Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
11:29 |
Lea |
anyone awake? :) |
11:30 |
paul |
Lea: in france, yes |
11:32 |
Lea |
hi paul. |
11:32 |
Lea |
Do you know if addingbooks to koha can be made simpler? MARC21 editing is very daunting for people coming from a simple (rubbish) windows system. |
11:33 |
paul |
HideMarc=On in sytempreferences + a small framework is a good 1st start |
11:33 |
Lea |
small framework? |
11:33 |
paul |
HideMarc will hide MARC specific code & features like reordering |
11:33 |
paul |
then, in cataloguing framework, you can define only 10-20 fields that you want to use |
11:34 |
paul |
you don't have to use the complete marc21 framework ! |
11:34 |
paul |
(fortunatly) |
11:41 |
Lea |
right, let me get this right, you tell koha which fields you want to use? |
11:41 |
Lea |
(BTW: Thanks for your time :) |
11:42 |
paul |
which MARC field you want to use, yes |
11:42 |
paul |
83 |
12:03 |
Lea |
excellent, sounds like just what i need. Tried setting up evergreen. What a nightmare. I'm giving up on it and now it's koha all the way! |
12:04 |
paul |
evergeen is for very large consortiums, not for single branch libraries |
12:04 |
paul |
(or small consortiums) |
12:06 |
Lea |
well, we have 5 branches spread out geographically |
12:06 |
Lea |
i need to restart gaim. Bbiab |
12:07 |
paul |
koha largest libraries have 10 branches |
12:52 |
Lea |
paul, I've set the hide mark flag. Is there any documentation on how to build up a small framework? |
12:54 |
paul |
Lea: don't use the "hide" flag, use the "Ignore" in tab list |
12:54 |
paul |
hide means you manage the marc field, but you don't show it |
12:54 |
paul |
ignore in the tab list means you completly ignore the field |
12:55 |
paul |
I have some libraries that have frameworks for website that contains just 3 fields : |
12:55 |
paul |
- site name |
12:55 |
paul |
- url |
12:55 |
paul |
- keywords |
13:32 |
Lea |
paul: thanks |
13:33 |
Lea |
which tab list is that paul? soory :) |
13:34 |
paul |
when you edit a subfield, you can choose in which tab the subfield appear |
13:34 |
paul |
(between 0 and 10, 10 being writte 'items') |
13:35 |
paul |
you also have the value "ignore". |
13:35 |
paul |
meaning you ignore this subfield in this framework. |
13:57 |
thd |
Lea: have you seen the context sensitive help in the frameworks editor? |
13:57 |
Lea |
oh ok. i didn't see that |
13:57 |
Lea |
thd: no i didnt! is it there? |
13:57 |
paul |
do you use default or npl theme ? |
13:58 |
paul |
default => HELP button, on top right |
13:58 |
paul |
NPL => [?] on top right too |
13:59 |
thd |
Lea: each screen has a different help file or none at all. |
14:07 |
thd |
paul: I assume the code which pierrick intended to write to capture updated help files from a special help file location in the wiki was never written. |
14:07 |
paul |
thd+++ |
14:08 |
Lea |
ah just seen it. how stupid of me. :) I've been trying the z39.50 searches. Looks good, hover I'm getting: Premature end of script headers: search.pl. Any ideas? Thanks guys... |
14:08 |
Lea |
*however |
14:10 |
Lea |
hmm.. that's interesting... there are z39.50 options files in both the cgi-bin directory and intranet/scripts/z3950 |
14:10 |
paul |
which version do you use ? |
14:10 |
thd |
paul: do you remember about pierrick's scheme to have the help file updating from the wiki? |
14:12 |
Lea |
2.2.7 |
14:15 |
paul |
so, the scripts in scripts/z3950 are now useless |
14:15 |
thd |
paul: are they still part of a new installation? |
14:16 |
Lea |
ok, so i concentrate on the cgi-bin directory? |
14:16 |
paul |
thd : i thought no, but maybe some things remains |
14:16 |
paul |
Lea: yep |
14:19 |
thd |
Lea: you have the easier version for Z39.50 access but I have no practical experience debugging Zoom connections in the new version. |
14:20 |
Lea |
is there a doc on how to setup this? i'm kinda guessing atm |
14:21 |
thd |
Lea: i assume that you configured a known good target database for the connection |
14:23 |
Lea |
yes i have |
14:24 |
thd |
Lea what errors are reported in the error log? |
14:25 |
Lea |
premeture end of script headers |
14:25 |
Lea |
i have a feeling its a broken server |
14:25 |
Lea |
is there a known one you guys use for testing? |
14:26 |
Lea |
there is one on the docs screenshot :) |
14:27 |
thd |
Lea: the testing installations of Koha do not have Z39.50 services enabled unless you are considering contracting support services and have your own special testing installation. |
14:28 |
Lea |
heh, guess not |
14:29 |
thd |
Lea: Are there any error messages appearing before the premature end of script headers message? |
14:32 |
Lea |
nope - there was about a css file, but i fixed that (intranet-main.css needs to be intranet.css - i made a softlink) |
14:33 |
Lea |
i have an idea |
14:41 |
Lea |
strace no help :( |
14:42 |
Lea |
Connect failed (10000) |
14:42 |
Lea |
that'll be it |
14:48 |
Lea |
it's a routing problem. Ok, i have to go. Thanks for your time once again! :) |
15:00 |
tumer |
hdl:around? |
16:13 |
cm |
hi, rch |
16:13 |
cm |
i just tested your fixes for apostrophes & carriage returns..nice! |
16:16 |
rch |
hey cm |
16:16 |
rch |
so it should be working as expected for return date calculation |
16:17 |
rch |
i didn't get a chance to finish up the fines stuff. |
16:18 |
cm |
yep. |
16:18 |
rch |
the rel_3_0 fines calculation does take holidays into consideration... but i'm not sure it's what most would want. |
16:18 |
cm |
interesting. |
16:18 |
rch |
if a library is closed one day per week, and an item is three weeks overdue, |
16:18 |
rch |
how many days should they be charged? |
16:19 |
rch |
(for you)? |
16:19 |
cm |
btw, i found that you can delete special holidays but not repeatable holidays. |
16:19 |
rch |
ah, i forgot to look at the deletion. |
16:19 |
cm |
they should be charged for every open day since the due date, minus the grace period. |
16:21 |
rch |
ah, okay- good for you. |
16:21 |
cm |
cool. :) |
16:22 |
rch |
the library I'm working on only wants to not charge if the item was returned on a closed day. |
16:22 |
rch |
otherwise, they get charged. |
16:23 |
cm |
hmm...more complicated! |
17:02 |
rch |
cm: btw, I will commit the holidays-aware fines code this weekend. |
18:13 |
cm |
rch: great, I'm looking forward to trying it. :) |
18:29 |
tnb |
chris? |
18:29 |
dewey |
chris is now too |
18:30 |
chris |
heya tina |
18:30 |
tnb |
hi chris |
18:30 |
kados |
hi all |
18:30 |
kados |
:-) |
18:31 |
tnb |
chris: i'm gonna private message ;you, this will be boring for the rest |
18:31 |
tnb |
kados: hi :) |
18:31 |
tnb |
i sent you some emails :) |
19:10 |
waylon_ |
hiya all |
19:11 |
mason |
heya waylon |
19:14 |
waylon_ |
err... is it necessary to cvs -z3 update -d cvsroot -r rel_2_2 or does it already know that its rel_2_2? |
19:20 |
waylon_ |
whats the XXX mean in koha.conf.in? |
19:20 |
mason |
nah it already knows |
19:20 |
waylon_ |
huh? how? |
19:20 |
waylon_ |
wait... your talking about cvs? ya.. |
19:20 |
waylon_ |
foundthat out. |
19:20 |
mason |
yep |
19:21 |
waylon_ |
but what about koha.conf.in and make.conf.in? |
19:22 |
waylon_ |
paul... koha.conf.in and make.conf.in.... what do they do, and why is koha.conf.in got lines commented out? (rel_2_2) |
19:23 |
mason |
pass |
19:24 |
waylon_ |
hmm... interesting new makefile.. |
19:24 |
mason |
i guess the installer fills in the needed values... |
19:26 |
mason |
hasnt been updated in 4 years, its poss. not used anymore |
19:27 |
waylon_ |
k, im just going to point my current installation towards the cvs dir. |
19:27 |
mason |
yep |
19:28 |
waylon_ |
after i do my dishes. :) |
19:28 |
waylon_ |
else they'll never get done. |
19:28 |
mason |
just symlink yr cgi-bin, htdocs and modules/c4 dirs to yr CVS checkout |
19:29 |
waylon_ |
could also edit the koha.conf in my /etc to point to it as well. |
19:30 |
mason |
ha, yes thats alot easier, ive been doing it the symlink way |
20:36 |
waylon_ |
okay.. back in a bit. gotta get a mic. Boss wants to skype. |
22:44 |
waylon_ |
hiya all |
22:44 |
waylon_ |
microphone brought... skype works well over dialup.. im impresseed. |
23:30 |
waylon_ |
okay.. 2.2.7 cvs dl... items.barcode searching doesn't seem to be working. |
23:32 |
waylon_ |
no such tagsubfield as 'items.barcode' yet, its looking for it. |
23:33 |
waylon_ |
wait... am i using the right ... oh... hmm... one moment. |
02:13 |
waylon |
hmm..... still getting that "different ip" problem in 2.2.7... and still can't search for barcodes. |
02:14 |
waylon |
hrm.. error in mysql syntax... |
02:49 |
waylon |
was linked to my different ip problem. |
02:49 |
waylon |
but SearchMarc is searching for barcodes in marc_word, using tagsubfield of 'items.barcode'.... |
03:28 |
mason |
nice spotting |
03:29 |
waylon |
okay.. is there somewhere in code, where a frameworkcode is stored in parameters as THE framework code to use for everything? |
03:31 |
waylon |
idea, use Marc_find_marc_from_kohafield ... to find the marc for items.barcode ... but of course, I have a frameworkcode of 1 for all my marc. |
03:31 |
waylon |
so i can use koha2marc.pl, and other migration code. |
03:31 |
waylon |
since frameworkcode is a 'not null' field. |
03:32 |
waylon |
'' eq null ya? |
03:47 |
waylon |
mason, you working on the items.barcode problem? |
03:58 |
waylon |
okay.... seems to be no way to select a framework as the framework for things.. some code even triggers other code, with '' as the framework number, instead of $frameworkcode. |
04:08 |
waylon |
Love the easy parameter setting of System preferences. |
04:14 |
waylon |
thats curious... |
04:15 |
waylon |
all the search fields in search.marc return old-db fields... |
04:17 |
waylon |
probably because default/en is old? |
04:19 |
waylon |
nope... npl template has the same problem.... |
04:19 |
waylon |
hmmm.... |
04:24 |
waylon |
for some reason, 245a - Title returned the entire 245 series, 246 series and 242 series.... wierd. |
05:03 |
waylon |
hey btoumi |
05:03 |
btoumi |
hi waylon |
05:09 |
waylon |
err.... found an inconsistancy..... in rel_2_2, NEWmodbiblio calls MARCmodbiblio, with a $delete of 0.... in MARCmodbiblio.. there is no usage of $delete, other than defining it. in other words... things get deleted... |
05:15 |
_paul |
hi rch |
05:15 |
_paul |
(or sleeping & you're an autologin ?) |
05:16 |
rch |
hi paul |
05:16 |
_paul |
so you're not sleeping... |
05:16 |
rch |
no, i'm the real thing :) |
05:16 |
waylon_ |
paul! calm day? |
05:16 |
_paul |
yep, no more wind & sunny |
05:16 |
waylon_ |
err.... found an inconsistancy..... in rel_2_2, NEWmodbiblio calls MARCmodbiblio, with a $delete of 0.... in MARCmodbiblio.. there is no usage of $delete, other than defining it. in other words... things get deleted... |
05:17 |
waylon_ |
your comment, paul? |
05:17 |
paul |
my comment is : maybe you're right, could you fill a bug (BLO probably) on bugzilla ? |
05:17 |
rch |
paul: we'd be interested in seeing the list (even if it's in french) |
05:18 |
paul |
which mail address rch ? |
05:18 |
rch |
rch liblime.com |
05:18 |
rch |
paul: have a moment for an acqui question? |
05:18 |
paul |
yep |
05:19 |
rch |
I haven't updated dev_week with any recent rel_3 commits... |
05:19 |
rch |
but I am able to add parts of an order to multiple parcels. |
05:19 |
rch |
which changes 'booksellerid' (iirc) for the parcel |
05:20 |
paul |
since 2 days, I work on rel_3 with Opera : i didn't notice any problem yet... |
05:20 |
waylon_ |
instead of $frameworkcode = '' unless $frameworkcode; |
05:20 |
rch |
so you don't see any orders showing up in 'the wrong parcels'? |
05:21 |
paul |
did you noticed that i fixed MANY things in acquisitions since 2 days ? |
05:21 |
rch |
i saw a bunch of commits, but no comments looked relevant to this particular problem |
05:22 |
paul |
let me rewrite what you try : |
05:22 |
paul |
- you have a basket with 2 lines |
05:22 |
paul |
- you receive 1 line incompletly in parcel B |
05:22 |
waylon_ |
huh.... in bugzilla... the version field doesn't have the words "rel_2_2" ... what do i set it as? |
05:22 |
paul |
- you receive the end of the line in parcel A |
05:23 |
paul |
- and ??? |
05:23 |
rch |
correct |
05:23 |
rch |
i have reports that things get funny then. |
05:24 |
waylon_ |
paul? |
05:24 |
dewey |
paul is preparing to issue a release while the NPL templates are not working for the record editor now. |
05:24 |
paul |
rch : and what happends ? all the line is affected to parcel A ? |
05:24 |
rch |
since the parcel seems to want to be associated with an order. |
05:24 |
rch |
yes, i believe so. |
05:24 |
rch |
waylon_: branch2.2 |
05:25 |
rch |
paul: i can test some more tomorrow |
05:26 |
paul |
mmm... that would be a weird bug. since koha 1.x, there is a limit to partial recieves, that makes all the recieve affected to the last parcel, (if you recieve 1 item in parcel B, then the 2nd one in parcel C, you see 2in parcel C and nothing in B, but that's not what you describe) |
05:26 |
waylon_ |
is MARCmodbiblio a MARC thing, or a Database thing? |
05:26 |
paul |
waylon_: it's a DB thing |
05:27 |
rch |
paul: ah, i see, so there is a known discrepancy from what one would expect? |
05:28 |
paul |
yes, this is due to a DB schema limitation : a given order has one (and only 1) parcel code attached |
05:28 |
paul |
thus, impossible to have 2 ;-) |
05:28 |
rch |
right, that's what i thought from looking at the db. |
05:28 |
rch |
so i'm not going crazy :) |
05:28 |
waylon_ |
bug submitted. |
05:29 |
rch |
okay, this must be the problem.... I'll just have to convince the user to not be surprised :) |
05:31 |
waylon_ |
do you know how difficult that is? users always want it their way. |
05:32 |
waylon_ |
.. and so they should have it... since, they're going to be data entering.. and not me. :) |
05:33 |
rch |
yes, i'd call you lucky :) |
05:33 |
rch |
thanks, paul |
05:33 |
paul |
your welcome. |
05:34 |
paul |
how were things for joshua at ALA ? |
05:34 |
waylon_ |
uhh.. ive been a data enterer... and its probably because i was too slow, that the library's ex-president has lost interest in koha. |
05:34 |
rch |
I hear they went very well. |
05:34 |
rch |
lots of activity at our booth |
05:37 |
waylon_ |
Biblio.pm in rel_2_2 now has currentframework implemented. |
05:39 |
waylon_ |
is there any reason why a library would use two frameworks at the same time? |
05:39 |
paul |
for the same biblio ? no |
05:39 |
paul |
otherwise yes. |
05:39 |
paul |
I have libraries that have 8 frameworks ! |
05:40 |
paul |
one for monographies, one for serials, 1 for articles, 1 for websites,... |
05:41 |
paul |
the default ('') one contains them. Even with different frameworks, the title is always in the same MARC subfield. |
05:42 |
paul |
(in fact, there is a DB schema mistake here too -and i'm responsible for this one-) : the link koha <=> MARC could/should not have been at framework level |
05:44 |
waylon_ |
k... why am i implementing a default framework pref again? |
05:45 |
paul |
??? (don't understand what you mean) |
05:46 |
waylon_ |
koha2marc.pl complained that it wasn't allowed to addbiblio with a null frameworkcode. |
05:46 |
paul |
NULL is <> '' |
05:46 |
waylon_ |
oh? ........... |
05:47 |
paul |
yep, in mySQL (and most SQL DB afaik), NULL means "nothing" where '' means "empty" |
05:47 |
paul |
which are different |
05:48 |
waylon_ |
how is it that the '' framework contains all frameworks? |
06:01 |
waylon_ |
why does each quicksearch field search so many marc subfields? |
06:02 |
waylon_ |
searching for title searches marc subfields ' ('245a','245b','245f','245g','245k','245n','245p','245s','245h','246i','246a','246b','246f','246g','246n','246p','246h','242a','242b','242n','242p','242h' |
06:05 |
waylon_ |
haha... my barcode search problem was caused by me... |
06:05 |
waylon_ |
but... if i didn't do all of this... i wouldn't understand marc as much as i do now. |
06:06 |
waylon_ |
This is a happy mistake. |
06:32 |
waylon_ |
wierdness... kohafield in subfield_structure only has 245a, yet it adds all those other tags. |
06:36 |
waylon_ |
ah. |
06:36 |
waylon_ |
Seealso.. |
06:37 |
waylon_ |
not sure if some ofthem make sense.... |
06:40 |
waylon_ |
okay.. im done for the day. tired. |
06:40 |
paul |
bye waylon_ |
06:41 |
paul |
sweet night |
06:41 |
waylon |
yup. |