IRC log for #koha, 2024-02-02

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:40 kstager joined #koha
02:41 kstager hello
05:32 tcohen joined #koha
05:46 * dcook waves to tcohen
06:09 dcook_ joined #koha
06:17 reiveune joined #koha
06:17 reiveune hello
06:27 cait joined #koha
06:28 cait mtj:  around?
06:44 alohabot joined #koha
07:06 marcelr joined #koha
07:06 marcelr o/
07:23 magnuse \o
07:34 magnuse @seen mtj
07:34 huginn` magnuse: mtj was last seen in #koha 22 hours, 27 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <mtj> Hi cait. Many thanks.. Will build pkgs now 🙆
07:35 magnuse friday evening in his neck of the woods, i guess
07:36 fridolin joined #koha
07:37 fridolin yellow
07:37 marcelr green
07:37 fridolin oh jenkins likes that ;)
07:47 marcelr :)
07:48 mtj Hi team
07:50 mtj Ive got the pkgs ready
07:51 mtj Will be back home in 30 mins, ready to upload 🤓
07:54 cait joined #koha
07:58 marcelr @later tell ashimema Could you pickup changes for koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/bootstrap/e​n/modules/;  that needs a bit more changes and testing..
07:58 huginn` marcelr: The operation succeeded.
07:58 ashimema I was going to ask Pedro to take a look today as it happens
07:59 marcelr cool
08:00 marcelr they used $method and links with a tags to cancel etc
08:00 marcelr it needs a bit more attention
08:02 cait thx all for teaming up on that bug
08:03 cait koha_team++ koha_community++
08:06 marcelr we finally succeeded ;)
08:08 marcelr ashimema: quite a bit of links to subscribe and cancel etc need converts to form if we want them all in post
08:09 marcelr just wondering if we should do them all..
08:10 ashimema ill is likely to cause headaches here as a lot of those forms end up in an ill backend
08:10 ashimema so all the backends will need updating too from the sounds of it
08:11 marcelr no in general, i mean
08:12 marcelr just subscribe to serial alert eg
08:12 marcelr i think that we should leave them alone
08:12 marcelr strictly speaking they trigger db changes
08:14 marcelr yesterday i changed one for password recovery (more serious stuff) but normally they are of lower importance
08:17 ashimema I think that's one of Joubu's lists
08:17 ashimema I thought we'd caught most of them
08:26 marcelr i list them on the remaining pad for completeness
08:26 marcelr moving todo-x to todo-y :)
08:27 marcelr eventuallly we might wanna have postponed_z
08:30 cait Joubu: I'll push the test fix from bug 35962 - I hope we will have Jenkins green after.
08:30 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=35962 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , t/db_dependent/Koha/BackgroundJob.t failing on D10
08:31 cait one line on a .t file, should not interfere with your work
08:33 cait ah, Joubu is not around today, but doing it anyway ;)
08:45 cait fridolin: it looks like the packages are ready - shoudl we release/publish today or wait until Monday?
09:00 marcelr @later tell khall  please jump in for opac-account-pay / and pay-return in connection to $op stuff
09:00 huginn` marcelr: The operation succeeded.
09:03 fridolin cait: i'd say today whoooo
09:03 fridolin I create my release post
09:26 marcelr @later tell kidclamp could you jump in for overdrive stuff: opac/svc/overdrive, etc. ?
09:26 huginn` marcelr: The operation succeeded.
09:32 cait fridolin: you are in charge :)
09:37 fridolin oki
09:44 cait fridolin++
09:49 cait silly D10 - still failing with Joubu's fix
09:54 cait mtj: help!
09:57 puphaus[m] Hello together :)
09:58 puphaus[m] I just read the patch notes for the new version and i dont know what "ILS-DI" mean? Can somebody explain it to me? 😅
10:00 cait it's an api that you need to activate
10:00 cait there si a prference - if you ahve not been using it, it's probably not an issue for you
10:00 cait I was too early it seems (misread the info on the dashboard) - we need to check on packages
10:01 cait so update might not work yet, sorry for inconvenience
10:03 puphaus[m] thank you for the info :) i just checked it and it already helped me a lot!
10:03 puphaus[m] no problem :)
10:09 mtj hi cait, fridolin
10:13 cait ooh mtj
10:13 cait so happy to see you
10:13 cait can you help?
10:13 mtj fixing d10 on jenkins?
10:13 cait no, packages
10:14 cait I would not mind help witht he d10, but I think Joubu will check on it Monday
10:17 mtj gotcha, will do
10:19 cait mtj++ mtj++ :)
10:28 magnuse mtj++
10:30 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] @cait follow-up added to bug 32474 which will hopefully help with the failing test
10:30 huginn` MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: downloading the Perl source
10:31 cait thanks!
10:33 magnuse mtj: if you have a minute, i am curious about how you build you packages. i tried koha-dpkg-docker, but ran into this issue:[…]docker/-/issues/4
10:52 marcelr cul8r #koha, have fun with 34478 :)
11:12 cait puphaus[m]: packages shoudl be available now!
11:12 cait mtj++
11:16 mtj hi magnuse, about now
11:21 mtj hmm, i havent used koha-dpkg-docker in a while :/
11:22 tcohen hola #koha o/
11:23 tcohen magnuse: isn't it working for you?
11:23 mtj i dont have perms to build koha-dpkg-docker
11:24 tcohen why do you need to build it?
11:25 tcohen do you have  a fix?
11:26 mtj aah yes, o need to build
11:26 mtj no
11:26 mtj aah yes, no need to build
11:26 tcohen it looks like an expected error from build-git-snapshot
11:27 tcohen I wonder how you workaround it on your tools
11:27 tcohen we just need to add that to koha-dpkg-docker
11:30 tcohen magnuse: I'm sorry I forgot about that
11:30 tcohen mtj and I will solve it in a bit :-D
11:32 oleonard Hi #koha
11:36 tcohen mtj: it looks like for some reason khall reverted this commit[…]f63fa692483ef06de
11:38 mtj ah ok... no yarn
11:40 * mtj off for a bit
11:41 mtj chat soon tcohen
11:41 tcohen it is not yarn, but the 'temporarily commit generated assets' bit
11:46 mtj yeap, i remember that
11:54 khall joined #koha
12:03 kellym joined #koha
12:26 ashimema paulderscheid still around?
12:27 cait oh right
12:27 cait i had a question for paulderscheid[m] too :)
12:42 * magnuse needed food
12:42 * magnuse cheers mtj and tcohen on
12:44 cait @later tell paulderscheid ping!
12:44 huginn` cait: The operation succeeded.
12:47 paulderscheid[m] Hi yeah, was just on lunch ashimema
12:48 paulderscheid[m] and cait
12:49 ashimema I have a meeting to head into unfortunately
12:49 ashimema was hoping to continue debugging my nvim
12:51 paulderscheid[m] yeah np, let's do it later
13:14 cait nvim?
13:14 paulderscheid[m] neovim
13:14 paulderscheid[m] Better (highly debatable) vim distribution.
13:15 magnuse hehe, as long as you don't have actual fights over it at the office :-)
13:18 paulderscheid[m] Nah, just on reddit, discord, twitter, mastodon, threads. The usual.
13:18 paulderscheid[m] :D
13:23 magnuse sounds good :-)
13:37 fridolin joined #koha
14:04 Dyrcona joined #koha
14:08 tcohen @seen Joubu
14:08 huginn` tcohen: Joubu was last seen in #koha 22 hours, 46 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <Joubu> don't tell me twice, should have asked before!
14:18 caroline joined #koha
14:26 kellym joined #koha
14:28 tcohen oleonard: what is the guideline for TT indentation?
14:29 tcohen if I have a <ul> with several <li> inside
14:29 tcohen how are the [% IF %]
14:29 tcohen expected to be aligned?
14:30 tcohen to the <li> level and the <li> shifted right?
14:30 oleonard Yes that's what I do
14:32 tcohen thanks
14:32 tcohen I'll stick with that
14:47 lds joined #koha
14:55 JasonGreene[m] Is it possible to delete/remove all the books from our running Koha?   We added them and they are missing some needed  data and we would like to remove all and re-add.
15:00 JasonGreene[m] I think I found DB commands,   https://wiki.koha-community.or[…]and_keep_settings
15:00 JasonGreene[m] Can it be done within Koha's web pages instead?
15:02 caroline JasonGreene[m], from the interface, you'd have to use the batch delete tool, but I think you had problems with it before?
15:04 caroline If you reimport all your records, you can add matching rules to overwrite the current records/items, if you have some sort of control number or system number, it would be ideal
15:09 puphaus[m] cait: Thank you for the notification! :)
15:14 lukeg joined #koha
15:42 fridolin left #koha
15:50 tcohen mtj: got it
15:50 tcohen[…]f_type=heads#L315
15:55 reiveune bye
15:55 reiveune left #koha
16:00 bag joined #koha
16:01 tcohen lunch BBL
16:37 kellym_ joined #koha
16:38 JasonGreene[m] caroline:  As we are building this I missed some book data on all the books. So all we are trying to is add that data.  We modified the excel sheet and just need to add it.  If I read your text correctly, we can just "re-add" our spreadsheet  and it will add the missing data as each item is still there ?
16:39 PedroAmorim[m] anyone around to double-check push permissions on the security repo? I'd like to push a new branch with ILL work re bug 34478 for review
16:39 huginn` Bug https://bugs.koha-community.or[…]_bug.cgi?id=34478 is not accessible.
16:39 caroline It should but you need to add a matching rule so that it knows it's the correct record to update[…]rd-matching-rules
16:40 caroline I would try it with one or two records first
16:48 cait have a nie weekend all!
16:48 cait PedroAmorim[m]: maybe try tcohen
16:49 PedroAmorim[m] will do
16:49 PedroAmorim[m] have a nice weekend!
16:49 cait you too!
17:26 cait joined #koha
19:02 caroline_catlady joined #koha
19:45 caroline_catlady joined #koha
20:59 caroline If anyone is around, is there an example somewhere in the staff interface where there would be checks and it would be green for OK and pink for NOT OK? I'm trying to find an example to give an intern to replicate
22:38 chimster[m] joined #koha
22:40 chimster[m] Hi all. Is this group active?
22:52 chimster[m] Anybody has experience with OPAC customizations?

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