Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:07 |
caboose joined #koha |
00:57 |
mirkh joined #koha |
00:58 |
Rowane joined #koha |
00:59 |
Rowane |
Hello, is this an appropriate place to ask a Koha newbie question? |
01:00 |
rangi |
it is, but during this time of the day there aren't too many of us around |
01:00 |
rangi |
ask away though |
01:04 |
Rowane |
Ah, got it. Thanks. I'm running a OAI-PMH set that doesn't seem to be pulling the correct information. In my set, I defined a 949 field with a $a which should pull the data, but for whatever reason it doesn't. Koha shows the set is empty. When I set up the set with another field, 909 to look for the same data, Koha pulls it fine |
01:04 |
Rowane |
I'm just wondering why the set will allow a set to pull from one field but not the other |
01:05 |
Rowane |
The help files suggest I might have to run a script "misc/migration_tools/build_oai_sets.pl" but I'm not exactly sure where to do that. I'm assuming on our server? At the moment, I'm only working through the interface |
01:12 |
Rowane |
Looks like you might be right, rangi. I can always try another time |
01:16 |
rangi |
or the mailing list is another good place to try |
01:16 |
rangi |
(im in the middle of a go live so super busy sorry) |
01:19 |
Rowane |
No, no worries at all. I'll give the mailing list a shot. Mahalo |
01:22 |
caboose-afk joined #koha |
01:33 |
kathryn joined #koha |
01:36 |
Rowane |
Is there a list of commands on using the koha mailing list or do I just send emails to koha-request lists.katipo.co.nz? |
01:39 |
rangi |
once you have subscribed |
01:40 |
rangi |
you just email koha lists.katipo.co.nz |
01:42 |
Rowane |
Ok, thanks |
02:56 |
caboose-afk joined #koha |
02:57 |
barton joined #koha |
03:17 |
Francesca joined #koha |
03:28 |
Francesca joined #koha |
03:42 |
Francesca joined #koha |
04:18 |
BobB_ joined #koha |
04:51 |
josef_moravec joined #koha |
05:49 |
Francesca joined #koha |
06:37 |
cait joined #koha |
06:46 |
Guest119 joined #koha |
06:46 |
* dcook |
waves |
06:46 |
* dcook |
frowns :( |
06:46 |
dcook |
@seen tcohen |
06:46 |
huginn |
dcook: tcohen was last seen in #koha 17 hours, 31 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <tcohen> morning |
06:47 |
dcook |
@later tell tcohen Have you heard from bgkriegel in the last few months? I'm trying to get him to add a language to translate.koha-community.org but haven't heard from him since September... |
06:47 |
huginn |
dcook: The operation succeeded. |
06:47 |
dcook |
@seen bgkriegel |
06:47 |
huginn |
dcook: bgkriegel was last seen in #koha 9 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours, 20 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: <bgkriegel> Ok, need to go, bye all :) |
07:08 |
* magnuse |
waves |
07:10 |
aslak joined #koha |
07:22 |
BobB_ |
hi mtj |
07:26 |
BobB_ |
if you are about at all tonight, could you take a peek at rt 2595 plese? |
07:26 |
BobB_ |
somehow I feel we don't have the full story |
07:26 |
BobB_ |
why is one person having a problem that others aren't? |
07:26 |
BobB_ |
but on different devices? |
07:46 |
reiveune joined #koha |
07:46 |
reiveune |
hello |
07:46 |
AndrewIsh joined #koha |
07:47 |
Francesca joined #koha |
07:54 |
alex_a joined #koha |
07:55 |
paul_p joined #koha |
07:56 |
alex_a |
bonjour |
07:58 |
rkrimme1 joined #koha |
08:08 |
ashimema joined #koha |
08:11 |
tuxayo joined #koha |
08:28 |
greenjimll joined #koha |
08:29 |
Francesca joined #koha |
08:30 |
gaetan_B joined #koha |
08:30 |
gaetan_B |
hello |
08:36 |
anuja joined #koha |
08:43 |
fridolin joined #koha |
08:44 |
fridolin |
hi there |
08:45 |
m23_ joined #koha |
09:03 |
andreashm joined #koha |
09:07 |
Francesca joined #koha |
09:17 |
* andreashm |
waves |
09:19 |
magnuse |
hiya andreashm |
09:19 |
andreashm |
hi magnuse! |
09:24 |
aslak joined #koha |
10:20 |
m23_ joined #koha |
10:36 |
LibraryClaire joined #koha |
10:37 |
LibraryClaire left #koha |
11:19 |
andreashm joined #koha |
11:20 |
andreashm |
tcohen: around? |
11:23 |
LibraryClaire1 joined #koha |
11:24 |
LibraryClaire1 left #koha |
11:30 |
tuxayo joined #koha |
12:00 |
dpk joined #koha |
12:10 |
magnuse |
andreashm: a bit too early i think |
12:23 |
tcohen |
Morning |
12:23 |
tcohen |
Not yet, but will read later |
12:32 |
andreashm |
alright |
12:36 |
meliss joined #koha |
12:40 |
caboose joined #koha |
12:47 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
12:49 |
oleonard joined #koha |
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nengard joined #koha |
13:00 |
kellym joined #koha |
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LibraryClaire joined #koha |
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mtompset joined #koha |
13:04 |
LibraryClaire left #koha |
13:12 |
meliss joined #koha |
13:12 |
tcohen |
hi |
13:15 |
LibraryClaire1 joined #koha |
13:15 |
LibraryClaire1 left #koha |
13:18 |
tcohen |
andreashm: whatsup? |
13:19 |
cait joined #koha |
13:31 |
andreashm |
. |
13:31 |
andreashm |
tcohen: I was wondering if bug 15165 works for you? |
13:32 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=15165 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, alex.arnaud, Failed QA , REST API routes to list, edit and pay borrower's accountlines |
13:32 |
andreashm |
It won't apply for me on master. It applied on a 17.05 server we have though. but then I got strange errors |
13:32 |
andreashm |
all accountlines read "Expected number - got string" |
13:33 |
andreashm |
I was wondering if you've encountered something similar? |
13:34 |
tcohen |
andreashm: I'll reach the office in some minutes and can try to take a look. I agree with khall that the code might need to be adjusted now we have the account_offsets feature |
13:35 |
andreashm |
tcohen: ok, thanks! |
13:36 |
andreashm |
account_offsets might be the reason it won't apply on master I'm guessing |
13:37 |
jzairo joined #koha |
13:38 |
JesseDhammu joined #koha |
13:39 |
LibraryClaire joined #koha |
13:39 |
TribbleX joined #koha |
13:39 |
LibraryClaire left #koha |
13:43 |
TribbleX |
Hello, if I borrow a book to someone and searching for the book with the bar code nummer ... what marc21 field number is the bar code? I take my marc21 fields by this list https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibli[…]hic/ecbdlist.html but there is no bar code in. Could someone write me the correct field number, please? |
13:44 |
eythian |
it's in 952, and is specific to koha |
13:45 |
eythian |
somewhere in the koha wiki there's a list of 952 fields |
13:45 |
LibraryClaire1 joined #koha |
13:45 |
LibraryClaire1 left #koha |
13:45 |
magnuse |
TribbleX: https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]data_fields_(9xx) |
13:47 |
cait joined #koha |
13:50 |
TribbleX |
952$p I suppose this is the correct number ... Thank you. In my list, there are no 9xx numbers :-( This sucks!!! |
13:51 |
tcohen |
@seen Joubu |
13:51 |
huginn |
tcohen: Joubu was last seen in #koha 17 hours, 4 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: <Joubu> There are major and critical bugs for everybody |
13:53 |
cait |
add quote? |
13:53 |
tcohen |
I never learnt to do it |
13:53 |
tcohen |
:-P |
13:53 |
kmlussier joined #koha |
13:53 |
Joubu |
hola |
13:54 |
cait1 joined #koha |
14:02 |
georgewilliams joined #koha |
14:08 |
LibraryClaire joined #koha |
14:09 |
caroline_ joined #koha |
14:09 |
NateC joined #koha |
14:10 |
LibraryClaire left #koha |
14:10 |
Joubu |
general meeting? |
14:10 |
Joubu |
we are late |
14:11 |
mveron joined #koha |
14:11 |
mveron |
Hi again #koha |
14:11 |
kidclamp |
I have to leavbe for dentist shortly so cannot chair |
14:12 |
Joubu |
#startmeeting General IRC meeting 8 November 2017 |
14:12 |
huginn |
Meeting started Wed Nov 8 14:12:49 2017 UTC. The chair is Joubu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:12 |
huginn |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:12 |
Topic for #koha is now (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:12 |
huginn |
The meeting name has been set to 'general_irc_meeting_8_november_2017' |
14:13 |
Margaret joined #koha |
14:13 |
Joubu |
#link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]g_8_November_2017 |
14:13 |
Joubu |
#topic Introductions |
14:13 |
Topic for #koha is now Introductions (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:13 |
cait joined #koha |
14:13 |
Joubu |
#info Jonathan Druart |
14:13 |
georgewilliams |
#info George Williams Northeast Kansas Library System |
14:14 |
Joubu |
We lost a bot |
14:14 |
mveron |
#info Marc Véron, Switzerland |
14:14 |
kidclamp |
#info Nick Clemens, ByWater SOlutions |
14:15 |
Joubu |
nobody else, really? |
14:15 |
oleonard |
#info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries |
14:16 |
Joubu |
it's 14UTC, right? |
14:16 |
NateC |
#info Nate Curulla ByWater |
14:17 |
oleonard |
cait? khall? fridolin? magnuse? |
14:17 |
JesseM |
#info Jesse Maseto, BWS |
14:17 |
barton joined #koha |
14:17 |
JoshB joined #koha |
14:17 |
jzairo |
#info Jessie Zairo ByWater |
14:17 |
fridolin |
#info Fridolin Somers , Biblibre France |
14:17 |
kellym |
#info kelly mcelligott, bywater solutions |
14:17 |
JesseM |
Hiya fridolin |
14:17 |
NateC |
oleonard: khall was very sick, not sure if hes in today |
14:18 |
fridolin |
hie everybody |
14:18 |
Margaret |
Hi, I'm Margaret, also part of the ByWater clan. |
14:18 |
fridolin |
BW in the place ;) |
14:18 |
JesseM |
:) |
14:18 |
Joubu |
#topic Announcements |
14:18 |
Topic for #koha is now Announcements (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:19 |
Joubu |
Anyone have something to announce? |
14:19 |
georgewilliams |
Koha-US will be having a meeting this morning in about two hours |
14:19 |
georgewilliams |
let me find the link |
14:20 |
georgewilliams |
https://kslib.zoom.us/j/450230564 |
14:20 |
georgewilliams |
1630 UTC |
14:20 |
Joubu |
tell them to join general IRC meeting ;) |
14:20 |
georgewilliams |
I will, again, remind the members |
14:20 |
Joubu |
something else? |
14:21 |
* kidclamp |
has to run to dentist - I volunteer for all the things and +1 any proposals ;-) |
14:21 |
Joubu |
good to know |
14:21 |
Joubu |
#topic Update from the Release Manager (17.11) |
14:21 |
Topic for #koha is now Update from the Release Manager (17.11) (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:22 |
Joubu |
#info 17.11 will be release (unless big issues) on Nov 28 |
14:23 |
magnuse |
#info Magnus Enger, Libriotech, Norway |
14:23 |
magnuse |
(will have to run shortly) |
14:23 |
Joubu |
#info Feature freeze is passed, only ILL (bug 7317) and OneClickdigital/Recorded (bug 17602) are still candidate for inclusion |
14:24 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7317 new feature, P5 - low, ---, alex.sassmannshausen, Failed QA , Add an Interlibrary Loan Module to Circulation and OPAC |
14:24 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=17602 new feature, P5 - low, ---, chris, Failed QA , Integrate support for OneClickdigital/Recorded Books API |
14:24 |
Joubu |
but are FQA. I am not going to pushed them if not fixed in the next 2 days |
14:25 |
Joubu |
#info And string freeze is Friday! |
14:25 |
Joubu |
If you have time to dedicate to the bugs in our bug tracker, it's time for bug fixes |
14:25 |
Joubu |
It does not make lot of sense to SO or rebase enh/ft |
14:25 |
* magnuse |
will try to find some more time to spend on 7317 |
14:25 |
Joubu |
(but do what you want :)) |
14:26 |
Joubu |
magnuse: sync with tcohen! |
14:26 |
magnuse |
i am |
14:26 |
Joubu |
I do not have much to say, any questions? |
14:26 |
JesseM |
magnuse++ |
14:26 |
* magnuse |
really, really hopes 7317 makes it in |
14:27 |
Joubu |
me too magnuse, I spent lot of time reviewing it |
14:27 |
Joubu |
#topic Updates from the Release Maintainers |
14:27 |
Topic for #koha is now Updates from the Release Maintainers (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:27 |
magnuse |
there are enough people interested in it that problems will be fixed if they show up |
14:27 |
magnuse |
Joubu++ |
14:27 |
Joubu |
RMaints around? |
14:27 |
Joubu |
#topic Updates from the QA team |
14:27 |
Topic for #koha is now Updates from the QA team (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:27 |
Joubu |
QAers around? |
14:28 |
Joubu |
#topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) |
14:28 |
Topic for #koha is now General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:28 |
Joubu |
Someone? |
14:28 |
Joubu |
Am I too fast? |
14:29 |
tcohen |
I wanted to mention |
14:29 |
Joubu |
So... I think we should have vote for the next release team, but not sure we have a quorum. And nobody added it to the agenda |
14:29 |
tcohen |
that while not perfect, my patches adding pagination, query building routines, etc for the REST endpoints |
14:29 |
tcohen |
are a good starting point to standarize things and allow later enhancements, please help those bugs move |
14:30 |
tcohen |
even failing them with new ideas on how to do things is welcome |
14:30 |
Joubu |
bug#? |
14:31 |
tcohen |
bug 19369, bug 19370, bug 19234 |
14:31 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19369 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Add a helper function for translating pagination params into SQL::Abstract |
14:31 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19370 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Add a helper function for translating order_by params into SQL::Abstract |
14:31 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19234 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Add query parameters handling helpers |
14:31 |
kholt joined #koha |
14:32 |
Joubu |
#info please help REST patch 19369, 19370, 19234 (When all the other bugfixes will be QAed) |
14:32 |
Joubu |
:) |
14:32 |
Joubu |
#topic Set time of next meeting |
14:32 |
Topic for #koha is now Set time of next meeting (Meeting topic: General IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:32 |
tcohen |
:-P |
14:32 |
Joubu |
so, vote next week? |
14:32 |
Joubu |
tomorrow? |
14:33 |
tcohen |
tomorrow |
14:33 |
tcohen |
we need you around to explain things on your proposal |
14:33 |
Joubu |
How will we do to get more attendees? |
14:34 |
tcohen |
11 atendees is ok |
14:35 |
Joubu |
so vote now? |
14:35 |
tcohen |
12 cif we count tcohen |
14:35 |
Gabriel_ joined #koha |
14:36 |
georgewilliams |
If you are concerned about adding this to an agenda and having more attendees, I don't think a meeting tomorrow is going to get more attendees |
14:36 |
tcohen |
the problem is the vote was not on the agenda, right? |
14:36 |
TribbleX |
It´s me ... again ... sorry ... If I give my bar code number in the borrow text field and press the button, koha crashes. If I give the number in the catalog searching field, I get my book! |
14:37 |
Joubu |
tcohen: I think we are supposed to announce the vote |
14:37 |
mveron |
I'm for voting next week, with announcement. |
14:37 |
Joubu |
we schedule this meeting 3w after the last one, to have time for vote |
14:37 |
Joubu |
but we did not announce it.. |
14:38 |
Joubu |
I won't attend it |
14:38 |
Joubu |
it's today or tomorrow |
14:38 |
tcohen |
The proposal has been in place for a while now, I think we can safely schedule for next week |
14:38 |
Joubu |
people will not have questions anyway |
14:39 |
tcohen |
and make the announcement today |
14:39 |
JesseDhammu_ joined #koha |
14:39 |
tcohen |
people will volunteer Joubu for more things |
14:39 |
Joubu |
Did anyone read the proposal? |
14:39 |
tcohen |
but he would do them anyway, as usual :-P |
14:41 |
Joubu |
next meeting 15 November 2017, 14 UTC? |
14:41 |
tcohen |
yes |
14:41 |
Joubu |
#info Next meeting: 15 November 2017, 14 UTC? |
14:41 |
Joubu |
#endmeeting |
14:41 |
Topic for #koha is now Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software http://koha-community.org |
14:41 |
huginn |
Meeting ended Wed Nov 8 14:41:28 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
14:41 |
huginn |
Minutes: http://meetings.koha-community[…]-11-08-14.12.html |
14:41 |
huginn |
Minutes (text): http://meetings.koha-community[…]7-11-08-14.12.txt |
14:41 |
huginn |
Log: http://meetings.koha-community[…]08-14.12.log.html |
14:41 |
tcohen |
I will chair |
14:42 |
cait joined #koha |
14:42 |
* magnuse |
wanders off |
14:52 |
* fridolin |
nothing special for RMaint 17.05 |
14:53 |
* cait |
is not really here :) |
14:55 |
tcohen |
#startmeeting Development IRC meeting 8 November 2017 |
14:55 |
huginn |
Meeting started Wed Nov 8 14:55:06 2017 UTC. The chair is tcohen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. |
14:55 |
huginn |
Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. |
14:55 |
Topic for #koha is now (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:55 |
huginn |
The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_8_november_2017' |
14:55 |
tcohen |
#topic Introductions |
14:55 |
Topic for #koha is now Introductions (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:55 |
oleonard |
#info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries |
14:55 |
tcohen |
#info Tomas Cohen Arazi, Theke Solutions |
14:55 |
cait |
#info Katrin Fischer, BSZ (not really here today) |
14:55 |
tcohen |
#link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]13_September_2017 |
14:56 |
tcohen |
no |
14:56 |
tcohen |
#link https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]g_8_November_2017 |
14:56 |
Joubu |
#info Jonathan Druart |
14:56 |
tuxayo |
#info Victor Grousset, BibLibre |
14:56 |
tcohen |
#topic Announcements |
14:56 |
Topic for #koha is now Announcements (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
14:57 |
soniaB joined #koha |
14:57 |
tcohen |
any announcements? |
14:59 |
cait |
feature frezeze on friday and waht's on? |
14:59 |
cait |
string freeze |
15:00 |
tcohen |
#info What's on #16 - https://koha-community.org/wha[…]in-koha-devel-16/ |
15:00 |
oleonard |
Joubu++ |
15:00 |
cait |
Joubu++ |
15:00 |
tcohen |
hi soniaB |
15:00 |
soniaB |
Hi |
15:01 |
Joubu |
#info 17.11 will be release (unless big issues) on Nov 28 |
15:02 |
Joubu |
#info Feature freeze is passed, only ILL (bug 7317) and OneClickdigital/Recorded (bug 17602) are still candidate for inclusion |
15:02 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7317 new feature, P5 - low, ---, alex.sassmannshausen, Failed QA , Add an Interlibrary Loan Module to Circulation and OPAC |
15:02 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=17602 new feature, P5 - low, ---, chris, Failed QA , Integrate support for OneClickdigital/Recorded Books API |
15:02 |
Joubu |
#info And string freeze is Friday! |
15:04 |
tcohen |
#topic Update from the Release Maintainers |
15:04 |
Topic for #koha is now Update from the Release Maintainers (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
15:06 |
tcohen |
nothing? |
15:06 |
mveron |
#info Marc Véron, Switzerland |
15:08 |
tcohen |
ok, I will move on |
15:08 |
tcohen |
and probably end the meeting if there's nothing to comment on |
15:08 |
tcohen |
#topic General development discussion |
15:08 |
Topic for #koha is now General development discussion (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
15:10 |
* oleonard |
hopes Bug 19474 will be considered early in the next release cycle! |
15:10 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19474 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Convert staff client CSS to SCSS |
15:10 |
Joubu |
Remind me that in about 1 month :) |
15:11 |
greenjimll |
#info Jon Knight, Loughborough University |
15:11 |
tcohen |
oleonard++ |
15:12 |
greenjimll |
Is it OK to discuss specific bugs? |
15:13 |
tcohen |
yes, greenjimll |
15:13 |
tcohen |
#info oleonard proposes Bug 19474 to be considered early in the next release cycle, Joubu asks for a reminder |
15:14 |
mveron |
Same for Bug 18483 |
15:14 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18483 enhancement, P4, ---, veron, In Discussion , Customised help: Enhance staff client with news based, easily editable help system |
15:14 |
greenjimll |
Cool. We've been using ilsdi.pl to start to integrate Koha with Exlibris's CampusM app product, and have been suggesting to them to use email address as the id_type. When I looked at Bug 13990 though it didn't mention email. Is using any borrower table column a feature and if so should it be documented? |
15:14 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=13990 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , ILS-DI LookupPatron Requries ID Type |
15:15 |
Joubu |
mveron: I have answered several times already |
15:15 |
Joubu |
I am willing to help to write something more robust |
15:16 |
mveron |
It was just a riminder not to forget the online help stuff. Let's move it after the release. |
15:17 |
mveron |
reminder |
15:17 |
Joubu |
my plan for the manual is: 1. make it translatable (I am waiting for Bernardo to get root access on Pootle) then 2. unify online and local help |
15:18 |
Joubu |
at that point we will get only 1 help, we could then easily (I think) make it editable and add local commits |
15:20 |
tcohen |
#info Jonathan's plan for the manual is 1. make it translatable (I am waiting for Bernardo to get root access on Pootle) then 2. unify online and local help at that point we will get only 1 help, we could then easily (I think) make it editable and add local commits |
15:20 |
mveron |
Joubu: Do you think an editable local help system will be ready for the 2018 release? - I'm sorry, I have not much funds and time in the next months. |
15:21 |
Joubu |
I hope so, yes |
15:21 |
Joubu |
If I get help for SO and QA |
15:22 |
cait |
have to leave - bye all |
15:23 |
tcohen |
bye cait |
15:23 |
mveron |
bye cait |
15:23 |
tcohen |
#koha anythign else? |
15:23 |
Joubu |
nope |
15:23 |
Joubu |
nope for me |
15:23 |
mveron |
greenjimnll had a question about 13990 |
15:25 |
mveron |
greenjimll - Bug 13990 |
15:25 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=13990 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , ILS-DI LookupPatron Requries ID Type |
15:25 |
greenjimll |
Yeah, it was more a general question about the scope of ilsdi types. At the moment any borrower table field can be a type. Is that OK/expected? |
15:25 |
Joubu |
I have no idea |
15:25 |
Joubu |
tcohen: ?^ |
15:26 |
greenjimll |
I noticed the issue when trawling through bugs and picked up 13990 to write a bit of code to handle no id_type given. |
15:26 |
tcohen |
greenjimll: I suggest you send an email with the specific question to koha-devel. People familiar with ILS-DI I know (khall, rangi) are not present right now |
15:26 |
cait left #koha |
15:26 |
greenjimll |
OK, will do. |
15:26 |
tcohen |
You will get more feedback |
15:26 |
talljoy joined #koha |
15:26 |
tcohen |
greenjimll: next time, add the subject to the agenda |
15:27 |
tcohen |
so people familiar with the subject have time to think about it, and probably make the effort to attend |
15:31 |
tcohen |
oleonard: was there any move on the experiments about webpack/gulp, etc |
15:31 |
jbeno joined #koha |
15:33 |
oleonard |
At this time I think webpack isn't right for us for several reasons. gulp I think will be a good fit, and I'm excited to start to do more with it once that SCSS bug is in place. |
15:33 |
tcohen |
awesome |
15:33 |
tcohen |
ok |
15:33 |
tcohen |
if there's nothing else |
15:34 |
tcohen |
#topic Set time of next meeting |
15:34 |
Topic for #koha is now Set time of next meeting (Meeting topic: Development IRC meeting 8 November 2017) |
15:35 |
tcohen |
November 29th, 21 UTC ? |
15:35 |
tcohen |
objections? |
15:36 |
oleonard |
Not from me. |
15:36 |
Joubu |
maybe 22 |
15:36 |
* Joubu |
does not know |
15:36 |
Joubu |
22UTC |
15:36 |
tcohen |
Joubu: you won't be aroudn |
15:36 |
tcohen |
ah |
15:37 |
tcohen |
I prefer 21UTC |
15:37 |
tcohen |
anyone prefers 22UTC? |
15:37 |
Joubu |
maybe better for NZ |
15:38 |
greenjimll |
Either is OK for me, though if forced I'd opt for 22UTC. |
15:38 |
Joubu |
use 21 this time and we will ask them for the next one |
15:38 |
tcohen |
21UTC is 10AM in NZ |
15:38 |
tcohen |
Joubu: good idea |
15:38 |
edveal joined #koha |
15:39 |
tcohen |
#info Next dev meeting: November 29th, 21 UTC |
15:39 |
tcohen |
thanks everyone |
15:39 |
Joubu |
wait |
15:39 |
Joubu |
#info Next meeting: November 29th, 21 UTC |
15:39 |
Joubu |
like that please |
15:39 |
Joubu |
you can #endmeeting :) |
15:40 |
tcohen |
thanks |
15:40 |
tcohen |
#endmeeting |
15:40 |
Topic for #koha is now Welcome to #koha this channel is for discussion of the Koha project and software http://koha-community.org |
15:40 |
huginn |
Meeting ended Wed Nov 8 15:40:17 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) |
15:40 |
huginn |
Minutes: http://meetings.koha-community[…]-11-08-14.55.html |
15:40 |
huginn |
Minutes (text): http://meetings.koha-community[…]7-11-08-14.55.txt |
15:40 |
huginn |
Log: http://meetings.koha-community[…]08-14.55.log.html |
15:41 |
oleonard |
Thanks for chairing tcohen |
15:41 |
oleonard |
tcohen++ |
15:44 |
mveron |
Have a nice evening / daytime #koha |
15:52 |
TGoat joined #koha |
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paul_p joined #koha |
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fridolin left #koha |
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JesseDhammu joined #koha |
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sophie_m joined #koha |
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Joubu joined #koha |
16:38 |
reiveune |
bye |
16:38 |
reiveune left #koha |
16:50 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 18894: (QA follow-up) POD changes <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]dc21a7f28b5b74daa> / Bug 18894: Add ability to limit the number of messages sent by process_message_queue... <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]dbb512f3a576f5a61> / Bug 19537: (QA follow-up) Consistent structures <http://git.koha-community.org/gitw |
16:58 |
BobB joined #koha |
17:18 |
jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D8 build #289: UNSTABLE in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/289/ |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 10748: Add the ability to block return of lost items |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 10748: Add tests |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* m.de.rooy: Bug 10748: (QA follow-up) Add comment in SIP's do_checkin |
17:18 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=10748 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Add option to block return of lost items |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 10748: DBRev |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* nick: Bug 19420: Improve display of errors from failure of uploading file |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* m.de.rooy: Bug 19420: (QA Follow-up) Fix test, correct POD |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* nick: Bug 19420: (Follow-up) Add errors on other pages |
17:18 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19420 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Improve display of errors from failure of uploading file during stage import |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* m.de.rooy: Bug 19420: (QA Follow-up) Change in error reporting affects upload.pl |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* kyle: Bug 18882: Add location code to statistics table for checkouts and |
17:18 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18882 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Add location code to statistics table for checkouts and renewals |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* kyle: Bug 18882: (QA follow-up) Ensure stats with no or undef location are set |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 18882: DBRev |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 18882: DBIC Schema changes |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* nick: Bug 19537: Correct addition of source subfield from authorities |
17:18 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19537 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Authorities search doesn't correctly populate subfield $2 source of heading |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* m.de.rooy: Bug 19537: (QA follow-up) Consistent structures |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* kyle: Bug 18894: Add ability to limit the number of messages sent by |
17:18 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18894 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Add ability to limit the number of messages sent by misc/cronjobs/process_message_queue.pl at a time |
17:18 |
jenkins |
* m.de.rooy: Bug 18894: (QA follow-up) POD changes |
17:28 |
oleonard |
Mm, hot fresh patches. |
17:31 |
Joubu |
oooops |
17:34 |
JesseDhammu joined #koha |
17:35 |
Joubu |
thanks jenkins |
17:40 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 18882: (follow-up) DBRev <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]8e81cc43ae9164344> |
17:56 |
oleonard |
kshell++ |
17:56 |
oleonard |
tcohen++ |
17:56 |
tcohen |
hehe |
17:57 |
tcohen |
I'm still thinking of a watcher for people doing UI |
17:57 |
tcohen |
plus some live-reload lib |
18:06 |
jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
18:06 |
jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D8 build #290: FIXED in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/290/ |
18:06 |
jenkins |
Jonathan Druart: Bug 18882: (follow-up) DBRev |
18:06 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18882 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Add location code to statistics table for checkouts and renewals |
18:13 |
edveal joined #koha |
18:16 |
oleonard |
What is the new guideline for commit messages on follow-up patches? Don't duplicate the bug title? |
18:21 |
Joubu |
what kind of follow-up is it? |
18:21 |
oleonard |
Template follow-up to Bug 11879 |
18:21 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=11879 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mehdi.hamidi, Needs Signoff , Add a new borrower field : main contact method. |
18:22 |
Joubu |
What I had in mind is: it's a follow-up that can be squashed: use "Bug XXXXX: (follow-up) Same commit message as before" |
18:22 |
Joubu |
if it's a follow-up that fix something you forgot to implement or add something specific, same wording but change the commit message |
18:24 |
Joubu |
If you want to add something new, I do not think the '(follow-up)' marker is needed |
18:28 |
oleonard |
Thanks Joubu |
18:29 |
oleonard |
and bye all |
18:31 |
NateC joined #koha |
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pablo joined #koha |
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m23_ joined #koha |
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kathryn joined #koha |
18:48 |
m23_ joined #koha |
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PIt joined #koha |
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josef_moravec joined #koha |
19:23 |
PIt |
so i have a question |
19:23 |
PIt |
i have an older koha server running, that i would like to bring up to the latest release |
19:24 |
PIt |
is the upgrade straight out of the box, or more complicated? |
19:24 |
PIt |
i believe its running 3.16 |
19:41 |
tcohen |
bye |
19:42 |
Joubu |
PIt: backup the database with a mysqldump, install your new server (easier with debian 8 or 9 or ubuntu 16.04) and follow the wiki page |
19:43 |
Joubu |
https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ion_Documentation |
19:43 |
Joubu |
and reinject the DB |
19:48 |
PIt |
i think i tried that when the project got moved from a users machine in Virtual Box, to a permanent esxi host few years back, could never get it to work right |
19:48 |
PIt |
i ended up converting the VM image to one compatible with esxi |
19:48 |
PIt |
i can try again on a fresh box |
19:49 |
PIt |
also yes a new os will be nice to have, current is debian 6 |
19:51 |
Margaret_ joined #koha |
19:57 |
m23_ joined #koha |
20:06 |
greenjimll |
wizzyrea: thanks for marking bug 17675 as resolved fixed! |
20:06 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=17675 major, P5 - low, ---, wizzyrea, RESOLVED FIXED, Broken links to Koha documentation |
20:08 |
cait joined #koha |
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m23_ joined #koha |
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jbeno_away joined #koha |
20:33 |
wizzyrea |
np |
20:36 |
Kafilini joined #koha |
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m23_ joined #koha |
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MD__ joined #koha |
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josef_moravec joined #koha |
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josef_moravec left #koha |
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andreashm joined #koha |
21:08 |
* andreashm |
waves |
21:11 |
* cait |
waves back |
21:11 |
m23_ |
Many waves |
21:11 |
andreashm |
hi cait, m23_ ! |
21:16 |
m23_ |
Meeting is on schedule today or I missed something? |
21:16 |
cait |
both are over already i am afraid |
21:16 |
cait |
did you check the links on the wiki? |
21:16 |
m23_ |
Caramba |
21:17 |
* andreashm |
just read the logs |
21:17 |
andreashm |
cait: ou travelling this week? |
21:17 |
andreashm |
out |
21:18 |
cait |
yep |
21:18 |
cait |
training week |
21:20 |
andreashm |
anyplace fun? |
21:21 |
cait |
munich :) |
21:23 |
alexbuckley joined #koha |
21:23 |
andreashm |
nice. I think. I've only been there once, and just for a day, so don't really remember much. =) |
21:25 |
cait |
it's nice, but not getting out much :) |
21:26 |
cait |
not this time at least |
21:33 |
JesseM joined #koha |
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jbeno_away joined #koha |
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Margaret joined #koha |
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caboose joined #koha |
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