IRC log for #koha, 2012-09-15

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:26 brylie joined #koha
00:38 libsysguy joined #koha
01:35 brylie joined #koha
04:33 paul_p joined #koha
04:39 cait joined #koha
05:34 cait left #koha
05:41 drojf good morning #koha
05:47 huginn New commit(s) kohagit: Bug 8617 - Problem with display of comments waiting for moderation in OPAC <[…]740d573048b36a2fa> / Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/new/bug_7671' <[…]9a4441dcd2bfb3231> / Bug 7671 follow-up DBRev number <[…]web/?p=koha.git;a
05:50 mtompset joined #koha
05:51 mtompset Greetings, #koha. Is anyone here?
05:51 mtompset I have a *DEBIAN* repository question.
05:52 mtompset "E: Release file expired, ignoring {url} (invalid since 9h 28min 23s)"
05:53 mtompset I wasn't expecting this from a sudo apt-get update.
05:56 jenkins_koha Starting build #835 for job Koha_master (previous build: STILL UNSTABLE -- last SUCCESS #773 2 mo 12 days ago)
06:19 mtompset ls
06:19 mtompset Oops... wrong window. :)
07:02 jenkins_koha Project Koha_master build #835: STILL UNSTABLE in 1 hr 5 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]/Koha_master/835/
07:02 jenkins_koha * matted-34813: Bug 8378 - <fine> syntax not working on overdues anymore
07:02 jenkins_koha * dcook: Bug 8764 - Template change "Authors" to "Additional authors" in OPAC
07:02 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: bug 8768 correct an error in ItemType.t
07:02 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: bug 8768 correct an error in ItemType.t
07:02 jenkins_koha * stephane.delaune: Bug 7671 : add a real primary key accountlines_id in accountlines
07:02 jenkins_koha * Paul Poulain: Bug 7671 follow-up DBRev number
07:02 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8378 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Master , <fine> syntax not working on overdues anymore
07:02 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 8617 - Problem with display of comments waiting for moderation in OPAC
07:02 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8764 trivial, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Pushed to Master , Template change "Authors" to "Additional authors" in OPAC
07:02 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8768 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Master , t/ItemType.t fails because DBD::Mock has no empty result set
07:02 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=7671 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, stephane.delaune, Pushed to Master , add a real primary key "accountlinesid" in accountlines
07:02 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8617 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Master , Problem with display of comments waiting for moderation in OPAC
08:53 mbalmer joined #koha
10:37 LBA1 joined #koha
10:53 LBA1 joined #koha
10:53 mbalmer joined #koha
10:53 mtate joined #koha
10:53 thd-away` joined #koha
10:53 mtj joined #koha
10:53 Callender joined #koha
10:53 sijobl joined #koha
10:53 fredericd joined #koha
10:53 matts joined #koha
10:53 clrh joined #koha
10:53 liw joined #koha
10:53 slef joined #koha
10:53 rangi joined #koha
10:53 bshum joined #koha
10:53 pastebot joined #koha
10:53 alohalog` joined #koha
10:53 fredy joined #koha
10:53 magnuse joined #koha
10:53 gmcharlt joined #koha
10:58 mtate joined #koha
10:58 fredericd joined #koha
10:58 bshum joined #koha
10:58 magnuse joined #koha
11:27 mtompset joined #koha
11:27 mtompset Greetings, #koha.
14:28 wajasu joined #koha
14:37 wizzyrea joined #koha
16:58 jcamins_away Wow. Word of advice for anyone thinking of following that suggestion: don't.
17:04 mbalmer which suggestion?
17:08 jcamins_away mbalmer: switching the order of tabs in the header by changing the order of lines in the file rather than by using jQuery.
17:09 jcamins_away On a production machine, without any version control. If you're using version control which will allow you to merge your changes in, that's one thing.
17:18 libsysguy joined #koha
17:24 wizzyrea joined #koha
18:55 YoungPublicLibrarian joined #koha
18:56 YoungPublicLibrarian Hello everyone!
18:59 rangi hi YoungPublicLibrarian
19:06 YoungPublicLibrarian how is everyone this weekend?
19:06 jcamins_away Quiet, it would seem.
19:06 jcamins_away Hello, YoungPublicLibrarian.
19:07 rangi yep :) was a busy friday for a lot of people it seems
19:07 YoungPublicLibrarian Well I'll stir up some activity, if anyone wants to give me a hand.
19:08 jcamins We can try. :)
19:10 YoungPublicLibrarian I created a report to give me a specific libraries fines and fees (I know, you've heard that line before...) The problem is that it only gives me part of the patron's fines.
19:10 jcamins What does the report look like? You can use to share it.
19:11 YoungPublicLibrarian Say the patron has 10 instances of .20 cents each, the report may only show 5 - 6 instances of the fines...
19:11 jcamins I mean, what does the SQL look like, not the results, sorry. :)
19:11 pastebot "YoungPublicLibrarian" at pasted "SELECT b.surname, b.firstname," (17 lines) at
19:13 jcamins What was your thinking when you chose that GROUP BY?
19:14 YoungPublicLibrarian I actually just modified a report from the report library. So I don't know why that GROUP BY is used...
19:15 jcamins Which report did you use?
19:15 jcamins I guess I can search on that group by, which is quite... unusual.
19:16 jcamins Right... I have absolutely no idea why that group by is used, and I'm pretty sure it'll give you wrong results.
19:16 jcamins Change the GROUP BY to "GROUP BY b.borrowernumber"
19:16 wahanui jcamins: that doesn't look right
19:17 wahanui joined #koha
19:17 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay let me try that...give me a few minutes
19:21 drojf joined #koha
19:21 drojf good evening #koha
19:21 rangi hi drojf
19:21 drojf hey rangi :)
19:21 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, that definitely didn't work. Now it only gives me one fine for each patron...
19:21 * drojf just returns from a local library event
19:22 drojf there is more interest in koha hera than i anticipated :)
19:22 rangi excellent!
19:23 drojf and for some reason a lot of people thought i belong to the bsz (katrin's employer)
19:24 YoungPublicLibrarian Any other ideas Jcamins? I've tried several different modifications and they all have the same problem...
19:24 YoungPublicLibrarian The report is by Kyle M Hall btw.
19:24 jcamins YoungPublicLibrarian: yeah, I'm trying to figure out what it is you're trying to do with that report.
19:24 cait joined #koha
19:24 jcamins Could you please explain to me in words what you want?
19:24 drojf cait: erster :P
19:25 cait pf
19:25 rangi hey cait
19:25 cait hey rangi hey drojf
19:25 jcamins Hello.
19:25 cait drojf: long time no see...
19:25 rangi drojf: ppl have trouble with software that no one and everyone owns
19:25 drojf yes, it's a pity
19:25 rangi drojf: doesn't help that some vendors market it as if they owned it
19:25 cait oh
19:25 YoungPublicLibrarian I want the report to print out a line for each fine on a patron's account. I want be able to select patron's from one specific library.
19:25 cait talking about today?
19:26 YoungPublicLibrarian hello cait!
19:26 cait hi YoungPublicLibrarian
19:26 jcamins YoungPublicLibrarian: okay, so you want one line for each line, not one line for each patron?
19:26 drojf rangi: yup. and she was standing next to me ;) the concept of three people from different employers talking about the same software as kind of their own seems to be confusing
19:26 drojf cait: yes
19:26 jenkins_koha Starting build #171 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
19:27 rangi drojf: yes we found that at VALA in australia too, when it was us and Calyx sharing a stand
19:27 YoungPublicLibrarian correct. One line per fine in each patron's account. As many lines per account as needed to cover all fines for that particular patron
19:27 * cait felt a bit like the evil vendor
19:27 rangi lol
19:27 jcamins YoungPublicLibrarian: okay, in that case take out the GROUP BY entirely.
19:28 jcamins I thought you wanted a list of accounts at each library.
19:28 cait drojf: do I have to read the logs? :)
19:28 drojf cait: i came a minute before you
19:28 cait my feet are killing me
19:29 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, so just take out the GROUP BY?
19:30 jcamins Right.
19:30 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, give me a few minutes and I'll try that
19:35 cait joined #koha
19:36 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, that looks like it fixed the problem. I'll check more in depth and get back to you. But the initial test seems to have worked. Thank you so much!
19:36 jcamins You're welcome.
19:36 YoungPublicLibrarian I've been fighting with that report for the last 6 weeks!
19:37 cait rangi: yeah, lots of people getting confused by free but not gratis too I think :(
19:37 cait but apart from that, lots of interest
19:37 rangi jcamins: bug 8071
19:37 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8071 blocker, P1 - high, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Master , link beween bib and authorities with the authid
19:37 rangi needed in 3.8.x?
19:37 jcamins You probably know this, but you can open a ticket with ByWater for that sort of thing. That's what you're paying them for! (ByWater is supporting you, right? I used to think you were being supported by Libeo, but I think someone said you were a ByWater partner)
19:37 cait and was great to be 2 people talking about Koha :)
19:37 jcamins Let me check.
19:37 cait drojf++
19:37 rangi cait: that happens the world over
19:38 drojf heh
19:38 drojf cait++
19:38 rangi do they have presentations and stuff there?
19:39 * rangi works on a plan to be able to visit berlin sometime
19:39 cait heh
19:39 jcamins Yes.
19:39 cait there was talk about having a workshop here ;)
19:39 rangi jcamins: thanks
19:40 cait rangi: where is there? :)
19:40 YoungPublicLibrarian Jcamins, Bywater is supporting us. But our library consortium does not want us to submit too many tickets because they don't like spending money...
19:40 drojf rangi: how good is your german? :)
19:40 rangi drojf: as good as your maori :)
19:40 drojf rangi: i'm afraid english seems to quite frightening to more people than i thought
19:40 drojf but maybe maori will work
19:41 rangi ahh there goes that plan :)
19:41 rangi maybe cait could interpret
19:41 * cait volunteers to be your simultan translator
19:41 rangi hehe
19:41 drojf :)
19:41 rangi yep, irma did that for me when i spoke in paris
19:41 cait i will make up something for the maori parts tho ;)
19:42 drojf cait: something swabian
19:42 cait ah
19:42 cait i am afraid, I don't talk dialect
19:42 drojf why?
19:43 cait don#t know
19:43 jcamins YoungPublicLibrarian: I was under the impression that ByWater offered unlimited support, but I'm glad I could help.
19:43 cait ask my parents
19:44 YoungPublicLibrarian Well that's what I understood...but the board of directors seem to think differntly, so we have to ask a couple IT technicians within the consortium for help first. If, after several attempts (and weeks), they can't figure it out then we're allowed to contact Bywater...
19:45 drojf rangi: but seriously i hope we will see some positive developments here, so maybe importing you for some kind of event is not something that could actually happen one day. i would certainly like that
19:46 drojf err. IS something that could happen. long day
19:46 mbalmer joined #koha
19:46 rangi :)
19:47 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, Jcamins...there is another problem with the report that I just found. It is only printing out "system" added fines. Any fines/fees that were manually added are not being picked up by the report...
19:47 cait importing_rangi++ :)
19:48 jcamins YoungPublicLibrarian: not sure what that's about, sorry.
19:48 drojf cait: i am really thinking of doing hands-on installation at that workshop if there are people considering self-hosting.
19:48 drojf or is that too crazy?
19:48 rangi not crazy at all
19:48 drojf i'm not really sure of what a timeframe he was thinking
19:48 cait drojf: maybe have 2 sessions
19:49 cait for some it might be hard... although ti would be fun
19:49 cait but not sure everyone can bring a laptop/computer
19:49 rangi one thing we did once at katipo, was say bring your laptop to our stand, we'll get a running koha on it for you
19:49 rangi that was in 2002
19:49 cait he said this winter
19:49 drojf cait: the bsz could provide 20 testservers :P
19:49 rangi install was both easier and harder then
19:49 cait I said maybe better push it next year
19:49 rangi but my record was 8 minutes
19:49 cait but he said better not wait too long because we got it started now
19:49 cait so should continue soon
19:49 jcamins drojf: not crazy, but you need to make sure that everyone has a computer, and that you have backup plans for those people who finish in five minutes with a two hour session.
19:50 cait drojf: you can try and sell uli on that ;)
19:50 drojf cait: yes, this winter... i meant how long the workshop would be ;)
19:50 cait oh
19:50 cait not usre
19:50 cait depends on te progamme I gues
19:50 cait s
19:51 drojf jcamins: yes, i guess it could only be an addon for those really interested. like "stay a second day, get a koha to go"
19:51 cait koha to go
19:51 cait nice
19:51 cait can I get that on a cup? :)
19:51 rangi a fun thing to do
19:51 rangi also
19:51 drojf rangi: that is cool
19:51 rangi is you know how lots of the crappy vendors do
19:51 rangi 'give us your details and go in a draw to win an ipad'
19:51 rangi type things?
19:52 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, no problem Jcamins...I'll continue working on it...
19:52 rangi we once did
19:52 mbalmer joined #koha
19:52 rangi 'you don't need to give us anything, we'll still give you an ILS'
19:52 rangi promotion
19:53 * rangi likes annoying the other vendors
19:53 * drojf likes rangi's approach
19:53 jcamins rangi: that's pretty awesome.
19:53 rangi i also had a 'who owns your data' tshirt
19:53 drojf that would be something for the german librarian day. lots of commercial craziness
19:54 rangi that was fun to go stand by sirsi/dynix stand
19:54 rangi wearing it
19:54 drojf hahahaha
19:54 magnuse rangi++
19:54 mbalmer drojf, when is that?
19:55 drojf mbalmer: don't know, next year somewhen. i've only been there last year when it was in berlin. ex libris was main sponsor
19:57 drojf mbalmer: thanks a lot for the sweets from switzerland by the way! cait gave them to me
19:58 mbalmer heh, I hope you like them!
19:58 cait rangi
19:58 cait rangi++
19:59 drojf mbalmer: very tasty actually!
20:03 rangi ok 10 more bugs to check and maybe push, but thats enough for a sunday morning
20:03 jcamins rangi++
20:04 rangi a blocker and 2 criticals fixed
20:04 cait nice
20:04 cait mbalmer: march
20:04 cait in leipzig next year
20:04 rangi oh
20:04 rangi kristina was just there
20:05 mbalmer mmm, leipzig, that is a very beatiful location
20:05 * cait hopes there will be a koha presentation...
20:05 * mbalmer could do one ;)
20:05 rangi 3.8.5 will contain at least 2 blocker fixes and 6 critical fixes, maybe more
20:06 drojf leipzig is conveniently close. i'll come to cheer if somebody talks about koha. and brings sweets
20:07 cait :)
20:07 mbalmer I can do a nice talk (it was very well received in constance), but I have no clue where to submit it.
20:08 drojf i think there is no call for papers yet
20:08 jcamins mbalmer: what was your talk on? (Koha, of course, but what aspect?)
20:09 mbalmer open source, what that is and what it means wrt Koha
20:11 mbalmer so not a Koha sales talk, neither what Koha has to offer, but about the community, the process, etc.
20:12 jcamins Ah.
20:13 jcamins The important stuff. :)
20:13 mbalmer yes, what makes Koha different from other ILSs
20:20 YoungPublicLibrarian Anyone else wanna take a stab at helping me with this report?
20:29 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #171: SUCCESS in 1 hr 2 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/171/
20:29 jenkins_koha colin.campbell: Bug 8017 reduce manipulation of GetAllIssues return
20:29 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8017 minor, P4, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Stable , Remove unnecessary processing on return of GetAllIssues
20:30 jenkins_koha Starting build #172 for job Koha_3.8.x (previous build: SUCCESS)
20:31 cait drojf++ for good measure
20:32 drojf ?? what did i do?
20:32 cait lots today
20:46 YoungPublicLibrarian Okay, signing off to get to work on this here report. By all!
21:24 cait time to sleep :)
21:26 cait left #koha
21:31 jenkins_koha Project Koha_3.8.x build #172: SUCCESS in 1 hr 1 min: http://jenkins.koha-community.[…]b/Koha_3.8.x/172/
21:31 jenkins_koha * oleonard: Bug 8730 - browse overlaying powered by
21:31 jenkins_koha * adrien.saurat: Bug 8719: Private lists always sorted by title
21:31 jenkins_koha * fridolyn.somers: Bug 8071: link between bib and authorities with the authid
21:31 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: Bug 8656 Calendar needs to load both exception and nonexception dates
21:32 jenkins_koha * colin.campbell: Bug 8418: load repeating holidays hash correctly
21:32 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8730 minor, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to Stable , browse overlaying powered by
21:32 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8719 normal, P5 - low, ---, adrien.saurat, Pushed to Stable , Private lists always sorted by title (even when author or date is selected)
21:32 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8071 blocker, P1 - high, ---, fridolyn.somers, Pushed to Stable , link beween bib and authorities with the authid
21:32 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8656 major, P1 - high, ---, colin.campbell, Pushed to Stable , Koha::Calendar not loading both sets of special dates
21:32 huginn Bug[…]w_bug.cgi?id=8418 critical, P1 - high, ---, koha-bugs, Pushed to Stable , Koha::Calendar is_holiday ignores all user data
21:48 Irma joined #koha
23:50 tcohen joined #koha

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