attaching a signed off patch, testing it looks good - would you pqa checking the tests? |
15:17 |
cait |
oh oops |
15:17 |
cait |
just overwrote your patch by accident, fixing |
15:17 |
ashimema |
no worries. |
15:19 |
cait |
ashimema++ |
15:19 |
cait |
uploads fixed |
15:19 |
ashimema |
cait++ |
15:19 |
ashimema |
teamwork++ |
15:20 |
cait |
another selenium bug i have no luck with is bug 19185 |
15:20 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19185 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , Web installer and onboarding tool selenium test |
15:20 |
ashimema |
lol.. |
15:20 |
ashimema |
that one scares me |
15:20 |
wizzyrea |
heh |
15:20 |
ashimema |
I've been there a few times |
15:20 |
wizzyrea |
https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=20884 what do we think about this, take it as is or do it a different way? |
15:21 |
huginn` |
Bug 20884: normal, P5 - low, ---, jcharaoui, Needs Signoff , Stale data remaining in cache after koha-remove |
15:21 |
ashimema |
it's actually 19821 which scares me.. |
15:21 |
wizzyrea |
bug 19821 |
15:21 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19821 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Signed Off , Run tests on a separate database |
15:22 |
ashimema |
I SO'd it.. so I clearly thought it was all correct last time I looked.. but I do remember it being a right mind bender to get my head around |
15:22 |
ashimema |
I think I wanted Tomas to touch both of them for QA if I remember rightly |
15:22 |
ashimema |
as CI manager I felt he would be best placed |
15:22 |
wizzyrea |
https://tenor.com/view/simpson[…]kward-gif-3693496 |
15:23 |
ashimema |
though basically.. I think a this point so long as all tests continue to pass in koha-testing-docker after the patches are applied I'm probably happy |
15:31 |
oleonard |
Could someone share a specific example of cron syntax on kohadevbox? I'm not cron-smart |
15:31 |
wizzyrea |
what are you trying to do |
15:32 |
oleonard |
Run message queue every minute |
15:32 |
wizzyrea |
aha |
15:32 |
wizzyrea |
so in the cron for /etc/cron.d/koha-common |
15:32 |
wizzyrea |
you'll see the one for message queue |
15:32 |
wizzyrea |
there's a 5 in thre |
15:32 |
wizzyrea |
change it to a 1 |
15:32 |
wahanui |
wizzyrea: that doesn't look right |
15:33 |
wizzyrea |
15 even |
15:33 |
wizzyrea |
*/15 becomes */1 |
15:33 |
ashimema |
what she said |
15:33 |
ashimema |
I always find this little site helpful when dealing with cron: https://crontab-generator.org/ |
15:34 |
wizzyrea |
yes good |
15:34 |
ashimema |
turns it into a nice little wizzard to build the cron line then you can just copy/paste the result |
15:34 |
ashimema |
:) |
15:34 |
fridolin left #koha |
15:34 |
cait |
looking at the ES patch: database update is not idem...something. fail? https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]ment.cgi?id=87240 |
15:35 |
oleonard |
I looked there too ashimema but it turns out I didn't know how cron works on kohadevbox so thanks for that wizzyrea ! |
15:35 |
ashimema |
coolios |
15:36 |
ashimema |
yeah,, the shared cron stuff can be real confusing |
15:36 |
wizzyrea |
(for the log, there are also koha-common crontab files in /etc/cron.daily, /etc/cron.monthly, and /etc/cron.hourly |
15:36 |
wizzyrea |
I do'nt think we have any weeklys |
15:37 |
wizzyrea |
those ones run a little differently |
15:37 |
wizzyrea |
they don't need the encoding at the front because debian just knows (based on another config file) when to run them |
15:38 |
wizzyrea |
(linux generally) |
15:47 |
Henry joined #koha |
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josef_moravec left #koha |
15:59 |
* oleonard |
wonders why the message queue isn't getting processed... |
16:01 |
cait |
i wonder if you need to restart someting to make it notice? |
16:04 |
wizzyrea |
it ought to pick it up |
16:04 |
wizzyrea |
maybe /var/log/syslog would say something about cron |
16:05 |
wizzyrea |
if all else fails, sudo service cron restart |
16:05 |
wizzyrea |
should force it to notice a change |
16:26 |
oleonard |
What mailbox should Koha-generated messages be delivered to on kohadevbox. I assume it doesn't send them to the outside world? |
16:26 |
wizzyrea |
ok, do you actually need to test the mailing bit, or do you just need to see that they are generated? |
16:27 |
wizzyrea |
because what I usually do, if I just need to see that they are generated |
16:27 |
wizzyrea |
is go into the database and query them out of the message_queue table |
16:28 |
oleonard |
I would like to test as much of the user experience of opac registration/password reset as I can |
16:29 |
wizzyrea |
my personal feeling (and it may be different to yours) is that getting the content out of the message queue is pretty close to having an email in your inbox. |
16:30 |
wizzyrea |
you can see who it was from, when it was queued, who it was to |
16:30 |
wizzyrea |
what the content is |
16:30 |
wizzyrea |
what the subject is |
16:30 |
wahanui |
the subject is just text no mime |
16:31 |
wizzyrea |
if the links work and look right |
16:32 |
wizzyrea |
I guess I don't much worry about "are the messages being sent" because that system is quite robust |
16:32 |
wizzyrea |
in a default configuration |
16:33 |
wizzyrea |
that said I'd be terrified if devbox could actually send external mail >.< |
16:34 |
wizzyrea |
and I'm rather glad it doesn't |
16:38 |
oleonard |
I agree that it could lead to horrifying disasters. |
16:38 |
wizzyrea |
(I do understand wanting to see the actual mail tho) |
16:58 |
cait |
oleonard: i am using mutt |
16:58 |
cait |
i can dig up my old notes if you wnat? |
17:00 |
cait |
oleonard: reading the email on command line, but you can check headers etc |
17:01 |
cait |
using email addresses like library localhost |
17:02 |
wizzyrea joined #koha |
17:31 |
kidclamp |
Oleonard: http://kohageek.blogspot.com/2[…]-to-send.html?m=1 |
17:31 |
reiveune |
bye |
17:31 |
reiveune left #koha |
17:31 |
kidclamp |
I have used that in the past |
17:36 |
oleonard |
Thanks kidclamp |
17:36 |
oleonard |
And thanks cait. Using localhost emails is probably what I want |
17:37 |
cait |
only issue is that we validate emails everywhere now :) |
17:42 |
* oleonard |
is away: I'm busy |
18:10 |
lukeG joined #koha |
18:23 |
caroline1 joined #koha |
18:24 |
* caroline1 |
is back with new computer! o/ |
18:33 |
cait |
nice! |
18:37 |
caroline1 |
now I just wish I could get caroline (no 1) back |
18:41 |
cait |
hm try /nick caroline? |
18:51 |
lukeG1 joined #koha |
18:53 |
caroline1 |
did it work? |
18:53 |
caroline1 |
no... I think it's already taken somewhere |
18:54 |
caroline1 |
by someone, probably past me |
18:54 |
caroline1 |
ah, no it is taken by Caroline Tice from NJ |
18:55 |
cait |
did you register caroline? |
18:55 |
caroline1 |
no |
18:56 |
caroline1 |
trying now |
18:56 |
cait |
try /msg userserv register nick pw |
18:56 |
cait |
then you can take it back if someone takes it |
18:57 |
wizzyrea joined #koha |
18:59 |
caroline1 |
hm, when I do whois caroline1 it says I'm in california... |
18:59 |
cait |
heh :) |
18:59 |
paul_p joined #koha |
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Nutmeg joined #koha |
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andreashm joined #koha |
19:09 |
wizzyrea |
hm, should the receipt for sco look like html? |
19:09 |
wizzyrea |
i mean, should the tags be hidden or shown? |
19:10 |
caroline1 |
I guess they should be hidden, but interpreted? |
19:10 |
wizzyrea |
yeah I was thinking they should be interpreted but they seem not to be |
19:11 |
wizzyrea |
https://i.imgur.com/YC8sKzh.png |
19:11 |
wizzyrea |
doesn't that seem odd? |
19:12 |
caroline1 |
Is the HTML Message checkbox checked in Tools  Notices and Slips? |
19:12 |
wizzyrea |
that is an excellent question |
19:13 |
wizzyrea |
that one does not seem to be a slip that is editable through that tool |
19:13 |
caroline1 |
oh bummer |
19:13 |
wizzyrea |
which also it should be :P |
19:14 |
caroline1 |
I think so too |
19:14 |
wizzyrea |
also the sco doesn't have the same styling as the rest of the opac now? |
19:14 |
wizzyrea |
it's black (as before)? |
19:14 |
cait |
hm where is this configured? |
19:15 |
cait |
could be a missing $raw |
19:15 |
cait |
if it is a notice template - html checkbox? |
19:16 |
wizzyrea |
this one isn't configured |
19:16 |
wizzyrea |
I think |
19:16 |
wizzyrea |
it could be a missing tag |
19:16 |
wizzyrea |
i'll check |
19:21 |
wizzyrea |
that is very odd it all looks like it should be in order |
19:22 |
FunnyGirlNames joined #koha |
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andreashm joined #koha |
19:32 |
wizzyrea |
hm no it's not with the qslip notice not having html checked... |
19:32 |
wizzyrea |
that's very odd. |
19:39 |
kathryn joined #koha |
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alexbuckley joined #koha |
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kathryn joined #koha |
19:51 |
wizzyrea |
@later tell oleonard would you have a look at the sco CSS? it doesn't seem to match up with the rest of the opac anymore (I think, have had the sort of day where I'm having trouble believing that it isn't just me) |
19:51 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. |
19:51 |
cait |
are we sure it's the qslip? |
19:51 |
cait |
there is a bug already for the css issue |
19:51 |
wizzyrea |
@later tell oleonard never mind |
19:51 |
huginn` |
wizzyrea: The operation succeeded. |
19:52 |
wizzyrea |
it looks like the qslip? but there is no slip in notices and slips called "qslip" |
19:52 |
wizzyrea |
it's "issueqslip" |
19:52 |
wizzyrea |
maybe that's not what you're asking me |
19:52 |
wizzyrea |
I'm sorry to be dumb. |
19:52 |
cait |
i was thinking that the self checkout would use it's own slip, but not sure |
19:53 |
wizzyrea |
well I thought that too but I don't see one, at least in the db I've got |
19:53 |
cait |
and there is a bug for waht you asked owen for |
19:53 |
cait |
looking for it |
19:53 |
wizzyrea |
it's ok I've never minded him :) |
19:53 |
wizzyrea |
i'm glad someone noticed |
19:53 |
cait |
bug 22274 |
19:53 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=22274 normal, P5 - low, ---, claire_gravely, ASSIGNED , Self-checkout/checkin pages not covered by OPAC CSS changes |
19:53 |
wizzyrea |
that was a rabbit hole I didn't expect |
19:59 |
cait |
tested one bug... filed 3 news ones today |
19:59 |
cait |
well filed 3 new that came up while testing the one |
20:02 |
davidnind |
cait++ |
20:05 |
cait |
wb davidnind - did you catch some mor esleep? |
20:10 |
* andreashm |
waves |
20:15 |
lukeG1 joined #koha |
20:17 |
cait |
ashimema: could you have another look at bug 11297? |
20:17 |
huginn` |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=11297 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, charles.farmer, Failed QA , Add support for custom PQF attributes for Z39.50 server searches |
20:18 |
davidnind |
cait: I did! Now off to work :-( |
20:18 |
davidnind left #koha |
20:19 |
cait |
hi andreashm! |
20:19 |
andreashm |
hi cait |
21:02 |
oleonard |
Anyone around who can test Overdrive checkouts? |
21:07 |
* oleonard |
isn't sure they're working at all |
21:07 |
* oleonard |
is away: I'm busy |
21:32 |
cait |
have you taken a look at recent bugs? maybe they changed something again |
21:46 |
cait |
i am not sure if this is well named: borrowers_to_satisfy |
22:23 |
caroline1 |
good night! |
22:45 |
andreashm joined #koha |