Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:23 |
Francesca joined #koha |
00:27 |
NateC joined #koha |
00:32 |
jac left #koha |
01:45 |
jbeno joined #koha |
02:00 |
mtj joined #koha |
02:20 |
Francesca joined #koha |
02:21 |
Francesca joined #koha |
02:39 |
cait1 joined #koha |
03:20 |
Francesca joined #koha |
03:33 |
Francesca joined #koha |
03:46 |
Francesca joined #koha |
03:53 |
Francesca_ joined #koha |
04:19 |
irma joined #koha |
04:36 |
irmab joined #koha |
05:00 |
irma joined #koha |
05:05 |
jbeno joined #koha |
07:00 |
laurence joined #koha |
07:07 |
cait joined #koha |
07:13 |
LibraryClaire joined #koha |
07:14 |
LibraryClaire |
morning #koha |
07:26 |
rangi |
morning europe |
07:26 |
LibraryClaire |
well hello rangi |
07:26 |
cait |
hey rangi and LibraryClaire |
07:26 |
LibraryClaire |
did I sleep through to the wrong time zone? |
07:26 |
LibraryClaire |
hi cait |
07:27 |
cait |
hm does that mean i can go back to sleep? |
07:27 |
LibraryClaire |
I might... *crawls under desk* |
07:27 |
* cait |
wants to |
07:27 |
rangi |
heh |
07:36 |
cait |
bbiab |
07:39 |
bag |
. |
07:39 |
bag |
hola |
07:39 |
wahanui |
kia ora, bag |
07:40 |
LibraryClaire |
07:40 |
LibraryClaire |
oh my, caps. |
07:40 |
bag |
heya LibraryClaire |
07:40 |
wahanui |
rumour has it LibraryClaire is the monster under my bed |
07:41 |
bag |
I am not going to sleep :P |
07:41 |
LibraryClaire |
:D |
07:45 |
gaetan_B joined #koha |
07:45 |
gaetan_B |
hello |
07:45 |
wahanui |
que tal, gaetan_B |
07:45 |
bag |
hello gaetan_B |
07:46 |
gaetan_B |
hey bag, what are you doing up this late ? |
07:46 |
bag |
getting ready for bed |
07:46 |
bag |
heh |
07:46 |
gaetan_B |
:) |
07:48 |
rocio joined #koha |
07:48 |
fridolin joined #koha |
07:49 |
fridolin |
hie there |
07:53 |
reiveune joined #koha |
07:53 |
reiveune |
hello |
07:53 |
wahanui |
hola, reiveune |
07:57 |
LibraryClaire |
hi fridolin, hi reiveune |
08:00 |
alex_a joined #koha |
08:01 |
alex_a |
bonjour |
08:07 |
josef_moravec joined #koha |
08:14 |
AndrewIsh joined #koha |
08:17 |
* magnuse |
waves |
08:19 |
bag |
magnuse: HI |
08:20 |
magnuse |
bag: HI |
08:20 |
bag |
magnuse: knuckles |
08:20 |
magnuse |
bag: knuckles |
08:21 |
magnuse |
\o/ |
08:21 |
magnuse |
and happy solstice everyone! |
08:24 |
LibraryClaire |
happy solstice magnuse :) |
08:25 |
magnuse |
happy solstice to you to LibraryClaire |
08:25 |
* magnuse |
wonders what solstice is called in german |
08:25 |
jbeno joined #koha |
08:26 |
magnuse |
ah Sonnenwende |
08:26 |
magnuse |
that was kind of disappointing |
08:26 |
LibraryClaire |
haha |
08:27 |
LibraryClaire |
we could refer to the winter one and make it Wintersonnenwende |
08:27 |
* LibraryClaire |
wonders how to make the word even longer |
08:29 |
bag |
get a cat |
08:36 |
magnuse |
i was expecting at least one "ch" and a "k" somewhere in there |
08:37 |
magnuse |
sonnendunkelschadewendungverbleibniß |
08:38 |
magnuse |
8 more public libraries in sweden choose koha: http://koha.se/koha-i-sverige/[…]bibliotekssystem/ |
08:47 |
rangi |
nice! |
08:48 |
rangi |
aleisha is getting through tidying up the region halland stuff too, 2 more bugs today |
08:48 |
alex_a joined #koha |
08:49 |
magnuse |
aleisha++ |
08:49 |
* magnuse |
goes afk for a bit |
09:01 |
cait joined #koha |
09:02 |
eythian |
hi |
09:02 |
wahanui |
kia ora, eythian |
09:03 |
LibraryClaire |
hi eythian |
09:03 |
* cait |
waves |
09:03 |
bag |
hiya |
09:03 |
cait |
this week is christmas |
09:03 |
cait |
*shocked* |
09:03 |
LibraryClaire |
shhhh |
09:03 |
* LibraryClaire |
has done no christmas preparation |
09:03 |
eythian |
neither do I |
09:03 |
eythian |
cait: you want a harder one to understand: next week is 2017! |
09:03 |
bag |
I’m just waiting for the presents to arrive |
09:04 |
bag |
ah 2017 is still more than a week |
09:04 |
cait |
sssh, that's too much for my poor tired brain |
09:04 |
LibraryClaire |
got to get to the UK and back in that time |
09:04 |
LibraryClaire |
that's far away |
09:07 |
eythian |
I have to go to Germany, that's also far away! |
09:10 |
irma joined #koha |
09:21 |
Francesca_ joined #koha |
09:45 |
gaetan_B |
has anyone got this https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]rfaces_by_URL_RFC working ? |
09:45 |
gaetan_B |
properly ? |
09:45 |
wahanui |
well, properly is title in arabic too? |
09:45 |
gaetan_B |
with plack ? |
09:47 |
Joubu |
gaetan_B: should work on 16.11 |
09:47 |
Joubu |
bug 16520 |
10:07 |
* rangi |
goes to sleep |
10:08 |
cait |
good night rangi |
10:10 |
eythian |
11:44am here today is the start of astronomical winter. |
10:10 |
* LibraryClaire |
tries to go to sleep too |
10:23 |
rocio left #koha |
10:37 |
khall joined #koha |
11:15 |
schnydszch joined #koha |
11:45 |
jbeno joined #koha |
12:20 |
marcelr joined #koha |
12:20 |
marcelr |
hi #koha |
12:22 |
schnydszch |
hi marcelr hi #koha |
12:22 |
marcelr |
hi schnydszch |
12:30 |
LibraryClaire |
hi marcer |
12:30 |
LibraryClaire |
er, marcelr :) |
12:30 |
marcelr |
hello LibraryClaire |
12:30 |
* cait |
waves |
12:31 |
marcelr |
and cait |
12:31 |
LibraryClaire |
and hi schnydszch |
12:35 |
tcohen joined #koha |
12:35 |
cait |
hi tcohen |
12:35 |
tcohen |
hi there |
12:35 |
wahanui |
bonjour, tcohen |
12:36 |
LibraryClaire |
hey tcohen |
12:37 |
marcelr |
hi tcohen |
12:43 |
oleonard joined #koha |
12:45 |
oleonard |
Hi all |
12:49 |
marcelr |
hi oleonard |
12:49 |
wahanui |
hi olé onard |
12:50 |
meliss joined #koha |
12:53 |
tcohen |
hi oleonard |
12:53 |
wahanui |
hi oleopard |
12:56 |
rsantellan joined #koha |
12:56 |
rsantellan |
good morning #koha |
12:57 |
eythian |
rangi: if you want to make some nice looking maps, just to show certain people what's what, this looks neat: http://leafletjs.com/index.html |
12:59 |
oleonard |
That looks nice eythian, thanks for sharing |
12:59 |
Joubu |
eythian: yes indeed, I have already used leaflet, it's very easy to implement |
12:59 |
Joubu |
bug 17802 ;) |
13:00 |
Joubu |
Bug 17802 - Hea - Add geolocation information |
13:01 |
eythian |
ah yeah, that's the sort of thing I was thinking. |
13:01 |
Joubu |
What I'd like for 17802 is a service we could link to from Koha where the admin could pick the geoloc from a map |
13:01 |
* oleonard |
wonders if summoning gmcharlt only works if we chant his name 13 times in front of the bathroom mirror in the dark during a middle school sleepover |
13:01 |
Joubu |
and we could retrieve them from an admin page |
13:02 |
eythian |
well, there are address fields in the branch config, you could theoretically geolocate based on that. But choosing on a map is good too :) |
13:04 |
Joubu |
yep but we have several branches per Koha install, and Hea retrieves info from a Koha install, not per branch |
13:05 |
eythian |
then make hea understand branches :) |
13:06 |
Joubu |
Bug 17803 - Hea - collect number of libraries per installation |
13:06 |
Joubu |
talked with rangi this morning and it seems 1. not easy to implement that idea and 2. not really useful |
13:07 |
Joubu |
so decided to just retrieve the number of branches per install |
13:10 |
jzairo joined #koha |
13:10 |
marcelr |
thx tcohen++ |
13:11 |
eythian |
Joubu: not that I have any skin in the game, having a little structure for each branch seems like a sensible thing to collect, even though there is very little data with them. But if you want more detailed geo data, then there's your excuse right there. |
13:15 |
Joubu |
yep, that's true. Will think about that |
13:16 |
gaetan_B |
the Pending offline circulation actions is giving pending operations but only for the site you are currently logged in to |
13:16 |
gaetan_B |
i think that's problematic, because if you use the module on a longer time span, return a book on one site, and issue it on another |
13:16 |
gaetan_B |
then you take the risk that the operations will be replayed in the wrong order |
13:17 |
gaetan_B |
i think this report shouldn't filter operations according to the current branch |
13:23 |
oleonard |
gaetan_B: That does sound problematic. I would hope that offline circulations would be ignored if there were a more recent transaction for that barcode already in Koha |
13:38 |
tcohen |
is there an entry somewhere explaining the supported authentication mechanisms in Koha?¡ |
13:38 |
gaetan_B |
oleonard: hmm that's a good point, but i'll need to test it toroughly then |
13:39 |
cait |
is huginn still missing? |
13:39 |
cait |
huginn? |
13:39 |
wahanui |
huginn is a weather forecaster |
13:39 |
cait |
@wunder Konstanz |
13:42 |
tcohen |
anyone? |
13:42 |
wahanui |
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? |
13:42 |
huginn joined #koha |
13:42 |
rsantellan |
tcohen: there is not a lot of documentation on the authentication mehanisms. Most of all the docs are on the code |
13:43 |
eythian |
@wunder jordaan, ams |
13:43 |
huginn |
eythian: The current temperature in Geuzenbuurt Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands is 6.4°C (2:41 PM CET on December 21, 2016). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 4.0°C. Windchill: 5.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Steady). |
13:43 |
magnuse |
tcohen: there is a beginning on https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]ha#Authentication |
13:43 |
magnuse |
@wunder enbo |
13:43 |
huginn |
magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 8.0°C (2:20 PM CET on December 21, 2016). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 62%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Windchill: 5.0°C. Pressure: 29.27 in 991 hPa (Steady). |
13:44 |
tcohen |
magnuse++ |
13:44 |
magnuse |
woohoo! |
13:44 |
schnydszch |
hi Libraryclaire |
13:44 |
LibraryClaire |
o/ |
13:44 |
LibraryClaire |
@wunder konstanz |
13:44 |
huginn |
LibraryClaire: The current temperature in Am Schmerzenmösle, Konstanz, Germany is 2.6°C (1:48 PM CET on December 21, 2016). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 85%. Dew Point: 0.0°C. Windchill: 3.0°C. Pressure: 30.39 in 1029 hPa (Falling). |
13:46 |
nengard joined #koha |
13:51 |
LibraryClaire |
oleopard? |
13:51 |
LibraryClaire |
oh wahanui you disappoint |
13:52 |
oleonard |
FWIW, I've now configured my IRC client to notify me on 'oleopard' too just in case. |
13:52 |
kidclamp |
oleopard++ |
13:52 |
LibraryClaire |
yes :D |
13:52 |
LibraryClaire |
oleopard++ |
13:53 |
kidclamp |
peerpressue++ |
13:53 |
tcohen |
hi kidclamp |
13:53 |
* LibraryClaire |
waves to kidclamp |
13:53 |
kidclamp |
hi all |
13:53 |
* kidclamp |
clamps |
13:53 |
marcelr |
hi kidclamp |
13:53 |
LibraryClaire |
:D |
13:55 |
magnuse |
@wunder boo |
13:55 |
huginn |
magnuse: Error: No such location could be found. |
13:55 |
magnuse |
@wunder enbo |
13:55 |
huginn |
magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 8.0°C (2:20 PM CET on December 21, 2016). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 62%. Dew Point: 1.0°C. Windchill: 5.0°C. Pressure: 29.27 in 991 hPa (Steady). |
13:55 |
magnuse |
13:56 |
magnuse |
but dark... |
13:56 |
oleonard |
@wunder 45701 |
13:56 |
huginn |
oleonard: The current temperature in Longview Hts, Athens, Ohio is -2.3°C (8:56 AM EST on December 21, 2016). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 75%. Dew Point: -6.0°C. Windchill: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.29 in 1026 hPa (Falling). |
13:56 |
LibraryClaire |
brrr |
13:57 |
oleonard |
But, uh... At least it's sunny? |
13:57 |
oleonard |
wb huginn |
13:57 |
* oleonard |
13:58 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
13:58 |
eythian |
@dunno stats |
13:58 |
huginn |
eythian: There are 5 dunnos in my database. |
13:59 |
eythian |
@dunno get 1 |
13:59 |
huginn |
eythian: Error: There is no Dunno with id #1 in my database for #koha. |
13:59 |
LibraryClaire |
don't confuse the bot, it only just came back! |
14:03 |
eythian |
@pong |
14:03 |
huginn |
|Ë™ | |
14:03 |
huginn |
| ‧ | |
14:03 |
huginn |
| .| |
14:03 |
huginn |
| . | |
14:03 |
huginn |
|. | |
14:03 |
huginn |
| ‧ | |
14:03 |
huginn |
| |‧ |
14:03 |
huginn |
I win! |
14:04 |
cait |
@pong |
14:04 |
huginn |
|Ë™ | |
14:05 |
huginn |
| ‧ | |
14:05 |
huginn |
| .| |
14:05 |
huginn |
| . | |
14:05 |
huginn |
|. | |
14:05 |
huginn |
| ‧ | |
14:05 |
huginn |
| |‧ |
14:05 |
huginn |
I win! |
14:05 |
LibraryClaire |
wahanui should play too |
14:05 |
wahanui |
LibraryClaire: sorry... |
14:05 |
LibraryClaire |
yeah... |
14:05 |
cait |
@eightball will we have snow on christmas? |
14:05 |
huginn |
cait: The outlook is poor. |
14:05 |
wahanui |
i already had it that way, huginn. |
14:06 |
* LibraryClaire |
wants some snow |
14:06 |
jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D8 build #71: SUCCESS in 1 hr 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_Master_D8/71/ |
14:06 |
jenkins |
* kyle: Bug 17692 - Can't add library EAN under Plack |
14:06 |
jenkins |
* kyle: Bug 17692: Remove 'CGI::param called in list context' warnings |
14:06 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=17692 major, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Can't add library EAN under Plack |
14:07 |
cait |
LibraryClaire: maybe outlook in UK is better? |
14:07 |
huginn joined #koha |
14:07 |
LibraryClaire |
cait: ööörgh, then all the transport will die and I'll be stuck |
14:08 |
cait |
ugh |
14:13 |
eythian |
@snow |
14:13 |
huginn |
o |
14:13 |
huginn |
o : o |
14:13 |
huginn |
'.'/.' |
14:13 |
huginn |
:->@<-: |
14:13 |
huginn |
.'/.'. |
14:13 |
huginn |
o : o |
14:13 |
huginn |
o |
14:13 |
huginn |
14:14 |
NateC joined #koha |
14:20 |
schnydszch |
anyone here from Greece? ;) |
14:24 |
schnydszch |
or any idea on Ko-happiest sponsorship last KohaCon? it will be much appreciated ;) |
14:25 |
Joubu |
schnydszch: http://kohacon2016.lib.auth.gr/?page_id=462 |
14:26 |
schnydszch |
I actually saw that, but I'd like to get ballpark figure on the price ;) |
14:26 |
schnydszch |
They can message me off chat at eugenegf yahoo.com or KohaCon17 gmail.com :) |
14:27 |
schnydszch |
Thanks Joubu BTW |
14:45 |
alex_a_ joined #koha |
14:51 |
barton joined #koha |
14:56 |
NateC joined #koha |
14:58 |
jac joined #koha |
15:06 |
talljoy joined #koha |
15:06 |
jbeno joined #koha |
15:06 |
m23 joined #koha |
15:25 |
Joubu left #koha |
15:25 |
Joubu joined #koha |
15:56 |
TGoat joined #koha |
15:59 |
khall joined #koha |
16:00 |
LibraryClaire left #koha |
16:10 |
fridolin left #koha |
16:16 |
reiveune |
bye |
16:16 |
reiveune left #koha |
16:41 |
eythian |
@wunder jordaan, ams |
16:41 |
huginn |
eythian: The current temperature in Geuzenbuurt Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands is 6.0°C (5:41 PM CET on December 21, 2016). Conditions: Light Drizzle. Humidity: 97%. Dew Point: 6.0°C. Windchill: 5.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Steady). |
16:41 |
eythian |
well, guess it's time to bike home in that. |
17:01 |
LibraryClaire joined #koha |
17:02 |
tcohen |
farewell SSH-1 |
17:09 |
oleonard |
My kohadevbox is so slow |
17:24 |
oleonard |
Can you change after creation the amount of memory a vagrant box uses? |
17:25 |
laurence left #koha |
17:38 |
librarian_pt joined #koha |
17:38 |
librarian_pt |
hi |
17:38 |
wahanui |
hello, librarian_pt |
17:44 |
LibraryClaire joined #koha |
17:48 |
librarian_pt joined #koha |
17:52 |
librarian_pt |
someone work with koha in Portugal? |
17:57 |
oleonard |
librarian_pt: https://koha-community.org/sup[…]pport/country/#pt |
17:58 |
oleonard |
Whoops, but their website has gone away |
17:59 |
oleonard |
But this one is active: http://www.keep.pt |
18:22 |
cait left #koha |
18:26 |
jbeno joined #koha |
18:41 |
JoshB joined #koha |
18:44 |
rangi |
morning |
18:44 |
oleonard |
Hi rangi |
18:44 |
rangi |
oleonard: yes |
18:44 |
magnuse |
oleonard++ for signing off bug 8630 |
18:44 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8630 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, xarragon, Signed Off , Add covers from AdLibris to the OPAC and Intranet |
18:44 |
magnuse |
kia ora rangi! |
18:44 |
rangi |
oleonard: what you do is open the vm in virtualbox itself, and then you can edit all sorts of things |
18:45 |
magnuse |
lots of swedes will be happy in may :-) |
18:45 |
rangi |
:) |
18:46 |
chris_n joined #koha |
18:52 |
LibraryClaire |
hi rangi |
18:52 |
rangi |
hey magnuse, oleonard and LibraryClaire |
18:52 |
LibraryClaire |
o/ |
18:58 |
alexbuckley joined #koha |
18:58 |
alexbuckley |
in #interns |
18:58 |
alexbuckley_ joined #koha |
19:44 |
cait joined #koha |
19:47 |
* cait |
waves |
19:58 |
nengard joined #koha |
20:02 |
rangi |
alexbuckley++ |
20:02 |
rangi |
for working on the new onboarding wizard, and for xmas mince pies |
20:03 |
rangi |
mikasmith++ # for the onboarding tool and cupcakes |
20:03 |
alexbuckley |
no worries rangi |
20:03 |
oleonard |
rangi: onboarding? |
20:03 |
kathryn joined #koha |
20:04 |
rangi |
yeah, once you run the webinstaller, now at the end it sends you off to create your first library, your first patron caegory and your first patron |
20:04 |
oleonard |
Excellent! |
20:05 |
rangi |
and then sends you off to koha itself and you can login with that, rather than ever logging in with the db user .. leave that for just doing the updates |
20:06 |
rangi |
they are getting close to having something ready to start putting patches up, and we can get the academy kids all testing it when they install koha for the academy too |
20:06 |
rangi |
oleonard: we could totally add the hea set up bit to it too, phase 2 |
20:07 |
oleonard |
I think if we really want to push participation we need to shove it in people's faces |
20:07 |
cait |
:) |
20:08 |
rangi |
yep, i wanted to get the privacy policy and stuff done first |
20:08 |
rangi |
but thats ready to be merged now |
20:08 |
rangi |
shift it to https .. and i reckon start shoving it :) |
20:09 |
mikasmith joined #koha |
20:12 |
nengard joined #koha |
20:13 |
JoshB joined #koha |
20:16 |
oleonard |
Where'd you get the language for the privacy policy rangi? |
20:16 |
rangi |
pull it out my butt |
20:16 |
rangi |
pretty much |
20:16 |
rangi |
bob helped me tidy it up |
20:17 |
liw |
slighly unsanitary |
20:17 |
rangi |
hehe |
20:17 |
oleonard |
Sounds very official, considering where you pulled it from. |
20:17 |
rangi |
i based it on info I gleaned from https://termsfeed.com/blog/eu-privacy-policy/ |
20:17 |
liw |
run it through wc before mergning |
20:18 |
rangi |
i figured aim for one that complies with EU, and it will be stronger than most other places |
20:18 |
cait |
heh |
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jzairo joined #koha |
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oleonard |
Bye. Probably won't see you all until next year, so I hope you have a nice holiday |
20:38 |
cait |
ah, now i missed oleopard |
20:38 |
cait |
as usual |
20:39 |
rangi |
heh |
20:43 |
rangi |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmfIfqZc-jE |
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aleisha joined #koha |
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Francesca_ joined #koha |
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