IRC log for #koha, 2020-02-17

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:53 inlibro joined #koha
01:18 hayley joined #koha
01:22 irma_ joined #koha
01:25 cait1 joined #koha
01:54 inlibro joined #koha
02:54 inlibro joined #koha
03:51 bdonnahue joined #koha
03:54 inlibro joined #koha
04:14 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
04:14 wahanui Congratulations!
04:14 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D9 build #248: FIXED in 25 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D9/248/
04:20 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
04:20 wahanui Congratulations!
04:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D8 build #247: FIXED in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D8/247/
04:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_U18 build #237: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.11_U18/237/
04:54 inlibro joined #koha
05:00 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D9 build #249: SUCCESS in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D9/249/
05:05 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D8 build #248: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D8/248/
05:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_U18 build #238: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.11_U18/238/
05:54 inlibro joined #koha
06:05 chriss joined #koha
06:08 andreashm joined #koha
06:31 davidnind joined #koha
06:42 enkidu joined #koha
06:54 inlibro joined #koha
07:36 reiveune joined #koha
07:36 reiveune hello
07:41 marcelr joined #koha
07:41 marcelr hi #koha
07:41 sophie_m joined #koha
07:47 did joined #koha
07:53 kohaputti joined #koha
07:54 sophie_m joined #koha
07:55 inlibro joined #koha
08:03 alex_a joined #koha
08:04 alex_a Bonjour
08:08 paul_p joined #koha
08:12 andreashm joined #koha
08:16 sophie_m1 joined #koha
08:24 ere joined #koha
08:26 andreashm joined #koha
08:55 inlibro joined #koha
08:55 andreashm joined #koha
09:34 ashimema[m] morning #koha
09:34 ashimema[m] Joubu around?
09:39 Joubu Hi ashimema[m]
09:48 andreashm joined #koha
09:55 inlibro joined #koha
09:57 vfernandes joined #koha
10:01 ashimema[m] I 'think' I've managed to resolve it myself
10:01 * ashimema[m] crosses fingers that koha-testing-docker builds all the way through this time
10:02 andreashm joined #koha
10:03 andreashm joined #koha
10:13 ashimema[m] looking promising :)
10:32 davidnind left #koha
10:35 marcelr joined #koha
10:37 cait joined #koha
10:46 andreashm joined #koha
10:46 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 20882: DBRev <[…]e0e8ec06961fa80af>
10:46 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24649: Fix two other missing <li> tags for cloned subfields <[…]36993ef80dde9c55c>
10:46 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24649: Fix missing <li> tag on item editor for cloned subfield <[…]9c5cda791b5d66f0e>
10:46 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 13574: Fix display of repeatable item subfields <[…]c6b6abf3c11f3f7f8>
10:46 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 20882: Move items.uri to mediumtext <[…]fbb846b2e50f21475>
10:46 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24506: Multibranch limit does not work with ElasticSearch <[…]b5a012b915da91e9e>
10:46 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 15850: Correct eslint errors in cataloging.js <[…]445b3ef1c700cb06d>
10:46 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 23084: Replace grep {^$var$} with grep {$_ eq $var} <[…]d86233a531f330390>
10:47 andreashm joined #koha
10:55 inlibro joined #koha
10:58 cait joined #koha
11:01 kohaputti cait, could you sign-off this bug you just reported: bug 24669 ?
11:01 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=24669 major, P5 - low, ---, joonas.kylmala, Needs Signoff , Editing circulation rule breaks holds when total holds unlimited
11:02 ere_ joined #koha
11:05 kohaputti Joubu, any thoughts on the performance problem the refactoring caused in circ rules? Bug 24670
11:05 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=24670 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Circulation and fine rules page has performance issues since issuingrules change
11:05 kohaputti Joubu, my hunch is that it is just the koha objects loading slowly and not sure there is much we can do about it
11:09 kohaputti though, I have not reproduced the perf issue myself yet, so also wondering if it is actually true, or maybe people also have hit the memcached package issue that was pushed around the same time
11:09 Joubu kohaputti: I will have a look later today. The problem is the way the template is done (loop on each branchcode, then category, then itemtype, and fetch the rule)
11:09 Joubu from memory..
11:09 kohaputti ok
11:11 Joubu you may be right about the memcached setup
11:18 ashimema[m] grr..
11:18 ashimema[m] jenkins doesn't like me today
11:26 ere joined #koha
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 8643: Add sporsorship <[…]51fe05693326b3859>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 18499: (QA follow-up) Add missing colon after label description <[…]0dc6999489e6f905f>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 18499: (follow-up) Add missing filters <[…]300a6483f164bd8fa>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24576: `StoreLastBorrower` preference is in the wrong tab and is confusing <[…]a2c86e0c394082012>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 19718: (follow-up) Make messages translatable <[…]7f0c721e41ecaef86>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24651: Add maxdays option to fines cronjob <[…]20921627a7f7b451c>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24530: (QA follow-up) Include Syndetics in notes count <[…]c6e1e12a52ac0be31>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 18499: Use items cn_source in <[…]acc59581a44122b61>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24530: Show a number for title notes on opac-detail <[…]94e7673baf914adec>
11:34 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #128: SUCCESS in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]9_MDB_Latest/128/
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 23592: Link to the bibliographic record from the suggestion <[…]a6b43d0bfb7a07c4b>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 7611: (follow-up) separate positive and negative statuses as in the past <[…]4e2eca51e573d14f0>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 7611: (follow-up) Fix display of undefined statuses and add a class <[…]8abb3ba865f373e7a>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 7611: (follow-up) Add missing space <[…]95e0c63f3f2122069>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 7611: Change negative notforloan as well <[…]b702c0a325c01b8dd>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 19718: Show message if patron has existing holds on a title <[…]71d3b1bc93b339864>
11:34 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 7611: Show the NOT_LOAN authorised values for item status in XSLT OPAC search... <[…]8878c49c77718318f>
11:38 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #689: STILL UNSTABLE in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/689/
11:41 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_My8 build #153: SUCCESS in 53 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]aster_D9_My8/153/
11:55 inlibro joined #koha
11:56 cait joined #koha
11:58 cait kohaputti: 3 different people including ashimema[m] said it was slow - and I just had fixed my memcached
11:58 cait i think it's a real issue, but sure need some more profesisonal benchmarking
12:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #614: UNSTABLE in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/614/
12:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1144: UNSTABLE in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1144/
12:22 marcelr joined #koha
12:22 kohaputti cait, previously getting the rules required 5 fetches for 5 lines of rules, now it requires around 5*30 fetches from db so this sounds like an possible cause
12:22 kohaputti but as you said, some benchmarking / profiling is need
12:23 marcelr joined #koha
12:29 cait hm and sorry for all the typos... :)
12:33 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #129: UNSTABLE in 52 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]9_MDB_Latest/129/
12:34 paxed hm. any way to find out why a library would not show up on the HEA world map?
12:37 marcelr joined #koha
12:38 cait paxed: did you check if they added address and coordinates in Koha?
12:39 cait the coordinates were added a bit after Hea was started, so not all librries might have added the information
12:39 paxed cait: yes.
12:39 cait hm then I am not sure... unless the data has not been sent to hea somehow
12:43 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #690: STILL UNSTABLE in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/690/
12:56 inlibro joined #koha
12:56 paxed cait: and that was it, Joubu looked into it, and the data hasn't updated. so a problem with the cronjob. :-}
13:09 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_My8 build #154: UNSTABLE in 48 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]aster_D9_My8/154/
13:35 enkidu left #koha
13:49 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 21921: Add date publication year to biblio Z39.50 search form in acquisition <[…]ac97d20a7912d701d>
13:49 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24621: Phase out jquery.cookie.js: Basic MARC editor <[…]790dcbaf7e1788fbb>
13:49 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24619: Phase out jquery.cookie.js: MARC Frameworks <[…]c028dfd95dd3c4a02>
13:49 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24389: Better error handle when claiming late orders <[…]203619dda288c8406>
13:49 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 21921: Add date publication year to biblio Z39.50 search form <[…]cb29ba5e6a311a730>
13:56 inlibro joined #koha
14:07 marcelr ashimema[m]: please push the last followup on bug 24530 to make Jenkins happy again
14:07 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=24530 enhancement, P5 - low, ---,, Pushed to master , Show a number in title notes just as in the other tabs of opac detail page
14:23 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1145: STILL UNSTABLE in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1145/
14:36 khall joined #koha
14:38 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #615: STILL UNSTABLE in 48 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/615/
14:39 amoyano_ joined #koha
14:46 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_My8 build #155: STILL UNSTABLE in 54 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]aster_D9_My8/155/
14:52 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24530: (QA follow-up) Add missing filter <[…]008f6a72b07309896>
14:56 inlibro joined #koha
14:58 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #130: STILL UNSTABLE in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]9_MDB_Latest/130/
15:06 alex_a_ joined #koha
15:10 did joined #koha
15:13 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #691: STILL UNSTABLE in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/691/
15:13 did joined #koha
15:19 cait joined #koha
15:32 andreashm joined #koha
15:35 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #616: STILL UNSTABLE in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/616/
15:46 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1146: STILL UNSTABLE in 52 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1146/
15:49 andreashm joined #koha
15:56 inlibro joined #koha
15:59 cait joined #koha
16:00 marcelr joined #koha
16:02 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_My8 build #156: STILL UNSTABLE in 48 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]aster_D9_My8/156/
16:02 andreashm joined #koha
16:04 reiveune bye
16:04 reiveune left #koha
16:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #131: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]9_MDB_Latest/131/
16:24 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #692: STILL UNSTABLE in 38 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/692/
16:34 irma_ joined #koha
16:35 alex_a joined #koha
16:56 inlibro joined #koha
17:56 inlibro joined #koha
18:08 davidnind joined #koha
18:18 vfernandes joined #koha
18:54 kathryn joined #koha
18:57 inlibro joined #koha
19:41 alexbuckley joined #koha
19:57 inlibro joined #koha
20:10 ValterBarreira[m] joined #koha
20:13 hayley joined #koha
20:25 hayley joined #koha
20:37 davidnind left #koha
20:57 tosca joined #koha
20:57 inlibro joined #koha
20:57 andreashm joined #koha
21:03 andreashm joined #koha
21:30 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D9 build #250: SUCCESS in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D9/250/
21:36 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D8 build #249: UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D8/249/
21:40 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_U18 build #239: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.11_U18/239/
21:57 inlibro joined #koha
22:02 urra[m] joined #koha
22:15 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D9 build #251: SUCCESS in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D9/251/
22:16 SlackIntegration[m] joined #koha
22:21 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D8 build #250: STILL UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D8/250/
22:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_U18 build #240: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.11_U18/240/
22:53 cait happy birthday alexbuckley :)
22:53 cait and good night #koha!
22:53 alexbuckley thanks so much cait :D
22:54 cait hope you have a great day :)
22:54 alexbuckley thanks, a bit of a rainy, depressing day here in Welly but that's okay :)
22:54 alexbuckley How are you going?
22:55 cait about to go to bed - almost midnight here :)
22:55 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D9 build #252: SUCCESS in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D9/252/
22:56 alexbuckley ah yes of course :)
22:56 cait bye all
22:57 alexbuckley bye bye cait :)
22:57 inlibro joined #koha
23:00 tuxayo[m]1 joined #koha
23:00 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
23:00 wahanui Congratulations!
23:00 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D8 build #251: FIXED in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D8/251/
23:05 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_U18 build #241: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.11_U18/241/
23:40 tuxayo[m] joined #koha
23:57 inlibro joined #koha

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