IRC log for #koha, 2017-11-17

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Time Nick Message
00:24 kathryn joined #koha
00:47 Francesca joined #koha
01:23 caboose-yoga-om-shanit-ommm joined #koha
01:36 alexbuckley joined #koha
01:40 alexbuckley joined #koha
01:41 jbeno joined #koha
01:42 caboose-yoga-om-shanit-ommm joined #koha
01:53 Francesca joined #koha
02:05 jbeno1 joined #koha
02:18 Kafilini joined #koha
02:20 dpk joined #koha
03:10 Kafilini joined #koha
03:52 Kafilini joined #koha
04:20 Francesca joined #koha
04:42 Francesca joined #koha
04:45 Francesca joined #koha
05:12 Francesca joined #koha
06:02 JesseM_a_ joined #koha
06:38 Francesca joined #koha
06:44 Francesca joined #koha
06:51 Francesca joined #koha
07:15 alexbuckley joined #koha
07:19 laurence joined #koha
07:25 reiveune joined #koha
07:25 reiveune hello
07:28 cait joined #koha
07:33 wilfrid joined #koha
07:38 fridolin joined #koha
07:38 fridolin hi there
07:50 paul_p joined #koha
07:55 magnuse joined #koha
07:57 alex_a joined #koha
08:06 * magnuse waves
08:22 sophie_m joined #koha
08:36 AndrewIsh joined #koha
08:59 Francesca joined #koha
09:16 alex_a joined #koha
09:22 mveron joined #koha
09:30 mveron Good morning #koha
09:30 mveron ...or daytime... :-)
09:43 cait joined #koha
09:56 alex_a joined #koha
10:30 eythian hi
11:16 * cait waves
11:28 kellym joined #koha
11:29 aegidel joined #koha
11:32 aegidel left #koha
11:32 aegidel joined #koha
11:50 eythian <-- Germany in a weird nutshell?
12:01 cait should i click that at work?
12:05 magnuse anyone happen to have a rough estimate of the number of words that need translation between each new main relase of koha?
12:06 eythian cait: up to you. Needs headphones.
12:32 meliss joined #koha
12:32 caboose joined #koha
12:34 alex_a joined #koha
12:36 oleonard joined #koha
12:38 oleonard Hey
12:40 mveron left #koha
12:42 eythian hi oleopard
12:53 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:00 Margaret joined #koha
13:12 kmlussier joined #koha
13:14 nengard joined #koha
13:19 andreashm joined #koha
13:21 jzairo joined #koha
13:24 NateC joined #koha
13:26 andreashm_ joined #koha
13:30 laurence left #koha
13:39 tcohen terminology?
13:40 oleonard terminology is
13:46 tcohen thanks wahanui, I mean, oleonard
13:55 talljoy joined #koha
14:05 fridolin joined #koha
14:25 eythian terminology?
14:26 eythian oh, wahanui is dead
14:28 oleonard I feel like our bots aren't what they used to be.
14:35 kholt joined #koha
14:36 talljoy joined #koha
15:07 Jesus joined #koha
15:22 * cait waves
15:24 * kidclamp waves
15:26 * oleonard waves
15:32 cait :)
15:35 CrispyBran joined #koha
15:59 TGoat joined #koha
16:01 reiveune bye
16:01 reiveune left #koha
16:02 fridolin left #koha
16:11 rocio joined #koha
16:19 kholt joined #koha
16:21 jbeno joined #koha
16:37 cait left #koha
16:50 NateC_ joined #koha
17:00 NateC_ joined #koha
17:27 cait joined #koha
17:32 oleonard Can't seem to upload quotes.
17:46 edveal joined #koha
17:58 dpk_ joined #koha
18:21 edveal joined #koha
19:02 Margaret|lunch-nap joined #koha
19:10 alexbuckley joined #koha
19:22 kholt joined #koha
20:47 kholt joined #koha
20:54 meliss joined #koha
21:01 alexbuckley joined #koha
21:38 kholt joined #koha
21:40 jbeno_away joined #koha
21:45 edveal joined #koha
22:19 Francesca joined #koha
23:29 kholt left #koha

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