Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
00:01 |
jbeno joined #koha |
00:03 |
jbeno1 joined #koha |
00:40 |
mtompset joined #koha |
00:40 |
mtompset |
Greetings, #koha. |
00:40 |
mtompset |
@seen marcelr |
00:40 |
huginn |
mtompset: marcelr was last seen in #koha 13 hours, 47 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: <marcelr> true |
01:15 |
caboose--afk joined #koha |
01:23 |
mtompset |
@seen tuxayo_afk |
01:23 |
huginn |
mtompset: tuxayo_afk was last seen in #koha 8 hours, 43 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <tuxayo_afk> see y.a. ! |
01:42 |
JoshB joined #koha |
02:02 |
caboose--afk joined #koha |
02:05 |
JoshB joined #koha |
02:15 |
mtompset |
@seen wizzyrea |
02:15 |
huginn |
mtompset: wizzyrea was last seen in #koha 6 hours, 30 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <wizzyrea> bye tcohen |
02:15 |
* wizzyrea |
waves |
02:16 |
mtompset |
I was wondering if you were unaware of the "--author="Mr. Whoever <joeblow whereever.com>"" functionality of the git commit --amend :) |
02:16 |
wizzyrea |
nope |
02:16 |
wizzyrea |
I usually leave it to others to decide how to deal with those ones |
02:17 |
wizzyrea |
just do them to help out newbs |
02:17 |
wizzyrea |
to illustrate how it's done |
02:17 |
wizzyrea |
without being a jerk about it ;) |
02:17 |
mtompset |
Well, hopefully I didn't come across as a jerk on bug 20083. :) |
02:17 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20083 is not accessible. |
02:17 |
wizzyrea |
naw |
02:18 |
wizzyrea |
that's about how I figured it would go down :) |
02:19 |
mtompset |
*deep breath* There... regained #1 temporarily again. :) |
02:31 |
wizzyrea |
mtompset: did your work on hidden stuff touch the likes of https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=14007 |
02:31 |
huginn |
Bug 14007: normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Item Types for items hidden by OpacHiddenItems turn up in facet results |
02:32 |
mtompset |
nope, because facets be crazy! |
02:32 |
wizzyrea |
heh |
02:33 |
mtompset |
plus, it was aimed more at prog and MARC stuff, not XSLT and facets. It did a lousy job of search stuff too. |
02:34 |
mtompset |
hiding stuff is difficult. |
02:41 |
mtompset |
There... 2 ahead this time. Hopefully enough to maintain #1 over night. |
02:44 |
* wizzyrea |
is happy if you are happy |
03:24 |
mtompset |
Musical flashback triggered |
03:24 |
mtompset |
https://youtu.be/dyihQtBes1I |
03:24 |
mtompset |
(Sheryl Crow - If it makes you happy) |
03:48 |
mtompset |
Well, I'm off. Have a great day, wizzyrea #koha. |
06:17 |
mtompset joined #koha |
06:19 |
mtompset |
Greetings, #koha. |
06:19 |
mtompset |
@seen Joubu |
06:19 |
huginn |
mtompset: Joubu was last seen in #koha 2 days, 9 hours, 31 minutes, and 52 seconds ago: * Joubu is off until Monday |
06:20 |
mtompset |
@seen rangi |
06:20 |
huginn |
mtompset: I have not seen rangi. |
06:22 |
mtompset |
@later tell rangi I'm not sure how to test or do dashboard PR's, but here's one: https://gitlab.com/koha-dashbo[…]rd/merge_requests |
06:22 |
huginn |
mtompset: The operation succeeded. |
06:22 |
mtompset |
Have a great day, #koha./ |
06:32 |
LibraryClaire joined #koha |
07:03 |
laurence joined #koha |
07:08 |
magnuse joined #koha |
07:08 |
* magnuse |
waves |
07:08 |
LibraryClaire |
hi magnuse |
07:08 |
wahanui |
kamelåså |
07:09 |
magnuse |
guten morgen BüchereiKlara! |
07:30 |
reiveune joined #koha |
07:30 |
reiveune |
hello |
07:30 |
wahanui |
bidet, reiveune |
07:36 |
wilfrid joined #koha |
07:36 |
paxed |
i seem to recall there were sample biblios i could load into koha, but can't seem to find any in the repo now? |
07:42 |
eythian |
hi |
07:43 |
alex_a joined #koha |
07:43 |
alex_a |
bonjour |
07:43 |
wahanui |
bonjour, alex_a |
07:46 |
paul_p joined #koha |
07:47 |
fridolin joined #koha |
07:48 |
fridolin |
hi there |
07:48 |
eythian |
hi fridolin |
07:48 |
fridolin |
bonjour eythian |
07:48 |
magnuse |
paxed: maybe in http://git.koha-community.org/[…]dent/data;hb=HEAD ? |
07:48 |
fridolin |
what up ? here i am under havy rain |
07:48 |
eythian |
it's gross and damp and very foggy outside at the moment. I don't recommend biking to work in it like I did. |
07:49 |
eythian |
rain would probably be a bit worse |
07:49 |
fridolin |
a chance I have a big car ;) |
07:49 |
AndrewIsh joined #koha |
07:49 |
fridolin |
but i rains so few here it is needed |
07:50 |
fridolin |
i'm just waiting for long sunny warm days |
07:50 |
eythian |
I think for those you need to visit NZ, which is currently heatwaving. |
08:14 |
gaetan_B joined #koha |
08:15 |
gaetan_B |
hello |
08:15 |
wahanui |
que tal, gaetan_B |
08:15 |
tuxayo_afk |
hi |
08:15 |
wahanui |
salut, tuxayo_afk |
08:15 |
tuxayo |
oh, I forgot the nick, thanks wahanui :) |
08:17 |
LibraryClaire |
hi tuxayo, gaetan_B |
08:28 |
sophie_m joined #koha |
08:38 |
LibraryClaire |
@later tell oleonard bug 19474 is now looking squiffy to me. Something is not right. Have cleared cache again etc but you might want to have another look :( |
08:38 |
huginn |
LibraryClaire: The operation succeeded. |
08:42 |
eythian |
LibraryClaire: careful with those technical terms! |
08:44 |
LibraryClaire |
:) |
10:01 |
dersmon joined #koha |
10:09 |
dersmon |
hi everyone, i am currently working on a Docker installation of koha and have the following problem: when I uploaded a marc file for staging, the interface showed the correct number of imported bibliographic records and items. but switching to the "staged marc management" the interface suddenly tells me that there are 0 records and 0 items |
10:09 |
dersmon |
i am unsure how to debug this, any hints? |
10:10 |
dersmon |
so the uploaded file is shown in the interface, but it says 0 records/items |
10:30 |
josef_moravec joined #koha |
10:31 |
josef_moravec |
hi #koha |
10:31 |
magnuse |
dersmon: i think i had that problem too, let me try to remember what fixed it |
10:31 |
magnuse |
are you on ubuntu and mariadb? |
10:34 |
dersmon |
yep |
10:35 |
dersmon |
i am currently trimming down the import file |
10:35 |
dersmon |
to see if it is somehow data related |
10:46 |
dersmon |
my intranet-error.log shows this: https://pastebin.com/r2nKyVsZ |
11:06 |
magnuse |
dersmon: ah yes, that reminds me |
11:06 |
magnuse |
let me find the bug in bugzilla that mentions this |
11:08 |
dersmon |
https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=17860 this one? |
11:08 |
huginn |
Bug 17860: normal, P1 - high, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , [SQL strict mode] MARC records will stage, but Manage for import shows 'no data in table' |
11:10 |
magnuse |
dersmon: yes, you have to turn off strict mode |
11:10 |
magnuse |
what i did was add sql_mode=NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO to /etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.cnf and then restart mariadb |
11:10 |
dersmon |
ok, let's see how i do this using a mariadb docker image :D |
11:10 |
* magnuse |
knows nothing about docker |
11:10 |
magnuse |
(yet) |
11:12 |
dersmon |
i'll let you know either way ;) |
11:21 |
dersmon |
ok, it worked |
11:22 |
dersmon |
my current docker-compose yml: |
11:24 |
dersmon |
https://pastebin.com/m9fbMJ0V |
11:33 |
dersmon |
thanks magnuse |
11:42 |
caboose joined #koha |
11:49 |
fridolin |
kidclamp: helllo you did not push v17.00.02 on community repo |
11:49 |
fridolin |
oups 17.11.02 i mean |
11:50 |
fridolin |
dersmon: wich mariadb version do you have please ? for my information |
11:52 |
kidclamp |
done fridolin |
11:52 |
kidclamp |
thank you |
11:56 |
fridolin |
my pleasure |
11:58 |
fridolin |
kidclamp: strange i dont see it http://git.koha-community.org/[…]efs/heads/17.11.x |
11:58 |
fridolin |
but i see the tag v17.11.02 bizzzzzare |
12:01 |
dersmon |
fridolin: 10.2.11 |
12:02 |
fridolin |
ok thanks a lot |
12:04 |
fridolin |
we are still on 10.0.33 from xenial-updates |
12:14 |
kellym joined #koha |
12:21 |
tcohen |
we need to urgently solve the mysql/mariadb strictness problem |
12:27 |
oleonard joined #koha |
12:33 |
jenkins |
Project Koha_17.11_D8 build #25: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]Koha_17.11_D8/25/ |
12:33 |
jenkins |
* unknown: Translation updates for Koha 17.11.02 |
12:33 |
jenkins |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 19847: Track links within the records and 404 for others |
12:33 |
jenkins |
* Jonathan Druart: Bug 19881: Remove authorities-list.pl |
12:33 |
jenkins |
* josef.moravec: Bug 19738: Fix XSS on vendor name in serials module |
12:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19847 is not accessible. |
12:33 |
jenkins |
* Nick Clemens: Increment version for 17.11.02 release |
12:33 |
jenkins |
* Nick Clemens: Update release notes for 17.11.02 release |
12:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19881 is not accessible. |
12:33 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19738 is not accessible. |
12:34 |
meliss joined #koha |
12:41 |
oleonard |
Hi all |
12:47 |
kidclamp |
oleonard++ |
12:48 |
oleonard |
Oh hey did I do some sleep-patching, what was that for? |
12:48 |
kidclamp |
does one need a reason? |
12:49 |
kidclamp |
bug 20091 |
12:49 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20091 minor, P5 - low, ---, nick, Needs Signoff , FailedLoginAttempts is not part of NorwegianPatronDatabase pref group |
12:50 |
oleonard |
kidclamp: Isn't your self-worth based entirely on professional achievement? |
12:50 |
kidclamp |
it's at least a third based on having a great moustache |
12:51 |
kidclamp |
and listening to bands that no one has heard of |
12:51 |
* kidclamp |
is definitely not a hipster though |
12:51 |
oleonard |
Oh no, definitely not. |
12:52 |
* oleonard |
sees kidclamp stuffing his comically large bicycle back into the closet. |
12:52 |
* kidclamp |
always burns his mouht on pizza and fingers while changing lightbulbs |
12:53 |
kidclamp |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4S2LvMKMrA |
12:56 |
tcohen_ joined #koha |
13:01 |
tcohen left #koha |
13:09 |
dersmon |
hm, i also get Can't call method "get_effective_marcorgcode" on an undefined value at /usr/src/koha/cataloguing/value_builder/marc21_orgcode.pl line 31. when i try to edit an now imported record |
13:10 |
JoshB joined #koha |
13:11 |
JoshB joined #koha |
13:12 |
fridolin |
if someone as some time for Bug 18818 |
13:12 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18818 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Needs Signoff , Manage categories displayed in Quick_add patron list |
13:18 |
tcohen joined #koha |
13:22 |
tcohen |
!nick tomas |
13:22 |
tcohen |
ha |
13:27 |
oleonard |
@wunder 45701 |
13:27 |
huginn |
oleonard: Athens, OH :: Clear :: 25F/-4C | Friday: Plentiful sunshine. High around 55F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Friday Night: A few passing clouds. Low 37F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. |
13:27 |
oleonard |
"Plentiful." How descriptive. |
13:28 |
LibraryClaire |
@wunder konstanz |
13:28 |
huginn |
LibraryClaire: Konstanz, Germany :: Overcast :: 50F/10C | Wind Chill: 50F/10C | Friday: Generally cloudy. High around 50F. Winds light and variable. Friday Night: Cloudy skies. Low around 40F. Winds light and variable. |
13:29 |
LibraryClaire |
it is far too warm for this time of year |
13:31 |
tcohen left #koha |
13:35 |
oleonard |
fridolin: I'm getting "Template process failed: undef error - The method quick_add_display is not covered by tests! at /home/vagrant/kohaclone/C4/Templates.pm line 122." when testing Bug 18818 |
13:35 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18818 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Needs Signoff , Manage categories displayed in Quick_add patron list |
13:35 |
fridolin |
oleonard: again ah |
13:36 |
fridolin |
oleonard: you updated DBIx classes ? |
13:36 |
oleonard |
I ran the "dbic" command in my devbox. Is that correct? |
13:37 |
fridolin |
i bet |
13:37 |
tcohen joined #koha |
13:38 |
fridolin |
oleonard: can you grep quick_add_display in Koha/Schema/Result |
13:40 |
tcohen_ |
oleonard: restart_all |
13:40 |
tcohen_ |
otherwise the schemas are cached |
13:41 |
fridolin |
ahhh indeed |
13:41 |
fridolin |
i will correct test plan |
13:42 |
oleonard |
I did restart_all |
13:42 |
fridolin |
oleonard: test plan is wrong, update dbic must be done after updatedatabse |
13:43 |
oleonard |
Okay I'll try again |
13:44 |
sameee joined #koha |
13:47 |
blah left #koha |
13:51 |
fridolin |
oleonard: I have updated patches for better commit message |
13:52 |
talljoy joined #koha |
13:52 |
oleonard |
Sorry fridolin I'm still getting the error even after starting over |
13:54 |
* tcohen |
takes a look |
13:56 |
tcohen |
oleonard: are you running the updatedatabase.pl script? it seems to me that there's no change in kohastructure |
13:56 |
tcohen |
@wunder cordoba argentina |
13:56 |
huginn |
tcohen: Cordoba, Argentina :: Mostly Cloudy :: 69F/21C | Friday: Mostly cloudy skies with a few showers this afternoon. High 82F. Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30%. Friday Night: Thunderstorms likely this evening. Then the chance of scattered thunderstorms overnight. Low 66F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. |
13:56 |
tcohen |
wunder cordoba |
13:56 |
tcohen |
@wunder cordoba |
13:56 |
huginn |
tcohen: Cordoba Curay, Colombia :: Overcast :: 78F/26C | Wind Chill: 78F/26C | Heat Index: 85F/29C | Friday: Increasing clouds with showers arriving this afternoon. High 86F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Friday Night: Rain showers this evening with overcast skies overnight. Low 74F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. |
13:56 |
tcohen |
@wunder cordoba |
13:56 |
huginn |
tcohen: Cordoba Curay, Colombia :: Overcast :: 78F/26C | Wind Chill: 78F/26C | Heat Index: 85F/29C | Friday: Increasing clouds with showers arriving this afternoon. High 86F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Friday Night: Rain showers this evening with overcast skies overnight. Low 74F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. |
13:57 |
sonOfRa joined #koha |
13:58 |
JoshB joined #koha |
13:59 |
Freddy_Enrique joined #koha |
13:59 |
fridolin |
tcohen: there is an atomic update |
14:00 |
fridolin |
maybe needs to say after which column ? |
14:01 |
tcohen |
yes, but that doesn't seem to be the problem |
14:01 |
tcohen |
the patch needs to include the kohastructure update too |
14:01 |
tcohen |
because on testing we need to start frmo master => updatedatabase |
14:01 |
tcohen |
and also reset_all |
14:01 |
tcohen |
to check how things work from scratch |
14:06 |
fridolin |
tcohen: ahhhh indedeed I'll fix that |
14:07 |
* fridolin |
needs glasses ); |
14:07 |
fridolin |
8-) |
14:07 |
mtompset joined #koha |
14:07 |
* tcohen |
hands fridolin some pastis instead |
14:07 |
mtompset |
Greetings, #koha. |
14:07 |
mtompset |
tcohen: Just the person I was looking for. :) |
14:07 |
fridolin |
nice idea, tchin |
14:07 |
* tcohen |
hides |
14:08 |
mtompset |
tcohen: I think you mixed up an if/unless in bug 20080 |
14:08 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=20080 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Needs Signoff , Test for utf8mb4 encoding and collation |
14:08 |
mtompset |
Could you check that for me? |
14:08 |
tcohen |
I didn't touch the logic itself |
14:08 |
tcohen |
just renamed utf8 for utf8mb4 |
14:08 |
tcohen |
but yeah, it looks wrong |
14:09 |
Freddy_Enrique |
jajaja |
14:09 |
tcohen |
hola Freddy_Enrique |
14:09 |
mtompset |
Because when I changed it to if... it works like your test plan suggests. |
14:09 |
Freddy_Enrique |
Buenos dias tcohen |
14:09 |
tcohen |
cool |
14:09 |
tcohen |
so you found another bug |
14:09 |
* Freddy_Enrique |
waves |
14:09 |
tcohen |
add a followup :-D |
14:10 |
mtompset |
So, add followup and sign off? |
14:10 |
tcohen |
indeed |
14:10 |
mtompset |
BTW, I'm re-writing your test plan... still not newbie friendly. :) |
14:12 |
Margaret joined #koha |
14:16 |
* tcohen |
thinks this comment on bugzilla from the RM is an important message from him 'Waiting for too long, skipping QA.' |
14:17 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
14:24 |
notarock joined #koha |
14:25 |
kmlussier joined #koha |
14:25 |
mtompset |
Which bug? |
14:30 |
fridolin |
oleonard: Bug 18818 is corrected with kohastructure, I also changed to use tinyint instead of integer |
14:30 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18818 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Needs Signoff , Manage categories displayed in Quick_add patron list |
14:30 |
fridolin |
thansk a lot for testing |
14:31 |
tcohen |
fridolin: it is only missing SQL12 rule I think (mark it as boolean in the scehma file |
14:32 |
fridolin |
tcohen: ah how do you do that ? |
14:32 |
tcohen |
coding guidelines? |
14:32 |
wahanui |
coding guidelines are http://wiki.koha-community.org[…]Coding_Guidelines |
14:32 |
LibraryClaire left #koha |
14:32 |
* tcohen |
is searching for a real life example |
14:33 |
tcohen |
fridolin: https://gitlab.com/koha-commun[…]wer.pm#L1398-1401 |
14:33 |
fridolin |
tcohen: but my patch does not change the schema non ? its when merged into master |
14:34 |
tcohen |
that change on the schema will be kept by the dbic command |
14:34 |
tcohen |
and needs to be part of the patch because is not the schema itself, but some metadata you need to provide |
14:34 |
tcohen |
for later use |
14:34 |
tcohen |
14:34 |
tcohen |
^^ you are putting it below |
14:35 |
tcohen |
https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]s#SQL12:_Booleans |
14:35 |
Freddy_Enrique |
Escuse me guys...anyone has any idea why I keep getting this message either the intramet or the OPAC? : https://snag.gy/dbARL5.jpg |
14:35 |
fridolin |
tcohen: i will create a followup |
14:36 |
tcohen |
fridolin: excellent! |
14:36 |
tcohen |
that's because a firewall is refusing to allow the connection, or there's nothing listening in port 8080 |
14:37 |
Freddy_Enrique |
I use port 8080 and 8081 |
14:37 |
Freddy_Enrique |
firewall... |
14:37 |
fridolin |
tcohen: should it set column NOT NULL ? |
14:37 |
fridolin |
default is 1 |
14:37 |
Freddy_Enrique |
It must be firewall. |
14:37 |
tcohen |
I think it should be NOT NULL |
14:37 |
fridolin |
oki |
14:38 |
tcohen |
because uncertainty is not an option I think, in the feature |
14:38 |
Freddy_Enrique |
:tcohen the firewall from my computer? |
14:38 |
tcohen |
true, false, uncertain |
14:38 |
fridolin |
indeed ;) |
14:39 |
fridolin |
Freddy_Enrique: have a look at /etc/apache2/ports.conf |
14:39 |
Freddy_Enrique |
let see |
14:41 |
Freddy_Enrique |
I have this: https://snag.gy/I4zDkT.jpg |
14:42 |
tcohen |
Freddy_Enrique: what about /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/koha.conf (or whatever name you used) |
14:47 |
Freddy_Enrique |
I have this... https://snag.gy/4s8WDn.jpg |
14:47 |
Freddy_Enrique |
sorry...my bad.. https://snag.gy/4s8WDn.jpg |
14:57 |
mtompset |
Sorry... posted before reading followup. |
15:01 |
mtompset |
fridolin: bug 18818... can't apply patch. |
15:01 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18818 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Needs Signoff , Manage categories displayed in Quick_add patron list |
15:01 |
fridolin |
mtompset: ah are you on last master ? i just rebased |
15:02 |
fridolin |
my HEAD is Bug 19705: Try to fix random failures from DecreaseLoanHighHolds.t |
15:02 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=19705 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , DecreaseLoanHighHolds.t is still failing randomly |
15:02 |
oleonard |
It applies fine for me mtompset |
15:02 |
mtompset |
really?! |
15:02 |
wahanui |
really is more trouble than she's worth. |
15:02 |
mtompset |
It's complaining about admin/cat...pl |
15:03 |
mtompset |
OH! |
15:03 |
* mtompset |
smacks himself awake. |
15:03 |
mtompset |
qa-test-tools. |
15:03 |
wahanui |
qa-test-tools is failing me |
15:03 |
mtompset |
wrong directory. |
15:03 |
tcohen |
hahaha |
15:03 |
tcohen |
@seen magnuse |
15:03 |
huginn |
tcohen: magnuse was last seen in #koha 3 hours, 53 minutes, and 1 second ago: <magnuse> (yet) |
15:04 |
* mtompset |
blushes. |
15:04 |
mtompset |
What a stupid mistake. |
15:04 |
tcohen |
@later tell magnuse I hope you're happy to hear I'm pushing a Selenium integration into kohadevbox, that you requested |
15:04 |
huginn |
tcohen: The operation succeeded. |
15:05 |
* mtompset |
grins with glee, "Selenium!" |
15:05 |
mtompset |
Is anyone else here experiencing white screen of nothingness with the koha dashboard? |
15:06 |
oleonard |
Someone is gaslighting you mtompset |
15:06 |
oleonard |
The dashboard works fine for me. |
15:07 |
tcohen |
https://snag.gy/UHpTsB.jpg |
15:13 |
mtompset |
Nice, tcohen. |
15:13 |
mtompset |
Oh, you know what I found humorous last night? |
15:13 |
mtompset |
My space bar is flakey, so I ended up typing "git so1" |
15:14 |
mtompset |
The command failed and it suggested I meant sob. |
15:17 |
Freddy_Enrique |
tcohen: everything ok in that file? |
15:17 |
Freddy_Enrique |
or is it as you say the firewall? |
15:17 |
tcohen |
is apache running on that server? |
15:18 |
Freddy_Enrique |
everything was done in that virtual box, IU'd say yes |
15:19 |
tcohen |
inside virtualbox, can u run |
15:19 |
tcohen |
netstat -atnp? |
15:19 |
tcohen |
(with no question mark, he) |
15:21 |
Freddy_Enrique |
yeah: https://snag.gy/NBATD0.jpg |
15:22 |
tcohen |
it seems to me like a configuration issue in virtualbox |
15:22 |
tcohen |
you probably didn't set the right network configuration |
15:23 |
Freddy_Enrique |
https://snag.gy/enBxqg.jpg |
15:24 |
tcohen |
https://snag.gy/3ZE5iq.jpg |
15:24 |
tcohen |
you need a host-only network adapter to access the vm from outside |
15:24 |
Freddy_Enrique |
I use bridge adapter so anyone in the library can see the opac |
15:24 |
Freddy_Enrique |
at first it was doing fine, but las week I was getting this conextion failed |
15:25 |
tcohen |
Freddy_Enrique: it looks like a virtualbox issue |
15:25 |
Freddy_Enrique |
The students need to constantly refresh the page |
15:25 |
tcohen |
I have no clue |
15:26 |
Freddy_Enrique |
About the firewall, I just need to unable it right? |
15:26 |
tcohen |
you need to check what changed |
15:26 |
tcohen |
from the last time it worked |
15:26 |
tcohen |
I bet virtualbox got upgraded |
15:29 |
notarock joined #koha |
15:29 |
fridolin |
mtompset: oleonard Bug 18818 is finaly corrected |
15:29 |
huginn |
Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org[…]_bug.cgi?id=18818 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Needs Signoff , Manage categories displayed in Quick_add patron list |
15:30 |
fridolin |
i have discovered Coding Guide Line SQL12 |
15:35 |
reiveune |
bye |
15:35 |
reiveune left #koha |
15:40 |
paul_p joined #koha |
15:40 |
mtompset |
@seen drojf |
15:40 |
huginn |
mtompset: I have not seen drojf. |
15:41 |
oleonard |
huginn is having long-term memory problems. |
15:41 |
huginn |
oleonard: I suck |
15:42 |
mtompset |
@seen oleonard |
15:42 |
huginn |
mtompset: oleonard was last seen in #koha 1 minute and 44 seconds ago: <oleonard> huginn is having long-term memory problems. |
15:43 |
mtompset |
Well, at least not short term. :) |
15:43 |
tuxayo |
@seen huginn |
15:43 |
huginn |
tuxayo: You've found me! |
15:43 |
tuxayo |
:D |
15:59 |
TGoat joined #koha |
16:20 |
fridolin left #koha |
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jbeno joined #koha |
16:35 |
mtompset |
oleonard: I wonder if huggin is hosted the same machine dashboard is. I really hate this whitescreen of nothingness. |
16:37 |
pianohacker |
http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/A_be[…]iff_Git_mergetool |
16:38 |
mtompset |
kidclamp: Awww... you ruined my complete domination of the latest signoffs section. :P |
16:38 |
jbeno1 joined #koha |
16:39 |
kidclamp |
it was really a rebase not a signoff, but I still get the listing |
16:39 |
kidclamp |
just means you need to do more SO |
16:41 |
NateC joined #koha |
17:19 |
tuxayo |
Have a nice WE #koha! |
17:21 |
laurence left #koha |
17:27 |
Freddy_Enrique joined #koha |
17:29 |
Freddy_Enrique |
Guys, I was wondering if there was a way for me to know when an bib record is suppressed in the staff interface. |
17:32 |
jenkins joined #koha |
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jenkins joined #koha |
17:48 |
mtompset |
Something $n? |
17:48 |
mtompset |
942$n |
17:49 |
mtompset |
Or perhaps OpacHiddenItems and all the items are hidden. |
17:49 |
mtompset |
Or... the Framework? |
17:50 |
mtompset |
There are some visibility options in the advanced subfield editing area. |
17:52 |
Freddy_Enrique |
mtompset++ |
17:55 |
Freddy_Enrique |
Yes, I can supress the bib records on the OPAC, but in the staff interfaces I remember that the word supressed appeared on a bib record. |
17:56 |
Freddy_Enrique |
Also... for some reason the supressed report on doesnt seem to work |
18:09 |
tcohen |
have an awesome weekend #koha! |
18:23 |
oleonard |
Bye all |
18:29 |
mtompset |
@seen wizzyrea |
18:29 |
huginn |
mtompset: wizzyrea was last seen in #koha 15 hours, 44 minutes, and 35 seconds ago: * wizzyrea is happy if you are happy |
18:35 |
Dyrcona joined #koha |
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reiveune joined #koha |
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reiveune left #koha |
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kmlussier joined #koha |
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NateC joined #koha |
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Dyrcona joined #koha |
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Tweety joined #koha |
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JoshB_ joined #koha |
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NateC joined #koha |
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JoshB left #koha |