Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
01:37 |
morrism joined #koha |
02:13 |
nugged joined #koha |
02:57 |
gooble_gobble joined #koha |
06:09 |
cait joined #koha |
06:34 |
magnuse joined #koha |
06:47 |
alex_a joined #koha |
06:47 |
alex_a |
Bonjour |
06:57 |
cait joined #koha |
06:58 |
cait1 joined #koha |
06:59 |
paul_p joined #koha |
07:00 |
cait1 |
good morning #koha |
07:01 |
lds joined #koha |
07:02 |
paul_p joined #koha |
07:02 |
magnuse |
\o/ |
07:04 |
sophie_m joined #koha |
07:20 |
paxed |
doesn't look like there's any way to search for a patron with exact attribute value? |
07:20 |
paxed |
Koha::Patrons->filter_by_attribute_value() ... yeah, let's do a like. |
07:34 |
cait1 |
paxed: I don't know but remember simlar questions being asked about other parts of the API |
07:34 |
cait1 |
others online a little later might now |
07:34 |
cait1 |
know |
07:35 |
alex_a joined #koha |
08:18 |
alex_a_ joined #koha |
09:00 |
paul_p joined #koha |
09:54 |
oleonard |
Hi #koha |
10:01 |
cait1 |
hi oleonard :) |
10:03 |
ere joined #koha |
10:12 |
oleonard |
Bug 28918 really sums up the failings of our translation system :( |
10:12 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=28918 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Improve translation of multi-hold no items available message |
10:14 |
Joubu |
tuxayo: have a look at 26847 comment 18 please |
10:28 |
Joubu |
items.reserves - hum... this isn't used, correct? |
10:29 |
Joubu |
bug 13125 |
10:29 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=13125 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Total Holds does not tally holds / items.reserves is not populated |
10:34 |
cait joined #koha |
10:44 |
ere joined #koha |
10:45 |
ere joined #koha |
10:46 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_D10 build #141: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 1 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_D10/141/ |
10:46 |
tcohen |
hola |
10:51 |
khall joined #koha |
11:01 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
11:01 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
11:01 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_20.11_U16 build #114: FIXED in 1 hr 16 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_20.11_U16/114/ |
11:01 |
khall_ joined #koha |
11:04 |
jaseel joined #koha |
11:05 |
jaseel |
Hello |
11:08 |
jaseel |
While i import records in to zebra i got the error "Segmentation fault". I have imported records upto 861259. Please help how to resolve this issue. I have total 13 lacks records |
11:10 |
jaseel |
16:30:13-30/08 /usr/bin/zebraidx(4927) 8079a7f3677f0000 [debug] maptab numeric.chr num=18 close 0 errors 16:30:13-30/08 /usr/bin/zebraidx(4927) 8079a7f3677f0000 [debug] Read character table numeric.chr Segmentation fault |
11:11 |
jaseel |
I used the comands to update : /usr/bin/zebraidx -c /etc/koha/sites/koha/zebra-biblios-dom.cfg -v none,fatal,warn -g marcxml -d biblios update /tmp/biblios/bib-900000-final.xml |
11:16 |
khall joined #koha |
11:35 |
cait1 |
jaseel: you might want to import them in smaller packages maybe |
11:39 |
alex_a joined #koha |
11:44 |
khall_ joined #koha |
11:54 |
khall joined #koha |
11:58 |
alex_a_ joined #koha |
12:22 |
tcohen |
@seen joubu |
12:22 |
huginn |
tcohen: joubu was last seen in #koha 1 hour, 53 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: <Joubu> bug 13125 |
12:24 |
Joubu |
tcohen: buenas! |
12:24 |
tcohen |
\o |
12:31 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
12:47 |
ere joined #koha |
13:05 |
oleonard joined #koha |
13:18 |
khall_ joined #koha |
14:03 |
ere joined #koha |
14:08 |
Joubu |
" |
14:08 |
Joubu |
Patron's age is incorrect for their category. Ages allowed are 18-999. |
14:08 |
Joubu |
" |
14:14 |
cait1 |
yes? |
14:15 |
cait1 |
Ages allowed need to be in the range 18-999 ? |
14:15 |
cait1 |
range of? |
14:15 |
cait1 |
where are all those native speakers? :) |
14:16 |
Joubu |
it's the 999 that makes me smile |
14:16 |
Joubu |
oleonard: around? |
14:16 |
cait1 |
aaah |
14:16 |
oleonard |
Doesn't that come from the patron category? |
14:16 |
cait1 |
well... people get older all the time, that's just planning ahead? :) |
14:16 |
Joubu |
oleonard: will you have time to finish the jqueryUI => flatpickr move for 21.11? |
14:17 |
oleonard |
I have the time, so I certainly hope I don't run into unforeseen problems. |
14:18 |
Joubu |
I would like to avoid a situation where we will have both to support/maintain |
14:18 |
Joubu |
do you think I should wait for 28376 to be pushed? |
14:18 |
Joubu |
Or I push and we do everything we can to have it ready for 21.11 (you, tcohen and me) |
14:19 |
oleonard |
I can start right away on finishing it if 28376 looks good to you. |
14:19 |
tcohen |
+1 |
14:19 |
tcohen |
I'm in |
14:19 |
cait1 |
bug 28870 |
14:19 |
tcohen |
my only concern was font size (it felt big-ish) |
14:19 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=28870 critical, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Needs Signoff , Cart shipping fails because of Non-ASCII characters in display-name of reply-to address |
14:20 |
Joubu |
oleonard: I am about to push it |
14:20 |
cait1 |
what I was afraid of happened: it got a bit too massive for me to backport to 20.11 for testing |
14:20 |
cait1 |
also a hint for a easy band aid fix would help |
14:21 |
Joubu |
oleonard: I didn't notice it was ready-only. We cannot set a date without using the widget |
14:21 |
cait1 |
oh |
14:23 |
Joubu |
cait1: we must test on master before rebasing it for backport, or it's too much work |
14:24 |
Joubu |
I can add my SO on it if it helps, but I wrote some patches there |
14:25 |
cait1 |
yeah, we won't be much help there then - I am sorry |
14:27 |
cait1 |
but I understand - you are right |
14:46 |
cait1 |
I decided on removing the name from the reply to... we only do this for cart, not even for sending a list |
14:46 |
cait1 |
hope that will work as a temporary fix |
14:49 |
tcohen |
https://snipboard.io/2olSmV.jpg |
14:49 |
tcohen |
I need ideas Joubu cait1 oleonard |
14:49 |
tcohen |
i need to 'one time' display the generated 'secret' |
14:49 |
tcohen |
it woul dbe great to add a 'copy to clipboard' icon, but besides that |
14:49 |
Joubu |
we do that for the password (selfreg) |
14:50 |
tcohen |
style? |
14:50 |
Joubu |
ha |
14:50 |
tcohen |
ok |
14:50 |
tcohen |
thanks Joubu |
14:50 |
Joubu |
tcohen: if it's a UI question, the selfreg won't help you much |
14:51 |
cait1 |
i think it looks nice? |
14:51 |
tcohen |
well, it is better than what I did |
14:51 |
cait1 |
or maybe a hint? |
14:51 |
tcohen |
https://snipboard.io/G4hyI5.jpg |
14:52 |
cait1 |
ah |
14:52 |
cait1 |
using the other font would sure be nice |
14:52 |
oleonard |
I don't understand what the workflow is. |
14:52 |
tcohen |
oleonard: |
14:52 |
cait1 |
i think if a double click on it works you don't strictly need a copy to clipboard button... but it might not because of the - |
14:52 |
tcohen |
you generate a new API key |
14:52 |
tcohen |
but the secret part of it is only displayed once |
14:53 |
tcohen |
because from now on it will be stored differently on the DB |
14:53 |
tcohen |
<.< |
14:53 |
oleonard |
Does the information dynamically appear via JS when you click the "Generate" button? Or is the page reloading? |
14:54 |
tcohen |
page reloading |
14:55 |
tcohen |
I'm doing this dev as minimalist as possible, for backportability |
14:57 |
oleonard |
I'd probably add some inline CSS to the page to pretty it up. No reason to try to force it into an existing style |
14:59 |
tcohen |
oleonard: can you help me with that once I submit? |
14:59 |
oleonard |
I'd be happy to |
14:59 |
tcohen |
thank you so much |
15:00 |
oleonard |
tcohen: You couldn't stop me if you tried ;) |
15:00 |
tcohen |
hehe |
15:05 |
tcohen |
this is github's |
15:05 |
tcohen |
https://snipboard.io/JzwPat.jpg |
15:05 |
alex_a_ left #koha |
15:05 |
tcohen left #koha |
15:05 |
tcohen joined #koha |
15:14 |
oleonard |
Joubu: flatpickr's "allowInput" option is true by default. |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: DBRev <https://git.koha-community.org[…]0042533f3b4bc3cd8> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: (QA follow-up) Prefix prefs with OPAC <https://git.koha-community.org[…]e915f426aca6ed2df> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: Make syspref's names start with uppercase <https://git.koha-community.org[…]5ea92c929a9322ffd> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28893: Remove unused opac/rss directory <https://git.koha-community.org[…]8297e3b7b1c975920> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28843: Add view and edit buttons to result of MARC record import <https://git.koha-community.org[…]8d0f0acee3598fae5> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28838: add unique IDs to sco-main.tt impossible errors <https://git.koha-community.org[…]61ca511f2551b0dd5> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: (QA follow-up) Prevent empty call numbers <https://git.koha-community.org[…]b75eecb883f2f47b6> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28830: Add cni index for 003 <https://git.koha-community.org[…]4089d0c223bf680b9> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: (QA follow-up) Reset preference values <https://git.koha-community.org[…]d6ef15e18de89ba3c> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: Changes for substatus, resultbranch in XSLT.t <https://git.koha-community.org[…]41becabb08b302d8d> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: Refactor Availability block in OPAC results xslt <https://git.koha-community.org[…]b61ef605b8a656cc2> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: Add resultbranch and other status in C4/XSLT <https://git.koha-community.org[…]9dae43142bca20b53> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28810: replace housebould detail inputs with textarea <https://git.koha-community.org[…]e5bd6c7183ccd75f0> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28736: fix requirements for the correct error message to show up <https://git.koha-community.org[…]fdd4a33e17ae301ec> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28695: Add shelving location column to overdue.tt <https://git.koha-community.org[…]46b11e70c541fe9d7> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: Add dbrev for two new prefs <https://git.koha-community.org[…]fe23cd0466e6d3615> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 20688: Add accesskeys for transfers <https://git.koha-community.org[…]0ab9178a3a5adfc14> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 20688: Add accesskeys to hold modals <https://git.koha-community.org[…]2a11357a981400329> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28456: Add WHERE option to membership_expiry cronjob <https://git.koha-community.org[…]c3ff1c34419070ff6> |
15:14 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 24019: Patron batch modification based on borrowernumber <https://git.koha-community.org[…]80e335ed36681d00e> |
15:15 |
tcohen |
\o/ |
15:18 |
Joubu |
oleonard: I am confused, I've tried again and I don't see the same thing. It's no longer readonly and there is no more "AM/PM" at the bottom right |
15:18 |
oleonard |
On which page? |
15:18 |
Joubu |
and you haven't modified anything |
15:18 |
Joubu |
renew |
15:18 |
Joubu |
I mean |
15:19 |
Joubu |
it's working |
15:19 |
Joubu |
it's not showing the same thing than when I tried 1h ago |
15:22 |
oleonard |
(•ิ_•ิ)? |
15:29 |
cait1 left #koha |
15:36 |
alex_a_ joined #koha |
15:58 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D10_MDB_Latest build #679: UNSTABLE in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]0_MDB_Latest/679/ |
16:01 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D11 build #375: FAILURE in 45 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D11/375/ |
16:07 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1751: FAILURE in 6 min 4 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1751/ |
16:08 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D10_My8 build #642: UNSTABLE in 53 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ster_D10_My8/642/ |
16:09 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28376: Compiled CSS <https://git.koha-community.org[…]a56ea51f3a53c9e7d> |
16:09 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 26302: (follow-up) DBRev <https://git.koha-community.org[…]9b5a5bb9b9c13342a> |
16:09 |
huginn |
News from kohagit: Bug 28376: Replace jQueryUI date/timepicker with Flatpickr <https://git.koha-community.org[…]22fc36b88fb33774a> |
16:13 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_U_Stable build #246: UNSTABLE in 56 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_U_Stable/246/ |
16:20 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_U20 build #180: UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U20/180/ |
16:29 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master build #1744: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 10 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master/1744/ |
16:30 |
khall joined #koha |
16:37 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D10_CPAN build #420: UNSTABLE in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_D10_CPAN/420/ |
16:39 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D10_CPAN build #421: FAILURE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_D10_CPAN/421/ |
16:44 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D10_CPAN build #422: STILL FAILING in 5 min 38 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_D10_CPAN/422/ |
16:51 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
16:51 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
16:51 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D11 build #376: FIXED in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D11/376/ |
17:02 |
khall_ joined #koha |
17:02 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
17:02 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
17:02 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D10_My8 build #643: FIXED in 52 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ster_D10_My8/643/ |
17:07 |
cait joined #koha |
17:10 |
Putti joined #koha |
17:17 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
17:17 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
17:17 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D10_MDB_Latest build #680: FIXED in 39 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]0_MDB_Latest/680/ |
17:26 |
khall joined #koha |
17:28 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
17:28 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
17:28 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_U_Stable build #247: FIXED in 58 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ter_U_Stable/247/ |
17:28 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master build #1745: STILL UNSTABLE in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master/1745/ |
17:38 |
Putti joined #koha |
17:43 |
tuxayo |
Joubu: hi, thanks for the ping, will backport bug 26847 |
17:44 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=26847 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, RESOLVED FIXED, Make borrower category code accessible in all pages of the OPAC |
17:48 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
17:48 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
17:48 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1752: FIXED in 1 hr 3 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1752/ |
17:52 |
Putti |
I got the grant for developing koha: https://fuug.fi/2021/koha-kirj[…]man-kehittaminen/ :) |
17:52 |
tcohen |
Putti++ |
17:52 |
tcohen |
can you translate? |
17:52 |
Putti |
Installing now koha on my laptop |
17:52 |
tcohen |
oh, a grant for refactoring Koha for good? |
17:53 |
Putti |
to summarize the article: the grant goes to making koha more robust, i.e. fixing bugs, refactoring and possibly re-implementing some features if needed |
17:54 |
tcohen |
like carte blanche to make Koha better :-D |
17:56 |
koha-jenkins |
Yippee, build fixed! |
17:56 |
wahanui |
Congratulations! |
17:56 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_U20 build #181: FIXED in 53 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U20/181/ |
17:57 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D10_MDB_Latest build #681: SUCCESS in 40 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]0_MDB_Latest/681/ |
18:02 |
khall_ joined #koha |
18:03 |
cait |
Putti: can we make suggestions? ;) |
18:03 |
cait |
and congrats! |
18:04 |
Putti |
cait, sure, and thanks :) |
18:05 |
Putti |
but first I'm gonna find something easy to sign-off to get into the flow |
18:08 |
Putti |
cait, do you mind sending me the QA team emails in the future to joonas.kylmala iki.fi ? |
18:09 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_D11 build #377: SUCCESS in 57 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D11/377/ |
18:11 |
cait |
not at all |
18:11 |
cait |
I'll change my email list righ tnow |
18:11 |
cait |
i just came across taks scheduler rewrite again today |
18:12 |
cait |
bug 1993 |
18:12 |
huginn |
Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]w_bug.cgi?id=1993 major, P3, ---, gmcharlt, In Discussion , Task Scheduler Needs Re-write |
18:12 |
cait |
the bug number says it all :) |
18:13 |
cait |
but generally having one more cooperate on the big rewrite patches will be awesome :) |
18:15 |
cait |
with rewrite I mean the ones that are a bit scary but move us forward to more stability etc |
18:15 |
cait |
architecture stuff... sorry was a long day |
18:17 |
Putti |
hopefully there doesn't need to be a big rewrite though, I'm keeping my eye on this. |
18:20 |
cait |
yeah rewrite was probably not a good choice of word :) |
18:49 |
koha-jenkins |
Project Koha_Master_U20 build #182: SUCCESS in 53 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U20/182/ |
18:51 |
Oak joined #koha |
19:14 |
marie-luce joined #koha |
22:12 |
tuxayo |
super good news for Putti :D |
22:22 |
cait joined #koha |
23:10 |
dcook |
@later tell Putti congratulations on the grant. That's awesome. |
23:10 |
huginn |
dcook: The operation succeeded. |
23:17 |
khall joined #koha |