IRC log for #koha, 2013-01-12

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:43 WaylonR joined #koha
02:48 NateC joined #koha
02:52 NateC left #koha
04:52 barriers joined #koha
05:46 trendynick joined #koha
06:05 cait joined #koha
06:30 trendynick joined #koha
07:29 zen987 joined #koha
07:34 zen987 hello guys, i have face some trouble. i try bulkimport using stage marc record and instead of using ISBN as record matching rule i want to use barcode. is it possible?
07:39 zen987 joined #koha
07:42 zen987 hello
08:14 barriers hey
09:07 shivendra joined #koha
09:49 mib_e6wopg joined #koha
09:50 mib_e6wopg were is Koha manual?
09:53 cait documentation?
09:53 wahanui rumour has it documentation is at
13:21 druthb_mobile joined #koha
13:33 trendynick joined #koha
14:19 barriers joined #koha
14:21 jcamins_away Koha manual is at
14:21 jcamins_away manual is at
14:21 jcamins_away manual?
14:21 wahanui manual is at
14:21 jcamins_away koha manual?
14:21 wahanui koha manual is at
14:39 cait hi jcamins_away :)
14:41 jcamins_away Hello.
15:41 mib_vczt1x joined #koha
17:18 cait1 joined #koha
19:18 jenkins_koha Starting build #252 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
19:33 jenkins_koha Starting build #43 for job Koha_3.10.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:20 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #252: SUCCESS in 1 hr 1 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/252/
20:20 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 9102 : Set HttpOnly on the CGISESSID cookie
20:20 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 8924: Some modules erroneously skipped by 00-load
20:20 jenkins_koha * mathieu.saby: Bug 8984: make Zebra more UNIMARC compliant
20:20 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9102 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , [SECURITY] We should set httponly on our session cookie
20:20 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8924 minor, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Stable , Some modules erroneously skipped by 00-load
20:20 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8984 normal, P5 - low, ---, mathieu.saby, Pushed to Stable , Zebra does not index some fields in UNIMARC biblio records
20:20 jenkins_koha Starting build #253 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:55 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.10.x build #43: SUCCESS in 1 hr 22 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.10.x/43/
20:55 jenkins_koha * Chris Cormack: Bug 9102 : Set HttpOnly on the CGISESSID cookie
20:55 jenkins_koha * jcamins: Bug 8924: Some modules erroneously skipped by 00-load
20:55 jenkins_koha * mathieu.saby: Bug 8984: make Zebra more UNIMARC compliant
20:55 jenkins_koha * dpavlin: Bug 9346 - acqui/ ignores exchange rates and destroys user data on page load
20:55 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 9141 - Untranslatable strings on "pay an amount..." page
20:55 jenkins_koha * martin.renvoize: Bug 9335 - humanMsg popups don't disapear in webkit browsers
20:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9102 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , [SECURITY] We should set httponly on our session cookie
20:55 jenkins_koha * stephane.delaune: Bug 8977:replace unitialized directory var in printoverdues
20:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8924 minor, P5 - low, ---, jcamins, Pushed to Stable , Some modules erroneously skipped by 00-load
20:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8984 normal, P5 - low, ---, mathieu.saby, Pushed to Stable , Zebra does not index some fields in UNIMARC biblio records
20:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9346 critical, P1 - high, ---, dpavlin, Pushed to Stable , acqui/ ignores exchange rates and destroys user data on page load
20:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9141 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , Untranslatable strings on "pay an amount..." page
20:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9335 minor, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Pushed to Stable , Message Log Popups don't disappear?
20:55 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8977 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Stable , call an uninitialized variable
21:15 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #253: SUCCESS in 55 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/253/
21:15 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 9141 - Untranslatable strings on "pay an amount..." page
21:15 jenkins_koha * martin.renvoize: Bug 9335 - humanMsg popups don't disapear in webkit browsers
21:15 jenkins_koha * stephane.delaune: Bug 8977:replace unitialized directory var in printoverdues
21:15 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9141 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , Untranslatable strings on "pay an amount..." page
21:15 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=9335 minor, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Pushed to Stable , Message Log Popups don't disappear?
21:15 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8977 normal, P5 - low, ---, gmcharlt, Pushed to Stable , call an uninitialized variable
21:27 talljoy joined #koha
21:49 RebeccaJ121 joined #koha
21:51 RebeccaJ121 Hello, I was wondering if I could ask a question regarding koha development? I'm doing a research project regarding open source software and I was wondering if anyone could tell me how many test cases are included with Koha?
21:52 jcamins_away RebeccaJ121: I'm not sure what you mean by that.
21:52 jcamins_away Do you mean unit tests?
21:52 rangi 11,486
21:53 cait1 heh
21:53 cait1 morning rangi
21:53 rangi on the master branch anyway
21:53 RebeccaJ121 Okay thanks! Any time estimate on how long that takes to run? I tried looking for test summaries but couldn't find any yet
21:54 cait1 jenkins?
21:54 wahanui it has been said that jenkins is far easier to move
21:54 cait1 hm
21:54 rangi depends entirely on your machine
21:54 jcamins_away jenkins is
21:54 jcamins_away jenkins?
21:54 wahanui jenkins is far easier to move
21:54 jcamins_away wahanui: forget jenkins
21:54 wahanui jcamins_away: I forgot jenkins
21:54 jcamins_away jenkins is
21:54 jcamins_away jenkins?
21:54 wahanui well, jenkins is
21:54 rangi less than 20 mins on my laptop
21:54 cait1 RebeccaJ121: under 5 mins on my machine, but it varies a lot I think
21:55 rangi jenkins runs a full install, and then all the tests
21:55 rangi and coverage reports
21:55 cait1 ah right, I do only run xt and t
21:55 jcamins_away About an hour for me to run all the unit tests, a package build, and six clean installs.
21:55 RebeccaJ121 Okay thanks. That's everything I need. Very helpful :)
21:56 rangi can i get a credit on your assignment? :)
21:56 jcamins_away Ooh! We can all get citations!
21:56 jcamins_away :P
21:57 RebeccaJ121 Haha
22:21 devap joined #koha
22:22 devap Hello - I'm a kohl newbie -- trying to figure out how to resolve this error:
22:22 devap Error message from Zebra: 10004
22:22 devap (ver
22:23 jcamins_away devap: what were you doing?
22:23 jcamins_away Searching?
22:23 wahanui Searching is probably not working
22:23 jcamins_away Indexing?
22:23 wahanui Indexing is done by Zebra.
22:23 jcamins_away Somethign else?
22:23 devap hitting the "about" screen: /cgi-bin/koha/
22:23 devap and yes, searching is not working
22:23 jcamins_away You got that error on the about page?
22:23 devap although zebra appears to be indexing fine.
22:24 devap yes - at the bottom of the about page.
22:24 devap Warning: Error message from Zebra: 10004
22:24 jcamins_away Huh. I never noticed that.
22:24 jcamins_away I suspect Zebra is not running.
22:25 jcamins_away Or is hung.
22:25 devap zebra is running.
22:25 devap I'll restart in case it's hung...
22:26 devap restarted, still no love.
22:29 jcamins_away The only thing I'm seeing that might give a clue is code from zebraqueue which handles that error.
22:29 jcamins_away However, zebraqueue_daemon doesn't exist in 3.11 at all.
22:29 devap The only thing I was able to find via Google was something about the Z39.50 libraries being hard-coded to not deal with a request/response over 1MB. But the post was from 2008 and the solution required recompiling z39.50, and possibly zebra...
22:29 jcamins_away Why are you using 3.11.00.*001*?
22:29 jcamins_away Yeah, I saw that too.
22:29 jcamins_away Do you have records that large?
22:30 devap No, I don't think so.
22:31 devap I just pulled the version for ubuntu 12.04 LTS from the apt-get repo
22:31 devap deb oldstable main
22:31 jcamins_away Hm.
22:31 devap and I ended up with -- should I try an earlier version?
22:31 jcamins_away That's odd.
22:31 jcamins_away The version on oldstable should be 3.8.8 or something like that.
22:32 jcamins_away Confirmed. The version in oldstable is 3.8.8.
22:32 devap Hmmm
22:33 devap maybe I installed it too many times, in too many ways (sometimes via apt-get, sometimes from source). Perhaps I need to clean house and install again...
22:33 jcamins_away Unfortunately, I fear that's the best I can suggest.
22:34 jcamins_away Something very weird happened to your system for you to end up with
22:34 devap what's the easiest way to remove *all* traces of koha ?
22:34 jcamins_away Well, if you had just used the packages, `sudo apt-get purge koha-common` would do it.
22:35 jcamins_away However, as you tried installing from the tarball and/or git as well, there's no easy way to do it.
22:35 devap I'm happy I finally got it to work under nginx w/out Apache, I thought maybe fastcgi was causing a problem, but I get the same error under Apache.
22:35 devap Yeah, I had a feeling you were going to say that :^(
22:35 devap My fault.
22:36 jcamins_away I'd say start with that command, then search for files named "*koha*" to see if you ended up with it installed anywhere else.
22:36 jcamins_away And make sure you back up your new configuration files!
22:36 devap Thanks -- I'll try getting back to 3.8.8 and see if that solves the problem.
22:36 devap Indeed -- the configs are precious at this point!
22:36 cait1 left #koha
22:36 devap since it's (mostly) working now.
22:36 jcamins_away Oh, wait!
22:36 devap k
22:36 jcamins_away FastCGI?
22:37 devap yes -- is that my problem?
22:37 jcamins_away (sorry, took me a moment to pick up on the clue)
22:37 jcamins_away I think you have a cached Zebra connection.
22:38 jcamins_away Try restarting Plack/Starman/whatever FastCGI daemon you're using.
22:38 jcamins_away Plack?
22:38 wahanui Plack is a FastCGI thingy that works with Koha. See for more information.
22:38 jcamins_away BTW, you know about that page, right? ^^
22:39 mib_vczt1x i want to contribute an installation guide for centos
22:39 jcamins_away mib_vczt1x: excellent!
22:39 devap I did see that, but must confess it was confusing...
22:39 jcamins I'm not really away at the moment.
22:39 jcamins mib_vczt1x: I'd suggest starting with a page on the wiki.
22:40 devap I'll try restarting fastcgi...
22:40 jcamins Once you're happy with what it looks like, you can submit a patch turning it into an INSTALL.centos file.
22:40 mib_vczt1x i did contribute some documentation fixup but i dont remember the process
22:40 jcamins git?
22:40 wahanui git is[…]Control_Using_Git
22:40 jcamins That page ^^ has a good tutorial on contributing via git.
22:40 mib_vczt1x ok ill do the wiki
22:41 jcamins If you just mean the process for editing the wiki, there's no process. Make whatever changes are needed. :)
22:41 jcamins devap: what are you using as a FastCGI host?
22:42 devap perl-fastcgi
22:42 devap on port 8999
22:42 mib_vczt1x ok after i do the wiki someone can do the git thingy
22:43 jcamins I suspect Perl-FastCGI doesn't like the way Koha stores state.
22:43 jcamins mib_vczt1x: or, even better, once you're satisfied with it we're happy to walk you through the process!
22:43 devap OK -- I'll try Plack.
22:43 jcamins I'd recommend it.
22:44 jcamins If, like me, you have an aversion to Apache, I'd recommend taking a look at the nginx/Starman configuration at the end.
22:44 jcamins That's what I'm using.
22:44 devap I got lost somewhere between place and Starman -- do I need them both? I'd like to keep nginx in front of everything.
22:44 jcamins Starman uses Plack.
22:45 devap OK -- thanks! I'll try that before I go back to 3.8.8 - maybe Plack will solve the problem.
22:45 devap Thanks for the lead!
22:45 jcamins Starman provides a threaded server environment, while Plack does not.
22:45 jcamins You're welcome.
22:45 devap so am I looking at nginx --> Starman --> koha ?
22:46 devap or nginx --> Starman --> Plack --> koha
22:46 jcamins nginx -> Starman/koha
22:46 devap Sorry -- I should have rtfm more closely...
22:46 devap Sweet!
22:46 devap Thanks!
22:56 jcamins Wow. USian cereal is disturbing.
22:56 jcamins I can't believe that we produce Collector's Edition sugar cereal.
22:56 jcamins And then export it half way around the world!
23:11 jcamins Incidentally, I got Koha running on my Raspberry Pi this morning, in case anyone was curious.
23:14 jcamins devap: I'm using nginx + Starman as recommended in the last section on the Plack page.
23:15 jcamins (FYI)
23:16 devap that's encouraging -- just finished installing plack/starman
23:16 devap testing now… (on port 5000)
23:16 devap then I'll move behind nginx...
23:18 jcamins Be aware that you might not have any CSS or images when accessing Starman directly.
23:19 jcamins I don't remember if I disabled Starman serving non-Perl files.
23:30 devap jcamins: proxy_pass  http://unix:/var/run/nginx/plack.sock;
23:31 devap I've never seen double protocols like that before!
23:31 devap http: AND unix: ???
23:31 devap at the same time?
23:31 jcamins Yup.
23:31 jcamins I still haven't worked out why.
23:31 jcamins But I can tell you empirically that that's how it works.
23:32 jcamins I shut down Zebra, didn't I?
23:32 jcamins Yes, I did.
23:43 qu-bit joined #koha

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