IRC log for #koha, 2010-03-20

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:29 hdl_laptop joined #koha
01:33 collum left #koha
01:36 wizzyrea_laptop joined #koha
04:23 greenmang0 joined #koha
04:42 joetho joined #koha
05:04 joetho left #koha
06:44 wizzyrea_laptop left #koha
08:33 davi joined #koha
08:40 CGI208 joined #koha
08:41 CGI208 left #koha
11:51 chris_n happy vernal or autumal equinox #koha :)
11:51 chris_n @wunder 28334
11:51 munin chris_n: The current temperature in Dunn, North Carolina is 5.4�C (7:50 AM EDT on March 20, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 91%. Dew Point: 4.0�C. Windchill: 5.0�C. Pressure: 29.68 in 1005.0 hPa (Steady).
12:11 francharb joined #koha
12:43 collum joined #koha
12:53 greenmang0 left #koha
12:59 GenjiScreen left #koha
12:59 GenjiScreen joined #koha
13:47 toins joined #koha
14:07 nelsonf joined #koha
14:09 nelsonf left #koha
14:10 bgkriegel joined #koha
15:11 francharb left #koha
15:19 hdl_laptop left #koha
15:26 brendan joined #koha
15:32 brendan morning #koha
15:32 brendan @weather 93117
15:32 munin brendan: The current temperature in ASOS_HFM SANTA BARBARA, CA, Santa Barbara, California is 8.9�C (8:00 AM PDT on March 20, 2010). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: 6.0�C. Windchill: 9.0�C. Pressure: 30.13 in 1020.2 hPa (Rising).
15:54 johnindy joined #koha
16:16 davi left #koha
17:15 joetho joined #koha
17:17 biglego joined #koha
17:24 toins left #koha
17:26 wajasu left #koha
17:41 biglego left #koha
17:43 * chris_n wishes the ECU on his car would boot to a linux command prompt :-(
18:05 toins joined #koha
18:08 bgkriegel left #koha
18:17 toins left #koha
18:24 brendan left #koha
18:28 brendan joined #koha
19:03 wajasu joined #koha
19:06 wajasu in line 1232 of the GetNormailzedUPC subroutine, @fields = $record->field('024') kicks out an error: Can't call method "field" on an undefined value
19:07 wajasu does this mean this is a minimally required field?
19:08 wajasu or is it not defined in the field meta data ?
19:08 wajasu for the app?
19:08 wajasu i'm running out of kohagit with a pull from around the 12th of march
19:11 joetho left #koha
19:18 wajasu left #koha
19:25 davi joined #koha
19:59 joetho joined #koha
20:00 joetho left #koha
20:27 biglego joined #koha
20:33 biglego left #koha
20:36 biglego joined #koha
20:41 hdl_laptop joined #koha
20:42 biglego left #koha
20:46 wajasu joined #koha
20:46 braedon|home1 joined #koha
20:52 braedon|home left #koha
22:03 wajasu left #koha
22:34 wajasu joined #koha
22:38 collum left #koha

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