IRC log for #koha, 2013-03-02

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Time Nick Message
01:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #28 for job Koha_Docs_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
01:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #302 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
01:36 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #302: SUCCESS in 12 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/302/
01:36 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: fix typo
01:36 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.8.x build #28: SUCCESS in 12 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ha_Docs_3.8.x/28/
01:36 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: fix typo
01:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #32 for job Koha_Docs_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
01:37 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.10.x build #32: SUCCESS in 17 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]a_Docs_3.10.x/32/
01:37 jenkins_koha Nicole C. Engard: fix typo
01:51 rangi yay no more failing docs
04:45 barriers_ joined #koha
05:58 cait joined #koha
06:03 cait1 joined #koha
06:05 cait1 joined #koha
06:05 cait1 joined #koha
06:40 cait1 left #koha
07:09 barriers joined #koha
07:26 qu-bit joined #koha
10:01 cait joined #koha
10:02 * cait waves
10:03 trendynick joined #koha
10:23 cait @wunder dortmund
10:23 huginn cait: The current temperature in Dortmund, Germany is 2.0°C (10:50 AM CET on March 02, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: -4.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 30.27 in 1025 hPa (Steady).
10:28 cait_ joined #koha
10:35 cait_ @quote random
10:35 huginn cait_: Quote #112: "gmcharlt: only superlibrarians can be trusted with capes" (added by wizzyrea at 09:17 PM, December 15, 2010)
10:35 cait_ @quote random
10:35 huginn cait_: Quote #170: "<jcamins> A lot of people seem to have no idea what they're running." (added by chris_n at 07:26 PM, December 07, 2011)
10:35 cait_ @quote random
10:35 huginn cait_: Quote #183: "oleonard: bridget jones + vampires, the only remaining mashup left." (added by wizzyrea at 07:36 PM, January 25, 2012)
10:36 cait_ @quote random
10:36 huginn cait_: Quote #72: "<nengard> it's evil xslt in the staff client" (added by jdavidb at 12:28 PM, April 29, 2010)
10:36 cait_ @quote random
10:36 huginn cait_: Quote #215: "mtompset> So would a Fire Weasel be a dev_hyperspace rift opening and spewing vast amounts of unformatted data at you?" (added by gmcharlt at 01:42 PM, August 22, 2012)
10:36 cait_ @quote random
10:36 huginn cait_: Quote #93: "Koha is not an acronym, so it should not be in all-capitals. Koha is a Maori word." (added by wizzyrea at 07:20 PM, September 09, 2010)
10:36 wahanui i already had it that way, huginn.
10:36 cait_ @quote random
10:36 huginn cait_: Quote #46: "<brendan> tip - don't pet a burning dog" (added by a user that is no longer registered at 04:08 AM, November 14, 2009)
10:55 magnuse happy birthday cait_ !!!
11:04 halcyonCorsair joined #koha
12:15 WaylonR joined #koha
12:15 WaylonR hi all.
12:15 WaylonR Zebra searches have gotten slower, are there any ways of tuning zebrasrv?
12:17 cait_ magnuse: thx :)
12:18 cait_ WaylonR: not sure what you can do there- did they suddenly slow down?
12:18 WaylonR for a while its been slow at searching apparently
12:20 cait_ WaylonR: weekends are quiet here - maybe try on the mailing list or monday
12:21 cait_ to ask again
12:28 cait joined #koha
13:33 drojf joined #koha
13:33 drojf good day #koha
13:45 cait_ joined #koha
13:46 cait joined #koha
13:56 cait @wunder Konstaz
13:56 huginn cait: Error: No such location could be found.
13:56 cait @wunder Konstanz
13:56 huginn cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 0.5°C (2:50 PM CET on March 02, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 85%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Windchill: -1.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Steady).
14:39 tcohen joined #koha
14:47 tcohen joined #koha
15:55 wajasu joined #koha
16:18 magnuse @wunder boo
16:18 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is -3.0°C (4:50 PM CET on March 02, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 64%. Dew Point: -9.0°C. Windchill: -10.0°C. Pressure: 29.30 in 992 hPa (Rising).
16:21 cait joined #koha
16:24 cait1 joined #koha
16:27 * cait1 waves
16:38 * magnuse waves back
16:43 wajasu i want to expose the koha staff client with https.  should i add a duplicated virtual host configured for https with apache? or try to use an ssl forward?
16:45 cait1 hi magnuse
16:46 cait1 wajasu: sorry - I don't know how it's done
16:46 wajasu i'll try an additional virtual host in apache.
16:47 jcamins I'd just change the current virtual host to HTTPS.
16:49 wajasu will try that
16:51 wajasu now that i got the library migrated to 10.2,  i will try to do some testing/fixes/signoffs.
16:52 wajasu Happy Birthday Katrin!
16:55 cait1 oh thank you :)
17:20 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9520' into 3.12-master <[…]d4fc930ec8f65c716> / Bug 9520: Increment version number <[…]e944ac91c0bcd4109> / Bug 9520 -[Revised] - Update default LOC Z39.50 target <[…]f;h=7e0f0178fb957
17:22 jenkins_koha Starting build #1065 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS)
17:30 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Merge branch 'bug_9445' into 3.12-master <[…]55f905bd59afc82ce> / Bug 9445 [Revised] Use DataTables in local use system preferences editor <[…]447f9d3a1a629b059> / Merge branch 'bug_9674' into 3.12-master <[…]/?p=koha.git;a=co
17:43 cait joined #koha
18:08 trendynick joined #koha
18:14 bgkriegel joined #koha
18:29 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1065: UNSTABLE in 1 hr 7 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1065/
18:29 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9617 - Replace YUI menu on catalog pages with Bootstrap
18:29 jenkins_koha * Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel: Bug 9520 -[Revised] - Update default LOC Z39.50 target
18:29 jenkins_koha * Jared Camins-Esakov: Bug 9520: Increment version number
18:29 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9617 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Replace YUI menu on catalog pages with Bootstrap
18:29 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9520 minor, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Pushed to Master , Update default LOC Z39.50 target
18:29 jcamins Yeah, yeah.
18:30 jenkins_koha Starting build #1066 for job Koha_master (previous build: UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1064 1 day 15 hr ago)
18:44 rangi hehe
18:44 jcamins rangi: any chance you could run updatedatabase?
18:44 rangi just did
18:44 jcamins Thanks.
18:44 rangi[…]ug.cgi?id=7813#c4
18:44 huginn Bug 7813: enhancement, P3, ---, jcamins, NEW , Add ability to delete local cover images
18:45 rangi i wonder if this person thinks making a comment like that is actually helpful
18:45 jcamins Probably not.
18:45 jcamins Probably s/he thinks that I am a minion with infinite time to do unpaid work.
18:47 rangi i read that as 'i didnt look so im gonna to just throw out a totally uninformed opinion anyway'
18:47 jcamins I don't see our interpretations being mutually exclusive. :)
18:48 rangi :)
18:53 jcamins And the answer, of course, is "probably not very different, but unless and until someone cares enough to pay for the time it would take to add that feature, that will be well below even my "waste-of-time-fun" projects.
18:55 rangi i just did my normal answer
18:55 rangi be rangi
18:55 wahanui There's a bug for that
18:55 rangi be rangi
18:55 wahanui Send a patch!
18:56 rangi that one :)
18:56 jcamins Hehe.
18:56 jcamins Does anyone know why using CSS is preferable than using a table for laying out search results?
18:56 rangi it isnt
18:56 rangi a table should be used for tabular data
18:56 rangi thats what they exist for
18:56 rangi imho
18:57 jcamins I know that CSS is preferable when you're laying out things in the same _cell_ of a table, but someone said something about it being a good idea to use a CSS grid instead of a table for search results.
18:59 rangi maybe its more responsive or something?
19:00 jcamins Oh, you know what?
19:00 jcamins I bet it was that it would be better to use CSS in a single row.
19:00 jcamins So you can choose the order of item type images.
19:03 jcamins Which makes sense, but doesn't have anything to do with my question, which was about putting the results into a column.
19:03 bgkriegel joined #koha
19:04 rangi hmm yeah
19:05 jcamins Nifty:
19:15 trendynick joined #koha
19:25 tcohen joined #koha
19:37 jenkins_koha Yippie, build fixed!
19:37 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1066: FIXED in 1 hr 7 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1066/
19:37 jenkins_koha * Corey Fuimaono: bug 9397 - Error Messages hard to find for Visually Impaired Users (Accessibility) [Returning Items] {REVISION 1.1}
19:37 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9675 - Replace YUI buttons on authorities home page with Bootstrap
19:37 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9674 - Replace YUI buttons and menu on acquisitions pages with Bootstrap
19:37 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9397 trivial, P5 - low, ---, agent.075, Pushed to Master , Error Messages hard to find for Visually Impaired Users (Accessibility) [Returning Items]
19:37 jenkins_koha * Owen Leonard: Bug 9445 [Revised] Use DataTables in local use system preferences editor
19:37 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9675 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Replace YUI buttons on authorities home page with Bootstrap
19:37 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9674 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Replace YUI buttons and menu on acquisitions pages with Bootstrap
19:37 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9445 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Use DataTables in local use system preferences editor
19:43 cait-m_ joined #koha
19:46 cait-m_ not the best birthday
20:03 cait joined #koha
20:11 cait @wunder Konstanz
20:11 huginn cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 0.0°C (9:00 PM CET on March 02, 2013). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 78%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Pressure: 30.25 in 1024 hPa (Rising).
20:26 bgkriegel joined #koha
20:28 cait joined #koha
20:40 trendynick joined #koha
21:57 cait joined #koha
22:06 barriers joined #koha
22:43 barriers joined #koha
23:04 cait joined #koha
23:06 indranil joined #koha
23:40 tcohen definitely, get_template_and_user does too much
23:41 jcamins tcohen: it sure does.
23:53 * cait waves
23:55 tcohen hi cait

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