Time Nick Message 05:17 dcook @later tell Joubu Ugh sorry not going to get to it today... 05:17 huginn` dcook: The operation succeeded. 07:00 reiveune hello 07:36 Joubu PedroAmorim[m]: 36302 back to you ;) 08:21 magnuse \o/ 08:26 ashimema anyone got any comments for https://gitlab.com/koha-community/qa-test-tools/-/merge_requests/67 08:26 ashimema it adds a check for any Sponsored-by, Mentored-by lines to the QA script to try and encourage more adoption 08:26 * ashimema has faced a few people of late asking how one gets a mention in the notes... that's the easiest way 08:26 Joubu I don't think it's the right place to advertise them 08:27 ashimema where would you put it? 08:27 ashimema the git hook? 08:27 ashimema as a question perhaps 08:27 Joubu 99% of the time I won't need them, and I will see those "errors" when I run the QA script 08:27 cait i would not like it if it adds an extra step to my process 08:27 cait but a note that is visible woudl be ok I think? 08:28 ashimema it just outputs a note 08:28 cait maybe the commit hook 08:28 ashimema but happy for it to be in a commit hook instead 08:28 Joubu for me it will be noise :) 08:28 cait but the problem might be that the users who shoudl be reminded are not using either 08:28 ashimema but I think that would be more intrusive personally 08:28 Joubu even worse on every commit! 08:28 ashimema indeed 08:28 cait ok, vaid point 08:28 ashimema hence my thinking QA script.. QA script noise is easy to ignore 08:28 cait I understand the intention 08:29 ashimema commit hook asking for input less so 08:29 cait i hope not.. .) 08:29 Joubu this is teaching people to do it IMO, send emails to the release team, koha-devel, etc. 08:29 ashimema hmm 08:29 cait starting with overhauling our docs and advertising on the mailing list would be good 08:29 cait i think the sponsored by lines might be a little hidden in the wiki 08:30 ashimema is it really that bad to have a little reminder at QA time? 08:30 cait we coudl try 08:31 cait does it show red or can we use another color? 08:31 cait I didn't have time to test, sorry 08:31 Joubu please have a flag to disable it :D 08:32 cait hm push @errors, "Was this bug sponsored by anyone?" 08:32 cait coudl we have something like "info" 08:32 ashimema I was considering 'yellow' 08:32 cait that has another color 08:32 cait or blue maybe for better readability 08:32 ashimema yeah.. I don't believe the QA scripts have a distinction as yet 08:32 ashimema ah yes.. not everyone is in dark mode 08:32 cait i think it would help to distringuish 08:33 cait and also help with implementing a flag maybe 08:33 cait tos ay "don't give me info, just errors" 08:33 cait if that makes sense? 08:33 ashimema I'd find it more annoying having to add a flag 08:33 ashimema but hey 08:33 cait probably me too, but then Joubu will be happy 08:33 cait and can alias it or so :) 08:33 Joubu an alias will do it 08:34 Joubu I still don't understand the need for it so... 08:34 cait I think we got some complaints about missing sponsorships... at least that is an active step for prventing it 08:34 Joubu if you want more devs to add somethign for the sponsor, then the sponsor should ask for it or dev should be educated to do it 08:34 Joubu that's dev's fault 08:34 ashimema so is crap code 08:35 ashimema we still have a qa script to spot crap code and ask the devs to fix it 08:35 ashimema we also have a qa script to spot badly formed commit lines 08:35 ashimema I don't really see the difference 08:36 ashimema anywho.. I'm not really arguing.. just thought it would help having said reminder 08:36 ashimema I can just keep it local.. but then I'll be using a different QA script to everyone else 08:37 Joubu it won't hurt Koha tests or codebase quality to have those info missing 08:38 cait let's take a little step back 08:38 ashimema it does hurt release notes and contributor feeling though. 08:38 cait I think the idea is good, let's try it - I only requested it to look a bit friendlier 08:39 ashimema I'll make it blue when no-color isn't passed 08:39 cait ok 08:40 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha 08:40 Joubu fridolin: Are you working on the failing tests? 08:40 Joubu fridolin: Looks like we are doing the same thing 08:40 Joubu I don't understand your email however 08:40 ashimema also drop the mentored by one as that's far less used 08:40 fridolin Joubu: yep, i am 08:41 Joubu where are you then? 08:41 fridolin I'm trying to add a session in UT 08:41 fridolin or should we mock the auth method ? 08:41 Joubu isn't because of CGI? 08:43 Joubu ashimema: why not requiring the sponsored-by line when the "sponsor" flag is set on bugzilla? 08:43 cait hm it is an idea 08:45 Joubu fridolin: please communicate on 24879 only 08:45 fridolin OKi 08:46 Joubu I let you on it then, switching to something else 08:47 ashimema I see the sponsor field on bugzilla used even less. 08:48 ashimema though we could perhaps only do ask based on enhancement/new feature 08:48 ashimema bugs don't tend to get sponsorship 08:48 ashimema though the qa script doesn't do any bugzilla stuff as yet.. does it? 08:48 Joubu nope 08:48 ashimema adding that sort of lookup could add weight to the whole thing... 08:49 ashimema I kinda like that idea though 08:56 ashimema ooh 08:56 ashimema I found a bug in our js tidy qa addition Joubu 08:57 ashimema it borks at new files 08:57 ashimema An error occurred : read_file '/kohadevbox/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/lib/dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore.js' - open: No such file or directory at /kohadevbox/qa-test-tools/QohA/File/JS.pm line 20. 09:00 Joubu please report :) 09:01 ashimema will do 09:01 Joubu the QA script is actually totally buggy for a full year 09:01 ashimema was just trying to see if there's a simple fix 09:01 Joubu it does not deal correctly with deleted/moved files 09:01 Joubu I've tried to fix but it's worst then before now.. 09:01 Joubu but nobody noticed it seems... 09:01 Joubu ashimema: usually it's as simple as an early return if step == 1 09:02 Joubu or step == 0, no idea if first is 0 or 1 09:03 ashimema https://gitlab.com/koha-community/qa-test-tools/-/issues/84 09:03 ashimema haha, thanks 09:04 ashimema pass rather than step by the looks 09:06 Joubu yes! 09:08 ashimema just testing the fix now 09:09 ashimema thanks for the pointer 09:16 ashimema grr 09:16 ashimema ok.. merge request submitted 09:16 ashimema not 100% on it.. it resolves the issue I was having.. but I see a different noise 10:28 oleonard o/ 10:31 oleonard I got that same QA script error yesterday and thought maybe my ktd was out of date or something 10:36 oleonard Bug 36434 10:36 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36434 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, Needs Signoff , Use a keyword that will be secretly included in all OPAC bibliographic and authority searches 10:36 oleonard @quote get 123 10:36 huginn` oleonard: Quote #123: "rangi: #thingsihavelearnt if there is a mad scheme a library somewhere will be doing it ... except madder" (added by wizzyrea at 09:20 PM, March 30, 2011) 10:36 oleonard That bug is one of the most Quote #123 things I've seen in a long time 11:01 cait sorry, i had a meeting this morning, will be available in half an hour or so (just stepping out for quick lunch) 11:10 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:11 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:31 Annelisterman[m] Hi! RedirectGuaranteeEmail - If the guarantee has several guarantors, will the guarantee's email be redirected to all of the guarantors? Does anyone know? :) 11:36 magnuse have fun, #koha. see y'all on tuesday! 11:52 ashimema Joubu https://gitlab.com/koha-community/qa-test-tools/-/merge_requests/68 seems solid to me now.. I resolved my issues. 12:30 Joubu ashimema: do you understand why we reach read_file? There is already: 12:30 Joubu 33 return q{} unless -e $self->path; 12:31 ashimema we trigger a read_file earlier to check for the new /* keep tidy */ line 12:31 ashimema that's why we get stuck 12:31 Joubu actually it's exploding in run_checks 12:31 Joubu I thought it was read_file from the check 12:32 ashimema I changed the submission completely with the most recent push.. the errors I posted on the page are no longer an issue for me 12:32 ashimema but maybe they are still there for you? 12:35 Joubu ashimema: it's not working, you are skipping the test for new files actually 12:38 Joubu erk it's a hard one 12:50 ashimema ack.. I thought I'd checked that 12:50 ashimema I thought it would check them on the second pass... i.e. once they actually exist 12:51 ashimema I'm confused 12:52 Joubu we don't have this case already. Here we want to conditionally add a check but we will now if it needs to be done only during the second pass 12:52 Joubu s/now/know 13:37 krimsonkharne[m] heyho #koha 13:37 caroline hi krimsonkharne! 13:38 krimsonkharne[m] hey caroline :) 13:40 tcohen Joubu: is cypress-mysql supposed to be the solution for getting rid of Selenium? 13:42 Joubu yes and no. Perl gives us a lot (TestBuilder for instance) that we don't have yet in JS 13:43 tcohen does a driver fro up to date selenium versions exist? 13:45 Joubu bug 29285 13:45 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29285 normal, P5 - low, ---, victor, ASSIGNED , UI tests: Selenium 4 support or setup Cypress to make them rewritable with it 13:55 marie-luce Hi all 14:00 marie-luce The documentation meeting is about to start. You're more than welcome to join us at https://meet.jit.si/KohaDocumentationMeeting 14:01 marie-luce #startmeeting Documentation IRC meeting 2024-03-27 14:01 huginn` Meeting started Wed Mar 27 14:01:37 2024 UTC. The chair is marie-luce. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01 huginn` Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01 huginn` The meeting name has been set to 'documentation_irc_meeting_2024_03_27' 14:01 marie-luce #chair marie-luce 14:01 huginn` Current chairs: marie-luce 14:01 marie-luce #topic Introductions 14:02 marie-luce please use "#info" in front of your introduction to have it show up in the automatic minutes 14:02 marie-luce #info Marie-Luce Laflamme, inlibro, Montreal, Canada 14:02 aude_c[m] #info Aude Charillon, PTFS Europe, UK 14:02 caroline #info Caroline Cyr La Rose, inlibro, Montréal, Canada 14:02 krimsonkharne[m] #info Philip Orr, LMSCloud, Germany 14:03 blawlor[m] #info Brendan Lawlor, CLAMS - Hyannis, MA 14:04 marie-luce #info summary of our previous meeting 14:04 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_28_February_2024 14:04 marie-luce #link https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/documentation_irc_meeting_28_february_2024.2024-02-28-19.01.html 14:05 marie-luce #topic Review of action points 14:05 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_meeting_27_March_2024 14:06 marie-luce #topic Online Documentation workshops 14:07 marie-luce #info The next workshop is planned for Friday 19 April 2024. It will start at 14 UTC 14:08 marie-luce #info Nothing is planned for the Hackfest so far, but maybe in development. 14:09 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_Team_-_Drop-in_sessions 14:09 marie-luce #topic Automated screenshots 14:09 marie-luce #link https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34076 14:09 huginn` 04Bug 34076: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, In Discussion , [ALTERNATE] [DOCS] Automated screenshots using Cypress.io testing framework 14:10 marie-luce #topic Koha manual accessibility assessment 14:10 marie-luce #info Philip is working on it. 14:11 marie-luce #topic Re-organising the manual 14:11 marie-luce #link https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32391 14:12 huginn` 04Bug 32391: enhancement, P1 - high, ---, david, ASSIGNED , [DOCS] Reorganise the manual contents 14:13 marie-luce #info David is still working to improve the manual. 14:14 marie-luce #topic Ongoing projects 14:14 marie-luce #topic Automated screenshots 14:15 marie-luce #info Aude and Jonathan have been working on a automated guidelines. 14:15 marie-luce #link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Mmn5APHBpRxtqDHSOEJnaaJ5dn3ry3dc 14:17 marie-luce #info Jonathan has created a site which allow to compare Koha version screenshot 14:18 marie-luce #link https://koha-manual-screenshots-wip.koha-community.org/ 14:18 marie-luce #info This site is available in English and Spanish at this stage. 14:20 marie-luce #link https://koha-manual-screenshots-wip.koha-community.org/manual/en/html/index.html Mockup English Manual 14:20 marie-luce #link https://koha-manual-screenshots-wip.koha-community.org/manual/es/html/index.html Mockup Spanish Manual 14:21 marie-luce #action Caroline, Aude and Jonathan should plan a meeting. 14:26 marie-luce #action We may need to review the effects of the automated script to minimize lost of image title and padding around images. 14:30 marie-luce #topic Same file name used on different images 14:34 marie-luce #info We may to create a name guideline to avoid image with the same alias in different manual folders. 14:38 marie-luce #info Caroline mentioned that image can be reused in a different folder. This is something to think before renaming an image file. 14:42 marie-luce #topic Documentation workflow: issues and ideas 14:45 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Editing_the_Koha_Manual 14:48 marie-luce #topic Content Development Guide 14:49 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Documentation_-_Content_Development_Guide 14:54 marie-luce #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/ReStructuredText_-_Tips_and_Tricks 14:55 marie-luce #info Eventually, the Content Development Guide will include information about the automated screenshot tutorial. 14:58 marie-luce #info Next meeting: 24 April, 15:00 UTC 14:59 marie-luce #endmeeting 14:59 huginn` Meeting ended Wed Mar 27 14:59:20 2024 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) 14:59 huginn` Minutes: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/documentation_irc_meeting_2024_03_27.2024-03-27-14.01.html 14:59 huginn` Minutes (text): https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/documentation_irc_meeting_2024_03_27.2024-03-27-14.01.txt 14:59 huginn` Log: https://meetings.koha-community.org/2024/documentation_irc_meeting_2024_03_27.2024-03-27-14.01.log.html 14:59 caroline marie-luce++ aude++ thank you! 14:59 aude_c[m] marie-luce++ 15:00 marie-luce Thank you all 15:01 aude_c[m] Thank you! 15:08 caroline I think the command to list all images in source/images/ in alphabetical order would be `git ls-files source/images/ | sed -E 's/.*\///g' | sort` 15:09 aude_c[m] caroline++ 15:11 caroline and `git ls-files source/images/ | sed -E 's/.*\///g' | sort | uniq -c` shows how many times each filename is used 15:11 marie-luce handy Reg Ex* 15:11 marie-luce caroline++ 15:13 caroline ooh, and `git ls-files source/images/ | sed -E 's/.*\///g' | sort | uniq -c | grep '^\s*[2-9]'` shows only image names that are used more than once 15:13 caroline I'll put those in the gitlab issue just so I don't forget them 15:24 tcohen bbl everyoen 15:30 krimsonkharne[m] oh, nice! 15:30 krimsonkharne[m] caroline++ 15:33 oleonard Anyone had experience using MARC modification templates to add the 003 tag? 15:33 oleonard When I try it, the field is tacked on to the end of the record and has no value. 15:33 caroline Do marc mod templates work at all with control fields? 15:35 oleonard Do they not? I thought that was fixed. 15:35 caroline Is it? It would be great if it was. I always tell my clients to use MARCEdit for control fields 15:36 LisetteScheer[m] bug 28915 15:36 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28915 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , MARC Modification Templates should allow specification of a position or range within a control field 15:37 caroline I didn't think it was a problem for 003 though, since it's just a string with no particular length/position 15:39 LisetteScheer[m] What does your action look like? 15:40 oleonard https://snipboard.io/WkGevY.jpg 15:43 oleonard Hmmm... Maybe we just don't have the fix in our production system yet 15:44 oleonard Seems to work in master 15:44 LisetteScheer[m] I think something changed. Worked fine in 22.11, but in 23.11 get has not been modified. An error occurred on modifying it. (Tag "00" is not a valid tag. at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/SimpleMARC.pm line 215. ). 16:00 marie-luce I've done the test in 23.05 and weirdly Koha save the 003 entry at the end of the record in the biblio_metatdata table. 16:05 oleonard marie-luce: Yeah that's what I got too 16:07 caroline I think it's recent that it's not added at the bottom... In all my trainings ever when I showed batch modification, the added field is at the bottom 16:07 caroline I kind of like it because I know right away where to look 16:09 marie-luce True, it's an easy way to find what's new in the record. 16:09 caroline what version do you have oleonard? I tried in master, 23.05 and 22.05 and am able to add a value in 003 16:09 oleonard 23.05.09 16:10 caroline did you try without the "if"? just as a test 16:11 caroline I also just looked at the marc preview... I did not actually do the modification, maybe that's the difference 16:13 caroline bbl 17:06 reiveune bye 23:50 wajasu well. i ran cypress tests only. neat! 23:51 wajasu fitnesse style testing is what this project needed.