Time Nick Message 05:48 * mmost [fridobox] waves at IRC o/ 06:28 schnydszch Hi! We're experiencing some problems with Koha ILS OPAC customization on version 23.11.03. Suddenly, OPAC customization disappears and the log is below: 06:28 schnydszch You sent 06:28 schnydszch [2024/04/16 14:26:12] [WARN] No method count found for Koha::AdditionalContentsLocalizations DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'additional_contents_localizations.lang' in 'where clause' at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Objects.pm line 583 06:28 schnydszch at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Template/Plugin/AdditionalContents.pm line 50. 06:28 schnydszch What could be the problem? 06:48 reiveune hello 06:53 schnydszch hi! updated the installed koha instead to 23.11.04, realizing 23.11.03 is March 2024 release and it's now April. It did the trick. thanks! 08:18 mmost [PerplexedTheta] krimsonkharne added to the channel by perplexedtheta. 08:18 mmost [PerplexedTheta] thd added to the channel by perplexedtheta. 08:57 domm[m] $domm =~s/matrix,element/mattermost/; # byebye 09:24 mmost [aroussos] @seen gmcharlt 09:29 aroussos @seen gmcharlt 09:29 huginn` aroussos: gmcharlt was last seen in #koha 44 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 22 minutes, and 50 seconds ago: <gmcharlt> @later tell cait I have updated the meetings index 09:34 aroussos @later tell gmcharlt I'm using the Cloudflare for Families DNS resolver ( at work, and I cannot access meetings.koha-community.org (it resolves to According to https://radar.cloudflare.com/domains/feedback/meetings.koha-community.org, the site is currently categorised as "Questionable Activities" which I'm sure it isn't! Should I go ahead and submit it to Cloudflare for re-evaluation? Thanks! 09:34 huginn` aroussos: The operation succeeded. 09:42 mmost [ashimema] https://ptfs-europe.com/koha-hackfest-marseille-2024/ 09:43 mmost [ashimema] my writeup for the Hackfest 09:47 mmost [krimsonkharne] nice! 09:47 mmost [krimsonkharne] I promise to make notes next year too :) 09:48 mmost [ashimema] I still need to tidy up the notes I took properly to be honest.. this is more of a 'highlights' post aimed at people who weren't there :) 10:55 mmost [jpahd] Really loved that article :D 10:56 mmost [jpahd] Really loved that article 👏 11:27 mmost [thd] Does this echo to IRC? 11:30 mmost [jpahd] Yes 13:08 mmost [thd] paulderscheid, tcohen: I have extracted useful config files from my testing of Docker Mailserver. I am writing a Readme guide to configuration and usage now but may have to stop to rest. 13:10 mmost [thd] Yesterday, I failed to stop to rest but my brain stopped for me and had to go out without enough rest so it would have been quite late for rangi to update DNS. 14:05 mmost [?/θ] o/ 16:08 reiveune bye 23:02 dcook .