Time |
S |
Nick |
Message |
12:00 |
chris |
i helped out? |
12:00 |
Brooke |
all the time |
12:00 |
chris |
ahh :) cool thanks |
12:01 |
Brooke |
virtual chocs can be delivered from anywhere to anywhere else |
12:01 |
Brooke |
no nut allergies, too :) |
12:03 |
chris |
hehe |
12:03 |
Brooke |
dumb question |
12:03 |
chris |
fire away |
12:04 |
[K] |
*** join #koha FreeNode: rangi n=nchris 203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz |
12:04 |
Brooke |
how do I look at Book Funds? I'm clicking the little 100 and 101 for ALLCOM and Others over at the Liblime demo, and that seems to go over to an add screen. |
12:05 |
chris |
ahh you want to see what has been spent in the bookfund instead? |
12:05 |
Brooke |
yeah where do I need to clickerate for that |
12:05 |
chris |
i think those templates dont have that set up |
12:06 |
Brooke |
d'oh |
12:06 |
chris |
lemme find a page that does and check its what you are after |
12:06 |
chris |
and if so, then we can make put that on the todo list for the npl templates |
12:06 |
Brooke |
hi jaro |
12:06 |
Brooke |
n |
12:08 |
jaron |
hiya, Brooke |
12:08 |
chris |
hi jaron |
12:08 |
jaron |
hi chris |
12:08 |
Brooke |
how's it going? |
12:09 |
jaron |
not so bad. |
12:09 |
jaron |
what brings you to #koha Brooke? |
12:10 |
jaron |
I don't know that I've seen you around |
12:10 |
Brooke |
I figured that I'm single handedly helping depression in New Zealand >:) |
12:10 |
chris |
brooke is our excelllent writer of the excellent Koha newbie guide |
12:10 |
jaron |
great! |
12:10 |
jaron |
Brooke |
12:10 |
jaron |
Brooke++ |
12:10 |
jaron |
documentation++ |
12:10 |
Brooke |
You guys have added so many features |
12:11 |
Brooke |
that the docs are WAY behind |
12:11 |
chris |
Brooke: http://photos.bigballofwax.co.[…]hp?g2_itemId=9439 |
12:11 |
Brooke |
and folks are asking me all manner of newfangled question |
12:11 |
chris |
and if you click on the spent column for one of them you end up at |
12:11 |
chris |
http://photos.bigballofwax.co.[…]hp?g2_itemId=9442 |
12:11 |
chris |
is that what you were meaning? |
12:12 |
Brooke |
yeah |
12:12 |
Brooke |
those details lurked in my misty memory |
12:12 |
Brooke |
but there was an error between the chair and the mouse |
12:12 |
chris |
cool, yep i think those links are missing in the npl templates |
12:13 |
Brooke |
I swear I'm not just trying to create work |
12:13 |
chris |
dont spose either of you guys are going to library camp eh? |
12:13 |
Brooke |
Library camp you say? |
12:13 |
jaron |
I'm not going |
12:13 |
chris |
http://librarycampnyc.wikispaces.com/ |
12:13 |
chris |
ill be there |
12:14 |
Brooke |
nutty fudgekins, registration is booked |
12:14 |
chris |
doh i should have asked sooner |
12:15 |
chris |
where do you live brooke? |
12:15 |
Brooke |
real close in Albany |
12:16 |
Brooke |
world tour! |
12:16 |
jaron |
anything going on in Philly? |
12:16 |
chris |
athens ohio :) |
12:16 |
Brooke |
shhhh |
12:16 |
Brooke |
we'll have Greece soon |
12:16 |
chris |
cheesesteaks jaron |
12:17 |
Brooke |
It's an easy invasion from Italy. >:) |
12:17 |
jaron |
they've been in the news lately--cheesesteaks |
12:17 |
chris |
Brooke:got an invite to do a paper for a greek library conference :) |
12:18 |
chris |
jaron: you on facebook? |
12:18 |
jaron |
nope--why? |
12:18 |
chris |
if so i can send you a link to something going down near philly |
12:21 |
chris |
:) |
12:30 |
chris |
hmm i wonder whats for breakfast .. what do you americans eat donuts and coffee? :P |
12:32 |
jaron |
I'd prefer a bagel if I was going to have something round with a hole in the middle |
12:32 |
chris |
good suggestion |
12:32 |
jaron |
have you been to the States much? |
12:32 |
chris |
yeah, my wife is from Pittsburgh originally |
12:32 |
jaron |
I'm from the 'Burgh myself |
12:33 |
chris |
oh cool |
12:33 |
chris |
shes from west view |
12:33 |
jaron |
well, to the east |
12:33 |
jaron |
Penn Hills and Monroeville |
12:33 |
chris |
ohh cool |
12:34 |
chris |
we get back to pgh usually once every couple of years |
12:34 |
jaron |
that's about how often I get back there |
12:35 |
jaron |
now that I go back I see that it's not such a bad place in a lot of ways |
12:35 |
jaron |
when I was younger all I wanted to do was get out of there |
12:35 |
chris |
yeah i quite like it |
12:35 |
kados |
mornin |
12:35 |
chris |
yeah, laurel and her brothers were the same |
12:35 |
jaron |
Warhol, too :) |
12:36 |
jaron |
hi, kados |
12:41 |
chris |
jaron:: i saw the steelers play the browns in cleveland once, i think the fact i was an nzer was the only thing that saved me from being beaten up for cheering for the steelers :) |
12:41 |
jaron |
heh |
12:50 |
chris |
ok off to get some food |
15:04 |
foxnorth |
hi all... |
15:04 |
foxnorth |
kados around? |
15:05 |
kados |
hey foxnorth |
15:05 |
dewey |
foxnorth is the programmer working on the new cataloging app for google summer of code |
15:05 |
foxnorth |
hey kados |
15:05 |
foxnorth |
just reading through your emai-- i like your ideas |
15:05 |
kados |
sweet |
15:05 |
foxnorth |
i'm not clear though how you envision the tabs working-- |
15:06 |
foxnorth |
do you see just two tabs total, one for work stuff and one for options? |
15:06 |
foxnorth |
or do you envision tabs within that work module for searching etc (kind of like now), and then another main options tab? |
15:07 |
kados |
well ... good question |
15:07 |
kados |
y'know, I'm not sure what the function if the second-level tabs (kind of like now) are |
15:07 |
kados |
s/if/of/ |
15:08 |
kados |
I guess just that you can have several things going on at once? |
15:08 |
kados |
was there a plan to make interaction between tabs possible at some point? |
15:08 |
foxnorth |
right...so you can have a couple of records open if you want to, to compare |
15:08 |
[K] |
*** join #koha FreeNode: darcilicious n=plinkit |
15:08 |
foxnorth |
ah that's a good point, i hadn't thought of that exactly |
15:08 |
foxnorth |
hhhm |
15:08 |
jaron |
is that comparing in like a split view? |
15:08 |
kados |
well, if we want to do a split view, that should be a feature |
15:09 |
foxnorth |
a split view would work better in this case, you guys are right |
15:09 |
kados |
ie, you select one or more records, put them into the 'split view' folder |
15:09 |
foxnorth |
interesting idea |
15:09 |
kados |
then you go into that folder and look at them, merge fields, etc. |
15:09 |
foxnorth |
and maybe use something like your marc diff program jaron? |
15:09 |
jaron |
I've done something like diff for my ruby script |
15:09 |
foxnorth |
right- that's a very cool idea |
15:10 |
kados |
chris also wrote a side-by-side merge thing for the koha marc editor |
15:10 |
jaron |
but gui could make it much better |
15:10 |
kados |
*nod* |
15:10 |
foxnorth |
interesting |
15:10 |
foxnorth |
hhmm.... |
15:10 |
foxnorth |
i guess i had originally envisioned being able to have multiple record tabs open, but i think you guys might have a better idea here... |
15:10 |
kados |
but i think the main thing now is, we need to take a step back and look at the overall ui design and workflows |
15:11 |
foxnorth |
after all, switching between tabs isn't too great |
15:11 |
foxnorth |
yeah i agree |
15:11 |
jaron |
can I take a look at what you've got so far? |
15:11 |
foxnorth |
definately! |
15:11 |
jaron |
priv msg if you want |
15:11 |
kados |
done |
15:12 |
kados |
foxnorth: so what I'd say is, we have three tabs: search' 'edit' and 'options' |
15:12 |
foxnorth |
uh huh |
15:12 |
kados |
if you click on 'edit' without doing a search, you can make a new record |
15:12 |
foxnorth |
would have to make that explicit |
15:12 |
kados |
actually, maybe we shouldn't have an edit tab |
15:13 |
foxnorth |
but that would work and be simpler than current approach |
15:13 |
kados |
that'd be kinda confusing actually |
15:13 |
foxnorth |
right- where would we stick the editor, though, if we have just 1 work tab? |
15:13 |
jaron |
search should happen with an [ENTER] in the search box, btw. |
15:13 |
foxnorth |
yeah, you're right |
15:13 |
kados |
jaron: yea, that's on the list :-) |
15:14 |
kados |
*thinking* |
15:14 |
foxnorth |
the editor needs to be full screen and take up enough room to see it... |
15:14 |
kados |
absolutely |
15:14 |
foxnorth |
so the preview panel wouldn't be big enough |
15:14 |
kados |
well, lets take zimbra |
15:14 |
foxnorth |
i've got it open now |
15:14 |
kados |
when you're reading a message, you don't see the list of messages |
15:14 |
foxnorth |
is that right? |
15:14 |
kados |
when you're making a new message, you don't see the list of messages |
15:14 |
kados |
it's contextual |
15:15 |
kados |
which I think makes a lot of sense |
15:15 |
kados |
cuz you're really only ever doing one thing |
15:15 |
foxnorth |
can you dbl click message to view it? can't seem to do that |
15:15 |
kados |
ahh, do you have your preview pane on? |
15:15 |
foxnorth |
i see it in the preview pane only |
15:15 |
foxnorth |
yeah |
15:15 |
kados |
well click on 'reply' |
15:16 |
kados |
you'll see the list of messages goes away |
15:16 |
foxnorth |
aaah |
15:16 |
kados |
I guess for reading, you don't need the list to go away |
15:16 |
foxnorth |
that makes more sense |
15:16 |
foxnorth |
ok well this is a good example of how to do it |
15:16 |
foxnorth |
just clicking edit button opens it up like this or something |
15:16 |
kados |
*nod* |
15:16 |
foxnorth |
and closing returns you to search list and preview |
15:16 |
kados |
exactly |
15:16 |
jaron |
what's a good search? I get search completed but to results :( |
15:17 |
kados |
jaron: xml |
15:17 |
foxnorth |
and record list can change depending on whether you click search results folder or save folder over at left |
15:17 |
foxnorth |
try xml as keyword |
15:17 |
kados |
foxnorth: yea |
15:17 |
kados |
foxnorth: that'd be quite trick I think |
15:17 |
foxnorth |
jaron: i don't *think* "console not defined" errors should be popping up |
15:17 |
kados |
and each server can be represented as a 'folderish' object |
15:17 |
foxnorth |
right that's a great idea |
15:17 |
kados |
ie, it changes the view |
15:17 |
foxnorth |
as well as save files |
15:18 |
jaron |
yeah, you definitely want to associate hit with servers |
15:18 |
foxnorth |
and you just have 1 current search open at a time |
15:18 |
kados |
jaron: it does already |
15:18 |
jaron |
if I get a record from a good source I do less editing than some other sources |
15:18 |
foxnorth |
right |
15:18 |
kados |
jaron: look at the left-hand ... but it's just text for now |
15:18 |
jaron |
I'm still not getting any records to show up :( |
15:18 |
foxnorth |
arg |
15:18 |
foxnorth |
can you install/open firebug? |
15:18 |
kados |
might need to delete your google gears directory |
15:18 |
kados |
er ... the db for eowyn |
15:19 |
kados |
bbiab |
15:19 |
foxnorth |
jaron: could be there's an error which i thought i had fixed- if you check in firebug we can nail it down |
15:20 |
foxnorth |
jaron: just checked on mine |
15:20 |
foxnorth |
jaron: it is this debugging i have on |
15:21 |
foxnorth |
jaron: hang on 1 sec while i change that |
15:21 |
jaron |
k |
15:22 |
foxnorth |
jaron: sorry- try refreshign whole app now |
15:22 |
foxnorth |
jaron: should work |
15:22 |
foxnorth |
jaron: my fault for updating but not turning off debugging |
15:22 |
jaron |
ok, now it works--thanks |
15:23 |
foxnorth |
there actually should be a paging bar (records 1 of 40...) which apparently isn't displaying :( |
15:23 |
foxnorth |
i need to put that at the top of the list i think |
15:23 |
foxnorth |
brb |
15:26 |
jaron |
hmmm...up and down arrows skip over records in the results |
15:26 |
foxnorth |
jaron: hhm lemme try that |
15:26 |
foxnorth |
jaron: hhm doesn't seem to be skipping for me, but preview panel doesn't get updated |
15:26 |
foxnorth |
strange |
15:27 |
jaron |
and then I want to just hit enter to edit the highlighted record |
15:27 |
jaron |
other little interface issues, but just quibbles right now :) |
15:27 |
foxnorth |
good idea |
15:27 |
foxnorth |
all is welcome! |
15:28 |
foxnorth |
jaron: did you check the editor out? |
15:29 |
jaron |
and I'm happy with the present layout of results and tabs for editing as long as I can use keystrokes to navigate between tabs |
15:29 |
foxnorth |
uh huh |
15:29 |
jaron |
yeah, some fields get cut off the bottom by the status bar |
15:29 |
foxnorth |
yeah, that's no good |
15:30 |
foxnorth |
and there's still a lot of whitespace in the editor, isn't there? |
15:30 |
foxnorth |
tags could be closer spaced vertically i think |
15:30 |
jaron |
yeah, it seem sthe indicators take up more than one line height |
15:30 |
foxnorth |
fixed field editor still looks a little jumbled |
15:30 |
jaron |
though it's good that they're narrower now :) |
15:30 |
jaron |
yes, it does |
15:31 |
jaron |
that's a difficult one because you don't want line breaks if you want to keep the same layout as other bib tools |
15:32 |
foxnorth |
yeah |
15:32 |
foxnorth |
and i wanted to keep subfields all together within a tag like other programs |
15:32 |
foxnorth |
instead of breaking them out vertically or something |
15:33 |
jaron |
I do like the subfield coloring |
15:33 |
foxnorth |
cool i really wanted that |
15:33 |
foxnorth |
hard enough to read tags as it is |
15:33 |
jaron |
for some reason when I click to edit a field the font gets smaller? |
15:33 |
foxnorth |
yeah it does- it's opening up a little wysiwyg html editor in there |
15:34 |
foxnorth |
need to fix that of course |
15:34 |
jaron |
i wonder if it'd be good to be more compact and have zebra stripes |
15:34 |
foxnorth |
if we stick with this editor implementation |
15:34 |
foxnorth |
yeah, zebra stripes are a good idea |
15:34 |
foxnorth |
what else would you look for in an editor? |
15:34 |
jaron |
allows the lines to be closer together and still tell what belongs to what |
15:34 |
foxnorth |
i personally am a huge fan of keystrokes |
15:34 |
foxnorth |
yeah |
15:35 |
jaron |
I don't want to click between fields to edit them I definitely want keyboard control it's faster |
15:35 |
foxnorth |
as well as updating things like 260 |c from fixed field Date1 |
15:35 |
foxnorth |
agreed |
15:35 |
foxnorth |
i definately want that too |
15:35 |
foxnorth |
can't stand mouse when cataloging |
15:36 |
jaron |
have you thought about scripted or macro-like changes? might be getting ahead of things |
15:36 |
foxnorth |
definately |
15:36 |
jaron |
good |
15:36 |
foxnorth |
i'd like to allow plugins to do stuff like that |
15:36 |
jaron |
nice |
15:36 |
foxnorth |
make the editor as flexible and scriptable as possible |
15:36 |
foxnorth |
this is always what i strived for when cataloging! |
15:37 |
foxnorth |
with macros and such |
15:37 |
jaron |
try clicking in the editor on a field that has more than one line--ie wraps |
15:37 |
jaron |
I can't do it right now |
15:37 |
jaron |
won't give focus to that field |
15:37 |
foxnorth |
really... |
15:37 |
foxnorth |
i just managed it |
15:38 |
foxnorth |
could be these little wysiwyg editors misbehaving |
15:38 |
foxnorth |
i've had some misgivings about them |
15:38 |
foxnorth |
adn i'm not certain we should stick with them |
15:38 |
foxnorth |
could be better to have 1 big wysiwyg editor |
15:38 |
foxnorth |
and then parse fields to extract marc after |
15:38 |
foxnorth |
instead of having individual divs for each tag etc |
15:38 |
foxnorth |
not sure |
15:38 |
jaron |
perl has marcmaker/breaker that could do that |
15:38 |
jaron |
only problem is you would probably loose context sensitive help |
15:39 |
foxnorth |
that's right |
15:39 |
foxnorth |
which is 1 reason i split them up |
15:39 |
foxnorth |
that, and being able to drag/drop as well |
15:39 |
foxnorth |
it's a dilemma... |
15:40 |
foxnorth |
did you manage to get that multi line thing to focus? |
15:40 |
jaron |
in the best world you would have a choice |
15:40 |
foxnorth |
heh |
15:40 |
foxnorth |
well, that could be done |
15:40 |
jaron |
no. it puts focus on the line above or below |
15:40 |
foxnorth |
ah hah |
15:40 |
jaron |
call it the experts editor |
15:40 |
foxnorth |
haven't encountered that |
15:40 |
foxnorth |
hhmm |
15:41 |
jaron |
seems to only happen when there are more than one lines with wraps in a row? |
15:41 |
foxnorth |
interesting |
15:41 |
foxnorth |
lemme try on a diff record |
15:41 |
jaron |
XML Schema Essentials |
15:41 |
jaron |
the 856 lines |
15:42 |
foxnorth |
that's just what i've got open |
15:42 |
foxnorth |
but it's working for me |
15:42 |
foxnorth |
but i think these things may be a little flaky |
15:42 |
jaron |
do the 856 lines wrap for you? |
15:42 |
jaron |
try a narrower browser window |
15:43 |
foxnorth |
actually no, just the 505 |
15:43 |
foxnorth |
ah wait |
15:43 |
foxnorth |
just clicked one and only the top focuses |
15:43 |
foxnorth |
doh |
15:43 |
foxnorth |
the problem is they've all got the same id! |
15:43 |
jaron |
yeah |
15:43 |
foxnorth |
silly me |
15:44 |
foxnorth |
better make a note of that one |
15:44 |
foxnorth |
a doozy |
15:44 |
jaron |
while we're at it--there are two buttons between the tabs and the search and they are partly obscured |
15:44 |
jaron |
I can only see what they are from tooltips |
15:45 |
jaron |
search and save |
15:45 |
foxnorth |
ah yeah |
15:45 |
foxnorth |
thsoe are small demo icons |
15:45 |
foxnorth |
we'll do something more visible |
15:45 |
jaron |
k |
15:46 |
foxnorth |
probably i'll use jquery to assign unique id's to multiple tags and then return them to single id for extracting marc on save |
15:46 |
foxnorth |
that should work i think |
15:47 |
jaron |
yeah, you got me there |
15:47 |
jaron |
well, lunch time |
15:47 |
jaron |
feel free to ping anytime me if you need someone to poke at it more |
15:47 |
foxnorth |
hey thanks for all the ideas! it'd be great to integrate some of your ruby scripts as plugins for this thing! |
15:48 |
jaron |
yeah, I could rewrite some in perl even |
15:48 |
jaron |
they're really trivial |
15:48 |
foxnorth |
cool |
15:48 |
jaron |
but together get a lot of work done |
15:50 |
foxnorth |
very cool- what i always wanted to do as cataloger1 |
16:03 |
kados |
akk |
16:03 |
kados |
sorry foxnorth |
16:06 |
kados |
foxnorth: so ... |
16:06 |
kados |
foxnorth: did we resolve the tabs stuff enough? what's the plan again? |
16:08 |
kados |
ooh, jaron has some great ideas |
16:08 |
foxnorth |
yeah! |
16:10 |
foxnorth |
what do we think about the tabs then? |
16:10 |
foxnorth |
i like the idea of having a clean interface with just the 1 search/edit tab |
16:10 |
kados |
yea, i guess we need to chat abotu that |
16:10 |
kados |
I think I agree |
16:10 |
kados |
maybe ... |
16:10 |
foxnorth |
and a persistent left hand folder tree as in zimbra? |
16:10 |
kados |
Biblios | Authorities | Holdings | Options |
16:10 |
foxnorth |
although having multiple record editors open wouldn't work so well |
16:11 |
kados |
should be the tabs |
16:11 |
kados |
maybe ... |
16:11 |
foxnorth |
although what if i don't want to edit authorities and holdings? |
16:11 |
kados |
well, you don't have to |
16:11 |
foxnorth |
then they would be kind of useless for me |
16:11 |
kados |
yep |
16:11 |
foxnorth |
hhhmm |
16:11 |
kados |
well in zimbra, if you don't use the 'documents' feature, it's useless |
16:11 |
foxnorth |
true |
16:11 |
kados |
but it's still a separate module |
16:12 |
kados |
i think the point of the tabs is separate modules |
16:12 |
kados |
so we might have another module later on we want to add |
16:12 |
foxnorth |
hhmm.....i coudl see that |
16:12 |
foxnorth |
sure |
16:12 |
kados |
(mabe in fact, the current tab is for biblios, authorities, holdings ... I dunno) |
16:12 |
kados |
for at least for now we really just have two tabs I think |
16:13 |
foxnorth |
and get around the multiple open records with the split idea |
16:13 |
kados |
*nod* |
16:13 |
foxnorth |
sorry i seem to be hung up on that! :) |
16:13 |
foxnorth |
but the split idea is a good one |
16:13 |
foxnorth |
and so each search would be put in a recent searches button/area |
16:13 |
kados |
yup |
16:14 |
foxnorth |
but only 1 search would be open at once in the view pane |
16:14 |
kados |
yep |
16:14 |
kados |
for now |
16:14 |
foxnorth |
divided into server folders on the left hand tree list |
16:14 |
kados |
I think for now we should focus on the core tasks |
16:14 |
foxnorth |
agreed |
16:14 |
kados |
and making the interface work smoothly for those |
16:14 |
foxnorth |
yeah |
16:14 |
foxnorth |
i think the tree list i the last ui element of extjs i haven't used |
16:15 |
foxnorth |
will be fun to learn |
16:15 |
foxnorth |
and very intuitive |
16:15 |
foxnorth |
for the end user i hope |
16:15 |
kados |
w00t |
16:15 |
kados |
I can't wait until i can drag-drop a record from results into my save file :-) |
16:15 |
foxnorth |
me too |
16:15 |
foxnorth |
in terms of save files |
16:16 |
foxnorth |
definately want to be able to name them to keep track of various projects etc |
16:17 |
foxnorth |
maybe best to create a new save file table to keep track of data about them |
16:17 |
foxnorth |
as it currently stands, the save files exist only in so far as each record has a particular status |
16:17 |
foxnorth |
not sure how complex we want to get |
16:17 |
foxnorth |
but for the future, a new table might allow more room for growth |
16:18 |
foxnorth |
? |
16:18 |
kados |
my idea |
16:18 |
kados |
is to have save 'folders' |
16:18 |
foxnorth |
right |
16:18 |
kados |
so you have a root folder, and you can add new folders |
16:18 |
kados |
and they should nest |
16:18 |
foxnorth |
each would be row in save file table |
16:18 |
foxnorth |
yeah |
16:19 |
foxnorth |
that would be cool |
16:19 |
kados |
so we have some default folders that you can'd delete |
16:19 |
kados |
drafts is one |
16:19 |
foxnorth |
how to track folder nesting in save file sql table? |
16:19 |
foxnorth |
that's a good idea |
16:19 |
kados |
trash is another |
16:19 |
foxnorth |
yeah |
16:19 |
kados |
saved is another |
16:19 |
kados |
then you can add subfolders to the saved one |
16:19 |
kados |
if you want to further organize |
16:19 |
foxnorth |
sure |
16:20 |
chris |
http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?[…]lopment:git_usage |
16:20 |
kados |
ext had some folder nesting stuff ... how do they track it? |
16:20 |
kados |
there are a couple ways to handle it in sql |
16:20 |
foxnorth |
not sure how they do it |
16:20 |
foxnorth |
may just be populated from xml and that's it |
16:20 |
kados |
nested sets (hard to understand, but fast) |
16:21 |
kados |
and store parentid is the other way |
16:21 |
foxnorth |
makes sense |
16:21 |
kados |
and order if you want to get fancy |
16:21 |
foxnorth |
how do you mean? |
16:22 |
kados |
well, probably makes sense to just order the folders by alphabetical |
16:22 |
foxnorth |
ah you mean sorting them |
16:22 |
kados |
yea |
16:22 |
foxnorth |
actually i think ext has a tree sorter of some sorts |
16:23 |
foxnorth |
have you checked out the extjs documentation page? some good examples on there |
16:23 |
kados |
cool |
16:23 |
foxnorth |
http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/index.html |
16:23 |
kados |
yea, i did peek yesterday |
16:23 |
foxnorth |
ok let's see then |
16:23 |
foxnorth |
2 main tabs: a work tab and an options tab for now |
16:24 |
kados |
yep |
16:24 |
foxnorth |
within work tab a left hand tree list with servers to search/save and save folders |
16:24 |
kados |
yep |
16:24 |
foxnorth |
and a dual vertical pane in the middle with grid for view search results or save file |
16:24 |
foxnorth |
then opening a record from one of those |
16:24 |
foxnorth |
hides that contentpanel and shows the editor panel |
16:24 |
kados |
brilliant |
16:24 |
foxnorth |
closing record will of course return to default view |
16:25 |
kados |
you got it |
16:25 |
foxnorth |
that sounds very cool |
16:25 |
kados |
and resident 'action' buttons that let the user perform tasks |
16:25 |
foxnorth |
right |
16:25 |
foxnorth |
at top of tab |
16:25 |
kados |
they have labels, icons and tooltips |
16:25 |
foxnorth |
right |
16:25 |
foxnorth |
and change according to srch results, save file or editor views |
16:25 |
dewey |
foxnorth: that doesn't look right |
16:26 |
kados |
yep, exactly |
16:26 |
foxnorth |
good |
16:26 |
foxnorth |
i think this will be a lot easier to navigate |
16:26 |
foxnorth |
along with keyboard shortcuts |
16:26 |
foxnorth |
(got to have those) |
16:26 |
kados |
yep |
16:26 |
kados |
hehe, should keep you busy :-) |
16:26 |
foxnorth |
alright so time to get coding! |
16:27 |
foxnorth |
brb |
16:51 |
foxnorth |
scratch that-- bbiab |
19:18 |
[K] |
*** join #koha FreeNode: ru55el n=russel 203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz |
19:23 |
[K] |
<darcilicious FreeNode> heya ru55el :) |
19:24 |
chris |
thats 'new dad' russel :) |
19:27 |
[K] |
<ru55el FreeNode> hiya darci |
19:27 |
[K] |
<darcilicious FreeNode> that's right!! |
19:27 |
[K] |
<darcilicious FreeNode> congratulations!! :) |
19:28 |
[K] |
<darcilicious FreeNode> heya, chris -- how's the u.s. treating you so far? :) |
19:28 |
chris |
so far so good |
19:29 |
[K] |
<ru55el FreeNode> thanks darci |
19:32 |
chris |
its hot though :) |
19:34 |
[K] |
<darcilicious FreeNode> that's right, it's winter time where you came from :) |
19:35 |
chris |
sure is, its some mental heat here today .. 92f (thats 33c for russ) |
19:36 |
chris |
and it was about 12c when i left wellington |
19:36 |
[K] |
<darcilicious FreeNode> yowza |
19:44 |
[K] |
* ru55el FreeNode wonders off |
19:44 |
[K] |
*** part FreeNode!#koha: ru55el n=russel 203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz |
19:48 |
[K] |
*** join #koha FreeNode: ru55el n=russel 203-118-134-114.netspace.net.nz |
21:57 |
kados |
foxnorth_away: still around? |
21:57 |
kados |
foxnorth_away: eowyn seems to have gone away |
22:13 |
[K] |
<darcilicious FreeNode> gotta go... |
22:13 |
[K] |
*** part FreeNode!#koha: darcilicious n=plinkit |
22:19 |
foxnorth_away |
kados: oops |
22:19 |
foxnorth_away |
kados: lemme recopy that over to www |
22:20 |
foxnorth_away |
\me checking |
22:21 |
foxnorth_away |
kados: ok it's back. sorry 'bout that. my mistake when updating svn |
22:22 |
kados |
Trouble with db: Database operation failed. ERROR: database is locked DETAIL: database is locked |
22:23 |
kados |
could we have a 'unlock db' button added to that error? |
22:23 |
kados |
otherwise I have to delete the db every time |
22:32 |
foxnorth |
yeah that's getting annoying isn't it. i've been closing and reopening firefox to get around |
22:33 |
foxnorth |
i need to investigate why that's popping up |
22:33 |
foxnorth |
i *think* i'm now closing all db connections |
22:33 |
foxnorth |
but it's entirely possible i've missed one/some or that's not it at all ... |
23:17 |
kados |
w00t |
09:21 |
Brooke |
hi |
09:47 |
chris |
hey brooke, just sent you an email |
09:47 |
chris |
you're up early .. whats ur excuse mine is my body thinks its in nz still :) |
09:47 |
Brooke |
Outstanding, I'll check it in a sec - I'm mid email |
09:47 |
Brooke |
I don't do the whole sleep thing well |
09:47 |
Brooke |
Koha is a great excuse :D |
09:48 |
chris |
hehe |
09:51 |
Brooke |
I love having something to do no matter the hour. The world has to put me to some use for all the oxygen I steal |
09:51 |
chris |
lol |
09:56 |
Brooke |
:) |
09:56 |
Brooke |
Wow that was quick |
09:56 |
Brooke |
Chris ++ |
09:56 |
Brooke |
only my coding loops infinitely |
09:57 |
Brooke |
Ah |