IRC log for #koha, 2017-11-24

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Time Nick Message
00:31 alexbuckley joined #koha
00:39 alexbuckley joined #koha
00:39 dpk_ joined #koha
00:40 alexbuckley_ joined #koha
00:48 Francesca joined #koha
00:59 Kafilini joined #koha
01:04 Francesca joined #koha
01:20 Kafilini joined #koha
01:26 alexbuckley_ joined #koha
01:37 JoshB joined #koha
01:50 Francesca joined #koha
01:53 Francesca joined #koha
01:53 alexbuckley joined #koha
02:31 Kafilini joined #koha
02:58 kathryn_ joined #koha
03:40 Kafilini joined #koha
04:10 papa joined #koha
04:43 JoshB joined #koha
05:15 Francesca joined #koha
05:26 Francesca joined #koha
05:32 juliet joined #koha
05:52 Francesca joined #koha
05:54 sameee joined #koha
06:02 LibraryClaire joined #koha
06:09 BobB_ joined #koha
06:26 alexbuckley_ joined #koha
06:35 magnuse \o/
06:37 LibraryClaire hi magnuse
06:38 magnuse guten morgen BüchereiKlara
07:02 BobB joined #koha
07:07 reiveune joined #koha
07:08 reiveune left #koha
07:19 cait joined #koha
07:28 reiveune joined #koha
07:29 reiveune hello
07:32 wilfrid joined #koha
07:39 fridolin joined #koha
07:40 fridolin hi there
07:40 fridolin coffe++
07:46 AndrewIsh joined #koha
07:52 paul_p joined #koha
08:16 laurence joined #koha
08:34 sophie_m joined #koha
08:37 alexbuckley_ joined #koha
08:39 cait joined #koha
08:39 Kafilini joined #koha
08:42 Francesca joined #koha
08:47 eythian hi
08:48 tuxayo1 joined #koha
08:48 tuxayo1 left #koha
08:53 tuxayo tcohen1: «cove coverage is around 75% so it depends on what you want to break UI is not tested much, for instance»
08:53 tuxayo Thanks, that gives a better idea
09:20 Kafilini joined #koha
09:28 magnuse \o/
09:54 magnuse joined #koha
10:23 markvandenborre joined #koha
10:24 markvandenborre left #koha
12:29 tcohen morning
12:35 magnuse hiya tcohen
12:35 tcohen hi magnuse
12:44 alohalog` joined #koha
13:05 master joined #koha
13:06 master warning updating database structure  - koha error  >>>    WARNING: Bug 18811 fixed an inconsistency in the visibility settings for authority frameworks. It is recommended that you run script misc/maintenance/ to check if you have data in hidden fields and adjust your frameworks accordingly to prevent data loss when editing such records.
13:06 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=18811 normal, P5 - low, ---,, RESOLVED FIXED, Visibility settings inconsistent between framework and authority editor
13:09 master is it error ? do we need to worry? ho we can stop automatic koha update?
13:15 master joined #koha
13:16 master is anyone there? please help?
13:36 LibraryClaire left #koha
14:22 * magnuse thinks that warning is pretty self explanatory
15:12 Dyrcona joined #koha
15:18 fridolin left #koha
15:44 reiveune bye
15:44 reiveune left #koha
15:45 master joined #koha
15:51 francharb joined #koha
16:01 NateC joined #koha
16:49 cait magnuse: yep
17:03 kidclamp joined #koha
17:04 laurence left #koha
17:21 cass joined #koha
18:59 cait left #koha
19:13 Dyrcona joined #koha
20:42 cait joined #koha
22:48 JoshB joined #koha
22:54 JoshB joined #koha
23:20 cait1 joined #koha
23:49 sameee joined #koha
23:49 sameee joined #koha

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