IRC log for #koha, 2024-02-14

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:34 dcook__ joined #koha
02:23 matts joined #koha
03:24 dcook_ joined #koha
06:44 fridolin joined #koha
06:54 reiveune joined #koha
06:55 reiveune hello
07:23 magnuse__ \o/
07:25 Joubu @later tell khall cud-stateless is nonsense :D
07:25 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
07:53 Joubu oleonard: splitter2 is back
08:19 fridolin helow
08:21 ashimema do patrons really let themselves get into a state where they have 133+ charges to pay off!
08:47 magnuse @quote get 123
08:47 huginn` magnuse: Quote #123: "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" (added by wizzyrea at 09:20 PM, March 30, 2011)
08:47 magnuse s/library/patron/
08:59 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha
09:09 Joubu QA team - 35918 and friends, this is security bugs with patches, ready to be QAed, pushed and backported
09:09 Joubu can I get some help please?
09:09 paulderscheid[m] Hi ashimema, I found something for remote dev on nvim yesterday if you want to try:
09:09 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, it's alpha
09:16 ashimema cool, i'll check it out 🙂
09:16 ashimema I do have an nvim question for you actually
09:17 ashimema do you find sometimes that when you open a split the second buffer doesn't always pick up the filetype properly?
09:17 ashimema I'm finding it's often not spotting I've opened a pl or pm and thus doesn't wake up perlnavigator
09:38 paulderscheid[m] Hmm, not really. But let me try it out.
09:41 paulderscheid[m] Can't reproduce the issue.
09:42 paulderscheid[m] I already forgot what version you were on, but I'd strongly recommend moving to ^0.9 if you're still on ^0.8
09:42 ashimema I'm on 0.9 I believe
09:42 paulderscheid[m] I had a myriad of problems on ^0.8 like that
09:42 ashimema and switched to Lazy after finding I had one issue after another trying to get my own setup working
09:43 ashimema I see.. interesting
09:43 paulderscheid[m] That's weird as I'm also on lazy.
09:43 paulderscheid[m] If I ever run into the behaviour you described, I'll let you know.
09:44 ashimema okies
09:44 ashimema thanks
09:45 paulderscheid[m] Only difference is that you're on x86_64 linux, right?
09:46 ashimema yup
09:46 ashimema 0.9.5
09:46 paulderscheid[m] me too
09:46 ashimema weird
09:46 ashimema I'll keep bashing
09:46 paulderscheid[m] alright
09:47 ashimema I'l run healthcheck, see if it highlights anything
09:47 paulderscheid[m] Good idea
10:08 KiraDitt[m] joined #koha
10:13 KiraDitt[m] Hi, i just installed koha but i cant get it to work.... (full message at <[…]HkHmauYXixvxiYZuq>)
10:25 ashimema it sounds like you've not run through the installer
10:25 ashimema the staff page should redirect you to an installer wizard
10:30 KiraDitt[m] thanks a lot, thats probably it, must have missed it being on a different subdomain.
10:32 ashimema no worries
10:32 ashimema it's easily done
10:32 ashimema 🙂
10:55 khall joined #koha
10:55 cait joined #koha
11:42 slef joined #koha
12:00 fridolin joined #koha
12:13 marcelr joined #koha
12:13 marcelr o/
12:56 magnuse \o
13:05 anne joined #koha
13:07 oleonard Is it possible to construct a search which excludes a particular item type?
13:29 magnuse "something not itype=X"?
13:29 oleonard yes
13:35 khall joined #koha
13:45 magnuse gah! if i want to hide the big "Authorities" link on the admin homepage, shouldn't ".icon_authorities { display: none; }" in IntranetUserCSS do the trick?
13:46 anne_ joined #koha
13:46 anne_ Hi there, may I ask a question? Version Koha : I have modified "MARC Framework for Grille de catalogage rapide (FA)" I would have thought that when I edit a record with the "fast cataloguing grid (FA)" the new fields would be present.  But they aren't. I only have the fields in sections 0,1,2 (099,100 etc.). But I've added fields 610, 700, 701 etc. What have I missed?
13:47 magnuse my hunch would be that there is some caching happening somewhere, and i would try to restart memcached
13:49 aude_c[m] Did you add the subfields? Did you tick "Editor" in the subfields visibility?
13:50 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:50 oleonard magnuse: You have to be more specific: ul.biglinks-list li a.icon_authorities { display: none; }
13:51 oleonard mainpage.scss probably has more nesting than it needs, because I don't think you should have to be so specific.
13:52 magnuse it felt kind of weird, but it works!
13:52 magnuse oleonard++
13:59 Joubu @later tell dcook 36084 - thoughts about comment 12?
13:59 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
14:02 anne_ thanks @magnuse and @aude_c for your answers. @aude_c tell me more please - how to add subfields and tick "editor" ? @magnuse I restarted memcached it's not better
14:02 magnuse probably better to listen to aude_c[m] then :-)
14:17 anne_ aude_c : I hadn't realised that you had to add sub-fields ... I've seen how to add that and it works - thanks a lot
14:18 magnuse aude_c++
14:18 caroline aude_c++
14:19 aude_c[m] Sorry anne_ I'm in another meeting! Glad you found how to do it. 👍️
14:47 Joubu @later tell dcook I think you still have a cud-search that needs adjustment
14:47 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded.
15:11 caroline ashimema around?
15:11 fridolin left #koha
15:13 lukeg joined #koha
15:21 ashimema Vaguely, darting around on school runs
15:23 caroline we're trying to get the "Show volumes" link to appear in a record to document bug 26314
15:23 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=26314 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs documenting , "Volumes: show volumes" showing regardless of whether there are volumes linked to the record
15:23 caroline do you know what is required?
15:25 caroline I found that it's here[…]etDetail.xsl#L239
15:25 caroline But I don't understand what I'm reading
15:26 ashimema It depends on a few different settings
15:26 ashimema Like UseControlNumber
15:27 caroline I have UseControlNumber activated and I'm referring to the control number in 773$w
15:27 ashimema I'll try to explain once I've dropped Millie at swimming
15:27 caroline no problem!
15:27 ashimema Leader values also matter
15:28 ashimema https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]attachment=155676
15:28 caroline I can get the "Show analytics" link to appear
15:28 ashimema See how the search query is constructed in there
15:35 caroline My parent record has LDR/07=c and my child record has LDR/07=d (I avoided a and b as it excludes those)
15:36 marie-luce joined #koha
15:45 ashimema Did you reindex
15:46 caroline no I'm on ktd, I figured it did it automatically?
15:46 caroline I'll try
15:48 ashimema It should
15:48 ashimema But I'm never 💯
15:49 caroline Show volumes doesn't appear after zebra reindex
15:49 ashimema Hmm, it's been a long time since I wrote that stuff.. mostly under Katrina guidance
15:49 ashimema You could disable controlnumer pref and it'll use title searching instead
15:50 ashimema That might help if it's just for a screenshot
15:50 caroline we have h2h2 on the case too and even with her help we can't make it work lol
15:51 caroline without UseControlNumber, I have "Show analytics"
15:51 caroline with UseControlNumber, I have nothing
15:51 Joubu ashimema: do you remember
15:51 Joubu ashimema: 17:17:07 koha_1       | Failed to load Koha::Plugin::Com::ByWaterSolutions::KitchenSink: Could not find or check module 'Koha::Plugin::Com::ByWaterSolutions::KitchenSink' at /kohadevbox/koha/Koha/ line 131.
15:52 ashimema " For monographic series the check on LDR 7 in (b or i or s) is omitted
15:52 Joubu jenkins failing full of this log
15:52 Joubu we saw it last week, but I cannot remember what was happening
15:52 ashimema Oh, very vaguely
15:52 ashimema Hmm, not that recently I don't remember it Joubu
15:53 ashimema tcohen ?
15:54 Joubu bug 35507
15:54 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35507 normal, P5 - low, ---,, Pushed to stable , Fix handling plugins in unit tests causing random failures on Jenkins
15:54 Joubu this is the one I had in mind
15:54 Joubu lukeg: ^
15:56 Joubu it was not last week but 2 months ago.... time flies! lol..
15:57 lukeg backporting, thanks Joubu and ashimema
15:58 ashimema Ha, yes.. I do remember that one
16:00 bag joined #koha
16:00 paulderscheid[m] > it was not last week but 2 months ago.... time flies! lol..
16:00 paulderscheid[m] This just messed w/ my head a bit.
16:07 khall joined #koha
16:18 khall_ joined #koha
16:39 fundadores joined #koha
17:14 caroline_catlady joined #koha
17:24 reiveune bye
17:25 reiveune left #koha
17:48 JasonGreene[m] After following this  "https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]and_keep_settings"
17:48 JasonGreene[m] how can I ensure that all books are gone?
17:48 JasonGreene[m] each step says "Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.019 sec)"
17:49 JasonGreene[m] need to remove all books from the DB
19:41 khall joined #koha
19:44 davidnind Jason Greene: That page hasn't been updated in a while (2020), so I'm not sure how up-to-date it is. You could check whether all the tables mentioned are empty by using "select * from tablename;". A re-index and then searching would show whether everything is empty. (To access the database, I would use the packaging command: koha-mysql instancename).
20:12 JasonGreene[m] <davidnind> "Jason Greene: That page hasn't..." <- thanks... now I've got myself stuck... I can't log into the website with the admin account...
20:15 khall joined #koha
20:19 JasonGreene[m] I set the password in /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml and I still can't log in to the web page
20:21 JasonGreene[m] ok, I'm going to start over and rebuild the server and install Koha🤔
21:15 caroline h2h2 were you able to have the Show volumes link appear? I saw that you attached some records to the bug
21:38 JasonGreene[m] when installing Koha again, do I need only one DB library and in that will be each "branch" or should I make 2 DB libraries this time?
22:09 matts_ joined #koha
22:21 cait joined #koha
22:21 davidnind Jason Greene: Only one database is required (https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]inister_instances)
22:23 JasonGreene[m] davidnind: thanks, that makes sense
22:27 davidnind you could have two instances, but then they would be totally independent libraries
22:28 khall joined #koha
22:37 dcook I saw something in the scrollback for me...
22:38 davidnind dcook:[…]4-02-14#i_2537073
22:40 dcook haha thanks davidnind
22:40 dcook I was mostly just writing something to trigger huginn but thanks :)
22:40 * dcook is tired this morning
22:40 dcook I have two different caffeinated drinks on my desk heh
22:50 davidnind sounds like you will have a great day! (or not)
22:58 dcook I'm looking at Koha internals so it's almost certainly not going to be a great day h aha
22:58 dcook But luckily it's raining so... don't mind being stuck inside
23:06 cait joined #koha
23:12 dcook @later tell Joubu I've replied on 36084 and yep about the cud-search. I'll look at that momentarily.
23:12 huginn` dcook: The operation succeeded.
23:20 JasonGreene[m] after re-installing a new system, and got the "install data"  how can I change  each library's "code"
23:22 dcook That's the neat part. You don't.
23:22 dcook You delete whatever branch you don't need/want, and create new ones
23:23 JasonGreene[m] bummer.. Ok :-)

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