IRC log for #koha, 2013-11-02

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:15 Dyrcona joined #koha
00:18 talljoy pianohacker
00:18 pianohacker hey talljoy
00:18 talljoy so a lovely friday evening migration, circ files received.  guess what they didn't send.....
00:18 talljoy one guess
00:19 pianohacker any patron information whatsoever?
00:19 talljoy ding ding ding winner!!!!!
00:20 jcamins talljoy: but they included the last week's worth of circ transactions?
00:20 talljoy indeed!
00:21 jcamins talljoy: count your blessings? ;)
00:21 talljoy at least they sent me bibs AND items.
00:21 talljoy so, that's at least half a system
00:22 * talljoy looks for her bottle of wine
00:27 talljoy thank goddess it is a west coast library and they are actually still at work.  phew!
01:00 dpk1 joined #koha
01:27 rambuten @wunder 64507
01:27 rambuten huginn?
01:28 rambuten huginn? hey buddy, wake up
01:28 huginn rambuten: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready
01:28 rambuten no, I want the weather
01:28 rambuten @wunder 64507
01:28 huginn rambuten: The current temperature in Wyatt Park, St Joseph, Missouri is 8.9°C (8:28 PM CDT on November 01, 2013). Conditions: Light Rain. Humidity: 85%. Dew Point: 7.0°C. Windchill: 9.0°C. Pressure: 29.94 in 1014 hPa (Rising).
01:29 talljoy brrr
01:32 rambuten not so much really?
01:33 rambuten btw, talljoy, I somehow thought you worked at a library in TX, but from your website realize differently
01:34 rambuten now
01:34 talljoy well, i work in texas.
01:34 talljoy but not IN a library
01:34 rambuten yea, it was only your dialogue above that made me do the research
01:35 talljoy ah!
01:35 talljoy yes i play with library data.  best job in the world
01:44 rambuten btw, good post: KohaCon13: Funding Koha code cleanup
01:44 talljoy thanks
01:44 rambuten We had to leave right as rangi was starting to talk, and I had wanted to hear that presentation badly
01:46 talljoy hope i gave you a synopsis of the topic
01:46 rambuten you did indeed
02:07 NateC joined #koha
03:10 mtompset Have a great day, #koha.
03:28 Jwellner @wunder 98274
03:28 huginn Jwellner: The current temperature in Big Lake, WA, Mt Vernon, Washington is 10.8°C (8:15 PM PDT on November 01, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 96%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 29.92 in 1013 hPa (Falling). High Wind Warning in effect from 8 am to 8 PM PDT Saturday...
03:28 Jwellner Gee... just the hours I'm out with the Scout Pack tomorrow... JOY!
04:00 pianohacker Jwellner: boy or cub*
04:00 pianohacker ?
04:01 Jwellner Cubs... doing the Webelosree tomorrow all day
04:01 Jwellner But I did Popcorn Kernel duties this year for both the local Pack and Troop :)
04:02 pianohacker ahhhh, popcorn selling, I remember those days...
04:06 Jwellner we're very good at it... :)
04:06 Jwellner both units combined sold $37,000... and I got a little twitchy... lol
04:06 Jwellner or ONLY a little twitchy...
04:08 pianohacker Jeez. My efforts as a tall scout with the early beginnings of a mustache never got very much :)
04:09 Jwellner Oh I could have helped you with that... just like I did the Troop this year.
04:10 Jwellner My goal was for each Scout to hit $600, and the ones who sold, did by and large in the Troop
04:10 Jwellner Also getting them one of the better deals for the proceeds of their hard work helped too
04:10 Jwellner they were doing weird things in that unit
04:13 vinz3g joined #koha
04:14 vinz3g hi, good night, someone can help me with the following problem "Can't call method "param" on an undefined value at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/ line 661."
04:37 vinz3g hi??
04:37 Jwellner Hi!
04:37 Jwellner I'm sorry, I don't have an answer to that one for you...
04:37 vinz3g thanks
04:37 vinz3g :)
04:39 Jwellner I mean roughly I think it looks like an authentication issue, but beyond that I have no idea.  Still very very very Koha green.  We're migrating this weekend from Alexandria
04:41 Jwellner anyhow... time to head off... g'nite Koha!
04:42 Jwellner left #koha
05:04 vinz3g hi someone is awake?
05:04 vinz3g :)
07:02 j_wright joined #koha
09:01 * magnuse waves
09:39 cait-m_ joined #koha
14:40 edveal joined #koha
14:45 ebegin joined #koha
15:05 vinz3g joined #koha
15:07 vinz3g hello I have a problem with koha, wanting to perform a search I get an error like "can` t call method "param" on an undefined value at "
15:19 Dyrcona joined #koha
15:19 rambuten vinz3g: this is the weekend for most of the world and many regular people aren't online
15:20 rambuten try asking your question the day after tomorrow
15:31 dpk1 joined #koha
16:14 edveal I need some jQuery help anyone in here willing and able to give me a hand?
17:30 rambuten @wunder 64507
17:30 huginn rambuten: The current temperature in Wyatt Park, St Joseph, Missouri is 9.9°C (12:30 PM CDT on November 02, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 68%. Dew Point: 4.0°C. Windchill: 10.0°C. Pressure: 30.21 in 1023 hPa (Rising).
18:15 yipso joined #koha
18:20 cait-m_ joined #koha
18:21 cait-m_ @wunder konstanz
18:21 huginn cait-m_: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 10.4°C (7:20 PM CET on November 02, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 86%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Pressure: 29.86 in 1011 hPa (Rising).
19:52 cait-m_ joined #koha
20:28 cait-m_ joined #koha
20:50 cait-m_ joined #koha
20:58 fredy joined #koha
21:12 cait joined #koha
21:15 * cait waves to quiet #koha
21:30 * magnuse waves to cait
21:33 magnuse string freeze is upon us - should we have a gbsd next week, to focus on non-string changing *bugs*?
21:39 cait hm and general testing of the beta i would say
21:39 cait maybe we could add a list of "tested features" to the wiki page
21:39 cait or a table to note those
21:42 magnuse excellent!
21:42 magnuse friday a good date?
21:43 magnuse hm, let's discuss it tomorrow or something
21:48 cait-m_ joined #koha
22:11 cait left #koha
22:19 dpk1 joined #koha
22:27 cait joined #koha
23:44 tcohen joined #koha
23:50 tcohen hi christopher
23:54 tcohen @Å‚ater tell mtompset thanks for testing bash-completion. I need to figure how to make koha-list available for non-root user
23:54 huginn tcohen: downloading the Perl source
23:54 tcohen @later tell mtompset thanks for testing bash-completion. I need to figure how to make koha-list available for non-root user
23:54 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded.
23:56 jcamins tcohen: I dislike the idea of using setuid profoundly. I suggest that tab-complete should just suggest all instances.

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