Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
11:21 |
mj |
hello. I am the person who asked the "zebrasrv -c" question on the mailinglist, and received the tip to try "zebrasrv -f" instead from Henri-Damien |
11:22 |
mj |
thanks very much, that seems to work much better, however... |
11:22 |
mj |
now I'm getting: 11:23:43-13/11 [fatal] /usr/share/koha/etc/zebradb/zebra-biblios.cfg:29 missing colon after 'passw.passwd' |
11:23 |
mj |
any ideas here what else i missed? |
11:23 |
mj |
I promise: when I have all this up-and-running, I'll create a wiki page with detailed instructions :-) |
12:20 |
hdl |
ùj hi |
12:20 |
hdl |
mj |
12:21 |
hdl |
consider commenting the passw.passwd line in zebra-biblios.cfg |
12:21 |
hdl |
This is owed to a change in config syntax |
12:38 |
fbcit |
g'morning hdl |
12:38 |
hdl |
hi fbcit |
12:40 |
fbcit |
I was testing changes I made to the installer and noticed mysql complaining about dup keys in the sysprefs.sql |
12:40 |
fbcit |
specfically |
12:41 |
fbcit |
line 49 |
12:42 |
fbcit |
'marcflavour' |
12:42 |
fbcit |
However, doing a select on systempreferences.variable = 'marcflavour' returns only one record... |
12:46 |
fbcit |
hdl: I thought this might have something to do with the marc flavor changes |
12:47 |
hdl |
if mysql complains about duplicate key value, then it doesnot add. |
12:47 |
hdl |
Oh... Yes. |
12:48 |
fbcit |
is it possible that the row is inserted by an earlier script and duped in the sysprefs script? |
12:50 |
fbcit |
grep'ing only shows that one occurrence though... |
12:53 |
fbcit |
looks like it would insert in spite of the complaint since prior to the sql import we SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 |
13:00 |
fbcit |
looking at the structure of systempreferences, it does not make any sense. sysprefs.sql should import without error... |
13:05 |
hdl |
fbcit-away: |
13:05 |
hdl |
I changed install.pl to insert marflavour when one was chosen. |
13:05 |
hdl |
This makes the problem occur. |
13:06 |
hdl |
In fact, systempreferences.sql could be updated in order not to insert marcflavour systempreference. |
13:10 |
hdl |
But Problem would be if no choice of marcflavour is proposed (For french it is the case). Then marcflavour should be imported from systempreferences.sql |
13:10 |
hdl |
fbcit-away: hope you shall get this message soon. |
13:31 |
kados |
hiya owen |
13:32 |
owen |
Hi |
13:32 |
kados |
hdl, fbcit-away I think I have a solution to the difficulty of picking how to have a different record.abs between unimarc and usmarc |
13:32 |
kados |
hdl, fbcit-away the solution is to switch from ABS to DOM :-) |
13:33 |
kados |
http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?[…]om_style_indexing |
13:34 |
hdl |
kados : marcflavour is not only for indexing, it is also related to framework building. |
13:35 |
kados |
hdl: right, but for zebra it's just indexing |
13:36 |
hdl |
but for install, it is the problem I spotted ;) ... friendly |
13:36 |
kados |
do we use record.abs for anything except zebra indexing? |
13:39 |
kados |
I think there are aspects of the Koha frameworks that could fit into the zebra xslt DOM file |
13:40 |
mj |
hdl: thanks for the tip. |
13:42 |
hdl |
kados : Sure. |
13:43 |
hdl |
But at the moment, we need a release don't we ? |
13:43 |
kados |
yep |
13:43 |
kados |
but it's a programatic change |
13:43 |
hdl |
changing all the stuff for DOM is not a vital priority. |
13:43 |
hdl |
I agree with this change. |
13:44 |
kados |
well the question is, how do we handle unimarc vs usmarc |
13:44 |
kados |
in the installer |
13:44 |
kados |
(not the web installer) |
13:44 |
hdl |
tumer already did it. |
13:44 |
kados |
if we switched to DOM we could have both, and make the choice in the web installer |
13:44 |
kados |
if we use ABS we have to modify Makefile to accomodate for the choice |
13:44 |
kados |
so which is easier? |
13:45 |
hdl |
How would you have both in DOM ? |
13:45 |
hdl |
See you soon |
13:45 |
kados |
hdl: because in the DOM you could have the choice stored in a syspref |
13:47 |
kados |
hmmm, guess not |
13:47 |
kados |
it would have to be in zebra.cfg |
13:52 |
kados |
but we could have multiple extract pipelines |
13:52 |
kados |
The <extract> pipeline takes documents from any common DOM XML format to the Zebra specific indexing DOM XML format. It may consist of zero ore more <xslt stylesheet="path/file.xsl"/> XSLT transformations, and the outcome is handled to the Zebra core to drive the process of building the inverted indexes. |
13:53 |
kados |
which could be set up ahead of time presumably |
14:43 |
hdl |
kados : would the BIG xslt containing ALL the frameworks be processed once for all (when setup is complete or marcflavour chosen) ? or should xslt processed at each connexion (This would take time.) |
14:43 |
hdl |
? |
15:00 |
hdl |
kados ? |
15:00 |
hdl |
Does any of your customer want to limit results to some subset ? |
15:01 |
hdl |
(restricted search) |
15:01 |
hdl |
(For instance for childhood protection or for restricted areas) |
15:03 |
owen |
paul_ around? |
15:04 |
hdl |
not today |
15:04 |
owen |
hdl, maybe you can help me understand bug 1513? |
15:07 |
hdl |
owen : have you tried to add a biblio with only title and doctype mandatory ? |
15:07 |
owen |
No |
15:08 |
hdl |
If you click on field 245 for instance, then mandatory subfields fades away and optional ones are displayed. |
15:09 |
hdl |
Which is NOT the expected behaviour : should be all subfields displayed and not only optional ones. |
15:09 |
owen |
I can't reproduce this problem with the default framework I have. Do you have any suggestions? |
15:10 |
hdl |
Can I get on your system ? |
15:26 |
fbcit |
hdl: in the case of marcflavour, the second insert takes precedence, right? (that one in sysprefs.sql) |
15:29 |
fbcit |
really we can do one of two thing, imo... |
15:30 |
hdl |
shouldnot be that way. Second insert should be and is discarded |
15:31 |
fbcit |
hdl: sorry, but I have to run... I'll get back later.tnx |
15:31 |
hdl |
ok |
15:36 |
fbcit |
hdl: sorry about that... |
15:38 |
fbcit |
hdl: but the error is carried out to the user... should it be suppressed? |
15:39 |
fbcit |
or can the first insert be made conditional on the language choice? |
15:39 |
kados |
hdl: regarding your question, yes, we have a customer that wants that |
15:39 |
hdl |
Maybe we should insert IGNORE rather than only inserting |
15:40 |
fbcit |
that would be true if the second always takes precedence (which it seems to me to... :-) |
15:41 |
fbcit |
the first is just there in case there is not a second... right? |
15:47 |
fbcit |
hdl: I notice that in the fr/mandatory there is unimarc_standard_systemprefs.sql which also inserts marcflavour |
15:47 |
hdl |
yes |
15:47 |
hdl |
But french install donot have more than one marcflavour. |
15:47 |
hdl |
So choice of marcflavour is skipped. |
15:48 |
hdl |
It is english marcflavour choice which raises this error. |
15:48 |
fbcit |
but the marcflavour preference is populated by unimarc_standard_systemprefs.sql so why do we need to do the insert in install.pl |
15:51 |
hdl |
fbcit: If unimarc_standard_systempreferences.sql in english adds a marcflavour UNIMARC, then inserting marcflavour line in install.pl is nonsense. |
15:51 |
hdl |
*in english* |
15:52 |
hdl |
But if we have only one systempreferences.sql for english ppl, then marcflavour would be wrong sometimes (when someone chooses UNIMARC) |
15:52 |
hdl |
This is why I added this line in install.pl |
15:53 |
fbcit |
ahh... I see... |
15:55 |
fbcit |
I wonder if we can move that insert into the marc21 framework & unimarc framework sql rather than doing it in install.pl? |
15:55 |
fbcit |
those scripts will be selected based on the user's choice... |
15:56 |
fbcit |
at the top of each we could insert the appropriate preference... |
16:27 |
hdl |
fbcit: yes. It may be the most appropriate way. But it would need documentation and much caution from devs. |
16:27 |
hdl |
Since exporting frameworks from bases is quite easy and automatic. |
16:28 |
kados |
ok, this may sound strange |
16:28 |
hdl |
Adding one line from a different table. |
16:28 |
kados |
but what if we solved this by having different databases for unimarc vs marc21 |
16:28 |
hdl |
kados ???? |
16:28 |
kados |
ie, biblios-marc21 vs biblios-unimarc |
16:28 |
kados |
then the syspref could be used |
16:29 |
kados |
the Makefile woudln't need to know about the choice up front |
16:29 |
kados |
it would just install both databases |
16:29 |
kados |
and let the user choose which one to use |
16:29 |
kados |
does that make sense? |
16:29 |
hdl |
imho, it would be crazy and nonesense. |
16:30 |
hdl |
you would create a database just for 'fun'. |
16:30 |
kados |
well, not really, it wouldn't ever be initiatlized |
16:30 |
kados |
it would just be a directory |
16:30 |
kados |
that happened to not have anything in it |
16:32 |
kados |
the problem right now with installation is that: |
16:32 |
hdl |
kados: i really donot see why we should even create a ghost database. |
16:32 |
kados |
1. we want to separate library choices from system choices |
16:32 |
kados |
2. the system person won't know what marcflavour to use |
16:32 |
kados |
3. the librarian has no way to set up zebra's databases |
16:32 |
kados |
so if we create two dirs, then the librarian can choose with a syspref which one to use |
16:33 |
kados |
maybe |
16:34 |
kados |
hdl: what's your idea to solve this problem? |
16:35 |
fbcit |
hdl, kados: I moved the pref insert as I mentioned and it works fine... |
16:35 |
fbcit |
minimizes changes... |
16:35 |
kados |
fbcit: moved it where? |
16:36 |
fbcit |
to the start of the marc21 and unimarc sql scripts... |
16:36 |
kados |
ok |
16:36 |
kados |
here's the real issue |
16:36 |
kados |
when you run Makefile.PL |
16:37 |
kados |
it sets up zebra for you |
16:37 |
kados |
it puts record.abs in the zebradb/biblios/etc/ dir |
16:37 |
kados |
and the record.abs it puts in there is a marc21 one |
16:37 |
kados |
that doesn't work for hdl |
16:37 |
kados |
he needs a record.abs that is unimarc-specific |
16:37 |
hdl |
kados : Does it setup a zebra-biblios.conf ? |
16:37 |
kados |
hdl: yep |
16:38 |
kados |
hdl: it sets up everything |
16:38 |
fbcit |
so why not have the webinstaller do it all? |
16:38 |
hdl |
Ok. |
16:38 |
kados |
because the web installer doesn't have write access to those dirs |
16:38 |
hdl |
I donot have time enough to investiguate in zebra installation script. |
16:38 |
kados |
at least it doesn't as currently designed |
16:38 |
hdl |
But |
16:39 |
kados |
hdl: rebuild_zebra.pl is unnecessary for installation with Makefile.PL |
16:39 |
kados |
although perhaps it could be useful for re-indexing |
16:39 |
fbcit |
I need to study the zebra config stuff more closely. |
16:39 |
hdl |
I think that we donot use zebra configuration files possibility at their top level. |
16:39 |
hdl |
I mean : |
16:40 |
hdl |
I think that there could be two *.abs files in tab dir. |
16:40 |
kados |
s/tab/etc/ |
16:40 |
hdl |
And zebra-biblio.conf could settle which one to use. |
16:41 |
kados |
hdl: ok, but who has write access to zebra-biblio.conf? |
16:41 |
hdl |
record.abs in in tab |
16:41 |
kados |
tab is now called etc |
16:41 |
kados |
koha/etc/zebradb/ |
16:42 |
fbcit |
Makefile.PL could tell zebra where zebra-biblio.conf is? |
16:42 |
kados |
hdl: I think the issue here is that you and paul hav a different process for installing zebra than the rest of us |
16:43 |
kados |
hdl: take a look at koha/etc |
16:43 |
kados |
hdl: you will find koha-conf.xml and koha-httpd.conf that Makefile.PL use |
16:44 |
kados |
hdl: slef has worked hard to conform to the FSH for all naming conventions |
16:44 |
kados |
inside zebradb we have an etc with all of zebra's config files |
16:44 |
kados |
and in zebradb/biblios/etc we have the database-specific config files |
16:44 |
hdl |
paul and I works with UNIMARC it has nothing to do with our way to install. |
16:44 |
kados |
Filehttp://www.pathname.com/fhs/ |
16:44 |
kados |
http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ |
16:45 |
hdl |
If you have to set up a UNIMARC library, you will require a UNIMARC record.abs |
16:45 |
kados |
hdl: the install process for you and paul is documented on the wiki, right? |
16:45 |
kados |
hdl: exactly |
16:45 |
hdl |
your install process is documented ? |
16:45 |
kados |
hdl: so what I'm trying to say is, we need a way to make it possible to install a unimarc record.abs in the main project installer |
16:46 |
kados |
hdl: the install process is 'make' 'make install' |
16:46 |
kados |
hdl: that's it |
16:46 |
kados |
the Makefile.PL does everything |
16:46 |
kados |
there is zero zebra config necessary |
16:46 |
kados |
perl Makefile.PL; make; make install |
16:46 |
hdl |
Yes. But info tech Guy has no way to choose between UNIMARC and usmarc. |
16:47 |
kados |
exactly |
16:47 |
kados |
so that's what we're trying to resolve |
16:48 |
hdl |
And zebra requires a different configuration file if it is UNIMARC or usmarc. |
16:48 |
kados |
hdl: more than record.abs? |
16:48 |
hdl |
sortstrings.chr |
16:48 |
hdl |
words.chr |
16:48 |
hdl |
... |
16:48 |
kados |
yep, so the .abs and the .chr files |
16:48 |
kados |
anything else? |
16:48 |
kados |
(I think that's it) |
16:49 |
kados |
so we can: |
16:49 |
hdl |
if one created 2 zebra-biblios.conf files |
16:49 |
kados |
1. default to marc21 and have the web installer warn the user upon unimarc choice to tell the sysadmin to run a script that installs unimarc files |
16:50 |
hdl |
zebra-biblios-usmarc.conf |
16:50 |
hdl |
and zebra-biblios-unimarc.conf |
16:50 |
hdl |
Nope. |
16:51 |
fbcit |
kados: are we expecting the sysadmin to run make && make install? |
16:51 |
kados |
fbcit: yes |
16:51 |
hdl |
(Nope was for me... Mys solution required a change in koha.xml) |
16:51 |
fbcit |
and the user to run webinstaller? |
16:51 |
kados |
fbcit: yes |
16:51 |
hdl |
fbcit: this is what we are heading to. |
16:51 |
kados |
we want to maintain a separation between system-level and library-level tasks |
16:51 |
fbcit |
so the zebra stuff must be done in Makefile.PL...$ |
16:52 |
kados |
yep, because it requires write access to the filesystem |
16:52 |
fbcit |
webinstaller just needs to verify that the marcflavor the user wants is what has been installed and warn otherwise... |
16:53 |
kados |
yea |
16:53 |
kados |
maybe that's the approach to take |
16:53 |
kados |
we can use a new variable for the makefile |
16:53 |
fbcit |
too bad kohastructure is not in place during Makefile.PL... |
16:53 |
kados |
16:53 |
kados |
defaults to marc21 |
16:53 |
fbcit |
we could insert the marcflavor pref there.... |
16:54 |
kados |
when the web installer is run, it checks the user's choice vs the system choice |
16:54 |
kados |
and if they dont' match, it warns the user to have their sysadmin fix it |
16:54 |
fbcit |
and refuses to run.... |
16:54 |
fbcit |
? |
16:54 |
kados |
maybe |
16:54 |
kados |
well, probably not |
16:54 |
fbcit |
as long as the descrepancy exists? |
16:54 |
kados |
because other still will work fine |
16:54 |
fbcit |
sp... |
16:55 |
kados |
just not searching |
16:55 |
fbcit |
k |
16:55 |
kados |
maybe have a big warning on the staff side though |
16:55 |
fbcit |
so marc only comes into play when searching? |
16:55 |
kados |
that tells the user that someting's not configured correctly |
16:55 |
fbcit |
data entry will not be affected? |
16:55 |
kados |
fbcit: zebra only comes into play when searching |
16:55 |
hdl |
fbcit: yes it will |
16:55 |
kados |
fbcit: right, data entry will be unaffected |
16:55 |
kados |
if the user chooses unimarc, the data will be saved as unimarc |
16:55 |
hdl |
kados : addbiblio.pl adds 100$a |
16:55 |
kados |
regardless of the system-level choices |
16:56 |
hdl |
Oh yes. |
16:56 |
hdl |
you're right. |
16:56 |
kados |
and if the user chooses nozebra it doesnt' matter anyway |
16:56 |
fbcit |
so user's pref will rule when data entry is concerned, but not when searching.. |
16:56 |
hdl |
But marc frameworks won't be good. |
16:56 |
kados |
fbcit: right |
16:56 |
kados |
hdl: yes, they will be fine, all of that is handled in the database |
16:56 |
kados |
hdl: the only file-system stuff is zebra's .abs file and the .chr files |
16:57 |
kados |
fbcit: does the make install process output a result txt file that says what was done? |
16:58 |
hdl |
see you. |
16:58 |
fbcit |
by hdl |
16:58 |
fbcit |
s/by/bye/ |
16:58 |
kados |
cya hdl |
16:58 |
fbcit |
kados: no |
16:58 |
kados |
so I can't do a 'make uninstall'? |
16:58 |
fbcit |
it could be made to... |
16:59 |
fbcit |
I don't know, hold on. |
17:00 |
fbcit |
it does no look like it. |
17:01 |
fbcit |
kados: 'make uninstall' says: Uninstall is unsafe and deprecated, the uninstallation was not performed. |
17:02 |
fbcit |
and koha runs like normal... |
17:04 |
kados |
hmmm |
17:05 |
kados |
I guess it's based on ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
17:06 |
fbcit |
it is, but I am not familiar with that module myself.. |
17:08 |
kados |
check your syspref |
17:08 |
kados |
there's one for session driver |
17:08 |
kados |
I bet it's set to mysql |
17:08 |
kados |
we probably need to add an option for postgres |
17:08 |
kados |
or you could just change it to file |
17:09 |
kados |
fbcit: /cgi-bin/koha/admin/systempreferences.pl?tab=Admin |
17:09 |
kados |
fbcit: SessionStorage |
17:09 |
fbcit |
sessonstorage |
17:09 |
fbcit |
mysql|tmp |
17:09 |
kados |
yea, just change that to: |
17:09 |
kados |
mysql|tmp|postgres |
17:09 |
kados |
I think |
17:10 |
kados |
or ... you could test if it's that by setting it to tmp for now |
17:10 |
kados |
ahh |
17:10 |
kados |
we need a block to handle postgres |
17:10 |
kados |
C4/Auth.pm |
17:10 |
kados |
around line 411 |
17:11 |
kados |
fbcit++ |
17:11 |
fbcit |
I added a library over pg last night and nothing blew chunks |
17:12 |
fbcit |
changing to tmp fixed it, so I'll add the code this afternoon. |
17:12 |
kados |
awesome |
17:12 |
kados |
yea, on my list |
17:12 |
fbcit |
:-) |
17:21 |
owen |
kados, is the redirect from /search going to be done for the 3.0 OPAC ? |
17:23 |
kados |
owen: no |
17:27 |
kados |
fbcit: ping me when you're back |
17:27 |
kados |
fbcit: I'm testing out your patches |
17:27 |
kados |
fbcit: but I may be missing some |
17:27 |
kados |
(I think I'm missing the 'select your database type' one |
17:28 |
kados |
it's just finding my mysql db |
17:28 |
kados |
and yea, I'm stuck on step 2 |
18:21 |
kados |
fbcit: back yet? |
18:21 |
kados |
fbcit: I'm seeing one bug here with these patches |
18:21 |
kados |
fbcit: I don't get the option to select a marc flavour (it asks me to select, but no options are listed) |
18:22 |
kados |
also, step 3, doesn't list any options to select from |
18:23 |
kados |
hiya |
18:23 |
kados |
fbcit: see above |
18:23 |
kados |
fbcit: chris just forwarded me all your patches |
18:23 |
kados |
fbcit: and I applied everything |
18:24 |
kados |
fbcit: and there are some bugs |
18:24 |
kados |
basically I'm not prompted to select a MARC flavour, and I'm not prompted to select my 'options' |
18:24 |
fbcit |
kados: you have to make the db selection in koha-conf.xml... <db_scheme>Pg</db_scheme> |
18:24 |
fbcit |
also set <port>5433</port> for Pg |
18:25 |
kados |
hmmm |
18:25 |
kados |
I'm not testing Pg |
18:25 |
kados |
I'm testing mysql |
18:25 |
kados |
when I run the web installer |
18:25 |
kados |
I get: |
18:25 |
fbcit |
k |
18:25 |
kados |
Select your MARC flavour |
18:25 |
kados |
as a step |
18:25 |
kados |
but nothing to actually select |
18:25 |
kados |
and while I like the idea of being able to specify the port, it should work without that specification |
18:26 |
kados |
for backwards compatibility |
18:26 |
kados |
[Tue Nov 13 12:21:09 2007] [error] [client] [Tue Nov 13 12:21:09 2007] install.pl: no open /home/jmf/koha/production/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/data/mysql/en/marcflavour/ at /home/jmf/koha/production/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/install.pl line 418., referer: http://staff-jmf.dev.kohalibra[…]p=3&op=choosemarc |
18:26 |
kados |
] install.pl: no open /home/jmf/koha/production/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/data/mysql/en at /home/jmf/koha/production/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/install.pl line 477., referer: http://staff-jmf.dev.kohalibra[…]p=3&op=choosemarc |
18:26 |
fbcit |
Makefile will set the port to the default mysql if none is specified. |
18:27 |
fbcit |
hold on.... |
18:27 |
kados |
ok, but what I mean is, we shouldn't have to specify the port in the config file |
18:27 |
kados |
if that makes sense |
18:27 |
kados |
that's a new parameter, not everyone will know that it needs to be in there |
18:28 |
fbcit |
it should work w/o a port spec'd as installer checks for $info{port} ? "port=$info{port}":"" but that is not the problem here I think |
18:29 |
kados |
fbcit: http://staff-jmf.dev.kohalibrary.com |
18:29 |
kados |
you can run the installer |
18:29 |
fbcit |
check for the existence of koha/installer/data/mysql/en/marcflavour... |
18:32 |
kados |
fbcit: it's not there |
18:32 |
kados |
fbcit: maybe I'm missing a patch? |
18:32 |
fbcit |
then a patch failed |
18:32 |
fbcit |
and that is why no marc choices.... |
18:32 |
kados |
the en stuff is still in the data dir |
18:32 |
kados |
yea |
18:32 |
kados |
ok, i'll see what I'm missing here |
18:33 |
kados |
sorry for bothering you about it :-) |
18:33 |
[K] |
*** join #koha FreeNode: darcilicious n=plinkit |
18:33 |
fbcit |
0002-Moved-language-dirs-one-level-down-under-dbms-dir-m.patch |
18:33 |
fbcit |
second patch down... ;-) |
18:34 |
[K] |
*** part FreeNode!#koha: darcilicious n=plinkit |
18:34 |
kados |
fbcit: I didn't get that one |
18:34 |
kados |
hmmm |
18:34 |
kados |
hang on |
18:34 |
kados |
I see now |
18:34 |
kados |
ok, give me a sec here |
18:35 |
fbcit |
I can resend it... |
18:35 |
kados |
yea, I don't see that one |
18:35 |
kados |
send it to rm koha.org |
18:38 |
fbcit |
kados: one moment... |
18:39 |
fbcit |
back |
18:40 |
fbcit |
kados: so if no port is spec'd (ie. <port></port>) with mysql it will not matter |
18:42 |
kados |
sweet |
18:42 |
kados |
yea, it's all working |
18:42 |
kados |
sample_labels.sql failed |
18:42 |
kados |
but other than that we're all good |
18:42 |
fbcit |
sample_labels.sql tries to dup a key I think... |
18:43 |
kados |
ahh |
18:43 |
fbcit |
havn't taken time to look |
18:43 |
kados |
I thought galen pushed up a patch for that |
18:43 |
kados |
but I'll take a look |
18:43 |
fbcit |
git had me running scared... |
18:43 |
fbcit |
:-) |
18:44 |
kados |
ok, I'm gonna push this stuff up |
18:44 |
kados |
fbcit++ |
18:44 |
kados |
so we still need to address this prob with marc21 vs unimarc |
18:44 |
kados |
any thoughts since lunch? :-) |
18:45 |
fbcit |
I need to spend time studying how zebra is setup and how ExtUtils::MakeMaker works |
18:46 |
kados |
I can explain zebra |
18:46 |
kados |
studying it probably will take you a couple weeks :-) |
18:47 |
kados |
ok, here goes |
18:47 |
kados |
zebra has config files and system files |
18:48 |
kados |
it's very very flexible |
18:48 |
kados |
so some stuff can be set globally and some stuff set per-database |
18:48 |
kados |
in Koha we have two databases currently |
18:48 |
kados |
one for biblios and one for authorities |
18:48 |
kados |
so we have a generic global etc dir with global config files |
18:49 |
kados |
and biblios and authorities have their own etc as well |
18:49 |
kados |
with database-specific config files |
18:49 |
kados |
if you look in koha/etc/zebradb |
18:49 |
kados |
you'll see an etc dir with the global configs |
18:49 |
kados |
and koha/etc/zebradb/biblios/etc has the biblios-specific config files |
18:50 |
kados |
one of the files in particular is used to define how zebra indexes things |
18:50 |
fbcit |
so koha/etc/zebradb/foo/etc? |
18:50 |
kados |
yes |
18:50 |
kados |
record.abs is the master index definition for a given database |
18:50 |
kados |
(well, foo.abs really) |
18:50 |
kados |
(but lets keep it simple for now) |
18:51 |
kados |
so marc21 and unimarc have different indexes obviously |
18:51 |
kados |
because, for instance, in unimarc 100$a isnt' author |
18:51 |
kados |
whereas in marc21, it is |
18:51 |
kados |
so koha/etc/zebradb/foo/etc/record.abs |
18:51 |
kados |
will be different depending on the flavour of MARC |
18:51 |
kados |
with me so far? |
18:51 |
fbcit |
yea |
18:53 |
kados |
yep |
18:54 |
fbcit |
so 'abs' is just a diff format than sxml... |
18:54 |
fbcit |
xslt |
18:56 |
kados |
well, not quite |
18:57 |
kados |
it's unfortunately a bit more complex than that |
18:57 |
fbcit |
so the only diff between unimarc and marc21 is the "tag" (ie 100$a)? |
18:57 |
kados |
yea |
18:58 |
fbcit |
k |
18:58 |
fbcit |
our problem is how to decide which record.abs to install...? |
18:58 |
kados |
exactly |
18:58 |
fbcit |
and other associated config files... |
18:58 |
kados |
my thinking is |
18:58 |
kados |
yea, there are only two others |
18:58 |
kados |
if we solve the prob for record.abs we can solve it for the others |
18:59 |
fbcit |
with what I know at this point, I like the idea of an env var passed to Makefile.PL |
18:59 |
fbcit |
and webinstaller checks as we discussed earlier... |
19:02 |
kados |
yea, I like that idea too |
19:02 |
kados |
we could almost store that in the config file |
19:02 |
kados |
rather than in the systempreferences |
19:02 |
kados |
but that would require a fair amount of refactoring |
19:03 |
fbcit |
koha-conf.xml contains settings the user should not be able to change, right? |
19:03 |
kados |
correct |
19:04 |
fbcit |
I'm for leaving it in the db for now... |
19:09 |
fbcit |
kados: is marc21 default or unimarc? |
19:09 |
kados |
marc21 |
19:10 |
kados |
unimarc is pretty localized to france |
19:10 |
fbcit |
so we add ZEBRA_MARC or MARC_TYPE |
19:10 |
fbcit |
? |
19:10 |
kados |
19:10 |
fbcit |
k |
19:12 |
fbcit |
so only files under db/etc change for marc spec? or do some globals change also? |
19:12 |
kados |
globals too :-) |
19:13 |
kados |
all of the .chr files |
19:13 |
kados |
are marcflavour-specific |
19:13 |
fbcit |
give me path/filename of what changes per marc spec |
19:13 |
kados |
ok |
19:13 |
fbcit |
I think this should not be too hard... |
19:13 |
kados |
we just discovered that the french team has been using files in misc/zebra |
19:13 |
fbcit |
famous last words..... |
19:13 |
kados |
and the english team has been using files in etc/zebradb |
19:13 |
fbcit |
we need to standardize I think... :-) |
19:14 |
kados |
yep |
19:14 |
fbcit |
off-topic: what is the release time-frame for Koha3? |
19:14 |
kados |
so the unimarc record.abs is in koha/misc/zebra/record_biblios_unimarc.abs |
19:14 |
kados |
for biblios |
19:14 |
kados |
for authorities its |
19:14 |
kados |
so the unimarc record.abs is in koha/misc/zebra/record_authorities_unimarc.abs |
19:15 |
kados |
but the usmarc file in that dir should be ignored |
19:15 |
kados |
fbcit: 3.0 will be released when it's ready :-) |
19:15 |
kados |
fbcit: this year for sure |
19:15 |
kados |
asap basically |
19:15 |
kados |
misc/zebra/sort-string-utf_french.chr |
19:15 |
kados |
is the french version of |
19:16 |
kados |
../../etc/zebradb/etc/sort-string.chr |
19:17 |
kados |
it's just three files :-) |
19:17 |
kados |
and use the naming conventions from etc/zebradb |
19:17 |
kados |
not misc/ |
19:17 |
fbcit |
I assume these path/names are referenced in zebra-foo.cfg? |
19:18 |
kados |
correct |
19:18 |
kados |
well |
19:18 |
kados |
in a round abotu way |
19:18 |
kados |
sort-string.chr is referenced in default.idx which is referenced in bib1.att which is referenced in zebra-foo.cfg |
19:18 |
kados |
:-) |
19:19 |
fbcit |
so really the fr stuff needs to be made to match what exists in etc/zebradb |
19:20 |
kados |
yes |
19:20 |
kados |
those three files |
19:20 |
fbcit |
so *just* those three? |
19:20 |
kados |
yep |
19:21 |
kados |
if we move those files to etc |
19:21 |
kados |
we can delete misc/zebra altogether |
19:21 |
fbcit |
once that part works, we will work on the webinstaller part... |
19:22 |
fbcit |
and do Pg port stuff in the cracks between... |
19:22 |
fbcit |
kados: sound ok? |
19:23 |
kados |
yea, sounds perfect |
19:24 |
kados |
fbcit: 3.0 is likely stable enough, or will be by the end of this week, to run in production |
19:25 |
kados |
fbcit: the liblimer's are doing code auditing this week of all the circ, searching, cataloging stuff |
19:25 |
kados |
fbcit: your help with the installer is most appreciated |
19:25 |
owen |
kados, I was curious about the spelling suggest feature. When I look at the kohaspsuggest preference, its explanation is "Track search queries, turn on by defining host:dbname:user:pass" |
19:25 |
kados |
owen: yea, that's what NPL has |
19:26 |
kados |
owen: I ported it to 3.0 |
19:26 |
owen |
Why "track search queries" ? |
19:26 |
kados |
owen: it's just part of the functionality of that feature |
19:27 |
kados |
owen: it tracks 'successful' queries and ranks them as part of the suggestion feature |
19:27 |
owen |
I see. |
19:27 |
owen |
Should that be a YesNo pref? Right now it's got a Textarea |
19:28 |
kados |
no |
19:28 |
kados |
see the syspref description :-) |
19:28 |
kados |
' turn on by defining host:dbname:user:pass' |
19:28 |
owen |
Oh, sorry, I wasn't thinking |
19:28 |
owen |
Why doesn't it know those values? |
19:30 |
kados |
I didn't add the sql to kohastructure.sql for 3.0 |
19:30 |
kados |
it's a separate 'service' |
19:30 |
kados |
ie, not part of koha proper |
19:30 |
kados |
it's generic enough that it could be implemented for anything that needs spellchecking |
19:32 |
fbcit |
kados: in zebradb/etc I see sort-string-utf.chr... |
19:32 |
fbcit |
is this eq 'sortstring.chr' |
19:32 |
fbcit |
is this eq 'sort-string.chr' |
19:35 |
kados |
yes |
19:37 |
fbcit |
kados: so I'm going with -marc21 and -unimarc suffix's... see any problems? |
19:39 |
kados |
ok, sorry, had a phone call |
19:39 |
kados |
so this is interesting |
19:40 |
kados |
the *.chr file isn't really a unimarc vs marc21 thing |
19:40 |
kados |
it's more a language thing |
19:40 |
kados |
in fact, it's entirely a language thing |
19:40 |
kados |
lemme check the frenh one |
19:41 |
fbcit |
k |
19:41 |
kados |
ok, right |
19:41 |
kados |
it's language-specific |
19:41 |
kados |
the important differences between french and english |
19:42 |
kados |
are the articles |
19:42 |
kados |
in France, articles are Le, La, Les, etc. |
19:42 |
kados |
in English, The, the, a, A, An, etc. |
19:42 |
kados |
and we ignore those for sorting purposes |
19:42 |
kados |
this is interesting |
19:43 |
fbcit |
I see.. hence the current suffix '_french' |
19:43 |
kados |
yea |
19:43 |
fbcit |
these are stopwords? |
19:44 |
kados |
stopwords specifically for sorting |
19:44 |
kados |
if you look in default.idx |
19:44 |
kados |
that's where the index types are defined |
19:44 |
kados |
one type is 's' for 'sort' |
19:44 |
kados |
and that's the charmap that's defined there |
19:44 |
kados |
sort-string-utf8.chr |
19:44 |
kados |
there's a turkish one floating around as well |
19:44 |
kados |
that we should add |
19:45 |
kados |
and I'll have an arabic one by the end of next week |
19:46 |
kados |
this is what makes zebra so great and at the same time so hard to set up |
19:47 |
fbcit |
so there is a diff default.idx per language? |
19:48 |
kados |
perhaps that's the best way to approach it |
19:48 |
kados |
well |
19:48 |
kados |
it depends |
19:48 |
kados |
we might be able to do it with symlinks |
19:48 |
kados |
ie, symlink sort-string.chr to the appropriate language .chr file |
19:48 |
fbcit |
we could setup for multi-lang and wrap the marc issue up inside |
19:48 |
kados |
ditto with the record.abs |
19:48 |
fbcit |
interesting... |
19:50 |
kados |
that'd be very apacheish |
19:51 |
fbcit |
so have Makefile.PL build the correct symlinks? |
19:51 |
kados |
in theory that should work |
19:52 |
kados |
and we could have a little utility to change them |
19:52 |
kados |
kinda like a2enmod |
19:52 |
kados |
does that make sense? |
19:52 |
kados |
we should test to make sure that zebra won't complain if we use symlinks |
19:52 |
fbcit |
in theory... ;-) |
19:53 |
kados |
no sense writing code for something that doesn't work |
19:53 |
kados |
it's too bad the web installer couldn't have write access, this would be sooo much easier |
19:53 |
fbcit |
can't we do 'su' inside a perl script? |
19:53 |
fbcit |
or sudo? |
19:54 |
fbcit |
the password would be an issue.... |
19:55 |
fbcit |
otherwise 'qx(sudo foo)' |
19:55 |
kados |
yea |
19:55 |
fbcit |
where 'foo' does the file moves? |
19:56 |
fbcit |
might be somewhat dangerous, though. |
20:01 |
fbcit |
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2007-11-13 14:51 default.idx -> us.idx |
20:01 |
fbcit |
fbcit:/usr/share/koha/etc/zebradb/etc# zebrasrv -c /usr/share/koha/etc/koha-conf.xml |
20:01 |
fbcit |
14:52:14-13/11 [log] zebra_start /usr/share/koha/etc/koha-conf.xml 1.3.50 |
20:01 |
fbcit |
14:52:14-13/11 [server] Adding dynamic listener on tcp:@:9999 id=0 |
20:01 |
fbcit |
14:52:14-13/11 [server] Starting server zebrasrv pid=19409 |
20:01 |
kados |
sweet |
20:02 |
kados |
but lets keep default.idx as is |
20:02 |
kados |
and create symlinks for the .chr files |
20:02 |
fbcit |
k |
20:04 |
fbcit |
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2007-11-13 14:54 sort-string-utf.chr -> sort-string-utf-us.chr |
20:04 |
fbcit |
zebra says the same as before |
20:05 |
fbcit |
kados: shall we wrap the marc issue up inside the language issue? |
20:05 |
fbcit |
or keep it separate? |
20:06 |
kados |
separate |
20:06 |
kados |
because, for instance, there are english users of unimarc |
20:07 |
fbcit |
I am thinking of an altered dir structure... ie zebradb/etc/lang/en... to hold language specific files |
20:08 |
fbcit |
or is this too much? |
20:08 |
fbcit |
zebradb/biblios/etc/lang/en and biblios/etc/marcflavour/marc21 |
20:09 |
kados |
no, that's fine |
20:28 |
fbcit |
kados: the default lang is en, right? |
20:28 |
kados |
yes |
20:29 |
fbcit |
so why don't we build sym links in which default zebra to en and marc21, then let Makefile.PL write new ones if specified? |
20:29 |
kados |
sounds good |
20:29 |
kados |
can we get git to store symlinks? |
20:29 |
kados |
also, that approach won't work on windows |
20:29 |
fbcit |
I thought of M$ earlier... |
20:29 |
kados |
arrg |
20:29 |
kados |
M$-- |
20:30 |
fbcit |
I think that NTFS does some sort of symlink.... |
20:30 |
kados |
but we do have a big Koha Windows contingency |
20:30 |
fbcit |
ouch |
20:31 |
fbcit |
kados: from google: |
20:31 |
fbcit |
NTFS 5.0 supports what they call junctions, which are similar to |
20:31 |
fbcit |
symbolic links, on an NTFS filesystem. They also allow hard links, |
20:31 |
fbcit |
which are essentially the same as hard links in Unix. |
20:32 |
kados |
yea |
20:32 |
kados |
but most koha windows users aren't running ntfs I'm guessing |
20:32 |
kados |
I woudln't want to tie our design choices to a specific os |
20:32 |
kados |
I mean ... filesystem |
20:32 |
kados |
arrg |
20:32 |
kados |
unless we just decide this installer i just for *nix |
20:32 |
kados |
and the windows package maintainer has to make up his own stuff :) |
20:33 |
kados |
yea |
20:33 |
kados |
and adding a big warning somewhere to the web installer |
20:33 |
kados |
to explain what needs to be done |
20:34 |
fbcit |
I have played with windows istaller.... yuk! |
20:34 |
fbcit |
installer |
20:34 |
kados |
:-) |
20:34 |
fbcit |
at some point we could write a Makefile.PL eq in msi... |
20:36 |
fbcit |
the wisdom of #git says that git will track symlinks. |
20:51 |
fbcit |
kados? |
20:55 |
atz |
he's in a brief meeting, presently |
23:55 |
kados |
hiya fbcit-away |
23:55 |
kados |
hiya fbcit-1 |
23:55 |
kados |
fbcit-1: pushed up your patches just now |
23:58 |
fbcit-1 |
I saw. |
23:59 |
fbcit-1 |
I'm trying to figure out how to have make write symlinks. |
00:08 |
atz |
ok I granted select on mysql.time_zone_name for rch jmf cfc frc and gmc |
00:09 |
atz |
so we can test this timezones thing (on arwen) |
00:14 |
atz |
we now have 1685 rows in mysql.time_zone_name ! |
00:17 |
kados |
wow |
00:18 |
atz |
(that's how many are in /usr/share/zoneinfo |
00:18 |
atz |
) |
00:21 |
atz |
kados: i agree, i think we need a Localization tab |
00:22 |
atz |
did you start on that, or can I do it? |
00:27 |
kados |
you can do it |
00:27 |
kados |
just a matter of adding it to systempreferences.pl |
00:27 |
kados |
and moving all the localization things to that tab |
00:27 |
atz |
right |
00:27 |
kados |
dateformat |
00:27 |
atz |
like date format |
00:28 |
kados |
:-) |
00:28 |
atz |
:) |
00:28 |
chris |
and spelling it localisation :-) |
00:28 |
kados |
hehe |
00:28 |
kados |
chris: you brit you |
00:28 |
chris |
we need to localise our localization |
00:29 |
chris |
i always lose at scrabble, because we have fair less words with z in it that you guys :) |
00:29 |
kados |
hehe |
00:29 |
kados |
en-US |
00:30 |
kados |
we were missing a ton of libraries in here |
00:30 |
atz |
s/(fla|col|fav)or/$1our/g; |
00:32 |
chris |
*grin* |
00:34 |
kados |
still are but I added a few |
00:34 |
kados |
chris: passing off to you |
00:34 |
kados |
oops |
00:34 |
kados |
did this one in my rmtest |
00:34 |
kados |
I'll just push it up |
00:41 |
kados |
fbcit-1: any progress? |
00:44 |
fbcit-1 |
are you familiar with Module::Build? |
00:44 |
kados |
I'm not |
00:45 |
fbcit-1 |
According to the maintainer of MakeMaker, Module::Build is to replace it |
00:45 |
kados |
huh |
00:45 |
fbcit-1 |
Apparently CPAN depends on MakeMaker, but CPANPLUS uses Module::Build...anyhow |
00:46 |
fbcit-1 |
I can't find much on symlinks and make |
00:46 |
fbcit-1 |
I did the file/dir changes in my clone |
00:46 |
fbcit-1 |
added the symlinks |
00:46 |
fbcit-1 |
ran make && make install |
00:47 |
kados |
and it's happy? |
00:47 |
fbcit-1 |
make followed the symlinks and installed the actual file rather than the link |
00:47 |
fbcit-1 |
zebra works, but no symlinks |
00:47 |
kados |
ahh |
00:48 |
kados |
well |
00:48 |
kados |
that's probably OK |
00:48 |
kados |
can make rename files? |
00:48 |
fbcit-1 |
there must be a way to tell make to build symlinks rather than simply doing cp'g |
00:48 |
kados |
that might be more portable actually |
00:48 |
kados |
cp filename newfilename |
00:48 |
kados |
rather than symlinks? |
00:48 |
kados |
might be easier in the short term |
00:49 |
fbcit-1 |
another point concerning makemaker: it is platform dependent since it uses make... |
00:49 |
fbcit-1 |
M::B is not platform dependent, but is pure perl |
00:49 |
kados |
right |
00:49 |
kados |
hmmm |
00:49 |
kados |
what would be involved in porting? |
00:49 |
kados |
yea |
00:49 |
kados |
that's what I'm thiking |
00:49 |
fbcit-1 |
the coversion to M::B is supposed to be very straightforward. |
00:50 |
fbcit-1 |
there is a makemake wrapper for it also |
00:50 |
kados |
yea, this sounds like the ticket |
00:50 |
kados |
I'm confused why neither of these has an uninstall option |
00:51 |
fbcit-1 |
because koha should never be uninstalled... :-) |
00:51 |
kados |
hehe |
00:53 |
kados |
"Natively, Module::Build provides default installation locations for the following types of installable items:" |
00:53 |
fbcit-1 |
I think we can have the makefile built based on lang/marcflavour |
00:53 |
kados |
hmmm |
00:55 |
kados |
"If you do not need to retain compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker or are starting a fresh Perl installation we recommand you use "install_base" instead (and "INSTALL_BASE" in ExtUtils::MakeMaker). See "Instaling in |
00:55 |
kados |
the same location as ExtUtils::MakeMaker" in Module::Build::Cookbook for further information." |
00:55 |
kados |
which do we use? |
00:55 |
fbcit-1 |
if the switch to M::B makes sense, now is the time to do it. |
00:56 |
kados |
yea |
00:56 |
kados |
I think this should be discussed on koha-devel |
00:56 |
kados |
make sure that MJ doesn't have a reason he picked MakeMaker over M::B |
00:58 |
fbcit-1 |
we may need to abandon the idea of symlinks in light of the multi-os issues (although I think they are a neat approach). |
01:03 |
fbcit-1 |
interesting: |
01:03 |
fbcit-1 |
One advantage of Module::Build is that since it's implemented as Perl methods, you can invoke these methods directly if you want to install a module non-interactively. For instance, the following Perl script will invoke the entire build/install procedure |
01:05 |
fbcit-1 |
so running ./kohainstall.pl prompts the admin for possible vars, supplying defaults if not overridden, and then does make && make install all in one shot. |
01:09 |
fbcit-1 |
kados: we use PREFIX= |
01:21 |
fbcit-1 |
kados: I posted the thought to koha-devel |
01:26 |
fbcit-1 |
unless I am mistaken, uninstalling is just a matter of deleting three or so subdirs and dropping a db. That could be scripted. |
01:42 |
kados |
sorry fbcit-1 |
01:43 |
kados |
I like the idea of ./kohainstall.pl |
01:48 |
kados |
fbcit-1: did you see that weird message on koha-devel that someone's getting about a missing colon after yazgfs? |
01:49 |
kados |
ahh, he was doing -c |
01:50 |
kados |
and yet that works for you |
01:50 |
kados |
weird |
01:50 |
kados |
it should be -f though |
01:50 |
kados |
fbcit-1: did you update that or should I? |
01:58 |
kados |
fbcit-1: I'm gonna go wild on the README.txt :-) |
01:59 |
fbcit-1 |
kados: I did not update it because it worked for me. Sorry. You can... |
01:59 |
kados |
will do |
02:00 |
fbcit-1 |
sys admins have to know something as a prereq :-) |
02:02 |
kados |
hehe |
02:02 |
kados |
well ... |
02:03 |
kados |
we'll have a chance to write up some detailed docs once we release the 3.0 beta |
02:03 |
kados |
now that things are settling down should be easier |
02:03 |
kados |
only I think two more features and a few enhancements/bugs holding us back |
02:03 |
kados |
and a possible shift to a new installer ;-) |
02:04 |
kados |
fbcit-1: I added you to the credits page :-) |
02:04 |
fbcit-1 |
tnx |
02:04 |
fbcit-1 |
I need to load up sample data into pg and pound it |
02:05 |
fbcit-1 |
there may not be quite as many mysqlisms as might be feared. |
02:05 |
kados |
sweetness |
02:05 |
fbcit-1 |
you might should mention that the pg port is alpha in case I don't get it completed in time... |
02:06 |
kados |
loading data is pretty simple |
02:06 |
kados |
I have a batch you could try if you're interested |
02:06 |
kados |
you basically just run: |
02:06 |
kados |
export KOHA_CONF=/path-to-koha-conf.xml |
02:07 |
kados |
perl misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport -file /path/to/marc.mrc |
02:07 |
kados |
then ... there are two options |
02:07 |
kados |
long and easy way is: |
02:08 |
kados |
(long meaning it takes forever) |
02:08 |
kados |
start zebra: |
02:08 |
kados |
zebrasrv -f /path/to/koha-conf.xml |
02:08 |
kados |
and -D if you want to start it as a daemon |
02:08 |
kados |
then: |
02:08 |
kados |
perl misc/cronjobs/zebraqueue_start.pl |
02:08 |
kados |
and go get a pizza :-) |
02:09 |
kados |
wget http://kados.org/stuff/outkoha.mrc |
02:09 |
kados |
that's your MARC records if you wanna try |
02:09 |
kados |
there's a quick but complicated way if you're impatient |
02:09 |
fbcit-1 |
I'll grab them tomorrow after gk class and give it a whirl. |
02:10 |
kados |
if you have 2 minutes right now you could do it |
02:10 |
kados |
wget http://kados.org/stuff/outkoha.mrc |
02:10 |
kados |
export KOHA_CONF=/opt/koha/etc/koha-conf.xml |
02:10 |
kados |
perl misc/migration_tools/bulkmarcimport -file |
02:10 |
kados |
ahh |
02:10 |
kados |
ok :-) |
02:11 |
fbcit-1 |
I was getting pounded pretty hard on ssh so I closed up the port... |
02:11 |
kados |
ahh |
02:11 |
fbcit-1 |
don't have time to harden that port on my firewall... sorry. |
02:11 |
kados |
:-) |
02:13 |
fbcit-1 |
I need to finish porting the latest kohastructure.sql to pg prior to importing that data. |
02:13 |
fbcit-1 |
which brings up another *issue*... |
02:14 |
kados |
hehe |
02:14 |
fbcit-1 |
keeping the two db ports in sync with most devs working on the mysql side... |
02:14 |
kados |
yea, I'm sorry, there have been some db changes recently |
02:14 |
kados |
yea, do you have ideas for that? |
02:14 |
kados |
I noticed you moved updatedatabase into the mysql dir |
02:14 |
kados |
are there mysqlisms in there>? |
02:15 |
fbcit-1 |
I peeked, but did not have time to really get into it... git was hot on my heals.... |
02:15 |
kados |
k |
02:15 |
kados |
it would be ideal if we could have only generic sql in updatedatbase |
02:16 |
kados |
otherwise it's gonna be a nightmare to keep everything in sync |
02:16 |
fbcit-1 |
Are most db updates done both in updatedatabase & kohastructure? |
02:16 |
kados |
all of them are |
02:16 |
fbcit-1 |
that would be ideal |
02:16 |
kados |
yep, all of them are |
02:16 |
fbcit-1 |
so kohastructure changes only on major releases? |
02:16 |
kados |
that's the idea |
02:16 |
kados |
well ... |
02:17 |
kados |
it changes all the time |
02:17 |
kados |
concurrent with updatedatabase |
02:17 |
fbcit-1 |
I thought that |
02:17 |
kados |
and the versioning scheme ensures that only the updates you haven't got will be applied |
02:18 |
fbcit-1 |
I had thought about having patches which involve sql cc'd to an email address to me so I would be sure to see those and port them... |
02:18 |
fbcit-1 |
I don't like mysql's INSERT IGNORE.... |
02:19 |
kados |
that'd be great |
02:19 |
fbcit-1 |
seems dangerous |
02:19 |
fbcit-1 |
I'll setup an email addr and get it to you. |
02:20 |
kados |
k |
02:37 |
chris |
heh, those are pretty old |
02:37 |
fbcit-1 |
which ones? :-) |
02:37 |
chris |
the katipo ones are old |
02:38 |
fbcit-1 |
my screen is blank... |
02:38 |
fbcit-1 |
http://www.cafepress.com/koha/ |
02:38 |
chris |
ahh |
02:39 |
chris |
we did those in feb 2003 |
02:39 |
chris |
i cant even get to cafepress |
02:40 |
fbcit-1 |
maybe we could embed koha in a mug that would index various international coffees... ;-) |
02:40 |
chris |
heh |
02:40 |
chris |
someone had koha running on their playstation |
02:41 |
chris |
its a short step from there to a coffee mug :) |
02:43 |
kados |
hehe, or a digital watch :-) |
02:43 |
kados |
that rocked :-) |
02:46 |
fbcit-1 |
I wonder if you could install it on a wap using white russian? |
02:48 |
fbcit-1 |
looks like your windows port has some sort of installer? |
02:49 |
kados |
yea, there's someone who maintains that separately from mainline koha's installer |
02:49 |
kados |
unfortunately he uses a proprietary packaging system |
02:49 |
kados |
i wonder if there is such a thing as a open source windows packaging system |
02:50 |
fbcit-1 |
there is... hold on... |
02:50 |
fbcit-1 |
wix... |
02:51 |
fbcit-1 |
released on sourceforge by.... |
02:51 |
fbcit-1 |
M$ |
02:51 |
fbcit-1 |
http://wix.sourceforge.net/ |
02:51 |
fbcit-1 |
now... have fun... :-P |
02:52 |
fbcit-1 |
I worked with it for awhile trying to work up a win32 installer for another project. |
02:53 |
fbcit-1 |
it uses xml files to configure and produces msi files. |
03:08 |
kados |
fbcit-1 takes over the whole installer for Koha :-) |
03:14 |
fbcit-1 |
you can file a feature request... ;-) |
09:31 |
paul |
chris around ? |