IRC log for #koha, 2018-06-15

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Time Nick Message
04:00 reza joined #koha
04:04 reza I just installed Koha 18.05 and upgraded the schema successfully. The memcached works with the configuration in koha-conf.xml. But when I configure elasticsearch and try to rebuild using the command line tool it keeps saying No 'elasticsearch' block is defined in koha-conf.xml. sudo koha-elasticsearch --rebuild -v testinstance. I can see the elasticsearch block under the config block.Also, I have changed the indexer from Zebra to Elast
04:42 sophie_m joined #koha
04:52 sophie_m left #koha
04:55 reza I just realized it is not just elasticsearch. cat /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml | grep template_cache_dir                         <template_cache_dir>/tmp</template_cache_dir>
04:55 reza but then in about page: Warning You are missing the <template_cache_dir> entry in your koha-conf.xml file. That will bring a performance boost to enable it.
04:58 cait1 joined #koha
05:02 cait2 joined #koha
05:12 cait2 left #koha
05:15 reza I installed 17.11 with the same configuration and facing the same problem
06:04 josef_moravec joined #koha
06:19 ashimema What do you mean 'under' the config block
06:19 ashimema It should be 'in' the config block 😉
06:34 reiveune joined #koha
06:34 reiveune hello
06:34 wahanui que tal, reiveune
06:39 andrew_ joined #koha
06:42 alex_a joined #koha
06:42 alex_a bonjour
07:00 cait joined #koha
07:03 cait1 joined #koha
07:05 fridolin joined #koha
07:05 tuxayo hi #koha o/
07:05 fridolin hi there
07:05 wahanui bidet, fridolin
07:05 tuxayo hi alex_a :)
07:06 paul_p joined #koha
07:07 tuxayo bidet? wahanui
07:07 tuxayo hum
07:11 alex_a tuxayo, lol
07:12 alex_a Not sure that's the right meaning
07:16 gaetan_B joined #koha
07:16 gaetan_B hello
07:18 cait1 left #koha
07:34 sophie_m joined #koha
07:51 ashimema mornin'
07:51 reza joined #koha
07:58 alexbuckley joined #koha
08:03 magnuse \o/
09:49 alex_a_ joined #koha
09:52 alex_a_ joined #koha
10:03 andrew_ Hey all. Can anyone versed in the ways of the Koha plugin advise why I might be getting the following (unhelpful) error when trying to run the Kitchen Sink plugin? " Plugin Koha::Plugin::Com::ByWaterSolutions::KitchenSink cannot be loaded at /usr/share/koha/Koha/Plugins/ line 72.: /usr/share/koha/plugins/"
10:06 andrew_ I'm poking around inside to try and figure out why it's not working, but thought someone might know
10:07 alex_a__ joined #koha
10:08 alex_a joined #koha
10:12 andrew_ OK, that was a wild goose chase. I'd modified to try and fix another error I was seeing and that led to this error. Ignore. So I'm back to my original error, which I've reported to khall
10:37 eythian andrew_: worth filing a bug: diagnostics should be better if possible, so you see that there was a compile error.
10:39 andrew_ eythian:  Yeah, a small modification to print the reason the plugin wouldn't load would be all that it would need, that's what I ended up printing to diagnose what was going wrong. I'll create a bug now
10:39 paxed hm. The wiki SQL reports page has a lot of reports that won't work without doing the biblioitems.marcxml -> biblio_metadata.metadata change
10:40 paxed i wonder if it's worth doing a separate sql reports page for fixing those
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20922: Remove use of Koha::Number::Price in <[…]4dc440824d45751d5>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20918: Fix left-side navigation on the checkout history page <[…]952d1a24650b86b2c>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20899: Fix patron's name display <[…]d335a253d59754d74>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20911: Use 'POST' to submit search history forms <[…]f3e80331805b8eea7>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20892: Correct basketgroup link in <[…]b1eb1f55923a0e0d9>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20760: Fill authorised values in svc framework <[…]bee207a38206e0bba>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 19970: Revise change of bug 19413 to work better for translations <[…]5d6f2066b39b5b903>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20832: Fix opac user profile page when there is overdue fine and no rental charge <[…]91a0b8380dc8c409a>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20285: Lost item refund won't always pay down lost item fee first <[…]bc5d18837a2a956a0>
10:43 huginn` News from kohagit: Bug 20285: Unit Test <[…]b3bda0c1e9a779931>
11:04 fridolin kidclamp: hello, just found a major bug but trivial
11:04 fridolin Bug 20951
11:04 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20951 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Koha::Patron::Discharge is missing use Koha::Patron::Debarments
11:21 eythian wahanui: surprise is <reply>I saw it coming.
11:21 wahanui OK, eythian.
11:30 jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #500: STILL UNSTABLE in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/500/
11:30 jenkins * josef.moravec: Bug 20832: Fix opac user profile page when there is overdue fine and no
11:30 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20922: Remove use of Koha::Number::Price in
11:30 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20918: Fix left-side navigation on the checkout history page
11:30 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20832 critical, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, Pushed to Master , Opac user page crash when there is an overdue fine and not any rental charge for a patron
11:30 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20899: Fix patron's name display
11:30 jenkins * fridolin.somers: Bug 20892: Correct basketgroup link in
11:30 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20922 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Koha::Number::Price must not be used in
11:30 jenkins * Nick Clemens: Bug 20911: Use 'POST' to submit search history forms
11:30 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20760: Fill authorised values in svc framework
11:30 jenkins * oleonard: Bug 19970: Revise change of bug 19413 to work better for translations
11:30 jenkins * kyle: Bug 20285: Unit Test
11:30 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20918 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , left-side navigation broken on the checkout history page
11:30 jenkins * kyle: Bug 20285: Lost item refund won't always pay down lost item fee first
11:31 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20899 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Patron name not showing on
11:31 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20892 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Pushed to Master , Wrong basketgroup link in
11:31 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20911 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Search history page forms use 'GET' and this limits the number of entries that can be submitted
11:31 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20760 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Master , Advanced Cataloging Editor - Rancor - AuthorisedValues are incorrectly fetched
11:31 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=19970 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Revise change of bug 19413 to work better for translations
11:31 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=19413 trivial, P5 - low, ---, alexbuckley, RESOLVED FIXED, Move the location of the Ok and cancel buttons to the 008 cataloguing builder
11:31 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20285 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Master , Lost item refund won't always pay down lost item fee first
11:34 oleonard joined #koha
11:43 oleonard Hi #koha
12:08 magnuse hiya oleonard
12:17 Dyrcona joined #koha
12:22 ncbaratta joined #koha
12:23 ashimema hmm.. looks like bug 20906 is stuck at `Needs Signoff`.. anyone able to take a little look.. it's pretty major (count that as pretty annoying having Jenkins noise without it)
12:23 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20906 major, P4, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Fix Debian 9 Test Failures
12:32 gaetan_B joined #koha
12:38 kmlussier joined #koha
12:40 jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D8 build #3: SUCCESS in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_18.05_D8/3/
12:40 jenkins * josef.moravec: Bug 20832: Fix opac user profile page when there is overdue fine and no
12:40 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20922: Remove use of Koha::Number::Price in
12:40 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20918: Fix left-side navigation on the checkout history page
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20832 critical, P5 - low, ---, josef.moravec, Pushed to Stable , Opac user page crash when there is an overdue fine and not any rental charge for a patron
12:40 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20899: Fix patron's name display
12:40 jenkins * fridolin.somers: Bug 20892: Correct basketgroup link in
12:40 jenkins * Nick Clemens: Bug 20911: Use 'POST' to submit search history forms
12:40 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20760: Fill authorised values in svc framework
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20922 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Koha::Number::Price must not be used in
12:40 jenkins * oleonard: Bug 19970: Revise change of bug 19413 to work better for translations
12:40 jenkins * kyle: Bug 20285: Unit Test
12:40 jenkins * kyle: Bug 20285: Lost item refund won't always pay down lost item fee first
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20918 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , left-side navigation broken on the checkout history page
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20899 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Patron name not showing on
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20892 normal, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Pushed to Stable , Wrong basketgroup link in
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20911 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Stable , Search history page forms use 'GET' and this limits the number of entries that can be submitted
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20760 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to Stable , Advanced Cataloging Editor - Rancor - AuthorisedValues are incorrectly fetched
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=19970 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , Revise change of bug 19413 to work better for translations
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=19413 trivial, P5 - low, ---, alexbuckley, RESOLVED FIXED, Move the location of the Ok and cancel buttons to the 008 cataloguing builder
12:40 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20285 minor, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , Lost item refund won't always pay down lost item fee first
12:41 oleonard The best kind of IRC spamming.
12:41 fridolin success whouuu
12:44 jenkins Project Koha_18.05_D9 build #5: STILL UNSTABLE in 25 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]/Koha_18.05_D9/5/
12:44 jenkins * josef.moravec: Bug 20832: Fix opac user profile page when there is overdue fine and no
12:44 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20922: Remove use of Koha::Number::Price in
12:44 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20918: Fix left-side navigation on the checkout history page
12:44 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20899: Fix patron's name display
12:44 jenkins * fridolin.somers: Bug 20892: Correct basketgroup link in
12:44 jenkins * Nick Clemens: Bug 20911: Use 'POST' to submit search history forms
12:44 jenkins * Jonathan Druart: Bug 20760: Fill authorised values in svc framework
12:44 jenkins * oleonard: Bug 19970: Revise change of bug 19413 to work better for translations
12:44 jenkins * kyle: Bug 20285: Unit Test
12:44 jenkins * kyle: Bug 20285: Lost item refund won't always pay down lost item fee first
12:47 paul_p joined #koha
12:52 cait joined #koha
12:59 oleonard Hi cait
12:59 cait hi oleonard :)
12:59 cait no time for #koha the last few days :(
12:59 cait will be back next week
13:01 oleonard Bug 20935
13:01 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=20935 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Redesign system preferences interface
13:01 ashimema caits back :)
13:02 eythian next week though
13:03 cait back from a train :)
13:04 eythian sounds like a long train
13:04 eythian ah, nice
13:06 cait how are you doing?
13:07 eythian oh, fine. Keeping busy. Happy that the weekend is only hours away and that I need to pop in to a brewery to pick up a couple of boxes of beer that they owe me after work today.
13:07 oleonard Ah, to be owed beer. What a nice feeling I've never had.
13:08 ashimema that's always a good thing to have to look forward to no a friday afternoon eythian
13:08 cait how did the brewery end up in debt with you?
13:08 eythian a few years ago, I sponsored this, and so they're still giving me beer. This might be the last batch though.
13:09 oleonard He saved the brewery's family from a fire.
13:09 eythian there was that as well
13:18 oleonard Always nice to find a branch one created 10 months ago which you think has some great stuff within and find it has nothing.
13:19 tcohen morning
13:29 oleonard The staff client's color palette could probably be... consolidated.[…]fe89543e4cb56.png
13:34 caroline oleonard: those are *all* the colours used in staff client?
13:35 oleonard All the colors found in the main stylesheet
13:35 caroline that's neat
13:35 caroline I meant neat in the sense that it's neat you can get a list
13:35 oleonard
13:40 kidclamp oleonard, can you arrange them in order so it looks prettier? I know there is no reason, I just want a gradient :-)
13:41 oleonard I went looking for that very option. I can't understand why it doesn't work that way.
13:48 * kidclamp rearranges the eggs in the carton to soothe himself after seeing jumbled colors
13:49 * oleonard points out to kidclamp that all those eggs are white and his OCD is out of control
13:50 caroline white and eggshell are two different colours
13:50 kidclamp now I am scared, I thought they were brown eggs
13:50 * oleonard eats only matte black eggs
13:56 gaetan_B[…]ni-black-eggs.jpg
13:57 oleonard Oh look I didn't make that up after all
14:17 cait joined #koha
14:28 * magnuse counts the hours until holiday
14:29 oleonard You traveling magnuse?
14:29 magnuse 2 weeks in sicily and 5 days in stockholm, so yes
14:29 oleonard Nice!
14:30 magnuse @wunder bodo, norway
14:30 huginn` magnuse: Bodo, Norway :: Mostly Cloudy :: 55F/13C | Friday: Showers possible. Lows overnight in the low 50s. Friday Night: Light rain early...then remaining cloudy with showers overnight. Low around 50F. Winds SSW at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
14:30 magnuse bit of a change from that, i hope
14:30 magnuse 13 is some of the hottest we have had this summer
14:38 alex_a_ joined #koha
14:45 oleonard With SASS variables we could change the whole color scheme of the staff client by changing one color variable:[…]?p=15290738374926
14:54 fridolin left #koha
14:57 reiveune bye
14:57 reiveune left #koha
15:09 cait oleonard: cool! :)
15:22 tuxayo oleonard: nice! :D
15:23 oleonard Theoretically we could build a feature for letting the library define that color scheme, but I don't know how that would work.
15:25 tuxayo oleonard: we would need a cron or a UI way to trigger a SASS compilation right?
15:25 oleonard Yes
15:26 caroline oleonard: that's really cool!
15:27 caroline We could definitely use it for test vs live installations. Recently we had a library do live transactions in a test environment by mistake ... -_-
15:29 oleonard Oh speaking of which, if anyone wants to purple-up their test install like mine,[…]oha-staff-dev.css
15:29 oleonard Put that in  intranetcolorstylesheet
15:29 oleonard I got sick of having to paste the css into IntranetUserCSS every time
15:30 * caroline loves purple, there's never enough purple
15:53 StomproJ joined #koha
16:05 tuxayo caroline: yes there can be enogh. We know a library which "painted" more than 70% of the sreen surface in background. And that to much T_T
16:05 tuxayo (in very flashy purple-pink color)
16:06 tuxayo Almost every background component has this color. Even buttons.
16:14 tuxayo *enough *screen *too
16:14 tuxayo /me can't write ><
17:04 sub-sailor joined #koha
17:25 oleonard Hey everyone, I am impatient! Sign off on all my patches! Goodbye!
19:27 paul_p joined #koha
19:29 jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #1: UNSTABLE in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_Master_U18/1/
19:29 jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #1: FAILURE in 45 sec: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_18.05_U18/1/
19:32 jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #501: STILL UNSTABLE in 28 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D9/501/
19:34 sophie_m joined #koha
19:34 sophie_m left #koha
19:35 jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #1: SUCCESS in 33 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_Master_D8/1/
19:56 ashimema Tcohen++
20:11 jenkins Project Koha_18.05_U18 build #2: UNSTABLE in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_18.05_U18/2/
21:05 cait joined #koha
21:53 zenkit joined #koha
22:19 caroline left #koha

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