Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
13:26 |
Brooke |
howdy |
13:26 |
dewey |
what's up, Brooke |
13:26 |
Brooke |
not much |
13:26 |
Brooke |
how's it going? |
14:00 |
Brooke |
howdy |
14:03 |
slef |
hi all |
14:03 |
slef |
/names |
14:03 |
[K] |
*** #koha FreeNode names: [K] rangi ru55el |
14:03 |
kados |
hey slef |
14:04 |
kados |
slef: we didn't announce the git move primarily because we're still leanring how to use it |
14:04 |
kados |
slef: http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?[…]lopment:git_usage |
14:04 |
slef |
is CVS still live? |
14:04 |
kados |
slef: http://git.koha.org |
14:04 |
kados |
CVS still exists, but we're not using it |
14:04 |
kados |
we meaning paul and liblime |
14:05 |
kados |
looks like sanop have just committed some stuff there |
14:05 |
kados |
which one of us will have to port to git |
14:05 |
slef |
you're not using the serene tree which pulls from CVS? |
14:05 |
paul |
kados : seems that what sanop commited today is just an indenting stuff |
14:05 |
paul |
(hello kados & slef however) |
14:05 |
slef |
paul: you mean indent changes only? |
14:06 |
kados |
paul: ahh, ok, maybe we can just do perltidy? |
14:06 |
paul |
slef : yes. |
14:06 |
paul |
kados : maybe (even if I think hard to read perltidyed code) |
14:06 |
paul |
i'll become more confident in the next weeks I think |
14:06 |
slef |
(not to koha) |
14:06 |
paul |
LART ? |
14:07 |
slef |
Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool |
14:07 |
slef |
Also known as a 'clue-by-four' |
14:07 |
slef |
looks surprisingly like a plank |
14:07 |
slef |
I don't think they'll do it again ;-) |
14:09 |
paul |
kados : mail sent to your mailbox, about patches management. |
14:11 |
kados |
paul: checking |
14:12 |
paul |
hdl coming back from Dakar (senegal) today... (an IFLA conference : http://www.dakar.aliaco.com/) |
14:12 |
kados |
cool |
14:13 |
kados |
sweet |
14:13 |
slef |
can anyone tell me whether this URL prompts them what to save as: |
14:14 |
kados |
slef: I committed one fix to git that was causing that |
14:14 |
kados |
it was because the content-type was wrong |
14:15 |
kados |
http://git.koha.org/cgi-bin/gi[…]088b44dac9154fefb |
14:16 |
kados |
this was the problem line: |
14:16 |
kados |
+ -type => 'text/html; charset=utf-8', |
14:16 |
kados |
- -type => 'utf-8', |
14:16 |
kados |
- -cookie => $cookie |
14:16 |
kados |
+ -type => 'text/html; charset=utf-8', |
14:16 |
kados |
sorr |
14:16 |
kados |
sorry |
14:16 |
kados |
my internet's acting up |
14:17 |
slef |
owowow Lang just rude into the barrier horizontal |
14:19 |
slef |
kados: that's a problem, but I don't think it causes this |
14:19 |
slef |
can anyone tell me whether this URL prompts them what to save as: |
14:19 |
slef |
http://11ns.co.uk/cgi-bin/koha[…]=&isbn=0521606322 |
14:20 |
kados |
not in firefox |
14:20 |
slef |
(by the way, z3950/search.pl seems not to check librarian authentication) |
14:20 |
slef |
phone |
14:20 |
paul |
not in ff for me either. |
14:20 |
kados |
wait |
14:20 |
kados |
if I click 'search internet' it does |
14:24 |
paul |
same behaviour on konqueror. |
14:24 |
paul |
the IES when you click may be an Auth problem... |
14:28 |
slef |
off-phone |
14:28 |
slef |
ah, yes, it does for me when I click search |
14:32 |
slef |
the z39.50 search is erroring and the script is crashing |
14:35 |
slef |
download is 0-bytes |
14:35 |
slef |
download seems to be prompted by apache |
14:35 |
slef |
so everyone's sort-of-right |
14:36 |
kados |
paul: all your stuff should be pushed to git.koha.org |
14:36 |
kados |
paul: can you verify? |
14:37 |
paul |
(but my suggestion about mails is still valid...) |
14:37 |
kados |
yes I agree |
14:37 |
kados |
we also need a better test procedure, between chris and I |
14:37 |
slef |
USA's Leipheimer sets new best time (individual time trial) |
14:37 |
kados |
because IMO every piece of code should be tested before pushed to git.koha.org |
14:37 |
kados |
not just eyeballed |
14:38 |
paul |
that will be a huge huge stuff... |
14:38 |
slef |
leader Jens Voigt just set a best time at the intermediate check, though... |
14:38 |
slef |
kados++ |
14:40 |
slef |
hrm, even if I feed my z search garbage, it doesn't break like that |
14:40 |
kados |
paul: what do you think the role of updatedatabase is? |
14:41 |
paul |
update the datatabase between 2 versions |
14:41 |
paul |
minor or major ones. |
14:41 |
paul |
except "super major" (koha 3.x => koha 4.x) |
14:42 |
kados |
afaik, the updatedatabase in 3.0 curently is worthless |
14:42 |
paul |
why ? |
14:42 |
kados |
unless you know something I don't |
14:42 |
kados |
well, #1, we don't have stable database definition |
14:42 |
kados |
for 3.0 |
14:42 |
kados |
and #2, it has old database defs from 2.2, etc. |
14:43 |
paul |
it does 90% of the upgrade from 2.2 to 3.0. The 10% missing being the specific stuff to create marcxml and move some fields. |
14:44 |
kados |
one library, that uses a small subset of features |
14:44 |
paul |
Idid EXACTLY what is written on : 22_to_30 wiki page |
14:44 |
kados |
and only unimarc ;-) |
14:44 |
paul |
yep, but the unimarc specific stuff is really small. |
14:45 |
kados |
I bet that: |
14:45 |
kados |
1. 2.2 -> updatedatabase -> 3.0 |
14:45 |
kados |
2. koha < kohastructure.sql (via installer) |
14:45 |
kados |
1 != 2 |
14:47 |
Brooke |
grrr |
14:47 |
kados |
I bet that 2.2 -> updatedatabase -> 3.0 results in a different database structure than kohastructure.sql |
14:47 |
Brooke |
If I had $ I'd take a French course |
14:47 |
Brooke |
and a CSI course |
14:47 |
kados |
heh |
14:47 |
paul |
(CSI course ???) |
14:47 |
Brooke |
Informatique |
14:48 |
paul |
in some indexes & maybe a few foreign keys you're probably right. |
14:48 |
paul |
but not more than this (or i made something wrong, which is always possible ;-) ) |
14:49 |
kados |
Brooke: would you be willing to test migrating from 2.2. to 3.0? |
14:50 |
kados |
Brooke: on a non-production system of course |
14:50 |
Brooke |
what's this non production system you speak of? |
14:50 |
paul |
I have 3 or 4 migrations from 22 to 30 to come in september... |
14:50 |
kados |
hehe |
14:50 |
Brooke |
I don't see why not |
14:50 |
Brooke |
I can nag me husband to do it |
14:51 |
Brooke |
are the files out there someplace in the aether? |
14:52 |
kados |
Brooke: sort of |
14:52 |
kados |
Brooke: http://git.koha.org |
14:53 |
kados |
we don't have a release packaged yet |
14:53 |
kados |
slef: how's the installer coming? |
14:53 |
slef |
kados: working on it this afternoon after text/x-perl |
14:53 |
kados |
slef++ |
14:53 |
paul |
slef +++++ |
14:53 |
kados |
paul: how is re-writing borrower management coming? :-) |
14:54 |
kados |
paul: and have you seen bug reports from owen? |
14:54 |
paul |
??? you're waiting for me to do it ??? |
14:54 |
paul |
yes about the bug reports from owen. |
14:54 |
kados |
paul: and have you tested the authorities editor, we can't get it working |
14:54 |
kados |
ahh, I thought you were re-writing borrowers |
14:54 |
paul |
mmm... works fine on my setup... |
14:54 |
kados |
I may have missunderstood |
14:55 |
paul |
http://i15.bureau.paulpoulain.[…]es/authorities.pl |
14:55 |
paul |
(abel/abel) |
14:55 |
paul |
no, I thought YOU were rewritting borrowers. |
14:55 |
kados |
hehe |
14:56 |
kados |
paul: would you like to see what happens running the installer, importing authorities, and trying authorities.pl? |
14:56 |
paul |
you showed me something few months ago, saying the code size dropped from 1500 to 250 lines iirc |
14:56 |
kados |
I will give you access to my vhost |
14:57 |
paul |
hdl should have some time to devote to you next week |
14:57 |
kados |
1. remove all features that are broken |
14:57 |
kados |
2. delay the release further |
14:57 |
paul |
3. release a beta, with the list of what is broken, and delay the stable release a little |
14:58 |
kados |
I'd consider #3, but not with major features broken |
14:58 |
paul |
1. seems impossible to me... |
14:59 |
Brooke |
I like 4 |
14:59 |
Brooke |
opps |
14:59 |
Brooke |
3 |
14:59 |
kados |
if minor parts of a feature are not working, that's fine |
14:59 |
kados |
but when major features are just throwing 500 errors by default |
14:59 |
kados |
that's just going to spread FUD |
15:00 |
slef |
we need a general 500-catcher |
15:00 |
kados |
slef: people just need to test their code more :-) |
15:00 |
paul |
wow... 500 errors ? I haven't seen that since months. Maybe it's because i'm working with a 22 => 3.0 database... |
15:00 |
slef |
kados: what works one place won't work for another - witness this z problem |
15:01 |
kados |
paul: and that's why we have a problem :-) |
15:01 |
kados |
paul: that's why I don't trust updatedatabase :-) |
15:01 |
kados |
I think that kohastructure.sql != updatedatabase |
15:01 |
paul |
why do you trust more kohastructure.sql than 22+updatedatabase ? |
15:01 |
kados |
there should be one authoritative place for the sql definition for 3.0 |
15:02 |
kados |
not two |
15:02 |
kados |
paul: I only trust it more because it's readable |
15:02 |
kados |
paul: updatedatabase isn't readable without spending 3 hours reading it :-) |
15:02 |
kados |
I can't just go look up the structure of table X for instnace |
15:05 |
slef |
you can, but it's in N parts |
15:06 |
kados |
yea |
15:06 |
kados |
the point is, we're all working off a different database structure |
15:08 |
paul |
kados : would it be usefull for you to have ipt sql structure ? |
15:08 |
kados |
yep |
15:08 |
kados |
and sanop too |
15:08 |
kados |
and whatever other koha systems you have installed too |
15:11 |
kados |
paul: features should work after a stock installation IMO |
15:12 |
paul |
stock ? |
15:12 |
kados |
when I run the web installer on a brand new install |
15:12 |
kados |
all major modules should compile and run the basic functions of the module |
15:12 |
kados |
that's my definition of a 'beta' |
15:12 |
paul |
agree. |
15:13 |
Brooke |
hooray agreement |
15:13 |
Brooke |
:) |
15:13 |
kados |
stable is when all major modules compile, and all functions work |
15:13 |
kados |
when I can run the installer and have all features working, I'll release 3.0 beta |
15:13 |
Brooke |
sooo emmmm |
15:13 |
Brooke |
as a whiny user |
15:13 |
Brooke |
when should we stop getting listened to in favour of the current features getting ironed out before new features are added? |
15:14 |
kados |
paul: because it was broken |
15:14 |
Brooke |
I mean, you guys seem too nice to us. |
15:14 |
paul |
Brooke: that's difficult, because libraries are always OK to fund new features, never to sponsor fixing ones :\ |
15:14 |
kados |
paul: it caused the web installer to crash |
15:14 |
kados |
paul: you can try it from the CVS version if you like |
15:15 |
Brooke |
*nod* |
15:15 |
Brooke |
I realise that you have to eat |
15:15 |
paul |
how did you build the actual kohastructure.sql ? |
15:15 |
Brooke |
but should there be a point where folks scream no more new features til we fix the old? |
15:16 |
kados |
paul: I just reverted and I've been adding minor changes manually since then |
15:16 |
kados |
IMO, from here on out, the kohastructure.sql should be edited manually |
15:17 |
kados |
and not the restul of a sql dump |
15:17 |
kados |
thx |
15:18 |
kados |
slef: you voiced an opinion on this on the koha-devel list IIRC |
15:18 |
Brooke |
hmmmm |
15:18 |
Brooke |
I have a perhaps stupid ide |
15:18 |
Brooke |
a |
15:18 |
paul |
i've kdiff3-ed the 2 sql. there are a lot of differences : |
15:18 |
Brooke |
if Libraries sign on for a new feature |
15:18 |
Brooke |
can part of the fee automatically go to fixing an old? |
15:18 |
paul |
- 80% of them are varchar <=> char. not a problem, but strange. Maybe a consequence of a mySQL setup ? |
15:19 |
paul |
- some are table that can be removes (5-6 on my side, 2-3 on your side) |
15:19 |
paul |
- some are foreign keys missing on my side |
15:19 |
paul |
- 3 missing columns on my side (the one recently added by hdl) |
15:20 |
paul |
only the foreign keys are important I think |
15:22 |
kados |
paul: how do we know what tables can be removed? |
15:22 |
paul |
because they are useless :-D |
15:22 |
paul |
like "websites" |
15:22 |
paul |
and marc_biblio |
15:22 |
dewey |
somebody said marc_biblio was where you can find the relationship between marc_subfield_table.bibid and biblioitems.biblionumber in the 2.2 series of Koha |
15:22 |
paul |
wait, wait... |
15:23 |
paul |
all my foreign key constraints are at the end of the dump. |
15:23 |
paul |
I don't know why... |
15:23 |
paul |
so there may be only a few diffs... |
15:23 |
paul |
kados : I suggest : |
15:23 |
paul |
-create database ipt |
15:23 |
paul |
- mysql ipt <ipt3(2).sql |
15:23 |
paul |
- mtysqldump ipt >ipt3(3).sql |
15:24 |
paul |
-mysqldump yourdb >yourdb.sql |
15:24 |
paul |
- kdiff3 ipt3(3).sql yourdb.sql |
15:24 |
kados |
*nod* |
15:24 |
paul |
so you'll have the same dump look... |
15:24 |
paul |
(you'll see some mysql text in french at the en as well ;-) ) |
15:26 |
kados |
slef: what were the mysqldump options you preferred? |
15:26 |
slef |
Yes, I think the sql should be hand-maintained along with a changelog written in sql or perl as far as possible |
15:26 |
slef |
erm |
15:28 |
slef |
-cdQ at least, maybe --compatible=ansi if you're using mysql-5 |
15:30 |
slef |
does/how does git.koha.org relate to the serene git? |
15:30 |
kados |
slef: serene git? |
15:31 |
slef |
git://serene.ttllp.co.uk/opt/koha.git/ |
15:31 |
kados |
slef: I don't think it relates at all |
15:31 |
slef |
Announced in http://lists.nongnu.org/archiv[…]-06/msg00008.html |
15:31 |
kados |
slef: you'd ahve to ask chris though |
15:31 |
kados |
I think we did a cvs convert ourselves |
15:32 |
slef |
well that makes my life less simple... |
15:32 |
kados |
best wait for chris next week |
15:32 |
kados |
he can tell you how he did it |
15:32 |
kados |
I wasn't around that day |
15:33 |
slef |
can you please announce developments to koha-devel? |
15:33 |
slef |
even if they're not ready/final |
15:34 |
kados |
slef: I plan to announce git to koha-devel this weekend |
15:34 |
slef |
else it burns others |
15:35 |
slef |
but you said we need chris next week to say how it relates to users of the current git? |
15:37 |
kados |
who uses the current git? |
15:37 |
kados |
I didn't realize that was a production git |
15:37 |
slef |
don't know... it's public and I've not been following the logs |
15:38 |
kados |
paul: importing iptdb now |
15:39 |
kados |
paul: will mysqldump and diff shortly |
15:40 |
slef |
hrm, that was probably an error... doesn't look like it's logged |
15:44 |
kados |
paul: would it be worth having a meeting to go through kohastructure in detail and make choices? |
15:45 |
kados |
even things like meduimtext vs text should be decided for official 3.0 |
15:45 |
kados |
and what default values should be |
15:46 |
kados |
and which constraints to use |
15:46 |
kados |
varchar vs char |
15:47 |
kados |
there are column differences for some tables too |
15:47 |
kados |
paul: ? |
15:48 |
Brooke |
I'm off like a prom dress |
15:48 |
Brooke |
I've to go to "work" |
15:48 |
kados |
hehe |
15:48 |
kados |
Brooke: cya |
15:49 |
paul |
varchar vs char = I think it's a mysql version choice. iirc, for char <=3, it doen's matter, mysql does always char. otherwise, it's just the way mySQL stores the value internally. |
15:49 |
paul |
mediumtext vs text = should always be longtext imho |
15:49 |
paul |
as text is SMALLtext iirc... |
15:49 |
paul |
I had some problems storing long marcxml (with +100 items iirc) |
15:49 |
kados |
paul: shouldn't we have a meeting and step through each table? |
15:50 |
kados |
I see about twice as many constraints in ipt |
15:51 |
kados |
slef: ? |
15:51 |
paul |
otherwise, agree about a meeting, and constraint definitions. |
15:51 |
paul |
twice as many constraints in ipt ??? |
15:51 |
kados |
quite a few more are defined in ipt db |
15:56 |
kados |
paul: kados.org/stuff/kohastructure-ipt.sql |
15:56 |
kados |
paul: for instance, look at the constraints on accountlines |
15:57 |
kados |
paul: compare to kados.org/stuff/kohastructure.sql |
15:57 |
paul |
constraints missing should not cause Koha bugs externally. We may have problems with constraints, not without. (but that's fine : we can detect bugs or errors thanks to constraints) |
15:57 |
paul |
sorry guys, i've been disconnected... |
15:57 |
paul |
I said : |
15:57 |
paul |
constraints missing should not cause Koha bugs externally. We may have problems with constraints, not without. (but that's fine : we can detect bugs or errors thanks to constraints) |
15:57 |
paul |
jmf : your kohastructure is marked "mySQL 4.1.x". Aren't you using mySQL 5 ? |
15:58 |
paul |
(that may be an explanation too) |
15:58 |
kados |
the kohastructure is not 'mine' |
15:58 |
paul |
and havent recieved any answer |
15:58 |
kados |
I didn't create it |
15:58 |
kados |
answer? |
15:58 |
dewey |
answer is usually yes |
15:59 |
paul |
nothing after my sentence (1mn disconnected, I may have missed something) |
15:59 |
kados |
can you look at the kohastructure-ipt.sql |
15:59 |
paul |
where ? |
15:59 |
paul |
on my desktop ? |
15:59 |
kados |
maybe irc is acting up :-) |
15:59 |
kados |
kados.org/stuff/ |
15:59 |
kados |
kohastructure-ipt.sql |
15:59 |
kados |
oops |
15:59 |
kados |
kados.org/stuff/kohastructure-ipt.sql |
16:00 |
slef |
kados? |
16:00 |
dewey |
kados is probably champion alligator-wrestler in 7 counties |
16:00 |
kados |
look at the 5 constraints on accountlines for instance |
16:00 |
kados |
dewey: botsnack |
16:00 |
dewey |
:) |
16:00 |
kados |
paul: are all 5 of them meaningful? |
16:00 |
kados |
it seems to me only 2 are |
16:01 |
kados |
slef: do you think we should have a meeting to go through the kohastructure? |
16:01 |
slef |
sounds a good idea, but paul is away 10 days? |
16:02 |
kados |
yea, maybe when he gets back? |
16:02 |
slef |
so two weeks today? |
16:02 |
kados |
that works for me |
16:02 |
kados |
paul: is that a good date for you too? |
16:02 |
paul |
kados : right, fk2, fk3, fk4 and fk5 are the same. silly |
16:02 |
paul |
but probably not causing harm |
16:03 |
paul |
aug, 31 then ? |
16:03 |
paul |
OK for me. |
16:03 |
kados |
cool |
16:03 |
kados |
I'll announce it on koha-devel |
16:04 |
kados |
paul: have a good trip |
16:04 |
paul |
what time ? |
16:04 |
dewey |
somebody said time was 648 |
16:04 |
paul |
18GMT ? |
16:04 |
paul |
(6PM GMT) |
16:04 |
paul |
ok for me, when you want |
16:04 |
kados |
18:00 GMT works for me |
16:05 |
kados |
slef: ? |
16:05 |
kados |
earlier for slef? |
16:05 |
paul |
okfor me |
16:05 |
slef |
before 16GMT if possible, but I'll do 1800 if there's no better time |
16:05 |
paul |
except 5GMT,because it's dinner time. |
16:05 |
paul |
4PM GMT is OK |
16:05 |
kados |
for me too |
16:05 |
slef |
paul: you eat dinner before breakfast? ;-) |
16:06 |
paul |
:-D |
16:07 |
kados |
slef: I'd like to talk abotu the installer when you have a chance |
16:07 |
kados |
slef: is today good for that? |
16:08 |
slef |
yes, as soon as I've finished slapping this disk and then kicked the other storage |
16:08 |
paul |
bye bye kados, see you in 2 weeks then |
16:08 |
slef |
bye paul... safe journey |
16:36 |
slef |
ok, I think that's all working now |
16:36 |
slef |
I know I've an email about the installer awaiting reply, by the way |
16:37 |
slef |
but I'll talk anyway |
16:37 |
kados |
yea, I wasn't sure how to respond to that email actually |
16:37 |
kados |
lemme pull it up |
16:38 |
kados |
what's the subject again? |
16:38 |
kados |
Development Schedule? that one? |
16:39 |
slef |
searching... |
16:42 |
slef |
Message-ID: <18380450.2021183984919108.JavaMail.root mail.liblime.com> |
16:43 |
slef |
sorry for the delay |
16:44 |
kados |
my mail client doesn't work wtih message ids |
16:44 |
kados |
subject? |
16:44 |
slef |
the one you said |
16:44 |
slef |
Development Schedule |
16:44 |
kados |
k |
16:44 |
slef |
oh, I see another tab |
16:45 |
kados |
I did respond btw ;-) |
16:45 |
slef |
seems old |
16:45 |
kados |
Jul 9th |
16:45 |
slef |
"more coming soon"? |
16:45 |
kados |
yea |
16:45 |
kados |
this is it mate :-) |
16:45 |
slef |
is this the more? |
16:45 |
slef |
ok |
16:45 |
slef |
cool |
16:46 |
kados |
so what do you think about the comments first off |
16:46 |
slef |
I've stopped it running the tests and I disagree that it's the installer's job to be the INSTALL instructions |
16:46 |
kados |
ahh, ok |
16:46 |
kados |
so lets identify the elements of an install and roles of those elements |
16:46 |
slef |
but anyway, if we make this CPAN-friendly, the installer should be able to trigger the installation of the prereqs itself |
16:46 |
kados |
to make sure we have expectations set properly |
16:47 |
kados |
triggering would be nice |
16:47 |
kados |
there are some things that can't be installed from CPAN obviously |
16:47 |
kados |
like zebra |
16:48 |
slef |
indeed. should be a 1% job to add those to the packaging |
16:48 |
kados |
do we test for those things currently? |
16:48 |
slef |
not directly, but could |
16:48 |
kados |
there is a list of them in the install.pl file |
16:48 |
kados |
but I'm not sure if hdl's method of testing is portable |
16:49 |
slef |
what would I look for? A zebra binary? |
16:49 |
kados |
and whether there is a portable way of doing that anyway ... |
16:49 |
kados |
that's a good question |
16:49 |
kados |
I'm not sure how to handle that in a portable way |
16:49 |
slef |
might be safer to leave it to the packaging system |
16:49 |
slef |
(s) |
16:51 |
kados |
slef: ping me when you're back |
17:13 |
thd |
kados: have we switched to git? |
17:13 |
kados |
thd: we have |
17:14 |
kados |
thd: announcement forthcoming |
17:14 |
thd |
kados: so my CVS commits will have no effect? |
17:15 |
kados |
well, someone has to manually merge them with git |
17:15 |
kados |
so far there have only been 5-6 or so |
17:17 |
thd |
I am about to commit another 6 |
17:20 |
kados |
hmmm |
17:20 |
kados |
thd: do you have git installed? |
17:25 |
slef |
phone |
17:25 |
thd |
not yet |
18:33 |
thd |
kados: so I have committed to CVS. I will have to learn git later. marc21_simple_bib_frameworks.sql now has authority links in CVS. |
18:38 |
kados |
thanks thd |
18:39 |
kados |
thd: does it also have the extra column for default value? |
18:39 |
thd |
kados: the copy in HEAD does |
18:42 |
thd |
kados: all 10 frameworks files for rel_2_2 and HEAD have been updated |
18:43 |
thd |
s/10/10 MARC 21/ |
18:44 |
thd |
kados: the only thing missing is last year's MARC 21 bibliographic format changes which were announced a few months ago. |
18:53 |
kados |
thd: I'll update git |
18:53 |
kados |
thd: thanks! |
20:06 |
slef |
hahahaha |
20:07 |
slef |
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during [K/KO/KOHA/koha-2.9.2007081719.tar.gz] ----- |
20:07 |
slef |
Shall I follow them and prepend them to the queue of modules we are processing right now? [yes] |
20:07 |
slef |
now that's what I call music! |
04:15 |
[K] |
*** join #koha FreeNode: ru55el n=russel 203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz |