Time Nick Message 22:10 huginn` dcook: The operation succeeded. 22:10 dcook @later tell Joubu Ok I'll make some time for 36349 today 22:10 dcook . 19:21 reiveune bye 18:06 tcohen rmaints? 18:06 tcohen rmaints 17:24 LindaSmith oleonard: thanks 17:22 oleonard I would say that's theoretically possible depending on whether the API provides what you need. 17:21 LindaSmith oleonard: would it be reasonable if I just let OPAC be, apply basic CSS theming, but say I want a custom home page, could I use the REST API to handle that, eg. display X latest books and do my own layout and have the login form too 17:17 LindaSmith oleonard: thank you 17:17 oleonard LindaSmith: Correct 17:12 LindaSmith Am I right to assume, that when it comes to Koha themes, most people will not be editing templates to have some custom OPAC, but simpy doing CSS tweaking for colors and other changes......but overall changing how items are listed or changing menus, etc etc...this stuff can get really messy 16:35 ClaudioChavarra[m] Gracias! 16:31 caroline ClaudioChavarra[m], No I think those are two separate things... maybe a virtual ubuntu or debina virtual machine on the windows machine and install Koha using the packages 16:30 ClaudioChavarra[m] Is there a package that installs debian or ubuntu in a Windows environment and contains koha? 16:29 ClaudioChavarra[m] existe algún paquete que instale debian o ubuntu en un entorno windows y que contenga koha? 16:29 LindaSmith caroline: thanks! 16:28 caroline ClaudioChavarra[m], I don't think it's possible, it needs to be debian or ubuntu 16:27 caroline LindaSmith, I'm not the expert, but I think it depends on the url for the staff interface, usually, there is like -intra somewhere, and you remove that and get the opac 16:25 ClaudioChavarra[m] muchas gracias. 16:25 ClaudioChavarra[m] Hello good morning. I would need if you could tell me where I can download koha to install on Windows 16:24 ClaudioChavarra[m] windows? 16:24 ClaudioChavarra[m] Hola, buen día. Necesitaría si me pueden indicar dónde puedo bajar koha para instalar en windowa? 16:14 LindaSmith Hello. I think the screen I am seeing on my private Koha setup is the ILS and not the OPAC. How do I reach the OPAC? 16:09 ashimema Grr, it's like a year old this code.. suppose I'll end up writing those tests for them or it'll just get stuck forever 😔 16:08 ashimema Lol, I hadn't got that far.. still on my the phone 16:06 Joubu no tests, FQA, it's an easy one :D 16:04 ashimema I'll QA that one once I'm back from school run. Seem to remember that code fairly well 15:56 ashimema . 15:52 * cait puts RM hat back on 15:52 cait someone to SO Bug 33237 maybe? It's been bugging us since the update 15:52 * cait takes RM hat off 15:51 cait please offer, I am sure they would be glad to have some help 15:42 tcohen I could fix them... 15:42 tcohen have they said something about tests failing? 15:42 cait tcohen: Wainui and Danyon 15:42 tcohen y 15:42 tcohen I need to upgrade Jenkins toda 15:41 cait No "afternoon pushes" today - I need to take care of something else today, will do some extra tomorrow ;) 15:41 tcohen who maintains 22.05? 14:41 mtj yes, and yes :) 14:41 tcohen it would make sense for master, IMHO 14:41 tcohen and make an informed decision altogether 14:41 tcohen propose it, we discuss and review 14:41 tcohen don't do anything heh 14:39 mtj seems no, shall we do that? 14:38 mtj tcohen: did we move default ktd builds from d11 to d12? 14:37 mtj ta 14:36 tcohen mtj: done 14:35 tcohen with all of us 14:33 cait tcohen: it starts to feel personal with Jenkins ;) 14:33 tcohen me neither 14:33 cait tcohen: not me :( 14:32 cait just checking, do you need something from me right now? 14:32 mtj aah ok, tcohen ^ 14:32 tcohen anyone reproduced the Cache.t failure locally 14:32 cait I think tcohen worked on those 14:32 Joubu mtj: I am not the one who created those builds 14:30 cait ah yes, lukeg said he will finish until end of day today 14:28 mtj hi Joubu: could we get a Koha_22.05 build for SEC, too? 14:27 mtj hi cait, i think we are waiting for v23.05.10 tag?, from lukeg 14:26 cait still see it in the security repo history 14:22 cait I saw Frederic's 14:22 cait I thought all tags were there when I checked this morning 14:21 cait sorry, was in a meeting, what's up? 14:21 Joubu no idea, tcohen 14:18 mtj hi tcohen, that problem? ^ 14:18 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36429 normal, P5 - low, ---, chris, NEW , t/db_dependent/Cache.t fails on D11 14:18 mtj bug 36429 ? 14:16 tcohen is anyone working on t/db_dependent/Cache? 14:15 mtj fredericd: did you sort your KTD stuff on your mac/osx system? (sorry for late reply) 14:15 tcohen cait: ? 14:14 tcohen Joubu: is that sec run current? or has already been solved on stables/master? 14:14 mtj lukeg: oops, thanks for the correction ^ 14:13 mtj ..i realise now that the logs dont contain any sensitive info :) 14:12 mtj i think i overcomplicated my solution, where only certain some users have access to the SEC build logs 14:10 mtj Joubu: ooh, looks good 14:08 caroline lol! 14:08 tcohen Isn't it nice to have homogeneous colors? 14:06 Joubu all unstable, nice 14:04 Joubu https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Sec/ ? 14:02 mtj hi Joubu, tcohen... shall we arrange a time to add the security builds to jenkins, after this release? 13:39 Joubu yes 13:36 lukeg mtj: I think you want frederic for 22.11 tags 13:34 ashimema Joubu around? 13:08 mtj hi lukeg: can you push new tag for 22.11 🍕😍🍻 13:05 mtj release tags look good 13:00 mtj hi cait, sorry to msg your msg before 13:00 mtj hey team, just checking in 12:59 cait Bug 36429 12:54 cait tcohen: could you have a look at the newest jenkins fails maybe? 12:43 cait they are all numbered ususally 12:43 cait I am not sure if the older update lists the version it tries to updte to, missing it in your output 12:42 cait LuisRukscha[m]: it might be a problem with the newer dbms version - you need to identify the database update that fails and try to do the change in your database 12:33 huginn` PedroAmorim[m]: The operation succeeded. 12:33 PedroAmorim[m] @later tell Joubu can you have a look at 36302 please? 12:28 LuisRukscha[m] s/koha_baker/INSTANCE/, s/koha_baker/INSTANCE/ 12:27 LuisRukscha[m] * Hi all, I am trying to use the DB of a very old Koha instance (3.22.05) in a new server with the latest version installed. I imported the DB and when run "koha-upgrade-schema instance" I get the error:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/bhAnWzNyLzHaFvFhCTBThfaC>) 12:21 cait hola tcohen 12:20 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:07 ashimema 🙂 11:02 oleonard You can do it ashimema 11:00 * ashimema is pushing his scss skills today.. it's been a while since I've done anything remotely complicated with css 11:00 ashimema lol 10:48 cait brb, switching locations 10:45 * magnuse grabs a shovel and a box and heads out 10:44 oleonard magnuse: My kids would take the 5cm required to close the schools around here :) 10:42 magnuse anyone want some snow? we have about 35 cm to spare 10:42 magnuse ah ok, guess it's later than it felt like... 10:41 oleonard Well, it *is* early, but normal time for me to start working these days 10:40 magnuse isn't it very early for you oleonard? 10:40 magnuse \o 10:39 oleonard o/ 10:14 cait to shrnk the db back 10:12 cait I think that requires taking soem other steps with mysql/mariadb 10:11 cait beware that deleting the data might not free the space 10:11 shohl ok, I will look into it 10:11 cait for a bigger system other settings might make sense 10:11 cait I think we have like 8 days or so (it only cleans finished ones) 10:11 cait there is also an option to delete these regularly in the cleanup_database options 10:10 cait not really 10:09 shohl is that a reasonable size for that table? :D 10:09 shohl background_jobs is also quite big, with 11gb 10:07 shohl thanks 10:05 cait yes 10:03 shohl so everything in "Logging preferences" goes into action_logs? 09:59 cait it can be super useful, but we don't activate it for that reason 09:58 cait if you have catalouginglog activated, that could explain - it logs the whole marc record for a change 09:57 cait maybe check which modules are the biggest for you 09:57 cait that IS a lot 09:57 shohl currently its the table 101gb on disc :D 09:56 shohl hm ok 09:56 cait but since librareis are very different, they are not set up by default 09:56 cait have a closer look at cleanup_database - it has a lot of options for deleting different kind of data 09:56 cait for circulation statistics the statisticas table is the more important one I would say 09:56 shohl our cron logs like this: `koha-foreach --chdir --enabled --noemail /usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs/cleanup_database.pl --confirm --mail`, i think its the default 09:56 cait i guess it depends 09:55 shohl yes, but is everybody else keeping the logs for ever? 09:55 cait we delete the AuthSuccessLog and AuthFailureLog with a different delay than other logs for example 09:55 cait it depends on what you want to delete - I think the cleanup_database.pl job takes parmeters for modules etc. 09:54 shohl quick question: what is the default behaviour for deleting action logs? it seems our cronjobs do not delete the action log and the table ballooned to the biggest one in our whole koha database 09:53 shohl hi everyone! 09:42 paulderscheid[m] morning cait 09:42 cait morning paulderscheid[m], morning #koha 09:35 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 08:05 * cait waves 07:18 huginn` Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:18 Joubu @later tell dcook can you have a look at 36349 please? 07:15 magnuse \o/ 06:59 reiveune hello