Time Nick Message 05:21 Annelisterman[m] Really quiet here nowadays. Is everyone using mattermost and the messages doesn't show here on irc? 05:47 mmost [aulda] Yesterday was pretty quiet on Mattermost too tbh. But I also think only this one 'bridge' channel in MM is pushed to IRC so you'll miss chat happening in the other MM channels. I'm not 100% sure of that. @perplexedtheta will confirm. 06:01 mmost [dcook] Yeah, it seems like everyone is using mattermost, and they're not using the "IRC bridge" channel 06:01 mmost [dcook] Most conversations seem to be int he "Town square" I think 06:01 mmost [dcook] Not sure why the bridge isn't being used more... 06:02 mmost [dcook] Maybe the idea is that people on IRC can send in queries and get answers... 06:02 Annelisterman[m] Ok. Someone maybe told this already, but will there be bridge for Matrix? 06:03 mmost [dcook] I haven't heard anything about it, but I would doubt it 06:04 dcook I still hang out on both mmost and IRC. Easier to see when people come online on IRC.. heh 06:04 * dcook waves to cait 06:05 Annelisterman[m] Oh my.. well I'll have to think about joining the mattermost then 06:07 dcook Awkward... there goes the bridge 06:07 dcook I have noticed the bridge doesn't always work so probably makes sense to join mattermost 06:07 mmost [dcook] Not noted here is the IRC bot missing 16 seconds of IRC time heh 06:18 mmost [ashimema] the experience on non-bridged channels is just more rich and generally preferred so people have naturally adopted that 06:19 mmost [ashimema] the IRC bridge will always be limited to the lowest feature set 06:19 mmost [ashimema] the biggest draw is threaded and topical chat in mattermost.. people can have topical discussions in nicely threaded views.. rather than the fire hose that is irc 06:24 aw-bib[m] <mmost> "[dcook] I haven't heard anything..." <- A matrix bridge would really ve nice. 06:28 mmost [ashimema] except the matrix bridge was very unreliable 06:28 mmost [ashimema] well.. the matrix/irc was 06:29 mmost [ashimema] bridges in mattermost do seem to be single channel.. so it would be yet another channel in mattermost that people would be unlikely to adopt I think. 06:29 mmost [ashimema] from my perspective, mattermost has reduced the burden for me.. I know have two chat clients.. slack and mattermost.. 06:30 mmost [ashimema] I had discord, element, telgram, whatsapp and signal before.. just to talk to koha people.. 06:30 mmost [ashimema] most of those have converged to mattermost now which is a great relief to me. 06:30 reiveune hello 06:31 mmost [dcook] mattermost reminds me a lot of slack (which I don't typically use). I only use IRC for Koha anyway, so I'm fine just having another chat tab open in my browser 06:32 mmost [dcook] I do also like the reacts >_> 06:33 mmost [ashimema] reacts are nice :) 06:34 mmost [ashimema] there are little things that take getting used to though I'll admit.. like #hastags being tags rather than channel names.. and tilda ~town-square being used for channel links instead 06:35 mmost [ashimema] also, instead of using @later having the option to just leave someone a PM in their channel and knowing it should eventually be picked up rather than just lost.. that's a big win for me too 06:38 mmost [aulda] Hi reiveune! 06:45 mmost [?/θ] The conclusion on a matrix bridge was that the technical debt didn't justify connecting (at my last count) only one person who'd requested it 06:45 mmost [?/θ] If more people would like to use Matrix, maybe the conversation can be reopened 06:46 mmost [?/θ] Also, the bridge to IRC is being logged now, so if anyone spots any blips, let me know the time you spot it and I can look into it :-) 07:58 paxed ... weird to split the community 08:00 paxed eythian: i'm also that guy in the xkcd 08:02 mmost [joubu] there will be only one at the end, you will have to decide which one of you 08:04 mmost [joubu] the goal is not to split the community but to provide an easier channel for those who are/were afraid of IRC 08:04 mmost [joubu] it actually brings us way more flexibility and improves our communication a lot 08:05 mmost [joubu] it has been only a week and we put in place several tiny things that help us 08:05 mmost [joubu] you can just open a browser, join us and try it ;) 08:05 mmost [joubu] or stay here but you will miss all the fun 08:06 mmost [?/θ] Yes - runs in a browser. This IRC bridge isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but one day or another in the distant future, the technical debt vs reward will become too great. 08:07 mmost [?/θ] If you want to have a look - https://chat.koha-community.org 08:09 mmost [ashimema] We are less split already ;) 08:10 mmost [ashimema] this is the exact opposite of splitting the community.. it's bringing more people together paxed 08:10 mmost [?/θ] Its great to have so many more non-tech folk in here. 08:10 mmost [ashimema] you may not have been aware of the various other channels being used by people because IRC is a barrier to entry for many 08:11 mmost [ashimema] tech too.. we've had whole teams join us who were silo'd before 08:11 mmost [?/θ] I was on IRC, but I checked it so infrequently. 08:12 mmost [?/θ] Steven and Ryan are even reading the conversations now..! 08:15 aw-bib[m] just to mention why I'd find a matrix bridge _convenient_: currently all chats I have around converged to matrix as quite a lot of universities in my area of Europe adopted it and the other group came in via gitters migration to matrix. I also joined this irc-chat via matrix. (and I admit I like to be able to join a chat on <whatever> server without signing up there first.) 08:15 aw-bib[m] but of course I understand that it's somewhat difficult to decide between the two major web-based free chat solutions. all have their pro and cons. 08:15 aw-bib[m] I was just imagining (without technical expertise in this area) that a bridge between the two major _free_ solutions out there should work quite well. 08:31 PerplexedTheta o/ 08:33 mmost [ashimema] I liked the idea of Matrix and it's why I tried very hard to get community there.. but it never really took off unfortunately 08:34 mmost [ashimema] and actually.. in the end Matrix federation itself became a barrier :(.. some had Matrix internally but weren't allowed to federate and so they couldn't join our matrix at all because their client was locked on their matrix server.. 08:34 mmost [ashimema] that one had me scratching my head for a while :( 08:43 mmost [?/θ] o/ 08:52 aw-bib[m] > (.. some had Matrix internally but weren't allowed to federate and so they couldn't join our matrix at all because their client was locked on their matrix server.. 08:52 aw-bib[m] ok, then it makes sense to offer them a save harbour to log in and having a separate platform is a no brainer as most matrix clients would not allow for multiple accounts (yet). 10:48 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> matrix test 10:50 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Hm, as suspected. Looks like Matrix has rate-limiting too aggressive to make a bridge worth maintaining 11:28 tadzik what kind of bridge are you using? 11:28 tadzik appservices can be easily configured to not be rate limited, which is how most matrix bridges work 12:12 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> I was trying through a public channel 12:12 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Can try an app service at some point. For now it is a low priority - the bridge to IRC works 12:18 tadzik let me know if you need any help with that – I was a bridge developer at Element for a few years, I should still remember something :) 12:23 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Thanks! From what I am reading you need a self-hosted homeserver to get the app service to work - is this correct? 12:26 tadzik yes, it's a server-side thing 12:28 tadzik pardon me if this was stated already, I was not following all that carefully: the mattermost chat is now the "source of truth", so this is where we'd (possibly) want to bridge Matrix to, is that right? 12:29 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Correct - there is a channel here in Mattermost called IRC bridge 12:32 tadzik I see https://github.com/dalcde/matrix-appservice-mattermost but it doesn't seem very complete (no beloved reactions!) or actively developed. However, the Slack bridge can apparently be used since Mattermost is API-compatible with Slack: https://matrix-appservice-slack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/link_channels/#mattermost 12:33 tadzik at least as far as webhooks are concerned 12:34 tadzik (and matrix.org is running a public slack bridge already) 12:36 mbridge [mattermost] <?/θ> Could be the direction to go, thanks for the heads-up 14:47 reiveune bye 19:14 aroberts18[m] Has anyone ever had any issues with hard due dates not sticking? We went into "circulation and fine rules" to set it like we usually do and I went to check out an item to a patron and it was past the due date. We found a band aid fix using batch extend due dates, but it only works for things already checked out, not things that will be checked out. 19:15 mbridge [mattermost] <caroline> aroberts18 did you check all the rules for all the libraries? I've had this before where the staff changed the rules for "all libraries" but they had rules for specific libraries that overrode the generic ones 19:18 aroberts18[m] Oh that could be it. Let me try and see! 19:21 mbridge [mattermost] <caroline> they're a bit hidden, so it's easy to forget about them... :) 19:46 mbridge [mattermost] <blawlor> Meeting ID: [ElectricWitchesBiteLoudly](https://meet.jit.si/ElectricWitchesBiteLoudly#config.callDisplayName=%22Jitsi%20Meeting%22) 19:46 mbridge [mattermost] <blawlor> [Join Meeting](https://meet.jit.si/ElectricWitchesBiteLoudly#config.callDisplayName=%22Jitsi%20Meeting%22) 19:50 aroberts18[m] <mbridge> "[mattermost] <caroline> they'..." <- As far as I can tell, it is working now! THANK YOU! That was kind of hidden in a weird place, wouldn't have thought of that right away. 19:52 mbridge [mattermost] <caroline> woot! 20:59 r3baack[m] Does anyone know why several of the library staff's patron-level accounts in KOHA might be giving me a message under "updated on..." on the left side of the patron account page that says "account has been locked"? At this point, the account lock doesn't seem to be impacting functionality, so I am not sure what it means. 21:02 mbridge [mattermost] <caroline> r3baack I'm not sure how the lock is put there. I think there may be a lock if the person tries to log in too many times with the wrong credentials. There is also a pref LockExpiredDelay that locks expired patrons 21:04 mbridge [mattermost] <caroline> If I remember correctly, the only way to remove the lock was to change the password. Someone correct me if i'm wrong 21:19 r3baack[m] Thank you! I'll have them try to change their passwords when they come in tomorrow!