IRC log for #koha, 2014-05-30

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:05 jenkins_koha Starting build #595 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 3 days 23 hr ago)
00:07 dcook Mmm, I think you're onto something, eythian.
00:25 dcook Although now that I think about it...if it were a wouldn't work in any browser...and it's just IE 8..
00:26 dcook Yet the internet says that AJS and jQuery don't play nice..
00:44 dcook Huh...looks like oleonard did a jQuery UI version instead of using Greybox?
00:45 pianohacker dcook: what are you dealing with?
00:46 dcook In the Z39.50 search results, IE 8 follows links instead of showing Greyboxes for  MARC and Card.
00:46 dcook So then you can't return to your list and import :/
00:47 dcook Started with the upgrade to jQuery 1.7 in April 2012
00:48 dcook Of course, it works fine in Chrome and newer versions of IE
00:48 * dcook glares at IE 8
00:49 dcook bug 12325
00:49 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=12325 minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, NEW , Marc and Card view in Z39.50 Results doesn't work properly in IE 8
00:49 pianohacker dcook: I salute you for your efforts
00:50 dcook I wish my efforts weren't necessary in this case :/
00:50 dcook But since lots of people still use IE 8 and need to copy catalogue...
00:50 pianohacker does the IE javascript console have a persistent mode?
00:50 * dcook sighs
00:50 dcook persistent mode?
00:51 pianohacker Yeah, where it doesn't clear error messages when you go to a new page
00:51 pianohacker firebug calls it "Persist"
00:51 dcook Hmm
00:51 dcook I'm not sure. I hadn't noticed any errors, and maybe that's why..
00:52 pianohacker yeah, fixing problems like this one is a bear because of that
00:52 pianohacker you might be lucky to see the error on the console for a tenth of a second before the browser helpfully clears it away
00:53 dcook "Clear on navigate disabled"
00:53 dcook Ah, I just disabled it. Let's try that again...
00:54 dcook Thanks for that, pianohacker, but alas no errors...
00:54 pianohacker curses!
00:54 dcook A warning about doctype though...
00:55 pianohacker it isn't rendering in quirks mode, is it?
00:55 dcook Makes you wonder, I suppose.
00:55 pianohacker @karma ie
00:55 huginn pianohacker: Karma for "ie" has been increased 0 times and decreased 2 times for a total karma of -2.
00:55 pianohacker ie--
00:56 pianohacker @karma
00:56 huginn pianohacker: Highest karma: "gmcharlt" (109), "cait" (79), and "eythian" (58).  Lowest karma: "^" (-4), "indexdata" (-3), and "-" (-3).  You (pianohacker) are ranked 16 out of 196.
00:56 pianohacker looks like <! isn't getting as much hate these days ;)
00:56 rangi its only that high because we reset at the start of the year, it would be much lower otherwise
00:56 pianohacker figures as much. Hi rangi!
00:56 rangi hiya
00:57 rangi indexdata++
00:57 rangi indexdata++
00:57 rangi indexdata++
00:57 pianohacker actually, can I grab you for a quick angular/koha question?
00:57 rangi @karma
00:57 huginn rangi: Highest karma: "gmcharlt" (109), "cait" (79), and "eythian" (58).  Lowest karma: "^" (-4), "-" (-3), and "ie" (-3).  You (rangi) are ranked 6 out of 196.
00:57 rangi there thats more like it
00:57 rangi yep
00:58 rangi i may not be able to answer the angular bit, but i can ask jen
00:59 pianohacker the question is, we're working on converting the circ interface to angular, and running into the problem of the existing menu and toolbar includes. We can either fill in the variables for [% phone %] and such with {{ }} (which is a hack) or restrict the angular circ interface to a single borrower and fetch the information server side and throw it in the template (which is reasonable but an arbitrary limitation)
01:00 pianohacker I'm curious if you have any opinion or a better solution
01:00 rangi id go with the latter, with notes that in a later phase you could do the toolbar includes
01:01 pianohacker rangi: Seems sensible. How would you go about converting the includes, given that they're used by non-angular pages?
01:01 rangi a second on 2 to scan the borrowers card
01:01 rangi or 2 even
01:01 rangi then fast scanning all their items
01:01 rangi seems pretty decent to me
01:01 pianohacker yup
01:02 rangi i think you'd probably have to have 2 sets for the time being
01:02 pianohacker figured as much... with the eventual hope of making everything so angular the circ staff get paper cuts
01:02 rangi *nod*
01:02 pianohacker thank you, though :) Wanted to make sure we weren't missing something silly
01:03 rangi no worries
01:03 pianohacker rangi: what are you working on these days? Not NCIP still, I hope?
01:04 rangi doing some stuff with notices/emails at the moment
01:04 dcook ooo
01:04 * dcook likes the idea of notices/emails being worked on
01:04 rangi setting replyto and sender headers
01:04 pianohacker always a fun testing experience
01:04 pianohacker oh, excellent!
01:04 rangi yep
01:04 pianohacker so spam filters don't eat them?
01:04 rangi exacterly
01:05 rangi and making a Koha::Email module
01:05 rangi so we dont do it in multiple places
01:05 dcook rangi++
01:05 pianohacker I like it
01:06 rangi[…]ad1fe3350dd90ab91
01:06 rangi its pretty simple so far
01:06 rangi but it means you can just call create_message_headers with a to address
01:06 rangi and it will do sensible stuff for the rest
01:07 rangi heh i have to fix the pod
01:07 rangi see the name :)
01:08 dcook hehe
01:10 eythian[…]google-car-selfie
01:11 pianohacker hi new tld
01:14 dcook All right. Let's see how this goes with a Bootstrap modal...
01:15 dcook Probably faster to chuck greybox and start over than try to fix it for IE 8..
01:19 dcook Mmm not as dead easy as I'd hoped..
01:20 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #595: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 14 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/595/
01:20 eythian[…]3-spacecraft.html
01:21 eythian wahanui: the saddest thing
01:21 wahanui the saddest thing is http://cooleycooley.blogspot.c[…]iest-unicorn.html
01:21 eythian wahanui: the saddest thing
01:21 wahanui the saddest thing is
01:21 eythian wahanui: the saddest thing
01:21 wahanui the saddest thing is
01:21 eythian wahanui: the saddest thing
01:21 wahanui the saddest thing is[…]70836-isee-3.html
01:21 eythian ^-- that one
01:27 jenkins_koha Starting build #596 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 1 hr ago)
01:38 petter joined #koha
01:39 petter hi #koha
01:40 dcook yo petter
01:40 rangi hi petter
01:40 dcook On the plus side, the Bootstrap modal actually shows up in IE 8 :D
01:40 dcook (Mostly)
01:46 pianohacker hi petter
01:47 petter hi jesse, rangi, david
01:50 rocio left #koha
01:53 mtompset There... nengard should be happy tomorrow. :)
01:54 mtompset @later tell nengard Checkout bug 12330 which you reported. It needs testing and sign off. :)
01:54 huginn mtompset: The operation succeeded.
01:54 mtompset Greetings, rangi dcook petter eythian.
01:55 mtompset Oops... and pianohacker. :)
01:57 mtompset Have a great day, #koha.
02:04 dcook bootstrap++
02:37 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1824: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 4 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1824/
02:41 jenkins_koha Starting build #1825 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1796 4 days 2 hr ago)
02:45 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #596: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 18 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/596/
02:53 jenkins_koha Starting build #597 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 2 hr ago)
03:28 dcook bootstrap--
03:35 dcook Wow, modals are heaps better in Bootstrap 3..
03:52 dcook Think I found a hack to work for Bootstrap 2..
03:52 dcook s/found/made/
04:02 cait joined #koha
04:05 dcook yo cait
04:05 eythian hi cait
04:05 dcook Ufda. 6am?
04:05 cait heh yes
04:05 cait hi eythian and dcook
04:05 cait :)
04:07 dcook Interesting greybox is still working when not used in the z39.50 window...
04:07 * dcook throws up his hands
04:08 pianohacker dcook: what version are you working in?
04:09 dcook Of Koha? 3.14.5
04:13 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #597: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 19 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/597/
04:13 jwellner-Stanwood joined #koha
04:13 jwellner-Stanwood knock knock :)  I have a patron CSV file import question
04:17 jwellner-Stanwood nvm... figured out my answer :)
04:19 jwellner-Stanwood nn #koha :)_
04:21 dcook wth...
04:21 dcook Working everywhere except the Z39.50 pop-up window...
04:23 eythian probably some funky JS there interfering with it
04:23 dcook In a very discrete way :S
04:24 jenkins_koha Starting build #598 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 4 hr ago)
04:24 dcook But nothing changed besides jquery.js...
04:24 dcook Actually..
04:24 dcook Maybe that's it...
04:24 dcook Nothing changed.
04:25 dcook Maybe it should've changed.
04:25 * pianohacker backs away slowly
04:25 pianohacker I think dcook has lost it
04:25 dcook lol
04:25 dcook Or I finally found it
04:25 * dcook hasn't eaten lunch yet..
04:30 dcook :O
04:30 dcook After nuking a bunch of's working again
04:30 dcook Time to work backwards
04:31 dcook eythian: You're the best rubber duck in the world.
04:31 eythian heh
04:32 dcook So glad it's Friday. I'm having beer when this is fixed. So much beer.
04:33 eythian I'm about to head off and do the same
04:33 dcook A worthy task you have ahead of yourself, my good man.
04:33 * dcook double-checks to make sure his early celebrating wasn't induced by insanity
04:33 dcook Oh thank God. Not insane. About this.
04:34 eythian excellent :)
04:34 eythian later
04:35 dcook later :)
04:35 dcook Hmm, I'm guessing it's going to be...this function..
04:35 eythian ooh, long weekend this weekend.
04:35 dcook Oh?
04:35 dcook Why are you guys getting a long weekend?
04:35 * dcook thinks his is the week after
04:36 dcook Hmm, a bit longer. June 9th.
04:37 dcook !!!
04:37 dcook Found it
04:38 dcook Finally...finally...#$*&%#)&%@)&@%)*#$)%* found it
04:38 dcook Well, the block at least...
04:38 dcook 15 lines of code...answer has to be in there..
04:38 dcook I might not be the RPM manager, but perhaps official IE tester/fixer...
04:39 dcook Cute that the thing breaking it has some code that I was going to use in the bootstrap fix..
04:40 dcook jQuery "is", I think you're my man..
04:40 dcook Err code
04:41 pianohacker dcook: You can be the IE module maintainer! :D
04:41 dcook hehe
04:41 dcook I basically am already, eh?
04:41 * dcook has a few IE 8 fixes that he's going to upstream one of these days..
04:41 pianohacker you're the only one without the vague bitter antipathy towards it most of us have
04:42 pianohacker or at least the only one being paid to ignore it :P
04:42 dcook Ding! Ding! Ding!
04:42 dcook ;)
04:42 pianohacker hahahaha
04:42 dcook haha. I'm glad in a way...
04:42 dcook It means that people are getting fixes when they wouldn't otherwise
04:42 dcook But I hate IE so so so much
04:42 pianohacker yup, definitely
04:42 pianohacker to both :)
04:43 dcook Now to get lunch or try to figure out what this code is doing so I can fix it..
04:44 dcook I'm going to stay and fix it :p
04:44 * dcook needs a delivery service..
04:46 dcook Oh slow Z39.50're killing me
04:46 dcook ...
04:47 dcook One line
04:47 dcook "return true"
04:47 pianohacker wait wtf how did that get in there?
04:47 pianohacker this is in a .click(), I'm guessing?
04:47 dcook Yep
04:47 pianohacker the hell was someone thinking
04:47 dcook Git blame to the rescue..
04:48 dcook return true or return false can break out of an $.each I think...but I have no idea why that's there
04:49 dcook Hmm, looks like ancient code
04:50 dcook It says Chris committed it in 2011, but it looks like he just added it to Git and that it's much older than th at
04:50 dcook that*
04:50 dcook I guess we'll never know
04:51 dcook pianohacker: So I assume you've run into this before?
04:52 dcook Not sure why it's only causing problems in IE 8, but...*shrug*
04:52 dcook eythian++ #inspiring
04:53 dcook Also intriguing that it didn't cause problems in jQuery 1.3 but did in 1.7.
04:57 pianohacker dcook: Yeah, gotta be careful to throw return false in click handlers
04:58 pianohacker dcook: Can't find anything in the changelogs, but I'm guessing they fixed a bug and made return true do what it was supposed to all along
05:01 dcook Ahhh, I think I understand now.
05:02 dcook The return true was telling it to follow the link and ignore the other javascript acting on it
05:02 dcook Hmm
05:02 pianohacker yup
05:02 dcook But it still worked in Chrome, newer IE, etc...
05:03 dcook But that could be explained by them relying on a function that isn't supported in IE 8 somewhere up along the line
05:03 dcook I'm sure not looking into it anymore than that though :p
05:03 pianohacker I'm guessing there was some subtle interaction with however greybox added its click handler
05:03 pianohacker dcook: where specifically is this code you're looking at?
05:04 dcook git\koha-tmpl\intranet-tmpl\prog\en\​modules\cataloguing\
05:04 dcook In the section under /* Inline edit/delete links */
05:05 dcook Yeah, that return true is utterly unnecessary
05:05 pianohacker ohhhh line 47?
05:06 dcook 49, I think
05:06 dcook Maybe 47
05:06 dcook I'm on 3.14.5
05:06 * dcook looks at master
05:07 dcook Yeah, 47
05:07 pianohacker ahhhh yeah it makes sense how that might break terribly
05:08 pianohacker the interaction between the td and the a's event handlers
05:09 dcook Yeppers
05:09 dcook I noticed that jQuery 2 doesn't support IE 6,7,8 andmore, so I imagine even 1.7 might have some of that in it..
05:10 dcook Oh well. I'm not going to dwell too much. I'll send a fix in a bit, but now Imma some well deserved food
05:10 dcook Thanks for keeping me company, pianohacker :)
05:10 dcook pianohacker++ #for just plain being awesome
05:11 pianohacker dcook++ for being sociable during my crazy work hours :)
05:28 petter joined #koha
05:39 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #598: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 14 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/598/
05:44 pianohacker all right, I'm outta here
05:44 pianohacker good night all
05:47 jenkins_koha Starting build #599 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 5 hr ago)
06:05 dcook @later pianohacker: It was only 3pm here ;)
06:05 huginn dcook: I suck
06:06 dcook @later pianohacker It was only 3pm here ;)
06:06 huginn dcook: downloading the Perl source
06:07 dcook @later telll pianohacker It was only 3pm here ;)
06:07 huginn dcook: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready
06:07 dcook @later tell pianohacker It was only 3pm here ;)
06:07 huginn dcook: The operation succeeded.
06:07 dcook Yata!
06:11 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1825: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 30 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1825/
06:15 jenkins_koha Starting build #1826 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1796 4 days 6 hr ago)
06:33 reiveune joined #koha
06:33 reiveune hello
06:34 dcook salut reiveune
06:34 * magnuse waves
06:34 reiveune salut dcook magnuse :)
06:34 dcook heya magnuse
06:35 magnuse :-)
06:40 paxed in staff client, why doesn't the large green koha logo show up in every page, just in some pages?
06:40 dcook Large green koha logo?
06:40 magnuse joined #koha
06:41 dcook You mean the one that shows up on
06:41 dcook In the background?
06:41 paxed yes
06:41 dcook I think it only shows on that page as it's the landing page
06:41 paxed no, it only shows on some other pages.
06:42 dcook Oh? Which ones?
06:42 paxed for example
06:42 dcook O_o
06:42 dcook I don't see it on
06:42 paxed err... oops.
06:42 paxed right, my mistake.
06:43 dcook No worries :)
06:43 dcook I made a mistake myself just a couple minutes ago..
06:43 * dcook goes to fix it
06:43 paxed css changes on production system
06:44 dcook Ah, that'll happen :)
06:44 paxed really, i'd like the logo to show up on every page.
06:44 paxed but #doc3 isn't in every page. :/
06:45 paxed i already made one mistake because our production server looked exactly like the default koha install :P
06:45 dcook I imagine the logo would probably get in the way on a number of pages, but feel free to write a patch :)
06:48 paxed frankly, i'm all "meh" writing such a patch - we should be live and in production on monday
06:48 paul_p joined #koha
06:48 dcook That's the great thing about open source. You can customize it to your needs.
06:48 dcook Or desires
06:48 dcook yo, paul_p
06:48 paul_p hello dcook
06:49 paxed dcook: sure. but too many changes, and updating gets annoying.
06:50 dcook paxed: you're telling me. We have about 100-150 changes on our local instances of Koha.
06:50 dcook Working on getting people up to 3.14 from 3.8, and once we're done that...I'll be upstreaming as many changes as possible back to the community to make updates/upgrades easier in the future ;)
06:51 paxed i've been trying to get as many of our changes into bugzilla, but i'm not holding my breath ever getting into master.
06:51 dcook You'd be surprised :)
06:51 dcook I don't have as much time as I'd like to send patches, but I've gotten about 50+ patches into Koha over the past couple years
06:51 paxed bug 12072
06:51 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=12072 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pasi.kallinen, Failed QA , New dateformat
06:52 paxed perhaps once we're in production and not in a crunch getting everything working, i might work on the bugs again, but right now, no...
06:53 dcook Fair enough. I understand that situation really well.
06:54 dcook I think we all have local versions that are a bit different from the community version, because we need to make changes now and can't always get patches in and wait for them to be approved.
06:59 alex_a joined #koha
06:59 alex_a bonjour
06:59 wahanui que tal, alex_a
07:02 paxed dcook: your 100-150 changes sounds to me more than "a bit" different :P
07:04 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #599: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/599/
07:04 pablito joined #koha
07:04 dcook paxed: hehe. They're mostly pretty small!
07:04 pablito good morning to all! :-)
07:06 petter good afternoon!
07:07 dcook hey pablito
07:07 dcook If anyone has libraries using IE 8, you might consider signing off on bug 12325
07:07 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=12325 minor, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Needs Signoff , Marc and Card view in Z39.50 Results doesn't work properly in IE 8
07:07 pablito hi peter and dcook! :-D
07:08 pablito i have a question about authority
07:08 dcook Defy it!
07:08 dcook :)
07:08 pablito haha
07:08 dcook What's the question? I'm not that knowledgeable about authorities, but I can try to help
07:09 pablito is it possible to import all the authors in biblios into authorities?
07:09 pablito is there a script somewhere?
07:09 dcook Ah, that's an age old question.
07:09 dcook I'd say...yes and no?
07:09 pablito how so?
07:10 dcook I think there is a script that can do it, but you might want to reflect on whether you actually want to do that or not
07:10 pablito your insights would be appreciated
07:11 dcook That is, authorities are supposed to be the "authorized" form of an entry. By automatically creating authorities based on the biblios, you are probably going to have a lot of duplicate/slightly different authority records.
07:11 dcook You can clean those up after the fact, or you can create original authority records from the start.
07:11 dcook Or use the Z39.50 authority search
07:12 jenkins_koha Starting build #600 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 7 hr ago)
07:12 dcook But...if you want to do what you originally asked...I think "" might do what you want
07:13 pablito ah
07:15 dcook I think for it to work you'll need to enable the "AutoCreateAuthorities" system preference
07:15 dcook And possibly the "BiblioAddsAuthorities" system preference
07:15 pablito so suppose take all the authors from biblios, clean them up, import to authories, then the script would allow me to link them automatically?
07:17 dcook Probably not
07:17 dcook Because after cleaning them up, the bibs might not match them anymore ;)
07:17 dcook Basically, you can use to create authorities based on the bib records. They'll automatically link when they're created.
07:18 dcook Then you would want to search through your authorities and merge together any duplicates.
07:18 pablito ah ok
07:18 dcook's not necessarily recommended
07:18 dcook The recommended way, at least by librarians, would probably be to make a list of all your authors, and then either create authority records by hand or retrieve them by Z39.50
07:18 cait joined #koha
07:19 dcook Then you could try running that script to link them...and you might get some success.
07:19 dcook It depends on how much the bib record matches the authorized form
07:19 dcook Sorry for the data download, pablito ;)
07:19 pablito no, more info the better ;-)
07:21 pablito but suppose i have 30k+ biblios in koha already, is there an easy way to just "move" them over to authority?
07:24 paxed i'd probably try to normalize the author names a bit
07:24 dcook Yeah, paxed's idea is a good one
07:25 dcook I would try to clean up the author names, run "", then do clean-up as necessary.
07:25 dcook pablito: Which version of Koha are you using?
07:25 paxed (grab all authors, group them by all-lowercase, then use the spelling with the most uses, or something.
07:25 paxed )
07:26 dcook Of course, you'll want to change the MARCXML rather than the database tables.
07:27 pablito I'm using 3.14.06
07:27 dcook Cool. I think there is authority merging features in that
07:28 dcook Whew. Glad that I already ahd authority z39.50 servers set up on my test instance..
07:28 pablito so to normalize the author names, you are suggesting I do an SQL query?
07:28 * paxed used a perl script
07:28 * dcook would use a perl script
07:28 dcook You probably could technically use an SQL query as MySQL has some XML handling, but it's rather horrible.
07:28 pablito ah ok
07:28 * dcook would recommend a perl script
07:29 paxed "mysql has some xml handling" is like saying "emus are birds, so can fly"
07:29 dcook lol
07:29 dcook Pretty much
07:30 pablito haha
07:30 cait it's horrible whenever the field is repeated...
07:30 cait really... a space???
07:30 dcook ?
07:30 cait if you have repeated fields it ouputs it with a space between them
07:30 cait which for subjects or similar means the chances to divide them again are ...
07:31 cait sorry, still frustrated about a report i tried to write :)
07:31 pablito ah, so for example the 700 field which is often repeated would be a victim of this
07:31 dcook Fair enough. I knew a lot of frustration today and yesterday
07:31 paxed frustration is when it's friday, you should be live and in production on monday, and tour "main coder" won't come to work until 3pm, after everyone else has left for the weekend.
07:32 paxed s/tour/your/
07:32 pablito are there any available scripts to do export and clean-up, so to save me some time ;-)
07:32 dcook Ouch. That would be frustrating.
07:33 trendynick joined #koha
07:33 dcook It's 5:32 on a Friday and my wife is rather keen that I leave work :p
07:33 dcook pablito: Actually, in hindsight, I have a better idea than that "link_bibs_to_authorities" script for generating authorities
07:33 pablito do tell
07:34 dcook This might be helpful:[…]hers/
07:34 dcook I think I used it once...
07:34 dcook But I really need to get going!
07:34 dcook good luck
07:34 dcook Both pablito and paxed
07:34 dcook And cait!
07:34 dcook All the people!
07:34 * dcook goes and enjoys his Friday night
07:39 Viktor joined #koha
07:47 cait heh
07:51 pablito hi cait
07:51 pablito cait: how are you?
07:52 cait hi pablito - i am ok
07:52 cait how are you? did you get your record smerged?
07:52 pablito yes, i did in the DEV server
07:52 pablito thank you for the help
07:53 pablito imported the data a few months ago from bookcat, so slowly i'm cleaning it up
07:57 barton_a1ay joined #koha
07:58 markvandenborre joined #koha
08:03 paxed joined #koha
08:30 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #600: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 18 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/600/
08:33 chris_n joined #koha
08:37 jenkins_koha Starting build #601 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 8 hr ago)
08:41 Viktor joined #koha
08:43 paxed hm. interesting. the first time (after a conversion from our old, closed-source system) a book is checked in, the holding branch is not updated.
08:43 paxed checking the book again, the holding branch is updated correctly.
08:47 cait hm are the holding branches all set correctly?
08:47 cait like showing before the checkout?
08:50 paxed yes
08:55 paxed can't even do a jquery/css selector to alert the staffer to check it in again in that case.
08:55 paxed i so wish for more css classes, damnit.
08:58 Viktor joined #koha
09:01 * cait does too today
09:01 cait paxed: the first thing I'd check is the item data - it looks to me like the initial value might not be right - case sensitive, spaces.. something
09:04 cait i am trying to hide part of material type: line for a library - everything after the icon and the text for the icon
09:04 cait and i am not getting it right
09:05 cait Material type:  [icon] Continuing Resource; Format:  print ; Type of continuing resource:  series
09:05 * cait wishes very strongly for oleonard to be here...
09:05 cait oleonard?
09:05 wahanui oleonard is not really here.  He said so.  He did!
09:05 cait oleonard?
09:05 wahanui oleonard is not really here.  He said so.  He did!
09:05 cait oleonard?
09:05 wahanui well, oleonard is still here, if you just wish hard enough. or Koha's master UI designer
09:05 cait :)
09:21 paxed cait: afaics, the item data is correct.
09:21 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1826: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 6 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1826/
09:21 paxed i even compared the data from the conversion, after first checkin and the second checkin.
09:22 paxed only the timestamp changed. (and the holding branch after the 2nd checkin)
09:25 jenkins_koha Starting build #1827 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1796 4 days 9 hr ago)
09:27 cait paxed: weird
09:27 cait paxed: we saw very weird things when spaces accidentally were entered, those are sometimes not cleraly visible in sql, but that's really the only idea i have
09:28 paxed i compared the db entries with a hex editor.
09:28 cait very very weird
09:28 cait you just did 2 check ins? i don't see where a difference culd be there :(
09:29 paxed yeah. the first checkin the holding branch just doesn't update.
09:29 paxed the second checkin, it does. and all checking thereafter.
09:33 cait the only thing i can thik of is that something is not quite right with the migrated dta
09:34 cait does it happen when you add an item manually?
09:35 paxed right, that's my suspicion too - haven't tested that yet.
09:42 paxed yup, it doesn't happen for items created in koha itself. so, a conversion problem.
09:45 magnuse time to compare what is in the db for a migrated item vs a freshly created one :-)
09:45 vfernandes joined #koha
09:45 vfernandes Hi guys
09:46 paxed magnuse: well, i'll leave that to Kivilahti...
09:46 vfernandes it's possible to have a numbering pattern on serials module like "n.º 1 (1 Jun. 2014)"
09:46 vfernandes ?
09:47 magnuse paxed: lucky him :-)
09:51 paxed magnuse: well, he's the one responsible for the database and conversion.
09:54 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #601: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/601/
09:54 cait vfernandes: i think in newer versions... yes
09:54 cait i haven't tried that one specifically, but it has 3 variables... and you can configure the text it shows between, so it shoudl work
09:55 cait vfernandes: ah no it has 4
09:55 cait 1 1 jun 2014
09:55 cait that could be a problem, we can do 3 things for counters... but not 4 - it can do month names now
09:56 paxed i guess that date should be just one variable, and the date format defined separate for that variable.
09:57 vfernandes but only in 3.14 and 3.16 right?
10:02 jenkins_koha Starting build #602 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 9 hr ago)
10:02 cait vfernandes: i think it wouldn't work exactly like that in all versions
10:02 cait the month name is an option since 3.14 i think
10:03 vfernandes ok thanks cait
10:44 Viktor joined #koha
10:48 magnuse hiya Viktor, how's you hacking coming along?
10:48 Viktor Hi magnuse
10:48 Viktor It's coming along quite well.
10:49 Viktor I've got a fix for not seeing author on reserved books in opac.
10:50 Viktor cait helped me cut the code in half by fixing it so it worked as intended instead of (as I did) ad a new way to do it.
10:50 magnuse yay! Viktor++ cait++
10:50 Viktor So now it's just one line extra in :)
10:50 magnuse cool
10:50 Viktor I'm very happy :)
10:50 cait :)
10:50 magnuse next step is to set up git bz, then?
10:51 Viktor I guess so - but got a bit stuck on formatting with git too.
10:51 Viktor I don't know if I can use my install since it's not properly gitify. Might have to start a new install.
10:52 cait with git bz you won't need git format patch :)
10:52 Viktor Yay for that cait
10:52 cait Viktor: also send you a pm :)
10:59 bgkriegel_ joined #koha
11:04 bgkriegel joined #koha
11:18 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #602: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/602/
11:18 Viktor Hm. Git-bz seems to still depend on me having a working git install?
11:19 Viktor The gitify script and my install isn't quite on speaking terms. Maybe I should create a fresh VM and try again?
11:26 jenkins_koha Starting build #603 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 11 hr ago)
11:29 collum joined #koha
11:33 magnuse Viktor: you need to have you edits commited in a git repo
11:34 magnuse but git bz does not really care about gitify
11:34 magnuse that is more of convenient tool for viewing you changes in Koha (sort of)
11:36 Viktor Ok - so I don't have to get gitify working in order so submit with git-bz?
11:36 magnuse nope, that should not be necessary
11:37 Viktor Or could I even just attach the .pl file through the web interface while I'm trying to wrap my head around git and git-bz?
11:37 Viktor Great
11:38 magnuse nah, you need to submit a patch
11:42 Viktor Ok. I still have like two hours to fool around with this. Hoping to get it together :)
11:46 meliss joined #koha
11:47 magnuse Viktor: you'll get there! and don't be afraid to ask :-)
12:09 Viktor magnuse I kind of have to now that I've come this far don't I? :) Trying to set up a fresh clone to start over with since it seems git-bz still needs a directory with my checked out codebase and gitify split my install over two directories.
12:17 magnuse cool, might as well get it right :-)
12:20 NateC joined #koha
12:21 cait Viktor: maybe try without gitify and a classical git installation
12:21 cait you can still install koha-common, but then do a git checkout and run makefile
12:21 Viktor That would be these instructions?[…]evelopment_Server
12:21 cait hm i think so
12:22 cait probably more work setting up cronjobs and the like... later
12:22 cait hm i think gitify is good - just haven't really used it so far
12:23 cait hm the updat mulitple files to point to the kohaclone bit is a bit mysterious to me
12:23 Viktor I cloned a fresh Debian install so I can break things in many different ways without having to install the OS too every time :)
12:24 cait Viktor:  sounds good .)
12:28 tcohen joined #koha
12:28 tcohen @wunder cordoba, argentina
12:28 huginn tcohen: The current temperature in Bo Alto de San Martin, Cordoba City, Argentina is 14.0°C (9:25 AM ART on May 30, 2014). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 84%. Dew Point: 11.0°C. Pressure: 29.97 in 1015 hPa (Rising).
12:37 nengard joined #koha
12:42 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #603: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/603/
12:49 Dyrcona joined #koha
12:49 jenkins_koha Starting build #604 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 12 hr ago)
12:54 mtompset joined #koha
12:55 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1827: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 30 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1827/
12:55 mtompset Greetings, #koha nengard. :)
12:55 nengard greetings
12:56 mtompset Thought you might like to know that, nengard. ;)
12:56 nengard Yup, I'll test ASAP
12:56 nengard Got a bunch of meetings today
12:57 tcohen morning #koha
12:59 jenkins_koha Starting build #1828 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1796 4 days 13 hr ago)
13:00 kmlussier joined #koha
13:07 rambutan @wunder 64507
13:07 huginn rambutan: The current temperature in Wyatt Park, St Joseph, Missouri is 23.1°C (8:07 AM CDT on May 30, 2014). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 84%. Dew Point: 20.0°C. Pressure: 30.03 in 1017 hPa (Rising).
13:11 tcohen @later tell rangi I want to set a couple more jenkins nodes, for targeting different ubuntu/debian versions for master
13:11 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded.
13:12 magnuse tcohen++
13:12 magnuse @wunder boo
13:12 huginn magnuse: The current temperature in Bodo, Norway is 13.0°C (2:50 PM CEST on May 30, 2014). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 72%. Dew Point: 8.0°C. Pressure: 30.12 in 1020 hPa (Steady).
13:12 tcohen @later tell rangi i will of course provide them, need your help for setting jenkins to run on all of them each time
13:12 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded.
13:22 talljoy joined #koha
13:22 meliss joined #koha
13:23 laurence joined #koha
13:36 mtompset Greetings, tcohen.
13:37 mtompset Hmmm... nengard strange about that sign off.
13:37 nengard yeah
13:37 mtompset I think I saw a failed attachment for cbrannon yesterday from the sandbox too.
13:37 nengard I can do i the traditional way as well ...
13:37 nengard just wanted to try a sandbox
13:37 tcohen hi mtompset nengard
13:37 nengard hiya tcohen
13:38 nengard mtompset we might have found a bug! :)
13:38 mtompset Perhaps. :)
13:38 mtompset I hate finding those while working on bugs though. :(
13:40 Viktor Anyone who knows why gitify won't find /etc/apache2/sites-available/mykoha.bkp (no such file or directory). It's a file the script itself creates..
13:41 Viktor The install (on Debian) is easy going up until running the gitify script itself
13:57 mtompset I've never used gitify. I would bite the bullet and do git the "old" way. It will just take a lot longer to download, because of the size.
13:57 mtompset Thanks, nengard for the sign off. :)
13:58 nengard thanks for writing it!!
13:58 mtompset Would it be uncool to suggest a donation at this point in time? :)
14:00 Viktor Ok thanks mtompset - I think I'll have to look into a regular install with git.
14:02 laurence joined #koha
14:05 nengard mtompset how about my heartfelt thanks?? :)
14:05 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #604: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/604/
14:08 mtompset That will suffice. :)
14:13 jenkins_koha Starting build #605 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 14 hr ago)
14:34 bgkriegel joined #koha
14:55 rocio joined #koha
15:01 tgoat joined #koha
15:26 laurence left #koha
15:29 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #605: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/605/
15:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #606 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 15 hr ago)
15:48 tgoat joined #koha
15:56 reiveune bye
15:56 reiveune left #koha
15:58 nengard joined #koha
16:11 macbooka_ joined #koha
16:12 macbooka_ I'm having trouble with Koha connecting to an AD LDAP server; is there anyone here who could give me some tips?
16:13 cait left #koha
16:15 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1828: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1828/
16:15 macbooka_ Is this even the right place for questions? Can anyone direct me where I should go?
16:22 jenkins_koha Starting build #1829 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1796 4 days 16 hr ago)
16:23 tata joined #koha
16:23 tata Hello
16:23 tata everyone
16:23 wahanui everyone is doin' the hot new dance the Cracked Out Kitty Tail Shiver
16:23 tata wahanui can you help me please
16:23 wahanui tata: i don't know
16:23 tata why
16:24 tata :(
16:25 jcamins macbooka_: you might be better off sending an e-mail to the list. Not many people use AD.
16:25 jcamins tata: wahanui is a bot. If you ask your question, someone might be able to help you.
16:26 * paxed bets he knows what tata's question is.
16:26 macbooka_ jcamins: thanks
16:26 talljoy joined #koha
16:27 macbooka_ left #koha
16:27 tata m following this[…]ubuntu_-_packages tuturial to instalk koha
16:27 tata In this step sudo nano /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf
16:28 tata when I get the output of /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf
16:29 tata should I change this DOMAIN=""
16:29 tata with my domain ?
16:34 jcamins tata: I would think so. You can always try, and if you make a mistake, go back and correct it.
16:35 tata I have more than a week I am try
16:35 tata :(
16:35 jcamins packages?
16:35 wahanui packages is at
16:36 jcamins Between the guide you're looking at and the guide that wahanui just shared a link to, you should be able to find everything you need about setting up Koha using packages.
16:42 tata ok I am try
16:44 tata I understand i ought to change it
16:45 tata in the content of this file doesnt  # SQL file to load into new instances DEFAULTSQL=""  # Zebra global configuration variables ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT="marc21" ZEBRA_LANGUAGE="en" BIBLIOS_INDEXING_MODE="dom" AUTHORITIES_INDEXING_MODE="dom"  # Memcached global configuration variables USE_MEMCACHED="no" MEMCACHED_SERVERS="" MEMCACHED_PREFIX="koha_"
16:52 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #606: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 16 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/606/
16:53 cait joined #koha
17:00 jenkins_koha Starting build #607 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 16 hr ago)
17:04 tata hi
17:21 mtompset Just when I wanted to ask nengard_lunch a question too. :P
17:37 nengard mtompset i'm back
17:37 mtompset that was a short lunch.
17:38 mtompset I wanted to get your take on bug 10937.
17:38 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10937 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, philippe.blouin, In Discussion , Option to hide and group itemtypes from advanced search
17:39 mtompset Would you prefer the item types which are grouped to be listed individually or just the grouped category name?
17:42 mtompset Does the question make sense, nengard?
17:42 nengard jsut the grouped category name
17:43 nengard so if I have New DVD, Juvenile DVD and Adult DVD types cause I need 3 diff circ rules I just want patrons to be able to search for DVD cause that's all they care about
17:43 mtompset Something like that, yes.
17:43 nengard So the grouped category is what I / the library who suggested it wants
17:44 mtompset Okay... then what I put is good. The original author has told me he'll work on a test file for it, as I have requested. :)
18:15 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #607: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 14 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/607/
18:31 jenkins_koha Starting build #479 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
18:31 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #479: SUCCESS in 8 min 19 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/479/
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update images for OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update opacheader images
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacMainUserBlock image
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OPACMySummaryHTML image
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacNav image
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OPACSearchForTitleIn to remove tip about social network buttons
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacShowRecentComments image
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacAuthorities
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacAuthorities
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacTopissue image
18:31 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update SocialNetworks image
18:36 jenkins_koha Starting build #51 for job Koha_Docs_3.14.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
18:36 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs_3.14.x build #51: SUCCESS in 30 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]a_Docs_3.14.x/51/
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update images for OpacAddMastheadLibraryPulldown
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update opacheader images
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacMainUserBlock image
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OPACMySummaryHTML image
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacNav image
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OPACSearchForTitleIn to remove tip about social network buttons
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacShowRecentComments image
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacAuthorities
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacAuthorities
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update OpacTopissue image
18:36 jenkins_koha * Nicole C. Engard: update SocialNetworks image
18:42 jenkins_koha Starting build #608 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 18 hr ago)
19:05 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 12301: Remove warnings on translate scripts <[…]cb7b2280b9a81c64e> / Bug 12315: fix sending of duplicate advanced notices (and sending advanced notices... <[…]544e025355bcf94d4>
19:05 cait tcohen++
19:17 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 11014 - Slip Print Problem in Chrome <[…]79403a7616cb092e3>
19:37 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1829: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 15 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1829/
19:41 jenkins_koha Starting build #1830 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1796 4 days 19 hr ago)
19:42 trendynick joined #koha
19:46 gmcharlt tcohen++
19:47 meliss joined #koha
19:49 meliss joined #koha
19:52 cait joined #koha
19:55 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #608: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/608/
19:56 curtis joined #koha
20:03 bob joined #koha
20:04 faclib joined #koha
20:06 jenkins_koha Starting build #480 for job Koha_Docs (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:06 jenkins_koha Project Koha_Docs build #480: SUCCESS in 3 min 6 sec: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]ob/Koha_Docs/480/
20:11 jenkins_koha Starting build #609 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 20 hr ago)
20:23 rambutan bag = bdr
20:23 rambutan echo $BDR
20:23 rambutan bag
20:25 nengard left #koha
21:11 SherryS joined #koha
21:14 WNickC joined #koha
21:16 SherryS left #koha
21:22 paul_p joined #koha
21:24 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #609: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/609/
21:24 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 12315: fix sending of duplicate advanced notices (and sending advanced notices to wrong patron)
21:24 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 12301: Remove warnings on translate scripts
21:24 jenkins_koha * David Cook: Bug 11014 - Slip Print Problem in Chrome
21:24 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=12315 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , MTT FIX: Advanced notices are duplicated and not sent to the right patron
21:24 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=12301 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , translate script raised warnings with perl 5.18
21:24 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11014 major, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Stable , Slip Print Problem in Chrome
21:31 mtompset joined #koha
21:31 mtompset Greetings, #koha.
21:32 jenkins_koha Starting build #610 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 21 hr ago)
22:09 rambutan left #koha
22:18 mtompset Have a great day, #koha.
22:32 Dyrcona joined #koha
22:45 jenkins_koha Project master_maria build #610: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 13 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]master_maria/610/
22:52 jenkins_koha Starting build #611 for job master_maria (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #527 4 days 22 hr ago)
22:55 Dyrcona joined #koha
23:10 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #1830: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 29 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]Koha_master/1830/
23:10 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 12315: fix sending of duplicate advanced notices (and sending advanced notices to wrong patron)
23:10 jenkins_koha * Jonathan Druart: Bug 12301: Remove warnings on translate scripts
23:10 jenkins_koha * David Cook: Bug 11014 - Slip Print Problem in Chrome
23:10 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=12315 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , MTT FIX: Advanced notices are duplicated and not sent to the right patron
23:10 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=12301 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , translate script raised warnings with perl 5.18
23:11 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=11014 major, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Stable , Slip Print Problem in Chrome
23:15 jenkins_koha Starting build #1831 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #1796 4 days 23 hr ago)
23:23 tcohen joined #koha
23:45 tcohen @wunder cordoba, argentina
23:45 huginn tcohen: The current temperature in Bo Alto de San Martin, Cordoba City, Argentina is 15.2°C (8:45 PM ART on May 30, 2014). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 84%. Dew Point: 12.0°C. Pressure: 30.01 in 1016 hPa (Rising).

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