IRC log for #koha, 2013-08-17

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Time Nick Message
00:02 tcohen oh, we already have a prototype ui for defining indexes
00:03 tcohen it writes yaml, but that can be fixed
00:03 jcamins tcohen: unfortunately, it preserves all the limitations of GRS-1.
00:04 * tcohen has new stuff to learn this weekend
00:07 tcohen bye #koha
00:31 jenkins_koha Starting build #52 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
00:59 jcamins For future reference, Windows Azure is really slow. Much slower than AWS.
01:04 mtj heya jcamins, thanks for the DOM info above :)
01:04 jcamins You're welcome.
01:05 mtj i had guessed that indexdata were replacing GRS1 with DOM, i just didnt know if it was 'ready yet'
01:06 jcamins Yeah, GRS-1 was deprecated in 2008.
01:06 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #52: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/52/
01:08 mtj the zebra online docs still call DOM experimental (but i guess thats just outdated doco)
01:08 jcamins Yeah, I think their documentation is 8 years old.
01:08 jcamins :P
01:09 mtj hehe, yeah :)
01:11 BobB hi mtj, jacamins
01:11 BobB I'm not usually here on Sat morning
01:12 BobB ... and won't be for long :)
01:17 MaxSayre joined #koha
02:07 mtj jcamins, ->
02:07 mtj hiya BobB
02:57 cjh joined #koha
03:03 cjh joined #koha
05:12 tcohen joined #koha
05:13 Oak joined #koha
05:15 Oak joined #koha
05:20 Oak joined #koha
07:14 cait joined #koha
07:16 MaxSayre joined #koha
07:19 MaxSayre_ joined #koha
11:01 cait @wunder Konstanz
11:01 huginn` cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 25.8°C (1:00 PM CEST on August 17, 2013). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 49%. Dew Point: 14.0°C. Pressure: 30.06 in 1018 hPa (Steady).
12:13 MaxSayre joined #koha
13:20 tcohen joined #koha
14:21 drojf joined #koha
14:39 cait hi drojf :)
14:40 drojf hi cait
14:40 drojf recovering from vacation? :)
14:41 cait kind of :)
14:56 mcooper joined #koha
14:56 cait hi mcooper
15:29 jenkins_koha Starting build #362 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:29 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #362: SUCCESS in 10 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/362/
15:29 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: update holds reports images
16:08 huginn` New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 10573: (follow-up) update license and copyright statement <[…]54e4dd9c53d8d4cdc> / Bug 10573: (followup) French translation for printing a basketgroup <[…]20108fa0b269ff770> / Bug 10573: French translation for printing a basketgroup <http://git.koha-comm
16:12 jenkins_koha Starting build #53 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE)
16:15 jenkins_koha Starting build #1372 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
16:48 jenkins_koha Yippie, build fixed!
16:48 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #53: FIXED in 35 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/master_maria/53/
16:48 jenkins_koha * Christophe Croullebois: Bug 10573: French translation for printing a basketgroup
16:48 jenkins_koha * Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel: Bug 10573: (followup) French translation for printing a basketgroup
16:48 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 10573: (follow-up) update license and copyright statement
16:48 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10573 normal, P5 - low, ---, christophe.croullebois, Pushed to Master , French translation for printing a basketgroup
17:30 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1372: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 14 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1372/
17:30 jenkins_koha * Christophe Croullebois: Bug 10573: French translation for printing a basketgroup
17:30 jenkins_koha * Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel: Bug 10573: (followup) French translation for printing a basketgroup
17:30 jenkins_koha * Galen Charlton: Bug 10573: (follow-up) update license and copyright statement
17:30 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10573 normal, P5 - low, ---, christophe.croullebois, Pushed to Master , French translation for printing a basketgroup
18:07 drojf1 joined #koha
20:31 tcohen joined #koha
21:30 mcooper joined #koha
21:40 NateC joined #koha
22:22 bgkriegel joined #koha
22:32 tcohen joined #koha
22:40 jcamins cait?
22:40 wahanui cait: go to bed
22:40 cait :)
23:00 jenkins_koha Starting build #336 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
23:07 sijobl joined #koha
23:08 sijobl hey
23:08 sijobl all good
23:38 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #336: SUCCESS in 38 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/336/
23:38 jenkins_koha Jonathan Druart: Bug 10290: UT: VirtualShelves.t needs to create its own data
23:38 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10290 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , UT: VirtualShelves.t needs to create its own data
23:39 jcamins Woohoo!
23:39 jenkins_koha Starting build #337 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)

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