IRC log for #koha, 2021-10-11

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:24 koha-jenkins joined #koha
01:22 kidclamp_ joined #koha
02:01 irma joined #koha
02:07 AndrewFH joined #koha
04:57 chriss joined #koha
05:44 lmstrand joined #koha
05:59 reiveune joined #koha
05:59 reiveune hello
06:35 marcelr joined #koha
06:35 marcelr hi #koha
06:35 magnuse joined #koha
06:35 marcelr o/
06:44 magnuse \o/
06:47 cait joined #koha
06:56 lds joined #koha
06:58 Jeremy_b joined #koha
06:59 alex_a joined #koha
07:00 kohails joined #koha
07:02 kohails hello
07:02 cait1 joined #koha
07:04 cait2 joined #koha
07:04 kohails left #koha
08:05 ere joined #koha
08:23 Nemo_bis[…]brary-of-finland/
08:26 Joubu Nemo_bis: typo "You will work in a NGU/Linux environment" :)
08:29 Nemo_bis Joubu: nice find, do email Esa-Pekka about it ;-) (in the original Finnish IIRC it was correct)
08:52 cait2 Nemo_bis: the over 3000 is also a bit low :)
08:53 cait2 Marshall has over 5000 in and hea lists over 15.000
08:54 cait2 but love seeing koha related job ads
08:54 ashimema :)
09:09 marcelr ashimema: could you please spend about 30 secs on 29177
09:10 ashimema sure thing
09:16 cait2 Jeremy_b: hi there :) just saw your comment on bug 29036 - could you attach a signed patch file too?
09:16 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=29036 minor, P5 - low, ---, bolshawh, Signed Off , Accessibility: OPAC buttons don't have sufficient contrast
09:17 ashimema hmm
09:17 ashimema marcelr..
09:17 wahanui i guess marcelr is just amazed that next is faster than count
09:17 ashimema replacementpricedate
09:17 ashimema should that be getting set within store perhaps?
09:17 marcelr having a look
09:17 ashimema i.e. as a trigger whenever replacementprice is set.. similar to 'iltemlost', 'withdrawn' and 'damaged' ?
09:18 * ashimema doesn't actually know.. just wonder if it's the case
09:18 marcelr i was just getting the todo away not changing the code further
09:18 marcelr feels like anothre scope
09:20 ashimema yeah, quite possibly
09:21 ashimema give me a few more mins..
09:27 ashimema I've come to the conclusion that I think it aught to receive the same treatement
09:27 ashimema but.. it's littered all over the place so needs to be in it's own bug
09:27 ashimema I'll note that, open a bug and link it here then PQA on this one
09:32 cait2 hm how does one install the git so <number of patches> command on a non devbox environment?
09:32 cait2 it looks like https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]nd_tricks#git_so_. is not the one we use now
09:52 marcelr cait2 use [alias] in .gitconfig
09:52 marcelr thx ashimema
10:17 domm joined #koha
10:24 domm It's not possible (or only via changes to the source code) to add a new ES facetable search field?
10:33 cait joined #koha
10:46 oleonard Hi all
10:46 oleonard magnuse around?
11:04 magnuse oleonard: yup
11:04 oleonard Hi magnuse, I wondered if you might know anything about Bug 29200?
11:04 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=29200 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Adlibris cover service broken
11:32 AndrewFH joined #koha
11:47 marcelr joined #koha
12:10 cait2 marcelr: not at the right computer right now - was trying to help Jeremy_b
12:10 cait2 the one I useis definitely different to the one on the wiki
12:10 cait2 :)
12:16 cait2 marcelr: ah, sorry, strange morniing - i was actually looking for the updated alias script
12:20 NateC joined #koha
12:26 marion joined #koha
12:27 ere joined #koha
13:04 magnuse @later tell oleonard i think Adlibris pulled the plug on the free service. i'll comment on the bug
13:04 huginn` magnuse: The operation succeeded.
13:30 oleonard joined #koha
14:35 Dyrcona joined #koha
14:36 ere joined #koha
14:43 Jeremy_b joined #koha
14:44 Jeremy_b_ joined #koha
15:16 reiveune bye
15:16 reiveune left #koha
15:31 NateC joined #koha
15:37 gooble_gobble joined #koha
16:14 gooble_gobble joined #koha
16:22 gooble_gobble_1 joined #koha
16:40 NateC joined #koha
18:35 lmstrand joined #koha
19:54 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D12 build #29: NOW UNSTABLE in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D12/29/
20:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U_Stable build #267: FAILURE in 3 min 17 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_U_Stable/267/
20:11 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U_Stable build #268: STILL FAILING in 3 min 3 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_U_Stable/268/
20:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D12 build #30: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 5 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D12/30/
20:33 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11 build #405: UNSTABLE in 32 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D11/405/
21:12 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
21:12 wahanui Congratulations!
21:12 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11 build #406: FIXED in 49 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D11/406/
21:19 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U_Stable build #269: NOW UNSTABLE in 57 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_U_Stable/269/
21:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #1768: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 3 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master/1768/
21:35 koha-jenkins Project Koha_21.05_D12 build #1: UNSTABLE in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_21.05_D12/1/
21:49 koha-jenkins Project Koha_21.05_D12 build #2: STILL UNSTABLE in 52 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_21.05_D12/2/
21:54 cait joined #koha
22:19 eythian joined #koha
22:20 irma joined #koha
22:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_21.05_D11 build #88: SUCCESS in 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_21.05_D11/88/
23:03 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11 build #407: SUCCESS in 32 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D11/407/
23:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U20 build #202: SUCCESS in 49 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U20/202/
23:28 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
23:28 wahanui Congratulations!
23:28 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U_Stable build #270: FIXED in 57 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_U_Stable/270/
23:28 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master build #1769: STILL UNSTABLE in 58 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master/1769/
23:39 alexbuckley joined #koha
23:50 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1778: UNSTABLE in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1778/

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