Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:00 |
Space_Librarian |
wizzyrea I look forward to being educated on the joys of the brownie |
00:07 |
jcamins_away |
Mmmm... brownies. |
00:08 |
* jcamins_away |
ponders the ingredient list, and confirms that he seems to have everything he needs. |
00:08 |
eythian |
http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Hello_world/Text#Chef |
00:10 |
wizzyrea |
umm, yes, it does. And makes a lovely checkerboard pattern when you dump them out of the pan. |
00:10 |
wizzyrea |
basically it gives you biggish square brownies with both edges and middles |
00:10 |
* wizzyrea |
tries to find a picture |
00:11 |
jcamins_away |
eythian: awesome! |
00:11 |
* Space_Librarian |
suddenly wants brownies |
00:11 |
jcamins_away |
Space_Librarian: they're very easy to make. |
00:12 |
Space_Librarian |
I know. I just need to get my a-into-g and make some. |
00:13 |
jcamins_away |
And in another... 4 hours it'll be the weekend. |
00:14 |
Space_Librarian |
ooh. I should really go have lunch then |
00:14 |
jcamins_away |
That's a good idea. |
00:14 |
jcamins_away |
And visit the Belgian chocolate store. |
00:14 |
jcamins_away |
:) |
00:15 |
wizzyrea |
lol amazon - brownie edge pan - people who bought this also bought... doctor who? |
00:15 |
wizzyrea |
how amusing |
00:21 |
jcamins_away |
wizzyrea: I'm not seeing that. |
00:22 |
jcamins_away |
Which brownie edge pan are you looking at? |
00:28 |
wizzyrea |
jcamins - i am bewildered by this: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r[…]d/~3/MzzwYx-Qd5U/ |
00:28 |
wizzyrea |
well I"m trying to find it |
00:29 |
jcamins_away |
You mean, "why?" |
00:29 |
wizzyrea |
00:29 |
* jcamins_away |
has no idea. |
00:29 |
wizzyrea |
http://www.bedbathandbeyond.co[…].asp?SKU=17604449 |
00:30 |
jcamins_away |
wizzyrea: that doesn't suggest I buy Doctor Who. |
00:30 |
jcamins_away |
Bed bath and beyond doesn't even have Doctor Who! |
00:30 |
wizzyrea |
no. |
00:30 |
wizzyrea |
but the one on amazon did. But that wasn't THIS pan |
00:30 |
wizzyrea |
that is the one I hav |
00:30 |
wizzyrea |
have* |
00:30 |
jcamins_away |
Right, I've been looking on Amazon for that suggestion. |
00:31 |
wizzyrea |
lol |
00:31 |
jcamins_away |
It doesn't come up. |
00:31 |
* jcamins_away |
thinks maybe Amazon knows what it can convince you to buy. :P |
00:32 |
wizzyrea |
hrmph. |
00:34 |
jcamins_away |
I think maybe I'll make pizza anyway. |
00:36 |
rangi |
Space_Librarian: how many rows are in that file? |
00:36 |
jcamins_away |
I need a new kitchen scale. |
01:01 |
jcamins_away |
rangi: oh, are the subject headings you've been working on importing from CSV the same ones that Space_Librarian was girding up to do battle with? |
01:02 |
rangi |
nope, but she will need to do somehting similar |
01:02 |
jcamins_away |
Ah. I pointed out how useful the patch for bug 7284 would be to her. |
01:02 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7284 major, P3, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Authority matching algorithm improvements |
01:02 |
jcamins_away |
And to you, for that matter. |
01:02 |
jcamins_away |
Useful useful useful. |
01:03 |
rangi |
yup |
01:03 |
jcamins_away |
Now if only you had a way to test it... |
01:03 |
jcamins_away |
Hey! |
01:03 |
jcamins_away |
You do! |
01:03 |
jcamins_away |
:D |
01:03 |
rangi |
hehe |
01:05 |
jcamins_away |
Maybe I should figure out how to have huginn send a privmsg to *everyone*. |
01:06 |
jcamins_away |
Other than "@later..." |
01:06 |
* wizzyrea |
needs to go back to that |
01:06 |
* jcamins |
sees a useful irssi script. I'll call it "bugeveryone.pl" |
01:07 |
* jcamins |
will cron it. |
01:08 |
jcamins |
Bwahahaha! |
01:08 |
wizzyrea |
you |
01:08 |
wizzyrea |
---------------------------------- < the line |
01:08 |
wizzyrea |
;) |
01:09 |
jcamins |
Or, it could watch for /part commands, and leave a message for people as soon as they leave. |
01:10 |
jcamins |
wizzyrea: you know what they say about squeaky wheels. :) |
01:11 |
eythian |
"the squeaky wheel gets kickbanned"? :) |
01:13 |
jcamins |
eythian: not quite what I was thinking, but everyone will miss my delicious baked goods, and feel obliged to test 7284 so that I can be allowed back. :P |
01:13 |
eythian |
hehe |
01:14 |
wizzyrea |
curse you and your delicious baked goods! |
01:16 |
jcamins |
lol |
01:28 |
kathryn joined #koha |
01:30 |
melia left #koha |
01:33 |
Space_Librarian |
And back. mmmm.... chocolate |
01:33 |
Space_Librarian |
rangi, lemme check. I think it's 33k? |
01:33 |
rangi |
yep |
01:33 |
rangi |
that sounds right |
01:38 |
* jcamins |
has pizza batter. |
01:38 |
jcamins |
This is what comes of measuring by volume. |
01:40 |
Space_Librarian |
but didn't you have not enough tomato stuffs for pizza? |
01:40 |
jcamins |
I still don't. |
01:40 |
Space_Librarian |
And yes, I will need to do similar things with subject headings, so I'm waiting on awesomeness from rangi. |
01:41 |
Space_Librarian |
And have you tried pizza bianco? Using olive oil and garlic instead? |
01:41 |
jcamins |
But it's late enough that my wife will have eaten before she gets home, so I can make a single pizza, and that'll be enough. |
01:41 |
* jcamins |
doesn't have any olive oil. |
02:36 |
jcamins |
Woohoo! Brownies almost done, and the pizza's up. :) |
02:37 |
jcamins |
And a purring cat keeps on falling over on top of me. |
03:29 |
Brooke joined #koha |
03:29 |
Brooke |
o/ |
03:29 |
jcamins |
\o |
03:31 |
BobB |
judit ping |
03:32 |
BobB |
sorry wrong channel |
03:32 |
Brooke |
Bob, it's nearly beer o'clock |
03:32 |
Brooke |
what are ye doin' here, mate? |
03:38 |
ibeardslee |
mmm beer |
03:42 |
Amit_Gupta joined #koha |
03:43 |
Amit_Gupta |
heya bag |
03:43 |
Brooke |
namaste amit |
03:44 |
Amit_Gupta |
heya Brooke |
03:50 |
Space_Librarian |
adios all you awesome people. Have a wicked Friday/weekend! |
03:50 |
Brooke |
via con dios |
03:51 |
Space_Librarian |
:) |
04:05 |
libsysguy joined #koha |
04:16 |
libsysguy |
where is kohacon |
04:16 |
libsysguy |
man I was hoping the bot had an answer for that |
04:17 |
luisb joined #koha |
04:50 |
luisb joined #koha |
04:51 |
cait joined #koha |
04:52 |
cait |
hi #koha |
04:56 |
bag |
heya Amit_Gupta |
05:08 |
wizzyrea joined #koha |
05:19 |
cait |
hi bag |
05:43 |
wizzyrea |
cait, early or late? |
05:44 |
libsysguy |
has to be early |
05:46 |
cait |
early :) |
05:46 |
cait |
and late for you? |
05:46 |
cait |
6:45 here |
05:47 |
Amit_Gupta |
heya cait |
05:55 |
libsysguy |
well the VPN is down for maintenance…guess that means its time for bed for libsysguy |
05:56 |
libsysguy |
see you guys tomorrow |
05:57 |
libsysguy left #koha |
06:03 |
luisb joined #koha |
06:08 |
stuartyeates joined #koha |
07:21 |
libsysguy joined #koha |
07:28 |
magnus_away joined #koha |
07:28 |
magnuse |
kia ora #koha |
07:28 |
* magnuse |
finally figured out how to get his bip up and running again |
07:29 |
alex_a |
bonjour |
07:30 |
alex_a |
@wunder marseille |
07:30 |
huginn |
alex_a: The current temperature in Marseille, France is -1.0°C (8:00 AM CET on February 17, 2012). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 86%. Dew Point: -3.0°C. Pressure: 30.21 in 1023 hPa (Rising). |
07:31 |
cait |
@wunder Konstanz |
07:31 |
huginn |
cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is -0.2°C (8:29 AM CET on February 17, 2012). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 89%. Dew Point: -2.0°C. Windchill: 0.0°C. Pressure: 30.36 in 1028.0 hPa (Steady). |
07:31 |
cait |
good morning everyone |
07:31 |
magnuse |
@wunder boo |
07:31 |
huginn |
magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo Vi, Norway is 1.0°C (7:00 AM CET on February 17, 2012). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: -1.0°C. Pressure: 29.26 in 991 hPa (Rising). |
07:31 |
magnuse |
hiya cait |
07:31 |
magnuse |
alex_a: still colde in marseille? |
07:32 |
magnuse |
i thought the weather forecast on tv last night said +12 in Nice - isn't that quite close to marseille? |
07:35 |
alex_a |
magnuse: less than a few dauys |
07:35 |
alex_a |
days |
07:40 |
reiveune joined #koha |
07:41 |
reiveune |
hello |
07:43 |
cait |
tgif |
07:43 |
cait |
bbiab |
07:43 |
cait left #koha |
07:49 |
mbalmer joined #koha |
07:50 |
paul_p joined #koha |
07:50 |
hdl joined #koha |
07:52 |
paul_p joined #koha |
07:53 |
paul_p |
good morning koha ! |
08:04 |
* paul_p |
switches to mode "pushing patches" ... |
08:04 |
paul_p |
(starting by 7545, that is a real BLO) |
08:12 |
hdl joined #koha |
08:12 |
kf joined #koha |
08:12 |
kf |
hi #koha |
08:15 |
laurence joined #koha |
08:16 |
julian_m joined #koha |
08:18 |
sophie_m joined #koha |
08:18 |
mbalmer |
moanin |
08:19 |
sophie_m |
hello #koha |
08:19 |
paul_p |
hi kf & mbalmer |
08:19 |
matts joined #koha |
08:20 |
kivilahtio joined #koha |
08:21 |
kivilahtio |
#Good moorning #Koha! How do you deal with departments in your libraries? |
08:21 |
kivilahtio |
For example we have a library, which has a music department, a serials department, a books department, a municipal archives department... |
08:22 |
kivilahtio |
How can we differentiate where staff are working and from where the books can be found? |
08:23 |
kivilahtio |
Currently we have a library for every department, but that doesn't work very well. |
08:28 |
kivilahtio |
we get all the departments of all our area libraries in the libraries-facet even if we only wanted to have the main libraries visible |
08:29 |
magnuse |
kivilahtio: well, i don't think there are that many choices... |
08:29 |
magnuse |
have you looked at search domains? |
08:30 |
magnuse |
i'm not sure that would help, but it's one of the "tricks" i can think of |
08:33 |
kf |
morning paul_p |
08:34 |
kf |
kivilahtio: are the libraries in the same buliding? |
08:34 |
kf |
kivilahtio: I think I would only make it one library if you don't have book transport between them |
08:34 |
kf |
kivilahtio: and perhaps add a patron attribute or a note to the staff patrons |
08:34 |
magnuse |
kivilahtio: you can make the departments separate libraries - or you can use some combination of 952 fields - like Collection code, Shelving location... |
08:35 |
kf |
right, location would be a good candidate for the items |
08:35 |
paul_p |
kivilahtio we use shelving location too |
08:35 |
kivilahtio |
so shelving location it is |
08:35 |
paul_p |
it means the full location of a book is composed of : the library + the location + the callnumber |
08:35 |
paul_p |
location = field in items table, that can be mapped to an authorized value list. Dunno if it's a default in MARC21 (in UNIMARC it is) |
08:36 |
paul_p |
kf & magnuse will know better than me on this matter |
08:37 |
kf |
paul_p: it is in MARC21 too :) |
08:37 |
magnuse |
kf probably knows better than me, though... |
08:38 |
kf |
hmpf! |
08:38 |
kf |
I think we all know a lot about Koha :) |
08:38 |
kivilahtio |
:) |
08:49 |
laurence joined #koha |
08:58 |
magnuse |
thanks for pushing 7489 paul_p - i'll take the blame if it blows up :-) |
08:58 |
paul_p |
;-) |
08:59 |
magnuse |
and that will let me avoid a merge conflict when i do a new patch for bug 7537 too |
08:59 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7537 normal, P5 - low, ---, magnus, ASSIGNED , Implement TraceCompleteSubfields and TraceSubjectSubdivisions for NORMARC XSLT |
09:15 |
james joined #koha |
09:17 |
Guest2911 |
hello team. |
09:19 |
Guest2911 |
i have tried to search on Koha OPAC and am getting an error |
09:20 |
Guest2911 |
that no results found, what could be the problem |
09:20 |
Guest2911 |
? |
09:21 |
Guest2911 |
will really appreciate |
09:21 |
kf |
search faq? |
09:21 |
wahanui |
somebody said search faq was at http://koha-community.org/docu[…]on/faq/searching/ |
09:22 |
kf |
Guest2911: check the link - there are some things you can do |
09:22 |
kf |
Guest2911: normally the problem is: zebrasrv not running or data not indexed |
09:22 |
Guest2911 |
ok let me check the link |
09:23 |
Guest2911 |
wahanui: actually I have been looking for the solution for a week now |
09:23 |
wahanui |
Guest2911: i'm not following you... |
09:23 |
kf |
wahanui is our bot |
09:23 |
kf |
I asked him to give you the link |
09:24 |
Guest2911 |
what should I do the to fix zebrasrv and also indexing? |
09:25 |
* paul_p |
has pushed all bugs, now heading to ENH. Will do them from oldest to newest (bugzilla number) |
09:27 |
kf |
sounds reasonable :) |
09:28 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/new/bug_7367' <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]8df77e67ee2a68b48> / 7367: Make translation possible of Close this window <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]f22027e1120776713> / Bug 7203: Fixes typo - 'Mange' to 'Manage' in several files. <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p=koh |
09:28 |
kf |
Guest2911: read through the page I send you :) |
09:30 |
Guest2911 |
kf: I will , wahanui: it used to work before, but another librarian changed something that I couldnt figure it out. I have been really struggling to fix the error |
09:30 |
Guest2911 |
kf: Thanks, let me read follow the link |
09:31 |
paul_p |
Guest2911 no need to speak to wahanui, it's a bot/ a computer |
09:32 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #631 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) |
09:34 |
Guest2911 |
KF: Thanks, I did know that, now I know |
09:35 |
Guest2911 |
KF: Thanks, I didn't know that, now I know |
09:43 |
Guest2911 |
this is the error i get from search |
09:43 |
Guest2911 |
No Results Found! No results match your search for “kw,wrdl: |
09:50 |
Guest2911 |
will really appreciate your help |
09:52 |
paul_p |
Guest2911 you get "kw,wrdl: "and nothing after that ? it means you've entered no search, you won't get any results in this case |
09:59 |
moo |
Guest2911: your first question is.....is your zebra running? |
10:00 |
moo |
(that is always the first question for searching problems in Koha :) ) |
10:00 |
moo |
no zebra... then no search results ;) |
10:08 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 7246 add offset/length and where options to rebuild_zebra <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]e4440ac662b19f6b7> / Bug 7201 follow-up, fixing some indentation mistakes <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]5b5b1952f38ff4ca0> / bug_7201: Holds reports: add copynumber and enumchron <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb/?p |
10:18 |
francharb joined #koha |
10:18 |
francharb left #koha |
10:19 |
Irma left #koha |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #631: SUCCESS in 47 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/631/ |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* wizzyrea: Bug 7546 - cannot view subscription detail |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* Chris Cormack: Bug 7551 : Can only renew for the user you are logged in as now |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 7521: Templates should use receive_serials permission |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* magnus: Bug 7489 - Implement DisplayOPACiconsXSLT for NORMARC XSLT |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* f.demians: Bug 7406 Fix saved reports display paging inconsistency |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* gcollum: Bug 7114: Fixes the Funds' page display after the Filter link is clicked. |
10:20 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7546 blocker, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , Cannot view subscription detail - bareword error |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* gcollum: Bug 7530: Missing <li> tag in circ-menu.inc |
10:20 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7551 critical, P1 - high, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Any logged-in OPAC user can renew items for others using a properly constructed URL |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* gcollum: Bug 7203: Fixes typo - 'Mange' to 'Manage' in several files. |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
* m.de.rooy: 7367: Make translation possible of Close this window |
10:20 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7521 normal, P3, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Master , Cannot receive serials without full serials permissions |
10:20 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7489 normal, P5 - low, ---, magnus, Pushed to Stable , Implement DisplayOPACiconsXSLT for NORMARC XSLT |
10:20 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #632 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) |
10:20 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7406 normal, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , saved reports not showing right number |
10:20 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7114 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Hiding filters on funds page messes with layout |
10:20 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7530 minor, P5 - low, ---, gcollum, Pushed to Master , Missing <li> tag in circ-menu.inc |
10:20 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7203 minor, P5 - low, ---, melia, Pushed to Master , typo in breadcrumbs |
10:28 |
reiveune left #koha |
11:05 |
paul_p |
passed QA list empty ;-) busy morning for me ! |
11:05 |
paul_p |
21 signed-off to QA, will try to work on that this afternoon |
11:07 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #632: SUCCESS in 47 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/632/ |
11:07 |
jenkins_koha |
* jonathan.druart: Bug 5346: Linking suggestions and orders. |
11:07 |
jenkins_koha |
* Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 5346: Small display changes |
11:07 |
jenkins_koha |
* wizzyrea: Bug 6985 - remove kw,wrdl from the search results |
11:07 |
jenkins_koha |
* srdjan: bug_7201: Holds reports: add copynumber and enumchron |
11:07 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5346 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Linking suggestions & orders |
11:07 |
jenkins_koha |
* paul.poulain: Bug 7201 follow-up, fixing some indentation mistakes |
11:07 |
jenkins_koha |
* paul.poulain: Bug 7246 add offset/length and where options to rebuild_zebra |
11:07 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6985 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, wizzyrea, Pushed to Master , Hide "kw,wrdl:" from Search Results |
11:07 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7201 enhancement, P3, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , Hold to pull report needs extra fields |
11:07 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7246 enhancement, P2, ---, paul.poulain, Pushed to Master , rebuild_zebra.pl --limit option to allow partial re-indexing |
11:07 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #633 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) |
11:08 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 7540 - add id values to the legends in the patron entry form <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]6075786b5e818cd04> / Bug 7532 - remove dependency on Date::ICal <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]f0af03d51ff236d40> / Bug 7514 Choose OPAC language with URL parameter <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]eb/?p=koha.git;a= |
11:08 |
kf |
and happy jenkins :) |
11:08 |
kf |
!jenkins botsnack cookie ? |
11:08 |
jenkins_koha |
kf: yummy! how did you know that cookie ? is my favorite food? |
11:08 |
kf |
hehe |
11:32 |
kf |
jcamins_away: around? |
11:33 |
kf |
@later tell jcamins_away I have a marc21 question :) |
11:33 |
huginn |
kf: The operation succeeded. |
11:47 |
drojf joined #koha |
11:47 |
drojf |
hi #koha |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #633: SUCCESS in 47 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/633/ |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* jonathan.druart: Bug 7289: Adds editionstatement field in neworderempty |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* paul.poulain: Bug 7289 follow-up setting DBrev number |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* Katrin.Fischer.83: Bug 7289: Add biblioitems.editionstatement to missing sql files |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* matthias.meusburger: Bug 7312: Adds ISSN to serials/subscription-bib-search.pl results |
11:55 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7289 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , edition statement field |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* robin: Bug 7409 - add unzip and perl-doc dependencies to package |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* srdjan: bug_7458: A call number plugin |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* koha.sekjal: Bug 7509: Added index on items itemcallnumber |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* paul.poulain: bug 7509 follow-up, DBRev number |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* f.demians: Bug 7514 Choose OPAC language with URL parameter |
11:55 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7312 minor, P5 - low, ---, matthias.meusburger, Pushed to Master , Adds ISSN to serials/subscription-bib-search.pl results |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* robin: Bug 7532 - remove dependency on Date::ICal |
11:55 |
jenkins_koha |
* robin: Bug 7540 - add id values to the legends in the patron entry form |
11:55 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7409 normal, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , Missing dependencies for Debian package |
11:55 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7509 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , Create index for items.itemcallnumber |
11:55 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7514 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, frederic, Pushed to Master , Choose OPAC language with URL parameter |
11:55 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7532 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , opac-ics depends on Date::ICal which is largely unmaintained |
11:55 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7540 minor, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Master , Add ids to the legend elements to make it easier to tweak with javascript |
12:07 |
magnus_afk |
woohoo \o/ |
12:18 |
kyle joined #koha |
12:26 |
jwagner joined #koha |
12:28 |
kf |
jcamins_away: ? :) |
12:44 |
ago43 joined #koha |
12:48 |
reiveune joined #koha |
12:52 |
collum joined #koha |
12:59 |
oleonard joined #koha |
12:59 |
matts joined #koha |
12:59 |
magnus_afk |
hmf, i tried to make a new patch for bug 7573, but when i try t apply that to another repo i get this: fatal: sha1 information is lacking or useless (koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/prog/en/xslt/NORMARCslim2OPACDetail.xsl). |
12:59 |
magnus_afk |
Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge. |
12:59 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7573 was not found. |
12:59 |
magnus_afk |
bug 7537 |
12:59 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7537 normal, P5 - low, ---, magnus, ASSIGNED , Implement TraceCompleteSubfields and TraceSubjectSubdivisions for NORMARC XSLT |
12:59 |
magnus_afk |
anyone got a clue what might cause that? |
13:00 |
gaetan_B joined #koha |
13:07 |
kf |
sorry no :( |
13:14 |
ytomic joined #koha |
13:17 |
magnus_afk |
gah, when i try to apply it to master, git accuses me of hand-editing my patch... |
13:17 |
paul_p joined #koha |
13:17 |
oleonard |
The nerve! |
13:17 |
paul_p |
hello again |
13:18 |
magnus_afk |
oleonard: yeah, i'm deeply offended ;-) |
13:22 |
magnus_afk |
here's the patch if anyone feels like haveing a look: http://div.libriotech.no/koham[…]-and-TraceS.patch |
13:29 |
NateC joined #koha |
13:31 |
kf |
hi oleonard |
13:31 |
kf |
:) |
13:32 |
jcamins_away |
kf, yes? |
13:32 |
kf |
I wondered about a question from one of our libraries |
13:32 |
kf |
normalized form of publication place for old prints |
13:33 |
kf |
I found it is matched to 751$a with $4pup |
13:33 |
kf |
so perhaps not a good idea to add to the publication place index? |
13:33 |
jcamins_away |
Hm. I use 751$a. |
13:33 |
jwagner joined #koha |
13:33 |
jcamins_away |
Yeah, that needs DOM indexing. |
13:34 |
kf |
*sigh* |
13:34 |
kf |
kk |
13:35 |
hdl |
well, you could add a specialised rebuild_zebra function. |
13:36 |
kf |
hdl: let's not go there please :) |
13:36 |
jcamins_away |
hdl, yikes! |
13:36 |
jcamins_away |
:) |
13:36 |
kf |
I think we will 751$a to the index for this library |
13:36 |
kf |
but it's not something I will send a patch for |
13:36 |
jcamins_away |
Makes sense. |
13:36 |
kf |
because the field can be used for other information as well |
13:40 |
oleonard |
paul_p: The pre-commit hook you shared complains when I try to save a script which includes "use warnings;" |
13:40 |
oleonard |
Would it make sense to change it to say "when ( /warn / ) {" with a space after 'warn' ? |
13:41 |
* chris_n |
thinks so |
13:41 |
paul_p |
oleonard yep |
13:41 |
* oleonard |
wanted a second opinion in case someone could think of an instance where that would let something through incorrectly |
13:41 |
paul_p |
wow... and i forget to update my changes on the wiki |
13:42 |
paul_p |
I removed $nb_errors++; |
13:42 |
paul_p |
in warn checking. |
13:42 |
paul_p |
thus, I get a WARNING, but it does not prevent from doing the commit |
13:42 |
paul_p |
because sometimes you have things like |
13:42 |
paul_p |
do_this_and_that || |
13:42 |
paul_p |
warn "something went wrong" |
13:43 |
paul_p |
that is conditionnal (ie = warn rised only if do_this_and_that returns 0), so should not prevent from commiting |
13:43 |
* paul_p |
fixes immediatly |
13:45 |
paul_p |
wiki updated |
13:50 |
hdl |
jcamins_away: having DOM indexing would entice to some zebra specific and specialised xslts... imho DOM indexing would have been a nice idea 4 years ago. |
13:59 |
edveal joined #koha |
14:02 |
jcamins_away |
hdl: it would indeed. |
14:03 |
jcamins_away |
gmcharlt is currently working on DOM indexing, I think. |
14:10 |
gmcharlt |
yep; I should have some tech details outlined for all to see next week |
14:11 |
hdl |
i think migration will be a nightmare |
14:12 |
jcamins_away |
hdl: worse than migrating to solr? |
14:12 |
hdl |
not less than migrating to solr. |
14:12 |
hdl |
and I much more believe in solr |
14:12 |
hdl |
its community. |
14:12 |
jcamins_away |
If done properly, the change to DOM indexing should be pretty painless. |
14:13 |
huginn_ |
New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 3516] Display picture of patrons in OPAC <http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3516> |
14:13 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=3516 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Display picture of patrons in OPAC |
14:13 |
huginn |
Bug 3516: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Display picture of patrons in OPAC |
14:13 |
gmcharlt |
hdl: most of the work, actually, will be in coding to make the migration of indexing defs seemless |
14:13 |
gmcharlt |
*seamless |
14:14 |
kf |
gmcharlt++ :) |
14:14 |
jcamins_away |
gmcharlt++ |
14:14 |
gmcharlt |
hdl: bottom line from my POV: we CAN all get along ;) |
14:14 |
hdl |
the problem of formatting data and user defined parsers will be the same. |
14:15 |
jcamins_away |
hdl: anyone who has a custom Zebra configuration they like using GRS-1 can keep it.f |
14:15 |
jcamins_away |
s/f$// |
14:15 |
hdl |
it is the problem we had. and xslt is not the way. |
14:17 |
hdl |
since it is should be user defined. |
14:18 |
mib_mtkv3c joined #koha |
14:19 |
gmcharlt |
user-defined index defs ultimately has little to do with the underlying search engine |
14:19 |
maximep joined #koha |
14:19 |
gmcharlt |
just a matter of writing a translator, for which I do hope to put in a bit with the DOM indexing development |
14:19 |
kf |
hi maximep |
14:19 |
mib_mtkv3c |
hi Koha community :) today during an installation running the rebuild_zebra i've got the following warning: No such record type: grs.marcxml.record |
14:20 |
mib_mtkv3c |
what means? how to solve it? |
14:22 |
maximep |
good morning =) |
14:23 |
hdl |
good luck gmcharlt and hoping to read from you. |
14:26 |
* jcamins_away |
dashes to catch a bus. |
14:26 |
jcamins_away |
Back from there, or Manhattan. |
14:32 |
* jcamins_away |
takes advantage of being self-employed and decides not to go into the city. |
14:33 |
kf |
ohoh |
14:33 |
kf |
missed the bus? |
14:33 |
jcamins |
kf: no, but I'd have to leave early, and I'm going to be spending much of the day on the phone trying to get ahold of our lawyer, so I might as well go in next week when I can get more work done. |
14:34 |
kf |
makes sense |
14:34 |
kf |
apartment? |
14:34 |
jcamins |
Yup. |
14:40 |
paul_p |
the number of patches to signoff just lowered by 20 (from 80 to 60). Hélas, it's because they does not apply anymore... |
14:41 |
kyle |
Has anyone else seen this error on master? Undefined subroutine &C4::Search::SimpleSearch |
14:41 |
kyle |
It keeps cropping up for me. |
14:41 |
jcamins |
kyle: yeah, it's because there was an interaction between the C4::Heading and C4::somethingelse de-cycling. |
14:41 |
kyle |
jcamins: thanks, is there a fix coming down the pipe? |
14:42 |
jcamins |
kyle: several just got pushed. |
14:42 |
jcamins |
Have you found it anywhere else? |
14:42 |
paul_p |
kyle if you update master, it should be OK. |
14:43 |
oleonard |
Anyone here ever run into Bug 5364? |
14:43 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5364 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Limit the number of author displayed on OPAC |
14:43 |
kyle |
paul_p: I'm on the latest master. |
14:43 |
kyle |
Problem is at /home/koha/kohaclone/C4/Items.pm line 2472. |
14:44 |
paul_p |
kyle so, on which page do you have this problem ? |
14:44 |
kyle |
batch item deletion, batchMod.pl |
14:44 |
* jcamins |
cheerfully lights C4 on fire. |
14:44 |
jcamins |
oleonard: never. |
14:44 |
kf |
paul_p: bug 5877 had 2 sign-offs :( |
14:44 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5877 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Patch doesn't apply , Offline circulation improvements : upload all files, apply at once |
14:45 |
paul_p |
kf don't worry, I think it's trivial to rebase |
14:45 |
* chris_n |
calls the bomb squad on jcamins |
14:46 |
jcamins |
chris_n: with a name like that, and SimpleSearch being called from C4::Items, who could blame me? |
14:46 |
chris_n |
C4 can only be safely detonated after Koha:: is full time :-) |
14:46 |
* chris_n |
thinks SimpleSearch is a misnomer from a coding prospective |
14:47 |
jcamins |
Hehe. 7430 doesn't apply. |
14:47 |
jcamins |
7284 doesn't apply? |
14:47 |
kyle |
paul_p: Undefined subroutine &C4::Search::SimpleSearch called at /home/koha/kohaclone/C4/Items.pm line 2472. Error on batchMod.pl |
14:47 |
jcamins |
I just rebased it! |
14:47 |
jcamins |
Bah. |
14:47 |
kf |
but 7430 |
14:47 |
kf |
bug 7430 |
14:47 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7430 normal, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, jcamins, Patch doesn't apply , ModZebra should not be in C4::Biblio |
14:47 |
kf |
bug 7284 |
14:47 |
wahanui |
bug 7284 is the first step to making that happen. |
14:47 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7284 major, P3, ---, jcamins, Patch doesn't apply , Authority matching algorithm improvements |
14:48 |
jcamins |
Wait... 3516 doesn't apply? How can 3516 not apply? Didn't oleonard just upload it five minutes ago? |
14:48 |
paul_p |
kyle a use C4::Search at the beginning of batchMod.pl should fix the problem |
14:48 |
jcamins |
39 minutes ago. |
14:48 |
kf |
paul_p: should we be usign qw/sub/ to show what's being used in the script? |
14:48 |
kf |
behind the use |
14:48 |
paul_p |
well, maybe my script made a mistake,... |
14:48 |
paul_p |
kf should ? no. could ? yes |
14:49 |
kf |
should as in could :) |
14:49 |
kyle |
paul_p: thanks! |
14:49 |
kf |
but wondering if it was a good idea in general |
14:49 |
kf |
my learning perl book says so ;) |
14:49 |
jcamins |
paul_p: no, 7284 doesn't apply anymore. |
14:49 |
* jcamins |
rebases again. |
14:50 |
paul_p |
kf, yes it is a good idea |
14:50 |
oleonard |
paul_p is right, my patch for 3516 was 12 hours too old :) |
14:50 |
* oleonard |
will rebase |
14:50 |
jcamins |
@later tell wizzyrea Bug 7284... ooh... how useful... with a good testing plan... |
14:50 |
huginn |
jcamins: The operation succeeded. |
14:50 |
kf |
paul_p: thx :) |
14:50 |
kf |
trying to learn how to do things 'right' |
14:55 |
oleonard |
Revised patch attached to 3516. |
14:56 |
jcamins |
Revised patch on 7284. |
14:56 |
jcamins |
Talk about a useful patch! |
14:56 |
jcamins |
7284. It's a glimpse into the future. |
14:56 |
jcamins |
An exciting future. |
14:56 |
jcamins |
Full of working authority control. |
14:57 |
jcamins |
And remember, kids, only YOU can prevent forest fires and jcamins needing to rebase again tomorrow! |
14:59 |
jcamins |
Apparently today is the day to test emergency communication systems. |
15:00 |
paul_p |
bug 587 back to signed off... was pretty silly reason (2 patches appearing in the wrong order. My script can't handle this case, of course) |
15:00 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]ow_bug.cgi?id=587 major, P2, ---, paul.poulain, RESOLVED FIXED, deleted items are not being removed from marc tables |
15:01 |
paul_p |
(bug 5877) |
15:01 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5877 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, paul.poulain, Signed Off , Offline circulation improvements : upload all files, apply at once |
15:06 |
paul_p |
table sorters falling like leave in automn (congrats joubu) |
15:06 |
paul_p |
bug 5345 |
15:06 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5345 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, ASSIGNED , Table sorters in Koha |
15:10 |
jcamins |
Wow. |
15:10 |
jcamins |
That's a lot of datatables. :) |
15:10 |
maximep left #koha |
15:13 |
maximep joined #koha |
15:16 |
* oleonard |
WONTFIXes Amazon API-related bugs |
15:16 |
oleonard |
So there. |
15:16 |
wahanui |
well, so there is no way we can enable it I think |
15:17 |
oleonard |
Right you are wahanui |
15:25 |
gaetan_B joined #koha |
15:31 |
laurence left #koha |
15:55 |
jcamins |
Bug 7554 |
15:55 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7554 normal, P3, ---, jcamins, NEW , Newlines break search paging |
16:01 |
nengard joined #koha |
16:02 |
kf |
oleonard++ |
16:06 |
reiveune |
bye |
16:06 |
reiveune left #koha |
16:07 |
jcamins |
Okay... why does this record show up in the intranet but not the opac results? |
16:07 |
jcamins |
search faq? |
16:07 |
wahanui |
i heard search faq was at http://koha-community.org/docu[…]on/faq/searching/ |
16:08 |
oleonard |
jcamins: for you the answer is newlines |
16:08 |
jcamins |
Argh! |
16:08 |
oleonard |
Always newlines. |
16:08 |
jcamins |
wahanui was wrong! |
16:08 |
wahanui |
jcamins: sorry... |
16:08 |
jcamins |
oleonard: oh, yeah. |
16:08 |
paul_p |
@all = joubu tells me he has a problem with neworderempty, and I can't reproduce it. Could ppl here confirm that master isn't broken (joubu get : <Joubu> perl -wc acqui/neworderempty.pl |
16:08 |
paul_p |
<Joubu> "BiblioAddAuthorities" is not exported by the C4::Search module |
16:08 |
paul_p |
<Joubu> Can't continue after import errors at acqui/neworderempty.pl line 89 |
16:08 |
paul_p |
<Joubu> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at acqui/neworderempty.pl line 89)) |
16:08 |
huginn |
paul_p: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready |
16:08 |
jcamins |
Right you are. |
16:09 |
jcamins |
paul_p: it's C4::Biblio. |
16:09 |
jcamins |
Stupid newlines. |
16:09 |
paul_p |
jcamins = what's in C4::Biblio ? |
16:09 |
jcamins |
BiblioAddAuthorities. Isn't it? |
16:10 |
jcamins |
No, it is Search. |
16:11 |
jcamins |
Sorry. Got confused. |
16:11 |
* jcamins |
tests. |
16:12 |
oleonard |
paul_p: If you mean "What do we get if we run 'perl -wc acqui/neworderempty.pl'" the answer for me is "syntax OK" |
16:12 |
jcamins |
Geez, neworderempty is really slow. |
16:12 |
jcamins |
paul_p: that works just fine for me. |
16:12 |
paul_p |
oleonard, works for me as well, so joubu should have something wrong in his configuration |
16:12 |
jcamins |
paul_p: is he testing 7284? |
16:13 |
paul_p |
I don't know |
16:13 |
jcamins |
That could happen if he is testing 7284 on top of his own changes to neworderempty. |
16:13 |
oleonard |
What exactly was that command doing? (perl -wc etc. etc.) |
16:13 |
jcamins |
perl -warnings -check, I think. |
16:14 |
jcamins |
Stupid newlines. |
16:16 |
jcamins |
I guess they break Zebra. |
16:16 |
jcamins |
Now I'm confused. |
16:16 |
paul_p |
oleonard joubu just left to catch his train, we will have to wait for monday to get an answer |
16:23 |
jcamins |
Okay, this newlines thing is more involved than I want to deal with right now. |
16:25 |
* oleonard |
hates working on a patch he knows is going to conflict with another patch... |
16:25 |
jcamins |
oleonard: I hope not 7284! |
16:25 |
jcamins |
I mean, I hope you're not conflicting with it. |
16:25 |
jcamins |
I hope you are working on it. :) |
16:26 |
oleonard |
Nope. Working on Bug 7493, which will conflict with Bug 5503 |
16:26 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7493 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED , Deleting a record with comments breaks "Recent Comments" |
16:26 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5503 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , comments shouldn't show patron's full name |
16:26 |
* oleonard |
soldiers on |
16:28 |
wizzyrea joined #koha |
16:30 |
* wizzyrea |
waves |
16:31 |
jcamins |
Why do newlines break the OPAC? |
16:31 |
* jcamins |
waves back. |
16:31 |
jcamins |
Okay, this is going to bug me. |
16:31 |
jcamins |
gmcharlt: it appears I was premature in blaming MARC::Record, and then premature in blaming the database. |
16:32 |
gmcharlt |
jcamins: so what's the current suspect? |
16:33 |
jcamins |
gmcharlt: something in C4::Search. :( |
16:37 |
oleonard |
Well, that should be easy to sort out :P |
16:37 |
JesseM joined #koha |
16:38 |
* paul_p |
trying to QA bug 4530 |
16:38 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=4530 major, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, srdjan, Signed Off , Circulation & fines rules aren't always applied from most specific to less specific |
16:38 |
paul_p |
and feel something is wrong... |
16:38 |
paul_p |
(more details coming soon on the bug) |
16:41 |
jcamins |
This is very odd. |
16:41 |
gmcharlt |
jcamins: how is the breakage manifesting? |
16:42 |
jcamins |
gmcharlt: The OPAC reports "Your search returned 9 results" but only displays eight of them. |
16:46 |
wizzyrea |
hidden items? |
16:46 |
wizzyrea |
or hidden bibs? |
16:46 |
jcamins |
wizzyrea: broken bibs. |
16:46 |
wizzyrea |
suppressed bibs, I should say |
16:46 |
wizzyrea |
ew |
16:46 |
jcamins |
Seems to be caused by newlines. |
16:46 |
jcamins |
But OPAC only. |
16:47 |
wizzyrea |
weirdlrea nekls.org! |
16:47 |
wizzyrea |
my computer has gone crazy lol |
16:47 |
jcamins |
What? |
16:47 |
wizzyrea |
weird! |
16:47 |
gmcharlt |
jcamins: does it make a different turning xslt display on or off? |
16:47 |
gmcharlt |
*difference |
16:47 |
wizzyrea |
and indexed with -x or not |
16:48 |
jcamins |
gmcharlt: no difference with XSLT. |
16:48 |
jcamins |
Not sure about -x yet. |
16:48 |
* wizzyrea |
signed off on a bug yesterday with the opac from druthb that only manifested with -x |
16:48 |
jcamins |
This is without -x. |
16:48 |
wizzyrea |
try with? |
16:49 |
jcamins |
Yeah, I'll have to do that. |
16:50 |
* jcamins |
reindexes with -x. |
16:51 |
jcamins |
It'll take a while. |
16:51 |
kf |
paul_p: could you take a look at the standardize bug for acq? |
16:51 |
data_doctor joined #koha |
16:51 |
kf |
7113 |
16:52 |
paul_p |
kf, of course... |
16:52 |
data_doctor |
fred_pierre is data_doctor |
16:52 |
kf |
it touches lots of files... |
16:52 |
kf |
worried it will need lots of rebasing if we don't get it moving |
16:58 |
jcamins |
Hrm. |
17:00 |
jcamins |
This is perplexing. |
17:01 |
jcamins |
C4::Search-- |
17:01 |
oleonard |
Patch sent for Bug 7493 |
17:01 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7493 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Deleting a record with comments breaks "Recent Comments" |
17:01 |
jcamins |
I don't think I've ever encountered anyone wanting the barcode to show up in the OPAC. |
17:02 |
melia joined #koha |
17:03 |
wizzyrea |
oleonard thanks for looking at 7496 |
17:04 |
wizzyrea |
(the TITLE bug) |
17:06 |
jcamins |
C4::Search-- |
17:09 |
oleonard |
@karma C4::Search |
17:09 |
huginn |
oleonard: Karma for "C4::Search" has been increased 0 times and decreased 11 times for a total karma of -11. |
17:11 |
jcamins |
C4::Search-- |
17:11 |
jcamins |
Okay, it still works at line 1501. |
17:11 |
jcamins |
(of C4::Search) |
17:12 |
kf |
jcamins: dito |
17:12 |
kf |
for the barcode hting |
17:16 |
schuster joined #koha |
17:18 |
oleonard |
I wonder if they use the barcode for information which is somehow more relevant to them... |
17:18 |
kf |
possibly? |
17:18 |
kf |
hm. |
17:19 |
jcamins |
Okay, the problem is hideatopac_count. |
17:21 |
sophie_m left #koha |
17:21 |
schuster |
wizzyrea - I am happy to report I figured out how to make git bz work!! Yippie! |
17:22 |
jcamins |
Hooray! |
17:22 |
wizzyrea |
yay! |
17:22 |
wizzyrea |
isn't it amazing? |
17:22 |
wizzyrea |
totally worth the time to set it up. |
17:23 |
oleonard |
For all of git's powers it is almost comically incapable of merging changes to CSS |
17:23 |
wizzyrea |
speaking of css changes |
17:23 |
* jcamins |
found the problem. |
17:23 |
* wizzyrea |
was observing some hard corners in the opac |
17:24 |
schuster |
jcamins - sad to report I downloaded a new git on a fresh install this morning only to discover the "sql backup" from my last version won't load because biblioimages changed in the tables to bibliocoverimages. |
17:24 |
jcamins |
Bug 6488. |
17:24 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 normal, P3, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , opachiddenitems not working in master |
17:24 |
jcamins |
schuster: biblioimages? |
17:24 |
schuster |
I had to reload my MARC testing data... |
17:24 |
schuster |
evidently that was the original name of the table for the cover images??? |
17:24 |
jcamins |
schuster: I don't recall it ever being biblioimages. |
17:24 |
wizzyrea |
schuster I don't think that table ever existed in koha |
17:25 |
wizzyrea |
in non-proprietary koha, anyway. |
17:25 |
* wizzyrea |
always struggles with how to put it |
17:26 |
wizzyrea |
schuster did you have sometihng special in your database for local cover images? |
17:27 |
schuster |
don't know - yes this is non-proprietary koha... git downloaded saying Koha version - doesn't matter easy enough to reload. |
17:28 |
schuster |
Loading into |
17:29 |
kf left #koha |
17:30 |
schuster |
so jcamins - I may need help with applying and testing bug 7284 |
17:30 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7284 major, P3, ---, jcamins, Needs Signoff , Authority matching algorithm improvements |
17:31 |
jcamins |
schuster: git-bz apply 7284 should do it. |
17:32 |
schuster |
OK so I did that earlier ... so I should just be able to start "testing"? |
17:32 |
jcamins |
Yup. :) |
17:32 |
jcamins |
The bug explains the process in staggering detail. |
17:33 |
jcamins |
Start with the installation process at the top, then go through the 52-step testing plan. :) |
17:35 |
* jcamins |
is very grouchy. |
17:36 |
jcamins |
Bug 6488 has broken ebook records. |
17:36 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6488 normal, P3, ---, srdjan, Pushed to Master , opachiddenitems not working in master |
17:36 |
wizzyrea |
well it's broken bibs with no items |
17:36 |
wizzyrea |
too |
17:36 |
wizzyrea |
and on top, I can't make it work. |
17:37 |
jcamins |
wizzyrea: ah, yeah, you could have a bib with no items that isn't an ebook record. |
17:38 |
paul_p joined #koha |
17:41 |
data_doctor |
E books usually have a URL |
17:41 |
jcamins |
data_doctor: right. |
17:41 |
jcamins |
data_doctor: but no item. |
17:41 |
jcamins |
Ergo, no display on Master. |
17:41 |
wizzyrea |
is broken |
17:41 |
data_doctor |
We were able to search the datatables for the URLS, then fix the biblios |
17:42 |
jcamins |
data_doctor: I think you're talking about a different issue. |
17:42 |
data_doctor |
yes |
17:42 |
wizzyrea |
ok, fnally got it to actually *work* sort of as described |
17:42 |
wizzyrea |
to hide an itemtype |
17:42 |
wizzyrea |
it's |
17:43 |
wizzyrea |
itype: [code] |
17:43 |
wizzyrea |
for pity's sake don't try to use the description |
17:46 |
data_doctor |
We code them in 942c as item type Electronic Resource. |
17:47 |
cait_______ joined #koha |
17:48 |
wizzyrea |
seems logical. But you still wouldn't be able to see them on current master. :P |
17:48 |
data_doctor |
sorry, i'll leave this one to you! off to lunch... |
17:49 |
data_doctor |
we match the 942c to enable patron searches |
17:49 |
data_doctor |
by match I mean map |
17:49 |
data_doctor |
hope your bug works out! |
17:50 |
jcamins |
Okay, I just broke the Javascript again. |
17:50 |
jcamins |
-x or w/o -x, same problem. |
17:54 |
jcamins |
Okay, found the problem. |
17:54 |
jcamins |
(bug 7554) |
17:54 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7554 normal, P3, ---, jcamins, NEW , Newlines break search paging |
17:56 |
schuster |
has anyone had problems using Kyle Halls virtual image? just wondering |
17:56 |
kyle |
if anyone has, please let me know! |
17:57 |
huginn |
New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 6137 follow-up, moving new test to db_dependent directory <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]87717fdb87ebca702> / Bug 6137: unit tests for C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch <http://git.koha-community.org/[…]0f1484a64a7a12394> / Bug 6137: fix a Circulation bug. userenv null <http://git.koha-community.org/gitweb |
18:02 |
jenkins_koha |
Starting build #634 for job Koha_master (previous build: SUCCESS) |
18:17 |
wizzyrea |
mailing lists? |
18:17 |
wahanui |
mailing lists are at http://koha-community.org/supp[…]ha-mailing-lists/ |
18:18 |
nengard left #koha |
18:21 |
cait joined #koha |
18:21 |
* cait |
waves |
18:24 |
schuster |
jcamins - I'll work on this over the weekend! Lots of testing to do.. :) |
18:24 |
schuster |
I'm into the testing plan, but have a few other things I need to get done before I leave today. |
18:25 |
jcamins |
:) |
18:27 |
schuster |
I've got 1798 authority records loaded with see/see also's and regular headings(most of them from our Horizon system when we migrated) with 27524 bibs |
18:27 |
jcamins |
That should be an excellent test. :) |
18:28 |
schuster |
now if the kids will leave me alone - LOL...... Hopefully I can report happily on Monday! |
18:28 |
* jcamins |
will look forward to it. |
18:28 |
jcamins |
You should get them involved. |
18:28 |
jcamins |
How old are they? |
18:41 |
stuartyeates joined #koha |
18:51 |
jenkins_koha |
Project Koha_master build #634: SUCCESS in 48 mn: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/634/ |
18:51 |
jenkins_koha |
* dev_patches: Bug 6137: fix a Circulation bug. userenv null |
18:51 |
jenkins_koha |
* julian.maurice: Bug 6137: unit tests for C4::Circulation::_GetCircControlBranch |
18:51 |
jenkins_koha |
* paul.poulain: Bug 6137 follow-up, moving new test to db_dependent directory |
18:51 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6137 trivial, P3, ---, julian.maurice, Pushed to Master , Fix a little bug when userenv is null |
19:14 |
chris_n |
it appears that bulkmarcimport.pl assumes it is being given utf-8 encoded records for consumption |
19:14 |
jcamins |
chris_n: one of the many reasons not to use bulkmarcimport if at all possible. |
19:15 |
* chris_n |
thinks that the staff client makes the same assumption |
19:15 |
jcamins |
chris_n: I patched it so you can change encoding. |
19:16 |
chris_n |
or at least assumes the records will be whatever it is told and makes no further attempts to verify |
19:16 |
jcamins |
chris_n: yes. |
19:16 |
chris_n |
does the fix actually verify the encoding of incoming data? |
19:16 |
jcamins |
Nope. |
19:16 |
cait |
jcamins: I think bulkmarcimport is different perhaps, than the staged marc import scripts we patched |
19:16 |
jcamins |
cait: yes. |
19:16 |
jcamins |
cait: that's why I avoid using it. |
19:16 |
chris_n |
cait: yes |
19:16 |
chris_n |
but it is probably easily fixed |
19:16 |
cait |
yes, we don#t use it either |
19:17 |
jcamins |
The staff client handles other encodings, bulkmarcimport does not. |
19:17 |
cait |
the command line script for staged import does handle the encodings now too :) |
19:17 |
jcamins |
Yup. :) |
19:17 |
chris_n |
but nobody actually verifies the encoding of incoming data |
19:18 |
chris_n |
and records do lie |
19:18 |
jcamins |
Right. |
19:18 |
jcamins |
chris_n: I think we concluded we didn't have any way to verify. |
19:18 |
chris_n |
maybe not in a positive fashion |
19:19 |
chris_n |
but we can validate UTF-8 and then deal with failures on an individual basis |
19:19 |
jcamins |
I suppose so. |
19:19 |
chris_n |
or just refuse to pollute the db with invalid encodings |
19:19 |
jcamins |
chris_n++ # for dealing with encodings. |
19:19 |
cait |
yes, brave |
19:19 |
cait |
chris_n++ |
19:19 |
chris_n |
the problem I'm seeing is not really the quantity of bad encoding |
19:19 |
chris_n |
but the few records that slip in unnoticed |
19:19 |
chris_n |
and then screw things up |
19:20 |
* chris_n |
does not know about everyone else |
19:21 |
maximep |
when I search "mc-itype,phr:DIAPO" it returns items that have DISPO-SON in the 942c. Is that normal ? |
19:21 |
cait |
yeah |
19:21 |
cait |
- are treated as space |
19:21 |
cait |
oh |
19:21 |
cait |
19:21 |
maximep |
is there a way to get exact result ? |
19:22 |
cait |
or DISPO? |
19:22 |
cait |
yes |
19:22 |
cait |
don#t use - in your itemtype names |
19:22 |
maximep |
DIAPO, sorry |
19:22 |
cait |
and no _ |
19:22 |
maximep |
ok, thanks |
19:22 |
cait |
there might be another, but probably harder |
19:22 |
maximep |
well, looks like every item type the client has contains - and _ |
19:23 |
maximep |
:/ |
19:23 |
cait |
you might retest for _ but I htink they might have the same problem |
19:24 |
cait |
jcamins: do you think it could be fixed to be an exact search? |
19:28 |
maximep |
cait++ thanks for the help! |
19:28 |
jcamins |
cait: you could try ,ext |
19:29 |
cait |
jcamins: was for maximep |
19:29 |
jcamins |
maximep: you could try ,ext |
19:29 |
cait |
he has problems with itemtype codes containing _ and - |
19:29 |
jcamins |
maximep: but better would be removing _ and -. |
19:30 |
wizzyrea |
rangi++ for hunting down a bug on a saturday |
19:30 |
rangi |
jcamins made me do it |
19:30 |
maximep |
yeah ,ext works. Isn't there a way in the adv search to add ,ext ? |
19:31 |
jcamins |
maximep: easily? |
19:31 |
jcamins |
No. |
19:31 |
maximep |
ok, thanks |
19:32 |
jcamins |
maximep: it could probably done with an easily rebase-able patch. |
19:32 |
jcamins |
Actually, that might not be a bad idea. |
19:32 |
jcamins |
But you'll probably have to redo the indexing on 952s. |
19:32 |
maximep |
well see if the clients wants it |
20:11 |
tfaile joined #koha |
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rangi joined #koha |
20:11 |
davi joined #koha |
20:12 |
NateC joined #koha |
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oleonard joined #koha |
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ago43 joined #koha |
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kyle joined #koha |
20:12 |
gmcharlt joined #koha |
20:12 |
Topic for #koha is now Koha 3.6.3 & 3.4.8 & 3.2.11 are now available ; Next General IRC Meeting 21 March at 18:00 UTC+0 | http://www.koha-community.org | http://paste.koha-community.org |
20:13 |
chris_n |
its friday wizzyrea ;-) |
20:13 |
* wizzyrea |
struggles to see the significance |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
did I say I would do something? |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
>.< |
20:13 |
chris_n |
I thought for a moment you had fixed a bug of mine |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
OH |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
ha |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
no, sorry |
20:13 |
wizzyrea |
yes, it's friday |
20:14 |
wizzyrea |
I don't even know where I pulled that bug number from |
20:14 |
chris_n |
lol |
20:14 |
wizzyrea |
thin air! |
20:14 |
wizzyrea |
foof! |
20:14 |
* chris_n |
goes back to encoding school |
20:18 |
wizzyrea |
chris_n I've done it twice today, must be time to uh, slack off. |
20:18 |
chris_n |
heh |
20:18 |
chris_n |
or put on yet another pot of coffee |
20:19 |
wizzyrea |
maybe coffee is the problem. |
20:19 |
wizzyrea |
^.^ |
20:19 |
* wizzyrea |
had a big one this morning, is positively vibrating |
20:21 |
oleonard |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN1KIG1wiy4 |
20:25 |
rangi |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v[…]c&feature=related |
20:25 |
data_doctor |
We started a new program to give out free coffee to our patrons. Watch out Starbucks! |
20:25 |
data_doctor |
Just for two hours a day... |
20:26 |
data_doctor |
...and it's kinda bitter... |
20:26 |
rangi |
play some marley while you hand it out |
20:26 |
rangi |
that will fix it |
20:26 |
oleonard |
rangi: "This video contains content from UMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds" :P |
20:27 |
data_doctor |
Yes! Maybe we can get some Blue Mountain roast. |
20:28 |
wizzyrea |
data_doctor: bitter anything at the library? that never happens! |
20:28 |
rangi |
stupid |
20:28 |
* oleonard |
crosses off another YUI dependency in his jQueryUI branch |
20:28 |
jcamins |
oleonard++ |
20:28 |
rangi |
you cant block bob marley |
20:28 |
data_doctor |
I'm thinking "Keep on Movin'" from Natural Mystic. |
20:29 |
rangi |
http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/Po[…]tion/32ktHb?src=5 |
20:29 |
rangi |
oleonard: that work |
20:29 |
wahanui |
that work is probably pretty complete now, i hope eythian and srdjan will get around to submitting a patch |
20:29 |
jcamins_away |
What stuff? |
20:29 |
wahanui |
stuff is working quite well... ... But not ready for production at the moment. or in xslt |
20:39 |
* jcamins_away |
realizes it was wahanui that was hoping eythian and srdjan would submit a patch, not rangi. |
20:39 |
jcamins_away |
Never mind. |
20:45 |
chris_n |
encoding is a nasty mess |
20:45 |
chris_n |
encoding? |
20:45 |
wahanui |
i think encoding is in the MARC 100$a field |
20:45 |
chris_n |
encoding is also a nasty mess |
20:45 |
wahanui |
okay, chris_n. |
20:45 |
chris_n |
encoding? |
20:45 |
wahanui |
encoding is in the MARC 100$a field or a nasty mess |
20:46 |
jcamins_away |
Encoding is not in the MARC 100$a field. |
20:46 |
chris_n |
yet another lie |
20:46 |
chris_n |
wahanui |
20:46 |
wahanui |
yes, chris_n? |
20:47 |
* chris_n |
wonders if that rhymes in sound like it does in sight |
20:54 |
wizzyrea |
wahanui forget encoding |
20:54 |
wahanui |
wizzyrea: I forgot encoding |
20:55 |
wizzyrea |
encoding is in the MARC 100$a field |
20:55 |
wizzyrea |
encoding is also a nasty mess |
20:55 |
wahanui |
okay, wizzyrea. |
20:55 |
wizzyrea |
encoding? |
20:55 |
wahanui |
somebody said encoding was in the MARC 100$a field or a nasty mess |
20:55 |
wizzyrea |
!botsnack wahanui |
20:55 |
wizzyrea |
bleh I can make his memory however I want but I can't give him a snack. |
20:55 |
wizzyrea |
at least I can remember the "important" things. |
20:56 |
* cait |
giggles |
20:56 |
cait |
wahanui botsnack cookie |
20:56 |
wahanui |
thanks cait :) |
20:56 |
cait |
!jenkins botsnack cookie |
20:56 |
jenkins_koha |
cait: yummy! I really like that cookie |
20:56 |
wizzyrea |
oh I see thar |
20:56 |
cait |
!huginn botsnack sth |
20:57 |
cait |
huginn botsnack sth |
20:57 |
huginn |
cait: downloading the Perl source |
20:57 |
cait |
huginn is not a foodie |
20:57 |
huginn |
cait: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready |
20:57 |
oleonard |
huginn is all work and no play |
20:57 |
huginn |
oleonard: downloading the Perl source |
20:57 |
cait |
yep |
20:59 |
wizzyrea |
well that's interesting |
20:59 |
wizzyrea |
we had an instance |
20:59 |
wizzyrea |
where the standard number for a video game pulled in amazon content that was spam |
20:59 |
wizzyrea |
(the item was being sold by a 3rd party on amazon) |
21:00 |
wizzyrea |
so the title notes had spam selling fish oil supplements |
21:00 |
wizzyrea |
removing the number got rid of the notes (of course) |
21:04 |
chris_n |
hmm... it appears that MARC::Record may not handle UTF-8 correctly |
21:04 |
chris_n |
but that's really because encode() may be messing with the chars when it is asked to decode UTF-8 as UTF-8 |
21:05 |
chris_n |
time to go, bbl |
21:05 |
wizzyrea |
the first question? |
21:05 |
wahanui |
it has been said that the first question is "What are you trying to do?" |
21:30 |
chris_n |
well |
21:30 |
chris_n |
I'm still trying to answer the first question |
21:31 |
chris_n |
actually, I'm trying to figure out how to make Koha more encoding smart |
21:31 |
luisb joined #koha |
21:32 |
oleonard |
Happy weekend #koha |
21:33 |
cait |
night #koha |
21:33 |
cait left #koha |
21:38 |
maximep |
beers friday at work... it's fun, but can't say i'm doing good code right now -_- |
21:38 |
maximep |
well, working on bas hscripts, so it won't ever be good code |
21:41 |
Soupermanito joined #koha |
22:50 |
maximep left #koha |
23:00 |
edveal left #koha |
23:15 |
wizzyrea |
so quiet this afternoon. |
23:15 |
wizzyrea |
oh! it's 5! |
23:15 |
* wizzyrea |
missed that |