IRC log for #koha, 2008-02-20

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Time Nick Message
15:44 fbcit u around gmcharlt?
15:44 gmcharlt yes
15:45 fbcit wouldn't an install from the current HEAD create an install log which subsequent installs should read?
15:46 gmcharlt fbcit: yes, it should
15:47 fbcit just to be sure I understand correctly here, if Makefile.PL finds an install log, it picks up the parameters there and does not prompt the admin?
15:48 gmcharlt fbcit: right, but it doesn't search for it -- you have to explicitly do perl Makefile.PL --prev-install-log <log>
15:49 fbcit ahh
15:49 fbcit maybe the pod could be a bit clearer on that :)
15:49 gmcharlt I do believe you know what git send-email does :)
15:50 fbcit heh
15:50 fbcit and to adjust the pod a bit.
15:50 fbcit tnx
15:51 paul hello gmcharlt & fbcit
15:51 gmcharlt hi paul
15:51 fbcit hello paul
16:09 hdl hi
16:11 gmcharlt hi hdl
16:28 fbcit hi hdl
16:30 CGI207 hi, just showing someone how this works.
17:50 chris morning
17:54 fbcit hi chris
17:55 chris ohh some good patches from paul
17:56 fbcit gmcharlt: there might be a slight problem w/ /var/lib/koha/patronimages
17:56 gmcharlt hi chris
17:57 fbcit apache has to have read access
17:57 gmcharlt fbcit: and write access
17:57 fbcit right
17:57 fbcit so...?
17:57 fbcit any thoughts
17:57 gmcharlt which could be handled by doing chmod a+rw on the patronimages directory (which is terribly insecure)
17:58 gmcharlt putting in instructions in INSTALL about adding ACL or other appropriate permissions on the directory
17:58 fbcit httpd.conf is not setup for access there either
17:58 gmcharlt or bypass the whole issue by storing the images as BLOBs in the database
17:58 fbcit that is probably the more scalable approach
17:59 fbcit it also requires the least admin support
17:59 fbcit I'll look at doing it that way.
18:00 gmcharlt ok
18:01 chris im thinking that we should look into suexec for apache (or the equivalent for apache2)
18:01 chris for things like the helpwriter
18:02 gmcharlt chris: yep
18:02 gmcharlt chris: or else also store that in DB ;-)
18:02 chris back at katipo we ran suexec on all our hosting servers
18:03 chris gmcharlt: yep ... altho that makes it harder to translate
18:03 gmcharlt chris: just need to be careful about security (at least for the defualt Koha install)
18:04 chris yeah, the idea of suexec is the koha sites run as the koha system user .. rather than www-data
18:04 chris means other websites cant write to anything we decide to allow the koha websites to write too
18:04 gmcharlt chris: but need to be careful -- don't want chance of scribbling *.pl files that are (currently) also owned by koha
18:04 chris ye
18:04 chris p
18:06 lea see ya guys
18:08 chris for the helpwriter i want to extend it to work with git
18:08 chris so that if you have a git koha repo
18:08 chris you can commit your help changes to it
18:09 chris and then make a patch and send it to
18:09 gmcharlt chris: interesting idea
18:09 chris without having to know about git
18:10 chris so the librarians can write the help for us :)
18:11 gmcharlt :)
18:11 chris just a little 'do you want to submit this help to the project' button or something
18:11 chris that does it all in the background
18:11 chris ive done something similair for cvs .. but not git be a fun thing to try :)
18:13 fbcit chris: I just sent off a patch. Please disregard the first set and only forward the second single patch.
18:17 chris okey dokey
18:17 chris just the clarifying pod one?
18:17 fbcit right
18:17 chris will do
18:18 fbcit is nengard nicole?
18:19 gmcharlt fbict: yes
18:19 nengard yes
18:19 nengard hi
18:19 nengard brb - dogs need me
18:19 fbcit hi nicole
18:19 fbcit re bug 1848
18:19 fbcit the problem now is permissions on the patronimages directory
18:21 nengard fbcit: thanks - I'll tell Josh - he manages that :)
18:21 fbcit www-data user needs read/write permissions on it
18:22 fbcit I'm going to try to make some changes to how Koha stores the patron images over the next few days that will hopefully take the permissions out of the picture.
18:23 fbcit no pun intended :-)
18:23 nengard hehe
18:23 nengard I sent your info to Josh - hope he can fix it today and I can finish writing the manual
18:24 nengard I have a few other errors logged that are stopping me from writing the manual as well - just fyi :)
18:27 chris hmm, kahu is walking round doing the sign for 'more' but i have no idea what he wants more of
18:28 chris patch applied fine fbcit, sent on to joshua
18:29 fbcit tnx
18:30 chris hehe
18:30 chris they do seem to just keep coming
18:31 chris ohhh it was more music
18:31 chris he's happy again now
18:46 nengard ehe
18:46 nengard hehe
18:46 nengard "more" is the only sign that Brian's brother ever learned (he's autistic and has no speech and is 22)
18:46 chris i have to teach him some more signs
18:46 chris its a good sign to know :)
18:47 chris does he write ?
19:03 nengard no
19:03 nengard no communication
19:03 nengard very hard for us all
19:03 nengard sorry didn't know you were talking to me only dings if you use nengard
19:05 kados nengard: hmmm, I'll check the persmissions on that dir
19:06 nengard kados: thanks
19:07 fbcit kados: that directory is not created during the install
19:07 chris nengard: ah yeah that would make it difficult
19:08 fbcit kados:I'm going to try to change things so that the images are stored in the db
19:09 kados nengard: www-data user does have read/wright
19:09 kados fbcit++
19:09 kados fbcit: that'd simply rock
19:09 nengard fbcit: any other ideas why it didn't work?
19:09 kados but in the meantime:
19:09 kados l$ ls -la
19:09 kados total 16
19:09 kados drwxr-xr-x 4 nce      nce 4096 2008-02-18 10:29 .
19:09 kados drwxr-xr-x 3 nce      nce 4096 2008-02-18 10:29 ..
19:09 kados drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data nce 4096 2008-02-18 10:28 patronimages
19:09 kados drwxr-xr-x 4 nce      nce 4096 2008-02-08 09:19 prog
19:09 kados www-data has read/wright on patronimages dir
19:10 fbcit hrmm
19:10 fbcit looks like koha does not
19:11 fbcit for kicks try making it look like:
19:11 fbcit drwxrwxrwx 2 koha koha 4096 2008-02-01 04:46 patronimages
19:11 chris lol
19:12 fbcit :)
19:12 fbcit the permissions issue here is bad
19:15 kados nengard: when you get back try again
19:15 fbcit kados: what to the permissions look like on the resulting files in patronimages?
19:15 kados fbcit: don't think there ever have been any resulting files
19:16 kados yea, it's empty
19:16 fbcit w/ patronimages set to :drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data koha 4096 2008-02-01 04:46 patronimages
19:16 fbcit I see: -rwxr--r-- 1 www-data www-data 522122 2006-09-12 11:30 30108.jpg
19:16 fbcit after an import
19:17 nengard got this:
19:17 fbcit maybe you should chown www-data:koha
19:17 nengard    *  Unpacking completed
19:17 nengard    * 2 directories scanned.
19:17 nengard    * 2 directories processed.
19:17 nengard    * 2 image(s) moved from /tmp/hy6dEtrqS8 to /home/nce/koha/intranet/htdoc​s/intranet-tmpl/patronimages:
19:17 nengard    * 2 image(s) moved from /tmp/hy6dEtrqS8/__MACOSX to /home/nce/koha/intranet/htdoc​s/intranet-tmpl/patronimages:
19:17 nengard okay - paste doesn't work
19:17 nengard oh it does :)
19:17 nengard but no image on patron record
19:19 fbcit what does the error.log say?
19:19 fbcit kados
19:20 kados hmmm
19:20 kados [Tue Feb 19 14:16:37 2008] DEST : /home/nce/koha/intranet/htdoc​s/intranet-tmpl/patronimages at /home/nce/koha/intranet/cgi-​bin/tools/ line 17.
19:20 kados [Tue Feb 19 14:16:47 2008] DEST : /home/nce/koha/intranet/htdoc​s/intranet-tmpl/patronimages at /home/nce/koha/intranet/cgi-​bin/tools/ line 17.
19:20 kados [Tue Feb 19 14:16:47 2008] PARAM:LOOP:loop argument:array pointer was expected but not found at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8/HTML/Template/ line 191.
19:20 kados [Tue Feb 19 14:16:47 2008] PARAM:LOOP:loop argument:array pointer was expected but not found at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8/HTML/Template/ line 191.
19:21 fbcit ?
19:21 kados weird
19:21 fbcit are all perl modules current?
19:22 kados HTML::Template::Pro -- 0.67
19:22 kados so reports
19:22 kados same as your version fbcit ?
19:23 fbcit HTML::Template::Pro -- 0.68
19:23 kados hmmm
19:23 kados that'd be strange
19:24 nengard you guys did check my .zip file to make sure it's right - didn't you?
19:24 nengard just in case?
19:24 kados fbcit: can you try importing nengard 's zip file?
19:24 fbcit 'HTML::Template::Pro' => 0.65,
19:24 fbcit is what Makefile.PL check for...
19:24 fbcit yp
19:24 nengard kados: won't work for him - if he doesn't have a user with same number
19:24 nengard will it?
19:24 kados nengard: just a card number, right?
19:25 kados if so he could make one
19:25 nengard k
19:25 nengard and yes
19:25 kados talking_about_fbcit_in_the_third_person++ :-)
19:25 fbcit send it over to
19:26 fbcit I've got to go to a meeting, bbiab
19:26 kados fbcit: i think it's attached to the bug report, or nengard can mail it to you
19:26 fbcit k
19:27 hdl [Tue Feb 19 14:16:47 2008] PARAM:LOOP:loop argument:array pointer was expected but not found at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8/HTML/Template/ line 191.
19:27 nengard fbcit:emailed
19:27 hdl this error seems to mean that some loop was not correctly initiated or populated.
19:27 hdl my 2 pences.
19:28 chris :)
19:30 chris when do you fly to portland hdl?
19:34 chris ok time to take this guy to daycare
19:34 chris bbl
19:36 hdl chris: leaving to Portland on Saturday morning (french time)
19:39 nengard hdl:looking forward to meeting you in person
19:40 hdl So do I...
19:55 nengard kados: just fyi bug 1852 is also stopping me from writing my part of the manual
19:56 nengard if anyone wants to work on that I'm all for it :)
20:00 chris back
20:06 chris looking now nengard
20:07 nengard thanks chris
20:24 MatthewMetzger gmcharlt: I'm about to attempt an upgrade from 2.2.9 to 3.0 alpha again. Do you think there is anything to be really concerned about regarding[…]w_bug.cgi?id=1820 (a listing of the output errors from last time I tried)?
20:25 gmcharlt MatthewMetzger: other than checking after the foreign key errors if they occur again, no
20:26 MatthewMetzger gmcharlt: okay, thanks. I'll give it a try. Thanks so much again for helping me get the right perl modules.
20:31 MatthewMetzger gmcharlt: I believe I got the exact same foreign key errors that we checked out before, so there's nothing new to post to bug 1820
20:31 gmcharlt ok
20:35 chris got it
20:35 chris patch on the way
21:51 atz do we have any designation for "lost card" ?
21:52 atz ah, nevermind, at the bottom of memberentry...
23:07 atz when I have a circ rule for Total "Default" set to 21,5 .... does that mean 5 items of EACH type?
23:25 fbcit perhaps a hidden folder on Mac OSX?
23:29 fbcit ouch
23:29 fbcit kados around?
00:24 fbcit chris around?
02:26 atz fbcit: yeah, __MACOSX is an Apple system file... holds various stuff you won't need
02:29 kados chris: you around?
02:29 kados chris: I didn't see 19 patches from paul, maybe about 12 or so
02:29 kados masonj: you around?
02:30 masonj hiya josh
02:30 kados hey mason
02:30 kados there's a patch from you in the queue: ' adding in SERIES(440) fields loop again'
02:30 kados masonj: it's just for the OPAC
02:30 kados masonj: is that functionality already in the staff side?
02:30 masonj yes,  :)
02:30 kados if not, we need to add it along with that patch
02:30 kados ahh, so you're basically synching from the staff to the OPAC?
02:31 masonj i added the staff one recently, then the opac
02:31 kados cool, thanks
02:31 kados just double-checking
02:31 masonj lemme confirm that too..
02:33 masonj i sent thru 2 yesterday for the staff side temples too
02:33 kados hmmm, guess I didn't get those
02:34 kados masonj: one other quickie:
02:34 kados [PATCH] fix for bug 1836, Adding patrons fails when using cites/zipcode feature]
02:34 masonj yep
02:34 kados looks like this patch's solution to bug 1836 is to just remove the cities and zipcode feature altogether
02:34 kados it really needs to be fixed to work properly, and if you don't have the time, we should file a blocker bug explaining the precise issue
02:35 masonj close, it removes the zip/cites lookup , during the add
02:35 kados perhaps someone who does use that feature will step up to the plate in the next day or so
02:35 kados can you expand on that?
02:36 masonj the lookup now happens before, and the zip/cites values are populated in the template
02:37 masonj so the template now passes thru the selected zip/city values to the script,
02:38 masonj make sense?
02:39 masonj but, having said that...
02:39 masonj the area is now messy, and does need a proper look at
02:40 masonj if you are looking now yourself, you'll know what i mean :)
02:43 kados OK, so the values are populated manually now, rather than in the background
02:44 masonj background?
02:45 kados so I guess if there's fallout, there's fallout :-)
02:48 masonj if ( $guarantorid eq ''){
02:48 masonj -  if ($select_city){
02:48 masonj -    my ($borrower_city,$borrower_zipcode​)=&getzipnamecity($select_city);
02:50 masonj so the issue was that the getzipnamecity() was failing, because it wants an ID, and returns a 'CITY | ZIPCODE' pair
02:51 masonj the bug was, that $select_city, already contains the 'CITY|ZIP' pair, which it got from the template previous
02:53 masonj so, getzipnamecity() was failing, and no city or zip was being returned and saved
03:18 masonj kados: FYI: i updated the bug report with more detail
03:18 masonj[…]w_bug.cgi?id=1836

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