IRC log for #koha, 2024-06-04

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:07 mbridge joined #koha
00:23 alohabot joined #koha
00:27 alohabot joined #koha
01:07 mbridge joined #koha
02:07 mbridge joined #koha
03:07 mbridge joined #koha
04:07 mbridge joined #koha
05:07 mbridge joined #koha
05:50 reiveune joined #koha
06:07 mbridge joined #koha
06:57 alex_a joined #koha
07:01 thibaud_g joined #koha
07:07 mbridge joined #koha
07:40 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. I have the following problem. After I deleted all user emails, the system continues to send emails. How do I solve this problem?
07:47 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> This command may help: koha-email-disable instancename (see https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]an_packages#Email)
07:49 NikolayGospodinov[m] what should I change the instance1 to
07:50 NikolayGospodinov[m] oh sorry. The email is already diabled
07:50 NikolayGospodinov[m] do you know from where i can delete the sending email
07:51 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> whatever the name of your instance is (assuming your installation was installed using packages) - you can look in /etc/koha/sites/ to find the name of the site(s) setup
07:52 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> most email is queued in the message_queue table - maybe try deleting any pending messages
07:53 NikolayGospodinov[m] If i delete the SMTP configuration?
07:53 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> the other thing to do would be to disable the mail transport agent on your server - I don't really know much about MTAs, so probably won't be much help with that
07:55 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> if the messages have already been sent from your server, then I'm not sure what you could do
07:55 NikolayGospodinov[m] I'm just trying to stop them
08:03 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> sorry, I don't have any more ideas - it is not something I know much about
08:03 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> hopefully, someone else here can provide some input
08:04 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> note that IRC is not getting much use these days - most of the conversations are happening on
08:07 mbridge joined #koha
08:07 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> The mail transfer agent could be either exim4 or postfix. On Debian, you can run `sudo systemctl disable --now <mta-name>.service` replacing `<mta-name>` for `exim4` or `postfix`
08:07 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Be careful to check that there aren't other applications relying on mail, on that server, before switching off your MTA
08:09 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> you could also look at turning off the cronjob that processes the message queue misc/cronjobs/
08:15 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> That is definitely a much less violent approach! It should be in the `/etc/cron.d/koha-common` file
08:17 mbridge [mattermost] <davidnind> thanks perplexedtheta!
09:07 mbridge joined #koha
09:51 mbridge [mattermost] <ashimema> is gmcharlt still hanging around here?
09:57 mbridge [mattermost] <ashimema> @seen gmcharlt
09:58 ashimema @seen gmcharlt
09:58 huginn` ashimema: gmcharlt was last seen in #koha 51 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 52 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <gmcharlt> @later tell cait I have updated the meetings index
09:59 ashimema @later tell gmcharlt do you still have commit bits for MARC::Record.. domm has a fix he'd like to submit.
09:59 huginn` ashimema: The operation succeeded.
10:07 mbridge joined #koha
10:52 alex_a joined #koha
11:07 mbridge joined #koha
12:00 lds joined #koha
12:07 mbridge joined #koha
12:42 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:02 dubrox joined #koha
13:07 mbridge joined #koha
13:07 dubrox hello, I'm looking for some guidance on the simplest way to get Koha community up and running on a PC. I tried following the wiki and even using some docker implementations, but seems that the corresponding documentation is either inaccurate or I'm missing something. I even tried reproduce all the steps in the wiki in the form of a Docker image definition, and still could not get it to work:[…]st-docker-compose
13:14 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> What errors are you running into?
13:19 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> debrox
13:19 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> dubrox
13:23 dubrox Plack is logging this error: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'koha_biblioteca.systempreferences' doesn't exist at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/ line 152.
13:23 dubrox seems like koha-create didn't actually populate the database
13:24 dubrox you can see the steps I took to prepare the server here:[…]s/koha/Dockerfile
13:25 dubrox and the configuration and koha scripts executions here:[…]oha/
13:26 dubrox that code has comments referring to the related wiki instructions from you website
13:29 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> I know this wasn
13:29 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> wasn't your question but is anything wrong w/ koha-testing-docker?
13:31 dubrox I tried koha-testing-docker already, but I got another error in that case, which I now don't remember by heart but I'll try to reproduce again now. If I don't remember wrong, it was trying to execute koha-create and could not find it.
13:31 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> I have written a guide for koha-testing-docker on windows a while ago. It's in the wiki.
13:33 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]docker_on_Windows
13:36 dubrox thanks, I'll follow it
14:07 mbridge joined #koha
14:17 thibaud_glt joined #koha
15:07 mbridge joined #koha
15:07 dubrox mbridge it worked! I could suggest some small fixes in the wiki's commands, but I managed to get it running. Thank you!
15:13 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> Are there any errors in the wiki?
15:13 mbridge [mattermost] <jpahd> Curious because I wrote it :D
15:15 reiveune bye
15:15 reiveune left #koha
15:28 ashimema @seen mjray
15:28 huginn` ashimema: I have not seen mjray.
15:29 ashimema * @seen mj
16:07 mbridge joined #koha
17:07 mbridge joined #koha
17:36 dubrox mbridge, I put the revised version in the following link. It contains some fixes in paths (.env) and other steps are made more explicit:[…]159c06ce197d81eec
18:01 thibaud_glt joined #koha
18:07 mbridge joined #koha
18:36 thibaud_glt joined #koha
19:07 mbridge joined #koha
20:07 mbridge joined #koha
20:32 dubrox Just wanted to share with you that I created a repo for a simpler way to get a Koha environment up and running, based on extra hints I learned today thanks to mbridge. It is a first version, but I am happy with it already as it works:
21:07 mbridge joined #koha
22:07 mbridge joined #koha
23:07 mbridge joined #koha

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