IRC log for #koha, 2013-07-14

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Time Nick Message
02:09 janPasi_ joined #koha
06:19 sivoais joined #koha
06:29 rangi evevning
06:45 cait joined #koha
06:58 rangi hi cait
06:58 cait hi rangi
06:59 rangi @wunder nzwn
06:59 huginn` rangi: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 9.0°C (6:00 PM NZST on July 14, 2013). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 66%. Dew Point: 3.0°C. Pressure: 29.80 in 1009 hPa (Rising).
07:02 cait @wunder Konstanz
07:02 huginn` cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 19.0°C (9:00 AM CEST on July 14, 2013). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 48%. Dew Point: 10.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Rising).
08:11 cait @later tell eythian - could you take a look at 8911 please and pass QA if it's ok?
08:11 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded.
09:52 cait @wunder Konstanz
09:52 huginn` cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 22.6°C (11:50 AM CEST on July 14, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 54%. Dew Point: 13.0°C. Pressure: 30.18 in 1022 hPa (Steady).
10:36 cait left #koha
11:04 cait joined #koha
12:07 paul_p joined #koha
12:46 drnoe_away left #koha
12:52 paul_p joined #koha
13:00 paul_p joined #koha
13:39 cait @wunder Konstanz
13:39 huginn` cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 25.8°C (3:35 PM CEST on July 14, 2013). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 43%. Dew Point: 12.0°C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1021 hPa (Steady).
13:47 pug joined #koha
13:47 pug left #koha
13:56 pug joined #koha
13:56 pug Hi folks
13:56 pug Its a Sunday  - all is silent?
13:58 jenkins_koha Starting build #158 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
14:33 BigRig_ joined #koha
14:39 pastebot joined #koha
14:41 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #158: SUCCESS in 43 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_3.10.x/158/
14:41 jenkins_koha Kyle M Hall: Bug 9541: make OPAC login page respect OPAC_CSS_OVERRIDE
14:41 huginn` Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9541 normal, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Pushed to Stable , Opac-user doesn't load correct CSS for multiple branches
14:43 jenkins_koha Starting build #159 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
15:08 cait joined #koha
15:20 cait pug: sundays are always silent
15:25 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #159: SUCCESS in 42 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_3.10.x/159/
15:25 jenkins_koha * Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel: Bug 9826 - Missing fields in MARC21 authority framework
15:25 jenkins_koha * Robin Sheat: Bug 10379: silence zebra rebuild cron when no instances are enabled
15:25 jenkins_koha * Magnus Enger: Bug 10379 - Followup: add koha-rebuild-zebra -q to the man page
15:25 jenkins_koha * Katrin Fischer: Bug 10474: Translate some English strings in German sample notices
15:25 huginn` Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9826 normal, P5 - low, ---, bgkriegel, Pushed to Stable , Missing fields in MARC21 authority framework
15:25 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10379 minor, P5 - low, ---, robin, Pushed to Stable , koha-rebuild-zebra gets noisy if no instances are defined
15:25 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10474 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Pushed to Stable , Translate some missed English strings in German sample notices
15:26 jenkins_koha Starting build #160 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
16:07 AmitG joined #koha
16:07 AmitG hi
16:07 wahanui privet, AmitG
16:07 AmitG heya wahanui
16:11 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #160: SUCCESS in 45 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_3.10.x/160/
16:11 jenkins_koha Jonathan Druart: Bug 10317: improve display when order receiving page is given an invalid invoiceid
16:11 huginn` Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=10317 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to Stable , Parcel should display a message when called with an nonexistent invoiceid
16:15 cait hi druthb :)
16:15 druthb hi, cait. :)
16:31 AmitG hi cait
16:31 AmitG hi druthb
16:39 cait hi AmitG
16:40 druthb Hi, AmitG. :)
20:38 edveal joined #koha
20:39 kathryn morning folks :)
20:41 cjh morning
20:41 kathryn hey cjh :)
20:42 cjh :)
20:43 cait good morning kathryn
20:44 kathryn evening cait, how're you?
20:44 cait i am fine thx :)
20:45 kathryn :)
20:45 cait how are you?
20:45 cait i heard it's quite cold?
20:46 kathryn WELL! I bought fresias today which are to me one of the best things about the cold months, but there is also a rather large winnie the pooh on my desk this morning!
20:47 kathryn it is quite cold - rain, hail, wind...
20:51 cait oh
20:51 cait how did winnie get there? :)
20:51 kathryn beats me!
20:51 cait hm maybe offer him cookies?
20:52 kathryn I have some choc chip cookies on had
20:52 kathryn *hand
20:52 cait that should work :)
20:52 kathryn work for what?
20:52 kathryn :)
20:53 kathryn maybe he'll tell me how he got here...
20:56 cait maybe... :)
20:58 jenkins_koha Starting build #161 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
21:04 sivoais joined #koha
21:17 bgkriegel joined #koha
21:23 bgkriegel @later tell dcook Bug 9458 is now in 3.10.x, less fancy than 3.12 but works well
21:23 huginn` bgkriegel: The operation succeeded.
21:29 cait bug 9458
21:29 huginn` Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9458 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, RESOLVED FIXED, Add sorting to lists
21:30 wizzyrea joined #koha
21:40 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #161: SUCCESS in 42 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_3.10.x/161/
21:40 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9458 - Add sorting to lists
21:40 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9458 - Add sorting to lists - QA Followup
21:40 huginn` Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9458 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, RESOLVED FIXED, Add sorting to lists
21:41 wizzyrea list sorting!
21:41 wizzyrea \o/
21:41 jenkins_koha Starting build #162 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
22:07 tcohen joined #koha
22:21 tcohen hi #koha
22:22 cait hi tcohen :)
22:22 cait good night all
22:22 tcohen good night
22:22 wahanui Don't go, tcohen. Stay a while. Stay forever.
22:22 tcohen cait
22:22 tcohen heh
22:22 tcohen any string patches? then hurry #koha, we are almost on string freeze
22:24 cait :)
22:24 cait i passed qa lots today
22:24 cait but not sure what will make it in
22:25 tcohen that's great cait, even if they don't make it
22:25 tcohen how was your weekend?
22:26 cait i hope they will sooner or later
22:26 cait quiet, just as I wanted it
22:26 cait :)
22:26 cait but now it's over and it's time to sleep :)
22:27 cait cya all later
22:27 cait tcohen: hope you had a nice weekend too!
22:27 cait left #koha
22:27 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #162: SUCCESS in 46 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_3.10.x/162/
22:27 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9458 - Add sorting to lists - QA Followup 2
22:27 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9458 - Add sorting to lists - QA Followup 3
22:27 jenkins_koha * Kyle M Hall: Bug 9458 - Add sorting to lists - QA Followup 4
22:27 huginn` Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9458 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, RESOLVED FIXED, Add sorting to lists
22:36 tcohen what's that testopia thing on bz?
22:36 wizzyrea not sure
22:37 tcohen my first thought was related to triggering stuff on jenkins
22:38 sivoais joined #koha
22:39 tcohen wahanui: testopia is[…]Bugzilla/Testopia
22:39 wahanui OK, tcohen.
23:19 papa joined #koha
23:28 sivoais joined #koha
23:33 wizzyrea hum, library thing reviews seem not to be working
23:41 BobB joined #koha
23:41 tcohen yay, a new 3.12 goes live :-D
23:44 sivoais joined #koha
23:56 dcook joined #koha
23:59 dcook morning #koha

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