IRC log for #koha, 2019-11-02

All times shown according to UTC.

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Time Nick Message
00:25 inlibro joined #koha
01:26 inlibro joined #koha
02:26 inlibro joined #koha
03:26 inlibro joined #koha
04:26 inlibro joined #koha
05:26 inlibro joined #koha
06:26 inlibro joined #koha
07:27 inlibro joined #koha
07:34 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #296: SUCCESS in 22 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D8/296/
07:37 ashimema !bang
07:37 AnnaBoten \_x< ashimema: 1 (34191.50 seconds)
07:40 AnnaBoten \_o< quack!
07:40 wahanui *click*
07:42 ashimema !bang
07:42 AnnaBoten \_x< ashimema: 2 (104.13 seconds)
07:42 AnnaBoten [('ashimema', 2), ('bag', 1)]
07:42 AnnaBoten Best time: ashimema with 104.13 seconds
07:42 AnnaBoten Longest time: ashimema with 34191.50 seconds (this is your new longest time in this channel! Your previous longest time was 26596.78)
07:44 AnnaBoten \_o< quack!
07:44 wahanui !bang
07:48 ashimema !bang
07:48 AnnaBoten \_x< ashimema: 1 (271.83 seconds)
07:49 ashimema !stop
07:49 AnnaBoten [('ashimema', 1)]
07:49 AnnaBoten Best time: ashimema with 271.83 seconds
07:49 AnnaBoten Nothing to stop: there's no hunt right now.
07:57 JesseM_ joined #koha
08:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #286: UNSTABLE in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.05_U18/286/
08:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #287: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.05_D9/287/
08:27 inlibro joined #koha
09:27 inlibro joined #koha
09:45 * ashimema can enjoy his weekend now.. 2 outta 3 ain't bad (discounting D10)
09:56 cait joined #koha
10:12 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
10:12 wahanui Congratulations!
10:12 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #287: FIXED in 26 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.05_U18/287/
10:27 inlibro joined #koha
11:27 inlibro joined #koha
12:27 inlibro joined #koha
12:41 ashimema 3 for 3, yeay
13:03 kathryn joined #koha
13:06 khall joined #koha
13:28 inlibro joined #koha
14:09 JesseM joined #koha
14:28 inlibro joined #koha
15:11 lisettelatah joined #koha
15:23 khall joined #koha
15:28 inlibro joined #koha
15:35 khall_ joined #koha
15:39 khall joined #koha
16:28 inlibro joined #koha
16:29 khall joined #koha
16:45 khall joined #koha
17:12 calire left #koha
17:28 inlibro joined #koha
17:44 andreashm joined #koha
18:27 edveal joined #koha
18:27 edveal left #koha
18:29 inlibro joined #koha
18:51 andreashm joined #koha
18:58 lukeG joined #koha
19:02 khall joined #koha
19:29 inlibro joined #koha
19:29 cait joined #koha
19:54 andreashm joined #koha
19:55 andreashm joined #koha
19:56 andreashm joined #koha
19:57 andreashm joined #koha
19:57 andreashm joined #koha
19:58 andreashm joined #koha
19:59 andreashm joined #koha
20:01 andreashm joined #koha
20:02 khall joined #koha
20:03 lukeG joined #koha
20:27 andreashm joined #koha
20:29 inlibro joined #koha
20:31 andreashm joined #koha
20:35 andreashm joined #koha
20:35 andreashm joined #koha
21:29 inlibro joined #koha
22:29 inlibro joined #koha
23:29 inlibro joined #koha

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