IRC log for #koha, 2014-06-16

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:42 magnuse joined #koha
00:44 eythian wahanui: eythian is also Time's Person of the Year for 2006.
00:44 wahanui okay, eythian.
00:45 phasefx_ joined #koha
00:46 dcook lol
00:49 * dcook is a bit curious about this banana as well though
00:50 eythian you'll have to ask kathryn_
00:50 dcook kathryn_: beaten by a banana?
00:50 kathryn_ *sigh* sadly, yes.
00:51 kathryn_ I peel the sticker, I peeled the banana, I scanned a dang QR code and NOTHING!
00:52 kathryn_ I thought, hey, maybe this is the QR code I've been waiting for, y'know?
00:52 dcook lol
00:52 * dcook has a bit of an aversion to QR codes
00:52 dcook So I feel your pain?
00:53 kathryn_ I thought, hey I have to be a winner, who else has bothered to enter the competition after all this?
00:53 kathryn_ :)
00:53 dcook hehe
00:53 kathryn_ Peel play and win. PAH!
00:54 kathryn_ how are you dcook?
00:56 dcook Well, I'm not peeling, playing, or winning :p
00:56 dcook Otherwise, sore. Very sore.
00:56 * dcook helped three friends move this weekend
00:56 dcook Fortunately, they all lived together
00:56 kathryn haha that's a plus
00:56 dcook My body is still not very appreciative of this fact though
00:57 dcook How about you? Notwithstanding the banana incident.
00:58 kathryn Oh, pretty good. Work is nice and busy in a good way :)
00:58 kathryn (I didn't even know what the prize was, so I'm not really a loser)
01:00 dcook Yeah, nice and busy here as well. Wish it was perhaps slightly less busy so that I could send/test more patches..
01:00 dcook (Hehe. Agreed!)
01:01 dcook (I discovered that the shops sell hommus in 1kg tubs, so I feel like I'm winning.)
01:01 dcook (Well, winning after I bought it. I think I'm about halfway through now...)
01:43 papa joined #koha
02:00 dcook wizzyrea: Are you around at the moment?
02:02 eythian dcook: she ain't
02:03 dcook eythian: Thanks :)
02:03 dcook s'okay
02:04 dcook https and proxies...yay...
02:07 kathryn dcook careful, hommus goes off! but yeah! win! take it!
02:20 dcook hehe
02:20 dcook I imagine it must take a while for it to go off though
02:20 dcook It's practically a preservative except for the oil
02:37 dcook Half tempted to take "OpacBaseURL" out of and see what breaks
02:37 dcook I suspect very little actually..
02:38 eythian I think it's mostly used to populate RSS and such like things.
02:38 dcook Yep, which is a royal pain
02:38 dcook Or at least RSS is when I run into it
02:40 eythian RSS? It's pretty straightforward.
02:43 dcook We use a reverse proxy though, so the port is all wrong for starters :/
02:43 eythian ah
02:43 eythian well in that case, OpacBaseURL should be exactly what you'd want, I think.
02:44 dcook The syspref?
02:44 wahanui The syspref is like, "asking a question" - can the user editcatalogue (major permission group) Edit the Catalogue (minor permission)
02:44 eythian yeah
02:44 eythian the syspref I assume you're talking about a few lines up.
02:44 dcook Yeah, agreed. It just seems silly that we do OPACBaseURL two different ways
02:44 eythian we do?
02:45 eythian I wouldn't be surprised
02:45 dcook Yeah, it's a global system preference, and a TT param passed via (which uses environmental variables set by the web server)
02:45 eythian oh, we shouldn't use envvars in general for this.
02:45 eythian maybe only as a fallback.
02:45 dcook OPACBaseURL               => ($in->{'query'}->https() ? "https://" : "http://") . $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} .
02:45 dcook ($ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} eq ($in->{'query'}->https() ? "443" : "80") ? '' : ":$ENV{'SERVER_PORT'}"),
02:46 eythian erk
02:46 dcook Yarp
02:46 eythian that's going to have to change some time soon, it'll break something I"m intending to do too.
02:46 dcook bug 11575
02:46 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11575 normal, P5 - low, ---, dcook, In Discussion , OPACBaseURL sometimes set by ENV variable and not system preference
02:46 eythian (i.e. load balancers, reverse proxies.)
02:47 dcook Yeah, I'd be quite happy if it changed
02:47 dcook I got blocked by bug 8952, but that doesn't look...all that optimal either
02:47 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8952 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Master , Add http:// to url in social media links on opac-detail
02:49 dcook Probably shouldn't be using either anymore, I suppose
02:49 eythian It should be getting phased out I guess.
02:51 dcook Probably
02:51 * dcook will do an updated version of that one..
03:00 dcook I think I need to get myself a devoted IE 8 tester :p
03:02 * dcook twiddles his thumbs waiting for a commit to rebase over 1000+ commits...
03:02 dcook Well maybe not as long as I thought
03:21 dcook eythian: Would bug 11575 work for you now?
03:21 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11575 normal, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Needs Signoff , OPACBaseURL sometimes set by ENV variable and not system preference
03:45 dcook Mmm lovely IE-specific Bootstrap hacks..
03:45 dcook CSS hacks*
03:46 dcook img{max-width:100%;width:auto\9;height:auto;/* width: auto; */
03:46 dcook :S
03:46 eythian eww
03:48 dcook Only 14 "\9" hacks..
03:48 dcook Remarkable number of "*" CSS hacks..
03:48 dcook The img one must have some rationale, but :S
04:03 papa joined #koha
04:03 magnuse joined #koha
04:03 irma_ joined #koha
04:03 irma joined #koha
04:03 kathryn joined #koha
04:03 trea joined #koha
04:03 janPasi joined #koha
04:03 sijobl joined #koha
04:03 grex joined #koha
04:03 dcook joined #koha
04:03 ibeardslee joined #koha
04:03 slef joined #koha
04:03 mtj joined #koha
04:03 alohalog` joined #koha
04:03 wizzyrea joined #koha
04:03 dpk joined #koha
04:03 matts_away joined #koha
04:03 fredericd joined #koha
04:03 pastebot joined #koha
04:03 liw joined #koha
04:03 nlegrand joined #koha
04:03 gdunbar joined #koha
04:03 clrh joined #koha
04:03 bag joined #koha
04:10 rangi joined #koha
04:10 thd-away joined #koha
04:10 khall joined #koha
04:10 jeff joined #koha
04:10 jrittenh joined #koha
04:10 druthb_away joined #koha
04:10 wahanui joined #koha
04:10 halcyonCorsair joined #koha
04:10 bshum joined #koha
04:10 jajm joined #koha
04:10 Joubu joined #koha
04:26 wizzyrea dcook did you need something?
04:28 dcook Nah, it's all good
04:28 wizzyrea okie dokie
04:28 dcook Or as I said at the time "s'okay" :)
04:28 dcook Hmm accidentally button mashed the keyboard, which prompted Chrome's keyboard help to pop up
04:29 dcook Don't know if I hit the help key or it just felt bad for me
04:44 cait joined #koha
04:57 dcook yo cait
04:57 cait hi dcook
04:57 dcook That reminds me I should have (late) lunch...
04:57 cait probably :)
04:59 eythian hi cait
04:59 cait hi eythian :)
05:18 jseplae joined #koha
05:24 tony123 joined #koha
05:26 tony123 Greetings. I'm trying to find the procedures of either generating barcodes in Koha itself, or a way to import barcodes. What are others doing for this? It seems like such a common thing, but I can't find any solid documentation on it...
05:45 jseplae joined #koha
05:56 laurence joined #koha
05:56 cait left #koha
06:03 tony123 joined #koha
06:25 jburds_ joined #koha
06:31 paul_p joined #koha
06:34 barton_away joined #koha
06:40 reiveune joined #koha
06:40 reiveune hello
06:47 * magnuse waves
06:47 magnuse @wunder boo
06:47 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 7.0°C (8:20 AM CEST on June 16, 2014). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 71%. Dew Point: 2.0°C. Windchill: 3.0°C. Pressure: 30.09 in 1019 hPa (Steady).
06:53 yohann joined #koha
06:53 yohann joined #koha
06:55 alex_a joined #koha
06:56 alex_a bonjour
06:56 wahanui hi, alex_a
07:03 cait joined #koha
07:11 tony123 I'm looking for procedures of using Koha to generate barcode or how to import a barcode file using the ISBN number as the lookup key. Anyone know of anything out there?
07:14 gaetan_B joined #koha
07:14 gaetan_B hello
07:20 indradg joined #koha
07:22 ashimema joined #koha
07:23 Viktor joined #koha
07:28 magnuse kia ora Viktor
07:29 Viktor kia ora magnuse
07:29 Viktor Got another patch made :) Highlight holds on check-in
07:35 magnuse yay!
07:35 magnuse bug number?
07:35 wahanui bug number is wrong in the subject.
07:36 Viktor 5956
07:36 magnuse wahanui: forget bug number
07:36 wahanui magnuse: I forgot bug number
07:37 Viktor So thanks magnuse for pointing me towards a bit of low hanging fruit :)
07:37 Viktor I still have to learn a bit more about Git but with the help I got last time I actually managed to get this one done from start to finish without.
07:42 sophie_m joined #koha
07:43 ashimema magnuse++ #helping Viktor to get to grips with koha development
07:43 ashimema Viktor++ #getting onboard with koha development
07:48 cait ashimema++ :P
07:48 cait Viktor++ magnuse++
07:49 ashimema morning #koha
07:55 magnuse Viktor++
07:55 magnuse hiya ashimema
07:55 magnuse ...and cait
07:57 magnuse bug 5956
07:57 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=5956 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle.m.hall, Needs Signoff , Highlight holds on check-in
07:59 magnuse @later tell Viktor you might want to consider including the test plan in the commit message of future patches :-)
07:59 huginn magnuse: The operation succeeded.
08:03 indradg_ joined #koha
08:05 paul_p joined #koha
08:08 tony123 joined #koha
08:16 Viktor_away joined #koha
08:32 binu joined #koha
08:33 atheia joined #koha
08:33 atheia Good morning all!
08:36 binu_ joined #koha
08:50 magnuse hiya atheia
08:55 drojf joined #koha
08:55 drojf hi #koha
08:55 atheia Hi magnuse, how are you?
10:31 tony123 joined #koha
10:42 magnuse hm, wasn't there a patch a couple years back that added a tooltip to the library names in the item table on detail view?
10:54 jcamins magnuse: I believe there was.
11:11 Viktor joined #koha
11:13 cait yes
11:13 cait opac info in the branches table
11:23 francharb joined #koha
11:24 francharb Morning
11:34 nengard joined #koha
11:52 jburds__ joined #koha
11:52 meliss joined #koha
11:52 nengard_ joined #koha
12:05 phred_ joined #koha
12:08 magnuse bug 7264
12:08 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7264 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, CLOSED FIXED, Display information about library on OPAC detail
12:08 magnuse it seems to be broken
12:15 oleonard joined #koha
12:16 oleonard Hi #koha
12:19 magnuse kia ora oleonard
12:25 papa joined #koha
12:26 indradg_ joined #koha
12:26 oleonard Looks like the wiki is down
12:26 oleonard I'll just go and check the wiki to see who is in charge of the server running the wiki...
12:28 collum joined #koha
12:29 indradg_ joined #koha
12:34 magnuse oleonard: works for me
12:38 oleonard Well /now/ it does :P
12:41 tcohen joined #koha
12:42 tcohen morning!
12:42 wahanui well, morning is a state of cat
12:44 cait hi tcohen -welcome back!
12:45 tcohen hi cait, nice to be back
12:47 fridolin joined #koha
12:47 fridolin hie all
12:54 indradg_ joined #koha
12:56 phred_ joined #koha
12:58 jajm hi all
12:59 tcohen hi fridolin
12:59 jajm i have a language question: is this phrase correct: "This will only effect records without a subscription attached" ? i would have use "affect" instead of "effect" (bug 12231)
12:59 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=12231 minor, P5 - low, ---, nengard, Signed Off , AllowMultipleIssuesOnABiblio description misleading
13:00 fridolin hie tcohen : how are you ?
13:01 phred_ affect: verb; effect: noun. Affect is right in this context.
13:04 jajm phred_, thanks
13:05 phred_ A degree in English comes in handy sometimes. :-)
13:08 magnuse oh, what does a negative value in items.notforloan do again, and is it documented anywhere?
13:09 cait i think it shows as on order
13:09 cait it might affect if you can put it on hold, but i am not sure
13:09 rambutan joined #koha
13:10 magnuse cait: ah, i'll test a little
13:10 oleonard You should be able to put it on hold if it's negative.
13:10 cait magnuse: on order = result list, not sure if that only goes for -1 or for all negative
13:10 cait oleonard: i think so too, but never tested it
13:11 cait but mind bug 6981
13:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6981 critical, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , barcode not incrementing
13:11 cait hm bug 6918
13:11 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=6918 normal, P3, ---, kyle.m.hall, Needs Signoff , can't place holds on 'on order' items with AllowOnShelfHolds off
13:11 cait this one
13:11 wahanui this one is cool as long as someone *wants* acknowledgement
13:12 magnuse hehe
13:12 magnuse yeah, looks like with a negative value you can put a hold on it, but not issue it
13:14 indradg_ joined #koha
13:25 kmlussier joined #koha
13:33 cait gmcharlt: around?
13:43 * magnuse wanders off
13:47 indradg_ joined #koha
13:52 cait magnuse: abotu your email
13:52 cait i think 2 could already be done with the batch tool
13:52 cait but i think 1 is better
13:53 cait but mroe work
13:53 cait also 1 needs a bit more - not a library closed shoudl also not appear in holds queue etc.
13:54 cait I mean probably more areas are affected besides the pickup location
13:54 cait ... that#s where 2 might work... but it seems misusing the value a bit. hm.
14:29 rocio joined #koha
14:31 reiveune joined #koha
14:38 barton_away joined #koha
14:40 rocio1 joined #koha
14:42 rocio1 joined #koha
15:00 tgoat joined #koha
15:01 yohann left #koha
15:06 cait left #koha
15:26 francharb joined #koha
15:27 fridolin left #koha
15:36 paul_p joined #koha
15:37 drojf joined #koha
15:46 ettore joined #koha
15:48 ettore Hello, can anyone help me? II am new to koha f I try to search for a book I've already added I receive this error: "No results match your search for 'kw,..." Thank you for your help!
15:49 oleonard Did you install Koha yourself ettore?
15:49 ettore @oleonard no, someone I hired installed for me
15:49 huginn ettore: I suck
15:49 oleonard ettore: You don't need the "@"
15:50 oleonard ettore: Can you ask the person you hired to help?
15:50 oleonard ettore: It might be a problem with how Koha was set up when it was first installed, unless you previously had working searches
15:50 ashimema joined #koha
15:51 ettore oleonard: sure, I will. I just wanted to understand what kind of problem could it be in order to help him
15:52 ettore oleonard: I read online that it could be something related to 'Zebra' or something like that, could it be?
15:52 oleonard Sounds to me like a problem with Zebra
15:52 oleonard Koha uses Zebra to search your collection
15:53 oleonard If Zebra was not configured correctly during installation you might see that error when searching.
15:53 tgoat joined #koha
15:53 ettore oleonard: I see. So he should try to fix that. Is there a guide online or something ? thank you!
15:54 oleonard ettore: It partly depends on how Koha was installed. Installation instructions include sections on configuring Zebra.
15:55 ettore Oleonard: I think he used debian packages
15:58 oleonard ettore: Perhaps the Zebra commands on this page would help?[…]e_Debian_packages
15:59 ettore oleonard: I will give them to him and hopefully I will start to use Koha for our library :) Thank you for your time
16:00 oleonard You're welcome ettore, good luck
16:03 alex_a joined #koha
16:48 laurence left #koha
16:53 reiveune bye
16:53 reiveune left #koha
16:54 oleonard It's official policy now that we create separate bug fix patches for prog and bootstrap?
16:55 oleonard Okay yeah I see someone has updated the wiki.
16:56 nengard thought prog was dead
17:02 indradg_ joined #koha
17:03 oleonard nengard: Patches can be submitted for prog in order to be included in maintenance releases
17:04 nengard got it
17:04 oleonard[…]precation_of_the_.27prog.27_and_.27CCSR.27_OPAC_themes
17:09 oleonard Koha's handling of shelving location is really poorly implemented.
17:10 oleonard It really breaks down quickly in a multi-library system.
17:10 gmcharlt yeah, really assumes that each branch has the same set of shelvnig locations
17:10 nengard yuh huh
17:11 oleonard ...and that the item will be on the same shelf in each location
17:13 oleonard Each item really ought to have both a home shelving location and a holding shelving location
17:14 oleonard Currently, setting the  OpacLocationBranchToDisplayShelving  preference to "both" is (most likely) nonsensical.
17:14 oleonard Maybe while I eat lunch someone will fix it.
17:33 barton joined #koha
17:54 oleonard nengard: Did you get the bootstrap theme's LibraryThing issue worked out?
17:55 nengard no
17:55 nengard i think it's xslt
17:55 nengard that's where i left it
17:55 oleonard I'd be happy to take a look if that would help
18:06 oleonard nengard: Do you know of an example catalog where LibraryThing reviews are displaying correctly?
18:08 nengard nope
18:08 nengard none
18:08 nengard oh - you mean a non-koha one?
18:09 oleonard I was thinking of prog/CCSR OPACs
18:09 nengard oh ... not really
18:09 nengard I can query all our partner sites after my meeting
18:09 oleonard In my test the reviews aren't showing up even under prog.
18:09 oleonard Makes me wonder if the API changed
18:10 nengard possibly
18:10 nengard that's why i included the instructions
18:10 nengard but when i edited opac-detail to include the new URL it didn't show the reviews
18:10 oleonard Okay, I just assumed that this was an error introduced by the bootstrap theme
18:15 indradg_ joined #koha
18:18 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 12380 - can't tab to save buttons on add item <[…]80dbc5ecf8cca0a6c> / Bug 11958: Fix typon in classification source help <[…]6f4dfd3e52a0cd222> / Bug 12338: Remove smartmatch operator from C4/ <[…]web/?p=koha.git;a
18:27 tgoat joined #koha
18:33 dbs joined #koha
18:45 khall anyone know what Fridolin's nick is?
18:47 JesseM @rt 19962
18:47 huginn JesseM: downloading the Perl source
18:47 oleonard fridolin
18:47 oleonard @seen fridolin
18:47 huginn oleonard: fridolin was last seen in #koha 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <fridolin> hie tcohen : how are you ?
18:53 cait joined #koha
19:14 jburds_ joined #koha
19:18 tcohen @later tell rangi is it possible to raise the timeout value for jenkins to fetch the repo? We have a 1.6Mb/s download rate and 10 minutes seems to be low enough for it to fail
19:18 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded.
19:22 * cait waves at tcohen
19:23 cait can i get some more opinions about bug 9303?
19:23 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9303 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Failed QA , relative's checkouts in the opac
19:33 bgkriegel joined #koha
19:34 bgkriegel hi
19:34 wahanui hey, bgkriegel
19:39 cait hi bgkriegel :)
19:44 rocio_lunch left #koha
19:47 rangi not sure how, it's failing on the node, not sure how you change the setting on the node, ill look
19:47 rangi tcohen ^
19:47 rangi hmmm
19:47 rangi thats quite rude
19:48 rangi and quite a flawed opinion, assuming that every country has privacy laws as useless as the USA has
19:48 rangi[…]g.cgi?id=9303#c88
19:48 huginn Bug 9303: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Failed QA , relative's checkouts in the opac
19:49 rangi i dont like this comment at all
19:49 cait I am not very happy either :(
19:49 rangi any other opinions?
19:49 sophie_m joined #koha
19:49 cait but apart from the last comment... can i get honest opinions about the functionality?
19:50 rangi I agree that a patron should be at any time be able to do their privacy
19:50 cait I really want to check if I am silly about that
19:50 rangi and that if a library wants to take that option away from them, then it should clearly marked as such
19:50 cait privacy is 2 things in this case - the reading history, but also the 'can relatives see my checkouts'
19:51 rangi yes
19:51 cait as both are on the same page and guided by the same pref
19:51 rangi mixing the 2 is silly
19:51 rangi and should not be done
19:51 oleonard I don't understand what the bug is about yet, but I'll say that in general Americans can't be trusted to make good decisions about privacy.
19:52 cait heh thx oleonard
19:52 cait i#d be very happy if you could take a look
19:52 cait i am ... kind of super sensitive about that
19:52 cait data privacy
19:52 wahanui i think data privacy is an important topic for us
19:52 cait yep wahanui :)
19:58 sophie_m joined #koha
19:59 rangi so let me get this straight
19:59 rangi you can set it so others can see your checkouts
20:00 rangi but if the opacprivacy setting is changed
20:00 rangi you still keep showing checkouts to others
20:00 * gmcharlt has added a comment to the bug
20:00 rangi but now have no option to disable that?
20:00 rangi how the hell could that be a good idea
20:00 * gmcharlt is also keeping his powder dry in case a stronger response becomes necessary
20:00 oleonard I agree that is wrong, and is a bug.
20:01 gmcharlt needs to go in the bug
20:03 cait rangi: that waht it looked like in my tests - also happy if someone canretest
20:03 * rangi agress with gmcharlt and cait on the bug report
20:04 * oleonard put in his two cents
20:04 cait thx everyone
20:05 cait oleonard: you made me laugh :)
20:06 rangi @later tell tcohen im not sure I can, but ill will go look and see, however a way round it is to login and su to the user jenkins connects as and do the clone .. then it should be all good from then on
20:06 huginn rangi: The operation succeeded.
20:12 rangi *sigh*
20:13 cait still 9303?
20:15 rangi yep, will move on now :)
20:16 oleonard Bye #koha
20:17 cait bye oleonard
20:40 cait @later tell magnuse[…]openaccess:swblod
20:40 huginn cait: The operation succeeded.
20:51 kathryn hi cait :)
20:51 cait hi kathryn
20:51 kathryn I don't need @wunder to tell me it's grey and drizzling today :)
20:51 cait :)
20:51 cait it's not really fair you get the bad weather when we get the good one
20:52 kathryn but it's totally fair when our weather is good! :D
20:52 kathryn you'll have to come over for a bbq christmas sometime :)
20:53 kathryn (PS it usually rains)
20:55 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 12293: Correct display for patron messaging preferences on OPAC - bootstrap <[…]24154b658ea0d644f>
20:56 cait kathryn: i'd love to
20:56 kathryn well, you better plan that in :) might have to be a koha family christmas :)
21:00 cait :)
21:01 kmlussier left #koha
21:11 rocio joined #koha
21:12 nengard left #koha
21:32 Brooke joined #koha
21:32 Brooke o/
21:33 rangi hi Brooke
21:33 Brooke what's up?
21:33 rangi not much, just working away
21:34 * Brooke hands rangi a beaver cookie
21:34 pianohacker joined #koha
21:34 Brooke hey jesse
21:34 pianohacker hi
21:35 * cait waves
21:35 * Brooke hugs cait
21:35 cait any news on the cataloguing editor
21:35 cait ?
21:36 cait i tried it a few days ago, but i missed the descriptions for the tags/fields I had seen in marseille (or thought i did) :)
21:36 cait :)
21:36 pianohacker cait: I've got sorting working, now moving on to result set caching
21:37 pianohacker cait: that's a really odd bug, though; nothing shows up in the descriptions at the bottom?
21:37 cait maybe i missed something
21:37 cait that's why i amasking
21:37 cait :)
21:37 pianohacker If you have your default framework set up correctly, stuff should be working...
21:38 pianohacker lemme make sure it's working on my end
21:38 cait oh i see it now
21:38 cait it was below he fold
21:38 pianohacker oh dammit that's right I have to set up koha on my new machine
21:38 cait but bad news - umlauts broken
21:38 pianohacker hrm. And they show up correctly in the standard editor?
21:39 cait pianohacker: yep
21:39 cait 040$c Ãœbertragungsstelle
21:39 * Brooke blames naughty encoding stuffs.
21:39 cait pianohacker: hm how do i access the normal editor when the rancor patches are applied?
21:40 pianohacker cait: look under the settings menu
21:40 Brooke so this is a terrible line of thought, but is it just German or everything with a special character?
21:40 cait pianohacker: confirmed, old editor shows correctly
21:41 pianohacker hrm...
21:41 cait Brooke: i have gemran umlauts - but chances are very high it will give problemswith other diacritics as well
21:41 pianohacker can you email me the record in question?
21:41 cait everything that is not latin1
21:41 cait well or whatever... i always getconfused there
21:41 cait pianohacker: not the record :) german sample frameworks
21:42 pianohacker Oh!
21:42 pianohacker That makes a lot more sense
21:42 cait the tooltip for 040$c should be Übertragungsstelle - but the Ü is broken
21:42 pianohacker I thought I had handled unicode in records correctly
21:42 pianohacker but I know exactly why that's broken. Thanks
21:42 Brooke phew!
21:42 pianohacker that's an annoying but much less drastic bug
21:45 cait :)
21:45 cait pianohacker: here is something about the tooltip
21:45 cait if my window is maximized
21:45 cait i don't see it at all
21:46 cait if the window with the browser is smaller than mx
21:46 cait i can see it, but it requires scrolling
21:46 cait that's why i had missed it the firsttime i tried
21:46 cait using firefox in ubuntu
21:46 pianohacker cait: does it look like either description is longer than about half of that tooltip box?
21:46 cait hm try with another language installed
21:46 cait i think the language switch toolbar thing could have todo with it
21:47 cait the descriptions is short, it looks like the position is miscalculated
21:47 pianohacker oh! yeah. I did not account for that at all
21:47 cait one of the participants of my workshop had asked about a more textual editor - i didn't try to brak it, I swear!
21:48 pianohacker I'm currently cloning koha-community, and my ISP for some reason throttles long-running git-pulls, so it'll be a bit...
21:48 pianohacker oh durrrr I should have done this over the lan from my old install
21:49 cait do you want me to add the 2 things to the bug report?
21:49 pianohacker Yes please
21:51 Brooke gotta go!
21:52 cait done
21:52 pianohacker cait++
21:54 pianohacker cait: would en-NZ trigger this bug?
21:54 cait hmi think
21:54 cait if it's really the language picker
21:54 cait language chooser
21:54 wahanui language chooser is really an important element and browser detection not a good way to do it
21:54 cait how do we call it? :)
21:54 pianohacker it almost certainly is
22:02 eythian hi
22:02 cait hi eythian
22:15 eythian[…]ints-and-software
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22:52 grharry I have NO sucess  linking authorities to bibs att all with the, I am on UNIMARC,ICU , is there another possible way to link bibs to auth headings ???
23:05 pianohacker sweet! you can transfer remote tracking branches over the LAN
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